Theewaterskloof |Bredasdorp | Napier
Year 2 • Tuesday 5 June 2012 | Tel. 028 214 1294
Nog optrede? James Pheiffer (46, links) voorsitter van die Botrivier Civic Association, en Lukas Letswela (18, regs), wat vir hom getolk het. Pheiffer het gister die inwoners van Botrivier gevra of hulle weer op Maandag wil betoog en of hulle wil voortgaan met onderhandelinge met die Theewaterskloof-munisipaliteit. Daar is besluit dat almal sal gaan werk en dat daar verder onderhandel sou word. Sien bladsy 3 vir meer. Foto: Annette Theron
Tears as animals put down ANNETTE THERON Tears were shed when over 100 animals were put down last week in a bid to curb overpopulation and neglect amid a climate of struggling budgets. A total of 122 dogs and cats were put down across the Theewaterskloof municipal area last week. The municipality arranged the euthanasia, with the support of Caledon Animal Welfare and Swellendam SPCA, after starting to enforce a new bylaw – passed in January – limiting households to two dogs and four cats each. A licensed SPCA inspector put the animals down in a mobile SPCA clinic on Monday and Tuesday last week. Most of the animals were from Caledon, followed by a number from Tesselaarsdal, a few from Myddleton and two from Bot River. Overpopulation is a massive problem in the Theewaterskloof region – “particularly roaming stray dogs and cats” – says Alet du Plessis, vice chairperson of the Caledon Animal Welfare Society and an inspector appointed under the Animal Protection Act by
the local magistrate’s office. After the municipality began implementing the new bylaw, residents were given the option of handing over their unwanted pets to be put down. Most owners did, says Du Plessis. “In only a few cases did Law Enforcement officers visit houses where there were too many animals, and with the consent of the owners brought the animals to the designated areas.” She says the operation was heartbreaking but necessary. “Some animals were sick, old or neglected, but most were just unwanted… The implementation of the bylaw, together with the SPCA clean-up, is bringing new awareness to our area. You have to take responsibility for your pets.” Stiffie Cronjé, spokesperson for the Theewaterskloof Municipality, says many residents simply cannot afford to look after their animals. “This results in stray dogs causing damage and attacking people and sheep.” Du Plessis is confident the operation made a difference in straining pet populations, particularly in poorer areas. “Ideally it should be followed up with intensive sterilisation clinics,” she says, adding that an Envirovet
newsletter suggests that at least 70% of all animals in any geographical area be sterilised within a six-month period to create a “population plateau”that is maintained with regular follow-up sterilisation. Funding is a big problem, however; the Caledon branch of Animal Welfare was nearly forced to close its doors in December last year due to financial pressure. This year its coffers took a further knock when it bought a bakkie. “Currently the volunteers use their own vehicles to transport animals. We had to decide whether to use the funds for spay clinics or a bakkie,” Du Plessis says. The small annual allowance from the municipality, together with the money generated by the Animal Welfare shop and collection tins, will be used to sterilise animals and cover running costs. Overberg Animal Hospital does help the society by sterilising animals at a reduced rate, but it can only sterilise a few animals each month “Unfortunately it won’t be enough to keep the pet population down. In a perfect world where finances aren’t a problem, I believe we would have to do another clean-up in six months’ time, followed up by spay cli-
nics every two months where we spay up to 30 animals at a time.“And if we can get the Kannaland Bylaw incorporated into our municipal area, I believe we will see a big difference.” This bylaw stipulates that no unsterilised females may be allowed on a residential property unless the owner has a breeding permit. It has been implemented with success in the West Coast, Swellendam, Hermanus, Karoo and several other municipal areas, and is now being considered by the Theewaterskloof Municipality. “Failure to sterilise a bitch can lead to a heavy fine or imprisonment,” says Du Plessis. “The aim is to curb backyard breeding, which leads to overpopulation and unwanted, neglected and abused animals.” Cronjé says bylaws regarding the licensing of dogs are also being reviewed and structured by the municipality. He says no informal breeding for economic gain is allowed. “Persons who commercially breed dogs will need to apply for a licence at the municipality.” . Should you be able to assist Animal Welfare, please phone 078 109 8372.