Christian Motorcyclists Association lean on Jesus’ power and strength to guide the ride! The Bible has the answer to every challenge you and I may face, if we simply remember to activate God’s blessing through prayer. The Bible teaches us, in Philippians 4:13, that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13.” I was looking in every direction and for every protection, but missed the most important one, taking my concerns to Jesus. The Bible teaches that I will be strengthened by Jesus. It also tells me that with His power leading me, I can do everything in His Will. This doesn’t mean I can do anything I may want, but it does imply that if what I am trying to do is within His Will, it will be possible. When I look back at my ride that day, I should have had confidence in the outcome because I was taking the bike God gave me to be able to go on missions of ministry that He has appointed to me; that’s in His Will! I should have called on Jesus to give me that wonderful strength and power to accomplish the task He had before me. That’s where the power of God comes alive in our lives and our ministries! One thing that is so important is your focus. Keep your focus on Jesus and He will meet your needs! If you put your focus on Jesus, His power and direction takes over and keeps the ride safe. In The Wind, Denny Dingler BORNTORIDE.COM || BTR BTR 71 51 Check out for more articles from Christian Motorcyclists Association BORNTORIDE.COM
Recently, I decided to get back on my bike, after a long time of not being in the saddle. I don’t really know how it came to pass that the bike got ignored, and began gathering dust. I think it was a combination of medical challenges, a brutally hot summer, and focusing on other things. When I did get back on the bike, my riding skills and confidence were in the toilet. I was acutely aware of the 900 pounds of machine that I was holding up, and it took a little time of acclimation to get used to it again. In order to have a more successful ride, I read some riding tips, watched some riding videos, and made sure I was well hydrated. I also went for the initial ride without my wife, as I did not want to take any chances of her getting hurt if there was a problem. I did everything I could think of to make for a safe time renewing my riding skills. I even tried very hard to keep my eyes focused on where I wanted the bike to go, not to the curb that had my attention. My mind was so focused that I missed the one major key to successful riding; I forgot to take a moment to ask for divine protection and strength on the road. I had checked into everything I could do, but forgot to