8 minute read
President’s Foreword
SEASON 2004 Mr. Paul Archer
As I reflect back on season 2004 I think it is best described as having a mixture of the good and the bad. I will start with the bad. The past season was one in which the conduct of spectators and some players in our great game sunk to a new low. In fact we had three active members assaulted during matches in a sixweek period late in the season. This conduct lead to a very passionate and lengthy debate at our General Meeting on 19th August where ultimately a motion was passed unanimously by members to threaten to withdraw the services of referees for final matches unless adequate security measures were undertaken by the Junior League. Further those discussions are undertaken during the off season for a new Code of Conduct document to be implemented. After much deliberation the Junior League agreed with our requests. On behalf of all members I wish to thank the Junior League for their assistance and also the support of Head Body and the District Club was appreciated.
It should be recorded that the Junior League has updated the districts Code of Conduct policy for 2005 and hopefully this will be of assistance to all participants in junior football within our district. There is no doubt that the type of misconduct seen in our district is not refined to within our boundaries but a general community problem. I am proud that our members stood up for themselves and hopefully this Association’s pro-active stance will be of assistance to other districts.
During the past year a noticeable trend was appearing were newer members seemed to be in my view over critical of more established members. I would certainly hope that this type of attitude is not on going. Here at Canterbury we have a great tradition of friendship between members. I ask the newer members to reflect on their attitude and consider the length of service of the other members who they are keen to criticise. I welcome constructive criticism but do not appreciate backstabbing.
The Association was dealt a double blow towards the end of the months of September and October with the death of two Life Members. Firstly, the elder statesman of our Association Leo Randle a former President passed away and then a month latter Stan Williams. Leo joined the Association in 1943, was President from 1957 until 1962 and until recently still regularly attended our
meetings. Leo had a tremendous wit and was a very proud member of this Association. During my many visits with Leo we would regularly discuss Association matters and his advice was always appreciated. The Association arranged a memorial service and I would like to thank both Tod Walker and Peter Longhurst for their assistance on the day. Leo has left a legacy to the Association and you will be advised of details at the AGM. But what I will remember him for will be his wit and his friendship. He will be sadly missed. Stan Williams had been a member since 1953 and prior to becoming heavily involved in bowls was a regular at our social functions and meetings. In fact at Leo’s memorial service Stan remarked that he was now the elder of the Life Members. Unfortunately, the title was not his for long. The Association was well represented at Stan’s funeral and we send our condolences to Joy for her loss.
Enough of the bad news now let me go to the GOOD news for season 2004. The season started with a high with Richard Dazili being graded. Richard deserved his elevation and had a tremendous first year in being there on NRL grand final day. In fact all our graded members had good seasons and all received Grand Final appointments. Congratulations to all our graded members and Vice President David Abood being our sole representative on the NRL panel had another good season earning a semi final appointment.
Our members on the Junior Representative Panel all performed well and we look forward to more opportunities coming their way in season 2005. On the district front our members were required to work overtime early in the season but the pressure was relieved as the season progressed. All members performed extremely well during the semi final series and I was extremely proud of the way our members performed on Gala weekend. On the Sunday, Peter Filmer from Head Body was in attendance and I am sure he came away impressed with several of our members performances. Adam Gee became the youngest member to referee the A grade grand final and therefore received the ClubbJohnson Trophy. To Adam, congratulations on this achievement and hopefully many more opportunities will come your way. The Appointments Board again voted for the recipient of the Farrelly-Dick Trophy and in 2004 the winner was Hilton Wood, congratulations to Hilton his performances during the season having earned him this recognition. I was also most humble to have received the Leo Randle Award. This honour was of particular importance for me.
Life Membership was bestowed on Jim Hall; Jim has been a member since 1991 and had continually put his hand up to work long hours for the Association. Congratulations Jim. Also, our good friend and long time supporter of this Association Keith Lotty was elevated to the position of Honorary Member for Life. Keith, a former Director of both the Football and Leagues Club has been a devoted supporter for many years. Thank you Keith and we look forward to your continued attendance at our meetings. Popular Life Member Tom Healy had the honour of receiving Life Membership from Head Body for his lengthy distinguished service for that Association. I am
sure Tom and his wife Janelle would have been extremely proud to see the number of Canterbury members who celebrated with Tom and his family at Head Body’s function when Tom received his blazer. Well done my friend.
While on social functions again season 2004 saw the regulars attend most of our functions but again the highlight was our Blue and White Cabaret. It was most pleasing to see League Club Director Peter Winchester and his wife, Julie attend our premier social function. Thanks to Glen and Elaine Jeffcoate for there continued work for the Association.
This Association has always had a good relationship with the Junior League and although we had our moments during 2004 I would like to express my appreciation to the Management Committee for their assistance. In particular, CEO Paul Tycehurst and President Barry Harris have offered support when the need arose. In fact Barry has stood down as President after holding that position in excess of 20 years. On behalf of all members I thank Barry for his contribution to football in our district and hope he and his wife Marie enjoy the retirement. To Vic Pitt, I thank you for your continued support of the refs. On behalf of the refs I offer incoming J.L. President Roger Harborne our congratulations on your election. This Association is in a sound financial position due to the contribution of our sponsors. To Kevin Stewart, John Ballesty and the Directors of the Leagues Club I thank you for your continued support and am pleased to announce that we have renewed our sponsorship arrangement with the Leagues Club for a further two years. To Carlo La Rosa from Rossini’s a big thank you for your support and acknowledge your agreement to be on board for 2005. National Trotguide undertakes our printing requirements and I express the Associations appreciation to John Dumesny the CEO of NSWHRC for this support. To Head Bodies Tony Danks, Les Matthews and Bryan Gilchrist I thank you for the continued support in both the provision of grants and administrative support. To Dr. George Peponis, Malcolm Noad and Brad Clyde from the Football Club I thank you for your loyalty and support of the refs during 2004. In fact last season certainly had its ups and downs for the Football Club but nothing can be taken away from the players & Steve Folkes for their dedication and ability to be able to play great footie at the right time and take the NRL Premiership. Congratulations to all at the Club. I believe that it is appropriate for me to acknowledge the support given to this Association by past Officials Steve Mortimer and in particular Garry Hughes for his lengthy support to us over many years.
In conclusion members will note by way of previous correspondence from the Secretary the Committee has made some important decisions following on from discussions at the Strategic Meeting. In season 2005 we will have a Director of Referees with two assistants also we have decided to employ a full time professional trainer. A full summary of our plans will be announced at the AGM.
To all Office Bearers I thank you for your support of the Association, this organisation is most fortunate to have many members who are willing to do the hard yards for the benefit of their fellow members. Our Secretary Chris Bettiol has advised me that he does not intend to seek re-election. On behalf of all members and in particular myself I wish to express my appreciation to Chris for his efforts over the past two years. Chris and Vanessa have moved into their new home and Chris will start a new job but more importantly the Bettiol’s are expecting an addition to the family. I wish Chris and Vanessa all the best and am sure that Chris will still be involved with the Association.
Finally, I wish to thank all members for your efforts during 2004 I know the season was difficult but I sincerely hope 2005 will be less controversial. To my wife Kim, I thank you for your support. I do not think members realise the hours that Kim puts into the Association.
Hopefully all members and friends of the Association had a great festive season and may the dogs bark again in season 2005. It has been a real pleasure to serve again as your President. See you at the AGM
President Paul Archer (right) with fellow Life member and committee man Glenn Jeffcoat.