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Bolton College Gatsby Benchmarks


2. Learning from career and labour market information


The Curriculum Management Group undertake an annual Curriculum and Review Activity –‘Strategic Planning of Curriculum (SPOC)’. This process uses trusted data sources to ensure that all curriculum areas at the College:

• Align their curriculum to Bolton and Greater Manchester Priorities

• Consider opportunities for growth and gap analysis

• Reflect on curriculum outcomes and impact from previous year

• Involve stakeholder engagement in their curriculum design

• Review the performance of all ages including Apprenticeships, Higher Education and Income Generated

• Introduce new developments for the coming year.

All study programmes focus on progression to learning at the next level or to employment. In order to support this, students have access to high-quality information about local and national labour markets, skills shortages, predicted growth areas and what employers are looking for from applicants.

The Careers Team have significant input to the tutorial curriculum, PowerPoint presentations and supporting notes on topics including career and labour market information and options after they turn 18. As well as this, tutorials also cover topics such as writing effective personal statements, interview techniques etc. All these materials are accessible via the Moodle platform.

To ensure information is kept up-to-date, the team run annual training for Learning Development

Bolton College has met

100% of the two assessment areas in benchmark 2

Mentors, Personal Tutors and teachers on subjects such as UCAS applications.

Although the College shares information online, the Student Services Centre and Learning Resource Centres are equipped with careers books, posters and prospectuses. Staff encourage students to use the College online learning environment to access career and labour market information.

The Careers Team also offer weekly drop in sessions, such as CV workshops, job searching clubs and job application support.

The College uses events and encounters with employers to bring labour market information to life. This is planned and shared via a careers calendar with annual events including a Higher Education Fair and Careers Fair as well as events to recognise National Careers Week and National Apprenticeship Week. Guest speakers (from industry) / encounters with employers are planned within vocational classes. Parents are encouraged to use good sources of careers and in some cases labour market information via Parent Portal and the College website.

The College’s Schools Liaison Team works closely with schools in the local areas to ensure that young people are aware of the full range of career pathways open to them.

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