The ARCH Magazine | Issue 17 | 2016 Semester 3

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2016 | SEMESTER 3

Diversity Shines

Secret Ingredients

Harry’s Legacy

Research Week

Bondies from all walks of life

An interview with Alan Finch

Campus tribute to former VC

Reaches out to the community


2016 | SEMESTER 3

contents Alumni


Diversity shines As Bond celebrates alumni, students and staff from all walks of life



Mark Schulz embracing the power of change

Campus & Careers Academic answers dairy farmers’ plight

32 Thanking Bond University’s donors 39

Humanitarian journey to the heart of Nepal

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Editorial enquiries


Alumni and Development Office Bond University Gold Coast Queensland 4229, Australia Ph: +61 7 5595 4403

Research Week Academics making an impact at Bond and in the wider community

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Contributors: Professor Tim Brailsford, Terri Fellowes, Brett Walker Photography: Kerrie Brailsford, GFP Studios, Annie Noon, Remco Photography,

Publisher: Business News Australia. PO Box 1487, Mudgeeraba. QLD. 4213

Iwan Rahabok fronting an industry for the future

1. Go to the App Store and search for ‘The ARCH Magazine’

Harry Messel’s legacy Campus newest addition built to honour former Vice-Chancellor





Editor: Camilla Jansen Journalists: Paris Faint, Chelsey Landford, Nick Nichols, James Perkins, Karen Rickert Design: Paris Faint

Behind the silver screen on Hollywood blockbusters


Bond’s secret ingredients An interview with Alan Finch on student life on-campus



Bond’s diverse


WHEN our great University was founded, its programs were designed and the campus constructed to attract the nation’s best and brightest students, irrespective of where they were born, which school they had attended, or their gender, race, religion, or community. Moreover, the search for students with a sense of adventure and entrepreneurial spirit took us around the world. The outcome of this grand design was a student cohort, rich in its diversity, with individuals finding Bond as their destination from all walks of life and parts of the globe. The Bond of today is no different from those heady and exciting early days in our history. Our student body has created one of Australia’s most diverse campuses, if not the most diverse campus. Bond is a destination university where around two-thirds of students travel over 1,000 kilometres to begin their journey with us. This is a remarkable statistic given that most universities, even the large metropolitan ones, draw the majority of their students from small, localised catchment areas. Our statistics tell an impressive story. Over one-third of our students are international; our indigenous student population has doubled over recent years; there are now more females than males enrolled; our proportion of low socio-economic enrolments matches those of our peers; and our clubs and societies continue to represent the spectrum of humanity. Small things matter. We encourage our students and academic staff to wear their cultural dress to graduation day. We built the Nyombil Centre to support our indigenous population. We created gender-specific prayer rooms for our Muslim community. We fly national flags on the respective national days of significance.

The diversity of our staff is equally impressive. We have recently appointed our first Professor of Indigenous Medicine. Our newly installed 8th Chancellor is female, as indeed was our 7th Chancellor. Our academic staff promotion criteria have been re-worked to recognise alternate career paths. Earlier this year we were one of the first employers to introduce a policy that provides support for victims of domestic violence leave. We hope it is not needed, but we cannot ignore the disturbing evidence of a problem affecting our whole nation. Indeed, from our early days, the University recruited faculty from far and wide. This tradition continues today and we are on the constant search for the best educators from around the world. Recent appointments include staff from North America, Asia and Europe. Bond has recently signed the Athena SWAN Charter which is a movement that seeks to encourage and recognise commitment to the advancement of women in higher education and break the glass ceiling. This issue of the ARCH carries the stories of some of those individuals. One area where we can improve is the recognition and support for our LGTBIQ community. While we have always been welcoming of individuals irrespective of their preferences, we have recognised that more formal support is required and in next year’s budget we have earmarked funds to this advancement. For centuries, universities have been defined by the hallmarks of respect and tolerance. We are refuges for independent thought. Moreover, we are places where the diversity of humanity is celebrated. Bond will continue to play its part.


Vice-Chancellor and President



2016 | SEMESTER 3




TWO of Bond’s academics have been recognised in the 2016 Australian Awards for University Teaching, receiving prestigious Citations for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning.


Bond Law doing justice for

INTERNATIONAL GUESTS DELEGATES from the Ministry of Justice Hong Kong recently visited Bond Law as a part of its Australian tour to strengthen ties between nations and promote Hong Kong as a key destination for legal and dispute resolution services. Bond welcomed the group consisting of Hong Kong Secretary for Justice Mr Rimsky Yuen and members from his office, alongside directors of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, Mr Arthur Au and Mr Bernard Lo. Professor Nick James, Executive Dean of Law and Director of the Centre for

Professional Legal Education, introduced the group to the Faculty of Law, its staff members and the work undertaken through the Bond Dispute Resolution Centre (DRC).

do more to promote alternative dispute resolution in Hong Kong, and believes that much can be learned from Australia in general and the DRC in particular.”

According to Professor James, Secretary Yuen was interested in learning about the DRC and Australia’s current alternative dispute resolution landscape.

Professor James says the Secretary’s visit demonstrates the status and prestige of Bond Law internationally.

“The Secretary was very familiar with Bond Law’s Dispute Resolution Centre, which has an excellent reputation in Hong Kong,” says Professor James. “The Hong Kong Government is keen to

“It shows students that a qualification from Bond Law will be recognised and valued wherever they choose to practice.” Secretary Yuen also travelled to Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne on his Australian tour. Bond was the only university he visited.

Ideas Camp welcomes next-gen entrepreneurs WHEN it comes to fostering a culture of entrepreneurship, the Bond Business School has undeniably hit its stride.

the students to some key business frameworks and the core principles of entrepreneurship.

The Ideas Camp, now in its second year, is a testament to that culture.

Students were also invited to engage with a host of successful business people including Joel Hutchines and Rory Spence of Studio Workshop, and Cathy May of the Pet Wellness Centre.

The Ideas Camp invites local high school students to immerse in the creativity and ideation processes which have become learning staples at the Bond Business School. Camp coordinator and Bond Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship Dr Baden U’Ren says the single day workshop aims to inspire local high-school students to think beyond their OP scores and start preparing for the business world. “The Ideas Camp is an opportunity to bring a cohort of kids together from different schools to focus on creativity and ideation, and the processes which sit behind that,” says Dr U’Ren. At the most recent camp, a series of activities and creative sessions introduced

Dr U’Ren says these guests provided an example of what students can achieve through a world-class business education. “It crystallises the concept of creating your own business by hearing stories from people who have already done it,” says Dr U’Ren. “Delivered in an awesome setting, the Ideas Camp breaks down the barriers for what university is, making it really accessible to say, ‘this is a place I can go and make myself a better person’.” Dr U’Ren looks forward to next year’s event, which will potentially be themed to concepts including big data and analytics.

At the announcement in September, Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship Dr Baden U’Ren and Teaching Fellow Caroline Graham were both named award recipients by the Department of Education and Training. Dr U’Ren received commendation for creating industry-engaged entrepreneurship curriculum, and designing real world initiative ventures to enhance the employability of students. Ms Graham was also commended for developing highly employable skills in her journalism students, and for organising opportunities for them to be published in national media. Director of Learning and Teaching Dr Shelley Kinash says the awards were well deserved, as both academics represent the very best of what Bond offers its students and the wider community. “The reason why Baden and Caroline have won these citations is not only because they have influenced their immediate students and graduates, but because they influence beyond Bond,” says Dr Kinash. “Because of their success, it’s bringing other academics out of the woodwork, inspiring people to talk, share and push each other even further.” Dr U’Ren is responsible for several of Bond’s high profile entrepreneurship endeavours, including the Bond Business Accelerator class and the annual Silicon Valley Study tour.

L-R: Honorary Adjunct Associate Professor Winnie Ma, Secretary for Justice HKSARG Mr Rimsky Yuen, Executive Dean of Law and Director of the Centre for Professional Legal Education Professor Nick James, Professor Rachel Field, Clinical Professor Libby Taylor, Honorary Adjunct Professor Paul Lucas and Director HKETO Mr Arthur Au


Ms Cathy May presents at the Ideas Camp

Ms Graham has just finished writing what will become the leading journalism textbook, used by universities throughout Australia.



2016 | SEMESTER 3



Outthe sidoex


FORMER Commonwealth Bank of Australia CEO David Murray AO proved a major drawcard for the Bond Business Leaders Forum held in September. It was Mr Murray’s second appearance in the forum series which has grown to become a staple on the annual business lunch calendar on the Gold Coast. The experienced finance industry executive, who headed the federal government’s 2014 Financial System Inquiry and before that chaired Australia’s Future Fund, offered a broad perspective on the state of the global economy while sharing his journey to the top at CBA from humble beginnings as a teller with the bank. Mr Murray said he took the situation in Europe into account when conducting the banking inquiry, which ultimately led to a tightening of lending rules and increased capital requirements for the Australian banking sector. Mr Murray said criticism of banks has always been popular, but he highlighted the ongoing strength of the Australian banking sector where ‘not one dollar of depositors’ money has been lost in more than 120 years’. “The financial system is the gearbox of the economy (and) its operation is not widely understood,” he said. Mr Murray also was confident that Brexit would not lead to a hard landing for Great Britain. “Brexit was a brave vote, but really Britain kept its own currency which means Britain can adjust.” Mr David Murray AO

EVEN though the Bond University Abedian School of Architecture Lecture Series has only been running formally since 2013, it has already earned an international reputation. Many of the world’s prominent architects have presented in the series, including recent headline speaker Jimenez Lai of Los Angeles-based firm Bureau Spectacular.

Virtual Reality turns

TEXTBOOKS TO TECH BOND lecturers are proving that virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) aren’t just tools for the gamers of the world, as the Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine (FHSM) launches the platforms through its classes. Applied through subjects including anatomy and physiology, Bond’s new VR and AR tools incorporate podcasts by clinicians and surgeons to expand the way students engage with subject matter. The apps and tutorials being taught in the FHSM’s Virtual Reality Lab were created by Bond’s own Dr Christian Moro, Dr Allan Stirling and Dr Athanasios Raikios. Dr Stirling, Assistant Professor of Anatomy and Histology, says the use of VR technology is an ideal way to teach immersive subjects like his. “Anatomy by its very nature is highly visual, three-dimensional subject matter which


many students struggle to learn about and conceptualise from traditional twodimensional textbooks, slides and lectures,” says Dr Stirling. “This technology allows our students to explore anatomy in a three-dimensional sense, at their own pace, and is accessible so they can continue to interact with it outside the classroom – any time and any place – on their personal mobiles, tablets and headset.” Using Oculus Rift, Gear VR and a range of devices including smartphones and laptops, students can travel through the human body and interact with parts to learn about how they function. Due to the success of AR and VR tech at the University, Bond academics are now leading a series of workshops with high school students on the Gold Coast using the software.

Mr Lai’s work has been published and exhibited around the world, including installations at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the 14th International

Venice Biennale in Italy and the 2016 Coachella Valley Music Festival. Assistant Professor of Architecture Chris Knapp says it was a one of a kind experience to have Mr Lai present at the series, as he is known for consistently pushing the envelope through his work. “We have made an effort to get speakers in who sit outside the norm and challenge our conventions and expectations of what an architect is and to open up the students’ minds about what is possible within the discipline,” says Assistant Professor Knapp.

“Jimenez is one of those people – he is already starting to make a compelling impact, creating work with a lot of provocative ideas behind it.” During the presentation Mr Lai talked about the creation of his 54-foot tall Coachella sculpture project including aesthetics, materiality, structure and context. The event was held at the Australian Institute of Architects in Brisbane and was attended by close to 100 guests from both Bond and the wider community.

WOMEN IN ACTION LEAD BOND FORUM A LEADING trio of local superstars took centre stage at the Bond University Women’s Network annual Speak Up Forum in August. Olympian Melanie Wright OAM, sports manager Caitlin Sippel and media identity Sylvia Bradshaw each highlighted the triumphs and challenges they have faced along the journey to the top of their respective fields. Swimming World Champion, five-time Olympic medallist and Bond alumna Melanie Wright spoke about juggling an elite sporting career alongside two tertiary degrees; one a Bachelor of Biomedical Science and the other a Masters of Business Administration.

Caitlin Sippel also touched on women’s issues in the realm of sport, drawing on personal experiences as Hockey Queensland’s current program manager and her previous work with leading UK fitness giant LA Fitness. Bond University Assistant Professor Dr Lisa Gowthorp says the annual Speak Up Forum provides a unique opportunity to hear inspirational stories from women who have risen to the top of their fields to become

role models for the next generation. “[It is] a great opportunity to celebrate women who have risen to key leadership roles in sport and media, as well as recognise the challenges many women face in levelling the playing field in a range of industries,” says Dr Gowthorp. “The theme of the Bond University Women’s Network this year is Women in Action and each of the women involved in the forum certainly fit that category.”

L-R: Mrs Melanie Wright OAM, Ms Sylvia Bradshaw and Ms Caitlin Sippel

Former Gold Coast Bulletin Managing Director Sylvia Bradshaw shared her experience in high-profile media, having previously held roles with The Age in Melbourne, South China Morning Post in Hong Kong and the Leader Community Group in Melbourne.



2016 | SEMESTER 3

Sinking teeth into shark research THE number of unprovoked shark bites on humans has been climbing over the past 30 years, and now two Bond academics have identified a key trend which could explain why. Research conducted by Dr Blake Chapman and Dr Daryl McPhee has revealed six worldwide ‘regional hotspots’ where a heightened number of shark bites have occurred in a relatively short timeframe. These hotspots of clustered activity are Australia, the United States, South Africa, Brazil, Reunion Island and the Bahamas. Dr McPhee says that while a degree of chance is involved, unprovoked shark bites aren’t a completely random event. “They are more likely influenced by a set of conditions that increase the likelihood of shark-human interaction at a local or regional scale, and these conditions do not necessarily continue to persist consistently through time,” says Dr McPhee. Dr McPhee uses the examples of Brazil and South Africa to illustrate that unprovoked shark bites can be influenced by a variety of environmental factors. “The rapid rise in shark bites at Recife in Brazil could be largely attributed to a large port development which modified habitat and displaced sharks to an area that was very popular for swimming and surfing,” says Dr McPhee.

Bond Business School reaches major milestone IT’S BEEN 27 years since the Bond Business School (BBS) first opened its doors, and it has since become one of the highest rated business schools worldwide.

“We had students in the first class who mortgaged their homes to attend the Bond Business School… the students from back then, they were risk takers.”

In October 2016 the faculty celebrated the graduation of its 10,000th student, as a testament to its reputation.

“Today it’s a very different proposition, as people can be certain of where we are as an institution – however we have always retained that same entrepreneurial spirit, right from the start.”

BBS Executive Dean Professor Terry O’Neill says that having 10,000 students don the golden sash over the years highlights the school’s longevity and prestige. “It signifies that we are a mature, successful business school that has stood the test of time,” says Professor O’Neill. On achieving such a significant milestone, Professor O’Neill reflects on the BBS journey from humble beginnings to global renown, now double accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) and EFMD Quality Improvement System (EQUIS).

“We have developed our strength in the quantitative area of business as well as the entrepreneurship side,” he says. “The convergence of the two is where a lot of the current energy is in business, so we are very well placed to take advantage of that.”

“The University and the business school were both set up by an entrepreneur, and we have always had that same spirit,” says Professor O’Neill.

In the year ahead, the faculty’s main focus will be to further expand opportunities for students as they engage and develop their own business ideas.

Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Tim Brailsford says these results rate the University among Australia’s very best, and he is proud to see Bond retain its leading position. “At Bond, our students come first, second and third,” says Professor Brailsford.

“This year’s results are evidence of the continued commitment to Bond University’s student-led strategy and absolute resolve to providing a world-class educational and personal experience for all of our students.” Released by the Good Education Group, the Good Universities Guide is an independent gauge of the country’s higher education sector which provides a resource for students seeking study options.

“The Silicon Valley Study tour is highly experiential, it brings academic theory to life,” Dr U’Ren says.

Honorary Adjunct Professor Mark Sowerby

Bond Business School has scored a coup with the appointment of Queensland’s Chief Entrepreneur as an Honorary Adjunct Professor. THE founder of one of Queensland’s biggest listed companies will share his secrets to success with budding entrepreneurs at Bond University. Mark Sowerby has been named as an Honorary Adjunct Professor in the Bond Business School after spending a decade at the helm of Blue Sky Alternative Investments.

His appointment formalises that partnership and comes on the heels of being named as Queensland’s first Chief Entrepreneur in August.



Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship Dr Baden U’Ren says the students had to make connections between what they observed and their studies then blog about the experience.

Mr Sowerby resigned as CEO of the $500 million investment group earlier this year to spend more time with his family, and will now also build on his long-term ties with the University.

According to Dr McPhee, shark tagging and ongoing study in the field is crucial to identifying habitat use of key species.

In the latest edition of The Good Universities Guide, Bond once again stood out from the crowd across the education experience measures, ranking first nationally for learner engagement, learning resources and teaching quality.

In the second edition of the Silicon Valley Study Tour, 26 students spent a week in San Francisco in August immersing themselves in the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Professor O’Neill says the creation of the BBCC along with the faculty’s developed actuarial program puts it in a prime position to address emerging industry hotspots.

He believes the culture of entrepreneurial flair, coupled with the steely resolve of BBS students has played a key part in the success of the faculty.

Bond was also awarded the highest five-star rating for skills development and student support.

A GROUP of Bond University students travelled to the business hub of Silicon Valley in the US to gain an inside look into start-ups all the way through to publicly-listed companies.

In recent years, BBS has further energised that spirit through the launch of the Bond Business Commercialisation Centre (BBCC), which provides formalised classes for business model generation and execution.

“In the case of a series of bites at a small stretch of coastline in South Africa during 1998, it correlated with warm sea surface temperatures in the western Indian Ocean and a decreased rainfall in the southern part of South Africa.”

FOR the 11th consecutive year, Bond University has been named number one in the country when it comes to overall student experience.



“Mark has already made a valuable contribution to Bond on many fronts, and we look forward to formalising our relationship with him,” says Bond Business School’s Executive Dean Professor Terry O’Neill. “He is currently personally mentoring one of our students, has been a generous supporter of our Indigenous scholarships program for many years, and regularly welcomes Bond students in internship and work placement roles in his Blue Sky offices in Australia and New York.” “Mark is an outstanding role model for our students and his reputation as a pioneer

and innovator is an excellent fit with the Bond Business Commercialisation Centre and our entrepreneurship program.” Mr Sowerby established Blue Sky in 2006 as a private equity group investing in a diverse range of small to medium enterprises before listing the company in 2012. He hopes to engender a new breed of entrepreneurs through his new role. “I continue to be very impressed with the quality of education on offer at Bond University, the calibre of its students, its research and close ties to industry, and its absolute commitment to give back to the community,” Mr Sowerby says. “I’m also very excited by the work Bond is doing around entrepreneurship, and look forward to working with the university to help build more and stronger pathways for young entrepreneurs from university to industry.” “I am a firm believer that investing and mentoring in young start-ups is crucial to successful growth, especially here in Queensland, and as Honorary Adjunct Professor at Bond I will have an even greater opportunity to do this in the future.” The adventure-seeking entrepreneur, who achieved a long-held ambition last year to swim the English Channel, had a notable 2015 after being named Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year for Queensland and receiving the University of Queensland’s Alumni Excellence Award.

“That’s what the entrepreneurial method is all about. It’s making decisions when you don’t know what things are - whether you’re building a new product or creating a new market, there’s so much uncertainty that abounds.” “If we want to give our graduates the best chance to be competitive in tomorrow’s workforce, that’s the type of skillset they need.” “Courses like the Bond Business Accelerator, Ideas Camp or Study Tour provide those skills, you don’t necessarily get them in a lecture theatre adding one plus one together.” The students visited co-working community Rocket Space, Twitter, Salesforce, participated in a class at Stanford University and toured Google with Bond alumnus Tristan Cameron. “Space is the body language of an organisation, it sets the context of the work to be done and it is so clear over there,” Dr U’Ren says. “It’s all about providing the best environment for the best people to be able to do their best work, and there is so much we can learn from that.” Dr U’Ren is delivering a series of talks exploring the future of work, which included speaking at the Queensland University Educators Showcase in September.



2016 | SEMESTER 3



Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching), & Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research) Professor Keitha Dunstan

Outgoing Academic Senate Chair, Professor Keitha Dunstan reflects on her journey to become a senior academic. PROFESSOR Keitha Dunstan smiles warmly as she reflects on growing up in Brisbane as the eldest of five girls in a working class family. The bright youngster, who would later become a self-described ‘accidental academic’, had the grades to become the first in family to attend university, although she was equally comfortable handing her motor mechanic father a spanner as he worked under the hood of a car. “Except for my father and the dog it was an all-female family, and I think that imbued in us a sense that we could achieve anything we put our minds to,” says Professor Dunstan, Bond University’s Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching), Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research) and former Chair of the Academic Senate. It certainly played its part when, after studying a Bachelor of Commerce at University of Queensland, the young graduate found work with a chartered accountant in Brisbane city. It was the 1980s and, despite decades of progress for working women, conservatism still ruled in accounting firms where bare legs would raise eyebrows. Professor Dunstan recalls that she was told to go home one afternoon after removing her laddered panty hose.


However, it’s a testament to her personable nature that she would take setbacks such as these in her stride.

“I think the 80s feminist style was to be as masculine as you can be,” says Professor Dunstan.

Gender diversity in the workplace was in its infancy, and for Professor Dunstan these were the experiences that led to years of research and study on the subject as she embraced a career in academia.

“You had to become as good as the men by emulating the men. But for those of us who take a more feminine approach, it is about authenticity and very much about being yourself.”

She jumped into the university world after finding a talent for lecturing while filling in for an ill supervisor as she studied a Masters Degree at Queensland University of Technology.

“It’s being aware of your weaknesses and being brave.”

“Perhaps academia is the closest thing society has to a true meritocracy,” says Professor Dunstan. “There are still impediments but nothing like those in the business community I came from in the 80s.” Professor Dunstan’s career success could be credited with a straight-talking manner and an acceptance of dissenting views, but mostly it is led by a belief in herself and a willingness to fail. As a 17-year-old dressed for a night out, her father would ask her to rotate the tyres before driving off. It was experiences such as these that gave her a hands-on approach to life, a feminism that aligned with pragmatism.

Reflecting on her four years as Chair of the Academic Senate and the first woman to take on the role, Professor Dunstan pauses to consider her leadership style. “I’d say it is collegiate. Instead of having an approach where we are appointed as overseers, we took the role of partnering with the faculties to assist them in achieving excellent academic outcomes.” “Research shows it’s more effective to build teams through collaboration and cooperation.” “It’s about sharing the vision and mentoring and supporting people towards that vision.” Professor Dunstan lists the revitalisation of Bond University’s Core program, particularly the introduction of Beyond Bond, among the highlights of her role as Chair of the Academic Senate.

“Other universities might have variations on Core, but what makes us different is the Beyond Bond program, which is not for credit and lasts the whole length of the student’s degree,” she says. “It involves extra-curricular activity, but the most important aspect, is reflection. Students are required to create their own career development plan and work towards it.” “That’s a unique approach and it’s made possible at Bond by our smallness and our personalised student learning experience.” “It’s now embedded as part of our culture. Students understand this is going

to distinguish them as a graduate, even though it’s certainly requires more work.” However, it is in the realm of diversity where she sees Bond make its greatest strides. “I’m a firm believer in the importance of equity and diversity. Universities should be leaders and must provide the right example for society. I don’t think we can take that for granted.” “Part of the Bond culture is to have gender blindness. We have a climate that attracts women to work here.” “It’s more than just coincidence, it’s all the

right conditions pulling the same way.” “Increasingly more people who are attracted to a more collegiate style are attracted to Bond.” “There’s always more work to be done, but sometimes it’s as much about doing things that accentuate and highlight what we have already achieved.” “We have been increasingly successful in promoting women to Professor and Associate Professor in the last few years. For example, in the Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine, women actually dominate the senior leadership which is really against trend in that discipline.”



2016 | SEMESTER 3


A total of 86 different countries are represented by the Bond student population

39% Pro Vice-Chancellor of Students Mr Alan Finch (centre) with Bond University students Ms Caylie Saunders and Mr Michael O’Meara

OUR SECRET INGREDIENTS Students matter at Bond University, and for Alan Finch that is the secret to our success.

ALAN Finch has become accustomed to his various unofficial titles of ‘Father Alan’; ‘Uncle Alan’; and ‘The Godfather’. “Dealing with past and present students in this way is something that I get a lot of satisfaction from,” says Mr Finch. It also offers a meaningful gauge of what the University is getting right, or could improve upon, he says. “The great thing about Bond is you get to interact with students in a way that you cannot in a bigger university.” The Pro Vice-Chancellor of Students and Academic Support regularly receives advice from students keen to share their thoughts about how to improve things for Bond students, and from the alumni who stay in touch. Mr Finch says there is also invaluable regular interaction with the Bond University Student Association.


Getting the student support aspects of the student experience right forms a large part of Mr Finch’s brief, and he says it starts with an inclusive approach; listening to student inputs and being focussed on a responsive delivery of service. “Our objective is to ensure that all students have a good journey, that they emerge at the other end with a degree, good career prospects and that the journey has been fulfilling and actually grows them as a person,” he says. Bond University has one of the most diverse student populations of any Australian university. About 37 per cent are foreign students from as many as 80 countries in some semesters, so the opportunity to experience the cultural enrichment that provides, and to establish international networks of contacts while at Bond is an important part of the overall experience. The ethnic diversity is reflected in the number of student associations on campus,

including Chinese, African, Malaysian, Japanese and Indonesian. “The nice thing about these associations is that they’re not exclusive,” says Mr Finch. “They’re happy to welcome students of other cultures and backgrounds into their fold and to the events they run.” “There is a real enrichment of the Bond student experience from this enormous diversity, and of course Bond is small enough to sustain a cohesive sense of community.” We recognise that having that mix of students is good for the University and good for the students.” “We have Muslim students from Malaysia and the Middle East, as well as Indonesia and elsewhere,” says Mr Finch. “It’s nice to be able to provide an environment where they feel comfortable.” Student diversity is also reflected in Bond’s staff, which Mr Finch says adds to the student experience on many levels. Staff

Of current Bondies are postgraduate students


Of current Bond students are female

in the Student Business Centre wear name tags which also show a national flag denoting their country of origin. “Many staff members are bilingual or multilingual and if a student is struggling a bit with their English, it’s really helpful for them and helps us when we have a clearer understanding of what they may be struggling with.” Closer to home there has been greater engagement with Indigenous students through the Nyombil Centre which has delivered excellent outcomes in terms of Indigenous student retention and graduation rates. “Current retention rates for our Indigenous students are actually better than for our general undergraduate population,” says Mr Finch. “That’s significant because transition to university for some of these students is a major step and can be very difficult. Through the Nyombil Centre, which provides academic

37% Of the students currently studying at Bond are from abroad

and cultural support for Indigenous students, we have created an environment that is theirs and that welcomes all students. The Centre is basically their home at Bond.” More recently Bond University also has recognised a need to build on its existing LGBTIQ initiatives. “The University has always had a welcoming environment for all groups, but we appreciate we have to do a lot more in this area and we are progressively doing this,” says Mr Finch. “We have established an action group comprising a member of the academic staff, a student and an alumni to report back to Management on steps to be taken to improve Bond’s provision for this part of our community.” “Our aim is to make campus life as comfortable and inclusive for the whole Bond community as we can. As a smaller institution we can better identify issues of concern and create a sympathetic and supportive environment.”

TAKING THE INITIATIVE ACADEMIC role models are the key to supporting diversity in any university campus, according to Professor Keitha Dunstan. That’s why Bond University has committed to the Athena SWAN Charter, which was founded in the UK to improve female representation in the Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Medicine (STEMM) disciplines and to promote equality in academia more generally. Bond is one of 40 Australian institutions, including 30 universities, to take part in the Australian pilot of the program which Professor Dunstan says will create a framework for gender equality that benefits the entire University community. “We need academic role models to attract more women to become researchers and under our Athena SWAN commitment we will be supporting initiatives such as supporting return to work after career breaks, as well as mentoring and leadership programs that will nurture all of our people to reach their full potential.” “Everything we do will be available to both genders, but research shows that the existence of such initiatives is especially beneficial to women and other minority groups.” “We want to encourage early career development schemes and career planning among our staff, including factoring in the potential impact of future family commitments.” “It’s about creating a culture where people feel supported about their plans to have a family. It’s well understood that everybody benefits from work-life balance and a happy workplace.”



2016 | SEMESTER 3

EDUCATION AND LIFESTYLE A winning combination for future doctor

AHMED Almuwais was initially drawn to the Gold Coast to pursue an accelerated degree at Bond University, but the move has unlocked even more benefits beyond that. The Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) student relocated from Saudi Arabia in 2008 and says the personal development opportunities have been invaluable. “It’s always a challenge to move to a different country and adapt to the style, food and people,” Mr Almuwais says.

Bondies bridge the Gold Coast

Ms Celia Innerarity


THREE Bond University students from Switzerland, China and Denmark have spent the year promoting the Gold Coast as part of the Mayor’s International Student Ambassador Program.

Not only did the students sample the best tourism attractions, but also participated in local government and Study Gold Coast initiatives to encourage professional development.

In partnership with City of Gold Coast and Study Gold Coast, the program aims to strengthen ties between the local community and international students through cultural experiences.

The group of 14 student ambassadors from a variety of countries including India, Denmark, China, Germany, Switzerland, South Korea, Spain, Colombia, Vietnam and Nepal were chosen from local high schools, colleges, TAFE and universities.

UNCERTAIN about her future after high school, Bethany Allen sought advice from her Indigenous youth program. Elder Aunty Pat brought the young Awabakal woman to Bond University to meet with Nyombil Centre Manager Jason Murray, Indigenous Cultural Support Officer Narelle Urquhart and Pro Vice-Chancellor of Students and Academic Support Alan Finch. “Aunty Pat hit the nail right on the head when she told me that the Bond community was special and this was the place I needed to be,” Ms Allen says. “I discovered this throughout my scholarship application and by the time I found out I had been lucky enough to be accepted, I was desperate to go!”

“When I came to Australia I hardly spoke any English, just yes and no and it got me by. But then I eventually improved my English and confidence as well.” “Australia is one of the best countries in the world for welcoming international students and the Gold Coast is a lovely city with easy-going people.” This enthusiasm for the city earned Mr Almuwais a spot in the 2014 Mayor’s International Student Ambassadors program to share his experience with others. “The Gold Coast has a lot to offer students, not just education but also leisure,” he says. “That’s an important balance for the psychological effects of moving to another country, with great beaches and activities for people to do.” Mr Almuwais has secured a placement at Greenslopes Private Hospital after he graduates this year, following an offer from the Commonwealth Medical Internships program by the Department of Health. “The fact that I was chosen out of all these applicants is a good indication that Bond has a good reputation and also prepares you to be at the best level possible,” he says.

Learning as an

SWITZERLAND Kathleen Di Paolo is completing her Juris Doctor and says she fell in love with the country while working for the Swiss Embassy in Australia.


Mathias Sand Madsen, who is studying a Master of Finance, says the program will help him expand his connections into an international network.

“I fell in love with Australia and all of its diversity, then decided to live my Australian dream and stay here for my postgraduate degree,” she says.

“First and foremost I chose the Gold Coast because of Bond University. However, after I decided to study at Bond I discovered there is much more to this city than just a great uni,” he says.

“I moved to the Gold Coast because I wanted to live in a small and cosy city close to the ocean, in order to be able to surf and enjoy warm weather while benefiting from a great university program.”

“Before this opportunity arose, I just had a blog on Facebook for family and friends. But as an Ambassador I will be able to share my experiences on the Gold Coast with a much bigger audience and attract more students from Denmark.”

Juris Doctor student Huiming Lin says being an Ambassador gave him the opportunity to explore life on the Gold Coast.

CHINA Mr Ahmed Almuwais


“One of the things I have enjoyed while studying here on the Gold Coast has been the connections and friends I have made, both within the Gold Coast Chinese Students and Scholars Associations, but also from the multicultural community and the large international student body,” he says. “The many networking opportunities this year will help me feel well isolated from, the local community plus my student experience will be enhanced by sharing my personal and educational journey on the Gold Coast first-hand.”


expedition A QUEST for excellence brought Celia Innerarity all the way from Jamaica to Australia to pursue her Masters in Nutrition and Dietetic Practice at Bond University. The Bachelor of Science in Dietetics and Nutrition student graduated from the University of Technology in Kingston, Jamaica in 2015 and moved to the Gold Coast the year after. Ms Innerarity says she never had the desire to work or study in the US or UK, with a number of factors attracting her to Bond. Her determination to attend Bond was so strong she ‘didn’t even consider having a backup plan’. As well as smaller class sizes, personalised attention, practical experience and climate, she says she couldn’t go past the chance to work under ‘nutrition oncology’ expert Professor Liz Isenring. Her studies have also examined Indigenous culture in Australia and health issues.“The program has really lived up to all and more than I expected,” she says. “We have been exposed to a lot of what happens in Aboriginal communities and it makes me even more cognisant of the importance of diversity, especially after the effort the professors have made ensuring we understand that.”

This appreciation of diversity is also reflected in Ms Innerarity’s cohort at the Bond Institute of Health and Sport, with the program attracting students from America, India and New Zealand. She says the broad range of cultures, including her Jamaican heritage, help build interpersonal skills that will hold them in good stead for their future careers.

The Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Arts student has embraced campus life, including the Student Society for Indigenous Awareness and the annual Kununurra Youth Program “I’m constantly thrilled with the way my culture and heritage interacts with my experience at Bond,” Ms Allen says. “As a student, I appreciate how Indigenous affairs are addressed in my classes – always with respect and an understanding of how they interact with the subject matter.” Ms Allen also had the opportunity to put her legal skills to the test in the second annual Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Moot Competition, representing Bond along with fellow student Joan Cassimatis. The pair finished runners up.

“Sometimes they’ll say something and it sparks conversation about how it translates in their culture, sometimes it’s the same word but with a completely different meaning,” Ms Innerarity says.

“The legal research and analysis was on a level I certainly never experienced before, but it was thrilling to be able to devote myself entirely to one case and really get across all the law,” she says. “My confidence, presentation and legal skills were all massively improved thanks to the experience.”

“I find it interesting to learn about all the places I might not be able go to and how to work with different people.”

Ms Allen will participate in the International Criminal Court Moot in the Hague in May next year.

“The teachers took us on a retreat as one of the first activities of the program. We went as a group and came back as a team. I was grateful for that as it has really helped my transition here.” “It helps you to function in a variety of environments and become aware of our differences and realise that we’re not that different at all.” The avid marathon competitor is looking forward to her first Australian summer and plans to explore more of the country.

Ms Bethany Allen



2016 | SEMESTER 3

Mr Bat Tsedevdamba


AFTER being jailed for blowing the whistle on corruption in Mongolia’s aviation industry, aircraft engineer Bat Tsedevdamba was not ready to give up the fight for aviation safety upon his release. Determined to continue his fight, Mr Bat is currently studying a Juris Doctor (JD) on an International Student Scholarship. In his 20-year career, he has played a vital role in developing Mongolian aviation law. He used previous visits to the Civil Aviation Safety Authority office in Brisbane, as well as Civil Aviation Authority in New Zealand in 1996 as inspiration to implement new regulations in his own country. To stay at the forefront of advancements in the industry, Mr Bat had the opportunity to complete a Graduate Certificate in Air and Space Law from McGill University in Canada followed by graduating with a Master of Aviation Management at Griffith University in Brisbane in 2009. His experience abroad not only sparked aspirations to study law one day, but opened his eyes to unethical behaviour in Mongolian politics. He started a blog and Twitter account to expose the truth, which has amassed hundreds of thousands of page views and more than 40,000 followers. “I began to notice things, which I didn’t notice before,” Mr Bat says. “I simply couldn’t ignore the inequality, unethical and corrupt conduct of politicians and I started to write about it.” “This was a very handy tool for people like me, who stutter and struggle speaking out publicly. I was not afraid of criticising things that are wrong or unfair.”


Laying the foundations in urban planning BOND University’s Dr Bhishna Bajracharya has built a dynamic academic career around architecture and urban planning that has taken him to unique destinations across the world. The Associate Professor of Urban Planning and Bond University Sustainability Committee chair completed his Bachelor in Architecture at Delhi School of Architecture in India, before pursuing postgraduate studies in urban planning at University of Hawaii.

In 2013, Mr Bat tweeted about how a Mongolian minister and his political cronies were ‘ignoring the safety culture in aviation’. The minister complained to the head of police and his political ally to launch an investigation against Mr Bat accusing him of criminal libel. He was sentenced to three months in prison, but was released after 22 days following an appeal and public outcry. “I found out that the minister, police chief, prosecutors and judge were all closely connected,” he says. “Mongolian Parliament has since removed the criminal libelling offense from the criminal code, which was almost an unattainable dream for many journalists and whistleblowers for a very long time.” “The ex-minister is under heavy investigation over money laundering and corruption charges, and some of his aides have been arrested by the Anti-Corruption Agency.” After suffering abuse at the hands of law enforcers, Mr Bat decided to defend his right to knowledge and applied to law schools across Australia. He was accepted into several universities, including Bond, but almost had to decline his admission offers as he was unable to afford tuition fees. Bachelor of Laws graduate and this year’s Bond University Alumni Achievement Award for Community recipient Allyson Seaborn also lives in Mongolia and reached out to Mr Bat after hearing his case. “She was very excited and curious about my story and wanted to help me,” he says.

“She was very supportive of my application and provided a strong reference.” “I think that generous scholarship at Bond is the sign of real support of free speech and democratic values.” “I am here thanks to many good people. I find the JD program very challenging, but I am determined to complete it on time and within budget.” “I think I can help my country with its legal reforms by bringing fresh ideas from Bond law.”

Dr Bajracharya honed his craft in Nepal as an architect designing residential, commercial and educational buildings. It was here he also launched his teaching career in a local Architecture program. He says the diversity of staff and students in Bond helps put the University on the map.

Dr Bajracharya seized an opportunity to teach at Bond and develop the framework of the urban planning program in 2008. He has carried out research on diverse topics such as master-planned communities, smart cities, disaster management, transit oriented development and sustainable campus. Prior to this he worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the Australian National University in Canberra, before teaching urban planning at Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane for 12 years. “I have been supervising both domestic and international PhD students at Bond on topics including peak oil and cities, transit oriented development in Australia, the role of airports in economic development, planning for climate change in Cambodia and smart cities in India,” he says.

“Many academic staff at Bond have strong international work experience, which is our major asset to promote the global orientation of Bond University,” Dr Bajracharya says.

“In my own urban planning program, I have had students from countries such as Australia, US, Canada, Germany, China, India, Nepal, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Cameroon, Nigeria, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, and the Maldives.”

“I myself was born in Nepal, undertook studies in India and the US and have had a diverse work experience as an architect in Nepal, researcher in the US and urban planning academic in Australia.”

“I use this student diversity as an opportunity for my students to share experiences of cities from different parts of the world and develop a global perspective in urban planning and design.”

Mr Bat is currently residing on the Gold Coast with his wife and younger son and daughter, while their two eldest sons are studying aerospace engineering at University of Kansas.

BRAND NEW PERSPECTIVE ON RULES OF LAW PROFESSOR William Van Caenegem was educated in the law in Belgium and the UK and now teaches students from all over the world at Bond University. The reactions of new Bond Law students today are the same as his own when he arrived as a teacher in 1989 – excitement at the opportunity to be taught law in a different way. Professor Van Caenegem says the Bond method sits in bright contrast to his own experience learning in Europe, and many of the University’s international students are similarly impressed. “Many of our students already have a Law degree and they are coming from jurisdictions such as continental Europe, China, Scandinavia, Japan, and they are all used to a very formal education,” says Professor Van Caenegem. “All they have done is gone to lectures where there are hundreds of students who sit and listen to the professor for two hours and then go home, then have an exam at the end of the semester.” “When they come here and experience the small group tutorials, it is a real eye opener.” Professor Van Caenegem did his undergraduate Law degree at University of Louvain in Belgium, followed by a Master of Laws and Doctor of Philosophy at University of Cambridge. However, when he arrived in Australia, he was not able to practice law as his qualifications were not recognised.

“I simply couldn’t ignore the inequality, unethical and corrupt conduct of politicians and I started to write about it.”

When Bond University opened in 1989, it gave Professor Van Caenegem the opportunity to work in the world of law academia. “It was very exciting in the beginning; a very exciting new initiative,” he says of Bond. “It was aimed at teaching the law in a completely different way that involved much more interaction with the students.” Even from day one, there was a strong international presence at the University.

Dr Bhishna Bajracharya

“We have always had a good number of students in law coming from other jurisdictions … and that really enhances life here at the University,” says Professor Van Caenegem.



2016 | SEMESTER 3

Shaping the future of


FEW understand the importance of ‘culture’ and ‘diversity’ in health provision more than Bond University Discipline Lead for Indigenous Health Dr Shannon Springer.

The aspiring professional footballer completed a Bachelor of Health Sciences in Indigenous Primary Health Care at The University of Queensland on a sporting scholarship in 1999. Inspired by his own cultural background as Aboriginal and an Australian South Sea Islander, Dr Springer changed tack and committed himself to Indigenous health. He moved to Townsville in 2000 to undertake a Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery at James Cook University, where he also sat on the board of the local Aboriginal Medical Service. He eventually returned to his hometown in Mackay to work as a general practitioner at his own community run Aboriginal Medical Centre, before heading to Bond to drive the Indigenous health curriculum. Dr Springer believes having Indigenous doctors’ in the health profession is good for all Australians and would like to see the number of Indigenous doctors grow. “Currently in Australia approximately 1.6 per cent of all medical students and 0.3 per cent of all doctors identify as being Aboriginal and or Torres Strait Islander. We would like to see the Indigenous doctor number reach parity of about 3 per cent.“ He says having Indigenous health professionals is however only one aspect of the picture.

A slice of PARADISE Dr Colette Southam

“We also, more broadly, need to develop health professions that are culturally safe, reflective and socially responsive in their professional practice – this is critical to improving Indigenous health outcomes.”

“The Indigenous health curriculum starts very early, within the first year, and that’s really about understanding and bringing the concept of culture into health practice. We do this by developing an understanding of one’s own culture and how they see and interpret the world through their own cultural lens.” “Not only are we teaching people about Indigenous health, but we’re also helping students understand themselves and how to be better people and effectively work cross-culturally in all communities – particularly marginalised communities and negotiating some of the gaps there.”

ASSOCIATE Professor of Finance Dr Colette Southam jumped at the chance to ‘live in paradise’ in 2012, leaving her position at Western University’s Ivey Business School in Canada to teach at Bond University. Her appointment has proven to be successful for the Bond Business School, particularly as an advocate for using case studies to teach students.

“Coming from a school with a real emphasis on case teaching to a country that has very few business cases was a great opportunity for me to take a leadership role and launch the Network,” Dr Southam says. Ivey Publishing produces the second highest number of business cases worldwide, behind Harvard University. “Academics who want to teach with cases end up using studies from America, Europe or Asia, but the Network offers support to


“We’ve developed an integrated curriculum that spans the medical program, and we are also implementing these standards into Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy and the Nutrition and Dietetics programs,” Dr Springer says.

Dr Southam is championing the case method of teaching not only at Bond but Australia-wide, with support from the University and an Australian government grant. The Australian Business Case Network now has 150 members and the University of NSW has also come on board as a strategic partner.


Dr Marie-Claire Patron

Bond University Professor Marie-Claire Patron is fostering cultural awareness among students through language. DR MARIE-Claire Patron is a global citizen who calls Bond University home and she wouldn’t have it any other way.

Dr Shannon Springer

encourage more Australian cases.” “A business case presents the students with an actual real-life business problem and they have to apply their decision-making, problem-solving and communication skills to make a decision.”

Born in Mauritius with French, Scottish, Portuguese and Italian heritage, Dr Patron moved to Melbourne with her family when she was eight years old. Speaking only French and Creole, the experience of culture shock inspired a love of languages and set her on a path towards becoming a teacher. With the addition of English, Spanish and Italian to her repertoire, Dr Patron is a proud polyglot.

“It makes the classroom sessions more interesting and dynamic. It’s also a great opportunity for Bond because we’re leading this initiative for the whole country.”

Dr Patron has taught and worked as an interpreter and translator in Europe, one year in France and eight years in Spain where her daughters, Danièle and Dominique, were born.

Bond maintains close ties with Western University, through the Cowin Scholars Program which facilitates student exchange opportunities. Associate Professor Southam also remains an Adjunct Associate Professor at Ivey Business School.

The family later moved to Australia where she was appointed as Head of French and Spanish Language at Bond and later as Assistant Professor in Intercultural Communication.

A additional benefit of coming to Bond was the opportunity for Dr Southam to work on a real options valuation of a carbon mineralisation project with Bond Associate Professor of Finance Dr Simone Kelly. Dr Southam presented their work to De Beers in Cape Town, South Africa, earlier this year and the pair have just submitted a proposal to undertake a site-specific valuation on one of De Beers African diamond mines.

Dr Patron has been with the University for 25 years and established the French and Spanish courses, as well as exchange programs for students to study abroad. She says her travels and encounters overseas are useful anecdotes for the classroom to justify the theory and encourage students to share their own experiences. “My life has revolved around multicultural friendships, networking, and even amongst

my colleagues at Bond, we are like the United Nations,” Dr Patron says. “I have had the privilege of developing many friendships with staff and students and I continue to touch base with some of them when I am abroad.” “It is my firm belief that our multicultural campus makes Bond fertile ground for the development of greater cultural awareness and appreciation, based on a spirit of collegiality and professional integrity.” Dr Patron says teaching French and Spanish in a country where English is the first and dominant language has its challenges. She says more students are pursuing double degrees, with fewer electives outside of their discipline and a heavier course load, making it more difficult to select a language. “We live in a monolingual country; we are multicultural, but it is monolingual and everyone has to speak English,” Dr Patron says. “In Europe it is normal for people to speak many languages. But trying to convince Australians in particular, or students with a heavy workload, to study languages is never an easy feat because it takes so much time to perfect.” “A lot of people do not believe they need a second language. I am forever trying to market the languages and promote them in every single context that I possibly can.”

Dr Patron says this is a lost opportunity as language is inextricably linked with culture, and it is so ‘rewarding’ to communicate with someone in their native tongue. “In addition to promoting cultural awareness, you can gain amazing insights into the target culture - you begin to focus on the cultural similarities instead of differences,” she says. “As so much of what we say becomes lost in translation, a significant advantage is that the second language affords you a greater insight into the emotions and values of another culture, thereby increasing intercultural understanding and competence.” Dr Patron’s international experience has led her to write five books, the latter two co-edited, about cultural identity issues and communication, while singlehandedly raising her two daughters. She says the supportive framework of Bond, including mentoring from the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Society and Design, Professor Raoul Mortley, played a crucial role in her achievements. “It has not always been easy, but that is what makes it more fruitful now, because I can look at the trajectory of my career and journey and I am still here after 25 years,” she says. “I am passionate about what I do and there is no other university I would wish to go to. They are going to have to carry me out.”



2016 | SEMESTER 3

A NEW DAWN FOR SENATE Respected law academic Professor Brenda Marshall will steer a steady course for governance of Bond University’s Academic Senate after stepping in as the new Chair. A REVIEW and renewal of Bond University’s academic governance structure will be high on the agenda for the new Chair of the Academic Senate. Deputy Dean of Law and former Deputy Chair Professor Brenda Marshall has replaced Professor Keitha Dunstan who held the position for four years. The Academic Senate is the peak advisory body to the Vice-Chancellor on academic matters and the highest forum for academic discussion and debate within Bond University. Professor Marshall has served within the Faculty of Law for the past nine years across a number of roles before being appointed as Deputy Dean last September. She has a strong record of research and teaching in competition and consumer law, specialising in misuse of market power, cartel behaviour, misleading or deceptive conduct, unconscionable dealings and consumer credit. Her published work, including articles cited with approval by judges in the High Court of Australia and New Zealand Court of Appeal, has appeared in a range of general and specialist journals. Professor Marshall describes her leadership style as inclusive, collegial and collaborative, ensuring the University’s new direction is in capable hands. “In my dealings with others, I strive to optimise the shared vision and sense of common purpose which unites our University community,” Professor Marshall says. “As Chair, I will be concerned first and foremost to ensure effective and equitable governance of academic matters at the University.” “I also think it would be timely to review the Standing Committees of Senate to ensure our governance structure is fit for purpose in terms of meeting the needs of the University.” “For the same reason, I think an audit of our academic policies and regulations would be beneficial too.” Professor Marshall is no stranger to governance on campus, particularly relating to the student experience.


Through her role as Chair of the Academic Senate, she acts as Chair of the University’s Program and Subject Review Committee and Regulations Review Committee and a member of the Learning and Teaching Committee, Research Committee and Student Disabilities Advisory Committee.

She was also instrumental in developing a transition plan to introduce the Core Curriculum to undergraduate students after being appointed as Chair of the Core Curriculum Implementation Working Group in 2013.

THE subtlety of gender influence never dominated Associate Professor Linda Crane’s thoughts as she forged a diverse career exploring reproductive physiology and learning and teaching.

The 18-month project has left a ‘visible imprint’ at Bond by delivering professional development skills that set Bond graduates apart.

“Wide-ranging participation in Faculty management and University governance at Bond has enabled me to gain an in-depth understanding of the issues and challenges currently facing the higher education sector, as well as the evolving regulatory framework governing tertiary institutions.” “This is an era of innovation and digital disruption in higher education. What remains critically important, however, are the high ethical standards and an unwavering commitment to the principles of equity, quality assurance and continuous improvement.” “I am certain that our University will continue to uphold the highest academic standards and principles.” Dr Linda Crane, the Deputy Executive Dean at the Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine and Associate Dean (Learning & Teaching), is the new Deputy Chair of the Academic Senate.

Dr Linda Crane

Getting the balance right goes a long way to enhancing the student experience, says HSM’s Associate Professor Linda Crane.

During her four years as the Academic Senate’s Deputy Chair, she also served on the University’s Admissions Standards Committee, Core Curriculum Committee, Decisions Review Committee (Exclusions), Library Advisory Committee and Regulations Review Committee.

“My roles at Bond have given me the opportunity to make a difference to students here,” Professor Marshall says.


Professor Brenda Marshall

“Wide-ranging participation in Faculty management and University governance at Bond has enabled me to gain an in-depth understanding of the issues and challenges currently facing the higher education sector.”

Initially she turned her attention to physiological research and teaching, prefaced by a PhD, but for the most part the Deputy Executive Dean and Associate Dean (Learning & Teaching) at Bond’s Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine was involved in curriculum development and establishing new health professional programs. “I moved from working in professional workplaces contexts that were largely male dominated, such as biomedical science research, into learning and teaching areas that are at least partly if not largely female dominated,” says Associate Professor Crane. “I’ve worked in both environments and navigated my way through that transition. It’s interesting to think back on the different roles I had and how they interacted across the gender culture issue.” Associate Professor Crane, the newly appointed Deputy Chair of Bond University’s Academic Senate, does see differences between those cultures although she concedes there is a risk of generalisation. “Looking back there are differences that influence how one achieves outcomes, but in both environments it is outcomes that are important regardless of how you get there,” she says.

“Recognising and working with varying approaches is important in navigating through different situations. Transparency and communication are key in dealing with other people regardless of whether it is in a science lab or a curriculum meeting.” “Remembering that colleagues are also people with lives and issues beyond work is important. We need to be kind and get to know each other, or respect each other, whilst we work together.” “That’s not to say outcomes aren’t expected and that formality is not required in some circumstances, but it gives some flexibility and acknowledges that life goes on around work – for both men and women.” Associate Professor Crane says recognition of the whole person is important at all times, and perhaps particularly after the birth of a child. “I feel like I’ve certainly benefited through my career from family friendly environments, which I think is a real key. When I had my child, I enjoyed implicit support to balance my family’s demands with those of my work.” Bond University’s Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine has seen changes in the gender balance over the last few years. “If you look over the last couple of years we have a female Dean, I’ve been Associate Dean Learning and Teaching, Deputy Executive Dean and over the last couple of years our other Associate Deans have

been both male and female. Our Head of Program positions are also filled by a combination of men and women.” “This is the sort of balance that promotes inclusiveness and provides role models for students and junior staff, both men and women, that they can achieve into the senior levels.” Associate Professor Crane says an inclusive work environment is vital for the broader student experience. “Not only does it provide role models but it also enhances the staff experience which in turn impacts on their interactions with students and creates a positive environment for students as well,” she says. Through funding secured from the Federal Government’s Office for Learning and Teaching, Associate Professor Crane was co-leader of two strategic priority projects at Bond. These projects engaged with students and staff at universities across Australia - the first looking at graduate employability and the second the postgraduate student experience. “They reinforced the importance of communication and cooperation between staff and students in achieving outcomes to improve employability and postgraduate student experience,” she says. The graduate employability work was a finalist for the Australian Financial Review Higher Education Employability Award.



2016 | SEMESTER 3

L-R: Mrs Pip Messel, Mr James Messel Read and Mrs Wendy Read

L-R: Mr Michael Winternitz, Mrs Wendy Read, Mr James Messel Read, Mrs Pip Messel and Mr Jeremy Woo

Harry Messel Commemorating

JULY 8th 2015 was a sad day in the University’s history when one of Bond’s stalwarts, statesman and great characters passed away.

Professor Messel tackled these issues head-on in his own exuberant manner and at all times held the best interests of the University’s long-term future.

Emeritus Professor Harry Messel AC CBE was Bond University’s third Vice-Chancellor.

Almost one year on from his passing, the University formally recognised Professor Messel’s legacy.

He was appointed during a tumultuous time at the University. Professor Messel was initially appointed as Chancellor on 3 April 1992 but he soon assumed executive responsibilities following the resignation of the second Vice-Chancellor Professor Philip Lader in February 1993 and he took on the unique position of Executive Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor. Professor Messel ably steered the Bond ship until his retirement at the end of 1997. He faced the difficult task of maintaining the momentum of the University while dealing with major financial challenges.


On the 18th of August the University unveiled a commemorative plaque dedicated to Harry. The ceremony was well attended by former staff and students, long-standing staff whom had worked under Professor Messel, and family and friends. Professor Tim Brailsford, Vice-Chancellor and President, noted that it was important for the University to recognise its past. “Harry was such an influential part of our history. In the decades to come, the

future generations need to understand the importance of the contributions to Bond of people such as Harry.”

While the day was inevitably somewhat emotional, Mrs Messel was delighted that she remained in close contact with the University.

Harry’s widow, Mrs Pip Messel who was very much part of their dynamic partnership, formally unveiled the plaque together with one their grandsons Mr James Messel Read who recently completed his studies in business at Bond.

“Bond is so close to our hearts. I know that Harry would be so pleased with the University’s development and progress.”

Mrs Messel was accompanied by one of her daughters Wendy Read, and in addition to James, other grandsons Mr Michael Winternitz and Mr Jeremy Woo. Mrs Messel reflected on their time at Bond. “It was a time in our lives that I remember with much fondness. While there were times of challenge, it was also very exciting. Bond was such a different university and one filled with aspiration, boldness and a sense of adventure.”

It was a day full of recognition, reflection and celebration. In acknowledging the contribution of both Harry and Pip, a student and community recreational facility has been constructed adjacent to Lake Orr by the Ring Road Bridge. This facility is a multi-purpose outdoor facility for the use and benefit of students which is named as ‘Harry & Pip’s Place’. The structure, together with the landscaping and new rock-wall have transformed a little used corner of the campus into a place where students can come together, share a drink, catch a

fish, cook a BBQ or simply just take in the serenity.

Emeritus Professor Harry Messel AC CBE

Born in Manitoba in the 1920s, Harry experienced an adventurous early life and became passionate about the great outdoors. He loved hunting and fishing almost as much as his beloved spouse Pip; and hence the symbolism of Harry & Pip’s Place. Following the launch, the Vice-Chancellor hosted a lunch attended by family and friends which was a grand occasion. Of course Harry’s love of French champagne, escargot in garlic sauce and lamb’s fry were on the menu. Perhaps the last word is left to Phil Lader who described Harry as: “A giant of a fellow, of immense importance to the institution we all hold dear. What a life!”



2016 | SEMESTER 3

BONDIES CONNECT THROUGH SHARED PAST Bondies behind the scenes of the


TOM Forbes remembers a Bond University alumni catch up in New York City as a special moment.

student, in his early 20s, and says that Bond provided exactly what he needed at that point in his life.

“I didn’t know many people, but having that Bond connection, it didn’t’ matter, because you have lived the same experience,” says Mr Forbes, the Gold Coast reporter for the ABC.

“I loved my time at Bond. I found a professional place to go, where everyone was there to do a job,” Mr Forbes says. “The number one thing for me was getting in and out in two years.”

There with his partner, fellow Bond alumnus Derek Cronin, Mr Forbes knows all too well how the Bond University link can foster a strong relationship. Mr Forbes arrived at the University as a mature-age

That focus meant that Mr Forbes didn’t make a lot of time for extra-curricular activities, or run in many social circles on campus, but he regularly attends University events today. Looking back, Mr Forbes valued the coursework at Bond, and the close ties the University had with the media industry, which allowed him to gain an internship at Channel 9 Gold Coast News. “I can pretty much guarantee that if I didn’t get that internship through Bond I wouldn’t be doing what I do today. I credit my start with Bond helping me arrange that internship.” Following a Channel 9 cameraman around to sports events on weekends got Mr Forbes a start as a sports journalist in Townsville. After roles in Toowoomba and Brisbane, he and Mr Cronin decided to move back to the coast.

Alumnus Mr Tom Forbes Margot Robbie with alumnus Mr Harrison Norris

Now, after 13 years as the ABC’s Gold

Alumna Ms Emily Tate with Cara Delevingne

Two Bond graduates are changing the game using virtual reality on major film sets.


TWO Bond University Film and Television graduates are making waves in Hollywood with cutting-edge technology.

Cinematic VR, which has since worked with Warner Brothers, Paramount and Dreamworks.

LONG before she became one of Channel Nine’s leading news presenters, Wendy Kingston always knew that journalism was her life’s calling.

Harrison Norris was recruited as VR Director and Action Pre-Visualisation Artist on blockbuster film, Suicide Squad, while Emily Tate was enlisted as Production Assistant in the stunt department.

“We’re still breaking every rule we can, most recently proving it’s possible for filmmakers to edit and/or move the camera in VR without disorienting the audience – hence busting one of the best-known myths about VR and there’s more to come,” he says.

Mr Norris, son of Stunt Director Guy Norris, pitched a virtual reality (VR) experience as part of the project that puts the viewer at the centre of the action fighting alongside stars Margot Robbie and Will Smith. “The crew loved the idea, but the problem was the VR cameras couldn’t shoot any closer than four feet, which made it difficult to emotionally engage with the scene and make the experience feel ‘real’,” Mr Norris says. He designed a new camera that could be worn around an actor’s head to deliver the world’s first, true live-action, first-person experience. The Mobius camera kick-started the creation of Mr Norris’ VR company Proxi


The Suicide Squad VR experience debuted at Comic-Con in San Diego in July ahead of the film premiere, and was later released through Samsung Gear VR. Ms Tate also works at Proxi as Production Executive and manages the VR content. She says what she learnt from her time working on Suicide Squad was beyond what she could have ever imagined. “It’s crazy to think that an amateur film student got flung into the deep end of a huge Hollywood blockbuster, which rarely happens,” Ms Tate says. “I learnt to adapt to the new and

professional environment quickly. I became a sponge – not because I had to, but rather I wanted to remember and grasp every aspect of my time on set.” “I remember when Harrison and I were standing on the train station set on one of the biggest sound stages in Toronto and trying to take the moment in and drill it into my brain.” “Harrison grew up on film sets, so it was comforting to have him by my side.” “Doing my first feature film was a bit daunting, but knowing a fellow Bondy was going through the same experience made things easier.” Mr Norris and Ms Tate are heading for big things in the industry. The duo have recently wrapped up work in New Zealand for Scarlett Johansson’s new film, Ghost in the Shell. Mr Norris has also signed on to direct several short-form VR projects with Proxi, as well as a feature film in LA next year.

Having grown up on the Gold Coast, Ms Kingston initially pursued a business communications degree at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT), aiming to marry her own love for reporting with her family’s flair for business. After deciding that QUT wasn’t her ideal institution, she made the switch to Bond. “It was without doubt the best decision I ever made,” says Ms Kingston. “I loved my time at Bond, it was far more hands on than anything I could have hoped for.” It was through the University that Ms Kingston secured her first industry job at the ABC Radio newsroom in Brisbane. Following a brief stint in radio Ms Kingston then made her television debut as a reporter for the WIN NEWS Toowoomba Bulletin, shortly before scoring her first gig as a newsreader for the Toowoomba and Sunshine Coast bulletins. It was upon her move to Sydney that Ms

Coast reporter, Mr Forbes describes himself as ‘ensconced’ in the city, and wouldn’t have it any other way. He still can’t tear himself away from the coal face of daily reporting of breaking news. He is a familiar face and voice on TV and radio covering every major event on the Gold Coast. “Every day is different, every day is a challenge, but the nice thing about being a news journo is that at the end of the day, when the story is done, you can wipe the motherboard clean, go home and then start clean the next day,” says Mr Forbes. “For me, it’s like being a goldfish, I swim around the tank one day, then come in the next and swim around the tank again, and it is great.” Upon graduating high school Mr Forbes attended Dalby Agricultural College and then worked as a jackaroo in Longreach. “I did that for a year and loved it, but I got thrown off a horse around 30 times and I was earning around $137 a week as a second-year jackaroo - I thought, ‘this is great, but it is not getting me to where I want to go’.” So, he worked a variety of jobs, including a real estate agent and a coal laboratory technician before enrolling at Bond, and the rest is history.


Kingston’s career took a quantum leap, when she was picked up by Channel Nine.

Alumna Ms Wendy Kingston

She has since reported and read for several of its most popular bulletins including the National Nine Morning News, Afternoon News and late-night bulletin Nightline.

Reflecting on her career, Ms Kingston says the personal highlight was working on Weekend Today alongside other Australian journalism icons including Cameron Williams and Deborah Knight. “Working on Weekend Today was such a fun job, and it was such a great team to be a part of,” she says. “I was on air for three hours and there is just so much that can happen in that time frame – there is so much breaking news and it is so diverse.” Most recently, Ms Kingston has moved back home to the Gold Coast where she currently presents Nine’s Gold Coast News at 5:30pm alongside Bruce Paige. She believes Bond University played a significant part in launching her career and giving her the tools to succeed in a life behind the news desk.



2016 | SEMESTER 3

Building a city of dreams AN URGE to solve business problems and deliver successful outcomes has seen Michael Meier tackle major development projects across the world. The Bond International Relations and Business alumnus, who graduated in 2009, has carved a dynamic career as Project Manager at TKHS Group in the Philippines. From hand carrying urgent cargo to aircraft about to depart to overseeing the procurement of furniture for almost 1000 rooms at integrated casino and resort City of Dreams in Manila, Mr Meier says his job description can be ambiguous. “Some people might see that as a bad thing, but it teaches you to problem solve and keep moving forward,” Mr Meier says. “It’s stressful, but a lot of fun as well. Especially in a place like the Philippines where everyone has different rules and no matter where you go there’s no set standards.” Alumnus Mr Michael Meier

Mr Meier was headhunted for the role in 2014, after his former colleagues joined this new company. Prior to that, he was

climbing the ranks at Kuehne + Nagel in Singapore – one of the largest logistics providers in the world. As part of the hotel logistics department in Asia-Pacific, he was responsible for the freight management, warehousing and installation of furniture in a number of new properties. Mr Meier also arranges networking nights in his own time, including a Bond alumni event earlier this year for people based in the Philippines. “I’m impressed and intimidated by the people that I can say I’m in the same circle with,” he says. “It’s just so diverse, even within Australia. People have led such different lives but when we meet we all get along.” “We can all find common ground and that’s something special.” Mr Meier plans to host another alumni event in December, and invites Bondies visiting Manila to get in contact and he’ll show them around.

LEADING THE WAY FOR EDUCATION BOND University alumna Eleanor Donovan is on a mission to ensure all Australian children have access to educational opportunities, regardless of social status.

her way down the east coast after being awarded a Vice-Chancellors Scholarship to complete a double degree in Commerce and IT.

Ms Donovan was instrumental in establishing Teach For Australia in 2009 to tackle the issue of educational disadvantage.

After graduating in 2004, she studied Computer Science Honours at Australian National University in Canberra followed by a stint at McKinsey & Company in Sydney as a Business Analyst.

She returned to the non-profit organisation last year, to launch a new initiative aimed at developing school leaders known as Teach To Lead, in partnership with the Sidney Myer Fund and Gandel Philanthropy. “The program is a two-year experience for those that are in middle leadership roles in schools to help hone their ability to lead teams of teachers and improve student outcomes,” Ms Donovan says. “We know there are massive differences of achievement between the highest and lowest socio-economic groups of Australia, and far too many students aren’t getting the education they deserve.” “The long-term aim of this program is to help participants to drive high performance in schools across Australia.” The Rockhampton resident started making


The Bondy who tapped the


JUST a few short years ago, you could find Liam Auer crunching numbers for the Bond University Investment Group. Today, he’s banking with bigger bucks. Mr Auer is a Senior Associate with Macquarie’s infrastructure funds team in London, where he focuses on mergers and acquisitions and asset management in the utilities and networks sector.

She led a number of different projects in early learning services and the government sector before settling in Melbourne for Teach to Lead.

Macquarie Bank has made a series of astute investments in the UK that have reaped billions of pounds.

“I appreciated the opportunities that were given to me by virtue of fabulous teachers throughout my schooling and at Bond, but I recognise that some of the people I went to primary school with in particular didn’t have that experience and therefore didn’t have the same life trajectory,” Ms Donovan says.

Mr Auer is currently asset managing Thames Water and is part of the bid team looking at acquiring the National Grid’s gas distribution network, where he works alongside fellow Bond alumnus Adam Roberts.

“Education has the power to set people on the path to lead fulfilling and productive lives. It’s exciting to have a career where I feel like I’m making a difference to that.” Ms Donovan is working to expand Teach To Lead across schools serving low socioeconomic communities nationally.

Alumnus Mr Liam Auer

Alumna Ms Eleanor Donovan

acquisitions advisory at Investec. He then took on a graduate analyst role with Macquarie where he worked across both the infrastructure and special situations funds teams until his transfer to London. Despite being on the other side of the world, the Bond connection has remained strong for Mr Auer. “Our cohort has quite a strong connection and that has also made its way over to London,” he says. “We often do informal drinks. I also read The Arch and am part of the Alumni Network here in London.” The junior swimming star chose Bond because of the reputation of its law school and its location near his coach, Denis Cotterell, at Miami.

“It’s all rather exciting,” says Mr Auer. “Coming over to London and working on some landmark transactions in such a great office has definitely been the highlight of my career so far.”

“Bond offered the best of both worlds for me at the time,” says Mr Auer. “The law school had an excellent reputation and it allowed me to stay on the Gold Coast and continue swimming under Denis.”

Mr Auer studied a dual degree in Commerce and Law and began his career with a summer internship in mergers and

When looking back at his time at Bond, Mr Auer thinks fondly of the myriad of extra-curricular activities that the University

offered, and the relationships he made during his study. “The extra-curricular was probably the defining part of Bond for me – through that I met people who are now some of my closest friends, and in some cases, colleagues.” “I look at a lot of my fellow students who were incredibly driven and have gone on to achieve quite a bit in a short amount of time, all over the world. You can’t help but feel proud and grateful you went to a university that attracted those people and gave them the right environment to flourish.” While Mr Auer works in finance, he says the practical elements of his law degree, such as negotiation, have been helpful in his current role, while the Bond Investment Group gave him tools to use in finance and business. So, what is next for Mr Auer once he finishes managing some of the UK’s biggest infrastructure? Right now, he is focusing on his current role, but says, “I would love to base myself in New York for a few years”.



2016 | SEMESTER 3

Fronting an industry

FOR THE FUTURE Alumnus Mr Mark Schulz

Alumnus Mr Iwan Rahabok with Alumna Ms Indah Andayani

IWAN Rahabok is at the forefront of the IT revolution. Since graduating from Bond in 1994, Mr Rahabok has built a career in the ‘weird and wonderful world of virtualisation’ – the term he uses to affectionately dub his industry. For the past eight years Mr Rahabok has worked as a leading software engineer and architect for VMware in Singapore, following previous stints at Sun Microsystems, IBM and Accenture. As a member of VMware’s Customer Success Engineering team, he is responsible for connecting strategic customers and partners from all around the world to the virtualisation computing space. During the early days of his career as a fresh IT and Computer Science graduate, he quickly fell in love with the idea of an industry for the future. “Back in the early 90s, people believed that computing was eventually going to be a part of everyday life, but in those days there wasn’t the internet, social media or digital


“At the time as a young man, I agreed that computing was going to be the future...”

life as we know it,” says Mr Rahabok. “At the time as a young man, I agreed that computing was going to be the future, so I grew up at Bond in the BAT Labs and I fell in love with computing, and ever since then I think I was lucky.” Humbly calling ‘luck’ what others would call dedication and skill, Mr Rahabok was one of the first 100 people in the world to achieve VMware certification as an advanced professional via the prestigious VCAP-DCD exam. Mr Rahabok has also published two books which have become key guidance tools for others in his line of work. The concept and solution from these books have since been adopted into VMware products. Under his work with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, Mr Rahabok was recently invited to join an auxiliary team based in Silicon Valley that develops VMware products. He believes this is an achievement which wouldn’t have been possible without the internet.

“Our Silicon Valley folks have come to know what I do through the internet – through my blog, Linkedin and Twitter,” says Mr Rahabok. “They noticed what I have done and asked me to be a part of the team.” While Mr Rahabok decided to commence his degree at a time when Bond was still beginning to flex its industry muscles, he says the decision was life-changing. “My brothers and sisters who all studied before me studied in New South Wales, and at the time there were some doubts about Bond’s stability,” says Mr Rahabok. “We deliberated as a family and decided Bond was the better choice – I went to the Gold Coast and I am grateful I made that decision. It changed my life.” Mr Rahabok recently helped organise an alumni event for Bondies in Singapore in October. He lives with his children and wife Indah Andayani, who is also a fellow graduate from the Bond Business School.

change The power of

THE decision to switch careers from medicine to law also came with a change of scenery for Mark Schulz. He recognised limitations in Alberta’s healthcare system while working as a nurse in Canada, and sought a path towards making a difference in the industry’s legal framework instead. Mr Schulz, along with his wife Kate, travelled to Australia to pursue his Juris Doctor at Bond University based on the Faculty of Law’s close ties with Canada. “The National Committee on Accreditation or legal practice in Canada has a very close relationship with Bond and Bond was effectively the only university outside of Canada that was accredited to provide a seamless transfer back to Canadian practice,” Mr Schulz says. He says by becoming actively involved in the campus community, from sporting clubs to President of the Postgraduate Students’ Association, he has built lifelong friendships and remains in contact with some of his professors.

After graduating with Honours in 2014, Mr Schulz went on to complete his Masters of Law in Global Health Law at Georgetown University in the US. During this time, he appeared before the International Human Rights Commission and worked with the World Health Organisation on a number of pharmaceutical projects. The international law exposure landed him a position at D’Arcy and Deacon LLP in Calgary, where he works as an Associate specialising in intellectual property, class action law, malpractice and health policy. “I can tell you without any reservation that my experience at Bond was the highlight; it was the catapulting point of my career,” Mr Schulz. “My schooling years prior were fairly conventional. When you already live in the city where you’re going to school, you don’t have that sense of adventure.” “But at Bond, not only was it moving across the world, it opened so many doors for me. The culture, people and school itself is so much more dynamic and personal.”

“It’s being free of the conventional confines you may have in your home city.” “Some people achieve that by just moving a couple hundred kilometres away to the next major city, in this case it took a 13,000km trip to make that happen.” Mr Schulz is focused on building his legal career with a view to working on a more international scale one day. He’d also like to explore the academic space and potentially complete his doctorate in the future. “Calgary is a big city and growing, but there are still a lot of people that don’t understand the idea of studying outside the borders of Canada,” he says. “For me, it’s being able to point to the degree as a key that opened up an entire career I had never contemplated.” “There was never a day when I grew up and wanted to be a lawyer - I wanted to become a doctor.” “I gave up that career path to pursue this alternate path and I think I’m better for it. I have Bond to thank for that.”



2016 | SEMESTER 3

Academic answers

Research Week Reaches Out

dairy farmers’


BOND University academics showcased their latest ground-breaking work across disciplines including Health Sciences, Accounting and Law at Research Week 2016. Highlights included Professor Vicki Bitsika’s presentation on Autism Spectrum Disorder in children and Professor Chris Del Mar’s debate on the effectiveness of antibiotic use, both of which were attended by more than 200 people from Bond and the wider community. Executive Dean of Law, Professor Nick James, led a half-day ‘Zen and the Art of Law’ workshop which honed in on wellness and resilience for legal professionals, which was held prior to the launch of Bond’s new Centre for Professional Legal Education.

during the week, with additional viewers tuning in via live stream options. Director of Research, Mr Andrew Calder, says 2016 Research Week was one of the best yet, particularly with regards to community engagement. “What was remarkable was the level of external engagement and participation,” says Mr Calder. “It showed the full extent of how our researchers are in touch with users and beneficiaries, and also how they are engaged with the broader community.” The week culminated in the Annual Research Week Gala Dinner, where the prestigious Vice Chancellor’s Awards within the field of research were announced.

Dr Adrian Gepp also presented the 4th Forensic Accounting, Teaching and Research Symposium, a two-day event focused on recent developments and innovations in the field of forensic accounting.

The Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Research Excellence was presented to internet and data privacy law Professor Dan Svantesson, who is a recent Australian Research Council Future Fellowship recipient and author of 114 journal articles, four books, six book chapters and 80 conference papers.

More than 700 people attended events

Professor Wayne Hing, Head of the

Bond Physiotherapy Program, was also recognised, winning the Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Research Supervision. In more than 20 years as a researcher in clinical and sports sciences, Professor Hing has supervised more than 70 higher degree research students to completion. Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research) Professor Keitha Dunstan says Research Week is one of the leading forums for Bond’s multidisciplined cross section of academics to showcase their work. “When people think of the word ‘research’ they often first think of health or sciences,” says Professor Dunstan. “But good research can happen in any field, and it’s great to have such a broad sweep of academics at Bond who are able to focus on a variety of different areas.” Recently, Bond research has committed to focusing research effort on key areas of research strength: evidence based healthcare, exercise and sport science, law, applied psychology, creative media and sustainable development.

ARCHITECTURE DREAM TEAM BUILDS ON SUCCESS LESS than a decade ago, you could find Joel Hutchines and Rory Spence sitting in a lecture at Bond University, absorbing all the information they could about fabrication and design from Assistant Professor Chris Knapp and Assistant Professor Jonathan Nelson’s architecture classes. Little did they know that just a few short years down the track, their company Studio Workshop would be making big waves in the architecture scene on the Gold Coast. Founded by Mr Hutchines and Mr Spence in 2014, later joined by Assistant Professor Knapp and Assistant Professor Nelson, Studio Workshop is the design and fabrication company responsible for some of the most eye-catching designs on the Coast. Mr Hutchines and Mr Spence say their business was initially formed by a combination of the cutting-edge

industry skills they learned at Bond, and a philosophy to ‘never say no’ to a potential project. “In the architecture course there is a big emphasis on digital fabrication, and a big part of the success of Studio Workshop is that we have utilised the skills from computation and design to bring it to the marketplace,” says Mr Hutchines. “The more work we get out, the more work we seem to get in – we never say no which is one of our mottos, we just want to keep growing bigger.”

Fellow director and architecture Assistant Professor Chris Knapp was inspired by the journey of his former students, now colleagues, as they translated learning directly into practice. “Joel and Rory invited myself and Jonathan to join them a couple of years after they began Studio Workshop, and it was great to see that the things we were teaching them at the university, they immediately put it into practice,” says Assistant Professor Knapp.

‘Growing bigger’ seems to be an understatement, as the Studio Workshop team adds projects in Papua New Guinea and the United States to the portfolio.

“Personally I feel quite proud that the curricular structure we offer here at Bond has enabled this particular kind of practice to unfold.”

Some of the team’s most notable works include the Condev head office in Brisbane, The Maven at Nobby Beach, the Little Mermaid Café and the Foxtel building reception at Robina.

Recognised for their entrepreneurial flair, Mr Hutchines and Mr Spence were recently invited to present at the Bond University Ideas Camp, walking high school students through the Studio Workshop journey.

DAIRY farmers’ revenues are being drained by the big milk processors and supermarkets, but Bond Law academic Professor William Van Caenegem says there are ways they can fight back by following the law. There is a little-known exemption to competition laws that very few farmers are taking advantage of, which allows groups to bargain collectively with the processors. To do so, the farmers must get permission from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) and, contrary to what many might think, this is often welcomed by the processors, says Professor Van Caenegem. “We found that the collective bargaining system is very little used by farmers and that is because they tend to be incredibly competitive with one another,” Professor Van Caenegem says. “You would think, as farmers in the middle of nowhere, you would get together and say, ‘let’s at least share transport costs to Brisbane, or buy a truck together,’ but no.” “Yes, you can compete, but there are certain ways you must collaborate to improve your common lots.” Professor Van Caenegem talked to farmers from across the nation for the research paper Collective Bargaining in the Agricultural Sector, which he wrote alongside fellow Bond academics Ms Madeline Taylor and Professor Brenda Marshall, and Ms Jen Cleary from the University of South Australia. It is important work, as dairy farmers Australia wide struggle in the face of aggressive pricing on the part of milk processors and supermarkets, which are essentially operating a monopsony. There are only very few processors,


including Murray Goulburn and Parmalat, and two main supermarkets: Coles and Woolworths. “If you are a milk producer in Queensland, there is not much choice – if you get a 50 cents per litre offer from one processor, you won’t have three or four other offers to consider,” says Professor Van Caenegem. A group of Central Queensland citrus growers who bargained collectively with the supermarkets have shown the way forward. Not only did they get a better price, but the supermarkets welcomed the collective bargaining approach. “The supermarkets don’t mind it so much; while they would like to be in a strong bargaining position, on the other hand they like to have a steady supply and a regular quality of supply,” says Professor Van Caenegem. “If they must get a bit from this one and a bit from that one to get that steady supply, it is very complicated. If the farmers come as a group they can guarantee a yearround supply at an agreed quality and the supermarkets might be willing to pay more for that.” Professor Van Caenegem says the ACCC needs to be proactive in educating farmers on their right to collectively bargain. He says the appointment of Mick Keogh as the first agricultural Commissioner to the ACCC in February 2016 was a positive move. Revamping the Horticulture Code of Conduct to deal more effectively with imbalances in bargaining power is another good move. Professor Van Caenegem’s work on collective bargaining has also coincided with the interest of Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce, who is pushing for the re-emergence of cooperatives in Australian agriculture.

Before agriculture was deregulated in the 1980s, there were far more cooperatives, and with their disappearance the dairy farmer’s lot has not improved. Professor Van Caenegem and his team identified cooperatives as effective vehicles for collective bargaining by farmers. “The farmers are the meat in the sandwich and the ones who end up with the least,” he says. “If you look at the value chain of agriculture in the early 1900s, the farmer got around 50 per cent of the value of the final price, but now farmers get around 9-10 per cent of the value.” “Somewhere or another, before it reaches the consumer, someone is getting the other 90 per cent of what the consumer pays. Coles and Woolies are making a lot of money, as are some of the big processors.” “There are a lot of competition forces stacked against farmers, so we need to be proactive to make sure that they are aware of the possibilities. One area where it is very important to have this power is milk and dairy.”

“There are a lot of competition forces stacked against farmers, so we need to be proactive to make sure that they are aware of the possibilities.”


Thank you Bond University’s Annual Fundraising Campaign was again successfully supported in 2016 and we’re pleased to announce more than $300,000 was raised to further support student assistance, research, building funds and the University’s endowment. The generosity displayed by our alumni, staff, students and community does not go unnoticed and we would like to publicly thank those individuals who have financially contributed to the future success of the University. We will be increasing opportunities for the Bond community to contribute to in 2017 and beyond and we look forward to your support.


2016 Chancellor’s Circle Members In celebration of our most generous supporters, we have established the Chancellor’s Circle, which proudly and publicly acknowledges those individuals who donated $2750 or more in 2016. Dr Soheil Abedian DUniv & Mrs Anne Jamieson-Abedian Mr Sahba Abedian Mr Christian Anderson Dr Neil Balnaves AO DUniv Dr Annabelle Bennett AO SC & Dr David Bennett AC QC Professor Tim Brailsford & Mrs Kerrie Brailsford Ms Judith Brinsmead Mr Roger Buck Dr Betty Byrne Henderson AM Mr Alan Chan HJ Dr Helen Chenery Professor Jim Corkery Dr Patrick Corrigan AM DUniv Mr Jack Cowin Mr Derek Cronin Mr Michael Dean Mr Trevor Dietz Mr Angus Douglas Professor Keitha Dunstan Mr Brian T Finn AO The Follent Family Mr Sartaj Gill Dr Darryl Gregor OAM Assistant Professor Mike Grenby & Family Dr Fay Haisley Dr Padma Harilela DUniV Dr Peter Heiner AM Mr Bob Hill Mr Mark Hohnen & Mrs Cate Hohnen Mr Victor Hoog Antink Mr John Hutton Mr Terry Jackman AM Professor Peter Jones Associate Professor Dr John Kearney OAM Dr Alison Kearney DUniv Mr John Le Lievre Dr Mei Pheng Lee Mr Ken MacDonald Mr Larry Malan Dr Ken McGregor DUniv The Messel Family Ms Bronwyn Morris Mr Derek Murphy Professor Terry O’Neill & Professor Helen O’Neill Dr Manny Pohl Mr Tom Ray & Mrs Megan Ray Mr Ken Richarsdon & Ms Alice Steiner Dr Gina Rinehart DUniv Dr Imelda Roche AO DUniv & Mr Bill Roche AM Mr Basil Sellers AM Mr Brett Walker & Mrs Hoang Walker Ms Jacqueline Waterhouse Emeritus Professor Don Watts AM DUniv & Mrs Michelle Watts Professor David Weedon AO Mr Takeshi Yagi

Current ongoing Annual Fund Donors

Annual Fund Donors 2016

Oluwabunmilakin Afolabi Madeline Arnold David Atchisonw Mark Bamberry Daniel Beebe Karl Black Joel Borgeaud Benjamin Bourke Richard Brimblecombe Lauren Buchanan Bryce Camm Reece Allan Carey Tisha Carmelita Melina Chan Demetria Chelepy Cheah Sin Chin Nikki Christmas Lanelle Clarke Kellie Collins Karen-Anne Cornell Jeremy Dailhou Deborah Ebeling David Ellis Isaac Evans Simone Faunt James Fleetwood Karl Graf Richard Graham Thomas Hall-Brown Ian Hanrahan Andrew Harris Mark Henry Jan Hermann Lauren Hertel Mason Hoffman John Holding Wei Hu Andrew Jackson Steven Jamieson Sian Jeffs Megan Jimmieson Jonny Karlsson Angela Kingston David Kitcher Michael Korganow Benjamin Lam James Lewis Yameng Li Andrew MacAlpine

Eric Abalajon Apurva Agarwal Nadia Albergo Takeo Arai Liam Auer Christopher Barry James Bergmuller Prem Bhawnani Deon Botha Kim Brown Ilona Charykova Helen Chenery Vanya Cheng Alena Cher Hsi-Yen ROSE Chi Timothy Clark Samuel Cochrane Darren Coghlan Diane Core Melissa Cortinas Byron Costas Jonathan Cover Charles Crowley Eliza Damianopoulos Nicholas Davies Timothy Davis Mark Desiatov Alejandro Diaz Gonzalez Beltran Olivia Dixon Dean Djordjevic Paul Drake Evan Dunnicliff Tiffany Eastland Haruhi Endo Alexander English Berenice Etournaud Serena Finney Samantha Folaron Julie Fox Simone Fraser Ashley Freeman Annie Gagne Ryan Garay Cassandra Gillespie Christopher Goldsworthy Joe Hartshorn Wade Heggie Anna Hellevang

Daniel MacKenzie Christopher Margarido Gavin Marriott Letitia Maxwell Tatum McGeary Taylor McPhail Bianca Middleton Kieran Morris Ryan Mouritz Abebech Moussouamy Alex Myers Guillaume Nassif Scott Noonan Louise Pase Scott Pendlebury Jason Pennell David Plumb Jared Pohl Theresa Poots Lewis Romano Christopher Rooney Paul Rossouw Matthew Sait Donovan Scholtz Jessica Selleck Sukhdev Sethichaiyen Fletcher Sigley Nicholas Sitch Michelle Smith Carly Snodgrass Daiji Takashima Zhenting Tan Rosemary Timmins Neha Tiwari Zoe Townsend Michael Truce Barbara Tynan Jorja-Lee Wallace Tomas Wanke Justine Ward Raymond Waterhouse Michael Weir James Wellham William Wells III Sascha Wenninger Andrew Wong Jaeger Wylie

Franco Hinostroza Lucy Hopkinson Koji Hoshino John Inskip Noriyoshi Ishikawa Yasuhiro Ishikawa James John Andre Joshi Christian Kahnt Saho Kamimura Mark Kassab Daria Khamikaeva Elise Kogler Jens Korff Daniel Krause Christian Kuechler Varun Kumar Monisha Lalji Christopher Land Anthony Leutenegger Ying Li Bentgurion Litha Brent Melita Lloyd Yeepei Loo Destine Lord Michael Loterzo Chloe Love Peter Macarthur Andrew Mackenzie Amelia Mak Samit Mandal Zac Matheson Kara Mavin John McDanel Kaitlin McDonough Alida Milani Ronald Moss Damin Murdock Michael Musial Benjamin Naday Yoshiaki Nagata Katharina Nau Yuko Nemoto (Aoki) Toshihiro Nozaki Endre Papajcsik Sia Papametis Brock Phyland Michael Pieri Lucy Pitney

Rebecca Pole Adrian Praljak Puneet Prasad Daniel Procopis Ian Quartermaine Halligan Quin Arun Raniga Caleb Reeves Jacob Reichman Keith Roberts Nicholas Rodgers Rosemarie Rusch Courtney Ryals Meagan Ryan Timothy Ryan Naoya Saito Anthony Saranah Rhiannon Sargent Casey Schneeberger Mark Schwarz Bradley Scoble Adrian Selim Manuel Siegrist Kin Chung Sim Rishwant Singh Marina Skinner Michael Smart Justin Smith Trevor Smith Hidenori Soga Yutaka Sudou Joshua Symons Warren Tapp Lowana Thomas Shoichi Tomizawa Matthew Tremellen Mark Unger Rachel Unthank Emily Vale Nicole Walker Rob Walker Stephanie Webster Xing Wei Abby Williams Jessica Wilson Fiona, Meng Yao Wu Hao Wu Shosei Yamamoto

*This is not a complete list of donors, as some of our generous donors have requested anonymity.



2016 | SEMESTER 3

ANTIPPA’S ON FIRE SOPHIE Antippa pushed through the pain in scorching conditions to take 10th place in the 20-24 age group at the ITU World Triathlon Championships at Cozumel, Mexico in September.

Tackling concussion to keep sports safe Assistant Professor Annette Greenhow

PROFESSIONAL sports have come a long way in their treatment of brain injuries, but PhD Candidate Annette Greenhow says there is more work to do, and there is a danger that community sport is being left behind. The Bond University Assistant Professor of Law is passionate about sport and the positive role it plays in society. She is a firm believer in maintaining the essence of various sports, but says it is important to provide a safe environment for participants, particularly so that parents have the confidence to enrol children in sports. Assistant Professor Greenhow sees an opportunity to apply regulatory theory to the issue, and this is what she has based her PhD thesis on. “Regulatory theory is really appropriate to apply to sport, because firstly, it is an area that is not that well developed in terms of research in a sporting context, and secondly, it is a way to alter or influence peoples’ behaviour in a positive way,” says Assistant Professor Greenhow.

“We are not trying to change behaviour to stop people playing sport, we are trying to change the layers of regulation and decision making to make sure there is a safe system.”


“We are not trying to change behaviour to stop people playing sport, we are trying to change the layers of regulation and decision making to make sure there is a safe system and that regulation is effective in achieving that objective.” Assistant Professor Greenhow says regulation is much greater than just the law and legislation. In sport, a range of regulatory tools are available and go much further than simply the rules or laws of the game. They are designed with the overarching objective to make the game as safe as possible in the circumstances and to alter or influence the behaviour of players and

parents, coaches, referees and fans. For example, whereas in the past fans may have expected a player with a head knock to play on, today it is hoped that they understand the seriousness of the injury. Assistant Professor Greenhow started by looking at the four major codes of football in Australia, as she wanted to keep her focus narrow and to track how the codes were responding to the growing issue of concussion in football. However, she soon realised the gaps in regulation were at the community level and identified a greater need for a coordinated approach. “The professional sporting bodies were really looking after their professional tiers in their sport – or starting to move closer to proactive preventative measures to try and minimise the harm,” she says. “Where the harm is probably under developed and under resourced is at the community and school levels.” “Traditionally, that has been an area where there are fewer resources, yet higher participants. So, the thesis is now broader in that it is looking at the regulation of concussion in all Australian sport.” Assistant Professor Greenhow serendipitously came across the subject that would prove to be her focus for the past six years. She started following the story of concussion in sport when she read a paper about the NFL’s management of the issue. Following a 2009/10 US Congressional hearing, the sporting body was subject of a damning review, with allegations of conflicts of interest and denials of the growing body of independent research identifying problems arising from concussion in American football.

It was Ms Antippa’s first international race, having only taken up the sport one year ago, but despite her inexperience and the fact she is only 19 years old, she schooled many of her competitors in the sprint distance. The race started at 7:50am and the air temperature was already 31 degrees, with 94 per cent humidity. Even the water was 28 degrees. “These conditions were like nothing I had ever raced in before,” says Ms Antippa, who is in the second year of a Bachelor of Medical Studies and Doctor of Medicine. The swim has always been her weakest leg, so when Ms Antippa plunged into the bathtub-warm water, her tactic was to stay out of trouble in the frantic 150m swim to the first buoy. It was a tactic that worked well. “I was surprised to find myself at the start of the middle group of girls exiting the water running towards transition,” says Ms Antippa. Next up was the bike course, which was flat and featured one turn. Ms Antippa was in the lead pack with three other girls, who she remained alongside, biding her time for the run. “It crossed my mind whether to take off and do a solo 15km ride, although the

Ms Sophie Antippa

thought of not knowing how fast these girls were at running kept me close to the front all the way into transition,” she says.

Perhaps it was the right decision not to race ahead, because Ms Antippa said the first 1km of the run “felt like forever”. The appearance of her Australian team mate Bridget Taylor spurred Ms Antippa on through the run. “We did the first 4km of the run together. My plan was the build into the 5km and I gave the last 1.5km everything I had.” She crossed the finish line only five seconds behind the ninth-place getter and enjoyed roses and fresh coconuts in recovery. Ms Antippa had to come back from a broken scapula to qualify for the race. The injury, which happened late last year, prevented her from competing in the summer triathlon series and almost meant she couldn’t qualify for the World Championships. However, her coach, Dane Robinson, encouraged her to enter the Luke Harrop Memorial race on the Gold Coast, where she qualified for the Australian team. “This would not have been possible without the support of my coach, Dane Robinson, family and the Bond Elite Athlete Fund,” says Ms Antippa. “The support from the fund helped immensely, covering some of my travel costs to and from Mexico. I am very appreciative of Bond’s Elite Sport Program which has allowed me to balance my career and sporting pursuits alongside one another.”

SELF-AWARE SAILOR VOWS TO WORK ON CONSISTENCY DANIEL Self has vowed to work on his consistency following the most serious international test of his sailing ability. The 19-year-old finished 41st in the laser category of the U21 World Championship at Kiel, Germany and 26th at the U21 European Championships held at Split, Croatia in August. The Actuarial Science Student and member of the Bond University Elite Sport Program has his sights firmly set on qualifying for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. When asked to reflect on his performances, he says he is satisfied rather than happy.

“Happy, no. Even if I was winning, I probably wouldn’t be happy – there is always something to work on in our sport,” says Mr Self. “I am satisfied. I improved massively compared to the same events I competed in last year.” Where Mr Self can see the opportunity for improvement is his consistency – his results in individual races varied wildly, from top 10 to the 40s. In the World Championships, he was placed ninth after the first day, but quickly dropped down the rankings in the following days.

“A lot of that comes down to experience. Those two events, they were pretty much the first time I had been competitive in front of a big international fleet, which included guys who had been winning World Championships since they were kids.” The confidence gained by mixing it with the best in the world will only help Mr Self in his progression as a sailor. He will have a big summer. In December, Mr Self will compete at the World Cup final in Melbourne, followed by Sail Sydney, and then the Australian Laser Championships in Adelaide across the New Year period.



2016 | SEMESTER 3


Bond swimmers dominate at


THE Bond University men’s soccer team made the finals of the Gold Coast Metro League and won silver at the University Games in 2016. In what Coach Brett Parkes says was a ‘very strong’ year, the Bullsharks claimed fourth place in the regular season and secured a place in the finals, where the team was narrowly beaten by Tallebudgera Valley. After going down to an early goal, the Bullsharks rallied and found the back of the net with eight minutes to go, raising hopes of a come-frombehind victory. However, with just three minutes to go, the opposition put the final nail in the coffin with what has been described as the best goal the Bull Sharks had conceded all season.

L-R: Mr Alexander Graham, Mr Solomon Wright, Ms Maddie Groves, Ms Amy Forrester, Ms Ella Bond and Mr Sam Young

OLYMPIC silver medallist Maddie Groves returned from Rio de Janeiro in time to lead the Bond University swimming team to third place at the Australian University Games in Perth. The team won 11 gold, 10 silver and three bronze medals from 30 individual swimming events at the Games, despite only being six members in size. Groves won four gold and a bronze, just one month after returning from the Rio Olympics with silver in the 200m butterfly.

silver), was selected in the Green and Gold Merit Team. Rounding out the swim team were Ella Bond (two gold, one silver, one bronze), Solomon Wright (one silver, one bronze) and Sam Young (three silver). “I’m really proud of the team; it was a small team with great camaraderie,” says Jackie Parra, Sport and Programs Manager at Bond Sport. “They really enjoyed themselves and certainly represented Bond really well.”

The star of the men’s team was Alexander Graham, who won five golds and one silver, including a Games record in the 100m freestyle with a time of 50.43.

All six Bond swimmers are part of the Bond Elite Sport Program and four of them are Georgina Hope Rinehart Swimming Excellence Scholarship holders.

Mr Graham, along with Amy Forrester (four

The University Games will be held on the

New facilities impress at inaugural swimming event

“It gives us something to look forward to next year, to see what we can do when the Games are on the Gold Coast,” she says.

The Bond Bullsharks Soccer Club is getting stronger each year and Mr Parkes says, “We look forward to next season and improving our standing”.

“If we can add swimmers and enter the relays, we should do well, so that is exciting.” In total, the University sent a team of nine athletes to Perth for the Games, which were held September 26-30. In judo, Kristoffer Diocampo took home bronze in the mens’ U90/100+kg combined category, while Bowen Zhang was unplaced in the U66kg category. Sonal Narang finished 6th in the women’s golf competition.

professional meet with a fun and friendly atmosphere,” adds Mr Scarce.

“Despite the wild weather conditions, it was great to see several state and national qualifying times achieved this early in the season,” says Bond University Swimming Club Head Coach, Richard Scarce.

“The Sports Centre really showcases the pool and provides amazing overhead views of the events for the marshalling area,” says Mr Samuelson.

“With our new swim infrastructure in place and operational - including the end wall, lane ropes, bulk-head and Omega kick blocks – we could stage a high-quality,

Standout players in 2016 were Ed Dickinson, Jordan Handel and Ed Sinclair.

WET weather did little to dampen the spirits of more than 240 swimmers from 17 clubs across the Gold Coast, Northern NSW and Brisbane at the inaugural Bond University Spring Carnival on September 9-10.

The Carnival, which included 33 events, showcased the new facilities at the Bond University Pool and Sports Centre to visitors for the first time.


Gold Coast next year, and Ms Parra is expecting the swim team to perform well at home.

Assistant Coach Kyle Samuelson says the new centre impressed the guests.

The Bond University Spring Carnival looks set to become a firm fixture on the southeast Queensland club swimming calendar following its success this year. “Congratulations goes to the Bond team on running a very successful inaugural meet – and we hope, the first of many,” says Alan Smith, Chief Referee from Swimming Gold Coast.

Alumnus Mr Ryan Lenegen

LENEGEN FIRST BOND AFL LIFE MEMBER THE Bond Bullsharks AFL club capped off another successful season by naming its first Life Member – Ryan Lenegen. An original of the first AFL team and member of the club’s premiership-winning teams, the ruckman has earned the utmost respect from his teammates and fellow club members. “He was a driving factor behind the establishment of the club and on the field, he was instrumental in winning the premiership last year as a ruckman,” says Club Coordinator Sam Schiphorst. “He is one of the most respected guys in a club; a great character and the ultimate professional.” The Bullsharks club has made the finals in every year since its inception in 2011, including premierships in 2014 and 2015. This year, the club played in the QFA South top division for the first time and made the 5 preliminary final. The reserve grade team

made the semi finals. The womens’ team just missed out on finals on percentage. The John Le Lievre Club Man and Woman Awards went to Roger Merrett and Jenna Fulton. The full list of award winners are: Most Reliable - Roxy Jeavons and Alex Makin; Most Improved - Grace Bradley and Daniel Goodburn; Coaches Award (Women’s) Kate Reynolds; Coaches Award (Reserve’s) - Ben Willoughby; Coaches Award (Seniors) - Mark Foster; Most Courageous - Rihanna Saliadarre and Jack Fox; Women’s Club Champion - Georgia Cerutti; Reserve’s Club Champion - Madie Bland; Taylor McPhail Medal (Senior Club Champion) - Zac Tschirn; Best in Finals - Chris Powell. Training has already started for the 2017 season and the campaign is again led by Sam Wish-Wilson in his fourth year as seniors coach. Ben Merrett will have his second season in charge of the reserves in 2017.

FIRST BOND DRESSAGE EVENT DRAWS HUNDREDS THE first Bond University Dressage Championships attracted 120 riders to the Tallebudgera Pony Club on 30 October. Riders came from across Queensland and northern New South Wales for the largest event ever hosted by the Bond University Equestrian Club. Club President Rhiannon Thomas describes the event as a real success. “It gave those from within Bond and outside Bond a taste of what dressage is all about and what the Bond University Equestrian Club can do,” says Ms Thomas. “I want to thank all our supporters, the Tallebudgera Pony Club and Bond University for all their support in planning this event – it wouldn’t have run without them.”



2016 | SEMESTER 3

Nepal Journey to the heart of

Ms Lara Sveinsson

A GROUP of intrepid Bond University students have journeyed to Nepal to help rebuild the community in the aftermath of last year’s earthquake. L-R: Ms Katrina Ukmar, Magistrate Colin Strofield, Deputy Registrar Ms Paula Bould, Ms Tess Lehn

PARTNERSHIP A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION Bond University law students will gain an inside look at handling domestic violence cases as part of a new initiative. BOND University students will learn how to navigate the legal complexities of domestic violence cases under a new partnership with Domestic Violence Court in Southport. Five law students will observe Magistrate Colin Strothfield in his role as one of the presiding magistrates at the only dedicated domestic and family violence court in Queensland and work with the Domestic Violence Registry. The five-week Domestic Violence Court Clinic program has been coordinated by Assistant Professor of Law Jodie O’Leary and Assistant Professor Elizabeth Greene as a response to Dame Quentin Bryce’s report, ‘Not Now, Not Ever’. Assistant Professor O’Leary says the initiative will help provide students with invaluable courtroom experience in a supervised environment. “One of the issues highlighted in the ‘Not Now, Not Ever’ report was the need for universities to identify suitable ways to incorporate education and training around domestic violence prevention into


undergraduate courses,” says Assistant Professor O’Leary.

inspire students in their future careers in legal practice.”

“We see the Domestic Violence Court Clinic as a way we can implement those findings, while also giving our students valuable real-world experience to prepare them for legal practice.”

Bond University Psychology Clinic Director Dr Deborah Wilmoth has briefed the students about the confronting matters they will face.

Students will observe both civil and criminal court proceedings, from the initial application stage through to contested trials. Magistrate Strofield says partnering with Bond is an important step towards change. “The definition of domestic violence is varied and often misunderstood,” Magistrate Strofield says.

Students Nakisa Djamshidi, Tess Lehn, Katrina Ukmar, Chelsea McClatchy and Melissa Bate will each spend one day per week at Domestic Violence Court, as well as work in the Registry. Ms Ukmar, a third year Bachelor of Laws/ Bachelor of Psychological Science student, says she and her fellow students were grateful for the opportunity.

“Educating students in the definition of domestic and family violence and best practices is a key component for change in the future.”

“These cases are often heard in a closed court, so to be able to have access to the courtroom and the Magistrate is something you would never usually get to experience as a law student,” Ms Ukmar says.

“I’m optimistic that this opportunity to observe the practical application of legal studies together with gaining the perspective of aggrieved and responding parties of domestic violence will assist and

“I don’t think the community understands just how widespread domestic violence is in today’s society. It’s been amazing to see the great work that is happening, and steps that are being taken to address this important issue.”

The Gorkha earthquake struck Kathmandu and surrounding areas last April, killing thousands of people and destroying many structures, including historical sites. The Bond Aid Program teamed up with Partnership for Sustainable Development Nepal (PSD) to determine which areas of the community would benefit the most.

Program which was supported by the Student Opportunity Fund and her own volunteer experiences. She says the trip was challenging yet rewarding with the welcoming nature of the locals.

Ms Sveinsson says special moments, such as rebuilding a library at a primary school and participating in a cultural festival, transformed the students from strangers into a tight-knit group by the end of the trip.

“We knew that the living conditions wouldn’t be what we were used to at home and that it would be confronting speaking to people that had lost family members and homes in the earthquake,” Ms Sveinsson says.

“Most of us didn’t know each other well at all,” she says.

For almost three weeks in September, 14 students contributed to a broad range of projects across education, health, construction and agriculture.

“What we didn’t expect was the concept of Nepali time. We were an ambitious group of students that wanted to help out and do as much as we could, whereas the Nepali people treated us like their guests and didn’t want us to work too hard.”

Outgoing Bond University Student Association Special Interest Director Lara Sveinsson championed the Bond Aid

“It was kind of reconciling that rush trying to get everything done while also accepting their culture and hospitality.”

“The selection process was really based less on people’s experience, but rather their passion, ability to blend in a group and put other people before themselves.” “We had a group of really supportive people in an uncomfortable environment, but at the end of the day we spent time talking through things, what people had learnt, what we could take from each other’s experiences and how we could help each other out. As a convenor, that’s what I’m most proud of.”

SOLOMON ISLANDS PLACEMENT INSPIRES STUDENT FOR most students, the chance to change the lives of a struggling community is a far-off dream, but fantasy quickly became reality for Sophie Hofto after securing a travel grant from Bond University’s Student Opportunity Fund. The Master of Nutrition and Dietetic Practice student joined three of her peers on the trip of a lifetime to the remote township of Kirakira in the Solomon Islands, where they undertook a two-week industry placement. The group worked within the hospital’s antenatal and child welfare clinics, educating both mothers and hospital staff on the proper introduction of food to infants, the importance of iron-rich foods and breastfeeding, and how to correctly measure infants to detect early signs of malnutrition. Ms Hofto says continued education is key to ensuring the long-term success of the community. “Education of the nurses is vital in capacity

building as they are the ones who are on the ground to help mothers in the community, while Bond Nutrition can only be there a short period,” she says. “The ability to educate mothers will hopefully improve outcomes and reduce malnutrition at a local level.” The group also met with stakeholders from the World Vision Nutrition Program team to critique their current practices and local data collection methods and put forward recommendations. “I am immensely thankful to the Student Opportunity Fund for the chance to complete placement in KiraKira,” Ms Hofto says. “I developed not only my nutrition-related skills, but my leadership, managerial and cultural skills as well. These outcomes and attributes will help me to become the best dietitian I can be and I will carry them through life.”

Ms Sophie Hofto at a Kirakira hospital



2016 | SEMESTER 3

Aiming high for Indigenous education THE Australian Indigenous Mentoring Experience (AIME) is a leading organisation which supports the education of Indigenous youths nationwide. For the last five years AIME has been making an impact through Bond, working to partner University mentors with local Indigenous high school students through its dynamic program. AIME Centre Manager for SEQ Tom Wensley says Bond volunteers have been helping to ‘close the gap’ on postschool pathways into tertiary studies, as they work through key life issues, learning modules and workshops with their mentees. “AIME is a platform that facilitates Bond students to give back to their local community, making a direct difference to kids on the Gold Coast,” says Mr Wensley. “The mentees at neighbouring schools have been coming to Bond on several days throughout the year to work through a series of workshops which deal with all kinds of different issues.” “The topics of discussion include serious subject matter like drugs and alcohol, racism and identity to things that are fun like drama and speech writing.” Mr Wensley believes both mentors and mentees have a lot to gain by partnering through AIME. He says it is an ideal avenue for building leadership skills and confidence, while engaging with Indigenous culture on a personal level. “For the mentees, AIME is constantly providing encouragement and an environment which is safe for kids to do or talk about things they mightn’t within the school environment,” says Mr Wensley. “For the mentors, which are both Indigenous and non-Indigenous, it provides a practical way to give back and take pride in engaging with Indigenous culture.” In the past year, 61 mentors from Bond have signed up to be involved with AIME.


L-R: Ms Jessica Singh, Ms Angela Hanson, Ms Kylie Pamenter, Ms Emily MacDonald



Gala goes



More than 530 guests attended the event on 11 November, with Indigenous country music star Troy Cassar-Daley closing out the night with a special Q&A session and performance.

INSPIRES CAREER SUCCESS THE Career Development Centre (CDC) is focused on providing students and alumni the highest quality graduate outcomes in the country. In addition, each week dedicated staff from the CDC work closely with Indigenous students at the Nyombil Centre to support them on the path to success.

into the Nyombil Centre every week and I attacked her with my applications and resume, she would read over them to make sure that everything was okay and in the right style.”

“I’m looking forward to giving people a new perception of not only Indigenous people, but Indigenous young women. I think it will be a life-changing experience,” she says.

In 2017 Ms MacDonald will join Justice Morrison at the Court of Appeal as a judge’s associate, before commencing a graduate program at Brisbane’s Minter Ellison office in early 2018.

Ms MacDonald is looking forward to seeing some of the best legal professionals at work in the courts before considering a move into the firm environment.

Ms Hanson, a Gold Coast local, will begin her career in the policy stream of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in Canberra early next year. After finishing her work as a research technician for CSIRO’s Data61 project, Ms Singh will also move into the realm of policy at the Attorney General’s department, under its graduate program. Ms MacDonald, Ms Hanson and Ms Singh all agree that being able to confidently launch their careers was largely due to the strong support network offered by Bond. The students were guided jointly by the CDC and Nyombil Centre, with Employment Services Specialist Kylie Pamenter supporting them through crucial points in the career-finding process. “It was great to have the CDC alongside us,” says Ms Hanson. “Kylie has been amazing. When she came

Having grown up in the northern New South Wales city of Grafton, Mr CassarDaley gave the audience a glimpse of his unique life experience on the journey to becoming one of Australia’s most beloved music icons.


Pro-Vice Chancellor of Pathways and Partnerships Catherine O’Sullivan says having Mr Cassar-Daley perform and speak on the night was a treat second-to-none.

For Ms Singh, it was the practical and cultural support at Bond that inspired her to make a mark in the political community.

Emily MacDonald, Angela Hanson and Jessica Singh are three such students who have excelled during their time on campus, each achieving high-level graduate positions which are set to begin next year.

“We were very thankful to have Troy as our guest artist this year,” says Ms O’Sullivan. “He is a strong Aboriginal man with his own story, who has a history of inspiring other people to connect with Indigenous culture.” Ms O’Sullivan says the Indigenous Gala is a highlight on the Gold Coast calendar which inspires people to give back to the community and shoulder a sense of cultural responsibility.


“In the Court of Appeal I’ll get to deal with some interesting legal questions and see some of the best barristers and QCs and Australia in action,” says MacDonald.

She refers to the University’s Corrigan Art Walk collection, inspired by Dr Patrick Corrigan AM, as a prime example of engaging with this responsibility.

“I’m looking forward to how much I’m going to learn in that year, I think it will be very challenging but for a young lawyer it’s going to give me better skills, more understanding and litigation experience.”

“The Gala is an important event, showcasing Bond’s strong alignment with values around the role of being a leader in the broader community,” says Ms O’Sullivan.

Ms Pamenter believes that kick-starting a career for Bond students all comes down to individual skills, preferences and no small amount of determination. “It’s about asking students what they want to get out of their careers, how they want to give back to their communities and exposing them to the amazing opportunities that are out there,” she says. Currently the Nyombil Centre supports 60 students on campus, each of which are individually connected to career opportunities via Ms Pamenter and the CDC team.

THE Indigenous Gala was once again a great success in 2016, raising a total of $350,000 for Indigenous pathways, scholarships and support at Bond University.

1. Troy Cassar-Daley 2. Ms Cheryl Peate and Aunty Pat Levy 3. L-R: Ms Leann Wilson, The Hon. Leeanne Enoch MP, Ms Lois Peeler, Pro Vice-Chancellor of Pathways and Partnerships Ms Catherine O’Sullivan. 4. Mr Jordan Kilcoyne and Dr Patrick Corrigan AM


5. Mr Jeremy Donovan

“As an example, Bond University is the custodian of one of the largest private collections of Indigenous Art in Australia, so having that collection gives us an extra responsibility to reach out to the community and connect.” The Indigenous Gala has been running since 2013 in its current format. Prior to that, the event ran as an annual Indigenous Art Auction. Bond University has raised a total of $1.35 million through both the Indigenous Gala and Art Auction events.



2016 | SEMESTER 3

“Be persistent and refuse to accept anything less than what you are passionate about. I firmly believe there is a career for everyone out there.”



DECEMBER 2016 6th

Melbourne Alumni Event


Medicine Graduation Ceremony


September semester 163 classes end

JANUARY 2017 16th January semester 171 classes commence TBA

Alumni Advisory Board meeting

FEBRUARY 2017 Alumnus Mr Tristan Blom


THE ROAD TO A CAREER TRANSITION TRISTAN Blom was living the dream as a solicitor at a top tier law firm in Sydney, but as he looked around at his friends, he saw them enjoying their time at the firm much more than he did. That caused him to question why he had become a lawyer. “I deeply envied my friends who were so passionate about law,” says Mr Blom, adding that it was lonely and disempowering to find himself in such a position. “I found I was more interested in performance and what makes a great lawyer.” Today, Mr Blom is Learning and Leadership Co-ordinator for Ashurst across the Asia Pacific. It took four years to make the transition from his role as a solicitor and what he learned along the way were some valuable lessons for anyone interested in changing career. His experience shows the value of planning, networking, and having a friend to hold you accountable to your plans. Mr Blom, who as a student worked at Bond’s Career Development Centre (CDC), began his journey to a career change back where it started.


“I sat down with Kirsty Mitchell at the CDC and started with the ‘why’, the ‘which’ and the ‘where’,” he says.

strategies. She really pushed me, pushed me to aim higher and take action, she was inspiring and supporting.”

“I think, and I am sure a lot of people can relate to this, that if your career doesn’t match your values, it will be incredibly difficult to feel passionate about what you do.”

And to fill in a gap in his experience, he got a little creative along the way.

“What did I feel happiest doing? I reflected on the skills that I loved using and what came naturally as my strengths.” Mr Blom approached contacts, followed hunches, and even blind approached people who were working in a field that he considered interesting and he asked ‘why do you love what you do?’ “After two years, I identified that learning and leadership development was an area that I wanted to go into.” His big break came through a networking event, where he met a future employer, which led to his first role in corporate executive education as a Client Relationship Manager at an Australian business school. During his transition, Mr Blom had an accountability friend, in addition to a mentor. “A friend of mine was going through a similar career transition and we would catch up every three weeks to hold each other accountable to executing our

APRIL 2017

18 MAY



Mr Blom believes being in a career that you aren’t feeling passionate about, potentially after years of study, can be confronting, but if this is the case, he says people should look for something different.

When asked if he wasted his time studying law, Mr Blom strongly disagrees. “I firmly believe nothing is wasted. In making a transition, a person can bring an extraordinary wealth of experience from dealing with a range of scenarios and situations and deploy that in a completely separate industry.”


January semester 171 classes end


Alumni Advisory Board meeting

MAY 2017 15th May semester 172 classes commence

“To demonstrate my training experience, I started my own consultancy The Storytelling Tree, which specialised in teaching public speaking using the medium of story,” says Mr Blom. “It was pivotal in helping me show evidence that I was ready for a facilitation role.”

“Be persistent and refuse to accept anything less than what you are passionate about. I firmly believe there is a career for everyone out there.”

171 Graduation Ceremonies


Alumni Awards Dinner


Family and Friends Festival

18th- 21st

Bond Homecoming 2017


MBA Alumni Dinner

JUNE 2017



172 Graduation Ceremonies

JULY 2017 22nd

Bond University Open Day


Alumni Advisory Board meeting

AUGUST 2017 19th

May semester 172 classes end


18 May — 21 May, 2017 How many years since you started your Bond degree? Come and see how the campus has grown and take that magical first step back on campus to relive your cherished Bond memories. Join in the celebrations, make new connections and rejoice in long-lasting ones as we all come together to celebrate being a Bondy!


Connect and Celebrate

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