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Bolton College Gatsby Benchmarks


8. Personal guidance Activity

The College employs two full-time Careers Advisors as well as two full-time Information and Advice Officers. All students have access to personal guidance.

Personalised support tailored to individual abilities and needs is a wrap-around provision related to and building on a stable careers programme. Personal guidance complements programme support and helps students to build a positive concept of themselves, to develop realistically high aspirations and to take ownership for the skills and knowledge they need to manage their own careers and transitions.

It enables students to personalise and contextualise the range of information, advice and employer encounters they receive. Personal guidance enables students to review their thinking in relation to career ideas and pathways, to consider their transferable skills and to develop the curiosity to explore alternatives. These skills, in conjunction with the ability to use labour market information confidently, equip young people with the knowledge to manage not only their immediate career plans but also any future changes in direction.

The Careers Team work closely with a range of staff in College including Learning Development Mentors, Personal Tutors and Teachers to ensure there is a comprehensive network of support available to students.

Bolton College has met

100% of the two assessment areas in benchmark 8

The College supports schools and prospective students in their local communities and the Careers Team contributes to open days and student induction. College teams will identify students at application and enrolment who will need personal guidance and support to develop their confidence and social capital.

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