“Binding and loosing what?”
Brendan Mc Crossan
Matthew 18-18-Names of God Bible (NOG)
Matthew 16-18-King James Version (KJV)
In Matthew 18 this translation gives a guarantee that what ‘’you,’’ ‘not God’ bind on this earth {imprison,} {and it is good to know that you can imprison demons and evil spirits in this world,} will be imprisoned {bound} in heaven; in other words in the ‘second heaven,’ not the actual kingdom of God; evil spirits do not reside in the kingdom of God in heaven where God resides, but in the middle heaven above the earths skies; in between heaven and earth.
Like every good gift from God ‘we’ need to activate it; a guarantee comes into effect the moment we take possession of something; our guarantee began the moment we were born again. We Christians need to begin to take God seriously, if he said it, he meant it, and we need to act in faith in his word.
18 And I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build ‘’my church;’ and the gates of hell shall not prevail against “it.’’
In these scripture translations you may believe that - Peter was the one given the keys to bind and loose, this is not true, if that were the case then power of binding and loosing would have ended with Peter; but Jesus said, ‘thou art Peter a rock, and on this rock I will build my church,
18 I can guarantee this truth: Whatever ‘’you’’ imprison, ‘’God’’ will imprison. Most people will bypass these words of God written in the ‘Names of God Bible’ and fail to see that it has a written guarantee, twice, in it. This is an amazing word given from our Father in heaven; he is giving us a written guarantee in both these verses, that he will do what we command, and sadly many Christians will never act on this promise. A guarantee is a promise from whoever you get something off, say like a washing machine, that they will replace any defective or broken part for a year or whatever, God’s guarantee is for life.
19 “I can guarantee again that if two of you agree on anything here on earth, my Father in heaven will accept it.20 Where two or three have come together in my name, I am there among them.”
I can guarantee this truth: Whatever you imprison, God will imprison. And whatever you set free, God will set free.
19 And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever ‘’thou’’ shall ‘’bind’’ on earth ‘shall be “bound in heaven:’’ and whatsoever ‘’thou’’ shall ‘’loose’’ on earth ‘shall be loosed in heaven.’
Brendan Mc Crossan
Binding and loosing what?
Would you get out of your bed at three or four in the morning to let you daughter or son in to the home if you know they have their own key? I doubt it, you would yell out use your own key to let yourself in. sadly we are like those thoughtless kids who forget they have their own key, and can quite easily open the front door themselves. And this is the way it is with God, he gave us the keys of the house and the rooms and presses and boxes in the storehouse where valuable stuff is kept, and he does not need to be disturbed when we need something that is already ours.
Agreeing with someone concerning heavens blessings is a key that you possess.
Owning the key means that I have access anytime I want, and sad to say we Christians do not take advantage of this offer from our heavenly Father, we actually expect him to go and do things for us and he said, you own the key go and get what you need yourself.
1-Corinthians-3-21-Actually ‘‘everything’’ belongs to you:22 Paul, Apollo’s, and Peter; ‘this world,’ ‘life and death’ ‘the present’ and ‘the future’ all these are yours,23 and you belong to Christ, and Christ belongs to God.
God says in scripture-his word- he has already given us everything we need, so where is it then? It is stored in heaven for us, waiting for us to go and get it.
This world actually belongs to you, the present and future also belong to you, and even life and death are your servants, God gave us this world to use and so we have power and authority in this world as children of God, the things in this world like material things belong to us now in this world, it too late when we die to receive material things; the very future is ours to create by what we say; and we belong to Christ and he to God.
In the first scripture God says what ‘’you’’ bind on earth is bound in heaven and what ‘’you’’ loose on earth it will be loosed in heaven. Did you notice anything here in this scripture, it says what ‘’you’’ loose, not what God looses, it is up to us the children of Almighty God to go into our treasure house, that storehouse and release what belongs to
and the gates of hell shall not prevail against ‘’it,’’ and I will give unto thee, {my church!} Not just Peter, the keys of the kingdom of heaven. When someone holds a key to somewhere, that means they can open the door and close the door any time they desire, and that is what God gave us through Jesus the keys of the front door, of heaven to enter and come in and out any time we desire. We are God’s children and as his children he has given us the keys to the front door, just like when we turned 21 we were given the key to the front door of our homes, well in my day that was the set age. Now it is 18 or whatever age the parents set.
{Matthew 18-18-Names of God Bible (NOG)
11 Clothed in God’s glory
The luster of it resembled a rare
(Hallowed, consecrated)
us, because actually everything belongs to us, and God will not withhold any gift from us, because he has already given it to us and we must access those gifts by faith.
Revelation 21 Amplified Bible (AMP)
In 1-Corinthians-3-21-God is telling us everything belongs to us, he also says in scripture, what belonged to Jesus is now ours also. When Jesus died he made us heirs of everything he owned through God his father. We are the ones not God who must do the loosing and binding. God gave us the right to do so through Jesus and did you see in Matthew-18-18- that God actually guarantees, this truth, Wow! God is giving us a guarantee that he will do what we say, regardingbindingandloosing,whatanawesomepromise,andapromisewithaguaranteealso.
City of Jerusalem
Descending out of heaven from God,(G)
[In all its splendor and radiance]
Your new car is in heaven waiting to be delivered to you on earth, the spiritual form of your new Mercedes or whatever you need or desire, it is in heaven waiting for you to loose it on earth so that its spiritual form may be also loosed in heaven. God said, ‘what ever you loose on earth, I will loose the equivalent in heaven,’ because everything exists in heaven first. If you look at scripture you will see that everything exists in heaven first before it exists here on earth, the ‘’New Jerusalem’’ is a fine example, it is not in existence here yet but it exists in heaven, and we know this because God’s word describes it and in Revelation it is described as coming down to earth.
18 I can guarantee this truth: Whatever ‘’you’’ imprison, God will imprison. And whatever ‘’you’’ set free, God will set free.}
10 Then in the Spirit He conveyed me away to a vast, And lofty mountain and exhibited to me the holy
This city is in heaven waiting to be loosed to the earth, when God’s time is revealed, and it,like our blessings that are stored up in heaven are waiting for us to release them and to ‘’bind’’ ‘up any spirit’ that would try and prevent them from being released, it is there in truth first waiting on us to release them. We are the only one responsible for releasing our blessings and treasure and binding the evil spirits around us preventing them from stopping us, we can’t bind the devil because he is not there near us, and won’t hear us command him to do this or that, it is his evil spirits and demons and powers around us that we have to bind and when we bind the forces that work against us then we will see them bound in heaven also.
And most precious jewel, like jasper, Shining clear as crystal
Here is something we Christians rarely do, if ever! And that is to ask the Holy Spirit what spirits are actively working against us. If we would only earnestly seek the gift of discernment, one of the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit that we received, then we would know what demon or spirit is attacking us, we would see them, or sense their activity.
Discernment is a gift of the Holy Spirit that we received when we were baptized in the Holy Spirit, it is one of the nine supernatural gifts available to us and yet we don’t pursue this gift with an eagerness that we should. If we could see what is attacking us or our family and friends, or those whom we pray for, we would attack them with God’s power, we would be binding their every move but sadly few Christians go after the gifts like it was their last breath, I included.
There are a few things of importance here in this little book, one is learning that it is up to you and me to loose our blessings that are stored up in heaven for us to use, and we have the key to unlocking those blessings by the word of our mouths, a key to spiritual growth; and asking for discernment in our daily lives.
I have used this gift a lot at one time early in my Christian walk with God, then it seemed to fade away and I let it slip away, and consecrated on the gift of healing; whereby I should have searched for ‘all’ the ‘gifts and powers,’ how I regret this now, as I read what I write, and now have understanding that every single gift of the Holy Spirit is mine to use and to be open to. I know some Christians say that you have one gift and we should concentrate on that gift, but I believe that we need every gift and power, and I mean in these days we need every supernatural gift and power, for the word of God says in Corinthians. The Holy Spirit is the gift; and it is him that gives us the gifts as ‘we ask’ for them, or when we need them, if we are open to them seriously. This next scripture tells you that you have every spiritual gift and power now!
You can see for yourself it is up to you to go after the gifts, I once desired all the gifts especially the gift of miracles and healing and I got them I also at one time sought all the gifts; and every gift and power operated in me when necessary, then I have to admit I have been deceived into going after the gifts of miracles and healing alone, slowly letting go of the other gifts.Iused to stand beside people and I could sense off them, things that they did or things that caused them sickness, I could see their lives like a TV screen appearing In my belly, and I began thinking I was intruding into their lives and asked the Holy Spirit to close down this gift, and he did, I found it difficult to seek this gift back again, I was so embarrassed; and it is in writing this little book that I realize that I had been subtly deceived into letting go of a great supernatural gift. Now I am binding those spirits that have deceived me, and I am loosing
I can never stop thanking God for all the wonderful gifts he ‘has’ given ‘you,’ now that you are Christ’s; he has enriched your whole life. He has helped you speak out for him, and has given you full understanding of the truth. What I told you Christ could do for you ‘has’ happened! Now ‘you’ ‘have’ every grace and blessing; ‘every spiritual gift and power’ for doing his will is yours during this time of waiting for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 12-31-New Living Translation (NLT)
12 So it is with yourselves; since ‘you’ are so ‘eager and ambitious’ to possess ‘spiritual endowments and manifestations of the [Holy] Spirit,’ [concentrate on] striving to excel and to abound [in them] in ways that will build up the church.
1 Corinthians 14-12-Amplified Bible (AMP)
If we use the gifts of the Holy Spirit we will help the church, the body of Christ, and if we use discernment with wisdom and knowledge that will be a great and tremendous blessing to the church of Christ Jesus; we have every spiritual gift and power in us and it is up to us to seek the release of those gifts; God’s Holy Spirit will release those gifts in us if we go after them diligently. The gifts of the Holy Spirit do not make you move, they wait on you, to move first and desire them; you have them in you and it is up to you to seek the release of them,
1-Corinthians-1-4-The Way Bible
We ‘have’ the gifts and powers we ‘have’ been enriched, we ‘have’ been given a full understanding of the truth, our lives ‘have’ been enriched, all this is already done for us. It is up to us to go after them like a man seeking his last breath, never giving up ever. We must loose our gifts and powers, they’re ours and stored in heaven for us waiting to be released, see in this next scripture that it is your responsibility to release the gifts.
31 So you should earnestly desire the most helpful gifts.
I want to bring souls to Jesus and I want to heal the sick and work miracles and I want to help people come to Jesus and be healed of all the things that torment them, and I cannot do that unless the Holy Spirit releases those gifts I turned away, and from the understanding in that last scripture, it is up to me not the Holy Spirit to earnestly seek those awesome gifts. I know now I need every spiritual gift working in unison and this will bring greater glory to God as his spirit works miracles, because scripture says miracles bring about a demonstration on God’s love.
those gifts of the Holy Spirit within me again, after I tell the Holy Spirit how sorry I am for asking him to close down these other gifts.
Scripture says God’s gifts are irrevocable, so I can call on heaven to loose them now again, butthis timefor his greater glory, and his glory alone;everything I do is for him and him alone.
{My prayer}
What about you? Have you been deceived by the enemy into surrendering your gifts and call over to them, and backed off from your inheritance as a soul winner for Jesus, if so, then pray what I just prayed, and put your name in there and bind those personal demons, that familure spirit, and evil spirits that have been sent to work against you by the devil and silence them, and now also loose your gifts and call in Jesus name. The devil has designated a group of spirits, demons principalities, and powers, to work against every human being and each work in conjunction with their superiors as the chain of command go up the ladder, and eventually their work in us is heard by the devil, he does not bother us personally unless you are doing something awesome for God; he delegates demons spirits and powers against you, and they know what they must do, and can call on other more powerful demons to help them when you are getting the better of them. This is why we need the gift of discernment working in our lives so that we can see them, and know when they are working against us. When we see them then we can bind them.
Romans 11-29-Amplified Bible (AMP)
29For God’s gifts and His call are irrevocable. [He never withdraws them when once they are given, and He does not change His mind about those to whom He gives His grace or to whom He sends His call.]
I release the gifts of your Holy Spirit in me; I loose those gifts that I let slip away and repent of my actions, forgive me; I now loose the gifts of the Holy Spirit in me, on this earth, and I know that you will now loose them in heaven for your greater glory in Jesus name, Amen.
I bind every evil spirit or demon around me now and that has been at work against me for years, and I command that your mouths and actions, be sealed by the blood and name of Jesus, and I reject your lies and deceits. I bind that familure spirit that is familure with me and knows me through and through and knows what buttons to press to get me to do Fatherwrong.
You are an heir of all that is in heaven; heavens blessings belong to you just as they belong to all of God’s children equally, we all get 100%; you and Jesus became one person in spirit and in spirit you are joined to him and so as one in him, and with him, you have the legal right to loose what he shares with you equally, he does not get a bigger share than you; both of you
If you look at this scripture carefully you will see that God says twice, in other words he is repeating himself so that you will know beyond doubt that he has indeed plans, not a plan, but plans, in other words lots of plans. When the enemy tries to destroy you God sets a plan in motion to defeat his actions against you, and believe it or not you actually are a part of that plan which he sets in motion and it usually involves your mouth; you must declare the word of God out of your mouth so that he can bring that word to fruition; words like, “no weapon forged against me shall prosper,” is a great word to declare over your life when the enemy
an heir to all the blessings and gifts that Jesus owned and now he shares them equally with you, you need to claim your inheritance back, and loose everything that you desire on this earth so that God can loose it to you. God cannot loose the blessings he has for you in heaves store, unless you first give him the legal right to do so, by faith; he can only loose what you sincerely loose in faith, for it is faith that gives God the right to act in this world.
God is not stupid he knows you through and through, he knew you before you were even thought of by your parents and he knew that you could be a great soul winner for him and could help build his church up to what he intended it to be, and placed all his gifts and callings into you, now it is up to you to repent and loose your blessings, and gifts and call on earth so that he can now loose it in heaven, for his glory.
For I know the plans I have for you, says the lord. They are plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray I will listen. You will find me when you seek me, if you look for me in earnest.
Heirs of the kingdom and inherit all that Jesus owns.
Hebrews-1:2 Common-English-Bible
God says in Jeremiah 29-11Jeremiah 29-11-The Way Bible
In these final days, though, he spoke to us through a Son. God made his Son the heir of everything and created the world through him.
Those treasures kept in hidden places are the sevenfold spirits of the Holy Spirit, and wisdom herself,thosearetreasuresthatarebeyondriches,andthoseareallofGod’sHolySpirithimself. ‘’Binding and loosing what’’ is the title of this little book, and the answer is bind all the evil spirits and demonic power that is assigned against you by the devil and loose your treasures
Isaiah 45:3-King James Version and I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou may know that I, the LORD, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel.
share equally with all the body of Christ, remember it is not I who live but Christ Jesus who lives in me, now!
7 Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.
Galatians 4-6-King James Version (KJV)
6 And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.
An heir is someone who inherits something after someone has died, and Jesus died and left us his will with everything he had in it, for us to use as he did whilst on this earth! God says we are not servants but Sons and daughters, and as a Son or daughter then an heir. Everything he had became ours now, and he used what he had and so should we by faith in the living word of our Father God.
Look what God is saying hereto us, his own children, “I will givethee,” “I will,”‘’givethee,” {you} I will is the perfect will of God, so if he says, he ‘’will’’ give ‘you,’ {thee} treasures of darkness and hidden riches he ‘’will’’ give them to us if we activate their release by faith. God callsusby name, hecalled usfrom beforewewereformed in ourmotherswomb, heknew us through and through and he created you before he formed the world and declared you ‘’holy in his sight without a single fault,’’ Ephesians -1-4 so realize God wants to give you every gift and power, every supernatural gift to fight the good fight of faith, he says he wants to bless us with treasures of darkness, kept hidden in secrete places. And it is up to you to release those treasures of darkness that are stored up for your use; you must loose them by the power of your mouth and heart by faith. God does not withhold any gift or blessing from us, it is we who don’t receive them because of lack of belief or knowledge. If you do not know what belongs to you, how can you loose it on this earth?
God is saying he wants you to wear the most expensive clothes, he wants you looking your best for him as his Son or Daughter, you’re his child and he is a king and you are also a king and a holy priest. We need to loose our finances on this earth and bind those demonic powers that be, away from them. It is time we Christians grew up in the spirit and began taking God seriously and began acting on his divine word.
Luke 12:33-35-Contemporary English Version
on earth that are kept in heaven for you, loose yourself from all evil powers and your family
Deuteronomy 28:12- the Way Bible
When you use your key in faith then God will open heavens door for you.
Her profits and her earnings will be turned over to Yahweh for his holy purpose. It won’t be stored or hoarded. Her merchandise will belong to those who live in the presence of Yahweh so that they will have plenty of food and expensive clothing.
Your heart will always be where your treasure is How true this scripture tells us what’s important in our lives. Is our hearts set on the things of God or the things of this world? Go set your blessings free by loosing them, and bind all evil away from you and your family. In Jesus name Amen
Isaiah 23:18- The Way Bible
power in the name of Jesus because at the name of Jesus every knee must bow, {give way, kneel, bend over, and surrender.} Faith in the name of Jesus to do its work in you is what we need, speaking the name against the enemy and binding all and loosing those in their traps.
Yahweh will open the heavens, his rich storehouse, for you. He will send rain on your land at the right time and bless everything you do. You will be able to make loans to many nations but won’t need to borrow from any.