Theewaterskloof Gazette 5 March 2013

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Theewaterskloof |Bredasdorp | Napier

Year 3 • Tuesday 5 March 2013 | Tel. 028 214 1294

Geweld: Polisie moet sigbaar wees

Inwoners, leerlinge en onderwysers in Grabouw het verlede Woensdag hul stemme dik gemaak teen die toenemende misdaad, maar veral teen geweld teen vrouens en kinders. Hulle het ’n memorandum aan die Grabouw-polisie oorhandig, wat onder meer vir meer sigbare polisiëring vra. FOTO: ANNETTE THERON

Father takes gun to school ANNETTE THERON Pupils of Swartberg Secondary School in Caledon were sent home early on Thursday after a parent arrived at the school with a gun – apparently in defence of his child, who was allegedly involved in a dispute between two groups of pupils. Another uninvolved pupil was treated in the sick bay and hospital after suffering a panic attack. She told the Gazette on Friday that she had suffered this trauma because of the fighting amongst the pupils. “Fighting upsets me.” According to Lieutenant Cyril Coetzee of the Caledon police, two groups of children had been involved in an argument. The father of one of the boys arrived at the school and alle-

gedly showed his gun to the children. Bronagh Casey, spokesperson for Western Cape Education Minister Donald Grant, could not confirm this, as the school told her the father did not draw his gun from its holster. The school staff immediately notified the police and a constable managed to apprehend the man as he was walking towards the school office. Casey says that a remark two days before (Tuesday 26 February) had apparently sparked animosity between a group of pupils who live in Caledon and a group who live in Bot River. “Comments were made by one of the Bot River learners about one of the girls at the school. The boyfriend of the girl – who is from Caledon, but not in the school – came and allegedly assaulted the learner who had made the com-

ment,” Casey says. She says that about ten Caledon pupils then “waited” for the Bot River group to arrive on the bus on Thursday. “A fight broke out. The school management called the police for assistance. Two knives, which were not used in the fight, were subsequently found.” According to the mother of the girl who suffered the panic attack, last week’s incident was an isolated one and violence or fighting is not a regular occurrence. Casey says that officials of the department called a meeting so that the parents of all 15 pupils involved could discuss and resolve the matter. A psychologist and social worker also worked with the groups separately. “There was

maRcH madness sPecIaLs!

ongoing support at the school on Friday.” A school governing board meeting was scheduled for yesterday evening (Monday 4 March). The outcome of the meeting, which both pupils and parents were required to attend, was not known at the time that the Gazette went to print. Lieutenant Coetzee says a charge related to the Firearms Control Act has been laid by the police against the parent whose gun was confiscated. The case is under investigation. The Gazette called the suspect, whose identity is not being revealed in order to protect the children involved, but he declined to comment. The principal of Swartberg Secondary School, Eugene Sonn, did not take the Gazette’s phone calls for comment.

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