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Bolton College Gatsby Benchmarks


1. A stable careers programme


Bolton College is primarily based in Bolton, but operates a number of Community Learning Centres in the surrounding area. It provides a range of courses that include vocational education, work-based learning, ESOL courses, Diplomas, Apprenticeships, Access courses and Higher Education courses.

The College is a Matrix Accredited College for its Quality Standard for Information, Advice and Guidance, 2022.

The College’s Student Experience Team includes a team of two Trainee Careers Advisors, who are currently working towards their Level 6 Qualification in Information, Advice and Guidance and two Information and Advice Officers of which one is qualified to Level 6 and the other Level 4. They report to the Student Experience Manager who is line managed by the College’s Group Lead.

Catherine Langstreth, Assistant Principal of Curriculum and Stakeholders, is the nominated Careers Leader and is responsible for effective leadership and management processes. Catherine is supported in accessing funded training to develop them in their role. The programme is underpinned by strategic planning, staff accountability, systemic embedding of careers delivery and effective evaluation of the impact on students including whether they reach positive, personally valued destinations.

Having a Careers Lead at Senior Management level allows for strategic oversight of the careers provision and for a strong channel to the Senior Management Team. The Student Experience Manager also manages other areas including enrichment, work experience, and the pastoral and wellbeing teams.

The team endeavours to make the service as accessible as possible and this is promoted well across the College. The careers programme is an integral part of the College mission and commitment to students. The programme is well regarded by students, parents, staff, employers and other agencies including link schools and community partners.

There are Learning and Development Mentors in each vocational area. They refer students to the Careers Team for one-to-one interviews and work closely with the team to plan group tutorials for the academic year.

Governors and senior leaders are committed to careers for all. They promote a culture of high expectations and rigorously monitor achievements and destinations of students on all courses to ensure that they make good progress from their starting points. They are proactive in identifying and taking steps to overcome shortcomings in the careers programme.

Monthly reports and an annual Self-Assessment for the Student Experience Team helps to shape the focus points for the academic year. The main objectives of the team are to improve the destinations of leavers, engage with the student population through methods they find relevant and accessible, and provide a service that improves student experience. Progress towards these objectives is measured through student usage statistics, feedback, surveys and student destinations.

Bolton College’s Learning for Skills, Careers and Life Policy is designed to meet all eight Gatsby Benchmarks, in line with the expectations of the DfE, Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) and Ofsted. This is published on the College website and is updated annually.

Feedback is obtained at all parent events, including interview evenings, open evenings and parents’ evenings.

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