3 minute read
Life Lessons
from hotenglish2252020
by borov665


This is the second part in our series on things people have learnt about life. Do you agree with any of them?
• No matter how much you care, some people are just idiots.
• Charm and good looks will help you, but in the end, you’re still going to need a lot of money.
• No two people are the same so there’s no point comparing yourself to others.
• If everything seems to be going well, start to worry.
• No matter how much passion there is in the start of a relationship, it will disappear… and there’d better be a lot of money to take its place.
• The people you expect to kick you when you’re down will kick you when you’re down.
• When things are going badly, it’s good to have friends with even bigger problems.
• Thinking of moving house? Contract a removal company because your so-called friends won’t be helping you.
• Some people just don’t have a sense of humour.
• Bad news really comes in threes.
• No matter how carefully you analyse the situation, it is a scientific fact that you will always choose the slowest supermarket queue.
• The expression “yeah, it’s OK” really means “no, it isn’t OK”.
• Sometimes you do have to take no for an answer.
• If you tell a joke to three or more people, you are guaranteed to offend at least one of them.
• The phrase “we’ll call you” really does mean that you don’t have the job. • You should always keep some money for a rainy day because it will rain.
• The expression “when it rains, it pours” is true.
• You can keep throwing up a long time after you think you’ve finished.
• The expression “you should come round some time” is NOT an invitation to turn up at someone’s house uninvited.
to care vb if you “care” about something, you are concerned and worried about that thing charm n the ability to make people like you because of the way you speak there’s no point doing X exp doing X will not be useful there’d better be exp there should/must be to take its place exp to be there instead of that thing to kick someone when they’re down exp to treat someone badly when they are already in a bad situation going badly exp if things are “going badly”, nothing seems to work to move house exp to go to live in another house a removal company n a company that transports your furniture, etc from one house to another to come in threes exp there is a belief that bad things happen three times consecutively (one after the other) no matter how carefully you exp it isn’t important how careful you are a supermarket queue n a line of people waiting to be served in a supermarket to take no for an answer exp to accept that someone doesn’t want to do something guaranteed adj certain to offend vb if you “offend” someone, you make them feel humiliated/bad, etc because you have been rude to keep some money for a rainy day exp to save money for an emergency when it rains it pours exp when things start to go badly, it will affect many other things and make everything go badly to throw up phr vb to vomit to turn up phr vb to arrive uninvited adj without an invitation