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Bolton College Gatsby Benchmarks


5. Encounters with employers and employees


Alongside its work experience programmes, the College runs a variety of initiatives designed to boost employability skills and networks, including:

Visiting speakers from employers representing a range of occupational areas in response to student interests

Students benefit from a wide range of well-planned employer encounters linked to their study programme, helping them make informed choices about future careers and to develop employability skills. The College has extensive partnerships with employers and other organisations that enable all students to understand the opportunities open to them and to progress.

Every student is provided with the opportunity to learn from employers about work, employment and the skills that are valued in the workplace. This is done through a range of enrichment activities, including visiting speakers, and enterprise schemes, and includes students’ own part-time employment where it exists.

Students participate in at least two meaningful encounters with an employer, one encounter being delivered through their curriculum area.

The College uses ProMonitor to record and take account of students’ part-time employment and the influence this has had on their development.

Bolton College has met

100% of the three assessment areas in benchmark 5

A defined employer engagement structure incorporating work experience

The College has a track record of sustaining and improving employer engagement with demonstrable benefits for all groups of students. Students seeking to enter employment upon completion receive support that is as well-rounded as that given to students considering university.

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