BondingXperience, Issue 3, 2010

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BondingX BondingXpierence ● June 2010

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Spirit of the Age!

“Special Issue” The Magical Energy of Ruigoord Amsterdam Neville Keith Matroos & Marcel Stoof, Co-Creators of Project Atlantis Roxanne Meadows & Jacque Fresco, Co-Creators of the Venus Project DJ Isis – The Night Mayor of Amsterdam Hans Plomp – Poet of Ruigoord

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Dear Loved Ones, This is a very special issue of BondingXperience magazine. You may have noticed that time is getting faster. Well, that’s true it is! Life is about choices. Our Souls made a choice to experience this life now. We are here to understand why we made this choice. In this issue I am sharing more valuable information with you so that you can make a choice how to continue.


The world is changing faster than every thought possible. We are in a cosmic game and we are all players on the chessboard. What peace are you? You can either go on being lead by the old energies or you can be courageous and face your fears and start anew. Start evolving and become the pure Being that you know is within you.

w with Piet

In this special issue called ‘Spirit of the Age’ we speak with Roxanne Meadows and Jacque Fresco from the Venus Project about an intelligent management of the earth’s resources, Neville Keith Matroos on his quest to become the President of the African Union, Marcel Stoof, the Architect of the famous pyramid down in Ruigoord and we have a special photo gallery that expresses Ruigoord’s magical elements. Plus we speak to Hans Plomp to learn more about the magic of Ruigoord and its healing powers. And to round off this special issue we have an exclusive interview with DJ Isis, The Night Mayor of Amsterdam about ‘All is One’. These last few months I have been working extra hard to get back home; cleansing my Soul and supporting others on their journey. I’ve given up my home and sold all my possessions, but when you have nothing you are open to receiving. The ‘Spirit of the Age’ can be described in many ways; Zeitgeist, Christ Consciousness, Truth Vibrations, Divine LOVE, Higher Consciousness, Evolution. Just be open to receiving and enjoy the experience! Love & Light,

Richard Voller

Colofon: Creative Director: Richard Voller Editor: Susan Tracey

Donations Payable to:

Design: Divine Creation Professional Photography: Carsten “Lumière” Sasse MVA Writers: Richard Voller, Adrian Tippets

ING Bank TURTLEGUM Account: 2952570 IBAN: NL67 PSTB0002 9525 70 BIC: PSTBNL21

A message from the Founder of The Bond Club

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Ruigoord Festival, Amsterdam May 2010 “Across the Universe. Waves of joy are drifting through my opened mind, possessing and caressing me.” Professional Photography: Carsten “Lumière” Sasse

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Sign Language

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Mother Earth

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Ruigoord Creates Magic There are tons of openair dance parties taking place this summer all over the Netherlands, but at Ruigoord you experience real magic. There’s a natural high in the village; the energy is overflowing with positivity and openness. The Community welcomes you with a smile and a warm “Hello”. In this reality you are a cocreator; get involved and enjoy the experience!

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To be Inspired! Neville Keith Matroos and Marcel Stoof interviewed by Richard Voller Carsten and I had arrived at Ruigoord to do a series of interviews with different people, but as we wandered around the grounds it seemed that everyone was on low energy or too busy. We returned to The Pyramid and as Marcel was sitting there alone, we decided to grab the opportunity and speak to the Architect himself. What inspired you to create this pyramid? Marcel: “I was always building and trying to find out things. I started building small pyramids when I was 21 years old, because for me it was a perfect way to mirror my own life. And I needed it as a tool to get along in my life. My mind was very technical; I had a kind of xenophobia. I was scared of people, so I chose very simple jobs because my mind had to overwork to interpret it all. So you found that the energy of the pyramid helped you with that? Marcel: “Yes, it kept my body together, because I felt I was not really me. I felt like I was standing behind myself, constructing myself, correcting myself, finding other people’s attitudes very strong and intimidating sometimes. So I had to find out my own ways of dealing with things. And my way was to build pyramids.” So when did you decide to create this pyramid at Ruigoord? Marcel: “I was looking for a location to build on as I don’t have a back garden, so I drove around on my motorbike and then I ended up here. I went to Rudolf, the Mayor, and asked him for permission to build. A few weeks later I was accepted.”

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How did the villagers react to a pyramid being built in their grounds? “There was a lot of fuss, people rejected it and said it couldn’t be like this. It had to be like that. But actually no one really helped. People sat on the side and commented. And then eventually it felt good. Even though it was threatened by the harbour to disappear. So I decided to make it more permanent by adding concrete to the mix. What is the purpose for The Pyramid in Ruigoord? “It is a coincidence of the cosmos. It happened to be a perfect location; the people, the culture and, with a bit of praise here and there, everything started coming together.” When did the idea come to have this connected to Project Atlantis? “It’s a sweet connection. It’s the link between useless art and useful art. This is useful art. It’s a nice space and you can do many things in here and it is practical. I love the idea of how the Zulus live together without fences, no measuring of land – this is yours and this is mine – it all blends together.” How do the Zulus work? “The whole idea about dividing land into square metres and fences and societies is the opposite. I was very charmed by the way that they did it. It’s not perfect, but one of the things that you do is share land. It’s not about owning land and saying this is mine, this is yours. This is my spirit and this is your spirit. It is much more down to earth. I guess much more practical as well. It’s not about splitting up everything around you, not “I am different from you.”

Marcel Stoof The Architect

So it really has to do with co-operation rather than separation? “You start with a base, you have animals around you, trees and rivers. It makes more sense. It makes it round, for the spirit and the afterlife spirit. The afterlife spirit? “Yes, keeping it round to keep connected with the afterlife spirit. I found it perfectly matching with the pyramids which also are about the afterlife and keeping the whole thing together and not separating it. Saying that I am living now and then go to Heaven, that is a Christian way of thinking. The re-birthing thing, well that happens just like that! [He clicks his fingers]

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So you believe in reincarnation? “Yes, if it is not a matter it will be a spirit or anything.” Do you think that in this presence there is a greater connection with spirit? “Yes, it is very much about male and female and sexuality, when it comes together. I was looking for that point where it all comes together. Where there is no specific separation between male and female.” So what you have done here is created a place that brings balance into the world? “I hope so!” [Marcel laughs] “And I was judged many times. Oh, you just want to live for free, or take advantage of what people are offering you. So there was a lot of stuff and that was just the tip of the iceberg. And only today it feels like I can just relax and things will go right. The Pyramid is like a body to me with the spine and the heart and the chakras.” How does it work then? “The spine is invisible and goes from the base, where the water is up to the ceiling. At the top is the female, like the womb, cozy and caring.” “There were many issues that we had to go through, nationalities and sexualities, the money issues. The whole world had to go through the design, before the design popped out eventually.” “If I had known it would have started like this, then of course, I would have stared completely differently. Building is more rational. I want to have a design; it will be this and that, cost that much and take this much time and these many bricks. It didn’t go like this, especially when I met Neville because my whole process of building pyramids changed.”

Neville Keith Matroos President of The African Union

How so? “Before I met Neville, I was a mad scientist. I had an idea. …[Suddenly Richard interjects, ‘and you had long hair’ and suddenly the room explodes with laughter]… Scientists work with stuff. You have an idea, try it out and then analyze the results. You have to go through a whole cycle. But when I met Neville, that whole massive cycle became a small cycle. It became very much to the point. I didn’t have to take all the steps any more.”

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So it became centred? “Yes, and the questions and the doubts disappeared. Or it didn’t matter any more. So it grew in the relationship. That’s what happened!” [We are laughing again!!] Will you take this to South Africa? “I have a wish to build a bigger pyramid with a dome, that can house a society, but I can never see into the future. We shall see.” [Neville has entered the room wearing a white robe, I feel as if God has just entered. He sits cross-legged on the floor in a lotus position. I carry on with the interview aware of his presence].

The Relationship Building How did you meet Marcel? “We met on the dance floor. The reflection from his tie caught my eye. It reflected where I came from. It was like back to the future. The way he danced, I just felt every movement, and so many things went through my mind. I was completely intoxicated with him. I felt safe and secure with him.” “I told him, 'I am going to go to Cape Town and want to be the President of South Africa.” Marcel: “If you want to love one person and share everything that you have, become humble, then you can do that for the whole world.”

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Neville: “And his knowledge of minerals, oils and technology, it just made me start to build. Things I couldn’t understand at school became clearer through him. I came from emotions, feelings. Before I met him, I was in the Krishna Consciousness. I asked for a mantra and in Marcel this mantra appeared. I said to myself, I have to be devoted. I put everything out, I gave everything away. I wrote for years -- stories, poems-- and lived on the streets. I don’t want to write a book, everyone writes books. I want to live the story of life. I could see things in my dreams.” I have this too. What could you see in your dreams? Neville: “I met and spoke with Marcel’s grandfather in my dreams and I can speak to ancestors. I can write down a song, it’s amazing. I became creative.” Tell me about your journey? Neville: “I went through the whole world trying to find myself and I found myself in all of the people. German, French, Moroccan, blonde, white, male, female, Asian. I do not have slit eyes, but I feel the martial arts of living.” What do you mean? Neville: “It’s like a sword: it has to be sharpened, it’s a dangerous weapon, but it’s also to protect. And in that manner I discovered the richness of the Earth. How much is it worth, not many people know. How much is it worth? Neville: “Everybody’s life! And everything that is alive!” “It’s a balance. You have to have balance to have harmony, to have co-existence.” What do you see as co-existence? “Working together as a team. Be one, but also be one with you. So as with numerology, numbers like 10 and 11. These things start to make sense; you start to understand what life is. It’s the essence.”

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Big Dreams How did you start to understand your dreams? “I went to the Valley of Mercy in Cape Town and started to understand the Khoisan people. How they lived, how the first institutions were built, the conflicts between church and the native people, Christianity, Islam, Zulu traditions and Kingdoms. The Royal Kingdom of England and of the Netherlands and what they needed to maintain their lifestyles. Because it is a bloodline. Things are passed on through inheritance. We have it from our parents, our ancestors. Not only goods, but also character, ways of expressions, ways of being in our environment.�

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Yes, environment has a lot to do with this human behaviour. Marcel: “You cannot reinvent a river. If you want to change the world, where do you start? You can’t put aside a society and say let’s do it totally different. That’s my opinion.” What can you do? Marcel: “You can do the little things. But also have big dreams. Like Neville wants to become the President. I think he can be. He has the charisma and the qualities. So you can do it from both sides.” “If you have a common society and know how people relate to each other, energy is always very important, electricity, I can almost feel it flowing. But sometimes when there is a blackout and then the power comes back on again, there was like when there becomes a new President, a vacuum happens, and then you have a split second, you can have a small change and the light goes on again. It might seems the same as before, but it is not actually. [I am reminded on the Reiki Master interview in the last issue where he talks about 72 hours of darkness in 2012.] Suddenly Richard sneezes and says, “Bless you” to himself. “And those kind of moments, they do happen. So even when people don’t notice it – ‘Oh, it’s just the same, no it’s not the same!’ That’s when new energy is growing’ [In front of Richard, Neville is lighting candles around on the round table] What I find interesting is that you are married to a man that wants to be the President of South Africa, who must be very confident and you have doubts about taking this project to South Africa. Marcel: “In that we are totally different.” [Everyone laughs. Neville is sitting holding a candle in his hand] Neville: ‘Marcel has the qualities and the expertise that Africa needs as an engineer in his field, he understands energy, waste disposal, water, purification, all these things, also construction, so we can do this together.

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You both seem to have a very strong energy, it is great to feel. Neville: “For the last 3 days I’ve been dancing until 8am every morning. Every musician who speaks to me gets a response. I’ve been dancing with straight men and women. I mean I have love, that’s all I have. So when I came here, my hatred, my ego, it disappeared for the heart of these people. It made me one of them. It took me back to where I came from. A language that they understand and I can speak.” “I look at Africans, I look at the Western Cape, I look at tribes, I look at Kingdoms, I look at people from the far, Far East and I look at myself. And I think I am a new generation. I am born from so many diverse cultures.” “Some stick to their cults, some stick to their rituals, others stick to their sacraments, some share signs, their theological explanation, everything.” “I stick to what I have in my nature. Where my Soul meets my Soul.” So how did you get to Atlantis? “From the Valley of Mercy. Our place, the Greeks, the Romans, everybody took something from somebody to take further. Zeus came and then Nostradamus… I found myself understanding Zeus. When I look at Anglo Saxon, wow, I feel the art. ‘My God disgrace me upon you. Let’s serve each other’. Not for the reason, but to take care. But we got lost in what we have and what we protect and what was important in the material world.” Marcel: “There was also a big issue about England. Everywhere we went England What can you do? was a big issue.” Marcel: “You can do the little things. But also have big dreams. Neville wants toHow become so? the President. I think he can be. He has the charisma and the qualities. So you can do it from both sides.” Neville: “Because England made war with the Dutch. We have history; it’s “If you have a common society and how away people to each other,and places, who called ‘God’s Window’. If I take allrelate the things, names energy is always very important. Electricity, almost feelyourself? it flowing.So Project are you? How can I define you? HowI can do you define Sometimes, when a blackout [suddenly have to think of the Reiki Atlantis is athere goodiscombination to bridge Ithe gap.” Matser, Joop Teggelove’s interview where he talks about 72 hours of darkness taking place in 2012 as the planets re-align] and then the power comes back on again -- when there is a new President -- a vacuum happens, and in a split second you can have a small change and the light goes on again.PDF It might seemwith the deskPDF same as before, but it- is not::actually.” Created PDF Writer Trial

“The Atlantis Project takes me to Egypt. Growing up in South Africa, I was never aware of pyramids. I came from Cape Town and my pyramid (hand on heart) was Table Mountain. It has 12 apostles, the heart, and a place where the oceans meet. When I went up there, I felt the heart of Africa beating. I was resurrected. So we bring them together, South Africa and Egypt. We started a company, made plans and started to get going with it.” How do you think you can achieve this? “We are sitting here in the Pyramid which has Zulu influence. The Zulus are very traditional people and as a coloured person, we come from every nation on Earth. I can bring people together. Marcel made me realize that material is also Soul. It is not separated from the spiritual world.” Marcel: “Neville was loose matter. I said matter has a Soul. You can melt it, bend it, and shape it.” Neville: “So the sounds that come from steel and wood when you are building make sense. The issue is not ‘how do we build a pyramid, the spirit is already there. So we thought that we wanted to build a place, or the people suggested that we build a place where all religions can come together. Sufis, Yogis, Protestants, Catholics, Evangelicals, all of them, in a community that doesn’t know about alternative ways. And that also includes alternative medicine.” “So we come in the gangster area, prison land, where people get murdered and robbed and raped. I know that environment and I can stretch out and give you a helping hand. And show you the way. I’ve been a kindergarten teacher, chef, worked with medicine. I’ve done everything. So I can help you. You want to play music? OK, go ahead.” In essence, you are both the people who can get things moving in the right direction. Neville: “Between your spiritual and your physical. How do you sit in your body? How do you clear your mind? How do you breathe?” Marcel: “I am very sensitive still. When I go to the church full of people, sometimes it’s just too much. It’s not my place to be.” [Suddenly Carsten awakens and speaks.] Carsten: “I know that feeling. I was pretty panicked on Queen’s Day with the masses of people. Then I really had to get out. It was too much energy.” Richard: “Yes, I found the same thing here last night as well.” Marcel: “That’s why I liked the last couple of days around the pyramid. It was not overcrowded. It was just people popping in and out. It was OK.” Richard: “People seem to be quite amazed by it. Like it came from outer space.” Neville: “A magical miracle.” [Amazingly the sequence of the conversation expressed the energy of the question.]

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Getting to the Essence In the world at the moment, through the Internet, we are missing the ‘touch’ connection. The humanness is missing. [Neville sits next to me]. Neville: “Listening to music is a very inner way, you can hear the vibration coming from a person. Music from the outside that is responding exactly in time and place of the conversation you are having. If you did not have the word, that song would confirm it. That moment is that moment. [I look at the tall candlelight glowing in front of me] “And so it changes, you can feel it.” “I had to learn patience. I come from an outside world, into myself. So I had to take myself back. I grew up, I have to love my neighbour and do this. At the end I had to come back because I was lost. Marcel helped me come to myself. Which reflected myself in him. It was not I, but it was I. There is a well here and we made wishes.”

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Fixing the Whole Neville: “Then I understand architecture. How the Earth was built, when there was nothing and suddenly there were buildings. And what lives in these buildings, who lives there? So I looked into my life. The house I grew up in. What lived there? The places I found myself in. So I started to work in people’s houses as a handyman. I would never go into somebody’s house, because I came from there… my family comes from there… but you come to clean somebody’s Soul… you get into their space… but it is the inner space in themselves… so how do you make that shine?” Marcel: “Eight different departments, we did little jobs for this one and that one and, of course, if you work there you discover how people live together. Or not actually. And one day they asked me the name of the next-door neighbour. It makes you realize, its not about paint or tiles or stuff, because they ask us to fix up their house. But in this case it was two ladies sitting there alone, one in a big top floor apartment, Leidsegracht and the other in the back. And they don’t speak to each other.” “I don’t just fix up your house if you ask me to, even if you pay. I have to confront you. What is wrong with your house? What are you up to? Why do you want something new? What’s wrong with the old stuff? Why can’t you just clean and polish it and make it nice again? It tells a lot about people, about how they live.”

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“Actually the main issue was always around money. This pyramid design was never about money, even though we had to invest thousands of Euros and hours of work, the real issue was never about money. I went into prostitution because I wanted to find out, where does it come together, because I had a feeling people don’t want to get to know themselves. They want the easy life. Just have some money, buy this house, my magnificent life, I travel around the world and buy a plane. You know nothing about it. Aluminium. What do you know about aluminium? What do you feel? Blah, blah, blah…” “I discovered a lot of artificial stuff going around. I wanted to go underneath that and make it more real. Because life is real. Why do you need an artificial life if it is real?” [Suddenly he stands up and walks over to Neville]. Arrh, I love this person [he kisses him on the head]. I love you so much. And at the end of the funeral, I cry. I loved him so much, now where is my profit, my inheritance. There is so much stuff going around.” Artificial walls that people put up to protect themselves. Marcel: “Yes, I had a thing with my parents about being open and honest. I think it was a good education to live like that. No secrets. But then things changed because I was about to find out more about life. And at one point they said, it’s your life and we don’t want to know anything about it. That was really nice.” How did you cope with it? “I used to hate them. I used to hate my mother because in a way it was very dualistic. She had a spiritual centre, she did aura and chakra healing, but at the same time there was something that she didn’t want me to know about. She was denying. But if I said you are denying something, she could deny again and again and say that’s not true. I knew that it wasn’t my thing; just that somebody else wasn’t dealing with it. But I had to deal with energies because I was so transparent. I was becoming totally loose, my whole structure, being, was coming apart. My aura was like that. I knew it so I had to come back down to Earth without destroying the whole thing.”

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How did you do that? Marcel: “Slowly in the beginning, almost secretively. Building down slowly. Do you understand what I mean?” I completely understand you! Marcel: “A good example is that my parents had expectations of me, but I am not going to live up to their expectations, because it is not me. True or not?” True! Marcel: “To break that down is not easy. Because I didn’t want to attack and say it was wrong. Because it wasn’t wrong, I was a very smart kid in school. So it created expectations, but I wasn’t the one saying it’s all bullshit! It wasn’t, I liked it! I like science and chemistry and all the stuff going around. We travelled the world, my father and I. But to get to the real stuff, I discovered that people are very sensitive. “ “When you are enjoying life and driving a fancy car, and I tell you that the car is not your life, that person can get very upset. It’s only a car. When you go beyond the car and look at the family, and how things are put aside and not spoken about. Things like cheap talk. Neville was the one to break up the cheap talk in my family. It’s rubbish, it’s about nothing. You never come to the point, so we had a big argument in Egypt, while being on a ship on the Nile.” [Richard interjects… “Death on the Nile” and laughter flows loudly around the room] “Well, it was quite a storm actually!” I can imagine that when you confront those things in families, they don’t want to talk about them. How did you get to confrontation? Marcel: “There were little triggers, every now and then. And then there was one big trigger and poof, the whole thing exploded.

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I had a similar thing in my family, and my brother turned around and punched me in the face. That was the point of progress. Neville: “My mother wanted to kill me. She put a knife to my throat and said get out. I told her I was ready to die. And then I left and I said we’d meet in town. The next day she came and I could see how uplifted she was. She had been suffering from problems in the family for generations. My mum found herself at the age of 70, she got to know the real her. She had always wanted to sing opera and she couldn’t because she was a woman and that was not a woman’s place.” “I have lots of people in my life who want me to be their son, brother, daughter, or father. I grew up with women only. So in a way, I grew up to take care of people, not just myself, but of all the family, the community and school. I didn’t complain, I like what I did.” So this is also now why you have a bigger vision for being the President of South Africa? Neville: “The thing is that I discovered a way to solve, to progress and where to start at grassroots level. You want to uplift a community.” “You start with yourself within the community. I didn’t want to do it like that, it just went like that. So I could see all the conflicts and where it comes from. I could see the whole world actually. Through him. I could see through different eyes and see how we relate to each other.” Marcel: “Social, cultural science at the VU University. We had a thick book “Communications with Strangers” it was very American. ‘We are humans, we are like this and that… it’s hard to communicate with the other… ' and it said we are all different and can have the qualities to communicate. So I thought, ‘What the fuck! Why did you write this book then?’ There is no 'we', we can’t generalize, we all have the same problem. ‘Fuck you!’ for the author [he says in a loud voice]… so I just thought, quit the whole study and build my pyramids.”

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BANG! Neville: “So he wants to fix pyramids in Giza. I said what? Is this guy for real? I said, ‘you know how many people are involved?’ He said, ‘No, I want to go!’ So we went to the Internet and wrote a letter to the big boss and he never answered.” Marcel: “He never answered. Then I became rude. I said something like ‘Fuck you arsehole!' [I immediately thought of my root chakra and I also had a pain in my tooth, which was strange because it had had a route canal and was covered with a crown. There should be no pain]. Then came back the official reply from the Egyptian government. [Laughter broke out once again]. So he did read his emails. Just too lazy to respond you motherfucker!” [I thought that suddenly Marcel’s attitude was getting really strong and I wondered why?] “So then we just went to Egypt and we thought we’d do it ourselves. He distracted the police, while I started to fix a bit here and there. All symbolic of course, make it look nice again.” Neville: “If I can be the President of South Africa, then Marcel can fix the pyramids! I want to be President of the African Union and show how we can all work together. When we do that we’ll make the biggest cultural festival where all cultures come together, we’ll have focus at the same time, everywhere in the world. Bang! This is the festival where all cultures come and celebrate Africa!” [To round off the interview, I asked them what love meant to them. I was surprised that Marcel gave a very negative answer while Neville gave a very positive answer. Looking ahead I could see the candle glowing in front of me. I opened up my bag and took out a scroll I had prepared earlier this morning and handed it to Marcel. He seemed quite surprised. This was my Divine Blessing to them both. As he read it, I could feel my energy starting to rise through my chakras until melting point within my crown chakra where I become one. I felt like the element in a light bulb, between the negative and positive poles. I became aware of my pure energy, of love and light burning bright for all to see in the Pyramid. Looking down I could see my amethyst stone hanging around my neck, emblazoned by the rich purple and violet colours coming from my shirt and pinstripe suit jacket. This was my point of realisation. Since I have written up this interview, magical things have happened in my life, so I trust that the same happens to you!]

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Venus, The Goddess of Love has a message for Planet Earth Jacque Fresco and Roxanne Meadows interviewed by Richard Voller. This was a monumental day in my life; I am going from one leap of faith to another. The more I experience freedom and share it with you, the faster and higher we all climb. It’s 9am (CET) and 4pm Japanese time. I’m waiting for an online conference call with Jacque Fresco and Roxanne Meadows, co-creators of the Venus Project. Jacque Fresco is a 94-year-old social engineer who could easily pass for a 60-year-old. Jacque lived through the Great Depression of the 1920s and was inspired to make sure that it never happened again. So, with Roxanne by his side, over the past 35 years he has dedicated his life to the Venus Project. But it was not until 2008, and the creation of the highly successful online documentary directed by Peter Joseph “Zeitgeist Addendum”, that things really started to fly. Now Jacque and Roxanne are on a global mission; holding lectures in key countries throughout the world and spreading the good news. But time is running out. Within me, I heard them calling and asking for my help. I answered. What struck me most about Jacque and Roxanne was their compassion. They are two passionate, open and loving people. They really care about humanity, when everything in the world today is trying to force us apart. They have vital and important information to share with us, to help us reach our full potential. This is it folks! Open your ears heart and listen and learn, your freedom depends upon it!

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THE INTERVIEW: So what is the Venus Project all about? Jacque: “With the Venus Project we bring all nations together and take care of everything on earth, we pledge allegiance to the environment and all the world’s people. The end of separate nations, the end of artificial boundaries that separate people, a sharing of all the world’s resources by all the world’s people. Anything less than that will create the same problems over and over again.” “We have to maintain a population within the carrying capacity of the earth. We are proposing the intelligent management of the earth’s resources for the benefit of all the world’s people.” Our children are our future, but they feel that the older generations have made a big mess of things. Why should they trust and listen to a 94-year-old man?

Roxanne: “Jacque is talking sense. Although many people complain about the state of human affairs non suggest a possible alternative. They try to fix things within the established systems which cause the problems in the first place”. Jacque: “No new system came in smoothly, man is the dumbest animal. He pollutes the air, rivers, the atmosphere and people. Man has put himself on a pedestal and said we are the highest point of life. That is an ego trip. We are not civilized yet. As long as we have prisons, police, armies and navies, we are not civilized.” “Until the world starts to live together constructively, then we will be in the beginning of a scientific age. We are not there yet.” “I am afraid of the direction that man is taking. We have bombs now that are a thousand times greater than the one that was dropped on Hiroshima. How stupid can that be! What can we accomplish with that? A burnt out radioactive planet. You won the war!” “It is much better to bring nations of the world together, not to kill those who do not agree with you.” “If I took every soldier, I would educate him to become a problem solver, not a killing machine. Man is stupid, but because he has not been educated properly!”

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This sounds like communism, is it? Jacque: “Communism has war machines, prisons, money and banks. The Venus Project does not have any of these. There is nothing in common. We are proposing a social system that benefits the people with fair distribution of goods without money, servitude, trade, barter or taxation.” So what is wrong with society today? Jacque: “The system creates corruption, exploitation, separation and scarcity. The public thinks that they are in control, but in a monetary system everything is controlled by the corporations and the power elite. Politics was great 100 years ago, but today it is obsolete. All governments throughout history are corrupt.” Well many people say that the elite will never give up their power, so things will never change. What do you think? Jacque: “All over the world banks and financial institutions have failed, but who bailed them out? We did. We bailed them out with our public funds. So it was not about the elite not giving up their power. It is up to us to make a choice to continue to support this corrupt system and continue being shafted or do we take personal responsibility for our future? Do you understand me?” “If few nations control most of the earth’s resources then you are going to have territorial disputes, going to have war and all the problems we have always had. That is why people think it is human nature. They think that man is basically greedy. And that this is why we have problems. This is rubbish!” A gangster, a serial killer, a banker and a priest are made by the environment. It’s the environment that we come from that generates our human behaviour. We are victims of culture, that is why we have a distorted view. We believe some are good and others are bad, some are creative and some less creative. That is BS (Bad Science)! Everyone can be creative!”

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But this goes against what we have been taught throughout our lives. Jacque: “Yes, it does. All the things that you have been taught, teach you to fit in with this culture. All civilizations are established on the basis that they keep those in power, who were in power, so that they still run the show.” “You think within the context of the way you were brought up. It’s very hard for so called ‘normal people’ to think outside the box, to step outside of their environment.” “But in the future, you will be raised in a society that understands human behaviour so you do not have all these variations. Through the direction of the Venus Project you can receive the education to live constructively together. We will move from an Established society (which serves the interests of the lead, controlling group) to an Emergence Society. With this there is no Utopia and nothing is fixed. In this society there are no great men or women, rather all people are creative and can achieve their highest potential.” So how do we get to an Emergence Society? Jacque: “The Venus Project is proposing a new direction for humankind where the shared resources of the earth are available to everyone without a price tag. We have researched human behaviour and set out plans for how humanity can constructively live together with the intelligent management of earth’s resources to benefit everyone”

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OK, what does this mean if I want to buy a cheese sandwich? There is no money so how do I buy it? Roxanne: “In the future there will be communal eating places where food is freely available for everyone. You can if you wish make your own cheese sandwich at home, but this is not an efficient way to manage your time, because there will be so many exciting options to choose from that having to cook everyday will probably be something one would not want to continue doing. Great! So how can everybody help with the transition process? Roxanne: “You have to get involved. Visit our website and download free information and films. We also have a webstore where you can get other books and videos. Or better still come to one of our lectures and hear from us personally and ask us any questions you have. You can see the list of lectures we are doing throughout the world here After that, if you identify with this direction, join The Zeitgeist Movement, which is the activist arm of The Venus Project. Here you will find many chapters throughout the world, various activities to participate in, and meet others of like mind. To go to a Resource Based economy is a giant step. What happens in between? Jacque: “Yes first one must acquire considerable information about the direction of The Venus Project. No new system came in smoothly. But we do have the knowledge to help you get there. There is no doubt the transition will be difficult. With world economic systems on the downturn this is the time to get the information out there. How soon this will happen depends on the effort people put forth to help bring it about.” “Unfortunately for many people it may take economic and social hardship before people begin to look for other alternatives.. Things have to get really bad before people finally realize that things have to change. The system will break down, it is only a matter of when not if. So it’s best to be as prepared as you can and know which direction to take – The Venus Project.” So things are going to get really tough, before they get better? Is this why more people are choosing love over fear? And why spirituality is on the increase? Roxanne: “The Venus Project is about taking care of our planet and fellow human beings. “As you know, politicians are there to perpetuate the established systems and serve those in positions of differential advantage at the cost of many and the environment. They are not there to serve the needs of the majority of people. Many people are searching for spirituality but sadly in today’s world this can only be a verbal hobby. The Venus Project is the closest thing to putting the ideals of spirituality into a working reality. I don’t know how much more spiritual one could get than helping to create a world with no war, hunger, poverty, homelessness, and unnecessary human suffering. So Yes The Venus Project is spiritual.”

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Love of Ages It's been so long, I've been thinking about you for ages, What happened to you? I let you go, you and I are the One, We are the Soul, That makes us Whole. So what does love mean to you? Jacque: “The concept of love can often confuse and hurt people. Often people are looking for “unconditional love.” But Love is not a fixed thing. For instance do you Love everything you have ever done? I have never gotten a 'yes' to this question. So sometimes you love yourself, sometimes you don’t. If you lived with a replica of yourself how long do you think you would be together? This is the same thing when you take on a partner. You don’t love everything about them. Sometimes you love them, sometimes not as much; sometimes you wonder how you ever got into this situation. When we understand this we can better understand what we may love about others and what we do not identify with. It is when we are looking for a fixed notion and absolutes with the term love that we often get confused when we don’t find it. This is an honest evaluation of the meaning of Love. So what have you had to sacrifice to follow your mission? Jacque: “It is not about what I have sacrificed. It is about what humanity is sacrificing if they continue to live with today’s values and monetary system.” Thank you Jacque and Roxanne for having the courage to share your point of view and I look forward to meeting you both in Eindhoven, NL. Reader: “What do you imagine your life would be like if you did not work for money?”

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Hands-On Healing: VOLLER ‘Touched’ by Art

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Global Warning – Making friends with the Devil Message from Poet Hans Plomp The energy was rising; I had just finished my interview with Marcel Stoof and Neville Keith Matroos. The air in the Pyramid was melting. Souls from all nationalities and cultures were entering the building. Peering inside intrigued as to what was going on. The ‘Fire Woman’ entered and sat by the door. I had painted the heart chakra of her daughter on Sunday. Her daughter had a spirit that sparkled as bright as Sirius. We briefly spoke about the Christ Consciousness that was descending to the planet and having such a beautiful affect on people. She said there was something about me that reminded her of a King. King Richard she said. “I replied”,… “The Lion Heart”… she laughed. “Yes, King Richard The Lion Heart. That’s it!” Then Jasmine and her friend came to the door. I came over and welcomed them in with a kiss. They remarked on my purple amethyst crystal necklace that a Reiki Master had given to me as a gift. And then they noticed the purple pinstripe suit jacket I was wearing. “Purple suits you! It really brings out the best in you. It brings out your beauty.”, she said. Flattered, I smiled and laughed. I was being showered with compliments and it was a lovely feeling. It touched my Soul and my energy started to rise. Feeling the glow, I decided to take a seat and drink a glass of cool water. The next person to enter the temple was ‘Sir James’ one of the talented poets from the village. This man just looked like a hobbit out of Lord of Rings. His glasses magnified his eyes, so they were super large and his long flowing white hair made him look like an ancient wizard. He then started to recite these incredible poems to Carsten and me. It was a joy to be alive. Neville and Marcel just sat there grinning like two wise Cheshire cats in the corner.

The Interview: Richard: “So how did you get involved with Ruigoord?” Hans: “In the 1960’s was the Provo movement which was an uprising directed by a “playful anarchist” group which combined non-violence and absurd humour to create social change. We were children who had lived through the war and wanted to live in an ideal world, a world of resurrection and not more destruction. But by the early 70’s, the established system had crushed the rebellion and the hippy flower power was replaced by the ‘no future’ punks.” “Every generation has opposites, we had the Provo movement. Light revolution that was fuelled by humour. It was funny because the government would come down hard on people who were just making fun of them. It made the government look like they couldn’t take a joke. They looked ridiculous in the public eye. It was the Zeitgeist.” After the revolution was quashed in the Western world, people started travelling to the East to build their idealistic life. I did just that. I travelled to Morocco. On my journey, I met a French girl who was very ill. I took her under my wing and travelled over 100 miles to get her to the closed hospital. I left her there and they took care of her.

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But then, one day I was back in Amsterdam and walking through the Lediesplein when I got a tap on the shoulder and there she was again. The conversation eventually steered in the direction of a village that was being destroyed and the local priest was very upset, he had even lost his faith because it was the bishop who had sold the land for development. No justice.” “We went along to see how we could help. Once we arrived at the location, we knew in our hearts that this place was sacred. It felt as if it was our destiny to protect this land. The church is Saint Gertrude – the ancient Goddess who guides Souls to the netherworld.” “We decided that we had to help. So we camped out in the village and secured the land. We were young and courageous, we were artists and friends and even politicians offered support; members of the Democrat 66 and the Green Party. That was how it all started for me.” Many people see Ruigoord as a utopian dream for hippies, sex and drugs. Is it? “This is a place for extraordinary people. There is magic here. It is a psychedelic place and psychedelic drugs are used, and people do have sex and take drugs. [But that is true of any society I thought, at least here they are open about it!] But as a means to an end. It is very easy to judge, but behind the make-up there is some reason to all this madness. People have to go through the dark night of the Soul to find themselves. They are searching for the core.” What is the core? “Well, you can see this place as a refuge for Souls as we head towards 2012, the transition of a new time. Here you find kindred spirits, people can do their rituals and connect with their higher spirit. Basically we are geared towards freedom where you can become extra ordinary Beings.”

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“We provide an alternative lifestyle for people who want help. We like to think of ourselves as ‘God is busy, but we can help you.”

How? “We are an open institution, where people can live out there madness. Societies have excellent make-up that hides the truth; we prefer to let it all out into the open. We are geared towards healing. Many people who come here have experienced pain and suffering in their childhood. Here they can play out there hurt and find their creative talents. In the established system, they are not free to do so, you just get labelled and the problems are never solved. But here you can come out, loose the shame and be who you want to be.” “We do not have rules, but we do have nobility; don’t mistreat women or children and don’t shit in your neighbours back garden.” “I used to be the Devil, but now I befriended my Angel” I explained to Hans that I felt a Divine presence as we sat here in the Pyramid. Hans answered, “Well it must be in you, to recognize that feeling.”

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Sir James Coming Soon! Magical Poetry from the Spirit of the Age

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The Goddess Isis: On Night Duty. I was finalizing the June issue of BondingXperience when I got a call from Neville, explaining that he knew someone who would be good to interview. I had never heard of DJ Isis and at first thought he was talking about the Nightmare of Amsterdam. When I Googled her name, I became aware that this would be the perfect interview to complete this issue. I gave her a call and the rest was pure magic! Richard: What is your role as the Night Mayor of Amsterdam? Isis: “The phenomenon, Night Mayor, started about 8 years ago, it was an initiative by the Groenlinks party. They decided that the Night needed an Ambassador and in February this year (exactly the night the national government fell) I was elected. I take it very seriously; my mother is the Mayor of Rijswijk for 20 years and I’ve been involved in Nightlife for 20 years. So it made sense to hook up these two lines of information and become the Mayor of the Night.” “I thought now it was my moment to stand up and do this as I thought it was my duty, to give the knowledge back to society.” So you thought it was a ‘calling’? “Yes, during my life I have been fascinated by art and society. This is a function where it all comes together.” ‘All is One’ sounds like integration. Is it? “Yes, exactly; cultures, understanding, respect and accumulative powers. And trying to inspire each other. That is basically what is behind it.” “I was inspired by holism, looking at the world as one entity. Therefore not discriminating between sexes, religious backgrounds or colour of skin. Everyone is part of the same story. And we all need to co-operate in order to make life beautiful and sustainable.”

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This is a story that people hear a lot, but the hard part is putting it into practice. How are you doing that? “I don’t really think that is true. In my opinion there are two types of people in the world. Those who will always want the best for everyone, regardless of where they come from or where they are going to. And those who only want the best for themselves and their direct environment. The division between people is basically against the philosophy of “All is One” because we consider everybody to be one.” “But not all individuals or groups in society feel addressed by this philosophy. Now our challenge is to translate the idea of unity and harmony to a greater audience.” How did the ‘All is One’ concept start? “As a cultural movement which is multidisciplinary, trying to inspire within. For example, during ‘All is One’ Ruigoord weekend, we have a choreographer and fashion designers working together setting up shows and involving the audience. This is known as ‘Crowd Sourcing’ because we involve the visitor much greater than in traditional events.” “In my opinion, most events are setup by a business group of people, a business model, setup to make money using artists to generate an inflow of audience, slash cash and the aim is to make as much money as possible. They all have a little flavour here and there, but it is never designed for the audience itself. Of course they pay attention to what people will spend their money on, but I think this is so old-fashioned and boring. I prefer to get inspired by a modern type of community feeling that you can see in ‘Burning Man’ (USA), Fusion (Germany) and Ruigoord (Netherlands) which is the Dutch manifestation of a less greedy way of event organizing.” Could Ruigoord be a role model for an emerging society? “Yes, absolutely. I think all greater cities need an area like this. Modern society has a tendency to think that you have to shape everything right from the start, but, I do not believe that, unless it is a profound, inspired movement that does it themselves.” “So we have to be very careful not to confuse creative space with real, authentic creative space.” What’s the difference? “Well, one just starts to exist by forces coming together, people acting up through their free will and the other is motivated by subsidies or a lack of capacity, bringing people together. More dependent and less powerful, I think.”

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Ruigoord has an incredible energy, are you aware of this? “Yes, well energy is also space for inspiration. If you want to have magic in your life you have to set the table for it. Ruigoord is a very magical place because it allows magic to happen. There’s no tight fit schedule that dictates and there are no strict rules in terms of programming. So art gets more space to develop.” “It’s like having a record deal with a commercial label, where after a few albums the band gets worn out by lack of inspiration, because it is forced to meet deadlines that create writer’s block, so to speak. This is something we will always have to stand up against and make sure there is literary free space.” Free space in the mind? “Well to have free space in the mind, you need to have free space to physically move around in. Otherwise you feel locked up and we all know what happens to people who feel locked up. They will go away.” Go away? “Yes, this is what is happening now in the Netherlands. Loads of great thinkers, artists and pioneers of this world do not feel at home here right now.” How come? “Because everything is over ruled by the government. It’s killing inspiration.” Why are there so many rules? “I think that most people do not realize that they actually get inspired by the people that need free space. Because they are unaware of it, they don’t see the importance of it. For them it’s just a messy bunch of people going against the strict rules that other people have to live up to.” “You could think that they don’t want others to have a certain experience because they are bound themselves, but these places are very important to society as a whole.”

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Some people say that Ruigoord is just a playground for big kids. What do you think? “I think it is necessary for adults to be in touch with their inner child, so to speak, because if you are not, you’ll be a grumpy and stiff old person. I know beautiful people in their sixties and seventies and they are still as vivid as they were in their twenties. You can stay that young, the essential value is to keep your mind young.” What does ‘All is One’ mean to you? “Well it is used by Buddhism, although I didn’t realize that when I started using the phrase, but it all comes down to the same idea. We are living in one world; we have to share it together. Primitive behaviour is out of time. We need to get rid of these simple animal-like structures we are still holding onto. Going against ‘All is One’ is the power structure of ‘Divide and Conquer’… “Mmmm. I call it the ‘Devilish Pact’ (as in treaty) of the Christian Church; basically it comes down to a silly common consciousness that good people are in church and bad people are not… so you're with them or against them.” “It all started with Christianity as I assume there was more femininity in the beginning. But basically as soon as women were written out of history, we know millions were killed throughout the years, so my belief is that women nowadays are daughters of the weak ones who were left over, so to speak. That the more powerful women were killed, so we have had to start all over again. Both men and women have had to compensate for the loss. “Humanity is basically castrating itself. The Devil never had an image until Christians used the Pan the Pagan God image. Which is blasphemy of the original, indigenous religion we have known in Europe.” “If you look at Eastern philosophies and spirituality and mysticism, you will always find the Ying and Yang principle and balance of male and female. But in Europe we have lost our knowledge.” So what can we do about it? “It’s about making people aware. If people do not know that their Christmas Tree is actually a Yule Tree, then maybe it’s time that we give the information back to the people.”

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So what is going to happen at the ‘All is One’ Ruigoord weekend? “We’ve invited artists and creative people from all over Amsterdam and surrounding areas to join up with the philosophy that we work together for a week and create a dream world. In the weekend this world will be open to the audience, where they can fuse into this world that we have created and they can participate in it.” How so? “Well you can go into installations and projects that participants have been working on all week. For example, there will be an open stage where people can come along and have a jam session, you can bring your own instruments, bring your children, and there will be a playground. There will be a fashion lab, where you can create your own clothes under the supervision from professionals from the industry – recycling materials to make new costumes.” How does it work for the participants? “We have 20 different disciplines and within every discipline we have at least three or more participants. I encourage participants to experiment and work together not only within in their own discipline; for instance, people who work with visuals inspire each other and help create new things together, but also between different disciplines – for instance: a poet goes rapping or a psychologist goes painting…” In a sense, it is the theatre of life? “Yes, exactly! The community feeling is being encouraged by people who have shared all week together (lived together for a long period of time). This is why it’s important not to have just a one-day event. It goes on so long so that people can get into a deeper layer. It’s about making the connection and stepping over the ‘imaginary borders.”

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Why imaginary borders? “Well, we are trained to think rationally in this world. If you are a photographer, you might not think that you have capabilities to create a costume, but you can! I try to expand people’s consciousness and broaden their horizons. Boundaries are coming down. It is a sign of the times and we are rapidly running out of space, we ran out of means and we are running out of many other things. It’s time now for bonding…” [There is still a lot more to unfold. It will have to wait until the next issue of BondingXperience as we too are running out of space!] Well I completely agree. That’s why the magazine is called ‘BondingXperience’. [I explained that I am an artist too and that I paint people’s heart chakras onto their clothing whilst they are wearing it. I spontaneously got involved at the ‘Tongue Master’ Ruigoord event the other weekend. As I paint with my hands, it’s a supreme way to transfer positive energy from one Soul to another. Isis sounded very intrigued and loved the idea and invited me to become a participant at the ‘All is One’ event on June 12th and 13th 2010. Now that’s what I call bonding! Thank you Isis. “Well I am sharing my Spirit with the world to show people there is an alternative solution that works. Thank you Richard.” CLICK ON LINK BELOW for event information:

NEXT ISSUE: Isis shares more in-depth knowledge on culture, society, spirituality and love to inspire you!

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