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Bolton College Gatsby Benchmarks


3. Addressing the needs of each pupil Activity

ProMonitor is used to record and track the student journey right from starting point until end of programme / destinations. This is accessible to College staff, students and parents. It allows the College to keep effective track of academic progress, letting teachers and managers see, at a glance, whether students are achieving their potential or if more support is needed. Key information stored on this system is as follows:

• Individual Learning Plan

• Initial Assessment

• Markbook (progress tracking)

• Positive Behaviour Policy

• Appropriate Comments

• Academic Reviews

• SMART Targets

• Safeguarding

• Learner Support.

The College ensures that students are guided through their College journey:

• Before entry (via the Transition Team)

• On their course (via formal, termly one-to-ones)

• As they leave (via My Next Steps)

• Ad-hoc (as and when necessary).

These meetings are all recorded on the students’ ProMonitor system.

It tailors its careers provision to challenge and support students with diverse needs including:

• Students aged 16 to 18 who may be undertaking high-quality academic education, Apprenticeships or technical education

• Students up to the age of 25 when they have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)

• Adults.

Students are signposted / referred to the relevant support service should this be required.

All students have an individualised pathway with clear study and/or employment goals. Routes could include an Apprenticeship or progression to higher education. Students make good progress from their individual starting points. From the outset of their College careers, achieving their qualifications at the end of their courses is linked to making progress on a personally valued pathway.

The College provides enhanced careers input for those with low levels of prior attainment with the aim of developing their career thinking and work readiness skills to enable them to make informed decisions about their next steps.

The College refines teaching, learning and assessment methods to overcome barriers to learning and to meet the needs of employers and students.

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