Born To Ride Southeast Motorcycle Magazine

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February Issue 84

Features Chuck Liddell-Nation’s Fire 10 Open Road Girl-Malinda Johnson 20 Chopporama-Gibtown Bike Fest 26 Night Train-Sally Richardson 35 Tiny Trailer Nation 38



James “Nefarious” Gladstone 8 JP’s Ramblin On-Elusive 18 Ramble On-Exclusive 40 Craven Moorehead-Misinformation 47 Christian Motorcycle Association 48

Departments Contents Page 2 Ride Safe, Ride Smart-Cars Pulling Out 6 Born To Ride 42 Born To Ride Kids 48



The Great American Motorcycle Show 4 Chuck Liddell Reads It! 21 Movie Review-Black Angels 22 Matt Danielson-Law Report 41 Craig Can Fix It! 45

On The Cover Angel City, Rally and Music Fest April 15-19 Photo By: Eric Runyon

Ad Index

AAA IFC Angel City 23 19 Biker Business For Sale 21 BTR App 37 BTR Cigar Club 46 BTR Facebook BC BTR Heat Up 45 BTR Lifestyle 37 BTR Magazine Subscription 46 BTR Radio 37 BTR YouTube 33 Chopporama Facebook 33 Creative RV 24 Cycle World of Athens 17 HD Fraziers 5 HD Raging Bull IBC HD Smoky Mountain 7 1 Leather Lid Inserts 46 Leather, Love & Freedom 46 Leesburg Bike Fest 16 Media Design Shop 33 Motorcycle Law Group 40 Nation’s Fire-The Movie 13 Progressive Insurance 3 ProRider Ken Anderson 6 Southern Fried Moto Show 14 Tiny Trailer Nation 39 Thunder Beach 9 Thunder By The Bay 34 Toys Wanted 46 Wanted GI Joe 46 Wife Swap-Now Casting 46


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PO BOX 3021 Brandon, FL 33509


Ron Galletti 813-785-3895

The Great American Motorcycle Show





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Riding along a wide arterial street, with an uninterrupted view of traffic ahead of you, you observe a minivan waiting to pull out of a shopping center parking lot. You make eye contact with the driver, and visually confirm that the vehicle is not moving. But just as you are about to pass the shopping center exit, the driver accelerates into your path. Strategy: Though we tend to focus our attention at intersections in an urban environment, there are also potential danger zones between intersections, as this example illustrates. These are situations where the small profile of a motorcycle can be problematic. Drivers waiting to pull out may not even see you approaching in the busy traffic environment. Even if they do “see” you, they may fail to accurately judge your closing speed, as occurred in the above example. Eye contact in this situation can be misleading. Have an open area scoped out in case you need to take evasive action when approaching any vehicle that could pull out into your path. As you approach, check the vehicle’s front tire, which will provide your first indication that the car is starting to move. Any step that you can take to increase your visibility to other drivers (wearing a bright-colored helmet or jacket and using your high-beam during daytime) is especially helpful in situations like this. If it’s clear the other driver doesn’t see you, honk your horn! (Just be ready in case the driver doesn’t hear it.)

Nefarious James “Enough”

I awoke this morning to follow my same old routine. Get my ass up. Have coffee and peruse the news of the day (we can leave out the other minor personal details of my morning routine). First thing I read was an obituary. It was for the death of a man I knew here locally. A man you always saw as a staple at a local watering hole. He seemed to have a lot of friends that loved him. He was always surrounded by others that seemed to care about him on many levels. His obituary listed all the people he left behind in his family. How much he was loved. How much he would be missed. It listed accomplishments he had done throughout his life and the advanced education he had received throughout his short lived years. What it didn’t mention throughout the entire article was a very pertinent and important fact which was the cause of this person’s death. The cause of this man’s BTR 8 | BORNTORIDE.COM

“How the hell do you expect people to watch out for bikers when we won’t even watch out for ourselves?” demise was a reason that could have been avoided. He could have made the personal decision not to go as far as he did when he did it. When he got to a point where he could no longer make rational decisions on his own, his friends should have stepped in and had the balls to stop him. There is absolutely no excuse to allow this to happen. NONE! This man died senselessly because he was drunk. People around him even stated he was drunk. Those at the previous bar he celebrated at stated he left drunk. When he arrived at his next to final

location, he arrived drunk. I think you all know what the end result of this is. Are we getting the point yet? Are you people seeing the message here? I understand that people don’t want to get involved. I understand no one wants to be the guy or girl that ruins the party by stepping in. I’m tired of hearing “well he’s a grown man can make his own decisions”, “He’s bigger than me and will kick my ass if I try and stop him”. I’d rather have a guy pissed at me than have to write articles like this or even worse carry another casket. We put out bumper stickers and posters and commercials and T-shirts telling everybody to watch out for motorcycles. All the while we don’t watch out for ourselves or others that ride with us. We allow that brother or sister to get on their sled wasted and just take for granted that we will see them again and they will get home safely. When are we going to wake up and realize before we can have anybody care enough to watch out for us that we have to care enough about ourselves to look out for each other? Maybe I didn’t say this loud enough. How the hell do you expect people to watch out for bikers when we won’t even watch out for ourselves? We can sit on the sidelines and grieve for the loss of a loved one all day long. It hurts. The memories will keep replaying in our heads of a life that was. Maybe through that grief we can learn the lesson that is staring us right in the face. Be the person that saves that life. Be the person that makes the saving of a loved one a reality. You be the one to save a biker and stop making the excuses you’ve used for years. You’re proud to be the asshole in the picture with your middle finger up all the time. Maybe it’s time to put that being an asshole to good use. Step in and do the right thing. I know there are others that step in when the time is needed and say, “Enough”. Don’t you think it’s time for you to be that person? Did this piss you off? Good. Now go out and make a difference.

James “Nefarious” Gladstone

Have you had Enough? Let Us Know Your Thoughts:


UFC Photo


Chuck Liddell was born on December 17, 1969 in Santa Barbara, California. In Hollywood he is known for his work in Movies, such as Kick-Ass 2 (2013), War Pigs (2015) and How High (2001). Prior to his film work he was an Iconic MMA UFC World Light Heavyweight Champion. He is one of the Fighters who put UFC on the map. Chuck Liddell became one of the most recognizable Global Sports Superstar Figures to crossover into TV Commercials, Appearances, Movies and more. It’s an Honor to have him part of the Cast of Nation’s Fire and to top it all off, he is a Legitimate down to Earth True American Success Story. When we asked him about Nation’s Fire he said “It’s Gonna Knock You Out!” BTR 12 | BORNTORIDE.COM

RG: So here we are at Nation’s Fire filming with Chuck Liddell on the set in Burbank, California. Man, it’s great to have you here. What did you think about the movie and your part as Vito? Chuck Liddell: Oh, it’s been fun. It’s another chance for me to get killed in a movie, so it was good working with everybody and I think it went well. RG: So you’re playing a role with Krista Grotte and her husband in a pretty heavy-duty scene, and Krista’s been nailing it on this movie. How did you feel about working with Krista? Chuck Liddell: Oh, it made it real easy. It always helps me when someone’s great across from me to make me look better. So I’m still a little bit new to this and getting more and more confident with it, but it always helps to have someone across from you delivering their lines and making it easy. She is very talented.

RG: Being on the set today, it’s a little different from in the ring. How have you adapted to getting into acting? Chuck Liddell: Well, the way I’ve adapted, I think I take stuff from training for fights. It’s the same thing, you know. It takes practice. It takes work. It’s hard, and I practice at home. I take classes. I do work. I’ve been working on my craft, and I’m just hoping that each movie, I get better and better. I’m enjoying it. RG: So being a warrior in the octagon brings you closer to being able to take care of business on the set because it is a lot of preparation? Chuck Liddell: Yeah. It’s all the same stuff. You want to be really good at what you do. You got to practice. You got to work. No one gets there without hard work and dedication. So I try to put all that effort and things that I used to put into fighting into my acting roles and characters. RG: Your acting career could go a long way

Nation’s Fire has been released everywhere, and it’s selling out Amazon, Walmart, BestBuy

UFC Photo

with this. You could act forever, man. What are some actors who have inspired you? Chuck Liddell: Well, I always like watching the big action things. I like guys like ... well, I mean, the Rock’s a big one. He’s one of the biggest actors out there right now, came from WWE, and just a great guy and fun to watch in his movies. He’ll do anything, from the tooth fairy to being a tough guy, so I kind of want to model my career and to do something like that would be great. I want to be able to do funny stuff. I’m more of a comedian guy, a comedic movie guy anyway, so I like to do that. I’m open for anything. RG: What about a couple of your favorite movies you like to watch or that have inspired you? Chuck Liddell: Okay, movies that inspire me. Well, it’s pretty obvious, Gladiator was an awesome movie. I loved what that one— he’s fighting for his family and fighting for revenge. For Love of the Game is a great movie. I think, kind of going back over a

guy’s career and trying to finish up on a high note is fun to watch. I like a lot of movies. I like it with a message, so movies like that, to me, stick out. RG: I know you have younger children. How about those kids’ movies? We all have to watch them with our kids a lot, and there are some good ones out there, right? Chuck Liddell: Oh, there are some great kids’ movies out there. I think The Croods is one of my favorites. I actually really liked The Smurfs movies, the first and the second one. The Smurfs movies were a surprise because I never liked the Smurfs when I was a kid, the actual show, but I liked those movies, they actually turned out being pretty good. They were entertaining for me. I like the movies that my kids really love but also have a little bit of the fun in it for parents. Those are the good movies to watch. RG: You can’t have a movie without a writer, without a director, man. What do you think of this Thomas Churchill guy you got to work with today?

Chuck Liddell: Well, he’s made it easy to work with him. He really helped, gave me good advice on how to read the character, how he wanted it. He had a very good idea of what he wanted, which always helps let me know what he really wants to get out of me, and I think that helped. RG: Man, I tell you what. Chuck Liddell, you look pretty awesome on camera, and it was really an honor to have you in this film. I can’t thank you enough, from the cast to the crew, and everybody coming in and just being such a great guy and a great team player for this. Any last words? Chuck Liddell: I just wish everybody the best and hope this movie turns out great. I thought it was a great story, so it should be good, matter of fact it’s gonna knock you out! Thank You Chuck it was my pleasure doing this interview with you and I can’t wait to see you as Vito in Nation’s Fire.

Target. Video On Demand and many other platforms. Give us your review Nation’s Fire Facebook

Ron Galletti



be GREAT! Hope I can hold on to it. Then, I received a personal invite from Bill Fraizer himself, when I come back, he’s gonna give me the “grand tour” of Frazier’s. Including some of his very own personal collection of rare and unique Harleys. I can’t wait. Thank you, Bill!

While riding my Road King back to my Marietta home base, I passed by Southern Cycle and having never been inside, decided to stop in and say “Hi” to the folks there. Most Harley Dealers in this area didn’t Southern Cycle, if you remember over the even have one in stock when I called. past several years, usually has one of the Some are not even going to carry them. most awesome displays of custom-built But when I arrived to see our friends at Harleys presented at the Great American Frazier’s Harley-Davidson in Buford, GA Motorcycle Show. But they were missing last week, they had two. I’m talking about this year. And they were missed by the the new Harley Livewire! attendees, also. WOW! Whatta machine; 0-60 mph in Talking with the owner Sean Culleton, they just 3 seconds. Talking with the guys at made the decision, as a company, not to set Frazier’s, they think it might even be faster up a display this year. Too bad. Rad bikes. than that. All electric. Instant torque. Instant Nice folks. And I hope to see them back to grin on your face. And bugs in your teeth. the show in the future. During my visit, I happily took the Jus’ sayin’. And wishin’. opportunity to sit on one. Greg Schoudt, Earlier last month, I had the chance to the sales manager removed the sign that my drift, DON’T blip the throttle trying for that visit with my good friends “JB” and “OG” at warned people not to sit on this special Harley sound, or you could find yourself lying Hellbender Harley-Davidson. It was good to machine without supervision. Then Big Carl flat on the ground. Yep. That fast. see them and take a look at some of their came over to answer all of my questions So, for my quick review of the Harley used Harleys. These guys are “in the know” about the new electric Harley. Livewire: instant-on, instant torque, no when it comes to Harley performance and The first thing that I noticed, after clutch, no sound, aggressive seating, 0-60 accessories. swinging a leg over, was the aggressive in less than 3 seconds, and it’s a Harley! This reminds me, I need to ride over to seating position … so unlike ANY Harley, Unfortunately, I was unable to test ride one WOW Motorcycles and say “Hi” to my friend I’ve ever sat on before. Then, I instinctively on this trip to Frazier’s, but Greg and Big and personal mechanic Jose. I haven’t grabbed for the clutch. “Where’s the clutch?” Carl promised me that they would have the seen him since he returned home from the I stammered. “It’s automatic,” Big Carl Demo trailer from Harley headquarters back holidays in Puerto Rico. reminded me. before long, and they both invited me to People to see, places to go, so much to Beware. Livewire has no electric start. No come and ride one then. So, I plan to take do right here in the Atlanta area. Like I say, kicker either. So how do you make it go? a test ride and experience the new Harley “Go Fast, You’ll Get There!” Turn the key to the “On” position, and it just sensation soon. Stay tuned to my column for goes. And GOES. And GOES. So, if you get a future Livewire test ride report. It’s gonna Until next month, JP

WOW! Whatta machine; 0-60 mph in just 3 seconds. Talking with the guys at Frazier’s, they think it might even be faster than that. All electric. Instant torque.


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MALINDA JOHNSON A TRUE OPEN ROAD GIRL As a traveling vendor, I have had many opportunities to meet some great people who are honest, run a solid business, and treat their customers with respect and kindness. I was fortunate to meet that type of hardworking person when we were set up at the same event in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, a few years ago. Lucky for us, Malinda, her family, and her business, Open Road Girl, have moved from Minnesota to beautiful Florida! She has done an outstanding job of branding her business, having a large number of followers and constantly growing her unique and fun clothing line! Sit back, relax, and enjoy this fun “Women’s World” interview with Malinda Johnson! I’m so glad that you finally made the move to Florida! What made you decide to head south? “The winters in Minnesota are long and brutal. I would come to Florida every year for vacation and I thought to myself, ‘Why don’t I live and work where I come to for vacation?’ I didn’t want to wait until the end of my life and move to Florida. My kids are grown up and I have four grandchildren now. It really got to the point of deciding if I wanted to make myself or everyone else happy. I decided to make myself happy.” Malinda has taken a bit of a step BTR 20 | BORNTORIDE.COM

backward trying to decide where she wants to go and what she wants to do with her life and business. “I’m just enjoying being in flip flops every day. We moved to Florida in April, and I’m still getting used to being here and settling in.” Open Road Girl is Malinda’s business. It’s extremely successful and something that Malinda is very proud of. “I started in 2008. I knew that I always wanted to be in business for myself. But because I was a single mom with two kids, I couldn’t be a risk-taker. I needed to have a stable home and income. I had a job and a paycheck, but it wasn’t fulfilling. After I bought my first motorcycle in 2005, the idea came to me to design t-shirts and sell them to bikers. I always read, ‘Do what makes you happy.’ So, I did!” June 2010 was Malinda’s first run of t-shirts for her business. “That’s where the rubber hit the road. I did my first show in 2011. But in late 2013, I decided that I needed to change the name of the business. I had a unisex logo and the business was called, ‘Open Road.’ But that little voice inside my head kept saying, ‘Focus on women. Focus on women.’ So, Open Road

Girl came to me. This new name resonated with me and it sounded good when I said it. In 2011, I created an Open Road Girls Facebook Group. I had this group even before I changed the name – not even thinking at the time that I was going to change the brand.” Malinda worked tirelessly for a year and a half, holding down a full-time job AND building the brand and attending biker events every weekend. “That year and a half was killing me. I was still connected to the job I was working at for 26 years at an import company. While contemplating what I wanted to do, I did a lot of initial research figuring out how to start a t-shirt business. I had a ton of questions, but unfortunately, I didn’t have anyone to help me. I just pushed through.” Malinda pushed through and worked at events with her business and started having Meet and Greets in Minnesota. “Women are very supportive and want to learn to become independent. That is really what my whole mission was with Open Road Girl. I’m bringing together another purpose with Open

Open Road Girl Retreat: •

MEET AND GREET IN FLORIDA DURING DAYTONA BIKE WEEK! ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, FROM 11-2, AT THE DAYTONA DINER Road Girl – I feel that’s what I need to do.” With that purpose in mind, Malinda is having her first Meet and Greet in Florida during Daytona Bike Week! On Wednesday, March 11, from 11-2, at the Daytona Diner, (2043 S Atlantic Ave, Daytona Beach Shores, Florida 32118) you will have an amazing opportunity to meet and speak with Malinda! She will be sharing with everyone her first Open Road Girl Retreat. “My first retreat will be held August 20-22, at the Harrison Fairgrounds, in Harrison, Arkansas, in the Ozarks. My goal is to empower the attendees for them to become healthy, wealthy, and to get them wise and independent. You don’t have to have a motorcycle to attend the retreat. The women that come may become inspired to do many other things in their lives – including riding a motorcycle – if that’s what they want to do.” Running a successful business, creating opportunities to help other women, and keeping it real from beginning to end is who Malinda Johnson is. Check out her website and Facebook pages today! She is an amazing businesswoman and successful entrepreneur; someone who is going to do great things in her future! Susan Hurst

Chuck Liddell READS IT!

“Look, Charlie! We’ve had enough of your kind of help! Three hundred years of your bull_*_! From now on, we take care of our own!” hisses “Knifer,” black leader of The Choppers, a “diverse” biker gang squatting in Southern California. Knifer’s fed up with being stalked by Lieutenant Harper, a slender, black-clad law officer and member of the “white establishment.” So sets the rebellious tone of the critically mixed 1970 biker romp The Black Angels, a lesser-known but relevant slice of the vintage “Bikersploition” era. What’s surprising about the film is despite the title’s nod to “Blaxploitation,” the drama/action primarily concerns a lily-white biker gang: the deliciously monikered Satan’s Serpents. “Chainer” is the leader of Satan’s Serpents and dead-ringer for Peter Fonda. His fate is sealed when he lures Jimmy, a black rival member of The Choppers, into a perilous motorcycle jump that doesn’t end well. Chainer’s forced to confront The Choppers with Jimmy’s grim news that sets off a cleverly clandestine revenge spree. The Black Angels become a slow-burning showdown between Satan’s Serpents and The Choppers with the coppers led by Harper (The Black Angel), monitoring every move. A mysterious stranger in a Hardee hat called Johnny Reb cycles into the Serpent’s compound: BTR 22 | BORNTORIDE.COM

an ancient western ghost town. Reb loads the gang up with LSD and quickly earns their trust – except for one skeptic – “Frenchy,” an upwardly mobile second-in-command figure with a great set of teeth (“choppers” – get it?). Frenchy, hot-tempered and no-nonsense has a line on Reb, but is he simply a free-wheelin’ Confederate with animosity toward colored folk, or does he have a more nefarious purpose? Amusing subplots of The Black Angels involve the aforementioned Lt. Harper and Chainer’s queer relationship with a masochistic, blonde girlfriend who berates him in order to get slapped, giggling wildly as she’s “punished.” “Do I get a spanking and go to bed with no dinner?” she nudges as she drives her high-heel into Chainer’s foot. He slaps her repeatedly, and she bites him. He calls her a “slumming nympho.” “Nympho maybe, slumming definitely! And I love every minute of it! Just tell me when! When! WHEN!!!” she pants in sizzling sexual exasperation! He then makes love to her in a restaurant while a gogo dancer gyrates. Flashbacks pepper the story along, garnishing a backstory that explains the origins of Jimmy’s black supremacist hatred toward whitey. Another far more explicit flashback cruelly examines the assault of a young white woman who’s a self-proclaimed racist at the hands of two black men. The blonde, well-endowed Sacramentan is chained up and raped at knifepoint, while spewing racial slurs and spitting at her heartless tormentors. As a director, Laurence Merrick displays hits of true creativity and at times innovation. The chase scenes, though overlong, are wellexecuted and the roar of the bikes really becomes a character in itself. He incorporates fast-motion and a dizzying multitude of camera angles as the cycles speed by, one wonders how he was able to film this in only fourteen days! The acting is above-average for a B-picture, and it’s amazing how many actors he found who could ride really nice-looking choppers. Horror fans will note co-star James Whitworth who was “Jupiter” in the late Wes Craven’s 1977 super-shocker The Hills Have Eyes. Whitworth plays Satan’s Serpent “Big Jim,” who early in the picture gets urinated on by smart-aleck Frenchy. Gritty director Laurence Merrick was an acting teacher whose student was the tragic, iconic beauty, Sharon Tate. The Black Angels is an exploitation film with bizarre relationships to the Charles Manson “Family” cult murders. While The Black Angels was in production in August of 1969, members of “The Family” begged for leftover catered food. There was an obvious fascination, so director Merrick visited the Spahn Ranch, where The Family squatted and shoot 16mm footage of their hedonistic, drug-tinged lifestyle, including interviews. This occurred both before and after the Tate/LaBianca murders. Merrick would later utilize the footage in his 1973 Academy Award-nominated documentary Manson. Highly recommended for vintage biker movie fans. I encourage all bikers to discover or revisit these great older cult movies. I happened upon this movie on the online subscription service Night Flight Plus. Old-timers may remember Night Flight as a hit counterculture show back in the 1980s and the early days of cable TV. Their online shelves are stocked with luscious drive-in and grindhouse favorites. The Black Angels is also available on DVD from Something Weird (Video). Andy Lalino-Movie Review

Do you have a favorite Biker Movie we don’t have? Let us know:

Bill Dodge

GIBTOWN BIKE FEST It’s hard to believe that after months of planning and preparation, Chopporama 2020 is officially ‘in the books’. We pulled together about 25 of the coolest builders with nearly 30 choppers, in the Southeast, and put together one cool little party. When putting together an event like this for the first time, it’s said that there will be many hurdles and obstacles along the way. Luckily, we didn’t encounter much of that at all. Really in the grand scheme of things, it was pretty smooth sailing. Chopporama wasn’t really about ‘choppers’ as it was really about ‘chopper builders’. It BTR 26 | BORNTORIDE.COM

We pulled together about 25 of the coolest builders with nearly 30 choppers, in the Southeast

was a platform for like minded people to get together and have a great time around the machines they’re so passionate

about... The term ‘builder’ was used as a loose term because we featured bikes from world class builders like Bill Dodge, Brian Buttera and Eric Allard who fabricated 90% of what they brought, and there were guys that pieced backed classic chopper builds that were originally put together in the 60’s and 70’s.. Some of the bikes were built in big money shops, some were built in sheds. The equalizer in all this was a passion for the bike. It wasn’t about ‘who did what’ it was about our love of these long skinny machines that remind us of generations past.

Frankie Bowman

The turn out for the show was incredible. We called Friday our ‘soft opening’. As the guys brought their bikes into the building, commercial motorcycle photographer Erick Runyon photographed them in a portable studio he had set up on site. Saturday couldn’t have been a more perfect day. The weather was beautiful, chopper lovers and motorcycle enthusiast turned out in droves. With Chopporma DJ Robert Norton spinning the hits ranin from Parliament Funkadelic to KISS and everyone in between, the packed building looked and sounded as much like a club as it did a ‘chopper show. The last day was highlighted by a meet and greet from the highly successful german band, The Picturebooks. If you’re one of the few who hadn’t yet heard of this two man band who deliver a powerful sound, they’re a Harley - Davidson sponsored band who are widely known in Europe, playing the

biggest bike events in the world. At the end of the day, we presented our ‘Builders Choice Award’.Of course we thought all our builders were awesome, but we wanted to do something to recognize one special builder for his talents and effort. So with the help of Kenny Dukes of Hellbenders Motorcycles throwing down $1000.00 in prize money, we thought the best way do so was to have the builders themselves decide on who was deserving of such an honor. As it turned out the voting was pretty lopsided in favor of one particular builder. Eric Allard and his Digger style ‘72 H2 Kawasaki of FNA Custom Cycles was a winner like a runaway train. In fact, it was Eric’s other iconic bike ‘The Glam Fairy’ that took second place! Shortly after our Builders Choice award was handed out, many of the builders hopped on their bikes and headed out to see the Picturebooks

absolutely kill it on stage which made for a really great after party. Looking back, we couldn’t have been more pleased with Chopporma 2020. The bikes were beautiful, the builders were great and crowds constant. Everybody seemed pleased with the turn out of the show and had a great time.We tank everybody involved in Chopporma from the builders and their families to kenny Dukes for putting up the prize money. Lastly we thank Erick Runyon from concept to execution to Ron and Deb Galletti of Born to Ride Media for supporting the idea, and making everything happen! It was a great team effort with everybody on a winning side. The only lingering question was, what are we going to do for Chopporma 2021? Lets just say, we’ve learned a lot, and we’re already in the planning stages of something bigger and better. Stay tuned!

Eric Allard

Born To Ride Magazine, Real Editorial Content, Real Value every month for you the Reader


John Benedict

Jared Adin


If you or your company want to sponsor Chopporama 2021, Call: 888-795-5779

Eric Allard

Travis Baerman

Ed Skelton

Drew Cemer

If you have a Bike for Chopporama 2021 reach out to us,


Justin Valcourt

Matt Foster

Josh Laurenti


Chopporama, a Born To Ride Media Presentation. For more info: Facebook Chopporama

Steven Toth

Ray Cason

John Benedict

Special Thanks to Everyone involved in this years Chopporama at The Gibtown Bike Fest


Frankie Bowman

Jaren Adin

Brian Buttera

Photography By: Erick Runyon BTR 32 | BORNTORIDE.COM

Next Month, more from The Gibtown Bike Fest and Born To Ride Chopporama

Sally Richardson, Not For Sale… Ever. Again.

Causality: The whole idea of being driven in life is connected with the idea of causality, of life moving under the power of the past. And that is so ingrained in our common sense that it’s very difficult to get rid of it. A thing constructed can only be loved after its constructed, but a thing created is loved before it exits. - Charles Dickens, Authentically Pivot January is “Human Trafficking Awareness Month”. Sally is a survivor of human trafficking. Sally is an avid motorcycle enthusiast. An icon representing courage in the communities and people she touches advocating against human trafficking and such crimes. She is also a seasoned professional model who you probably have seen before. Sally is a true warrior. Her story and what she went through is gut-wrenching. I am privileged to call her a friend. Sally is mother to six children (7 if you count “Dyna” her Yorkie) and grandmother of two. She is currently CoDirector of “Fighting Against Trafficking Organization”. Sally also strongly focuses on her practice as a consultant championing the cause of victims’ rights of sexual crimes, domestic abuse and violence against women and children. Sally recently won a supreme court case in South Dakota, making it caselaw across the country, thus giving victims of abuse who are able to prove they have long suffered and currently still suffer from their abuse, the ability to take their perpetrator to civil court for jury trial and pursue punitive damages. If you voted in the last election, one of the issues to vote on your ballot was a direct result of Sally’s hard work on behalf of victims nationwide. Sally’s expertise has been utilized by legislators throughout the Midwest to help pass new and tougher sex trafficking legislation. She is a sought-after speaker and has successfully contributed to organizations such as; Creighton University’s Human Trafficking Initiative, Women’s Fund,

NHTTF Thriver Committee, National Survivor Network, and the Polaris Project. In Sally’s own words: “It seems that the value of someone’s pain depends on the size of their bank account, or that of who caused your pain. Many Survivors of human sex trafficking will never get the chance for justice.

Born To Ride Magazine, Real Editorial Content, Real Value every month for you the Reader

Here are some terms you want to get familiar with: Sexual Exploitation: Taking advantage of sexuality and attractiveness of a person to make a personal gain or profit. It is the abuse of a position of vulnerability, differential power, or trust for sexual purposes. Sexual Assault: Refers to an assault of a sexual nature on another person. It can include a wide range of unwanted sexual contact such as rape, forced vaginal, anal or oral penetration, forced sexual intercourse, inappropriate touching, forced kissing, child molestation, exhibitionism, voyeurism, obscene phone calls, torture of a victim in a sexual manner, etc. Sexual Abuse: Aggravated sexual assault is a felony sexual offense governed by state laws, which vary by state. It is typically defined as a sexual assault that maims, wounds, or disfigures the victim, or involves a victim who is physically or mentally incapacitated. It may also be defined to include a sexual assault that is aided or abetted by another person, occurs during commission of another crime, or involves use of a deadly weapon. Sexual Harassment: Occurs when a person is subject to unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature to such an extent that it alters the conditions of the person’s employment and creates an abusive working environment. Sexual harassment may include touching, feeling, groping and/or repeated unpleasant, degrading and/or sexist remarks directed toward an employee, implying that employment status, promotion or favorable treatment depends upon the employee’s assent. Pornography displayed in the workplace or emailed to coworkers may also constitute sexual harassment. No matter what name you give it, it just does not discriminate. It does not see gender, age, beauty, religion, social status, or financial background. It does not care BORNTORIDE.COM | BTR 35

where you’ve been or where you’re going, or if you are in good health or not. This egregious tragedy happens to many on an hourly basis. The common theme is that sexual abuse is present in conducting business to make a profit. Harvey Weinstein did this and so do Traffickers/Pimps. Both predators/perpetrators, at the time of the occurrences were seeking to gratify no one but themselves i.e.; 1) sexual gratification 2) control 3) financial gain The sexual abuse Weinstein’s Victims felt as well as trafficking victims was and is, we were all made to feel trapped, vulnerable and all were exploited. I have no doubt that both Weinstein’s and Trafficked Victims/ Survivors had or still feel the ripples of the deep oceanic tides of this heinous act that was forced upon all. What comes to mind is – as a trafficked victim myself I know that my safety was and is still a concern for me. That during the time of occurrence, I was not in control of my situation any more than the those who suffered at Weinstein’s hands. Both perpetrators used their position to commit sexual torture by using manipulation, coercion, and force – to obtain and gain from their victims. Sadly, this Weinstein situation, has brought to light one very important issue I myself am struggling with and that is: no matter how many experts a task force can bring together or a law UFC Photo BTR 36 | BORNTORIDE.COM

Sally’s Organization Conducted a Charity Ride Called “FAST Ride” Which Stands For “Fight Against Sex Trafficking”.

enforcement agency, they will never have the insight survivors have. I personally am having great difficulty getting this across in my own community task force. Again, proving that although predators all share many characteristics the reasons behind why they commit this never-ending hideous crime greatly differ and so do the visual aspects. As far as victims go – pain is pain and what we all suffered is horrifying to say the least. However, there are some differences between Weinstein’s Victims and those who are Trafficked. Weinstein’s Victims have received attention from every aspect starting with the investigation to possibly the courtsa and great financial compensation. Trafficked victims receive little to no attention if you are an adult victim. If you’re a minor, you may get about 15 minutes of fame so to speak. As far as any financial compensation, most if not all trafficked victims receive absolutely nothing. With these two most important issues, it leaves many trafficked victims, what they deem reasons they either

stay or go back to their traffickers. Most important is, all or most of us victims had our voice and freedom violently taken away. All victims of sexual predators are valuable. They deserve a voice and the media should not discriminate on what is going to get them ratings.” That said, there is a growing number of organizations and individuals rallying alongside Sally. Among several others for example, the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally organizers as well as the city of Sturgis teamed-up with Sally’s organization and conducted a charity ride called “FAST Ride” which stands for “Fight Against Sex Trafficking”. In their Memorandum of Understanding the organizers state; “We recognize that trafficking doesn’t happen because of events like Sturgis. It happens because demand exists wherever there are large gatherings of people, and traffickers are more than willing to leverage any event to exploit vulnerable individuals for financial gain. But we also recognize that the biker community in general is filled with good, compassionate men and women who could be inspired and engaged in combatting this evil; and this is the opportunity we hope to capitalize on with the Sturgis F.A.S.T. Ride 2019.” As it turns out, the event successfully raised $14,000.00 in support of Sally’s cause. Fighting Against Trafficking ( www. ) is a SD-based nonprofit organization led by survivor-leader Sally Richardson and Senator Lynne HixDiSanto. There are multiple well-intentioned organizations fighting against human trafficking in the nation. All effective in their own merit to various degrees. Sally so far has grown to nationally champion advocating against human trafficking and related crimes. Her testimonial has made a direct impact triggering real tangible legislative changes further protecting victims. Sally is moving mountains by the power of her past. She has become a warrior. She was born a warrior. Dare I say a warrior “predestined” or “created” therefore truly “loved before she existed” (as Charles Dickens would say) and, designed for a fight only her could fight. She deserves to be heard. Her journey forces us all to see the undeniable reality that the value of human worth is indispensable rather than disposable. Sally is scheduled to visit Florida in 2020. We should all look forward to seeing her or if not at least support her cause.

Deut 6:5 “Florida Night Train”

Have an interesting Story or Product? Let Us Know, Night Train:

Tiny Trailer Nation Making a Big Impact in the Biker Community

During a weekend camping outing, the thought of sleeping on the ground in a tent was just not appealing anymore. Randy Clouse looked for an inexpensive alternative to travel trailers. One day, he came home with a brand-new enclosed utility trailer with the idea of tricking it out as a camper, but during the building stage, he decided that he also wanted to travel/ camp with his Harley-Davidson. The result was not only a camper but a toy hauler. After much encouragement and being tired of the slow seasons at work, he decided to venture out on his own building these Tiny Trailers. BTR 38 | BORNTORIDE.COM

“Tiny Trailers let you live in comfort on the spot; eliminating hotel costs while taking your bike with you anywhere”

One year later, Tiny Trailer Nation now exists, and sales have boomed to over two dozen custom builds. Randy not only caters to motorcycle enthusiasts but also

to recreational campers and musicians; of which Randy is one himself. He transforms any enclosed utility trailer into a customized home on wheels including electric/ water hookup, microwave, refrigerator, sink, paint, flooring along with many other options including rooftop A/C, awnings, oil-resistant flooring, bike tie-downs, outdoor showers, charging stations, televisions, and convertible beds just to name a few. Builds can include one or two bike capacity. The average price for a Tiny Trailer is approximately $6k depending on the building design; which is considerably less than any full-size camper or toy haul-

“Randy is the Hardest Working Man in Selling Your Dreams of Travel and Adventure”

Ron Galletti

er. Completion of a Tiny Trailer can even be accomplished in as little as one week! This year alone, Tiny Trailers have traveled to Sturgis, Daytona Biketoberfest, Myrtle Beach, and frequently to Scooter Haven Country Club. One even ended up used in the Panhandle during Hurricane Michael cleanup/renovations. All of Randy’s Tiny Trailers can be pulled by a normal vehicle with at least the recommended 6-cylinder engine. As a musician, Randy has played the drums for many bands in the Tampa Bay area over the past 20 years. In his early career, he played for national recording

“As a Musician, Randy has played the drums for many bands in the Tampa Bay area over the past 20 years”

artists such as Leon Russell, Rick Derringer, and Derek St. Holmes. As a small business owner, Randy also believes in giving back to the community, caring for

Let Born To Ride help Market your Products with our Multi-Media, 888-795-5779

disabled veterans for the past 14 years by building wheelchair ramps, providing household maintenance, and running needed errands. Tiny Trailers let you live in comfort on the spot; eliminating hotel costs while taking your bike with you anywhere. Randy and Tiny Trailer Nation can be seen at various Bike Festivals, Harley-Davidson Dealership Grand Openings, and some local Bike Nights or at 12847 66th Street N, Largo FL. You can also look them up at Let Randy build you the Tiny Trailer of your dreams!


4 Things to help your family if you’re involved in an accident By Matt Danielson, The Motorcycle Law Group

When a serious car or motorcycle accident occurs, it is often a family member or significant other who is contacting an attorney on behalf of the injured party. While I hope neither you nor your family are ever in this situation, all motorists should share vital information with a trusted emergency contact to help ensure they’re adequately prepared in the event of an accident. Below is a list of information to keep up to date and share with your family member or significant other. 1. Medical Insurance: Provide your emergency contact with the name of your insurance company and your policy number. Often, it’s easiest to give them a photocopy of your health insurance card. ? 2. Medical Information: Do you have any known allergies? Are there items in your medical history that would be important for an emergency medical team to know, such as current medications or a history of heart disease? Make sure your emergency contact is kept up to date on your medical conditions. ? 3. Personal Injury Attorney: What is the name and telephone number of a trusted personal injury attorney that your emergency contact can call – even for some guidance prior to formal representation? The sooner your attorney can be called the better. 4. Power of Attorney: If you are seriously injured and unable to make decisions for a period of time, a power of attorney designation allows a loved one to carry out tasks that you would normally do, such as paying bills or cashing checks. It also allows a loved one to make medical decisions for you. Power of attorney is important

even for those who are legally married. Once completed, it needs to be signed in the presence of a notary public. Visit our website ( and select “Prepared Rider Kit” to download a free Power of Attorney template. The majority of riders go each year without an accident, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be prepared in case you’re ever involved in one. Having this information readily available can be critical, especially immediately after the accident occurs. As always, if you have any further questions or comments concerning this article or any other matters concerning your rights as a motorcyclist, please do not hesitate to contact me. Matt Danielson is a partner at the Motorcycle Law Group, a personal injury law firm whose attorneys all ride motorcycles and practice in VA, WV, NC, SC and GA. Matt has successfully represented clients in cases from simple property damage to complex multi-million dollar personal injury claims. He is also a lobbyist, adjunct professor and works with motorcycle rights organizations. To learn more about the Motorcycle Law Group, visit

If you have an interesting story, product, destination ride location or event let us know.

Matt Danielson McGrath, Danielson, Sorrell & Fuller The Motorcycle Law Group 1-800-321-8968 BORNTORIDE.COM | BTR 41

Events www.B February 1 Augusta, GA American Legion Riders 178 ALR Polar Bear Ride 8am IHOP. Ride, 50/50, Lunch, Turkey Shoot and Fun. All Bikes and Riders Welcome! Cost is $10 per Person - benefits Georgia War Veterans Nursing Home. 706-399-7539 February 1 Ladson, SC American Biker Blood Drive and Health Fair 10am-3pm American Biker/Indian Motorcycle of Charleston. All Blood Donors will receive a $10 Visa Card and a Charleston T-Shirt. Charleston Boot Boogie Babes will be performing their line dances and fitness regimen. The Pita Stroller and Fusion Smoothie will be here to entice our pallet. CVS Minute clinic will be available for flu shots and blood pressure checks. 843-641-0258 February 5 Savannah, GA Chili Cook-off at Savannah H-D 12pm-3pm. Come enter your chili or come to taste all the great chili. 912-925-0005 February 5 Statham, GA Wingmen Wednesday February Bike Night 7pm-12am Wingmen MC. Come join us and enjoy a free meal, ice-cold beverages are available too! Music, darts, pool, and fun. Visit our Fb page for more info February 7 Maryville, TN Smoky Mountain H-D Funky Monkey Fridays (every Fri) at the Smokin’ Monkey Lounge 7pm9pm. Free live music. 865-1669 February 8 Huntsville, AL Annual Veterans of America RC Polar Bear Run 10am8:30pm Diamonds Sports Bar. Come on out for a great time, fun ride and a great cause, proceeds to benefit BTR BTR4442| BORNTORIDE.COM | BORNTORIDE.COM

Send in your events, get noticed, be seenyour and next get results. Born To Ride market, promote, and advertise event; call 404

s, Rides & Destinations the Floyd E. “Tut” Fann State Veterans home. Live band Soul Shine, 50/50, best and worse roll. 256-880-6333 February 8 Maryville, TN Smoky Mountain H-D Winter Indoor Saturday Show at The Shed; featuring Tennessee Jet. 856-1669 February 14 Dothan, AL Bike Nights are Back! Dothan H-D 6pm-9pm. 334- 792-0063 February 14 - February 16 Orange Beach, AL BMW MOA Orange Beach Getaway at Island House Hotel. Escape winter by spending a few days walking sugar white sand beaches and soaking up some southern sunshine. The Orange Beach Getaway is back on the beautiful Alabama gulf coast for 2020! Join us in Orange beach and get a jump start on the riding season. February 14 - February 16 Sarasota, FL Thunder By The Bay at Sarasota Fairgrounds. Freestyle acts, 17-class bike show, vendors, live music. burnout contest, charity Poker Run, and more. February 14 Warner Robins, GA American Legion Post 172 Biker Appreciation Night 6pm-10pm. Steak dinner, raffles, and more. 478923-9238 February 15 Rockingham, NC 22nd Attempt Fear of February Party 12pm-

6pm The Hide-A-Way Tavern. Come out and enjoy FREE oysters (raw and steamed) while they last, food will be available as well. There will be live music by Fair Warning, a Diamond Heart Pendant Raffle, Flat Screen TV Raffle, people games, burnout contest, best bike on the lot awards, and all the biker shenanigans you can handle. 336-885-5400

DS at Durhamtown Plantation. Scull Shoals Dual Sport has developed the best possible on/ off road Dual Sport routes you can ride in middle Georgia. Our objective is to offer the most versatile Dual Sport riding in the whole state of Georgia. 404681-6294

February 22 - February 23 Burlington, NC 26th Annual All Harley Bike Show at Holly Hill Mall. All Harley Bike Show to February 20 - February 23 benefit Hospice of Alamance Bloomingdale, GA 2020 CPL Systems National Roadrace Se- County. Visit our Fb page for ries at Roebling Road Raceway. more info. Vintage Motorcycle Road Racing at its best. Thursday and Friday February 23 LaFayette, GA Biker Sunday AHRMA-run practice days. Celebration 11am Cross ConnecAHRMA Roadracing School tion AG. Celebrate Rainman and available. Honey’s 30th wedding anniversary, Honey’s birthday, Rainman February 22 Locust Grove, GA DOA Febru- and Honey’s 25 years of ministry and Rugged Cross Riders CMA ary 2020 Ride 10am Walmart. We ride to the Museum of Avia- 981 12th anniversary. There will be coffee and donuts, church tion in Warner Robins. We will service, and after the service meet at the Walmart in Locust Grove Georgia. We’ll take back- stay for food and music. 352roads to get there. Hope to see 282-5078 you there. All are welcome to join us on this ride. Visit our Fb February 23 Clarksville, TN 34th Annual page for more info Clarksville Swap Meet 10am5pm Clarksville Speedway. February 22 Come out to the longest running Maryville, TN Smoky Mountain H-D Ready to Rally Workshop. swap meet in Tennessee, & it’s Get it together for Rally Season. a good one! Buy - Sell - Trade; New & vintage parts - Jewel865-1669 ry - Leather - Motor Clothes Auto Parts, Food, Soft Drinks & February 22 Beer available. Admission: $10 Maryville, TN Smoky Mountain Vendors $40 (10x10) - setup at H-D Winter Indoor Saturday Show; featuring Cody Canada & 7am. 931-221-9127 the Departed. 865-1669 February 28 - February 29 Reynolds, GA Hogs Gone Wild February 22 - February 23 Season Opener at Silver Dollar Union Point, GA Scull Shoals

To submit andgreat view events even more events There are some coming up,visit for more events, go to 4-788-3907.

Motorsports Park. Classes include Hot Street, Pro Street, E.T. Street. NON-Bagger, Street Class $1000 Guaranteed Each Class. Big Wheel Bagger Shootout! Visit our Fb page for more info. February, 29 Atlanta, GA Monster Energy AMA Supercross 4:40pm Mercedes-Benz Stadium. Do not miss your chance to experience the most competitive and highest-profile off-road motorcycle racing championship in the world. February 29 Greensboro, NC Ride for Heart Disease 11am-3pm Stephanie’s Restaurant. Come support the 2nd annual Ride for Heart Disease. All riders welcome, registration $15 per person. Visit our Fb page for more info February 29 Chapin, SC American Legion Rider Chapter 193 Breakfast Fundraiser 7:30am-10:30am Zorba’s Restaurant & Sports Bar. Come join us for a great breakfast for just $10; all money raised is used to support veteran, youth, and community causes. Visit our Fb page for more info February 29 Inman, SC Iron Power Sports Swap Meet 10am-4pm. Buy, sell, trade all power sports stuff. Food for sale by the V-Twin grill. DJ or live music at all Swap meet dates. Set up starts at 8am - Open to public 10am. 864708-3556 BORNTORIDE.COM| BTR BTR 45 BORNTORIDE.COM || BTR BORNTORIDE.COM 4543 February 29 Maryville, TN Smoky Mountain H-D Leap Year Ride. 865-1669 March 4 Statham, GA Wingmen Wednesday March Bike Night 7pm-12am Wingmen MC. Come join us and enjoy a free meal, ice-cold beverages are available too! Music, darts, pool, and fun. Visit our Fb page for more info March 5 - March 8 Georgiana, AL Stock Law Gap Rally - Spring 2020. An Old School Style Bike Rally with Field Events, Bike Games, Adult Games & Contests, Live Band and Entertainment, Wet T-Shirt Contest, Food Vendors and lots more; $30 Entry Fee for the Entire Weekend $10 Discount with Military ID. Gates Open Thursday-Sunday. Primitive Camping, RVs Welcome, But No Hook-Ups at This Time. Golf Carts Are Welcome, No ATVs. Coolers welcome. Please No Glass. Must be 21 to enter. 334-5250409 March 6 Opelika, AL Big Swamp H-D First 2020 Bike Night 5pm-9pm. We’ll be helping Big Swamp H-D kick of 2020 with a bang. 334-364-0400 March 7 Greenville, NC Book Run 10am Barnes and Noble. We will be conducting a Book Run to collect books for Frederick Douglass Elementary. Two age appropriate books K thru 5th per bike or more. The books will be given to the school library for the students. The ride will start at Barnes

and Noble in Greenville and end at the school in Elm City for a small lunch. Registration starts at 10am KSU at 11am. 252-399-2357 March 7 Maryville, TN Cars, Coffee and Cycles 7am-11am Smoky Mountain H-D. Ride or Drive the first Saturday of the month to enjoy some coffee with old friends and make new ones. 865-977-1669 March 8 Rock Hill, SC Rise & Ride 8:45am Cox’s H-D. Group breakfast run from Cox’s H-D taking the long way to the Waffle House. 803-327-1183 March 13 – March 15 Auburn, AL Bocephus Bash at Boggin’ on the Plains. Live music, rides, bounty hole, camping and more. Featuring national touring Hank Williams Jr. tribute band “All My Rowdy Friends”! Visit our Fb page for more info March 14 Athens, GA Cycle World of Athens Blessing of the Bike & Free Lunch Cookout 10am2pm. Come get Blessed for 2020. 706-548-3300 March 15 Greenwood, SC BFC Lakelands 12th Annual Blessing of the Bikes 2pm Hobby Lobby. FREE EVENT and open to ALL RIDERS! We will have plenty of members present to

International Dyslexia Association – Georgia Chapter as well as our Dyslexia Reading Programs. Cost: $25 per bike/$15 per passenger if registered by 3/6. $30/$20 after 3/6. Follow our updates at brookMarch 19 Jackson, AL Ed’s Third-Thurs- day Bike Night 6pm-9pm Ed’s Drive-in. Join the Clarke March 21 Washington Motorcycle Riders Savannah, GA 6th Annual Shop-Vendor Dice Run 10am for their first bike night of 2020. Come out for great food Savannah H-D. This will be a and awesome fellowship. 251- shop-vendor dice run with our cycle shops and other sup744-2619 porter businesses as stops. 912-925-0005 March 19 - March 22 Forkland, AL Bama Bike March 21 Fest Spring Motorcycle Rally (contact us for directions). The Concord, NC 3rd Annual deep south’s wildest motorcycle Chops, Rods & BBQ 12pmevent. Live Bands, Wet T-Shirt 4pm Brooklyn’s Pizzeria. Join Contest, Bike Games, People us for a fun, family-friendly Games and a Whole Lot more. afternoon of cars, motorcycles The saloon will be open! New and BBQ. Free BBQ while it lasts! All proceeds will go to pool tables, tv’s with sports, and DJ. Armbands $30 for the benefit a Veteran in the Concord area! Free for spectators. weekend! RV power/water Visit our Fb page for more info spots available at extra fee All primitive camping is free! Free hot showers. Come down March 21 and party with us, we promise Durham, NC Bull City Swap Meet 9am-4pm Raging Bull you’ll love it! 334-341-2301 H-D. Buy, sell, trade used motorcycle parts and accessories. March 21 Acworth, GA Ride 2 Read 9am Free food and beer while supplies last. Vendor spots - 12pm Brookwood Christian are FREE, simply send us a Language School. Please message or contact R.J. at join us as we honor National Reading Month by hosting our 919-801-1832 to reserve your spot! Rain or Shine - Giant 3rd annual charity motorcycle warehouse to host the event if ride with Acworth’s very own the weather is bad. 919-596Chef Henry Chandler leading the ride. Proceeds benefit the 9511 pray over you and your bike. We will have boiled peanuts, cold drinks, and a live band performing - all FREE. 864340-1136

Fuel Tank Rusty? Craig Can Fix It!

On a motorcycle, your fuel tank is the heart and soul of your machine. What do you do when it’s rusty, when it leaks? Radiator shop over-the-counter stuff? You know it doesn’t work, try anyways and guess what? It doesn’t work. I offer an alternative service for the inside of your tank, I remove all rust clean them out and coat them with epoxy tank liner that’s clear and works, I guarantee it with gasoline and even methanol. I even repair failed Kreme and Redkote liners. I save vintage tanks that leak, rusty tanks that nobody would ever think of using again. I turn them around quickly within three days Many of the leading motorcycle dealers use me on a regular basis, (Tampabay Powersports, Tampa Triumph, and Eurocycles Tampa) when they’re tired of cleaning carburetors they call Craig. Prices are 129 any tank any condition, three day turn around. • 813-407-2226

Craven Moorehead

A smattering of misinformation. Maybe. (no fake news here)

The words erupt from the keyboard like lava flowing from a volcano, rushing down the side with the sole intent of reaching the eyes and minds of the reader. More and more the characters that form these very words continue to flow and eventually amass into a pool of content ready to be consumed by the reader. In science and nature, these eruptions are rarer than in the mind of the journalist, which must cause the event to occur at least once a month or more often if he or she is lucky enough to have more than one writing assignment. Writing tasks are few and far between and the ones that offer financial compensation are a rarity unlike any other. This statement is largely based on the fact that everyone has an opinion that they want to express, whether the writer possesses any talent for the position or not. I am in no way trying to suggest that I have the required talent to have this opportunity, but some people in professional positions have strongly indicated that I actually do. Other professionals have stated that I have mental health issues, but I don’t see them writing in a paid capacity. I suppose the bottom line here is – if you want to be a creative and compensated journalist, you must be a little crazy. Enough silliness. I will allow you, the dedicated reader to form your own opinion. So, here we are. It’s February already and despite a little rain and occasional cool weather, we are all enjoying the reason we moved to Florida in the first place. That’s right. I am talking about the return of NASCAR and the Daytona 500 on the 18th. I know, you were probably assuming that I was going to speak about our ability to be enjoying the beautiful riding weather and blasting down the highway on our machines kickin’ butt and taking names. But I wasn’t. However, we are truly blessed here in Florida and I know

that some of our brothers and sisters that live in the snow-bound north envy our freedom and enjoyment in our state. Even when it snows in Pensacola, it doesn’t last that long and it won’t affect the entire season. It’s really good living here and we all enjoy it so we can keep living it up like the rock stars that we are. Hey – don’t forget. Next month is Bike Week once again and by then all the pesky snow should be gone. I can guarantee that this publication will bring you all the action from that event rain or shine! It’s a long-standing tradition at Born To Ride and we will keep on grinding it out. Magazine, TV, and radio plus all the social media and websites, there is no way that you won’t be informed about what’s happening, what has happened, and anything related to the biker lifestyle that we all enjoy. Speaking of Born To Ride Radio (shameless plug follows). … We are continually striving to bring you new content, subjects and interesting and compelling entertainment. Make sure you tune in, call in and be part of the action! If you live anywhere near the Tampa Bay area, you may or may not have attended our token event Gasparilla. This festival offers anything you could ask for. A flotilla, parades, lots of noise and debauchery, pirates, beads and a lot of drinking! If you live in Florida, you have probably been to this event. It seems that people come from all over the country just to see this event and enjoy the mayhem. I hope everyone survived and had a fantastic time. It is truly a one-of-a-kind event and it’s a Tampa trademark. If you missed it this year, make sure you attend it next year or at least watch it on TV. Speaking of pirates. … Since I am a news junkie, it seems like every day there is a report of people stealing packages from area resident’s front porch. All over the area, these ‘Porch Pirates’ are being captured on surveillance video stealing valuable merchandise right in our area and around the state. I’m not sure what these ‘pirates’ are thinking but I suspect as bikers, we are one of the homes that are often avoided by these thieves. This occurs primarily during the Christmas season, but this particular brand of pirate certainly does not have the Gasparilla spirit at heart. What’s this world coming to? I’m not too sure but I am continuously monitoring the situation and trying to form my own opinion (as mentioned above) and will continue to keep you posted on good things, bad things, weird things and anything else that has something to do with the biker lifestyle. It’s a tough gig but someone has to do it! So until next month, stay tuned, speed safely, keep reading and stay the hell off my porch!!! CRAVEN

R.I.P. Craven Moorehead, Your Words Will Live On Forever


Christian Motorcyclists Association Living in Central Florida, we are prone to have seasons of showers. Before we mount up on our bikes for a ride, we will often check our weather map on our cell phones. That map, along with a good old fashion glance at the skies, can help us to plan our ride to avoid any potential rain. We can study the clouds or the overcast haze, and we can see which way the weather is blowing. That attention to the atmosphere can often give us good guidance. The only challenge with that technique is that we can only see a limited distance, especially if it is an overcast day. That is where the radar map comes in so handy, as it can read the skies and report on how thick the moisture is, as well as how far the bad weather is located and where clear weather is ahead! The other drawback is when we misread the tools and find ourselves in the midst of a storm. If it is a heavy downpour, along with thunder and lightning, it can be a very uncomfortable ride, not to mention possibly unsafe. In these situations, we tend to become concerned, as well as becoming extra cautious in the travel. This type of riding is often heavily disliked, and

even feared! But all the news is not bad; there is hope in the showers! If you find yourself in a mild shower you will likely be able to ride out of the storm. One benefit of living in Florida is that once you clear the storm it usually only takes a few minutes to dry out and to feel cool and refreshed. As the wind blows through your damp clothing it almost acts like an airconditioner. I’ve actually ridden out of a summer storm soaking wet, and the wind made me so cool it made my teeth chatter. If you find yourself in such a place you will likely get a big smile on your face. Just like rain showers nourish flowers and trees which in turn bloom with beauty for all to enjoy, so do the showers bring joy and beauty to our lives. In the Bible, we read, “I will send down showers in season; there will be showers of blessing” Ezekiel 34:26. As we prepare for a ride on our bike by checking the sky and our radar maps, so should we prepare for our ride through life. In place of a weather map, one tool for life could be a Bible, which contains God’s Word and wisdom. When we are facing the storms of life, God will pour His showers of blessings upon us. Just like a rider cools off when coming out of a summer shower, His Word can pour showers of blessings onto our lives. Best of all, He knows just when we need showers in our lives, to encourage and to bless us. In The Wind, Denny Dingler

Check48out for more articles from Christian Motorcyclists Association BTR | BORNTORIDE.COM


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