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A friend has some new very nice sunglasses on. You comment on them.

Here we’ve got some examples of how to say things in different situations.



Dictionary of slang




You are going to a formal dinner with a friend. You think your friend is looking dirty and untidy.

You are not very smart.

You’re looking a bit informal.

You’re looking really scruffy; you look like a mess; you look like you’ve been dragged through a hedge backwards; you look like I feel.

You are selling a car to a friend. You are trying to convince your friend that the car is in good condition.

The car is in an excellent state.

The car’s in good condition.

It’s in good nick; it’s tip top; it’s in mint condition.

That is a fabrication of the truth. That’s a lie; are you

pulling my leg? That’s a fib; that’s a porky

A friend tells you a story. You don’t believe it and accuse your friend of lying.

pie; that’s bullshit.

You are with a friend. You are about to cook some fish. It looks a bit green. You tell your friend.

The fish looks somewhat suspicious in nature.

It looks a bit strange. It smells as if it might be off.

It’s a bit iffy; it looks a bit dodgy.

You were working on a project. A friend asks you how it went. There were a few problems.

There were a few minor complications.

There were a few problems; it wasn’t without its headaches.

There were a few hiccups; there were a few probs; there were a few glitches.

A friend wants to do singing lessons, but feels a bit embarrassed about it. You encourage your friend to do it.

I strongly recommend that you do it.

I think you should give it a try.

Go on, have a bash; go on, give it a go; go for it; don’t be shy.


Please note that the words in this glossary box are literal translations of parts of idiomatic expressions.

untidy adj not ordered a hedge n a line of bushes (small trees) often used to mark where a garden ends a mint n a factory where they make money



hiccups n if you have “hiccups”, you make repeated noises in your throat a bash n if you “bash” something, you hit that thing

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