Border Heritage Magazine No.33

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64 @bor @cuéntamelotodo! BORDER HERITAGE MAGAZINE ©All Rights Reserved



CEO/Editor Carmen Becerra Allen

General Manager Alexia Guillen



n September 22, we said goodbye to Summer; Autumn has arrived. 2020 is on the way out, and for many of us, it was as short as the blink of an eye. This year was different. We learned to take care of each other due to the Covid-19 situation. Our work routines have changed, we change schedules, we are doing home office. We have revalued our family, our friends. We learned how to socialize differently.

Chihuahua Jorge Carrera Robles El Paso, Texas Trisha Encinas Heber Nickolath John Benjamin Moore Phoenix, Arizona Alexia Guillen

Redaction Patricia Arellano Carmen Becerra Allen

English - Spanish Proofreading/Translation Patricia Arellano

We entered a change of Season but very happy to continue on the road. So we gladly share a review of the Valle de Allende of the city of Chihuahua. Also, in sports, we suggest what we can practice this season. Enjoy amazing photos of Quintana Roo, a beach destination in Mexico.

Media Project Lead

In this issue, we congratulate our friend Enrique Cortazar, poet and tireless cultural manager, who this year is worthy of the Gawí Tónara Prize, an award given by the Government of the State of Chihuahua, through the Festival International Chihuahua that recognizes the intellectual and artistic work of Featured Chihuahuas.

Heber Nickolath Gaston Fourzan Fierro Marisol Gomez Juan Pablo Contreras Jorge Cuevas Gabriela Valdez

Just as trees shed their leaves in the fall to prepare to receive their new blooms in spring, we can also take advantage of this occasion to prepare for renewal, get rid of what we don´t need, and prepare the way for new opportunities to come. My gratitude as always, your friend:


l 22 de septiembre nos toco decir adiós al verano, el otoño ha llegado otra vez; el año 2020 se esta yendo y para la mayoría de nosotros fue tan corto como un “abrir y cerrar de ojos”. Este año fue diferente, aprendimos a cuidarnos los unos a los otros debido a la situación del Covid-19. Nuestras rutinas de trabajo han cambiado, cambiamos de horario, nos hemos llevado el trabajo a casa. Hemos revalorado a nuestra familia, a nuestros amigos. Aprendimos a socializar de diferente manera.

Carmen Paola Guillen

Cover Photo Heber Nickolath


Videos R. Bustamente Carmen Paola Guillen

Administration Imelda Ortega

Graphic Designer Gabriela Valdez

BDE Consulting LLC.

Entramos en un cambio de estación y contentos de seguir en el camino, le compartimos con gusto una reseña de el Valle de Allende de la ciudad de Chihuahua. Además en los deportes, le sugerimos qué podremos practicar en esta temporada. Disfrute de unas fotos sorprendentes de Quintana Roo, un destino de playas de México. En este número felicitamos a nuestro amigo Enrique Cortazar, poeta e incansable gestor cultural, que este año es merecedor del premio Gawí Tónara, premio que otorga el Gobierno del Estado de Chihuahua, a través del Festival Internacional Chihuahua que reconoce el trabajo intelectual y artístico de Chihuahuenses destacados. Así como los árboles se deshacen de las hojas en otoño para prepararse para recibir sus nuevos brotes en primavera, nosotros podemos aprovechar también esta ocasión para prepararnos para la renovación, deshojar lo que no nos sirve y preparar el camino para las nuevas oportunidades que vendrán. Mi gratitud como siempre, su amiga:

Carmen Becerra Allen

Take a look at the one of El Paso’s most representative building. The El Paso Union Depot is an Amtrak train station in El Paso, Texas, that served the Texas Eagle and Sunset Limited. The station was designed by architect Daniel Burnham, who also designed Washington D.C. Union Station. Our thanks to Heber Nickolath for this exclusive foto.



The Ladies of Business



fter several months of staying home, a group of women led by Arlette Morales and the Ladies of Business team called LoB, met, following all safety regulations, to renew projects and refresh the mood of their businesses. This Club of entrepreneurs shared an afternoon of business presentations and sharing their experiences with other businesswomen, as a part of a strategy to continue learning and strengthen their business relationships and networking. Taking advantage of the Mexican Independence Day Month, the Ladies of Business´ girls shared sweets and typical Mexican drinks with their business colleagues.


espués de varios meses de quedarse en casa, un grupo de mujeres lideradas por Arlette Morales y el equipo de Ladies of Business llamado LoB, se reunieron, siguiendo todas las normas de seguridad, para renovar proyectos y revitalizar el ánimo de sus negocios. WWW Una tarde de convivencia en base a presentaciones de negocios y de compartir sus experiencias con otras mujeres emprendedoras, fue lo que este club de empresarias desarrolló como parte de una estrategia para seguir aprendiendo y hacer más fuerte sus relaciones de negocio y networking. Aprovechando las fiestas patrias, las chicas de Ladies of Business, compartieron con sus colegas empresarias dulces y bebidas típicas muy mexicanas.



Photo: Gabriela Valdez El Paso, Texas


(915)-304-9246 (915)-704-7038









l Gawí Tónara, Pilares del Mundo, es un premio a chihuahuenses con trabajos intelectuales o artísticos destacados, otorgado por el Gobierno del Estado en el marco del Festival Internacional Chihuahua. Este año, tres chihuahuenses fueron acreedores a este premio, entre los que destaca el juarense por adopción Enrique Cortazar Gaytán, poeta e incansable promotor cultural, la artista plástica Águeda Lozano y el creador musical Modesto Gaytán. Este premio fue instituido en el 2006 con el propósito de honrar a quienes contribuyen al mérito cultural de la entidad. Otros chihuahuenses que han obtenido este reconocimiento fueron: Tino Contreras, Víctor Orozco, Carmen Cardenal, Aarón Hernán, Alfredo López Austin, Evangelina Martínez, entre muchos más. ¡En Hora buena a estos tres grandes artistas Chihuahuenses! 18


Dr. Enrique Cortazar

By: Patricia Arellano Photo: CortesĂ­a Ciudad JuĂĄrez





de Allende

Una comunidad llena de tradiciรณn y colorido





n the southern part of Chihuahua, the beautiful town was founded in 1574 with the name of Valle de San Bartolomé. The abundance of water and its fertile lands soon made possible its growth and consolidation during the Viceroyalty as a supply center of food to the region’s mining settlements such as Santa Bárbara, Parral, and San Francisco del Oro. The visitor who comes to this legendar y town will be surprised to see the ditches system that distributes water as in the past to the different plantations that remain in the town. Thus, the calm water up to the great walnut trees, some of them with more than 100 years of existence. During the fall, persimmons are harvested, and some families sell them on small tables outside their houses. Its agricultural tradition flourished from the seventeenth centur y. Back then, wheat, corn, and oats were grown and apricots, peaches, apple trees, and walnut trees. Goats, sheep, horses, and cows were raised, from the latter, the bait was used to light the interior of the mines, and the leather with which bags used to carr y the mineral from the surface mines were made. Visitors may think that time stood still in several of the streets of its historic downtown of Valle de Allende. Many of its homes retain a good part of their structure and materials with which they were built since the 19th centur y. The temple of San Bartolomé and the Sanctuar y continues to be good examples of the good preservation of that built historical heritage that, together, proudly adds more than 90 buildings. Among them, Los Portales constitutes the monuments of the greatest identity for its inhabitants. The San Bartolomé Valley had a ver y important trade fair where merchants and buyers from various parts of New Spain came, including the distant Santa Fe, in the province of New Mexico. In 1805 it reached recognition and authorization by the King of Spain. The huge walnut trees and poplars on the river bank that runs through the town combine unforgettable landscapes for locals and strangers. In the summer, they protect from insolation in backwater spaces conducive to family coexistence. In the fall, its shades are shown with an unmistakable beauty that evokes the deep tradition of a town steeped in histor y.



n la parte sur del estado pervive un hermoso poblado fundado en 1574 con el nombre de Valle de San Bartolomé. La abundancia de agua y sus tierras fértiles pronto hicieron posible su crecimiento y consolidación durante el virreinato como centro abastecedor de alimentos a los asentamientos mineros de la región como Santa Bárbara, Parral y San Francisco del Oro. El visitante que llega hasta este legendario pueblo se sorprenderá al ver funcionar hasta la actualidad la red de acequias que distribuyen el agua, como en antaño, a las diferentes huertas que permanecen en la localidad. Así, el agua mansa arriba hasta los grandes nogales, algunos de ellos con mas de 100 años de existencia. Durante el otoño se cosechan los famosos persimonios que algunas familias venden en pequeñas mesas afuera de sus casas. Su tradición agrícola floreció desde el siglo XVII. En aquel entonces se cultivaba trigo, maíz y avena, además de chabacanos, duraznos, manzanos y nogales. Se criaban cabras, ovejas, caballos y vacas, de éstas últimas se aprovechaba el cebo para alumbrar al interior de las minas, y el cuero con el que se confeccionaban bolsas utilizadas en el acarreo del mineral desde las minas a superficie. Pero el visitante pensará que el tiempo se detuvo por varias de las calles del centro histórico de Valle de Allende. Muchas de sus viviendas conservan buena parte de su estructura y materiales con las que fueron construidas desde el siglo XIX. El templo de San Bartolomé y el Santuario, de igual modo, siguen siendo buenos ejemplos de preservación de ese patrimonio histórico edificado que, en conjunto, orgullosamente suma mas de 90 inmuebles. Entre ellos, Los Portales constituye el monumento de mayor identidad para sus habitantes. El Valle de San Bartolomé llegó a tener una feria comercial muy importante a donde acudían mercaderes y compradores de varios puntos de la Nueva España, incluyendo el lejano Santa Fe, de la provincia de Nuevo México. En 1805 logró el reconocimiento y autorización por el rey de España.


Los enormes nogales y álamos a la vera del río que atraviesa por el pueblo conjugan paisajes inolvidables para propios y extraños. En el verano protegen de la insolación en espacios de remanso propicios para la convivencia familiar; y en el otoño, sus tonalidades se manifiestan con una belleza inconfundible que evoca la tradición profunda de un pueblo lleno de historia.

Los enormes nogales y álamos a la vera del río que atraviesa por el pueblo conjugan paisajes inolvidables para propios y extraños By: Jorge Carrera Photo: Gaston Fourzan Fierro Valle de Allende, Chihuahua





a pandemia ha cambiado drásticamente nuestro modo de vivir. Ha cambiado la manera que día a día trabajamos para subsistir.

También ha cambiado drásticamente las opciones que los inmigrantes y no inmigrantes tienen para venir o estar en los Estados Unidos. Desde el 21 de marzo del 2020, los puertos de entrada entre México y Estados Unidos han estado cerrados para viajes “no esenciales”. El Consulado de Estados Unidos en Ciudad Juárez también ha cerrado sus puertas. Esto ha causado muchas demoras para las personas que están en trámite para obtener sus visas de residentes (residencia permanente legal), y también para aquellas personas que desean renovar u obtener una visa de no-inmigrante (como visa de trabajo, turismo, entre otras). También muchas personas están dentro de los Estados Unidos con sus visas y que su estadía que está por expirar, y probablemente se preguntan, ¿Qué puedo y debo hacer? Cada caso es único, y existen varias opciones. Sin embargo, esas opciones se tienen que hacer a tiempo y correctamente. Si tu eres una de esas personas que se encuentra en una situación similar, o tienes preguntas relacionadas con inmigración, te invitamos a que nos llames. Con mucho gusto podemos agendar un tiempo para platicar y de ver la manera de poder ayudar.



1714 N. MESA (RIM & MESA) PASO, TX 79902


Pandemia: SituaciĂłn difĂ­cil para los inmigrantes




Mayor un lĂ­der d

rdeDee Margo corazรณn y experiencia


Fixing El Paso’s Budget Mayor Dee Margo worked tirelessly on El Paso’s budget to ensure El Pasoans tax dollars are managed wisely. He vetoed the 2020 tax increase and passed the 2021 budget with ZERO increase in taxes.


Improving El Paso’s Streets Mayor Dee Margo worked tirelessly on El Paso’s budget to ensure El Pasoans tax dollars are managed wisely. He vetoed the 2020 tax increase and passed the 2021 budget with ZERO increase in taxes.


Record Job Growth Mayor Dee Margo put his experience as a CEO and brought 18,579 jobs to El Paso. He remained committed and brought Amazon to El Paso. Mayor Dee Margo is the only candidate with experience to help us rebuild our economy.Â



Making El Paso Safer Mayor Dee Margo immediately succeeded in funding our public safety departments that were neglected by previous administrations. He replaced outdated vehicles for our police officers and firefighters. The 2019 Public Safety Bond will include infrastructure and improve response times in our fast growing areas of El Paso



No-Kill Animal Shelter Mayor Dee Margo is committed more than ever to the El Paso Animal Services goal of being a no-kill shelter. His efforts and collaboration with the Humane Society and El Paso Animal Services have made this possible with a regional life-saving rate of 93%. 42

By: Trisha Encinas Photo: CortesĂ­a El Paso, Texas



C 46






f we talk about excellent beaches, magnificent accommodations, or exquisite and varied gastronomy, we can talk about Cancun in the state of Quintana Roo, Mexico. Cancun has become a ver y attractive place, considered one of the most beautiful destinations in Latin America. The clear and warm water beaches, the fine sand, and the colors created insight are the greatest natural attraction. Visiting these beaches and their surroundings in the northwest of the Yucatan Peninsula, you will immerse yourself in the landscapes and secrets of the Mayan civilization, recognized for its great contributions to art, architecture, and science. Several activities can be done for lovers of water sports, such as Kitesurfing, windsurfing, parasailing, catamaran tours, kayaking, paddle-boarding, wave runners, snorkeling, and diving, the latter either in the sea, in wells, caves, or caverns. As you will see, there is a lot that can be done in this heavenly destination. A destination in Cancun’s surroundings is Chichen-Itza, an archaeological site of the Mayan culture that is listed as one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World. In this, you will find the Pyramid of Quetzalcóatl and the impressive Cenote Sagrado. Another place that should not be missed and is on the outskirts of the city of Cancun is Xcaret Park. This offers an impressive adventure surrounded by nature, an extremely striking place. Of course, the nights in Cancun are unmissable. You can visit night shows, bars, restaurants, the downtown area. The Coco Bongo is one of the biggest discos; you can enjoy acrobats, shows, music, and famous international artists. Definitely, if you still do not visit Cancun and its surroundings, do so. We highly recommend it either to spend an incredible vacation full of action or to rest surrounded by the tranquility of nature. This destination is for you.





i hablamos de excelentes playas, magníficos hospedajes o de exquisita y variada gastronomía, podemos hablar de Cancún en el estado de Quintana Roo. Cancún se ha convertido en un sitio muy atractivo considerado uno de los destinos más hermosos de América Latina, la claridad de sus playas, la fina arena, el agua templada y los colores que se crean a la vista son el mayor atractivo natural. Visitar estas playas y sus alrededores al noroeste de la península de Yucatán, es sumergirse en los paisajes y los secretos de la civilización Maya, reconocida por sus grandes aportes al arte, la arquitectura y la ciencia. Para los amantes de los deportes acuáticos hay varias actividades que se pueden realizar, como: Kitesurfing, windsurf, parasailing, tours en catamaran, kayak, paddle-board, wave runners, snorkel y buceo, este último ya sea en el mar, en cenotes, cuevas o cavernas. Como verán hay mucho que se puede hacer en este paradisíaco destino.


Un destino en los alrededores de Cancún, esta Chichen- Itza, un sitio arqueológico de la cultura Maya que esta catalogado como una de las Siete Maravillas del Mundo Moderno. En este lugar está la Pirámide de Quetzalcóatl, y el impactante Cenote Sagrado. Otro lugar que no se debe dejar de visitar y esta en las afueras de la ciudad de Cancún es el Parque Xcaret. Este ofrece una aventura impactante rodeado de naturaleza, un lugar sumamente llamativo. Por supuesto, las noches en Cancún, son imperdibles, podrás visitar shows nocturnos, bares, restaurantes, la zona del centro, y cerca de ahí donde se encuentra el famoso centro nocturno, Coco Bongo, uno de las más grandes discos y donde se puede disfrutar de acróbatas, shows, música, y famosos artistas a nivel internacional. Definitivamente si Usted aún no visita Cancún y sus alrededores, hágalo, lo recomendamos ampliamente ya sea para pasar unas increíbles vacaciones llenas de acción o para descansar rodeado de la tranquilidad de la naturaleza este destino es para Usted.




Cancun has become a very attractive place and considered one of Latin Americas most beautiful destinations



This magical place of sun and beach and its surroundings have thousands of options for vacationing 56


Chichen-Itza, un sitio arqueolรณgico de la cultura Maya que esta catalogado como una de las Siete Maravillas del mundo moderno



Escape to an unforgettab



ble paradaise cancún

Photo: Heber Nickolath /Gabriela Valdez Cancún, México 61


fall spor 64





hroughout this year, at BH Magazine, we have shown you many sports activities that can help us cope with the Covid-19 pandemic. In this issue, we want to offer you a series of activities that are ideal to be practiced outdoors and are excellent to take care of our health, with the extra benefit of enjoying the fresh air either from the mountains or from the trees of a park. The climate in our region regularly gets colder as September and October go by; to do sports outdoors, it is necessar y to have the appropriate sports clothing to avoid sudden temperature changes. On the market, there are countless thermal garments suitable for athletes to perform in the open.


Throughout this year, at BH Magazine, we have shown you many sports activities that can help us cope with the Covid-19 pandemic.



What sport can we do in the fall? Hiking. A walk in the mountains. Whether in El Paso on Franklin Mountain or in Juárez in Don Rayo Park, we can enjoy our ecosystem with a walk through the various trails that already exist. We can enjoy beautiful sunrises or sunsets while we get in shape, going up and down hills. Yoga. The asanas and breaths typical of this ancient discipline can be done under the morning or evening shade of the trees in a park. The experience will be much more inspiring since we are in direct contact with nature. There are extreme parks in the region where you can do inline skating (or on four wheels). This sport helps us to strengthen our legs, to maintain balance, and to strengthen the heart. Shall we Dance? In some places, like the Chamizal in Ciudad Juárez, small groups of people gather to take dance or Zumba classes. And what about climbing! That we can do it easily, although it is advisable to hire an extreme sports company to set up an adventure that we will not regret. Walking or running can be done at any time of the year; however, in autumn, feeling the fresh air on your face while being warm, for some, it is a ver y rewarding and comfortable experience. We cannot forget cycling, which is a complete sport full of emotion. Our fellow designer, @Gabriela Valdez, is a great cyclist who does this activity non-stop, 365 days a year. She is an example for the entire BH team. Her energy is contagious, and we want to transmit this same energy to you, dear readers. It is never too late to start exercising. Remember the proverb of the Greek philosophy, “A healthy mind in a healthy body.” There are many activities to choose from. We invite you to exercise!



lo largo de este año, en BH Magazine, les hemos mostrado varias actividades deportivas que nos pueden ayudar a sobrellevar la pandemia del el Covid-19. En esta ocasión queremos ofrecerles una serie de actividades que son ideales para practicarse al aire libre y que por supuesto funcionan para lograr cuidar de nuestra salud. Con el beneficio extra de disfrutar el aire fresco ya sea de la montaña o de los arboles de un parque. El clima en nuestra región regularmente se va enfriando conforme pasan los meses de septiembre y octubre; para hacer deporte al aire libre es necesario tener la ropa deportiva adecuada, para evitar cambios bruscos de temperatura. En el mercado, existen infinidad de prendas térmicas apropiadas para que los atletas se desempeñen al aire libe.


Son varios los deportes que se pueden realizar en esta época del año, con el fresco del otoño, acompañados de la hermosa naturaleza.


¿Qué deporte podemos hacer durante el otoño? Hiking. Un paseo por las montañas. Ya sea en El Paso en la montaña Franklin o en Juárez en el Parque Don Rayo, podemos disfrutar de nuestro ecosistema con un paseo por los diversos senderos que ya existen. Podemos disfrutar de bellos amaneceres o atardeceres mientras nos ponemos en forma subiendo y bajando cerros. Yoga. Las asanas y las respiraciones propias de esta disciplina milenaria se pueden hacer bajo la sombra matutina o vespertina de los árboles de un parque. La experiencia será mucho más enriquecedora, ya que estamos en contacto directo con la naturaleza. En la región hay parques extremos donde se puede hacer patinaje en línea, (o en cuatro llantas). Este deporte nos ayuda a fortalecer las piernas, a mantener el equilibrio y a fortalecer el corazón. ¿Bailamos? En algunos lugares como en el Chamizal en Ciudad Juárez, grupos pequeños de personas se reúnen para tomar clases de danza o zumba. ¡Y qué decir de escalar! Que podemos hacerlo fácilmente, aunque es recomendable contratar a una empresa de deportes extremos para alistar una aventura de la que no nos vamos a arrepentir. La caminata o la carrera (running) se pueden realizar en cualquier época del año, sin embargo, en otoño sentir el aire fresco en la cara mientras se esta bien abrigado, para algunos es una experiencia muy gratificante y confortable. No nos podemos olvidar del ciclismo, que es un deporte muy completo y lleno de emoción. Nuestra compañera diseñadora @Gabriela Valdez, es una gran ciclista que realiza esta actividad sin descanso los 365 días del año. Ella es un ejemplo para todo el equipo de BH, su energía nos contagia y esta misma energía se las queremos transmitir queridos lectores. Nunca es tarde para comenzar a hacer ejercicio. Recuerden el proverbio de la filosofía griega “Mente sana en cuerpo sano”. Hay muchas actividades de dónde elegir. ¡Los invitamos a hacer ejercicio!




Photo: Marisol Gomez / Juan Pablo Contreras & Gabriela Valdez Guadalupe Mountains / Gila National Forest / El Paso Texas 73

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We would like to thank Ray Sandoval, Lisa Ulibarri, and everyone who was involved in the organization of the Zozobra event for their collaboration with Border Heritage Magazine


he staged Friday fier y

Burning annually before finale

of Zozobra is a unique cultural event by the Kiwanis Club of Santa Fe on the Labor Day as an exciting and to the last days of summer.

Zozobra is the creation of Will Shuster, one of a group of artists known as the Cinco Pintores, who made their way to New Mexico in the 1920s. Shuster ’s creation first appeared in his backyard in 1924 as a six-foot puppet, and over the years, has grown to a towering 50-foot high marionette. Made of wood, wire and cotton cloth and stuffed with hundreds of bags of shredded paper, Zozobra is a dark and eerie character, part ghost and part monster. Since those early days, the people of Santa Fe, families and friends new and old, have annually made their way to Fort Marcy Park, a few blocks from the historic Santa Fe Plaza, to view this one-of-a-kind Labor Day Friday pageant.

Photo: Melinda Herrera & Robert Erlichman 78




IT’S IMPORTANT TO REALIZE THAT STRESS AND SKIN AFFECT OUR SKIN WHAT? Yes! Have you noticed that when you pull and all nighter your skin looks tired and dull the next morning? Or when you get stressed out and you start breaking out! Its the worst! When I was in nursing school we used to study all day every day until we could no longer take it! We used to order fast food A LOT, and we were barely getting any sleep! (And don’t get me started on the coffee runs! Venti Vanilla Latte packed with sugar, OF COURSE!!) Those were the days where I did not pay ANY attention to my body, to my skin, and more importantly how I knowingly neglected my stress and anxiety. It was exactly in nursing school where I experienced f irst hand the effects sleep and stress had on my health and skin. 80

I developed eczema during this stressful times and yet I never associated this signs and symptoms to stress, being malnourished and not sleeping well. It never even crossed my mind that my body was actually communicating with me… A 2013 study shows that: -Chronic inadequate and poor quality sleep accelerates intrinsic aging. – Poor sleepers have signif icantly diminished capacity to recover f rom exogenous stressors such as epidermal barrier disruption and UV induced erythema. – Poor sleepers are more dissatisf ied with their physical appearance than good slee-


SO, this information is backed up by science! Can you believe this? Sleep and stress have a direct impact on our skin!

Another Study published in 2011 by Dr.Whitney Bowe, a well-known dermatologist identif ies how the brain is connected to our skin. Potential Pathways of the Gut-Brain-Skin Axis in Acne Vulgaris: [1] Psychological distress alone or in combination with [2] high fat diet, processed comfort foods devoid of f iber, cause alterations to [3] gut motility and microbiota prof ile [4]. Loss of normal microbial biof ilm (Bif idobacterium in particular) causes intestinal permeability and endotoxins gain systemic access [5]. Burden of inflammation and oxidative stress is increased, substance P is elevated, insulin sensitivity is decreased due to endotoxemia [6]. In those genetically susceptible to acne vulgaris, this cascade increases the likelihood of excess sebum production, exacerbations in acne and additional psychological distress. Both probiotics and antimicrobials may play a role in cutting off this cycle at the gut level. It also states in this study conclusion that, “It was not the contention of Stokes and Pillsbury, nor is it ours, that acne is a disease of the gastrointestinal tract. Yet, there appears to be more than enough supportive evidence to suggest that gut microbes, and the integrity of the gastrointestinal tract itself, are contributing factors in the acne process. Only well designed trials can determine what, if any, the degree of contribution might be.� (If this is the f irst time you are reading about the gut-skin-brain axis, you can refer back to my blog post on this subject, so you can have a better idea of this amazing connection.)

Whenever you hear someone say that their skin is dry, dull and is always breaking out, ask them if they are stressed all of the time and if their sleeping habits are all over the place. Tell them that their gut microbiome and skin microbiome are always in sync! If sleep, stress and nutrition are off balance this will reflect in their skin, no doubt about it! (You will be the smartest person in the room if you mention this!, you are welcome!) I like to think of it like this, we are living beings, our skin is alive, our brain is alive, and our gut is alive. We have to listen to what these systems are telling us, are you always tired? are you always stressed? do you break out all the time? is your skin dry ? is your skull flaky ? are you always bloated? What is it that your skin and body telling you today ? If there is one thing you learn today, I would love for it to be, to listen to your body and skin. How does it look like? What is it telling you? Are you neglecting yourself or nourishing yourself? Lets learn how to listen to what our body and skin are telling us! I am yet to become an expert. when it comes down to listening to my body, but hey, its never too late to start!

Sending lots of love,

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