BondingXperience, Issue 6, 2011

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BondingXperience Celebrating our Uniqueness -

Issue 6, 2011– - FREE



P lu s Who Am I? Miranda Stierman

DJ Nikos Akrivos Trust the DJ!

Voller in Action – Ibiza is Touched by Art

Hit TV Show: Toby & Belinda from ‘Healing Ibiza’

Health, Body & Soul: Sentini Grunberg, Wheel of Vitality((

Leo Sonneveld, C.E.O. of Interconnectedness Foundations in Netherlands

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Dear Readers At the end of 2010, I made a short movie on You-Tube wishing everyone an amazing new year! The basic message within it was that 2011 was the year when we would experience the mass awakening of humankind. Pffff! That’s quite a statement I know! But then I have become known as a Fire Starter! I said that we must face our deepest fears and connect with the God Source within us to allow it to shine through our being! I must admit that never in a millions years, did I expect my life to have such a dramatic transformation after sending it out to the Universe. I am now on my ‘Show Your True Colours’ European Tour and have landed in Ibiza, where I


co-created this, the 6th issue of . Nikos Akrivos, Club DJ from La Plage, who kindly offered a place for me to stay on my arrival, invited me here. I then moved on to Es Canar in the North of the Island. There I experienced Chirincana! It is one of those hippy campsites, located right next to a quiet and beautiful beach. I have to admit that I have found all the staff really helpful and very friendly and will certainly be back again! Wednesday nights are the busiest, with live entertainment that rocks! The aim is to be back in Amsterdam for a big party on the 11/11/11, to celebrate ‘The World Day of Interconnectedness’. As the journey unfolds, I am sharing my experiences on I know I am just one person on a crazy quest to make the world a happier place, which everyone thinks is impossible. But I know in my heart that impossible goals are to be blasted to smithereens with Light Sabers!

World Exclusive Interviews! In this 6 issue of BondingXperience we keep th

supporting the development of higher consciousness of the human race with the following exclusive interviews: • DJ Nikos Akrivos, Founder of ‘Feel More Than Fine’ and owner of Hontas Records Label talks about his leading role in transforming Ibiza’s approach to conscious parties, which can be enjoyed without alcohol or drugs – just the LOVE VIBRATION.

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• Toby & Belinda, co-founders of ‘Healing Ibiza’ talk about their calling and how they are gathering in the Light Workers on Ibiza Island to setup a Reiki Healing Centre, as there is much healing work to do on the island. • Sentini Grunburg, owner of InMovement, talks about the launch of her new e-book, ‘Wheel of Vitality’ and how a balanced lifestyle diminishes stress and increases your energy so you can reach your full potential. • Leo Sonneveld, C.E.O. of Interconnectedness Foundation in the Netherlands, talks about the importance of being interconnected and explains about the forthcoming ‘World Day of Interconnectedness’ on the 11/11/11. • Miranda Stierman, owner of Living Proof, talks about how she transformed her life from a hospital bed to getting the winning ticket on a Dutch Lottery game, all through the power of positive thinking! Supporting Hands As many of you who have met meet me know, I am a very passionate man. I am honest. I am open. Above all, I am just full of a whole loada love!!! I still find it difficult though because here we are in July 2011 and still people think that they have to be in a relationship to feel love. Everyday I open up more and more. I meet more and more people. I spend more and more time loving myself and getting to know whom “I AM”. I go through all my pain and emotions, I find balance in my ying yang energy, I feel, I understand and from this ‘I AM’ being I project out to the world. Walking the spiritual path, it is heavy going that is why so few choose to walk it! It is far easier to like the concept and then miss out all the difficult stuff or better still, throw all your training out the window when God tests you! So I ask you, if you feel moved by the content of this issue and appreciate my heart work, then as this is a free magazine, feel free to make a donation, experience my unique services, or purchase/rent my art my artworks. I AM free and I AM me. From this point on let’s please trust, love and respect each other and start making things happen. So I trust you will enjoy the

BondingXperience Love & Light, Richard T. Voller Editor-in-Chief


" +31 (0)6 26 41 8787 " To show you appreciation, donations can be made to: Richard Voller R.T.Voller Bank: ING SWIFT/BIC number: INGBNL2A IBAN bank account: NL23 INGB 0009518022

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Dear Loved Ones – Message from the Editor-in-Chief, Richard Voller


Totem – Reptiles


Who Am I? Miranda Stierman




Exclusive interview with DJ Nikos Akrivos; Trust the DJ


Exclusive interview with Leo Sonneveld, CEO of Interconnectedness Foundation


A Few More Good Reasons for E-Driving


Show Your True Colour European Tour


Ibiza: Artistic Expressions at Las Dalias


Ibiza: MAC (Music Art Cuisine)


Netherlands: Chakra at the Beach


Exclusive interview with Sentini Grunberg, about her new e-book ‘Wheel of Vitality’.


Exclusive interview with Toby and Belinda from Healing Ibiza

./"/0/*( Editor-in-Chief: Richard Voller Copywriter: Richard Voller Graphic Designer: Richard Voller Front Cover photo: DJ Nikos Akrivos photographed by Annemarieke Moes. Inside photography: Carsten “Lumière” Sasse, Annemarieke Moes and other unknown photographers.

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Reptile Animal Totems The "Cold-Blooded" Facts on Reptile Animal Totems Reptile Animal Totems are special due to their cold-blooded nature. The phenomenon of reptile body temperature changing with their surroundings makes them a supreme symbol of adaptation. As most reptiles body functions depend on their body temperature this makes them dependent upon their surroundings too. Even so, reptiles are never slaves to external conditions. This is because they are super-intuitive, and fiercely independent. If you are in contact with reptile animal totems on any kind, tune into the message they are trying to convey to you. Very often, the message reveals hints about dealing with difficult situations (adaptation) – and doing so wisely, while still maintaining integrity. Also, the message might also relate to a matter of independence – a reminder to not be a slave to your external conditions – and realizing that internal changes will truly set you free. " '(()*++,,,-,'.(/012340/567-829+4:)(5;:0.759.;0(2(:9/-'(9;"

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3,#$+(+4'(678( Interview with DJ Nikos Akrivos by BondingXperience. "

It was at the beginning May 2011, that I first met Nikos Akrivos at one the Interconnectedness Foundation meetings in Utrecht, the Netherlands. Nikos arrived late for the meeting and I instantly connected with him. It was just a feeling. Within a few weeks I was painting at the ‘Chakra on the Beach’ party organised by Cathy Krowel and within a couple more weeks I was in Ibiza with him, touching people with art. Nikos is a very rare Soul indeed, he has a majestic flair about him, as if a King gearing up to engage with the masses and lead his people to victory! He is a man who stands by his values and gives from his heart. He is pure in his heart work, which comes from having a pure lifestyle. I knew in my heart our Souls are old friends of the same standing. Since time began we have been on this journey, reincarnating until the time was right to take off the masks that so many people have projected on to us. This was Nikos’ time and I was here to open the door for him. It was time for his spirit to speak from the heart to a global audience.

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" He was born in Germany, Wuppertal on November 2nd 1970 by Greek parents. From the age of five to 12 years his Grandmother in Greece raised him, because his parents were busy working in Germany. But they would visit him every summer. Nikos believes that everything happens for a reason, just like our paths crossing at the Interconnectedness meeting. After a lack of success in educational studies at school, Nikos found his first passion was in dance. It became evident to him that he was talented for something and this was DANCING! Dancing made him feel so alive, whereas staying at home and studying made him feel sick and stressed. But you can imagine that it took him a lot of will power and strength to admit to himself that there was something else that was calling for his attention. In 1997, he moved to Ibiza Island and started to live and work as a dancer. He worked as a Gogo dancer and very proud Chippendale and toured all over Europe, Asia and USA. He then created his own dancing Agency and topped it all by having his own restaurant called “The Empire of Senses” with a fusion Asian European Kitchen and shows in Moeskroen City, Belgium. But he wanted more from life. His biggest dream was to become a DJ. His successful career started in 2005. This was his true passion and since his then he has evolved his work to a level that now encompasses his spiritual being. This is an exclusive interview into the heart and mind of a great man who is here to transform the House & Techno dance scene across the planet. I felt truly honoured to spend time in his presence.

THE INTERVIEW Richard: So how are you feeling? Nikos: “Well I feel more than fine!” [We just burst out laughing!] So who are you, what are you doing in Ibiza and what are you manifesting into this world? “I have been coming here to Ibiza for 14 summers. Right away, I felt that the place to be was here in Ibiza. I am originally from Greece, Loannina, but when I went home, I could just feel that Ibiza was the place for me to live and work.”


How did you start your DJ career? “I was studying Medicine in Belgium and I came here for a few days. It was love at first sight and I knew that Ibiza was the place for me to be! When I went back to Belgium, I reaIised how much I was stressing about life. At the time I had really long hair and it was starting to fall out. So I thought, OK I close the book and the next chapter will open with me dancing in Privilege. At this time studying for me was very stressful, so I chose to get out of this way of thinking and just live my life how I felt was the best.”

" I will not point the finger and say what is bad and what is not good.” So that is quite a profound way of thinking 14 years ago! “Yes, it was the beginning of ‘Feel More Than Fine’. So 14 years later, I am still here. I have been a DJ for six years, because I came to the conclusion when I was a dancer, very much from my feelings that the sound was not really being appropriated. There were some vibrations in the sound, which I didn’t enjoy so much. So I thought, now it was time to express myself in a different way than just dancing. Music is talking to more people, especially here on the island. So you became aware that something needed to change for the dance industry to get better? “Yes, totally. First of all, I was asking myself ‘What is it that doesn’t make me happy with the sound that I hear from the local DJ’s?’ “I didn’t want to judge anybody for the sound they play. Everyone has a different message to bring with their music and everybody on planet Earth; all 7 billion people are all potential DJ’s.


“I will say that from all my experience, from life, that something needs to change and I feel that it will have a profound affect on the dance scene.” How did you discover Reiki? “Well one day I heard about it and tried it out on myself. I realized that it put me into a straight line, helped me to become centred and find alignment in my life.” “I felt that things in my life, really started to have a meaning. All this experience was the lesson for me that I should find out more about why I don’t enjoy this music and why I should look further?” “And then I found out about frequencies, about vibrations, comparing theories from before and now.” You mention different frequencies, what do you mean by this? “German scientific researchers, by the way I was born in Germany, so I really believe this, looked into frequencies in music and they found that frequencies

can have an affect on our DNA code. So it means tor example that there are frequencies like 528 Htz, which is called the LOVE FREQUENCY that is affecting directly the DNA chain. It helps to raise the vibration. Actually the transition that is happening right now on planet Earth can happen smoother by adapting the music frequencies. I am bringing this type of frequency into my music because I care that people around me should be awake and enjoy life! My music is supporting people and helping them to adapt to the new changes that are happening right now on a very deep level; on healing the DNA structure.” “Just think how quickly we could start to heal humanity if musicians all over the world were playing on this frequency. It would change everything over night!” WOW!!! So do you think their needs to be more compassion in the music industry? “Yes, but there is great compassion already because we are all artists here working for the love and passion of music.” “I will never judge any kind of musician because of the expression of their music, it just that for me and a scientific point of view of what I know, it is not the best way to treat people so that they feel more than fine! It means that we need to raise the vibrations and we need to do it now! This will mean that we can adapt smoothly to the process of evolution.” So Feel More Than Fine is about the vibe, not just the sound of the music? “Yes, I like to play music, Techno and House. I accept that not everybody like this type of music. I respect this, I don’t expect that everyone should like my music, I just say, this is my way of thinking, this is how I evolve, this is what I use for myself. I don’t want followers; I believe that people should have their own life and their own


passions.” Do you feel more of a guide, guiding people on their path? “Yes, it’s not so difficult. I mean we are all evolving and we are all discovering these new spiritual powers that we have. Each one of us has some more specific talent than somebody else. But in the end we are all evolving and we are all having a perception about things and developing a new way of understanding that it is more important for everyone to start trusting their feelings more than their minds.” Like your intuition? But we have been taught through experience so many times not to trust it. So we should just our intuition? “When you know the best thing for you then chose it. It starts from loving yourself and taking care of yourself.” “Today there is a lot of fear and you can see it in people’s faces. There are a lot of people who are worried about their financial situation and other problems. But if people new in the first place of the existence of this simple and basic information, it would make everything different. Just love yourself and find the way to concentrate more in your own inner nature. To find this balance and then to understand the correct meanings related to yourself.” So you are asking people look within themselves for the answers. Many people are frightened of doing this because they have always blamed everyone else for their problems. “There is nothing to be afraid of, it is all there! We are really lucky that we are here, we’ve been selected to be here and in this moment of time to witness this change on planet Earth.” So we have been chosen to be here? “Yes, we are all living here now. This is our time, it is now! Homo erectus became Homo sapiens, which is going to become Homo consciousness. So I

believe that is what is happening in our bodies right now. So if it is happening, rather than make it into some mysterious thing, I feel we should just embrace it. Let’s be happy and enjoy life and party! This change will happen, so stop trying to analyze things. It just takes a little bit of time and everyday some meditation and taking some time for yourself. Be creative and not always focusing on the problems, which don’t actually exist anyway in the your life.” I also like the fact that you say ‘don’t spend too much time on the internet or social networking sites’. “Yes, I believe so. Not so much time on the Internet or on the telephone. It is nice to be in contact with people faceto-face, eyes-to-eyes and to find this balance in everyday life. This is the real connection that we are talking about. This is what everybody should be able to do. You know, if you don’t have too many friends around you in the neighbourhood, the first thing that you do in the morning is to wake up and give them a smile!” “Actually first of all you have to smile at yourself. SMILE TO YOURSELF & SAY ‘I FEEL MORE THAN FINE!” [We both start laughing!] So, in a sense, ‘Feel More Than Fine’ is a lifestyle? “It is 24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. It is full-time, you have to live it and breath it until it is under your skin and becomes your way of being. I am now also a Lifestyle Coach, so with my extensive experience, I can support people who want to make the transformation.” “I am now giving 1-2-1 personal life coaching, a combination of spiritual work, looking good and feeling good.” “I have extensive experience of being a Personal Trainer, so I will support you in feeling more than fine on the inside, and then I can support you in looking more than fine on the outside too!”


So you’ve found your calling? “Yes, I am there now. I am still playing as a DJ, but my everyday activities are now focused on supporting people in their evolution and helping them to adapt in a smoother way. We just have to learn to enjoy life to the fullest, because it is beautiful what we have, the body you have is a beautiful instrument. The present is given to us and we just have to learn to use it better and better. I am lucky to be alive, to be human and to be on this planet.” So what does LOVE & LIGHT mean to you? “Right away comes to me the Einstein formula E=MC 2.” “For me, E is the energy. So M is the chemistry, the MASS of people and ‘c’ is the light. Many people sending love to themselves, will mean that the power of the love of many will rapidly transform the planet. 144,000 all thinking like this will be more than enough!” “By concentrating on love and light, everything will change in a better way. We have to raise our vibration, but it is a necessity that is already happening, because we can’t go backwards and change the laws of nature. So if we all participate in making ourselves feel more than fine, then we actually participate in healing this planet.” “So to me love & light is about finding the Light within us and then spreading the LOVE!” “We are all one and it is good to feel the oneness in our lives. It feels great and I am looking forward to the transformation on planet Earth.” “I believe that there will come a day when we, humanity stand together as one. We stand in the Da Vinci meditation pose, with arms slightly elevated and shine as stars. On one day, we can all meditate like this and radiate our love and light. The Sacred Geometry of Galaxy will interlock through humanity and we will experience the shift into the new dimension.”

JOIN TODAY: www.FeelMoreThanFine.Eu Editor’s Note I spent sometime with Nikos and I must admit that I feel he is an incredible Life Coach. I arrived at Ibiza Airport and he greeted me with a big smile, he picked me up and took him to his home. He opened his door to me and welcomed me in. There was a lot of love in their home and I am eternally grateful to them all and will cherish the memories for the rest of my life.” “We started the day with a healthy breakfast, the most important meal of the day. I always had All Bran with fresh raisins, kiwi fruits and honey. And then every morning Nikos would go for a run at 11am with a group of locals.” “This is an excellent way to naturally build physical exercise into your everyday life. A bit like cycling through Europe instead of going by train or car!” “Throughout the days you spend time with yourself, you learn how ask yourself questions and how to listen for the answers.” “Nikos also gave me Reiki which helped to unblock my energy and support me with my re-connection with the Universal Divine Energy. I clearly recall an evening when I had fallen asleep listening to ‘Healing

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Ibiza’ music. When I awoke, Nikos was standing in the room talking to me. As I looked at him, I could see a white aura glowing around his shoulders and head and there where fuzzy frequency lines in front of his face. I was vibrating at an intensely high healing frequency.” “With Nikos and Oana, I felt a very special and rare energy, a frequency of unconditional love. It is no coincidence that they are studying Reiki and learning through their positive state of being of how to enjoy living a lifestyle without drugs, smoking and alcohol.” “To some this may seem impossible. But remember that it was Audrey Hepburn that said ‘nothing is impossible, the word itself actually says ‘I’m Possible’.” “The enjoyment of living is being totally present and enjoying the feelings that rise up within you.

To experience all of this on a natural high, from a pure lifestyle, is just amazing!” “Thank you Andreea!”




All photography by Annemarieke Moes.

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Root Chakra Personalised hand-painted wearable art.

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<24:"=22>"?:,/"@24":0A45B576"" electricity we use will continue to get cleaner and so the environmental advantages of electric cars will only expand further.



Will electric cars save drivers money? "

Question one: Are electric cars really better for the environment? Electric cars are often promoted as “zero emission” vehicles – which critics jump on as false advertising, because while they produce no harmful emissions at the exhaust pipe, the clean air benefits are limited based on how the electricity is sourced. According to estimates from the MIT Electric Vehicle team, an electric vehicle charged from the existing US grid emits about 115g/km of carbon dioxide (CO2) on a well-to-wheel analysis, compared to a conventional US-market petrol car that averages 250g/km. However, in Europe, where many of the most efficient cars have emissions below 115g/km, the advantages are much more limited. Perhaps the crucial element that critics overlook is that the goal is to produce electricity from renewable sources – for example, in France, which has a clean energy grid, well-to-wheel CO2 emissions from an electric car would be just 12g/km. Only in a worst case scenario would incremental electricity demand be met by coal – in reality, it is much more likely that the

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As much as many of us might like to think we are environmentally motivated, in these tough economic times it’s hard not to think about our budgets and so it’s no surprise that many potential drivers are put off by the high price tags associated with electric cars. It’s true that electric cars are generally more expensive than petrol cars primarily because of the high cost of batteries. This is a major stumbling block with a survey undertaken by Nielsen for the Financial Times showing that 65 per cent of Americans and 76 per cent of Brits are not willing to pay more for an electric car than for a petrol car. However, there are signs that electric car prices could come down – the Renault Fluence ZE, for example, will be priced at less than $20,000. However, perhaps the most important consideration is long term costs. Nissan estimates that the five-year operating cost of the LEAF electric vehicle, for example, would be $1,800 – this compares to around $6,000 for a comparable petrol car.

Question three: Will electric cars run out of charge before I reach my destination? Ah, range anxiety. Surely this is the biggest stumbling block towards the progression of electric cars – and who will ever forget that infamous, and controversial, image of the Tesla Roadster running out of power on the Top Gear test track? Cars with internal combustion engines can of course be considered to have an indefinite range because they can be refuelled so easily and quickly. By contrast, many electric cars have been targeted on the statistic that the average American drives fewer than 40miles each day and so they have been developed for urban driving. However, there are a number of electric cars with a far more substantial range. The Tesla Roadster, for example, can travel 245miles per charge. The key of course, is the development of electric car infrastructure. DC Fast Charging Stations are being implemented across the US and it is hoped that by 2013 they will cover the entire country. There are similar developments elsewhere too, with Australia recently placing itself at the forefront of the electric car race thanks to an agreement with battery swap station supplier Better Place.


<24:"=22>"?:,/"@24":0A45B576"" Our verdict – Electric cars have the answers The image of electric cars is slowly changing and with it, the doubts surrounding their future appear to be disappearing. The questions raised are certainly justified. Electric cars with limited range and high price tags will struggle to appease consumers; but these issues are being addressed because as more vehicles come to market prices will fall, and ranges are already expanding even with so little infrastructure so far in place. Of course electric cars would defeat their own object if they were more harmful to the environment than the petrol cars they replace – but most analyses suggest that they are already ahead of their counterparts and that the electricity they use should only get greener as time goes on. So perhaps it’s time to stop asking questions and start embracing the future – and for governments to take the steps that are necessary to make electric cars the norm and no longer just a niche alternative. Written by Faye Sunderland, June 23, 2011

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This sexy Italian e-car shows just how cool you can be! The Tazzari Zero – WE LOVE YOU! "

H EALTH , MIND , BODY & S OUL I:.;576"JE5K."

CD2E1"F"G:;57>.H"" The All New Television Series to Hit Ibiza!


Interview with Toby and Belinda by BondingXperience.

The first time that I heard about Toby and Belinda, which sounds like a hit TV series from the 1970´s, was through my friend Nikos Akrivos. He told me about this





organising called ´Healing Ibiza´ in October 2011 and he said that I really should be part of this amazing




touched by art healing work. And then again, when I was on

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connect us once again, but they were both on the other side of the island. So we just left it and everything flowed it’s natural path... I eventually met them at the MAC (Music Art Cuisine) party at Es Mirador Restaurant near San Antonio bay. It was an incredible meeting because Toby thought that he knew me, although we had never met and I got a very strong energy feeling from them both. Then as the

" conversation flowed, it became apparent that Toby’s stepbrother, Adrian, was best friend’s at school with my older brother, James. It was just amazing! And then to make the meeting even better, Belinda had her black T-shirt on and was willing to be touched by art! A few days later and I was meeting with them at Anita’s Bar in San Carlos, a beautiful rural village just around the corner from Las Dalias. We were on the doorstep to everything and everyone was our loving neighbour. I had heard so much about this couple that I knew in my heart that they had a very

interesting story to share with the world. One, which would have a very positive impact on humanity. I certainly felt that they were part of my spiritual family, and it was lovely to see them again after being away for so long! Anyway, here’s their story…

burning it down. And I just looked at her and said ´It’s supposed to be open. That’s why the spirits are sending these kids to burn it down. It shouldn’t be there! ´ And then she started to see another side to it. ÓK, let’s take it down, she said.” So you were actually having a positive impact. Belinda: “Absolutely! Because it was the energies from this stone circle that were not being released. They had a lid on them and they were meant to be open to the elements.”


THE OPEN DISCUSSION Richard: I understand that you both had a calling at the same time? Belinda: “We found out on the same mountain at the same time, that we shared past lives and had been together, being Soul Partners.” Where was that? Belinda: “We were up on the side of this Sacred Mountain in Peru. There was a ceremonial ritual in place, a little stone circle, where they had fires. We were there and I just got visions, of both of us. We had been there before and we were dancing naked.” Wow, I can imagine. Toby: “It had been modernised. The organisation had built a cover over it, so you could sit on it and enjoy the view, but the kids kept on burning it down. The Shaman that we were with was really fuming, because the youths kept on coming back and

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OK, you had a vision of the two of you being there in your previous incarnations. Belinda: “And after that we were having our own time and space, about 100 metres apart and we then realised that we had a message and it must have been at the same time because after the message, we both walked towards each other, met in the middle and both had something to say to each other. It was the same message!” That is quite rare! Toby: “Yes, it was only looking back that we’ve realised just how profound that moment was! I got a calling that we should be going to Ibiza now. And Belinda said the same, so that was it!” What set you off on your travelling? Belinda: “Our children had left home. We didn’t have a plan. We were just busy working the corporate lifestyle. We went off on holiday every other month, just for a week or so and then back to the tread mill.” “We said ´What do we want

out of our lives? Let’s sit down and talk about it, so we made time for us and we ended up with not just a vision board, but a whole wall!” “One of the main things was that neither of us had the opportunity to go travelling before, so we wanted to travel the world.” Toby: “I nearly did it a couple of times when I was younger with my step-brother Adrian. We were going to go a few times, but then we found drink and women and spent all the money and got nowhere! But I really wanted to go backpacking. It was still in me!” So you wanted adventure? Toby: “Yes, all we took was one small backpack each. Nothing else! Right, let’s go!” “It was very liberating, after we had been living in this mad corporate lifestyle, where everything is about possessions, the latest car, etc., etc.” Belinda: “We were in millionaires land. Most of the neighbours were unhappy and all that sort of thing. And then we just wanted to give that lifestyle up. We thought we had made it, but then we realised that it´s not all its cracked up to be. It comes with lots of other things; sadness and unhappiness. The tread mill of life, where you spend all your time working.” Toby: “It was that hollow feeling. It was coming home to this stunning contemporary gorgeous home and thinking ¨It’s just not worth it!´ If this is it, then its shit!” (LOL) “There wasn’t the feeling in there (he points to his heart). I would be stuck on the M25

motorway for hours on end. I remember thinking if this is it, I might as well drive off the cliff!” So you realised that there must be more to life? Both: “Yes!” Toby: “So we gave up the corporate lifestyle, sold the house, the cars. Then we knew we didn’t want to live in England. I wanted to go back to Ibiza where I was born.” “Belinda was already a Reiki Master and she practiced on me and I would fall asleep. I thought ´"eah, maybe I am just tired. I work a lot. I knew that when the time was right, then I would be ready for it.” Belinda; “There were a few tinges of jealousy because I had already started my spiritual path five years earlier. I was already working part-time in the spiritual world and part-time in the corporate world. I was a life coach and having a great time, enjoying crystal and Reiki courses.” So who was jealous? Belinda: “It was Toby.” Toby: “I don’t think I was jealous. I was just getting so pissed off with the work and thinking, I am leaving this house every morning at 7am and coming back late at night, knackered. I was really starting to wake up in the morning and think ´Oh my God! I don’t want to do this!” “I had really enjoyed work for years. Now it was a horrible feeling. And Belinda would be saying “ I am going on a crystal course tomorrow!” “This was all wrong! Why is it this way around?” Belinda: “It's not that Toby wasn’t spiritual. It was just that those feelings and emotions

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were stuffed down because he didn’t have time. He had too much on his plate, running a company and by then, I was only working part-time and delegating my tasks out to other people.”

they don’t even know why they are here.”

Toby: “I kept on saying, “Are you coming in to do your work?” … “You need to do your work still!”

So Ibiza is drawing people in? Belinda: “Yes it is.”

Belinda: “I found out that you are not indispensable”. Toby: “So when I was travelling, it took about six months to actually calm down. My brain was always thinking about 50 things at once and I would be on the phone and driving with hands-free.” (Suddenly as we are talking about Toby going crazy, the dogs start going crazy! I could feel the heavy energy and emotions that they experienced in this time.) Toby: “I gave up shaving. I used to shave twice a day, so I just let go, grew a beard and realised what a waste of time shaving was!” “After our calling in Peru at the Mirador, we changed all our plans and decided to setup the Reiki Centre in Ibiza.” Belinda: “The message was definitely that we had to stop travelling and start a Reiki Centre. Overtime I received a little bit more guidance which was that my purpose was to gather in all the Light Workers for Ibiza, so we can all raise the vibrational energy even higher, because there is a lot of work to be done here.” Toby: “A lot of Light Workers are attracted here. But then a lot of them need some direction. They come here and

Belinda: Francis!




Toby: “On a proper bike!”

Francis arrives on his shiny hitech bike, unlike my ´touched by art bike. Everyone says hello and he walks into the house. I feel, as I am invisible, so I introduce myself to him. Suddenly Toby says, ´Gosh, sorry! I think it’s because you feel so familiar as if we already know you and you are part of the family!´ Belinda: “That’s Toby’s brother, Francis.” Yes, I get that a lot with people like yourselves. I am instantly known and recognised. Well, I am back! Belinda: “I definitely relate to that!” Toby: “In our generation, Ibiza has drawn people from the 1940´s and the 1970’s with the Hippies. They hung out on the island of Es Vedre which is said to be the third most powerful energetic point in the world. They used to swim out to the island and camp there. If you go back even further, the Benzinas, the Vandels and the Romans all came here too. They were all drawn here because it has a special energy about it. Es Verdra is where they built a lot of their temples and with the colour of the earth being so red, it is very fertile, but they believed it would protect them as well. So they carried little bottles around their necks to protect themselves for when they left the island. When they got home, they would sprinkle

the earth around it. “Also there is nothing that can harm a human being on the island, apart from another human being!” And apart from Toby with a stone! Toby: “No snakes, no scorpions, no spiders.” Belinda: “Unless they have been brought onto the island.” Toby: “There are very few places in the world like this. Going back years, they would put in their Wills that they wanted to be buried here. So there are all these burial sites all over the island. They believed that whenever they died, it was a quicker transition point to the next world. So for thousands of years it has been a special spiritual place! It still is and that is why we are here! And that is where you come in! Toby: “Do I?” (LOL) R: As you said, you have come here to Sheppard the herd. Toby: “And gather the Light Workers together. Not only Ibiza Reiki, but also Healing Ibiza. This gets everyone together for one day.” So how did healing Ibiza come about? Belinda: “Well, we were connecting with quite a few people and we met a few people who shared the same kind of vision. So we thought wouldn’t it be great to get people together for a day of healing, have a mediation and raise the energy, just amongst the people. So people could test out different therapies and showcase to other people, who wouldn’t normally choose a therapy.” So it is bringing these different experiences to the

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people? Belinda: “It was, how could we spread the word?” “So we chatted at Anita’s Bar with a friend and we just thought that October would be a good time. We let it out and released it. We got on with our lives and in the meantime, it cropped up in other people’s minds.” “We pulled all the ideas from the whole consciousness and having the same thoughts because we are sharing on the same wave length. And then the Shaman that we worked with in Peru, decided that she wanted to come and work in Ibiza and do some workshops. She came and we organised some successful workshops. When we were gathered in the workshops, it felt like a team, very connected.” “The Shaman expressed that we should do something with our connecting skills so a bunch of us met, we shared ideas and came up with Healing Ibiza which was a day of giving back to the island and helping people who wouldn’t necessarily know about all the different therapies. They could come and try out tried and tested therapists. It’s not just about therapists because we also have speakers, coaching, counseling, sound healing, meditation, healthy food; a whole, mind, body, spirit and soul experience.” Were there any obstacles to manifesting this? Belinda: “No, it just flowed.” Toby: “Unbelievable actually!” Belinda: “Yes, this was in June/July 2010, we started organising at the beginning of August. Our date for the first Healing Ibiza event was 10/10/10…

(I just had the recall that that was the date that I performed at the first World Day of Interconnectedness in Doorn, the Netherlands). “…. everything flowed. Even the hiccup with the venue, which was double booked. So we said “OK, that’s fine, because if this is meant to be then the Universe will provide. And then we were offered a fabulous venue that was even better than the first!” “We decided to have weekly meetings, lots of communication and that there would be no leader. It was all about cooperation and collaboration. It wasn’t about one person being a manager.” Toby: “Which I said wouldn’t work, because from my experience coming from a corporate background, I said someone has to be the boss!” Belinda: “Toby kept on saying you are going to have to take control. It was these words ´take control´. I was very much resisting and trusting. This was quite unusual for me, the way I managed before was very independently and not from a collaborative point of view. So I changed my point of view of how a team should work. And it was great!” “We took turns to Chair the meeting and take minutes, so everyone knew what it felt like.” I find that is very important, because spirituality is all about experience. From a position of experience, then you can talk about it. So many people want to talk about something, without the experience. That’s were the whole spirituality things collapses. Belinda: “Yes, you quite often find that they are the people who are not walking their talk.

Yes, they want it so much, but they are not actually speaking from a point of experience, they just like the concept. Actually, you need to experience it first!” “It worked quite well because we were a group of strong-minded individuals, with our own human thoughts, concepts and ideas and so each time somebody Chaired the meeting, they realised just how difficult it is to keep that contained group, focused and working together and everybody communicating. It is a really good experience.” Were you all Reiki Masters? Toby: “No, a lot of us do Reiki as it is often on the first steps to the spiritual path. But most of us are therapists.” Once I brought Reiki into my life, I became aligned and I started to find the purpose in my life. Belinda: “Reiki is the most simplest, easiest form of any kind of spiritualism. Anybody can learn it, as long as you feel drawn to it and that’s enough. You can do it anywhere; the tools are your hands, which are with you anyway. You are tapping into the Universal Energy that is coming in through your Crown Chakra down your arms and out of your palm chakras.” “It doesn’t have to be in a totally silent place to do it, although it is nice because we all like a calming, soothing environment, but we have done Reiki in a night club environment. If somebody needs it at that time, then we give it!” “You can learn it simply and easily. You don’t have to train for months on end. And you can practice on yourself for the 21 days afterwards. It’s very simple.”

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So it is practical and a ´hands-on´ way of being spiritual? Belinda: “Yes, it is! Once you’ve got it, you have it for life. Even if you don’t use it for years, you can re-awaken it.” What affect did it have on your life, because you seem very relaxed? Belinda: “Thank you!” Toby: “Not Previously!” (with a cheeky laugh) Belinda: “When I met Toby, I was going through a transition. I worked in the Youth Offending arena, I ran centres and projects. I was a Manager.”

always in the background of my mind and would pop-up every now and again to remind me.” “When I met Toby, I thought maybe I’d look into Reiki again.” Did Toby have a calming energy? Toby do you have a calming energy? Toby: (he just laughs out aloud) Belinda: “Yes, he does!” Toby: “I made you stop and just try and enjoy life a bit more, instead of just running through it like a bull!” Belinda: “Toby is known as bit of a fun monitor.” Toby: “It’s important to have fun in life! Not just do that same old boring crap everyday!”

That sounds heavy duty! Belinda: “Yes, I had a large staff responsibility and all the baggage that comes with it! It was pretty much, my way or the high way! I ran up my career ladder in a very short time. In eight years, I had gone from leaving University to being a manager of the Youth Offending team. In that time, I had also done other studies as well. I was very competitive. But I was also very much in a man’s world, so I had to be one of the boys. That’s how I survived and got on. It wasn’t truly me, it wasn’t my true calling. But it served me very well at that time.” Toby: “It’s about how the Reiki affected you…” Belinda: “Toby was quite a catalyst actually. I was already going through this transition, in the same month I decided to divorce my husband and give up my career. It was all really big full-on stuff! My mother thought I was having a nervous breakdown!”

Belinda: “I was focused, had goals and not just reached them, but blasted them to pieces and what’s next? Toby was successfully running his own business, but also having fun! Very much burning the candle at both ends, but not in a mad stupid way!”

“I first found Reiki in 1994, but it was very expensive back then! It was always there,

Belinda: “Was it really that long?” Toby: “Yes, it was. When I saw

Toby: “If I run a company, I do it in a fun way. I don’t want people to be bored out of their minds, I want them to have fun!” Belinda: “Toby helped me to find my feminine energy because I had being living a masculine way before and it was all very new to me.” But this is what a lot of women do! Toby: “When I first met Belinda, she had never cried whilst watching a film.” And you always cried? (laughter erupts again) Toby: “Something is wrong here, I thought. After three years of knowing her, she finally started to cry.”

the tears, I thought, “Yes!”, the feminine side is coming out!” Magic moments! Belinda: “So when I really started to connect with my feminine side, was when I really connected to my spiritual path.” So you have worked together on businesses, how come it is so successful for you? Belinda: “Well, for us it’s about content. When you run a business for money and profit, not from the heart, it is all very different.” “Now I am using my skills, organisation, connections, marketing, matching people together, which is what I love doing. It’s not like work, this is my purpose. Using these skills with people I really like working with, Light Workers, therapists all on the same vibrational energy.” “When I was trying to use my marketing and organising skills on a different vibration, or let’s say another way, when I was on a different vibration to other people, that is when it became a problem.” I can relate to that! Toby: “We started to run the company in England together which was a success, then there is “Healing Ibiza” which is also successful. But the key is that we also have our own projects. I do the walks on the island. Off Season, I do walking once a week, Guided Walking and Free Walks for a donation. Belinda is doing the Therapists Agency.” Belinda: “But people do refer to us as one.” Yes, Toby and Belinda sounds like this hit television series from the 1970´s Belinda: “Exactly! And people do say that! We are a package!” So coming back to that

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question, how does Reiki affect your lives? Belinda: “It doesn’t affect it, it enhances it! Brings balance, grounding, centredness, alignment and that is definitely what I needed! I was away with the domineering fairies! Coming back from work to home, I would say to my family "You will do this!”

to say that you are going to trust that it is all ok! Toby: “Once you do trust, then your life can rally change. Where the next bit of food comes from, how will you organise a ´Healing Ibiza’ day? You just have to trust that it will happen. Once you do that it suddenly comes together and works.”

I feel this is what sets your relationship apart from the rest because it seems like there is more balance in it, is there?

That is so true! Also I found that once you step out of the matrix work system of normal life, then there is this natural flow to everything. Have you experienced that as well?

Toby: “Yes, balance!” Freedom to be yourself? Toby: “Yes, have fun. I book the day off to say that day we are doing nothing. Otherwise Belinda books something in for everyday. When I learned Reiki, I was attuned on a beach. I am a mechanical engineer by training, so Reiki was my opening to my spiritual path. I always wanted proof. Scientific evidence of how it worked. Therefore it must be a load of waffle, hippies think they have this thing, but is it reality?” “When I was attuned, I really felt the power of it. And truly believe in it! There is nothing better than treating somebody who was very ill with bruised ribs and then two hours after treating them, they call you up and say they are feeling fantastic and the bruises have gone!” “To me, I have stopped looking for scientific evidence. I have learned to switch that part of my man brain off and just accept. It does work and I’ve seen the proof with my own eyes. For me, Reiki made me trust more.” That is quite a thing to do,

Toby: “Yes, in the corporate world you are visiting people and forcing them to buy something. You are on the phone, saying ´Why haven’t you given me that order yet? There is nothing flowing about it! The odd little thing flows somewhere, but it is all about forcing square pegs into round holes. That is the big difference now. If something doesn’t flow, we don’t do it. It’s great to be in that position.” “If I start a new project and I just keep on coming up against barriers for some reason. I say ÓK! That not right. Let’s fold that and do something else.” So you just have a natural knowing within you? Toby: “If something doesn’t work, I don’t get upset about it anymore. Just let it go away naturally and before you know it, something else has sprung up! Aaah! That’s what I should be doing!” This is also about being aware of how to read the signs, yes? Toby: “Yes, very much so!” Belinda: “So did you tell him the story about when we were on the beach?”

Toby: (quietly laughing) Belinda: “You should, it’s a nice story.” Toby: “About the Pelican?” Belinda: “Yes.” Toby: “After being attuned, this was the first time I gave Reiki. We were on a beach in Ecuador and we quite often had a walk on the beach. We were sleeping in a hut on the beach and there was a Pelican that had been injured. It was hopping around. So Belinda said, let’s both give it Reiki. Wow! This Reiki energy really helped it! After about 10 minutes we walked off and the bird was fine!”

read a book as well in a cozy corner and get a treatment or do a workshop. Basically come and with be with likeminded people.”

So was this the inspiration for you too start giving Reiki together? Belinda: “Maybe it was!” I’ve never heard of two people giving Reiki together. Belinda: “It’s very unique, you get it where two therapists give it together, but I have never come across a male and female doing it. Normally it is women and the therapists are normally female.” “But we are very connected, so there is a different energy, it is very balanced, ying and yang. We love giving it as well!” So where do you see things going in the next few years here on the island? Toby: “Healing Ibiza is just going to grow and grow.” Belinda: “From strength to strength. We have spoken about doing smaller events throughout the year. And we can see that. Also we would love to have a Healing Ibiza centre on the island. So that it is a proper community everyday. There will be nice vegetarian food, a cafe, a place were you can use your free Wi-Fi, but also

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Ready to step out of the darkness and be touched by the Light?

Healing Body Art This is for women who want the ultimate TBA Xperience! Your chance to experience what it is like to ‘feel’ your true colours.

The two-hour sessions includes: - A full body massage to release tension - A powerful visualization to open up your chakras - Hands-on Body Painting of the chakra energy For this premium service, please ask for a quote by sending an email to:

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Advertising Space Available From Only !33 Advert + Hyperlink to your company website. Global and Local Reach Get interconnecting with Conscious-minded people today!"" " "

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Home Service Personalised hand-painted wearable art, created while you wear it. Prices from !50 /

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BLESS YOU! It’s Time To Start Receiving Keep Interconnected and Stay in Touch And you will Feel More Than Fine! We send you our Blessings! "

BondingXperience " "

This magazine is created from the LOVE & LIGHT that radiates from our hearts. I survive from your kind donations and appreciation of my work. Thank you for your gifts of love. " " " R.T. Voller Bank: ING SWIFT/BIC number: INGBNL2A IBAN bank account: NL23 INGB 0009518022 THANK YOU! (


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E VOLUTION & C ONSCIOUSNESS Interview with Leo Sonneveld from the Interconenctedness Foundation in the

celebration on 9 September 2009 and to feed this shift from I-llness to WE-llness.


After having offered the idea to several well established organizations in 2007, they all liked the idea but did not embrace it…. This fuelled the next step of setting up a website myself on 1-1-2008 as my first action. Apparently it was up to me, myself and I. When googling interconnectedness I got 6 hits….


The story of the World Day of Interconnectedness begins with waking up myself. Waking up to reality about what is going on in our world in terms of environmental crises, social injustice and spiritual / individual disasters. This was the direct result of being involved in a Be the Change program which let to organizing the first Awakening the Dreamer changing the dream symposium in the Netherlands in December 2006. This woke me up to the fact that without addressing the rootcause of these crises, insufficient awareness of interconnectedness, a world that works for all life will remain a dream and will not be achieved. What it also meant is that by increasing the awareness of interconnectedness I would be able to make my dream come true! I wanted it to be a celebration of our interconnectedness. Let people experience on a global scale what the difference is between acting and living from a sense of interconnectedness rather than from separation. Make people aware that they have a choice. And that this choice has a different impact: life affirming or destructive. All of this resulted in a naughty thought and a crazy plan: to have a worldwide

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From that moment on, the World Day of Interconnectedness was a fact. A website with the vision, the day and the invitation. I remember sharing it with two business network friends. They immediately embraced the idea (and me) and committed to spread the idea. I started regular meetings at my home having joyful interaction about 090909 and enjoy lunch together. This continued and culminated in an unforgettable celebration on 9 September. Early that morning, before facilitating our own event in a wonderful venue, I received a video clip from the first opening event by a school in New Zealand. This brought tears to my eyes. It was really happening! And when I got back home late that night, I had the opportunity to witness a webinar with differencemakers Kwai Yu and Ian Berry as part of a 24 hour webathon and the launch of an ebook! ok090909thepowerofapersona lbrand.pdf I was filled with gratitude and it was a peak experience in my life. On 090909 there were 48 different events with participants in 84 countries.

And it started with one thought and a heartfelt desire: to experience heaven on earth. All of this happened because many people shared a similar longing and decided to share the best they had: love, passion and a sense of interconnectedness. Some inspirational guidelines and a budget of !0,- did the rest. To cut a long story short: we continued with this amazing celebration on 10 October 2010 which included the second differencemakers ebook http://www.interconnectedness1 dofinterconnectednessebook101 010.pdf and the 24 hour Leaders Café web seminar marathon about Interconnected Leadership Learning. We are currently developing an even bigger and better celebration on 11 November 2011….will you join? We aim for at least one ambassador in every country worldwide (192) http://www.interconnectedness1 ntobecomeambassadorforwdi11 1111.pdf by 11-11-11 and 12 million participants on 12 December 2012….. Please contact me when you are interested!

A RT & C ULTURE art. The T-shirt and the experience are your unique gift from him! “Show Your True Colours” European Tour is bringing more LOVE & LIGHT into the world when it is being called for the most. Richard Voller, is known as “The Heart Chakra Painter” because he touches you with Reiki energy, the universal energy of LOVE & LIGHT. He allows it to pass through his crown chakra, through his body and interconnect with yours. The sparks of energy that radiate

What is happening? Richard Voller is on his European Tour and is meeting unique people who want to be touched by art. Richard has a special and sacred gift of healing touch. Although he can give Blessings and Heart Chakra paintings at events, you get a completely different experience when you are in the peace and quiet of your home! This project has the full backing and support of The Venus Project (Florida, USA) and Interconnectedness Foundation (TheNetherlands). The !Show Your True Colours” tour kicked-off on 18th June 2011, in the Netherlands when he touched Sentini Grunberg, owner of InMovement, with art. Richard Voller is now continuing the “Show Your True Colours” tour in Ibiza, where has been living in Ibiza Port and has now moved to the North of the Isalnd, Es Canara. Whilst being here, he briefly let up with Sentini where she recently visited the island. Richard will aim to be back in Amsterdam for a big party on 11/11/11 – The World Day of Interconnectedness.


from your body are then manifested into a beautiful painting on your clothing by his hand. Special fabric paints from Permaset Aqua are used to ensure hand-washable wearable

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doing activities from their heart that bring more BLISS and LOVE & LIGHT into the world now! We will all come together on 11/11/11 to celebrate our 'Interconnectedness'.” Touched: Leo Sonneveld, C.E.O. of the Interconnectedness Foundation Richard Voller recently painted the heart chakra of Leo Sonneveld, C.E.O. of the !Interconnectedness' Foundation in the Netherlands, who are organising World Days of Interconnectedness on 11-11-11 and 12-12-12. Leo explains, "Love and light originate from the most intelligent and influential part of our body, our heart. By consciously connecting our Head, Heart and Hara, we are more able to manifest our full potential and ready to share the best of ourselves in service to all. Being touched by art is a ritual where I felt uplifted, loved and interconnected. I experienced a deep feeling of gratitude. The Tshirt with my own heart chakra painted on it serves as a remembrance of this peak experience. By doing this work Richard has found a unique form to open and put the focus on people’s heart and contribute to an increased awareness and sense of interconnectedness which is the foundation of a world we all want: environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling and socially just. He is a true Ambassador of Interconnectedness”.

Encouraging Heart Work

The Bigger Picture: Inspired by The Venus Project

Richard Voller expresses; “By undertaking this massive challenge, I am encouraging people all other the world to move into action and start

The Venus Project presents a bold, new direction for humanity that entails nothing less than the total redesign of our culture. It

offers a comprehensive plan for social reclamation in which human beings, technology, and nature will be able to coexist in a long-term, sustainable equilibrium. Fresco feels that “if we really wish to put an end to our ongoing international and social problems, we must declare Earth and all its resources as the common heritage of all the world"s people.” The Venus Projects proposals are in perfect accord with spiritual interpretations of the world"s religious teachings, i.e., peace, harmony, and love among all people. However, they go beyond the ideal and the visionary, and attempt to achieve an optimal and sustainable symbiosis involving human beings, technology, and nature. Fresco goes on to say, “By working towards a global resource-based economy in which all of the world"s resources become the common heritage of all people, we could easily provide an abundance for everyone and overcome most of the limitations and unnecessary suffering of today.” Fresco explains, “Richard Voller lives what he believes in, by spending his time introducing to others that a better life is possible. He doesn"t just hope for a more equitable and just world, but works towards it through his publications and actions. He is a rare and valued person. We are sure he will touch the hearts and minds of many people through his travels.”

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Raising Funds Should you desire to support The Venus Project and live in a resource based economy, where the world"s resources are returned to humanity for the benefit and freedom of all, then please support by making a donation. Please visit: If you would like to meet !The Heart Chakra Painter" and be touched by art, then you can make an appointment be connecting via:# FaceBook – Richard Voller# or Skype – RTVoller or Email – or

Keeping Track The best way to find out where Richard Voller will be is to make friends on or If he is in your area, let the LOVE flow and connect with him! " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

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Pure Artists expressing their

Voller kicked-off his

" Richard was Chakra Painter,

Ibiza experience by touching

Voller who touched people

Las Dalias, was a new concept

people with art at the new

with his art. Live Performance

born this summer. It is a Multi-

‘Expressions’ event held at Las


Cultural Music and Art Event.


IBIZA's Spirit lives again with




included Tsunam,






The Guest Surprise




Djane Gee



Ramsey, Niereich, Franke &

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A RT & C ULTURE On 15th May 2011, Richard Voller, The Chakra Painter, was invited as a special guest to perform live painting at the ‘Chakra at The Beach’ party in the Netherlands. The event was organized by Cathy Krouwel, she has been organizing the Chakra Party ( events for about six years. Cathy is well known for the track ‘The Sun’ll Shine’ which she made with Ohmna and Tiesto put it on his CD and played it all around the world. Cathy sings on the track. At the event Richard ‘touched’ many people with art, including the well-known Greek Techno DJ, Nikos Akrivos who plays in Ibiza. Voller explains, “When I paint at parties it always start of with people looking in amazement at what is actually happening. It’s funny; it feels a bit like I have just landed from another planet. The secret is that I have! I actually come from a planet called Mong, where all the rivers of good intention come together. When I start touching people with art, you can see people starting to change. They go from being frightened, to being in a state of pure bliss! And then suddenly everyone wants to get involved and be touched by art! It really is the best and most original way to get interconnected and have a lot of fun at a party!” So if you would like to book Richard Voller for your party, and raise the LOVE VIBRATION through the roof, then please send an email to:



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A RT & C ULTURE M.A.C. Opening Party The MAC (Music Art Cuisine) opening party at Es Mirador Restaurant near San Antonio bay, Ibiza. "" Amazing view from our beautifully located restaurant. Offering a special menu of Eastern flavors, whilst listening to international DJs and experience artistic performances. DJ The Gee aka Gee van D (SoundFarmStudio Ibiza)

Missy Blue (Ibiza) Special Lounge set, Davina (IBZ Recordings), Dimitri (Tronic) France, Hideyo Blackmoon (Lounge act) Japan Purcussionist (David Villefort, Brasil, Ibiza), Belly dancer (Zinnia, India, New York)

ART EXPOSITION: Trudy West Nika Indorf Live ChakraArt by Richard Voller

Touched by


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H HEALTH EALTH,, MIND MIND,, BODY BODY & & SSOUL OUL `'::;"2@"U5(.;5(1 `'::;"2@"U5(.;5(1" " society may put some pressure on people.”

Sentini Grunberg interviewed by BondingXperience

Who are you, what is your background what is your expertise? “I’m Sentini Grunberg from Holland. I studied medical biology at the VU University of Amsterdam. Instead of choosing to do research in a laboratory I focused on the practical aspects of health. That is why I started specializing on the topic of vitality to help people to get more balanced in life so that they can do the things they love with an abundance of energy.” “I do this with my company InMovement, where we educate and train people on vitality on one hand. And on the other hand we give dance workshops for children, teens and adults as a form of exercise and artistic expression.” Why are people in Western Societies experiencing so much stress at work these days? “Well, people in this society are experiencing a lot of stress because customers have more and more wishes and competition is rising. So companies have to make sure that they stay at the top of their game. Consequently, they ask more from their employees. People have to do more in less time. In addition, the technological changes in our

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“We are busy with social media activities like Twitter and Facebook, which costs time and energy. And we also want " to do a lot of other things: We want to have a social life, spend time with family, have a great career, have a hobby, do some exercising etc. So we have to manage more activities in less time. This causes stress.” What are the four key dimensions as human beings that we need to focus on to reach our full potential? “The four dimensions we need to focus on to be more balanced in life are our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions. In our western society the focus lies on the cognitive development, which is part of the mental dimension.” “Focusing on one dimension only and neglecting the others has resulted in a disturbed balance. This is why people experience so much stress these days. If we fully develop our four dimensions we can tap into our fullest potential. We have multiple intelligences, which are present in these four dimensions. If we can tap into the recourses of these intelligences we can certainly experience a more successful existence.” I believe that we are at the beginning of a new era for humanity. So how do we move to a higher level? “We move to a higher level by being aware of the fact that there are at least four

dimensions of our being. Further we need to learn to listen to the signals our body, mind and our emotions give us. If we learn to listen and act upon the signals that are given to us constantly, we will move to a higher level.” What types of physical exercises can we embrace to support our evolution? Why is this important? “The definition of physical exercise is that it’s an activity that will get your heart rate to elevate and stimulate the oxygen transportation through your body. This results in feeling more energized and fit.” “Some people do not like to do sports. So it depends on you, ask yourself two questions: What do I love to do? And what exercise fits my current lifestyle? It could be that you want to go out running, or dancing. Those are things that I do for example. But forms of exercise can also be to walk your dog if you maintain a certain tempo while walking. It is important to do some form of exercise, as not exercising will result in less energy and tiredness.” What are the problems of using medical prescribed drugs? What alternatives are you suggesting? “When you are very sick, you might need medical prescribed drugs. So I do not promote that you shouldn’t use them. However, in our society we are strongly conditioned to grab a pill right away to solve any medical problem, even small one’s. But we can fix small problems in alternative ways.” “A lot of working people experience complaints such as regular headaches or lower back pain. Doing yoga or stretching activities on a regular

basis can problems.”

H EALTH , MIND , BODY & S OUL solve these learn how to take control and to our society, and more people `'::;"2@"U5(.;5(1 tap into our energy, we will be " should get to know his material.”

How can you help people to diminish their stress, increase their energy and fulfill their potential? “People should start by educating themselves on the way their body and mind works. Because I have studied medical biology I am much more aware of my body and I know what will happen to my energy-level when I put specific types of food in my mouth like sugared snacks. That doesn’t mean that people also have to do a full medical study to get to know this. That is why I felt the obligation to write my ebook Wheel of Vitality, so I could educate people on why your body makes you feel the way you do.” “Only by educating yourself to know how to diminish stress and get more energy you can eventually practice what you’ve learned and implement it in your daily life. So I think people should start by reading my Wheel of Vitality see as it contains essential information and practical steps to diminish stress and get energized!”

able to add more value to the world.” What are your aspirations with your company? “Wheel of Vitality is a project of InMovement. With this ebook we want to reach thousands of people to inspire them to achieve their fullest potential by vitalizing their life!” “With our dance workshops we want to literally move millions of children and adults. And we are well on our way to achieve these goals.” Who has been your greatest mentor? And why? “Wow, great question. I have many mentors, and there are more mentors entering my life on a regular basis. I believe that you only can reach your fullest potential with lifelong learning.”

What affect do you think will happen when humanity switches on mass to this new way being? “I think people will be more positive in general if we have learned how to increase our energy reserve.”

“Modeling people whom you can learn from is important to become successful in your life. My great mentor has been and still is my mother. I’m very grateful for what she has taught and still teaches me in life. She always said that I could do anything I wanted if I just put my mind to it. She also taught me about perseverance and positive thinking. I’m very grateful for her as my mother.”

“People only get stressed and negative when they do not have control over their body, minds and the way they feel. When we

“Another person I view as a mentor is Anthony Robbins. I read his books, listen to his tapes and went to his seminar. He teaches and inspires people to achieve their highest potential. He therefore has trained many people from presidents and top athletes, to CEO’s and employees. I think he is a gift

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What does love mean to you? “Wow, another great question. Love means growth, balance and expression. Being who you truly are so that you can also see others for who they truly are… spiritual beings.” “We are all growing, whether you are aware of it or not. Being aware of it can speed up the process and help you give even more to the world. Love means abundance. There is more than enough for everyone. So we do not have to go to the level of negativity, doubt, unnecessary fear, or destruction.” “We are good the way we are, and we deserve the best. That is were love begins. Knowing that you are blessed and deserve to be here.” For more info



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" “Words don’t teach, life experience does... “ “Imagine a kid, seven years old, who is asking itself: “What is normal? What’s this life all about?” “It wasn’t so sure about everything it saw. It was a profound question; I learned to ask 27 years. It had a vision of this world and asked difficult questions for grown-ups, I can say now with a smile. That kid was obviously was me. Then the world came in, with its experiences and I drove away from myself. In a nutshell, from 1979 till 1990, I visited several hospitals, doctors, and had surgery six times, but with no solution. In 1991 and 1994, both my shoulders were fixated, which means one has a disability with both shoulders, and you can’t move in a normal way anymore. I was the first one in the Netherlands, at 22 years to have this treatment, so complications were difficult to notice. But I didn’t have any pain anymore, which was the most important thing. In 1991, during one of the operations, I also had a near-death experience. I saw myself lying there, feeling peaceful and in the light. I came back obviously, but ranked this experience in my Top-5 list of most beautiful experiences. It’s the knowing that after this life, it’s not over but a “whoehoeiiiiii-jeeee” feeling of exhilaration.“ “Then, my ´second life´ during this lifetime began. For seven years, I managed to have a normal life. Then the complications came. In 2001, I had so much pain in my bones that I started with morphine. In a nutshell, from 2001 until 2006, I was limited to my bed almost 24/7. I came out to cook dinner and to shower. In August 2006, I met with the doctors to discuss the option of euthanasia. I was just too sick to carry on. Then, one week later my partner suddenly left and I knew I was dying, one-way or the other.”

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“A week later, a friend asked me a question about my life and I realised, I was not tired of living! Just tired of this life! And she said: "All your answers are within you, also the healing of your own body, but you have to do it by yourself. I give you some questions, you go within yourself and you tell me the answers.“ “Last January, after nearly five years, I was (and still am) totally cured. No pain anymore, my head and life totally clear. During these years, I discovered that our reality isn’t normal; it's what we make of it, everyone in his or her way. And also that there is way more!“ “In the last years, that seven year old girl came out again, with question after question. I discovered the only one stream; the stream of well-being. And that illness always starts within ourselves.If we worry too much, or have many sorrows, our body or the mind gets ill. I kept challenging myself, 14 hours a day, during those years. It’s a process, we are this process and in this process, a never-ending one. And if you start to see that, and go beyond the horizon, worlds start opening up... “ “And then, in February 2011, I received an invitation to be one of the 100 candidates in Lotto ´Weekend Millionaires’. I ´took part and received the exact amount which I needed at that point of my life! And now I’m standing here, totally clear, with a clean slate, eager for more and see what life brings me out of the choices I make. It’s a great journey, and you can get through life by conscious choice or unconscious choice. In September 2006, I began my third life in this life. In March 2011, I started my fourth live, in this life and it gets better and better!!! . Words don’t teach, experience does… And through all the data, all the things we see in this world, we have a choice to do it their way or our way…“


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