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Treasurer’s Report
referees your efforts in helping the new members were well appreciated by the board.
To the committee thank you for your help and understanding in what was a most difficult season for all. Hopefully 2005 will bring some changes for the better only time will tell and hopefully i will be there in some capacity. If not good luck to my successor. 2005 will bring new challenges for everybody and i'm sure we can all rise to the occasion.
Yours In Sport
Wayne Loveday
Chairman, Appointments Board
Mr. John McCormack
Members, it is my pleasure to submit, for your perusal and adoption, the Financial Statements of the Association for the year ended 30 September 2004.
On review of the financial statements I would like to bring to your attention the following details for your information.
• On first review of the accounts it shows that the Association is in a strong financial position with cash amounts totalling $21,729.23. Some one off type transactions and positive timing differences has assisted the 2004 season financially. • In 2004 season we benefited from the significant on-field gear purchases of 2003 and hence those costs were considerably reduced. • The Golf Day account shows an income amount of $917.80. This occurred due to the booking of a $900 cheque in the 2003 season and the receipts of $1,215 from the day were booked to the 2004 accounts.