Strategic Plan 2010-2012

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Everyone has expectations for their future… And success means different things to different people. Some are happy to live from day to day. Others – like yourself – want much more. You think bigger. You want to move faster. You want to go further. You’re determined to achieve something extraordinary. At Bond University, we recognise your passion and fast-track your progress.

Bond University. We share your ambition. We bring it to life.


CONTENTS 03 04 06 07 08 09 10

The Way Ahead The Bond Vision The Bond Vision Strategic Goal One Strategic Goal Two Strategic Goal Three Strategic Goal Four

Bond University was given its University status in 1987, having been established under an Act of the Queensland Parliament. Bond is part of the Australian system of higher education, and is recognised as an accredited Australian university by the Australian Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs (MCEETYA), which is responsible for establishing national protocols for education in Australia. It is also a full member of Universities Australia (UA) and the Association of Commonwealth Universities.

VICE-CHANCELLOR’S MESSAGE In the twenty years since its inception Bond University has established itself as the leading independent, not-for-profit, private university in Australia, producing high quality, innovative graduates. As a private, independent, not-for-profit university, Bond is unique to the Australian tertiary education sector. The University receives no government funding for undergraduate or postgraduate course work student places. Limited Commonwealth funding for higher degree research students has been received since 2002, and Bond receives limited capital funding. At present it has access to Commonwealth research funds. FEE-HELP has now been extended to Bond University students and now a considerable number of domestic students have accessed this subsidised loan scheme. A superb location on the Gold Coast, the lowest staff to student ratio in Australia, innovative teaching practices, and outstanding graduate outcomes, as well as the collegiate atmosphere of the small campus distinguishes Bond from other universities. These factors attract high quality students who recognise that Bond will bring their ambition to life. The Bond student experience remains one of the pivotal features of the Bond difference, and continues to live on in the rear-vision view of its alumni. The tertiary education sector has altered over the years of Bond’s operation. The globalisation of education, the increasing use of technology in teaching and learning and the growing role of Government developed quality assurance measures present major challenges for Bond University. Building excellence and managing growth in an environment of rapid change, competition and finite resources requires vision, flexibility, agility, sustainability and responsiveness in addressing future opportunities and challenges. Bond University’s success in achieving its vision in this quickly changing environment is dependent on establishing clear strategic objectives and priorities. The Bond University Strategic Plan 20102012 reflects the pillars of the University’s key quality and performance enhancement program.

Professor Robert Stable Vice-Chancellor and President



VISION The vision of Bond University is to be a leading private and independent university of world standing. MISSION To produce uniquely identifiable graduates who are leaders and thinkers imbued with initiative, the spirit of free enterprise and a continuing quest for intellectual inquiry, challenge and opportunity. VALUES • Respect and concern for students and colleagues • Truth, inquiry and the pursuit of advanced knowledge • Excellence in everything we do and pride in achievements • Effective collaboration and teamwork • Accountability for performance, actions and learning • Productive engagement between students and staff.



Bond University aims to be recognised as a top tier, teaching and research institution which is distinguished by the “Bond student experience” and characterised by its closeness to industry and the professions. Bond University will continue to respond to changes in business, industry and the community through the introduction of new courses, the provision of executive education, and an increasing number of research collaborations with industry partners. Bond has identified several areas of strategic focus involving research, teaching and learning, infrastructure and finance, the student experience and partnership.

The Bond Student Experience Bond University aims to increase the student population to 5,000 students over the next 10 years, carefully balancing student mix.* The University will explore strategies to encourage more students to continue into postgraduate study, and to undertake research higher degrees. An important component of the student experience is the quality of staff teaching and interacting with students. Bond is committed to supporting the development of academic and general staff, increasing funding for staff development, and providing grants for teaching & learning and research development.

Outstanding learning experience •

• •

Personalised, innovative teaching in small classes by accessible, highly qualified lecturers Flexible, workplace relevant, outcome focussed programs Fast track degrees Attractive campus with quality learning, support and residential facilities

International perspective •

International in perspective; in teaching, outlook, research, staff and students, and in student services Culturally diverse community providing lifelong international networking opportunities Partnerships and shared programs with leading international universities

The Bond Graduate The Bond University graduate will be recognised nationally and internationally by demonstrating the following graduate attributes: • Knowledge and Critical Thinking • Leadership, Initiative and Teamwork • Communication Skills • Responsibility * The 2010 corporate operational plan sets a guideline of 10% of enrolments as the maximum for any national grouping other than Australian.

2010-2012 strategic goals

2010-2012 STRATEGIC GOALs: Build Research, creativity and teaching development

optimise Infrastructure, financial strength and diversity of funding

nurture The Bond student experience through student support and teaching and learning excellence

develop And enhance partnerships with internal and external stakeholders including employers NOTE: The strategic goals for Bond University for the 2010-2012 triennium have been determined by Senior Management, in consultation with the University Council and the wider University community.



STRATEGIC GOAL ONE: build research, creativity and teaching achievement With a portfolio ranging from cutting edge to intensely practical applications, the research capability at Bond University is now being recognised on the world stage. Here at Bond, our aim is to develop knowledge within and outside the University, through: • The encouragement of individual and group research • The expansion and nurturing of the PhD program • The application of research within the community • The desire for knowledge at all levels of education • Innovative educational research to support our teaching and learning activities. Research is an integral part of Bond’s success. The University prides itself on its innovative and entrepreneurial commitment to applied research by world class academic staff in collaboration with regional, national and global industry and government partners.

key performance indicators • Improvement in percentage of Research Active staff • Increase in number of grants applied for and awarded p/a (internal & external) • Increase in percentage of staff at Assistant Professor or above holding PhD qualifications • Increase in HERDC statistics. • Increase in joint projects between Bond staff and staff of other universities (domestic and international) • Increase in funding for research infrastructure and equipment

objective 2 Increase PhD enrolments at Bond University and support students to complete their studies early to qualify for government recognition and funding. key performance indicators • Increase in number of research enrolments • Increase in number of research degrees awarded (percentage completed within 3 years) • Increase in funding level of research budgets for PhD student support and grants

Bond is justifiably proud of the educational ecosystem which provides excellent graduate outcomes and instils a passion for lifelong learning. Maintaining the lowest staff to student ratio, providing an innovative and personalised educational experience, introducing students to world class networks through the close links the University has with alumni, business and the professions and maintaining outstanding graduate outcomes are strategic priorities for Bond.

objective 3

objective 1

objective 4

Develop and market a measurable research profile, both domestic and international, and support and develop the research environment.

Embed Bond University Graduate Attributes within all programs of study.

Strengthen external ratings and increase number of individual and group staff awards. key performance indicators • Improvement in ratings by external organisations, eg Universities Australia ratings • Increase in number of External Teaching, Research and Administrative Awards received, eg ALTC

key performance indicators •

Increased ratings for Course Experience Questionnaire questions related to Graduate Attributes


STRATEGIC GOAL TWO: OPTIMISE INFRASTRUCTURE, FINANCIAL STRENGTH & DIVERSITY OF FUNDING As a private, independent and not-for-profit university, Bond receives little or no government funding for undergraduate student places, postgraduate course work student places or recurrent capital works. Currently, there is a high reliance on income from tuition fees. FEE-HELP is available to Bond students and assists them in the payment of tuition fees. A strategic goal of the University is to diversify income through community engagement, philanthropic commitment, exploration of various investment opportunities and increased research funding. Bond University benchmarks with an Ivy League institution in the USA, a university in the Australasian area and another private university in Australia for macro-level indicators, whilst individual disciplinary and operational benchmarks are undertaken separately. The strategic use of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) is critical to the ability of Bond University to attract high quality students and maximise their experience at Bond, as it underpins the innovative and superior teaching and learning environment Bond aims to create. Effective and efficient use of cutting edge ICT is also crucial to business processes and connections with students, staff, alumni and the community. A major opportunity lies in the Bond University potential to make the most of emerging ICT to increase its market share, to enhance its brand and to maximise the Bond experience without the constraints facing most large public sector universities. Bond can achieve this in a much shorter time frame than its larger competitors, owing to its small size and unique structure and organisation.

objective 1 Ensure an integrated and coordinated ICT Strategy for the University that provides the framework for: governance, leadership, decision-making, funding, communication, planning and management of learning spaces, customer service and support, ICT training and development. key performance indicators • Increase in satisfaction levels from client satisfaction surveys • Number of new technologies of communications implemented • ICT Governance Board review ICT Strategy annually

objective 2 Meet financial and resourcing targets and diversify income. key performance indicatorS • Increase in annual percentage of growth in revenue • Decrease in percentage of tuition revenue dependence

objective 3 Annually review growth and composition of student numbers. key performance indicators • Annual EFTS growth • Composition of the student population: Ratio of undergraduate to postgraduate students Ratio of domestic to international students Ratio of student abroad to full degree students.

objective 4 Maintain best practice for efficiency and sustainability in asset and resource utilisation. key performance indicators • •

Percentage of classroom utilisation Annual ratio of Useable Floor Area (UFA) to Gross Floor Area (GFA) Decrease in environmental impact by reduction in energy and water consumption 9


STRATEGIC GOAL THREE: NURTURE THE BOND STUDENT EXPERIENCE THROUGH STUDENT SUPPORT & TEACHING & LEARNING EXCELLENCE Bond University prides itself on providing an exceptional experience for students through the provision of excellence in teaching and learning and co-curricular activities which enables students on a small campus to interact more freely. The ‘Bond Experience’ continues to attract and retain high calibre students, and is the result of numerous factors, including small class sizes which allow students to engage more readily in the learning experience. Bond has a staff to student ratio lower than any other Australian university and is committed to maintaining this exceptional ratio. This leads to excellent graduate outcomes and student satisfaction. Bond produces an education and a service in which students have an opportunity to obtain employment, and receive work force skills training aligned to their individual goals and aspirations, working with industry and the professions.

objective 1 Provide a personalised educational experience, supported by high quality, student-focussed administrative and support services. key performance indicatorS • Improvement in student survey ratings • Increase in retention and re-enrolment rates • Examples of best practice through benchmarking activities

Customer service values embedded into recruitment process Positive outcomes from Administrative Unit Reviews

objective 2 Ensure accessibility to, and satisfaction with, academic staff. key performance indicatorS • As measured in Course Experience Questionnaire results • Maintain or improve high rating for student responses to question related to teacher satisfaction in subject evaluations • Faculties ensure 100% of Academic staff have notice of contact hours for their subject available online • Measurement of student/staff ratios

objective 3 Maintain and enhance an innovative and agile teaching and learning environment. key performance indicatorS • Development of creative learning spaces and ICT driven by pedagogy and teaching innovation • Subjects and programs systematically reviewed and benchmarked ensuring implementation of outcomes • Improve iLearn use statistics in the light of the University iLearn Policy


STRATEGIC GOAL FOUR: develop & enhance relationships with internal & external stakeholders including employers The unique experience provided by Bond University and which is to be maintained through this strategic plan, should form the basis of a warm and durable relationship with its alumni. The University needs the support of its alumni in various ways and at the same time they need the value of their qualifications to be continuously enhanced and developed in market perceptions. Bond University recognises the importance of providing a rewarding work environment for both academic and general staff. The performance development review process enables the recognition of exceptional service and allows for appropriate performance management. The University is committed to providing professional development for staff and to enhancing the research environment for academic staff. Bond University is an excellent member of a host of different communities through its partnerships with other Universities and industry. The partnerships enhance all aspects of the Bond University learning experience including research partnerships, internships, scholarships and graduate placements with a number of the world’s leading blue-chip organisations.

objective 1 Promote an environment of community and the value of being a Bond Graduate. key performance indicators • Increase in number of networking opportunities available to students • Increased awareness of benefits for Bond graduates

objective 2 To involve Alumni in seminars, conferences, teaching, internships, events and recruitment activities. key performance indicatorS • Increased involvement of Alumni • Number of Alumni initiated internships annually

objective 3 Employ and develop outstanding client focused and quality driven academic and general staff whilst providing a satisfying work environment. key performance indicators • Percentage of decrease in staff turnover rate • Improvement in satisfaction levels in bi-annual staff sentiment survey dfdfdffdfdfdfdf • Funding level and participation rates for staff development programs

objective 4 Provide superior career advice and assistance, meeting industry expectations ensuring graduates have work-place ready skills. key performance indicators •

• •

Ranking in external surveys such as University & Beyond; GCCA; GDS, CEQ Successful accreditation of programs Increase in number of programs providing work-related training activities

objective 5 Develop and maintain strong partnerships with local, national and international government, employers and members of the community. key performance indicators •

Increase in number of industry sponsorships and collaborations Increase in number of programs with advisory boards with external industry member 11

Office of Quality, Teaching and Learning Bond University Gold Coast Queensland 4229 Australia Phone: 07 5595 3300 Email:


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