Theewaterskloofgazette 20 08 2013

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Theewaterskloof |Bredasdorp | Napier

Year 3 • Tuesday 20 August 2013 | Tel. 028 214 1294

Violent attack shocks 3

Drank­ure bekend 3 Wandelroete nou oop 5

Dogs in Riemvasmaak are drinking septic water and eating excrement due to overflowing toilets. Residents are worried about the dogs coming into contact with the children.

Interskole­ foto’s 12


Riemvasmaak will march ANNETTE THERON Residents in Riemvasmaak are up in arms about dirty toilets, as well as the increase in housebreaking as there are no street lights in the informal settlement. They say they were promised lights and clean toilets by the Theewaterskloof Municipality and because nothing has materialised, they are planning a protest march to the offices of TWK on Wednesday 21 August or at a later date. The toilets seem to be insufficient for the needs of the informal settlement which has rocketed from 60 dwellings in November 2012 to about 457 dwellings in July this year. In October last year, enraged residents set 14 newly delivered toilets alight because they were apparently unhappy with both the number and condition of the toilets. At the time they said the 15 toilets delivered to the settlement could not accommo-

date the needs of the people living there. Richard Velebayi, committee chairperson of the Zwelithsa housing committee, says the people are angry. “They are tired of waiting and they are happy to march illegally on Wednesday.” He said he hopes the police will monitor the march and confirmed it will be an illegal march. Another member of the Zwelitsha housing committee says as a resident their situation is deteriorating rapidly. “Firstly, there is dirty septic water lying next to the houses in the streets, the taps are leaking and the pipes are broken and they do not get repaired. Secondly, the toilets are disgusting; people have started throwing excrement outside the toilets, because they cannot go into the toilets because they smell so bad.” He says animals eat the excrement and these animals come into contact with the children. “We were promised – on numerous occasions, by the Theewaterskloof Municipality –

they will keep the toilets clean and clean up around the toilets. We were also promised a floodlight which still hasn’t appeared.” He is concerned about the rise in robberies. Women, in particular, are being mugged and robbed when they return home from work late at night. He says housebreaking has also increased. “There is too much criminal activity at the present moment and nothing is being done about it. I urge TWK and the police to step in and help us. At night it is pure hell living in Riemvasmaak. I feel sorry for myself and all my fellow residents.” Another resident of Riemvasmaak says he is also worried about the increase in housebreaking. “I was burgled on 26 July and the thieves got away with items worth R4 000. They stole my television, my gas bottle and several other items of value.” Magdalena Isaks, a community worker, says several residents have also complained to her about the dirty toilets and the need for light at

night. Several residents said they are cleaned on a Tuesday but by Thursday they are already overflowing. Stiffie Cronje, media representative of TWK, said they had not received notice of the protest on Wednesday. The municipality had received a request for flood lights from residents but could not add this to their budget. Ward 3’s committee had decided that their Quickwin funding could be used for this purpose and the municipality’s electricity department is giving this matter its attention. He said there are ten toilets in Riemvasmaak and a temporary person has been appointed to clean them. Power Developments is responsible for the suctioning of the toilets and the TWK also assists with suctioning, but had to stop as its equipment was being damaged because residents throw stones, glass and plastic bottles into the toilets. Capt. Gerrit Botes, media spokesperson for the Caledon police, said he

is only aware of housebreaking in Riemvasmaak and has not received any complaints about muggings or robberies. The police have also had no notification of the residents’ intention to march. “We have appointed Const. Tembinkosi Gweyi to be the coordinator of Riemvasmaak and he is assisted by Capt. Tjommie Roux.” Botes confirmed that regular daily patrols – on a twenty-minute rotation basis – were held in Riemvasmaak. Sgt Renaldo Wessels has been appointed as the sector manager for Caledon and if there are any complaints, residents can call him on 079 894 9120. André September, director of Power Developments who is responsible for a housing project proposed for the area and the upkeep of the toilets, said the toilets are cleaned weekly and that the municipality had agreed to assist with the cleaning. “The developer is only responsible for the upkeep of the toilets until the completion of the 200 units.”

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