6 minute read
Learn 11 useful character adjectives from the movies! Exercises
from hotenglish2252020
by borov665
Now try these exercises to see how much you can remember!
1 Description completion
Write a word from below next to each definition.
demanding calculating loyal naive smart nervous
mean narcissistic hard-working forgetful talented
1. If you’re like this, you worry about things, or you’re afraid of what might happen = 2. If someone is like this, they’re unkind or cruel to other people = 3. If you’re like this, you work a lot = 4. If you’re like this, you always act like a friend to someone, even in difficult times = 5. If someone is like this, it’s hard for them to remember things =

6. If someone is like this, they expect the best from everyone else, and they aren’t easily pleased =
7. If you’re like this, you’re intelligent and you can learn and understand things quickly and easily =
8. If someone is like this, they think they’re very special and more important than others = 9. If someone is like this, they’re very innocent and have a lack of experience in life = 10. If you’re like this, you have a natural ability or skill =
11. If someone is like this, they make careful plans so they can get what they want in life = .
Answers on page 44
2 Gap fill
Write a character word from the previous activity next to each sentence. 1. She always stands by her friends and family, even in difficult times. She’s . 2. He can never remember his password. He’s . 3. She forces the other students to do her homework.
She’s . 4. She taught herself to read at the age of 3. She’s . 5. He’s really good at writing poems and short stories.
He’s _______. 6. He does more than 15 hours a day in his job. He’s . 7. He only stopped believing in Santa last year at the age of 19! He’s so . 8. She devised a cunning plan to take control of the business. She’s . 9. At the first sight of trouble, he becomes anxious and frightened. He’s . 10. He’s always looking in the mirror, and he thinks he’s the most amazing person in the world.
He’s . 11. She’s never satisfied with our work – it’s a nightmare. = She’s very .

Film Review - Proof
The movie Proof s t ars Gwyneth Paltrow and Anthony Hopkins. It’s all about Catherine, the daughter of a brilliant but mentally-disturbed mathematician (played by Anthony Hopkins). Catherine (played by Gwyneth Paltrow) dedicates her life to taking care of her father until he dies. Shortly af terwards, her secluded life is invaded by one of her father’s former students. He wants to go through some old notebooks that belonged to Catherine’s father. Catherine also has to come to terms with the fact that she may have inherited her father’s insanity. Then, just to make things worse, Catherine’s estranged sister turns up. The film is directed by John Madden (Captain Corelli’s Mandolin, and Shakespeare in Love). Let’s find out more about Gwyneth Paltrow.

Gwyneth Trivia
• Gwyneth is a vegetarian and a good friend of both Madonna and
Christina Applegate.
• She once made actress Sharon Stone angry after poking fun at Stone and husband Phil Bronstein in a skit on the programme Saturday Night Live.
• She once went out with Ben Affleck.
• On 5th December 2003, she married
Chris Martin, lead singer of the rock group Coldplay. Gwyneth gave birth to their first child, Apple Blythe
Alison Martin, on 14th May 2004.
She explained the choice of name on “The Oprah Winfrey Show”, saying, “It sounded so sweet and it conjured such a lovely picture for me, you know, apples are so sweet and they’re wholesome and it’s biblical – and I just thought it sounded so lovely and…clean! And I just thought, ‘Perfect!”
• In an interview with The Guardian newspaper on 27th January 2006,
Paltrow admitted that she divided her films into two categories: those she did for love, and those “shite” films she did for money. She put The
Royal Tenenbaums, Proof and Sylvia into the first category; and View
From the Top, and Shallow Hal into the other.
Gw yneth Paltrow
Gwyneth was born on 27th September 1972 in Los Angeles, California. She went to the University of California in Santa Barbara to study Art History, but soon dropped out. Her father encouraged her to go back to school, but Gwyneth decided to pursue a career in acting. Her film debut was in the 1991 film Shout with John Travolta. Later, in a chance meeting with Steven Spielberg, she was cast in the role of Wendy in the box office hit Hook (1991). Gwyneth’s big break came in 1995 when she was cast in the f ilm Seven. She starred opposite Brad Pitt, and the pair started a highly publicized relationship. Eventually, they broke up, saying that neither felt they could pursue their careers, and at the same time maintain a happy marriage. Soon afterwards, Gwyneth accepted roles in Moonlight & Valentino, and The Pall Bearer, along with an astounding performance in Emma. Her role as Viola in Shakespeare in Love (1998) earned her the Oscar for Best Actress. From 2008 to 2019, she portrayed Pepper Potts in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. G L O S S A R Y
mentally-disturbed adj with mental/psychiatric problems to take care of someone exp to help someone who is sick to go through something exp to examine; to investigate to come to terms with something exp to accept that something is part of life an estranged sister exp a sister who is no longer part of the family, or who no longer communicates with the family to turn up phr vb to arrive to drop out phr vb to leave school before the end of the course to pursue an acting career exp to work as an actor/actress cast in the role of Wendy exp given the part of Wendy in a film a box office hit n a film that is very successful a big break n an opportunity to become famous a highly publicized relationship exp a relationship that many people can read/ hear about in newspapers/TV, etc to pursue a career exp to do a professional job a role n a part in a film astounding adj surprising/very good a performance n singing, dancing or acting in front of an audience or in a film to poke fun at someone exp to laugh at someone; to make jokes about someone a skit n a short piece of theatre in which the actor makes fun of someone it conjured such a lovely picture for me exp it created such a lovely picture for me in my mind wholesome adj healthy shite adj informal offens very bad