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Honorary Life member 2004
Congratulations to a great supporter of the Referees Association, Keith Lotty, on becoming our third Honorary Life member. As Paul Archer mentioned in his report, Keith, a former director of both the football and Leagues club has helped out the association when needed. Keith also attends many meetings and on many occasions have been an asset for the executive committee.
Although the Bulldogs started the year controversially, they were soon to change the headlines with fine performances on the field.
After making the Preliminary final the year before, they ended up becoming the 2004 NRL Premiers. Great performances by the team working together led the team to make it through the season as one of the favorites and eventually take out the premiership with a close victory over the Roosters.
Unlike, the first grade, the Premier Cup team lost in an Elimination Final. The Jersey Flegg made the semi finals, while the SG Ball Cup and Harold Matthews lost their semi finals. However, its was successful season overall with all team making through to the semi finals stage.
We thank Malcom Noad, Bradley Clyde, Dr.George Peponis and Peter Winchester for their support for the association.
Paul Archer and myself along with our wives attended the Bulldog’s presentation night at Canterbury Leagues club. It was a very nice night with many presentations being made. Congratulations to Andrew Ryan for being awarded player of the year.
The appointments board this year had a challenge and had to deal with many issues, in particular acknowledging the Level’s each Referee was allowed to officiate due to their accreditation status (i.e. Level 1, 2,etc). Whether they went about it in the correct fashion is left up to each individual’s opinion.
I would like to start and acknowledge some members for their years of dedication to the appointments board and continuous effort. Tod Walker has been on the appointments board for 29 years year’s straight. This is a sensational record and Tod should be complemented on such an achievement. Bob Garwood has been on the board on and off for 18 years. If you are ever appointed at Begnall the first thing a Referee does when he/she drives around the ground to the sheds, is to take a peek on the side of the field opposite to the bench. If there is a man sitting in a potable chair 2 metres for the sideline, then you know your going to be marked by Bob Garwood! John McCormack has been on the board for over a decade of years and Kim Archer should be congratulated on her endless nights and weeks organizing the mini and mod referees. Every association needs someone with some knowledge of mini and mod and we are lucky to have Kim.
Although the board took time from family and personal time to regularly attend meetings, they however had the task of appointing referees each week without the knowledge of their on going performances. Most referees got seen only once or twice throughout the season and therefore was left with the brunt when semi final appointments were selected. Many members of the board attended the Monday night meetings to give their opinion but failed to attend a Saturday or Sunday to assess Referees. This happened consistency. These inconsistencies were unfortunately not accountable for as many decisions were made subjectively.
Referees were sometimes appointed to higher grades then they were accredited for and some policies (not in writing) that were adjudicated by the board were inconsistent and lacked following up upon. This caused a riff between several active members and members of the board.
Whether it was a lack of leadership or whether they failed to follow up on the issues, and not to just presume. Or, was the structure of the meetings or was it not being accountable for the inconsistent decisions being made? These problems not only effected appointments but questioned some referees dedication even though they had been consistent performers for several years. Decsions were also being made by board members who hadn’t even gone out on a Sunday and made the decisions purely on opinion (whether that opinion was based on performace, we would never know), and could be labeled as political.
Perhaps my words here are ones of my own and not backed by the committee, or perhaps being the only active referee on the committee I could speak for behalf of many active referees. But I am sure if I am partially correct in my sayings that the structure of the appointments board will be re assessed in hope that a year like this would not repeat.
The board found it tough throughout the season, especially with an un-timely and un-justified resignation from Mohammad Fajajo early in the season. However that minor detail was put behind them and the experienced members of the board continued on their way by giving their dedication and support to the members of this association and not in a selfish manner.
Although the board did have a year they would much rather forget, we can’t hide the fact that they do give up time to help out referees. I am very grateful to those board members who do spend all day on a Sunday to assess referees and on most occasions don’t get thanked. I am grateful to those board members who follow up on their duties and talk to individuals at meetings or in a social environment. It’s not an easy job and as evident from this year, no one is perfect.
Jim Hall once again this year took on the role as delegate for the Junior League with a new face to office bearer duties Hilton Wood as his deputy. Both went about their roles with distinction and were very informative at meetings. Hilton received many good comments from the Junior League board on the way he conducted himself and went about his business.
Richard Daizli took up once again as the responsibility of delegate to head body with another new face Adam Gee as his delegate. However, when Richard got Graded throughout the season Adam, was re-elected to the title role.
Paul Archer and Robert Hunt again did a fine job in handling Judiciary matters as representatives of the Referee’s. All delegates are to be congratulated on a fine and professional effort.
It was concerning to hear that Bryan Knight Bryan Knight Bryan Knight Bryan Knight was diagnosed with cancer. Bryan had spent many of a time at hospital and having many check ups. We wish Bryan the best and hopefully a speedy recovery. Bryan is a very
much a loyal member and contributor to the association and will have our support for as long as he needs it.
Members of this association will for long remember some of the meetings of 2004. A controversial year led to extended meetings to complete discussions. Some issues (not always the same) continued till late after the meeting had completed.
A major facet of the meetings these days is the Rulings section at the end. As was recognized by the Coaching and Development committee this year through an exam, much attention is needed for rulings at meetings.
General meetings continued to be held at Canterbury Leagues club on a Thursday night every fortnight starting at 7:45 p.m. (or until most of the members come up from the bar….usually 8:15pm). Fortnightly meetings still proved to be of major value and most popular among the members purely due to the information and updates it brings. Paul Archer chaired all but one meeting this year, where vice president David Abood stepped in for the lone meeting. Brian Barker continued being the entertainment for most of the meetings.
This year fourteen (14) meetings were conducted which had an average of 51 members attending each meeting. This was up by an average of 4 members per meeting from the previous year. The highest attended meeting was 58 which occurred on the 2nd September and the lowest attended meeting was 43 which occurred on the 1st April.
Again, this year the Affiliate Liason committee was on hand to help with situations and attend our meetings. The director, Bryan Gilchrist attended a few meetings throughout the year and was on hand to give advice when problems did occur throughout the year. This committee again proved a benefit to our association and brings a link with Head body. Two meetings also was organized by the Affiliate Liason committee in which myself and Paul Archer attended. We both found these meetings to be a very good source of information and gave us an insight to what works for other associations. We thank Bryan Gilchrist and his committee for the efforts they have shown towards helping and guiding in some ways our association.
Unlike last season, this season produced only a handful of new members, most of them joining up towards the completion of the season.
However, two surnames that are very familiar within this association popped up and joined this premier Referees association. Chris Cafarelli, the son of the present assistant secretary, Life member and dual Clubb-Johnson winner Mario joined earlier in the year. The other was Matthew Farrelly who is the Grandson of one of the well known and admired persons in this association, John Farrelly. John was a life member of this association and the most improved trophy is also co-named after him. Perhaps pretty soon Michael will be able to win a trophy named after his Grand father.
Other new members who joined this year were: Jeffery Hassarati, Jennie Nguyen, Thomas Shepherd, Ian Gregory and brothers Mark and Matt Zada.
We wish all these new members the very best for next season and hope to see you all around for years to come. Well done also to Lionel Brown and his committee for a job well done.
A big part of Refereeing is also receiving the support and permission from family, in particular wives and partners. From the very young members who rely on their parents taking them to games to the active Referee who spends all Sunday away from his/her family. Being a Referee takes up a lot of time and on many occasions’ and sacrifices are made.
This is a section to thank and recognize those people and families in supporting the association in enabling your loved one commit to Refereeing whether it’s Refereeing or just attending meetings. I also encourage many families to attend social functions and become part of a very friendly and friendly family.

TOM HEALY’S EXTENDED FAMILY (He wishes) (back row from right) Kerry GOLDSWORTHY, Annette GEE, Janelle HEALY, Tom, Anne-Marie CAFARELLI, Lyn ABOOD, Yvonne RYAN, Leah UNAL, Vanessa BETTIOL (Crouching from left) Kim ARCHER, Elayne JEFFCOAT, Kim HOFFMAN
On behalf of the Executive Committee, may I take this opportunity to congratulate all of the winning teams, the players, coaches, trainers, officials and supporters for your help and support of the Association throughout the year.
As always, our association can only continue the way it does through the financial backing its receives from our sponsors and head body. To our major sponsor the Bulldog’s League club, we thank them for their generous ongoing assistance and the hospitality extended by the club in providing the venue for our General meeting’s throughout the season. Rossini’s, for their support and excellent range of Italian cuisine and service whenever we attend. Finally, Trot guide and the New South Wales Referee’s Association. We appreciate your continuous support and enjoy being associated with you all.
To Paul Archer for his continuous help and support is has given to me while being Secretary. I keep mentioning it, but its worth repeating that without Paul this association would not strive the way it does. Paul would definitely be the best president we have had. Mario Cafarelli, the assistant secretary. Thank you for your tremendous assistance, dedication and understanding. Mario did a lot as assistant secretary and I would like to also thank him for the times he filled into my role while I was away.
Thanks to my wife Vanessa for once again giving me my space to do things I love doing. I now look forward to spending more time with her and with our new