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Social Secretary’s Report
The many rule changes. They have changed too many for TV plus I cannot learn the hundreds of new ones cause I can’t read them.
WHAT WOULD YOU SAY (advice) TO THOSE WHO DECIDE TO TAKE UP REFEREEING NOW? Make sure you study the rules and become very active within the association.
FAVOURITE FOOD? Anything except Tripe
FAVOURITE DRINK? Reches beer (as if I needed to ask!)
Mr. Glenn Jeffcoat
At the last minute we managed to get the required numbers of our annual Trot night, everyone had a great night trying to pick a winner. This year again we had the use of the “Pure Steel Room”.
This year again we took the long weekend to have our Blue and White at the “Blueberry Hill Room”. Members and guests saw Jim Hall receive Life Membership. Dancing, eating and drinking till 12:20am.
This year we held a Trivia Night after an absence of a couple of years. Some great and strange prizes. Tom Healy asking the questions. Golf day was at the Woodville Golf Course with 45 to 50 members and guests. Hitting off at 7:00am. Smaller than usual numbers resulting in a quick day.
Life member night had a small increase in numbers, with members and guests enjoying the food and drinks while awards were given out.