By the time you get to this report, you will probably be over hearing people say that it has been a strange season. So, let’s not say that, and go with the fact that it has been a very short season. As a result, the training program has been of limited benefit in terms of developing squad fitness. With the season suspended soon after the AGM, pre-season was not commenced from a training perspective, meaning the opportunity for building into a program was absent. As a result, when the resumption occurred, a good attendance rolled up for the return to training, but the baseline was significantly below where it should have been by July. The initial session was used to demonstrate the proposed nature of training for the remainder of the year – all drills and exercises would be of a nature that would allow each person to control their input and make the sessions as challenging as each individual wanted it to be. Attendances were good for the first few sessions, but with limited availability, we could do without losses of weeks to weather and malfunctioning lights. Numbers subsequently dropped off over the final weeks, which was somewhat disappointing. However, those that attended in this period did obviously benefit from doing so – and your commitment will not be forgotten as we head into the next year. Looking forward to next season, I believe that despite having done so numerous times in recent years, the association again needs to review how training is managed, and probably needs to consider some radical approaches to this issue. Congratulations to all the members who put in the effort, not just from a training perspective, but from the point of all the games that were covered under difficult circumstances. Thanks to Daniel and Richard for their assistance over the course of the season – it was greatly appreciated.
CBDRLRA Inc. 99th Annual Report & Financial Statement – Season 2020