Over the past term the Manchester United Foundation and BSCA have been working hard to implement some fantastic new initiatives and create opportunities for the learners at BSCA and the local community as part of Mental Health Awareness Week. Our year group Ambassadors have been planning, preparing and delivering a project regarding Mindfulness.
Football They held a 5-aside football tournament for Year 7 and 8, where participants had to pay to enter, compete against each other and the winning team received a MUFC Medal and merchandise. All of the money raised was then donated to the charity Manchester Mind.
Tournament winners: Reid, Josh, Hadi, Emanuel, Kian, Fally
Christian Aid Week
As well as this the year Ambassadors have been working closely with the Christian youth group at the school to raise money for Christian Aid. They held a competition for the most kick ups, charging 50p a go, and the winner received a Manchester United shirt. The winner of the competition over the 4 days did 226 kick ups!
In addition to this, the year ambassadors created mindfulness stones to place around the local community.
Winner on the left – Joe Presented by Year 7 Ambassador - Bugsy
They got quotes from the bible, positive and empowering quotes as well as pictures that they painted on the rocks with #BSCA #CARES #MUFC on the back, which they then went and placed around the local community, in parks and walk ways. This was with the aim to help inspire and improve people’s mood when they are out and about.