2 minute read
Dictionary of Slang
from hotenglish2252020
by borov665
A friend has some new very nice sunglasses on. You comment on them. Dictionary of slang
H e r e w e ’ v e g o t s o m e e x a m p l e s o f h o w t o s a y t h i n g s i n d i f f e r e n t s i t u a t i o n s .
Situation Formal
You are going to a formal dinner with a friend. You think your friend is looking dirty and untidy. You are not very smart. You’re looking a bit informal. You’re looking really scruffy; you look like a mess; you look like you’ve been dragged through a hedge backwards; you look like I feel.
You are selling a car to a friend. You are trying to convince your friend that the car is in good condition.
A friend tells you a story. You don’t believe it and accuse your friend of lying.
You are with a friend. You are about to cook some fish. It looks a bit green. You tell your friend. The car is in an excellent state.
That is a fabrication of the truth. That’s a lie; are you pulling my leg? That’s a fib; that’s a porky pie; that’s bullshit.
The fish looks somewhat suspicious in nature. It looks a bit strange. It smells as if it might be off. It’s a bit iffy; it looks a bit dodgy.
The car’s in good condition. Informal
It’s in good nick; it’s tip top; it’s in mint condition.
You were working on a project. A friend asks you how it went. There were a few problems. There were a few minor complications. There were a few problems; it wasn’t without its headaches. There were a few hiccups; there were a few probs; there were a few glitches.
A friend wants to do singing lessons, but feels a bit embarrassed about it. You encourage your friend to do it. I strongly recommend that you do it. I think you should give it a try. Go on, have a bash; go on, give it a go; go for it; don’t be shy.
Please note that the words in this glossary box are literal translations of parts of idiomatic expressions.
untidy adj not ordered a hedge n a line of bushes (small trees) often used to mark where a garden ends a mint n a factory where they make money hiccups n if you have “hiccups”, you make repeated noises in your throat a bash n if you “bash” something, you hit that thing