BondingXperience, Issue 1, 2010

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BondingX BondingXpierence Celebrate Success ● The BondClub ● Q1 ● January 2010

Our Future is Bright! The Choice is Ours

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Welcome To The BondClub BondClub

Dear Friends, Welcome to the first issue of ‘BondingXperience’ our quarterly online magazine from The BondClub. As we head into a new year, I wish to thank you all for your continued support and love. When we take the time to help each other, a simple jester or a kind thought, it is incredible what we can achieve together. At The BondClub, we have been working very hard in this last quarter to make sure that we can bring you even better and more unique services in 2010, to celebrate your company’s successes. Our focus for 2010 is on offering corporate entertainment, sharing information and giving spirited workshops. If you know anyone who requires assistance with their corporate entertainment or is just looking for unique venues, then please feel free to forward them our e-magazine. We can come and have a free consultation with you and discuss your exact requirements. At The BondClub we take special care to make sure that you get to enjoy your own events as well. We make sure that the tension always creates a good feeling; we take care of the whole organization so that it takes up very little of your time and you too can enjoy the experience! We trust you enjoy this Q1 issue of BondingXperience; feel free to send us any suggestions on how to improve it for the next issue. So, all that is left to say is, have a very Happy 2010! All the best,

Richard Voller The Founder

Colofon: Editor: Richard T. Voller Design: The BondClub Creative Team

Writers: Richard Voller Piet Linnebank Ursula McGloughlin

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What would you do if you had no fear? Miranda Stierman interviewed by Richard Voller

I had been chatting with Cesar Lopes, Managing Director of Confidum. He had suggested that I interview a remarkable client of his, Miranda Stierman, as she had a life transforming story to share with the world. She had suffered from a rare disease for years that left her disabled and she was ready to die, but then she changed her mind. She focused on the joy of life and within weeks she was walking again. Now she has a new life and is spreading the word. I was intrigued by her story and rang her up the next day. As ever, it happened that my timing was perfect because, without either of us knowing it, she had been expecting a call. We had arranged to meet Miranda at my home in Jordaan at 1pm. She was running late. I called her at 13:32, she said she was in my street and would be here in a minute. The doorbell rang and up she came. A tall and very beautiful woman, elegantly dressed and beaming with happiness. Before moving on to Café Tuin to do the interview, we got a quick photo in front of one of my painting ‘Divine Trinity’. As we walked into Café Tuin, Miranda picked out a table in the corner, where the floor was slightly higher up and the walls were adorned with romanticized portraits of naked ladies. “Perfect”, I agreed. Richard: “So Miranda let’s go back to the beginning. When did all your problems start?” Miranda: “When I was 7 years old, I started getting a lot of pain in my shoulders. The doctors called it growing pains and that within time they would go away. But at the age of 13 years I had a small accident with a truck and my shoulder became dislocated”, she laughs but does not want to focus on exactly what happened. “That was when I started to have a lot of surgery to try and fix both shoulders. I ended up having metal pins put into my shoulders. This was when I become officially registered as disabled because I could no longer move my arms higher than my chest. And of course this made life very difficult to manage. But I was the first at that time to have both my shoulders fixed (with 3 years between both surgery) together with pins at the same time!” and then she laughs out aloud again! Her positive reaction is contagious. We both laugh. “After this, doctors told me to live with it. Get a couple of kids, to maybe have a purpose in life. We don’t know how it will end up but try to live with it. And so I did. I got a job in real estate and between 1995 and 2002 I absolutely had fun and loved my life, despite having a disability”. “In 2001 it became bad and there was really little hope to cure the pain. So I had to quit working and started of with medication, to ease the pain”.

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“That was when the world stopped for me. Everything around me grinded to a halt, I could hear nothing, not even Bruce singing in front of me”.

“When the pain got really bad I had to use morphine, which I was using for about two years. I remember one time that I found myself watering the plants one day with Coke Cola instead of water as I couldn’t comprehend what the label meant!” “In September 2006, I was at the point of wanting to die. I had a very rare disease and my muscles had just stopped working, they had given up on supporting my body. Soon the disease would affect my vital organs. I was in so much pain, confined to my bed for 22 hours a day. At that point, it felt like I had no life at all. My husband that had promised to take care of me was actually draining any bit of energy that was left in me. And then he suddenly left as well. I felt like an empty body, just breathing. I wanted to die and I was in discussion with my doctor about euthanasia”. “My only way of survival was my website where I tried to reach other people who lived in pain everyday. In my diary I spoke about living with pain everyday. The purpose of this website was, if I could only reach out to 1 person and help him or her with recognition. This was my connection with the outside world. As my plight became worse and worse, so I noticed that more people started to respond and send me emails as they were in the same position. They could relate to what was happening. By sharing the feeling of living in pain, we were able to help each other get better. And it was then that I met my beloved friend Jacky from Germany. She told me that within me were all the answers to feel better. First she said: maybe not everything is cured but surely it can make you feel much better. So she asked me three questions and I worked on finding the answers by going deep within me”. “It was incredible because within 6 weeks I was able to walk more besides only in my house. And after 6 weeks I was going on holiday to Rome! But when in Rome, I was in my hotel when I became overwhelmed with emotions. I suddenly realised what I had achieved in the last 6 weeks and how my life transformed in such a short space of time. It was then that I became terrified of stepping outside and meeting people in the street. But I had a ticket to see Bruce Springsteen live in concert, my favourite artist of all time. So I called my friend in Germany and she asked me one simple question; ‘What would you do if you had no fear?’. “To get to this point in my life, I had stopped focusing on the pain in my body. Rather than focusing on the disease and what I couldn’t do, I focused on what was good in my body. I focused on enjoying walking, being outside and being on holiday. It’s a bit like saying ‘I am anti-war’.

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If you are anti-war, you are still focusing on war, but if you are ‘Pro Peace’ you have shifted your focus to ‘Peace’. Life can be extremely simple; it’s just how you choose to live your life that makes the difference. We all have a choice in everything we do; we even choose who our parents will be before we are born in order that we can experience life in a certain way” “To make a transformation in my life, I had to be able to look at myself outside my cycle. I had to step out of the cycle of my life and watch my life from that perspective. I had to see how people perceived me and then I could make the transformation. When I did this, I realised that although I was ill, I was still taking care of others and made other people more important than me. Only then was I able to shift my attention to looking after me.” “When I went through my fear barrier in Rome, I found myself sitting in the front row seats watching Bruce singing only a short distance from me. I was enjoying every moment of it when I heard him sing the words “grab your ticket and suitcase, thunder’s rolling down the tracks. You don’t know where you’re going now, but you know you won’t be back”. Rather than thinking, I just let myself Be. That was when the world stopped for me. Everything around me grinded to a halt, I could hear nothing, not even Bruce singing in front of me. This was my moment of pure bliss, of finding Heaven on Earth.” “Since then I have had many “one step up and sometimes two steps back” moments. I had to open doors and go down paths I to find it. In this situation you have to go back the way you came in and learn from the experience, only to open another door to find what works for you. Everything in life is a choice; you can transform your circumstance at any given moment. Not choosing is also making a choice. I always joke about the fact I will be on the couch of the Oprah Winfrey show within two years, hopefully helping people. By just helping one person cure themselves through the power of their mind, then I have achieved to help others”, explains Miranda. I am captivated by this remarkable woman, she feels about life in the same way that I do. I feel that she is a mirror of me, that we are part of exactly the same mould. As we talked I noticed how my body, my cells are starting to communicate with each other. They were very happy and start bubbling up like Champagne. I was thinking how wonderful it was to meet someone that knew completely what I meant, could totally understand me, as I did her.

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Engineering Miranda started to talk about ‘cell communication’. “When the cells are communicating with each other in a positive way, then the body can cure itself of diseases. Rather than focusing on the pain that was in my body, I tried to put all my attention into the good things that I felt. And that doesn’t mean I never had a negative thought anymore. But when I do, I say “oh well, thanks for reminding me, and instant try to get in the state of positive thoughts. The cells are the spirit of the body and the spirit always looks after your wellbeing”. I could relate to this as I was only having the same conversation with a friend last month, but I called in ‘internal communication’. There was something about her eyes and her smile, her expressions that told me I had met her before in another life cycle. And remarkably she felt the same. I reminded her of a good friend she met in Mexico; everything was the same except I had blue eyes. I had to break the interview and explain to her how I was feeling. Miranda felt it as well. There was this immense energy field, bigger than us that was hovering in the air. “This is a very rare feeling. Most people have no idea it exists, let alone understand what is possible with the mind”, she elaborates. I agreed, “Yes this is a rare feeling, about as rare as your disease!” we both laughed! “That was really funny, Richard!” I could sense that Miranda was very happy indeed to be here. I paid the bill and we both stepped out into the shining sun light. Miranda is now completing her book, which tells the story of her life changing transformation. “My story has already helped one woman to walk again after spending time in a wheelchair because of a disease that made her muscles weak. All it takes is faith and to persevere. Life is a great journey and worth it!”

Above: Richard Voller and Miranda Stierman

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Boat Cruise

Cruise of Discovery You and your guests will be picked up from your chosen collection point at 6pm by The BondClub ‘Cruise of Discovery’ boat. You will be personally welcomed by The Founder of The BondClub, Richard T. Voller as you climb aboard our beautiful and luxury salon boat The Soveroen.

Once inside you will receive a special Johnnie Walker Black Label ‘BondClub Aperitif’ to toast the launch of your company’s ‘Cruise of Discovery’ before settling down around the large oak table as we set sail for a two hour trip through the heart of Amsterdam’s waterways. During this unique experience you learn how to ‘Become a Connoisseur with Great Taste’. In this intimate setting you get to experience the delicious flavours of the multi-award winning artisan cheese introduced by Reypenaer’s Kaas and combined with select number of luxury single malt whiskies. Reypenaer’s Kaas & Single Malt Whisky Tasting: Goats cheese with Glenkinchie (Lowlands), Reypenaer’s 1 year with Glen Elgin (Speyside) Reypenaer’s VSOP with Oban (Coastal) Reypenaer’s XO with Cragganmore (Speyside) Ron Pieters from Reypenaer’s, will teach you how to identify the many different flavours within this luxury brand of cheese and how to combine it with Single Malt whisky to taste a beautiful inner richness unlike any you have experienced before! At 8pm your company will be delivered to your required destination. We are the only company in Amsterdam to offer this unique service. As a themed event, you can dress the part of a ‘Connoisseur with Great Taste’ by simply dressing smart. After this wonderful occasion we will email you the photographs and, so you can share this incredible experience with your colleagues and friends. For bookings please email

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POP to Cape Town, Could it be Magic? Culture

Written by Ursula McGloughlin (South Africa)

On arrival in Cape Town, South Africa, the fairest Cape Welcome is a wakeup call. We’ve been expecting you! It’s so exciting to arrive in one of the worlds’ most popular playgrounds, offering a world of experiences in one small city. But first as you plan your days of celebration filled with beaches, mountains, forests, wine farms, breathtaking beauty, and great food you will have to pass the vibrant but hard life of shack-dwellers in the townships along the route into town. With the pleasure comes the pain, the underlying danger of violence and crime seems so far away when you’re wining and dining on the finest wines and internationally renowned chefs vie for attention. It’s hard to decide what to do first; which direction to go in, how to relax and forge friendships while enjoying your stay. Cape Town’s hidden gems Easy, just get on board the continents’ most popular means of transport – the mini-vans or known locally as ‘Pop (ular) Taxis’. They are supposed to seat a maximum of eight passengers but here in Cape Town we can squeeze in 12. It’s so easy; turn your fear of the unknown into ten minute adventures and explore the many different cultures in Cape Town. Position yourself on any main road and lift your hand, or a finger, and wave or just stand in the road and wait. The incessant hooting will fill you with excitement and every time you set foot into a pop-taxi you’ll find yourself in another world; the world of Cape Town. Be prepared to get up close and personal – we South Africans like to sit very close together! It’s all about connecting Last Saturday we were walking along Seapoint main road heading for a rum & hot chocolate around the corner and it started to rain, within seconds a pop-taxi pulled up and beckoned us inside. There were only two other passengers as it was late and normal people were home, not running around in the rain.

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DRAGONFLY Totem From Ted Andrews - ‘Animal Speak’.

A very ancient species with estimates of having been around for over 180 million years. Their bright colours take time to develop, reflecting the idea that with maturity our own true colours come forth. They inhabit two realms, water and air. In early life as a nymph they live within water, as they mature and go through their metamorphosis, they move into the realm of air. Individuals with this totem may be very emotional and passionate on in early life, but coming into balance later on, having greater clarity and control (very Gemini!). They reflect and work with the sun and light. The light changes throughout the day. They undergo their own transformations. If they have shown up in your life, look for change to occur. Are you resisting change, when you shouldn’t? They remind us we are light and can reflect the light in powerful ways if we choose to do so. They can help you see through your illusions and thus allow our own light to shine forth; Dragonfly brings the brightness of transformation and the wonder of colourful new ways.

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Jacque Fresco Social Engineering for a new civilisation (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia)

Jacque Fresco is a self-educated industrial designer, author, lecturer, futurist, inventor, social engineer and the creator of The Venus Project. Fresco has worked as both designer and inventor in a wide range of fields spanning biomedical innovations and integrated social systems. He believes his ideas would maximally benefit the greatest number of people and he states some of his influence stems from his formative years during the Great Depression. The Venus Project was started in the mid-1970s by Fresco and his partner, Roxanne Meadows. The film Future by Design was produced in 2006 describing his life and work. Fresco writes and lectures extensively on subjects ranging from the holistic design of sustainable cities, energy efficiency, natural resource management and advanced automation, focusing on the benefits it will bring to society.

The Venus Project The Venus Project, Inc is an organization that promotes Jacque Fresco's visions of the future through a website and by distributing videos and literature with the goal to improve society by moving towards a resource-based economy and the design of sustainable cities, energy efficiency, natural resource management and advanced automation, focusing on the benefits it will bring to society. The organization was started by Jacque Fresco and Roxanne Meadows in 1995, while their website claims The Project started around 1975. Future by Design, a film about the life and work of Jacque Fresco, was produced in 2006. The name of the organization originates from Venus, Florida, where its 21-acre (85,000 m2) research centre is located, near Lake Okeechobee. Within the centre are ten buildings, designed by Fresco, which showcase the architecture of the project.

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Film Reviews


Comedy: Couples Retreat We definitely recommend this film for anyone who has had problems with their relationships and wants to find a fun way of solving them. This is truly a hilarious film, we a good cast and a great storyline. We really haven’t laughed so much in ages when watching a film. With give this movie 5 stars.

In Hindu Mythology, Avatar means the descent of a deity to earth in an incarnate form; the incarnation of god. With this in mind, we decided this was a far better choice than the doom and gloom of the 2012 movie. And we were right and so it seems that many other people thought so as well, as it has become the 4th biggest selling movie of all-time amassing $1 billion after only three weekends and may well overtake Titanic as the undisputed champion of the modern box office. The special effects, the 3D vision with solid glasses rather than paper ones, the story about Pandora, the love story, the mind of a human inside the body of the Na’vi, the evil army of humans and saving the planet, all adds up to a great movie. And this is the first time that we have been in a cinema and seen the audience stand up and applaud at the end of the film. A must see and another 5 star movie!

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Who Am I? In every issue of BondingXperience, we give a short spotlight for creative people who give their spirit for their work. In this issue we speak to Carsten Lumière Sasse who recently auditioned for the worldwide television programme ‘Move Like Michael Jackson’ soon to be screened on RTL 4 and SBS 6 Dutch TV. “I am a dancer, dance teacher, choreographer, photographer and short film maker. So I would consider myself as a Moving Visual Artist (MVA). In every sub profession I feel the need to tell something special, that I am a kind of messenger, whether I perform on stage in front of people or working in my own studio behind the computer. "Artistic Creativity" or "Creative Artistry", no matter you what you wanna call it is an essential part of my life. Without art I would feel like a body without content, like a moving corpse”. “I notice the older I become the more I get interested in other forms of art. It started with dancing and teaching then came the need to choreograph pieces that would shake the senses and emotions of the audience. With photography and film making my art feels more complete. Dance is very transient and is gone in a second. It is only the present, no past and no future. You live in the moment and just be. I am a very thinking person. And in the dance I just can let go. I just AM. Photography freezes a special movement or moment into eternity. It can expand the present to the past and future and film goes even a step further. You can lead the eye of the audience to a chain reaction of special moments. With photography and film the dance becomes immortal”. What does love mean to you? “Love has so many forms of manifestations. It is not only to have a relationship with another human being. It is a way of living. The way you take care of yourself and your belongings. The way you treat everything around you. Sometimes we forget too easily that there is more than love for another person. Many people - including me - still want to feel love by being together with somebody else and forget to love themselves. They make the other person responsible for their own happiness. I heard the quote ‘You only can love somebody else if you love yourself’ many, many times in my life. But I never understood it completely - until now. In my past I was much too greedy and desperate when I met a girl. After making the same mistake for years over and over again I understand what I have to change. Nevertheless it is not easy. But the more I become myself the more I can let go of the need to fill up my own emptiness with somebody else”.

Carsten’s funny choreography of: ‘The Apple of Eve’ Click Here

“It is said that for every lesson in life there is the right time. But nevertheless I wish that I would have realized my own mistakes earlier. Then I could have prevented loosing a few very precious people. But you cannot turn back time and you cannot get the stone back you have thrown. It is still hard for me to accept”.

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Evolutionary Theatre – Adam and Eve

The BondClub is proud to be working with the famous Dutch Artist, Monica van Rijn who is the founder of Evolutionary Theatre. On Saturday 21st November 2009, Monica successful hosted the pilot of 'Evolutionary Theatre' at her studios in Amsterdam North, which featured the dance performance by 'Adam Unt Eve'. The event attracted almost 150 people from Amsterdam North and even people from the heart of the city. The story of ‘Adam Unt Eve’ was performed by Carsten Lumière Sasse and Evita “Bella” Belegri, live music guitar solo performance by Kim Stevenson (aka George Harrison) and many other well known artists including the famous works of Ada Breedveld. ( Monica recently exhibited her work at 'The Dress To Thrill' party in October 2009. Monica has been painting for over 25 years and has exhibited in many of Amsterdam's top galleries. So we encourage you to go along and have a look at her new gallery at Johan van Hasseltweg 2a, 1022 WV, Amsterdam. Keep an eye out as the next Evolutionary Theatre event which is coming soon!!

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Black Tie Entertainment for entertaining high profile clients

Dress to Thrill with The BondClub’s Black Tie Soirée for entertaining high profile clients and / or high performing employees. This really is a special occasion that offers the highest level of sophistication and super coolness for corporate entertaining. Set in grand locations, everyone dressed in either smoking jackets or cocktail dresses / evening wear, this is certainly something unique for your company. Gangsters with their Tommy Guns protect the entrance, admittance only with the correct password, whilst beautiful feathered boa ladies stroll through the crowds offering you tasty candy! Talk business in the ‘speakeasy’ and swing to the live music in the main hall. It feels like stepping back in time to the Roaring 20’s. Live entertainment comes from the famous Cotton Club dancers and the New Swing Orchestra, coupled Burlesque Shows, chocolate fountains, and special tastings from Johnnie Walker Blue Label and Reypenaer’s Kaas.

This is a very special way to celebrate your company’s success in 2010! For bookings please email

Promo video:

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PlayShops Learning to Capture Your Self on to Canvas How often do you take time to really get to know yourself? Or should we say your Soul? Yes, that’s right! You do have a Soul! It’s great to remember that whenever you are feeling down, it’s good to visualise your beautiful soul and quickly uplift your spirit once again. This PlayShop is a very practical way to help you visualise your soul so you can meditate on it and focus on finding inner balance and peace of mind. This is really important to help you with your busy daily lives. This art workshop is called a ‘PlayShop™’ because it is fun and you get to play with your soul! To immerse your self into this PlayShop, you have to wear more relaxed and free flowing clothing. Then you cleanse your hands and fingers in Rose Water before sitting down in the Lotus position on your cushion. The air is rich with aromas; sandal wood, cinnamon, or amber incense and mint tea refreshments are served. You will be taught how to unwind, let go off the tension and stress that maybe consuming your light force, your life. We use a mixture of meditation and Shiatsu Massage in the relaxation process, combined with open discussion. Through this very simple and relaxing PlayShop you will learn how to discover and paint your inner richness, capturing it on to canvas for all to see in its full glory. This really is the most unique experience you could possibly imagine! The session is undertaken on a one-2-one basis. The price includes refreshments, relaxation techniques, art tuition, varnishing, paints, canvas and its delivery. We also organise group painting Playshops called “Finger Painting for Big Kids”, where you get to experience the same, but as part of a team and the pressure is on as you only have an hour to complete your task. Time and paint slip through your fingers, and the results are sensational!

To make a booking; simply send your request to

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KCI Medical International B.V. International V.A.C. Marketing Team


Go Outside and Play By Em Claire

“Go out out and play!” Said God “I have given you the Universe as fields to run free in! And here – take this and wrap yourself in it – It’s called: LOVE And it will always, always keep you warm. And stars! The Sun and the Moon and the stars! Look upon these often, for they will remind you of your own light! And eye… oh, gaze into the eyes of every LOVER. Gaze into the eyes of every other For they have given you their Universes As fields to run free in. There. I have given you everything you need. Now go, go, go outside. outside. And

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Above: Pattie Boyd in 1970’s with George Harrison from The Beatles. Above: Photo taken by Robert Martini. Pattie Boyd with Richard Voller at the photography exhibition.

Pattie Boyd: ‘Love calms people down’ Written by Piet Linnebank

‘Gimme some lovin’ or ‘So glad we made it’ is the name of the song by who I have no idea, but it is one of the classics of the 60’s and it plays when I walk into the V!P’s International Art Galleries at a little bit before 4 o’clock. On the walls richly framed photo’s taken as snapshots of quite a few mega pop names of the 60’s like the Beatles, the Stones and Eric Clapton. Especially George Harrison features often in this photo exhibition and it is striking that he looks so much more relaxed and light-hearted than we are accustomed to from the ‘serious’ Beatle. The photographer, Pattie Boyd, was married to George for about ten years. This was her photo collection ‘Eyes Through a Muse’ where Richard Voller and myself got the great privilege to ask her some burning, bonding questions. “I am bringing more Englishness to Amsterdam”, Richard explains. “Very good!” explains Pattie. “Your exhibition looks very personal; it has this nice fly on the wall feeling to it”. “Well, I‘ve done some landscapes too!” “What is your perspective on spirituality?” enquires Richard Pattie: “Although I was raised a Catholic I only go to church on Christmas evening and for funerals. I don’t believe in organized religion. When I went to India with George in the late 60’s we stayed with the Maharishi and I learned how to meditate. I still practice. 20 minutes of meditation makes such a difference! I also believe in Karma, you know action and reaction, what comes around goes around. You know, love calms people down”. “Did you say ‘Love calms people down’” Richard asks her. She looks slightly puzzled. “Yes it does!” Richard rolls with his eyes “I totally agree!” Suddenly we were all laughing out aloud.

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News in Brief for Q1 2010

The BondClub teams up with Monster Events in Amsterdam to target a wider audience in the Netherlands.

The BondClub is now working with the Amsterdam Village Company to bring our clients a number of high quality venues that include the Hotel Arena, De Hermitage Amsterdam and Stanislavski in de Stadschowburg. “This means we can now offer our clients a full range of conference rooms, restaurants, cocktail bars, and party venues in the most beautiful settings in Amsterdam. We help you celebrate your success in the best style”, explains Richard.

The BondClub is offering an Open Circles free seminar in Amsterdam North for people who want to know how to successfully grow their own business. Guest spokesperson is multi-millionaire and author Nisandeh Neta. Check our website for further updates.

On Sunday 10th January 2010, Richard Voller supported his great friend, Carsten Lumière Sasse when he auditioned for the worldwide television production of ‘Move Like Michael Jackson’. Dancers from all over the Netherlands; young, old, groups, men and women from all races were competing to win and dance at the Official Memorial Show in London later this year.

BondingXperience is now available through Issuu’s mobile phone technology, meaning that you can literary pick it up and read it anywhere you want to.

Find out whether Carsten makes it through and as ever Richard took advantage of this great opportunity and managed to get his face on national TV as well. So keep an eye out for these two budding young stars when they make their debut performance on RTL 4 and SBS 6 in about two months time.

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