2 minute read
from hotenglish2252020
by borov665


1: Written in an official document = l______ down 3: To ask a professional for help = to s_____ professional advice 4: To control yourself and your emotions = to get a gr_______ on yourself 8: Job losses = redun__________ 10: To prohibit = to b______ 11: A sign that someone is in danger or having problems = a sign of dis_________ 14: Not invited = un__________ 15: A company that takes your furniture and belongings from one house to another = a rem_____ company 17: To arrive = to t_______ up 18: To lose your ability to hear = to go d________ 19: There should/must be = there’d be_____ be 22: Doing X will not be useful = there’s no po________ doing X 23: To go to live in another house = to m_______ house 25: The time when the sun rises in the morning = da_________
2: An American law that establishes the right to freedom of expression = the First Am_________ 3: To mix the milk and sugar in your coffee =
to st_________ 5: To hit someone with a car = to r_______ over 6: To tell a driver to stop driving whilst on the road = to p______ over 7: To accept and even laugh at a joke, even if you are the victim of the joke = to ta__________ a joke 9: The remains of a ship after it has been destroyed = a shipw_______ 10: To discover the truth about something = to get to the bo________ of something 12: To decide on a specific time to do something = to sche________ a time to do something 13: A long pole on which you fix a flag = a st_________ 16: A line of people waiting to be served in a shop = a qu_________ 18: Decreased; lower than before = do_______ 20: To save money for an emergency = to save money for a ra________ day 21: To be popular and successful = to ______ down well 22: To arrive in large numbers (letters, for example) = to po_______ in 24: To change a legal decision = to amend a

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