Lean into self-love with makeup and jewellery that give you joy

DISCIPLINE OF SELF-CARE Meal-plan and meal-prep recipes for a happier, healthier you


Lean into self-love with makeup and jewellery that give you joy
DISCIPLINE OF SELF-CARE Meal-plan and meal-prep recipes for a happier, healthier you
T he stunning home at Sage Hills Winery
B y Natalie Bruckner
Lean into self-love with makeup jewellery that give you joy
Take the plunge at Vancouver’s new Nordic spa experience
B y Laura Goldstein
B y Lia Crowe + Jen Evans
T he Influencers
B y Lia Crowe + Chloe Sjuberg
What’s trending in 2024?
B y Laura Goldstein
Meal-plan recipes for a healthier, happier you
B y Heidi Fink
120 THE TRIP OF A L IFETIME—TAKE TWO The enchantment of the Galápagos Islands
B y Suzanne Morphet
PAGE 110
“Sometimes you come across a property that has so much heart and soul, you can’t help but fall in love. That was the case with Sage Hills Winery. It was as if the story was always there just waiting to be written.” Originally from the UK’s south, Natalie eventually settled in Canada almost two decades ago. Today, she lives in her mountain cabin with her partner, Laurence, and their rescue dog, and shares their land with about 100 wild horses. With more than 25 years as a writer and published author, Natalie’s dedication to capturing the diverse spectrum of human experience is unwavering.
“This month’s food
subject the discipline of self-care—is so close to my heart that my biggest challenge was keeping it short and to the point! I could have written 10 times the amount to cover all my strategies around eating well in a busy life.” Chef Heidi is a culinary instructor, recipe developer, TV show host, food writer and busy mother of two, living on southern Vancouver Island.
“A sporting event is the perfect
excuse for a Seattle escape. The city comes alive when the Seahawks are at home. It’s a fun place to be even when you’re cheering for the visiting squad!” Toby is a regular contributor to Boulevard magazine. You can catch her weekday mornings on Kelowna’s 103.1 Beach Radio.
2024 ISSUE 1
PUBLISHER 250.891.5627 info@blvdmag.ca
Lily Chan
DESIGN Nel Pallay
Tammy Robinson
Maria Lobano va Crea Zhang
Vicki Clark
Natalie Bruckner
Angela Cowan
Lia Crowe
Don Descoteau
Jen Evans
Heidi Fink
Laura Goldstein
Janice Louise
Suzanne Morphet
Kaisha Scofield
Chloe Sjuberg
Tess van Straaten
CIRCULATION & Marilou Pasion
DISTRIBUTION 604.542.7411
Victoria Boulevard® is a registered trademark of Black Press Group Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without the publisher’s written permission. Ideas and opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of Black Press Group Ltd. or its affiliates; no official endorsement should be inferred. The publisher does not assume any responsibility for the contents, both implied or assumed, of any advertisement in this publication. Printed in Canada. Canada Publications Mail Product Sales Agreement #42109519.
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We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada
“Nice bakery and super nice guy,” Bruce mumbled as he leaned into the car, handing me two cups of coffee. “Not sure he knew what he was doing, though.”
I grabbed the cups. Ah, my morning java. Possibly the most important moment of my day.
“I asked for oat milk in yours and he said, ‘sure,’ and disappeared with it. But it doesn’t look like it came back with oat milk in it.”
I took a sip and sighed. “Ugh. No oat milk and not great tasting coffee.”
We were in a small Colorado town called Durango, heading to Santa Fe as part of a November across-the-USA road trip. This was my second attempt at coffee that morning: while l was out walking our dog in the frosty morning air, Bruce had found me a coffee from the hotel lobby. But it was lukewarm and undrinkable.
I sipped the bakery coffee again. It had an odd flavour. Familiar. But I couldn’t quite place it. Then… “Wait a minute! Ew! This is tea!”
You might “suck things up” on the road. But not with tea instead of coffee. On this trip, I had mostly missed that moment of morning perfection: a steaming hot cup of dark roast with a dollop of barista-style oat milk. The elixir that fires up my day. These mornings, I’d been sipping disappointment. Tepid, watery and with nothing close to a delicious non-dairy whitener. Most hotels seemed to favour Coffee Mate whitener, and it came in either a sad pile of powder or a gooey liquid. Usually flavoured and sweetened. Not my “cup of tea (coffee).”
PHOTO BY LIA CROWEFor this issue of Boulevard—with its self-care/wellness theme—a discussion around morning java seems fitting because self-care for me is ensuring access to coffee. The first thing I seek out in a hotel room is the coffee supply. At home, if there is any threat of a power outage, I grind enough coffee for the next morning and beyond. What could be worse than 6 am start, no power and no ground coffee beans? Water can be boiled on the wood stove or barbecue. But grinding the beans? I recall that my friend Shari, who is equally coffee-addicted, once used a sock and hammer to desperately grind her coffee beans during a power outage.
So, as we left Durango with our sad cups of tea, I eyed the unfolding landscape with a sluggish brain and attempted to find the right words for conversation. But they weren’t there. My mind was a muddled mess, and I felt a headache coming on.
Finally, we landed in the outskirts of the next town, Pagosa Springs, and headed for the first coffee shop that showed up on my maps app. But it was permanently closed. Never mind, there was another cafe nearby. But—there was no takeout coffee here. My heart broke a little bit at that stop.
But in the end, it was all for the best. The coffee that we found at a little riverside café in Pagosa Springs turned out to be the best cuppa of the road trip. And I inhaled it. I finished my first cup before Bruce had taken his third sip. I grabbed a second cup, and we enjoyed a leisurely walk along the river, where hot springs dotted little rocky outcroppings on the shoreline, and steam rose upwards, encasing me in a cocoon of steamy air and coffee bliss.
When we got back on the road, I could suddenly find my words again! Good words. Strong words. Complicated words. All pulled from my happily buzzing brain. Self-care complete!
In this edition of Boulevard, you will find wellness trends, self-care meal ideas and nods to good health. In the narrative section, I have written about selfcare amid grief. I hope you enjoy this edition. Try delving into it with a good cup of java.
Susan Lundy Managing EditorSusan Lundy is a former journalist who now works as an editor, author and freelance writer. Her latest book, Home on the Strange, was published in 2021 via Heritage House Publishing.
The sourcing of artisan-made items is pure joy, and incorporating them into our spaces is what transforms a house into a home. As we add new finds into our homes and create special relationships with these objects, we start to tell the story of design.
At Gaston Luga, everything is painted with an aesthetic touch. Bridging the gap between form and function, each timeless piece is consciously crafted with the urban environment in mind.
All of their products are ethically manufactured using sustainable materials to create beautiful waterproof, biodegradable, vegan plant-based leather bags and backpacks that are sure to please.
Pharmasave Broadmead
Broadmead Village Shopping Center
310-777 Royal Oak Drive
I had to pick between graphic communications or going the accountant route. Dad was all about numbers, but even though I love math, my heart was set on art and graphic design. Growing up, I was always hooked on commercials and ads—I love how they tell stories and can persuade people.
I love big-picture thinking and using visualization in my work. There is also exploration and helping people uncover overlooked possibilities.
Outside of work, my passion is fine art, mainly painting and drawing portraits.
While commitment matters, prioritizing recovery is crucial. Balance and emphasizing rest enhance your well-being and performance.
Journaling is crucial for my success. It’s a daily ritual—quick thoughts in the morning and before bedtime—it’s just a three-minute investment.
Good style means keeping it simple and minimalistic.
My wardrobe is tailored to match the natural settings where I live, allowing me to dive into outdoor adventures easily.
Uniform: Jeans, T-shirt, suit jacket, skate shoes.
Favourite denim, brand and cut: Hollister jeans.
Current go-to clothing item: Anything by Patagonia.
Currently coveting:
Armani jean jacket.
Favourite pair of shoes: Timberland leather boots.
Best new purchase:
Fabletics gear.
Favourite day-bag: Herschel backpack.
Favourite work tool: HB pencil.
Sunglasses: Spy sunglasses.
Necessary indulgence: Strong coffee.
Favourite skincare brand: Skinceuticals.
Favourite hair product: Crew.
Style icon: John Wick.
Favourite artist: Leonardo da Vinci.
Piece of art: Anne Griffiths’ wooden sculptures.
Favourite fashion designer or brand: Armani.
Favourite musician: Jack Johnson.
Era of time that inspires your style: 1950s. Film or TV show that inspires your style or that you just
love the style of: The John Wick series.
Favourite local restaurant: Brasserie L’École.
Favourite cocktail or wine: Old Fashioned.
Album on current rotation: Blue Rodeo.
Favourite city to visit: London, England.
Favourite hotel: The Fairmont Hotel.
Favourite app: Duolingo.
Favourite place in the whole world: Hawaii.
Fave print magazine: Kinfolk.
Book currently reading: The Creative
Act: A Way of Being, by Rick Rubin.
Favourite book of all time: Just Watch
Me: The Life of Pierre Elliott Trudeau: 1968-2000, by John English.
Coffee table book: Eames: Beautiful Details, by Charles Eames and Eames Demetrios.
Last great read: The Great Alone, by Kristin Hannah.
Are you over the age of 40 and feel like your body has gone completely haywire? Do you lose your keys only to find them in the freezer, or find your body suddenly drenched in sweat just standing at the checkout line? Are you falling asleep before your head hits the pillow only to be awake at 4 am feeling like monkeys are dancing in your skull? What about your mood? Have you started raging at inanimate objects or crying because you broke a shoelace? If this sounds familiar, you, my friend, may be entering menopause.
Menopause, although confusing and frustrating for most, is a completely normal and natural part of a woman’s* aging process. Unfortunately, the most predictable thing about this whole transition is how consistently unpredictable it is from one person to the next.
Most women will experience the above symptoms in some form or another, but the severity and timeline are completely varied. Because of the individuality of experiences, menopause becomes almost a cautionary tale, where we are taught to hope for the best but expect the worst.
This is unfortunate because menopause doesn’t have to be a devastating experience. With the right help and education, it can be a time of growth and learning, and maybe even a time of rejuvenation.
Menopause is often called a second puberty because it is a reversal, of sorts, of the hormone surge that we experience as teens, except instead of a hormone flood, we get a hormone trickle.
Menopause starts with perimenopause, which is typically first detected through a change in menstrual cycle, frequency and intensity. Other symptoms include night sweats, a change in vasomotor functions, vaginal discomfort, changes in body composition and fat distribution, loss of muscle, changes on the scale, et cetera. Some less obvious signs include changes in mood, brain fog, sleep disruptions and generally feeling low, out of sorts, anxious, angry or sad.
If you noticed that a lot of these symptoms are rather vague, you’re right. Changes in body composition, mood and even menstrual cycles can happen frequently for women, especially when you consider that we are all heavily dependent on the cycles of, well, life. Mood changes, body composition shifts, energy levels, even menstrual cycle shifts can vary drastically depending on situations like birth control, lifestyle and stress.
As a result, many women are in perimenopause for years before realizing that these confusing symptoms are due to a shift in hormones.
It is the irregular nature of these symptoms that led to the brutal treatment of menopausal women in the past. During the Victorian era, for example, it was assumed that the onset of menopause would eventually lead to insanity; therefore, women could find themselves incarcerated in asylums at the mere mention of menopausal symptoms.
If a woman were to express sexual desire, particularly during menopausal years, it was often considered a sign of insanity and a pathway to evil, which could lead to mental disorders, such as nymphomania and hysteria. The response to this, alongside institutionalization, was the surgical removal of ovaries and even the occasional clitoridectomy. It’s no wonder women are afraid of aging.
Eventually, however, medical science crept out from under the patriarchy, just far enough to make the connection between menopause and hormones. The current advancements in medicine, endocrinology and women’s health/rights have led to more effective treatments than incarceration and organ removal.
Unfortunately, the residual fear and misinformation that cloud menopause in medicine and society have perpetuated an overwhelming lack of information and investigation into women’s health. As a result, and in combination with the irregular and often deeply personal symptoms of peri/menopause, women generally delay seeking out treatment—even though they will, on average, spend half of their lives in peri/menopause. Frankly, our system needs to be better.
Dr. Stephanie Bayliss is a naturopathic doctor, menopause practitioner (through the North American Menopause Society) and co-founder of Menoverse. And she is working to change the narrative around how women experience menopause. She thinks that instead of it being a time to fear and avoid, we can use the menopause transition as an opportunity to have a conversation about previously neglected areas in a woman’s physical and mental health.
She says, “What if this time is instead an opportunity for women to focus on their health, sometimes for the first time in their lives?”
There is a perpetual idea that women are the martyrs of their family. Whether intentional or not, the role of caregiver and nurturer often falls to women. Unfortunately, this can occur at the expense of their own health and wellbeing.
Menopause symbolically and biologically means the end of childbearing and while this can be a time of mourning for some, it doesn’t have to be. Instead, it can be a time of rebirth and growth. Women can take this time to transition their nurturing and caregiving onto focussing on caring for themselves.
Instead, it can be a time of rebirth and growth. Women can take this time to transition their nurturing and caregiving onto focussing on caring for themselves.
Take the time to find an evidence-informed practitioner because, as Dr. Bayliss says, “Everyone deserves a lengthy conversation about their health, at any stage.”
There is so much misinformation and marketing around menopause, it is especially important to build an arsenal of knowledge and find a trusted advisor to help protect you from poor advice. Many practitioners are simply prescribing hormone replacement therapy (HRT) without first attaining a baseline risk assessment for cardiovascular and bone health, stroke risk, et cetera.
HRT on its own is not the only treatment for menopausal symptoms, and while it can certainly be very effective, there are many complementary ways to engage in health-promoting activities.
Bayliss encourages women to be proactive about peri/ menopause. First, find a qualified practitioner by looking to the Menopause Society of Canada listings. You can also ask your friends for referrals or join a menopause group and simply start sharing your experiences. Join online communities or even form your own menopause support group. You may decide to take on the role of being a “safe person” to discuss menopause in your friend group or work.
Start advocating for better support from your employer or create positive change in your own business. A great resource for this is via the Menopause Foundation of Canada’s “Menopause Works Here” campaign.
Want to dive deeper? An excellent place to start is through exceptional books like The Menopause Manifesto, by Dr. Jen Gunter, a Canadian OB/GYN.
The LGBTQIA+-centred take on menopause, What Fresh Hell is This, by Heather Corinna, is both inclusive and hilarious. For athletes or the movement enthusiast, Next Level, by Stacy Sims, is full of excellent advocacy, research and support. If you’re more of a podcast person, try Women’s Health Unplugged, with naturopathic doctor Jordan Robertson. Here, you’ll find many great peri/ menopause episodes on everything from sleep to libido and beyond.
The authors of these books and the presenters and specialists of these podcasts are all brilliant advocates for providing excellence in women’s health, which is exactly what we should be receiving.
Let’s step up and create a better community by challenging the negative stigma that surrounds the peri/menopause transition. Let’s promote this transition as a path toward true and meaningful growth and self-care for women everywhere.
*Note: The term “woman” is used throughout this article but it is important to recognize that this experience is shared by every person who has experienced menstruation, or has a womb/a uterus regardless of their gender.
Culture, cuisine and a dash of football
Seattle has all the ingredients for a fun-filled weekend getawayWORDS TOBY TANNAS PHOTOGRAPHY COURTESY VISIT SEATTLE AND THE ARCTIC CLUB
What do football and seafood chowder have in common? Both are very good reasons for an early winter trip south of the border. Since my favourite NFL team was slated to play the Seahawks in Seattle, it was the perfect excuse for a weekend getaway to the Emerald City.
With my husband in the driver’s seat, we set out on the easy drive from Vancouver. In under three hours, we rolled into Seattle’s downtown core and our hotel destination, The Arctic Club. Situated in the heart of downtown Seattle at the corner of 3rd Avenue and Cherry Street, this historic hotel is an easy walk to Lumen Field, the famous Pike Place Market and Pioneer Square.
The best part about staying in downtown Seattle is you can park your vehicle and forget about it. Most of what you come to see is within walking distance—but be warned, there are some serious inclines. (More about that later!)
We were excited to explore the city but the moment we climbed the marble steps of The Arctic Club we were entranced. The history is palpable the moment you step through the doors.
Before it was a hotel, The Arctic Club was a social club. It was established in 1907 for successful veterans of the gold rush to gather and share tales of “striking it rich!” At the time, Seattle billed itself as the Gateway to Alaska (despite Canada being situated between the city and America’s northernmost state). Many a business was set up to “mine the miners,” as they say. The Arctic Club was the most successful of this lot and for those with a thirst for adventure.
The walls of the grand lobby are adorned with portraits of each founding member. The photos were taken by renowned
photographer of the time Edward Curtis. He is said to have rung up quite the bar tab at the club and used his camera skills to pay it back. Curtis was best known for his striking photographs of Native Americans, of which there are many throughout the hotel.
Beyond the welcome desk, we were drawn to the oversized fireplace flanked by two large sofas. The wood-panelled room is warm and inviting, dotted by tables for gathering and situated adjacent to the stunning Polar Bar. Keep an eye out for the glowing polar bear statue, just one animal theme in the hotel. The walrus is also a mascot, appearing in The Arctic Club logo as well as in the plaster on the A. Warren Gould-designed facade and in plush versions at the gift shop.
Our room is on the 10th floor, top of the heap with some incredible views of Seattle. We are delighted to see Lumen Field lit up from our private balcony.
The guest rooms, once offices of the club’s founding members, have been renovated with history in mind, including classic wallpapers, charming tile, dark wood and fun details like double doors with mottled glass leading to the bathroom. All the modern amenities are at your fingertips.
Like The Arctic Club, Seattle is a city rich in history, much of which lies underground. With our walking shoes on we take a short (downhill) walk on Cherry Street to Beneath the Streets, a guided walking tour of Seattle’s sub-city. This is an amazing opportunity to learn about life here before the Great Seattle Fire of 1889. Fire destroyed the entire central business district but ultimately the rebuilding provided the city an opportunity to correct some major engineering and building flaws. Seattle was
essentially “lifted” to protect it from high water (hence the urban hills). Much of the lower city remains under the sidewalks. Our tour guide was engaging, offering many tidbits about early life in Seattle.
With a road trip and subterranean tour under our belts it was time for lunch. Many friends recommended The Crab Pot in Miners Landing Pier 57. We took the waterfront route and about 15 minutes later we were seated in this fun, high-energy eatery, and tempted by the Seafeast, where diners put on a bib and get their hands dirty with an incredible-looking seafood feast dumped right on the table. There’s a bucket on the floor for shells and a roll of paper towel at your disposal.
We opted for the hearty clam chowder in a bread bowl—I’d been dreaming about it since we left BC! The Crab Pot did not disappoint and chased away the chill of the drizzly day.
With full bellies, we walked a bit further down Alaskan Way and up to 1st Avenue and the iconic Pike Place Market. You must linger a moment to catch the singing fishmongers, then line up (yes, there is always a line) at the very first Starbucks in the world. This is an Instagram moment, so don’t be surprised if you’re asked to snap a photo or two for excited tourists.
If you have an eye for architecture, you will appreciate the Romanesque Revival buildings in Seattle, many of which are found in Pioneer Square. This oasis within the city is filled with galleries, coffee shops and bars.
There are also food trucks, bocce courts, ping-pong tables and the Waterfall Garden Park. It’s an escape from the concrete jungle and I imagine many office workers would choose to lunch or unwind here when they need a break.
The history is palpable the moment you step through the doors. Before it was a hotel, The Arctic Club was a social club. It was established in 1907 for successful veterans of the gold rush to gather and share tales of “striking it rich!”
We begin the walk back to The Arctic Club (uphill this time) and arrive just in time for happy hour at the Polar Bar. It also offers a delicious dinner menu that’s served until late. We decide to turn in early with more exploring and football on tap for tomorrow.
Game day starts with a complimentary hot breakfast in the hotel’s Juno Cafe and then we head back out into the city to partake in fun and fandom.
Seattle is a football-loving city and fans from both the home and visiting team are everywhere. Pioneer Square bars and pubs are packed, and it’s a festival atmosphere around Lumen Field in the hours leading up to game time.
The game itself does not disappoint (even though my team did not win) and the walk back from the stadium is filled with hoots and hollers from excited Seahawks fans. We take some ribbing in our team colours but it’s all in good fun—Seahawks fans are friendly!
After another solid night’s sleep in our quiet and comfortable room, we hit the I-5 for our return trip north. Of course, we make a stop at the Seattle Premium Outlets in Tulalip and grab a few essentials from Trader Joe’s. A short wait at the Peace Arch border crossing and we are back in Canada.
A west coast seaport like Vancouver, Seattle manages to offer up something both familiar and decidedly different. Whether you come by car or airplane, Seattle is the perfect weekend escape when you don’t want to venture too far from home.
The floating world. Living in the moment. Savouring the moon, the snow, the cherry blossoms and the maple leaves. Detaching from life’s everyday problems. That is the meaning of the Japanese word ukiyo, the name given to the newest Japandi-inspired Dekton Collection, designed by Claudia Afshar in collaboration with Cosentino, a familyowned sustainable surfaces company.
We are sitting in Cosentino’s vast 4,293-square-foot showroom in Vancouver’s Armoury District (a smaller showroom is located in Burnaby), and the area is festooned with a stunning array of towering pink silk cherry trees in full bloom. It’s an amazing tribute to Claudia Afshar’s sophisticated new UKIYO Collection of textured interior and exterior natural cladding. It’s also a serendipitous collaboration, because as Claudia was surprised and delighted to learn, Vancouver is a twin city with Yokohama, Japan, and the country has gifted hundreds of cherry trees to the city, beginning in the 1930s. And just across the water, Victoria is a “sister” city to Morioka, Japan.
“As a kid I was always rearranging the furniture in my bedroom and driving my mom crazy,” laughs Claudia, the London-born, Los Angeles-based founder and principal of Claudia Afshar Design. Although professionally trained in ballet and contemporary dance, Claudia seemed destined to continue the family business.
“My mom, who was an interior designer, had a wonderful showroom in Belsize Park in London. It consisted of architects, a building team and one of the largest fabric houses. So, I remember as a kid getting lost in all the fabulous fabric samples. Later, when I wasn’t dancing, I’d intern there. And without really thinking about it, interior design just became embedded in me,” she says.
“Japandi [a fusion of Japanese and Scandinavian minimalist design] has been resonating with me for a long time,” confesses Claudia, whose attention to detail has garnered client accolades from around the world. “Minimalism, which is very much my aesthetic, also originates from Japan. It’s all about using raw materials: clean, large-scale slabs, metals and wood.”
She adds: “And we share many of those same elements here in the Pacific Northwest that have had a profound influence on interior design, furniture and architecture. Our profusion of beautiful natural woods like Douglas fir, oak, red cedar, maple and alder, are often juxtaposed and accessorized with brass, bronze, copper and gold decor.”
Dekton by Cosentino is a carbon-neutral ultracompact porcelain surface, created by combining over 20 minerals compressed under high pressure, making it extremely durable and stain and scratch resistant. It’s so strong, it can easily be adapted to curved edges without worry of breakage. Used in multiple iterations, the new UKIYO Collection has vast applications besides wall facades.
“There’s a tremendous diversity for this product,” says Claudia. “It can be used around kitchen islands, stairs, bath and spa cabinetry and fireplace surrounds, as anti-slip flooring and
“Japandi (a fusion of Japanese and Scandinavian minimalist design) has been resonating with me for a long time. Minimalism, which is very much my aesthetic, also originates from Japan. It’s all about using raw materials: clean, large-scale slabs, metals and wood.”
even for poolside exteriors that extend the fluidity from indoor to outdoor spaces. And there are so many ways that UKIYO Dekton can be incorporated into furniture. We’ve already created a chaise lounge and a trolley bar on wheels using the collection and we’re really excited about them.”
Inspired by nature and the organic world, Claudia says she “takes the littlest snippets of the tiniest discoveries from my travels, like the cobbled streets in Europe or the way the water ripples when a rock
hits it,” and expands on those images when designing.
“My 10-year-old daughter, Paisley, and I were in Malibu and she was running along the beach and said ‘Mummy, look at this stone.’ And I thought, this is an amazing stone, very weathered and decayed, I have to use it in one of the designs for this project—so I did!” Claudia laughs.
Like an enveloping cocoon that brings warmth to any room, UKIYO is available in two structured, fluted-pattern widths that reflect a subtle geometric texture, and five matte colours that cast a sensual calm and feeling of wellness over any environment. Dekton Bromo is a dark slate grey shade that evokes a moody atmosphere; Dekton Umber recalls the warm natural pigments of earthy terracotta, like the roof tiles found in the south of France, Spain, Mexico and Morocco. The neutral Dekton Nacre is an organic cream shade that evokes the colour of mother-of-pearl inside a mollusk shell. Inspired by cement, Dekton Kreta can create lighter or darker dimensions, depending upon the density of the fluting. Dekton Rem captures the subtle elegance of brown and grey veining with hints of gold.
Claudia notes that Pantone’s Peach Fuzz, the 2024 Colour of the Year, is a great coordinating hue.
“People have asked me ‘why such neutral colours?’ This was intentional because they are staples that can be mixed and matched to other Dekton products with more vein or vibrant colours, as well as wood or natural stone. Having said that, we’re in discussions to introduce more colours and textures in the future,” says Claudia.
Her passion for design and the UKIYO Collection is palpable but that doesn’t mean it’s time to rest.
Claudia is already working on high-end lighting, furniture and a nature-inspired rug collection to launch in 2025.
“You know, working with Cosentino was a dream—we understood each other creatively and we are so mindful of not designing anything that I wouldn’t love to have in my own home.”
Our approach to home furnishing is refreshingly uncomplicated and inspired by the coast. It is a true blend of traditional, modern and eclectic, resulting in timeless spaces that feel fresh and inviting.
Feel inspired? Contact our team to create your own home oasis .
A boutique furniture shoppe at Uptown Mall helping you create memories and a home to love living in.
s a practising pharmacist in Victoria, Michael Forbes worked with clients across the age and general wellness spectrum. For the most part, his early work was conducted within the confines of the traditional health care system, aimed more commonly at treating symptoms rather than providing preventative health solutions.
Always curious about science and innovation, he quickly realized there were more effective and personalized ways of helping people, even as their bodies were aging or, in some cases, being attacked by disease.
“I try to find enhanced ways to help more patients feel better— that’s where my curiosity has led me,” he says during one of his “rejuvenating” walks through Stanley Park in Vancouver, near where he spends much of his time these days.
As a young pharmacist in the mid-2000s he began compounding medications—combining multiple drugs—as a way to provide a more tailored treatment for his clients. In the years since, his research into the field of longevity medicine and the use of plant-based medicines has fuelled his company’s health services expansion into the Lower Mainland, the Okanagan and Alberta.
While the Forbes Pharmacy brand is familiar and trusted around Greater Victoria, Michael gradually shifted his daily focus from being in the pharmacy to overseeing his wide range of business enterprises.
His passion for helping people feel better longer and get more out of life, however, continues to be a primary driver in his entrepreneurial pursuits.
Michael’s investigations over the years have included conversations with leading specialists in internal medicine, complex care, aesthetics and other areas, and ultimately led him to develop his own concept of being one’s best at any age. The idea was to create an integrated medical practice that focuses on age management, using cutting-edge, evidence-based medicine and technology. The philosophy is central to the Ageless Living wellness centres he’s opened in Victoria, Langley and Kelowna.
The emerging science of longevity medicine, a practice being increasingly embraced by general practitioners and specialists— and invested in heavily by some of the world’s best-known tech billionaires—developed out of a realization that aging is the greatest risk factor for most acute and chronic diseases. It looks for ways to interrupt that typical pattern.
The people who come to his Ageless Living clinics aren’t necessarily looking to slow the aging process, Michael says, but are motivated to feel better or address some problem that is preventing them from living a healthy, enjoyable life.
“Usually, there’s something there, whether it’s lack of libido or hot flashes or insomnia or just feeling low energy. Say they had a genetic test done and they’re worried about their risk of cancer,” he says. “It’s more about not just slowing aging per se, but what’s in it for them to feel better and to reduce what’s important to them with their risk. It’s very personalized medicine; everybody is different.”
“It’s more about not just slowing aging per se, but what’s in it for them to feel better and to reduce what’s important to them with their risk.”
One example of the services the clinic offers, hormone testing aims to source out imbalances that can lead to everything from wrinkles, weight gain or low libido to mood swings, stress and fatigue.
Women enduring menopause have tried hormone replacement therapy (HRT), but Michael says the increased risk of cancer found with that treatment led researchers to find better ways of correcting patients’ hormone imbalances. Today the testing provides a road map for the creation of bio-identical hormone restoration and optimization options.
As Michael learned more about the ways technology can enhance personal health care, he took a leap into services such as “biohacking.” All three Ageless Living clinics feature a hyperbaric oxygen chamber, infrared sauna and pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF), treatments that aim to optimize the body’s internal healing properties.
Michael admittedly doesn’t dip his toe in the water of new opportunities he finds exciting or innovative—he goes in deep. Such is the case with his involvement and investment in the cannabis industry, which ranges from producers to retailers. He was an early adopter even before the sale and use of cannabis became fully legal in
Canada; for example, he studied how plant-based treatments could help people address everything from chronic pain to anxiety and insomnia.
“Cannabis was controversial at the time, but when you’re on the edge of new therapies, it can be scary for those who aren’t used to change,” he says, noting some people cautioned him against going all in.
Michael saw a major movement in the pharmaceutical industry toward manufacturing drugs that tried to mimic what nature was already providing. The way he sees it, the human brain and central nervous system have evolved to the point where plant-based treatments are the “perfect fit.”
“There’s a huge benefit, in some cases, for plant medicine over pharmaceuticals,” he says. “So, as a curious person, I really loved the science around that and that’s what got me intrigued by the potential of cannabis to help more people.”
When it comes to his investments in longevity medicine and cannabis, Michael considers himself a “curious and flexible explorer,” willing to take risks when the science backs it up.
“You’ve gotta be okay to wait and be patient. I always look at it like ‘How long can you stay in the swamp before rising out of it like a phoenix?’ You’ve got to get comfortable in the swamp, because it can be a long time.”
He’s excited about the intersection of technology and health care and sees the future use of AI as a way to further enhance personalized treatments.
“I can’t express enough how passionate I am about longevity medicine and the AI interface that I’m working on with Ageless Living and how many more lives that we can help,” he says.
“It’s a fascinating time we’re in.”
T“he good building is not one that hurts the landscape, but one which makes the landscape more beautiful than it was before the building was built.” Reflecting on these words by the great American architect Frank Lloyd Wright, it’s as if he was referring to this property in Summerland—the one I had the privilege of exploring on yet another blue-sky fall day here in the Okanagan.
Established in 2006, this property seems to share an ageless connection with the land, seamlessly integrating with its surroundings—an integral part of the natural poetry that has unfolded for centuries.
Nestled gracefully on the mountainside, a breathtaking panorama unfolds, revealing Okanagan Lake stretching majestically below. To the north, Peachland graces the horizon, while to the south, Penticton beckons with its rustic charm. Here, the melodies of the infinity pool harmonize with the sweet notes of birdsong, creating a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of life. This is Sage Hills Winery.
Established in 2006, this property seems to share an ageless connection with the land, seamlessly integrating with its surroundings—an integral part of the natural poetry that has unfolded for centuries.
It’s no surprise that the current owners, Rick Thrussell and his wife Toby, attribute the design of this architectural masterpiece to the influence of the aforementioned Frank Lloyd Wright.
“When we designed the home, I wanted everything to be very modest. Even the façade deliberately avoids the ostentatious. It’s a philosophy of ‘hide the elephant,’ avoiding grandiosity to embrace understatement, a subtlety that, to me, exudes even greater sophistication,” says Rick.
The couple’s journey since acquiring the 10.36-acre parcel has been nothing short of extraordinary. Their vision extended to cultivating vineyards, creating a sustainable, certified-organic winery with state-of-the-art wine-making equipment, an inviting tasting room and, eventually, a spacious outdoor patio.
“Our goal was to nurture grapes perfectly suited to the unique character of our site,” Rick explains, encapsulating the essence of their daring venture.
Turning such a dream into reality required a profound vision and two years of construction. Even the house underwent numerous design iterations to ensure every aspect aligned seamlessly with the envisioned future.
“We crafted a 3D model, subjecting it to rotations to guarantee that its bedrock orientation allowed for optimal light penetration without succumbing to excess solar gain,” Rick shares.
In its essence, the home exudes timelessness, yet, as Rick points out, practicality takes precedence.
“I love Alucobond, for example, as it’s very low-maintenance— rain actually cleans it. And as for the driveway, I can clean the entire thing with nothing more than a leaf blower,” he adds with a hearty laugh.
Strolling along the driveway—its stamped concrete artfully mimics granite—and past the helicopter pad on the left toward the residence, an enchanting union of architectural brilliance and natural grace unfolds. The unassuming front door serves as a harbinger of the inviting warmth that characterizes the interior.
“Modern contemporary homes often risk feeling cold, so I sought to infuse warmth into every corner,” says Rick, sharing his design ethos.
Stepping inside, an instant feeling of “home” wraps around me. The acoustics, almost magically muted, weave a soothing ambience that harmonizes with the feng-shui-inspired lines of the space and the soft, muted colours. Despite its generous 4,576 square feet of interior living space, it feels remarkably cosy. Turning to the left I find a snug den—a tranquil sanctuary offering a peaceful retreat with a captivating view that unfolds over the expanse of the lake.
Emerging from the den, a grand kitchen stands before me. It’s a culinary haven with a sprawling preparation area that embodies the essence of clean lines and simple-yet-exquisite design. Every element is meticulously flush and understated, contributing to the
creation of a space that exudes harmony. Overhead, flyovers in the ceilings elevate the aesthetic appeal and imbue the acoustics with a comforting warmth. I imagine, as the seasons shift, the floor-toceiling glass doors in the kitchen graciously yield to the allure of the pool area and deck.
To the left of the kitchen, steps lead to an elevated dining area adorned with floor-to-ceiling glass walls. Here, a double-sided fireplace is enveloped in Banff rock from Mount Rundle. Beyond the dining area is the lounge, cantilevered daringly over the rock below, presenting a panoramic theatre of almost 230-degree lake views. I can envision this space not only as the perfect setting for capturing mesmerizing sunsets, but also as a stage for an auditory symphony, thanks to its flawless acoustics, enhanced by the presence of carpets featuring a luxurious combination of rubber underlay and organic wool.
Rick, sharing insights into the interior, remarks, “The wood, weathered by time, comes from old-growth comb-faced material—a remnant from previous projects. It infuses the space with warmth.”
His vision was clear—to craft an architectural masterpiece that transcends personal taste, where modesty becomes the linchpin of its allure.
Accessible from these spaces is the seamless connection to the pool deck—a retreat where an outdoor kitchen and an infinity pool elevate the sensory experience.
As Nate Cassie, partner at Hall Cassie Real Estate Group, aptly
remarks, “It doesn’t get any better than that.” He makes a valid point.
Retracing my steps toward the front door, I veer left, discovering a discreet powder room and then the grandeur of the master suite. This private haven features a spacious walk-in closet and an exquisite bathroom with a rounded shower room—a design gem visible from the exterior.
The stairs to the lower level boast floor-to-ceiling glass, offering 15-foot-high views of meticulously manicured gardens. Venturing further, the first nook reveals a practical mudroom and three-car garage. Beyond lies a cedar-scented wine room and then, the beating heart of the home, a mechanical area showcasing the geothermal system.
Across the hallway lies the home theatre room with an adjoining bar area nestled seamlessly into the rock. Three additional bedrooms, named The Vancouver Room, The Okanagan Room and The Arbutus Room, offer distinct yet spectacular views, with each adorned in muted hues reflecting their names. On this level, a shared bathroom and an en suite for The Arbutus Room provide a unique shower experience with views extending over the lake and vineyard below.
As expected of a home of this caliber, there is a state-of-the-art Crestron smart home system, orchestrating everything from security to a curated musical ambience.
The house may stand as a centrepiece, yet Sage Hills offers much more—a captivating organic winery and accompanying structures.
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Upon entering Sage Hills Winery, I discover an elegant building housing wine operations and a chic tasting room, adorned with solar panels that make Sage Hills the district’s largest solar energy generator.
Outdoors, an inviting patio emerges, offering wine and charcuterie delights. Across the horizon, a newly erected 80-by-40-foot two-storey outbuilding beckons with versatility, designed for accommodations, storage and expanded winery operations.
The vineyards, a testament to organic farming principles, steer clear of synthetic chemicals.
“It was thanks to my youngest son, Keenan, who became a winemaker in 2018, that we ventured down the natural-winemaking path,” says Rick.
The 10 acres of Pinot Noir, Gewürztraminer and Pinot Gris grapes benefit from drip irrigation for precision. Sage Hills pioneers as one of the first net-zero wineries in the Okanagan Valley, crafting 100 per cent vegan wines.
While this property stands as a paragon of perfection for those with a discerning eye, its allure extends beyond its boutique charm. It beckons visionaries to seize the opportunity to expand operations and imprint their unique identity upon it.
As Rick and Toby get ready to embark on a new chapter, the legacy they leave behind is a true testament to their vision and commitment. I joke with Rick that he’s done all the hard work, now someone can just come in and reap the benefits.
“You’re not wrong,” he says.
Sage Hills stands not just as a home but as a living ode to the organic harmony between architecture, nature and the art of winemaking.
Further details on the Sage Hills Winery listing are available through Nate Cassie, Hall Cassie Real Estate Group, Angell Hasman & Associates Realty Okanagan, 250-869-7995
Architect: DGBK
Interior design/cabinetry: Redl Kitchen Studio
Structural engineer: Eric Karsh
Contractor: Brian Moberg
Windows: Competition Glass
Plumbing/HVAC: GPH Mechanical
Electrical: Canyon Electric Company Inc.
Masonry: Shaun’s Masonry
Roofing and siding: Premium Roofing Ltd.
Countertops: Custom Granite Works Inc.
Light fixtures: ROBINSON Lighting & Bath
Tile supply: Stone Tile Pacific
Concrete: Scott Concrete and Scottsdale Concrete
Hardscape: Toby Thrussell
Solar: Swiss Solar Tech
Geothermal: Geotility
Vineyard tanks: Ripley Stainless Ltd.
Expression purely for your own delight. No longer trying to fit in or striving to be ideal for another person. Lean into self-love this season with makeup and jewellery that simply gives you pleasure to wear.
Photos by Lia Crowe
Styling by Jen Evans
Makeup by Jen Clark
Models: Blue Engelland Swift, Jet William Swift, Solange Lyons, Zen May, Halle Jean March, Navneet Kahlon, Milena Ludwig and Vellar Zhou.
On Solange: Glacier Bay earrings ($279), Vizcaya necklace in mint ($735) both by Lizzie Fortunato, and turquoise and silver ring ($99), all from Bernstein & Gold; completely handmade pendant in 18K yellow gold and 19K white gold with one 2.08 carat Paraiba tourmaline, double claw set and one 0.12 carat diamond ($14,895) from Idar Jewellers; pink cashmere scarf ($80) by Extreme Cashmere from Turnabout.
On Halle: Molten Baroque necklace in silver ($500) by Pamela Card from Bernstein & Gold. Heart and pearl necklaces (model’s own).
On Zen: Quartz with tourmaline needles, cabochon-cut, fully bezel set in 19K white gold, ($2,895), Marc Cain pink leather belt ($199), from Hughes Clothing.
On Melina: Faceted pear-shaped emerald, 0.64 carat weight, fully bezel set in 14K yellow gold ($3,295) on a yellow gold “Rolo Chain;” halo-style pendant set with 4.19 carat green tourmaline and 0.31 total carat weight diamonds, set in 18K white gold ($7,495); diamond drop earrings set in 18K white gold, top diamonds are 0.24 carat each and are Canadian, the bottom diamonds are 0.40 carat each ($9,995), all from Idar Jewellers.
“As a family, we all have different skill sets, so I sell the sizzle and my brother makes sure the ship doesn’t sink. We’re excited about the future. Most businesses are backtracking but we’re forging forward and betting on ourselves.”
To say furniture is in Parm Dodd’s blood would be a big understatement. As a member of Victoria’s wellknown Dodd family, Parm started working in the family business when he was a teenager.
“We’ve been in furniture our whole life, so I started selling furniture when I was 14 years old on the weekend, and I figured I knew everything by the time I was 18 years old,” says Parm, the creative director and co-owner of Standard Furniture and Ashley Home Victoria. “We probably have 100 relatives in the furniture business in Western Canada.”
Parm’s dad, Iqbal, the younger brother of Gordy Dodd of Dodd’s Furniture, started Six Mile Furniture in View Royal in 1985 with his wife, Harjeet. After a long and successful run, they closed it in 2015 to open the Ashley store.
“Ashley product significantly increased our business—just putting the name on the door enhanced our business profile, as it’s the largest furniture brand in North America. So it really helped our company,” explains the 42-year-old Parm. “Six Mile was only going to go so far, but it was hard to close it because that’s how we made our success because everything came from there.”
That success includes reviving Standard Furniture, which had been a Victoria institution since 1912, after acquiring it two decades ago.
“They were liquidating the store and my dad actually went in every morning with a coffee for Derek Denny for 30 days, because there were about 35 companies across Canada trying to buy Standard Furniture,” Parm says. “But they wanted to keep it local, so we took over the company and we reopened Standard in January of 2003. My dad still had Six Mile to run so he ran that store and I ran this store.”
Parm was just 21 at the time, and that definitely presented some challenges.
“A lot of staff had worked there for a long time and didn’t want to take direction from a 21-year-old,” Parm says. “But I found that as staff kept coming to me for information, it became a respect factor for our customer base because I was knowledgeable in furniture.”
Parm’s younger brother and co-owner, Kelly, now runs the Ashley store, and has also worked hard to position them for another big expansion. After years of trying to buy the building Standard Furniture occupies on Cloverdale Avenue, they purchased the former Ricky’s All Day Grill property on Douglas at Burnside that was destroyed by fire last June, for $2.5 million in January. They plan to build a high-end showroom on the high-profile triangle-shaped lot.
“We tell ourselves every time we’re not going to do anything else, we don’t need more pressure, but we seem to love the pressure, I guess!” Parm jokes before detailing their plans. “We’re going to build a brand-new, three-storey, 21,000-square-foot modern glass building on the Ricky’s site. It’s way more visible and we should see five to six times more traffic there.”
The flagship showroom will also include an area for designers to use on the top level. Parm says one of the biggest mistakes he made when he was younger was failing to cultivate better relationships with local designers and builders.
“I was very ‘in the moment’ and focused on the sale and the margin, and I didn’t see the value in those relationships,” Parm says. “But the residual value of having those relationships will help you tenfold down the line. Even if a specific sale isn’t that fruitful, it could help us later, so I’ve spent the last year and a half building relationships with designers and builders—and we can see our business thriving.”
With the economy slowing, growing the customer base is more important than ever, so they’re going after different categories of business. Parm’s wife, Tasman, has created a new
division called LIV16 Staging, working with developers and realtors to stage properties and help diversify the company.
“The lessons you learn in a recession—a real recession, not like right now—are really important,” says Parm. “Before the 2008 recession, we spent money freely on things. But as things slow down you realize that those few dollars here and there really add up, so the lessons we learned then, we’ve put into action going into this period of slowdown.”
After being in charge of Standard Furniture for 21 years—half his life—Parm says the biggest lesson he’s learned is to look at the big picture.
“In the old days, I used to always worry about day-to-day stuff and I think the lesson for me is that there’s always another day so look at the bigger picture,” he says.
The most important business lesson Parm and Kelly learned from their dad, who worked seven days a week for many years, was to have a strong work ethic and to be willing to do any job in the store.
“Even today, my brother and my dad will still take the truck to pick up the stuff from our Vancouver suppliers,” he says. “I had one customer who was negotiating with me for weeks and came back one day and saw me outside in a toque and parka washing the windows. And he said to me, ‘I was going to grind you again but I’m just going to buy it because I appreciate that you guys do everything.’ I think people respect that, and especially today, it’s important to have that connection with customers.”
Running their business is a definitely a family affair, and the Dodds wouldn’t have it any other way.
It’s an old joke: “What’s black and white and re(a)d all over?”
“The newspaper.”
Once Boulevard selected the beautiful Victoria Press Building as the location for our annual Influencers shoot, it was easy to come up with a newspaper theme and a black, white and red colour scheme.
For this rendition of The
Influencers, Boulevard proposed the following scenario and asked these questions of some of Victoria’s leading entrepreneurs:
“There is a story on you in the newspaper. What section is it in (for example: front page, news, entertainment, lifestyles, classifieds, births, sports...) and what is it about?”
And then photographer Lia Crowe
got to work, saying: “The renovated Press Building is a photographer’s dream and the perfect place to highlight Victoria’s business leaders. There are huge, open industrial spaces flooded with natural light, and backdrops of concrete and ink-stained walls. And there is the backdrop of our city skyline from the rooftop patio. “
Photography Lia Crowe | Words Chloe Sjuberg | Makeup Jen ClarkThe 135,000-square-foot Victoria Press Building redefines Victoria’s Midtown area, introducing a fresh narrative to the daily life of the city, as highlighted on the website victoriapressbuilding.com.
No longer confined to its newspaper origins, this newly designated heritage building has evolved into a dynamic cultural and commercial hub, seamlessly blending media, arts, entertainment, technology and education in a single, vibrant
location designed for work, play and living.
Spanning three floors, the Victoria Press Building offers a versatile range of spaces, encompassing offices, retail outlets, manufacturing facilities, entertainment venues, food services and social areas.
A standout feature is the renovated historic Print Reel Room, which has undergone rezoning to accommodate a distillery/brewery and tasting room. The room also boasts elevator access
to a rooftop cafe and outdoor patio, which provides sweeping panoramic views of Greater Victoria, the inner harbour and the Olympic Peninsula, offering an unparalleled restaurant/ café and outdoor-eating experience.
Currently, the next phase of the project is underway with an application for a modern tower of urban living spaces that seamlessly connects to the Victoria Press Building through a common public garden space and beer garden.
Local gallery grows to become a leading dealer of work by Canada’s most notable artists, including icons such as Emily Carr and E. J. Hughes.
— MICHAEL WARREN / Director madronagallery.com 250-380-4660
The comics section! Jewellery is always important but above all it is fun!— LANCE GLENN / Jewellery Designer and Consultant, MILENA LUDWIG / Jewellery Designer and Consultant
250-383-3414 idar@idar.com @idarjewellers
Zech is a seasoned professional in the construction field, particularly in wood flooring. With 30 years of experience, he has become a recognized authority in western Canada. Zech’s expertise lies in engineered and solid wood flooring, as well as the various installation and finishing techniques involved. He is dedicated to making a positive impact on construction quality by offering superior building materials and providing knowledgeable and trustworthy service.
— ZECH INKSTER / Partner, Technical ServiceComing from hospitality, Pete has built his career fostering environments that are inviting and warm, helping people find a sense of comfort in any setting. Lamella is an extension of his passion for highquality, real materials that imbue an inescapable feeling of being grounded by nature, where individuals can breathe a little deeper and enjoy the moment.
— PETER MORGAN / Partner, Director of Operationslamellaflooring.ca 250-388-0020
If there was ever to be a newspaper story about me, it would be found in the arts and lifestyle section. I love all genres of music. I love learning about art history, and I live to travel.
— ANGELA HALL /Franchisee Owner and Operator blomedry.com 250-381-8664
Gautam Arora, a licensed realtor specializing in residential and commercial properties in Victoria, BC, is renowned for his commitment to client satisfaction. With a deep understanding of the local real estate market, he expertly guides transactions, providing seamless experiences for both residential and commercial buyers and sellers. His dedication, integrity and personalized service make him a trusted partner in achieving real estate goals in Victoria’s vibrant market.
— GAUTAM ARORA / Personal Real Estate Corporationarorarealty.org 250-881-4072
The article would be in the lifestyle section and it would shine a light on the beautiful synergy between a devoted parent and a grown daughter. My daughter, Zoe, is my biggest influencer. The article would delve into the art of balancing influence, family and personal evolution, offering readers a glimpse into the dynamic journey of our modern family.
— CURTIS VERTEFEUILLE / OwnerIn our dynamic real estate realm, Michael, with years of negotiation expertise and success navigating through different market cycles, is dedicated to securing the best outcomes for his clients. A diligent researcher, Tammy safeguards your interests with in-depth knowledge, guiding you through each stage to ensure an informed and thoughtful property purchase. Supported
by our dedicated marketing and administrative team, the McMullen Homes Team goes beyond transactions, crafting your real estate journey into a success story.
— MICHAEL MCMULLEN, PREC, TAMMY MARCOUX, PREC / Real Estate Professionalsmcmullenhomes.com 250-881-8225
My story can be found in the lifestyle section. It would detail a socially active and exciting lifestyle, an appreciation of the ocean and a passion for boating. On land, I enjoy riding my motorcycle and spending time with family and friends.
— SPENCER MEUSER / Project ManagerIf there was ever to be a newspaper story about me it would be found in the life and arts section. It would be a feature highlighting some of my personal passion projects and home improvements. I love to work with my hands and rarely miss an opportunity to express creativity by experimenting with new concepts.
— GRAEME CONNELLY / Owner, DirectorYou can find my article in the sports and outdoors section. It would be filled with insights into some of my favourite spots to cast a fishing line and my ongoing mission to explore the endless hidden gems this beautiful island has to offer.
— CONNOR STOKKELAND / Project Managerfayzebuilt.ca
I would say it’s in the classifieds, reading something like “Driver available evenings,” because my wife and I feel like we are drivers every evening after 4 pm, shuttling our two boys between practices and games. — AMAN GILL / President patriothomes.ca 250-217-3080
My hope is that the story would be about impact: on finding joy, on empowerment, on spreading good. Not a list of measured accomplishments, but the ways I made people laugh, helped them be comfortable in their skin, and inspired them to do something a little silly. I imagine that in the accompanying photograph I’d be wearing a silly costume or holding hands with my kids.
— DR. BRI BUDLOVSKY / Physician and Medical Co-DirectorLIFESTYLE
Headline: “Man searches for serenity in an old station wagon.” The story would be short, and only appealing to a few, but it would be honest. It would reflect my irrational reverence for my late grandfather’s 1993 Volvo station wagon, and how I still use it every day to search for things that bring me peace and joy: surfing in cold water, some volleyball with my friends, and time outside with my family.
— DR. MATT CARERE / Physician and Medical Co-Directorphilosophymd.com 250-889-1658
If there was a story about me in the newspaper, you might find it in the lifestyle section, where I’d be sharing about how to find balance between work, family and the people and activities we love. Alternatively, you might find me in the entertainment section, where you could read about my latest song release and musical endeavours.
— SJOERD MEYER / Construction GM and PartnerI’d be in the design and lifestyle section of the newspaper, showcasing the best in local and innovative designs, or in the sports section talking about riding mountain bike trails, where all the best ideas are inspired.
— DUANE ENSING / Principal Designer and PartnerIf there was a newspaper story about me, it would likely be in the business section—exploring topics like building a business or discussions on business growth. Alternatively, you might find it in the classifieds, on a search for a classic Porsche.
— DANIEL SCHUETZE / PartnerIf there was a story about me in the newspaper, it would probably be in the business section—tips on how to build effective teams or perhaps some of my opinions on the solution to the housing crisis. If not that, then I’d be in the food section spilling the tea on all my top-secret recipes!
— MICHAEL EDWARDSON / Partnervillamarconstruction.ca
My feature article would be published in the health and wellness section. The story would highlight my journey with Pivital, where we’re revolutionizing the delivery of preventative longevity
medicine. It’s about our commitment to personalized health, showcasing how we empower individuals with advanced screening, bioidentical hormone optimization, and the latest
discoveries in longevity medicine for a vibrant, healthier, longer life.
— DR. CHRIS TETLEY / Medical Directorpivital.ca 250-589-3444
The front-page news is this: There is a fab little boutique outside Chinatown full of really awesome things! I love a good story, and our shop is full of them. For me, it’s about creating a new story for Victoria, one that offers elevated brands curated in an accessible way. I get joy when people come in and are excited to see what we’ve built.
— MICHELLE ARDIEL / Co-OwnerFeatured in the lifestyle section, I seek to craft a curated shopping experience with brand-rich storytelling, offering wellness and lifestyle products embedded with meaningful stories. Centred on community, we transform the shopping experience through dynamic pop-ups and workshops, cultivating a strong sense of connection. My story unfolds as a dynamic blend of business, creativity and community engagement, embodying a diverse, enriching lifestyle.
— METKA LAZAR / Co-Ownershoppublicmercantile.com
I would be featured in the music section as the drummer in the local band Sugar and Strife, devoted to refining my art. Adapting to contemporary music trends while honouring timeless classics, I understand the critical role of timing on my instrument, drawing parallels to my career as a real estate agent.
Eager to stay flawlessly “in tune,” I anticipate harmonizing seamlessly in music and real estate transactions.
— KRIS RICCI /Realtor ®
theagencyre.com/agent/kristopher-ricci 778-966-7441
I would be featured in the lifestyle section, as the Victoria local who rediscovered my creative passion following an injury that led me to exchange my professional dancing shoes for a marketing career intertwined with the art of transforming old homes. Beyond a mere hobby, my enthusiasm for churning properties became a profound love affair. Enter stage left, “the dancing realtor”...
— JAMIE SIKORA /Realtor ®
theagencyre.com/agent/jamie-sikora 250-896-7325
The secret to Jessica Erion’s success is something we all know but sometimes forget: “People will forget what you say, they will forget what you do, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” You don’t have to be the loud noise in the room. Rather, you can build a reputation by delivering on promises in a reliable, supportive and trustworthy manner. Happy customers make repeat customers.
— JESSICA ERION / Owner and Certified Medical Aesthetician“I am proud to have helped to build community and to greatly benefit from my communities. I enjoy having a fluid relationship between my friend, business and volunteer communities. I love the way that some of my friend relationships have also grown to become business collaborators and some of my business and volunteer contacts have become my friends. My community enriches my life.”
— BRENDA MCFARLANE / Financial Consultantbrendamacfarlane.ca 778-549-5144
Introducing to the world an up-and-coming beverage-consulting agency taking its first steps in the individuated category. Led by Soren Schepkowski, it aims to redefine your drinking experience by creating memorable moments through the story in each menu, and the adventure in every sip. Join us in a toast to the birth of Soren Andre Ltd.
— SOREN SCHEPKOWSKI / Bar and Beverage ConsultantEvery whisky has a story. Some are an epic voyage, others an intimate memoir, and a select few blur the lines between legend and myth. As a whisky curator, it’s Adam’s calling to carefully chronicle these tales and share them with those who thirst for quality. Fortune favours the curious, so why not join him on an invigorating whisky quest?
— ADAM BRADSHAW / Whisky ConsultantFront page! Extra, extra, read all about it…maybe not! Let’s go with the classifieds. It would read: Looking for able designer to fill our position over a twoweek period. A vacation is needed!
— ROBERT BLANEY / Principal, ANDIE MCDOUGALL / Lead Interior Designer
robertblaneydesign.com 604-626-6020
Jane transitioned into real estate from teaching 18 years ago, and what a ride it’s been! She’s been the top-producing realtor for RE/MAX in Victoria and at her brokerage, and her team has been among the top 50 teams in RE/ MAX CANADA. When not negotiating a win for clients, she’s working on the board for Habitat for Humanity Victoria, or rowing at the Gorge Rowing Club. — JANE JOHNSTON, M.ED., PREC / Realtor
briarhillgroup.com 250-744-0775
You’ll find me below the fold—I work with front-page-worthy companies and owners and take pride in the part I get to play in their stories. You might read about me once you get past the headline, to the explanation of how it got done.
— JOSHUA STEEPER / Lawyer and OwnerI help clients pass on their wealth smoothly and efficiently, without drama, so you may not read about me at all. If you do, it would be a good news story about a family business that has successfully transitioned from one generation to the next, with my help.
— DEL ELGERSMA / Lawyer and Ownerbeaconlaw.ca 250-656-3280
The story would be on the front page, with the headline “Leaving comfort zone is not easy but still possible after 40!” Building a new life in a different country can be exhilarating. As a woman in the construction world, a mother and a wife, it was a serious concern for me, but by leaving my comfort zone, I overcame this challenge. I aim to add value to projects by designing livable landscapes and lifestyles and strive for a greener, more sustainable world.
— BEGUM ERYILMAZ / Owner oasislandscapedesign.ca236-882-3051
Sam is the ultimate “guide by your side” with over 12 years of experience and wisdom in Chinese metaphysics, specializing in feng shui and astrology. She helps people remove the barriers that sabotage their success and brings clarity and purpose forward, so they make better and more informed life decisions.
Once you experience “a Sam” in your life, you’ll wonder how you ever got along without one!
— SAM PLOVIE / Life Alignment Guideqiprosam.com
I would want to be in the lifestyle section as I’m involved in my community, with our kids and their sports, while managing a growing business. And contrary to our loud marketing, I’m a low-key person. However, my wife and business partner, Ashley, would put me on the front page as she likes to put me in the spotlight.
— KYLE VELIKOVSKY / OwnerI would probably land on the business page as I’ve had an entrepreneurial spirit since a young age. Being in business allows us to follow our heart in community giving, gives us the flexibility to spend more time with our kids, and fulfills my passion for business growth.
— ASHLEY BARRY / Ownerwhitewolfhomes.ca
In the business and health and wellness sections, the article delves into how Renu stands out in the industry by prioritizing personalized care, the latest technologies and a holistic approach to aesthetic treatments for the last 20 years.
Family-owned and -operated by a father-and-daughter team, they are committed to creating a
welcoming and inclusive environment ensuring that clients feel supported and informed throughout their aesthetic journey.
— ROBERT DECKER, MD / Medical Director, KYLA DECKER / Clinical Directorrenulaserandskin.com
At the core of my design work, it’s the relationships that are the threads connecting me to clients’ needs, the collaborative spirit of my design team and the philosophy shaping our work. Like art, impactful design ignites a sense of wonder, leading others to experience the truly essential. It is within the transformative space between imagination and creation that we discover hope and embrace a world of possibilities.
— KEITH BAKER / Principal Designerkeithbakerdesign.com 250-384-1550
You’ll discover my narrative in the lifestyle section. I’m a realtor with a fondness for wellness travel and insights gained from seven countries. Amidst pursuing dream homes and creative marketing, I help clients find their perfect home or investment. Look out for my upcoming podcast, blending lifestyle with valuable insights on resilience and positive mindsets in the business world. Join this laid-back journey where work harmonizes with a passion for travel, real estate and a well-rounded lifestyle.
— CAIT FRASER / Realtor, Podcast Host and EntrepreneurMy story is in the business section. It delves into my journey as a realtor, exploring an industry filled with comparison and rejection, and how I overcome obstacles with a commitment to growth and mindset. It speaks on how I block out the noise, going after what I want without fear of judgement. Highlights include how hosting a podcast serves as an inspiring narrative for others by showcasing the power of resilience, evolution and maintaining a positive mindset.
— KATE GRAY /Realtor and Podcast Host
hossackgrayrealestate.com 250-516-4563
livewell.realestate 778-871-5351
An animal lover, Linda opens her home to those in need. Her “rescues” receive food, shelter and especially lots of love. Over the years she has rescued a oneeyed MexPup from Yelapa and a mini-donkey from Alberta, to name a few. They live in the next best place to heaven: her sixacre hobby farm located in the beautiful Cowichan Valley.
The article would be in a feature section about my work assisting clients with wealth preservation and estate planning through family law agreements combined with other instruments, such as wills. The article would bring awareness to the pitfalls that can occur when people do not address proper planning for the future, especially in blended families.
— EMMA NEARY / Associate LawyerLIFESTYLE
Bianca Kendregan: lawyer, mom and French bulldog apologist. Practice areas: Family law, with a focus on high-conflict parenting disputes and litigation. What I love about Victoria: I grew up in a small town in northern BC and lived in NYC in my 20s. Victoria has both small-town and big-city energy, which is perfect! If I wasn’t doing this: I would be a pastry chef. Fave quote: “Never trust anyone with less than four legs.” — Professor Howell, UVic Law
— BIANCA KENDREGAN / LawyerSince I was a young boy, I’ve loved building for others. It brought me joy to see people gathering and having fun in the treehouses and go-karts I built. Continuing with that passion, I opened Wildwood Saunas. I create
custom saunas for homeowners, offer sauna rentals and provide a Nordic spa experience at Bilston Creek Lavender Farm. Our mission is to build stronger, healthier and happier communities through hot and cold therapy, creating
environments and experiences where everyone is welcome.
— JOSH DUPUIS / Owner and Founderwildwoodsaunas.com
The world of wellness
Everything from virtual reality fitness workouts to cold plunging and superfoods are on trend for 2024
Imagine practicing yoga in the Himalayas or kickboxing on Mars—all from the comfort of your living room. Wearable technology advancements will play a crucial role in fitness regimes in 2024.
Touted as “the anywhere workout,” Supernatural—a subscription-based virtual reality (VR) fitness app by Within—pairs with the Meta Quest 2 VR headset for immersive workouts. With the help of a virtual trainer, you can challenge yourself with high-intensity exercise, or meditate in your own world of calm.
See getsupernatural.com
Apple’s Vision Pro, a mixed-reality headset launching in the US in February (and coming to Canada later in 2024), enables the wearer to watch movies, capture videos and multitask. Fitness apps are in the works, including a yoga app that uses the device’s cameras to measure breathing.
Apple has already launched Fitness+ with Strength, Core and Yoga for Golfers, featuring and designed by pro golfer phenom Rose Zhang, and led by Canadian fitness and core trainer Kyle Ardill. Available by subscription on Apple Watch, iPhone and Apple TV.
Whatever your choice of self-care and wellness trends this year, longevity and aging gracefully are the ultimate goals.
While most of us are familiar with indoor saunas, a company based in Squamish is bringing barrel saunas to backyards across North America.
“It’s such a unique shape that doesn’t compete with a home’s architecture or their property, whether it’s in their backyard, chalet or cottage,” says co-founder and engineer Kris Harris of Nootka Saunas. “Whether it’s for a quiet, healthy meditation part of your day or a social component with friends after dinner, backyard saunas have become increasingly popular.”
Kris grew up in Ottawa with its bracing cold winters and often enjoyed a sauna, followed by cold plunging through a hole cut in lake ice at a friend’s cottage. But it was when he travelled to Finland, Sweden and Norway in 2016 that he decided to bring the wellness sauna culture to North America.
“Traditionally, saunas have been wood-burning, but we also offer electric, and the convenience of just pushing a button, and then 10 to 15 minutes later it’s at 90 degrees Celsius,” he explains. “Whereas wood-burning takes a bit longer to get it stoked, they are both very safe (CSA approved) and the heat of an electric sauna is very comparable to a wood-burning one.”
With its western red cedar wood (which smells wonderful) milled locally, the cylindrical, barrel-shaped sauna comes in eightfoot and 10-foot sizes, makes for excellent air flow and is easily installed on any level surface, including gravel, crushed stone, wood decking or flagstone.
Cold plunging is one of the biggest wellness trends for 2024. If you’re a fan of the reality TV show Shark Tank, you might have watched Canadian IT entrepreneur Robert Herjavec submerging in a tub of icy cold water designed by California company PLUNGE. He did not go in quietly but ended up investing $2.4 million in the start-up.
Professional athletes are no strangers to cold-water therapy and ice baths, which are said to reduce muscle swelling, pain and stress by constricting the blood vessels. Popularity has now exploded among fitness enthusiasts in general.
Cold-plunge tubs are made of acrylic and fibreglass and come in different shapes and sizes. Temperature controlled water can cool down to a chilly 2 degrees Celsius and the tub can be installed indoors or outdoors. PLUNGE tubs have a powerful cooling, sanitation and filtration system with continuous water circulation and easy set-up that plugs into an electrical socket.
PLUNGE has partnered with the Wellness Shop for distribution in Canada. SEE
Seaweed continues to trend this year and not just as a superfood: it is also valued for its hydrating, anti-aging properties. Vancouver Island’s thalassic skincare company Seaflora has been hailed as offering the world’s first USDA-Certified organic skincare line.
Founded in 1998 by Sooke-based Diane Bernard, the company is overseen by her son, director Adam Butcher and his wife, Chantelle Line, who is the marketing manager.
“Seaweed comprises 80 per cent of all our products, including our new natural Sun Shield facial moisturizers,” says Chantelle. “Clean beauty is thriving and not just by paying attention to what’s inside the bottle. By 2025, the luxury hotel group Relais & Chateaux is going eco and doing away with all plastics in their hotel-room amenities worldwide.”
In anticipation of sustainable-packaging needs, Seaflora has created a new shower and bath amenity dispenser, already popular at Black Rock Oceanfront Resort and Drift Spa in Ucluelet.
“It dispenses Seaflora products in a single model for hand soap, double for shampoo and conditioner or triple including body wash. All affix to the wall. They are available in a variety of colours but all ‘green,’” laughs Chantelle.
2024’s trending superfoods: buckwheat, cacao jelly, mushroom-infused coffee
What do haskap berries, lion’s mane and cacao pulp have in common? They are part of an even bigger swing by consumers toward plant-based foods, flavours and drinks.
Each year, Whole Foods’ Trends Council—a team of over 50 culinary experts, foragers and buyers—forecasts new and healthy food trends to entice the health-conscious consumer. Here’s what they predict:
• Buckwheat, naturally gluten-free and high in protein, will be everywhere, from crackers to milk-based alternatives.
• Cacao—yes, it’s the fruit of your favourite chocolate bar, but did you know there is a diverse use for cacao? North America is discovering this previously discarded pulp, which is now being made into jams and jellies.
• Also be on the lookout for haskap berries in 2024. Already heralded in Japan as “the elixir of life,” the dark purple, elongated fruit, which tastes similar to blueberries, has four times the antiox idants.
• Lion’s mane mushroom has been studied for its cognitive benefits including improved memory and boosting non-jittery energy. Made into a powder, it gives coffee a nutty, earthy flavour. California wellness brand Clevr’s blended mushroom coffee and tea starter kit includes two different mushroom lattes and is on “Oprah’s Favourite Things” for 2024.
Whatever your choice of self-care and wellness trends this year, longevity and aging gracefully are the ultimate goals.
Take the plunge at Vancouver’s Fairmont Pacific Rim’s new Nordic spa experience
WORDS LAURA GOLDSTEIN PHOTOGRAPHY COURTESY FAIRMONT PACIFIC RIM & NOOTKA SAUNASNordic countries have been doing it for 2,000 years. Amid long, dark winters, saunas and coldwater plunging are communal activities that have proven to lower seasonal depression, help muscle and joint pain relief and give an overall boost to full-body rejuvenation. Canadians, who share an affinity with the Nordic climate, are finally embracing this wellness trend. But what’s taken us so long?
It may be because a sauna followed by ice bathing or rolling in the snow (yes, that’s a real thing) start early and are considered family activities in the Nordic countries, and so they become part of life at a young age.
I’m ready to give it a try at Fairmont Pacific Rim’s new outdoor Nordic spa experience. It’s 8 degrees Celsius outside and drizzling, and I feel like I’m dressed for an expedition to the Arctic: bathing suit and spa robe under a provided parka with a hood, and holding an umbrella. I’m slightly embarrassed as the weather hasn’t deterred many diehards from frolicking in the hotel’s outdoor heated pool and hot tub. I decide to make a dash for the sauna.
Ah, the cedar-scented air is delightful, and I’ve even stripped down to my bathing suit!
Designed and built by Squamish company Nootka Saunas (see related story), the sauna resembles a gigantic cedar-plank barrel: think hobbit house with a higher ceiling. By pushing a button, it heats up electrically—something I’ve never experienced before in a sauna. The heat is much drier than that produced by more traditional wood-fired saunas, which use igneous or volcanic rocks and water from a bucket to increase the steam and humidity.
After about 10 minutes in the sauna, I gather my courage and decide to take the invigorating cold plunge.
This is one situation in which double-dipping is de rigueur. I watch a husband and wife who jump and completely submerge into two deep acrylic and fiberglass tubs filled with cold water and then head back into the sauna—twice. Looks simple enough.
Yikes! Full disclosure: I dipped up to my knees instead of plunging. The circulating water temperature is about 10 to 15 degrees Celsius and I jumped out in 20 seconds. Oh, why didn’t I keep my parka on? Deciding to reward myself for bravery, I make a beeline for the loungers to order bone broth and a warm truffle grilled cheese sandwich, the ideal comfort foods from the menu designed by Fairmont Pacific Rim’s executive chef, Damon Campbell.
“Norway, with a population of five million, has something like three million saunas, many inside their homes,” says Fairmont Pacific Rim spa director Kim Carmichael. “Although we’re nowhere near that in Canada, it’s starting to become far more prevalent and trendier in North America as people discover the health benefits of a Nordic spa.”
She adds, “We’ve really been inspired by the Nordic countries making the experience inviting.”
(Unlike the Nordic countries, however, The Nordic Spa at the Fairmont Pacific Rim is limited to those aged 13 and over.)
When the self-guided Nordic spa experience outdoors on the hotel’s sixth floor was designed, the hot tub and heated pool already existed. So, by adding the sauna and cold plunge tubs a circuit of restorative activities has been created.
“It’s recommended to start with the sauna for about 15 minutes, and then step into the full cold plunge for anywhere from a minute to three minutes or longer if you can handle it. Then alternate between the heated pool and hot tub and then start the whole circuit again,” Kim explains.
Open from 8 am to 9:30 pm daily, guests can relax on sofa loungers under a canopy of oversized patio umbrellas, sip on green tea or hot chocolate and warm up alongside heaters and fire pits, surrounded by harbour and mountain views.
In addition to The Nordic Spa experience, onehour yoga classes are offered poolside twice a week. There is also access to the holistic Willow Stream Spa amenities, including a mineral bath, steam rooms and hydrotherapy showers, among other treatments. All are open to the public as well as hotel guests. Prices and upgrades vary, and reservations are required.
“I think overall, people are looking to experience how to live better and longer. I like to think of Fairmont Pacific Rim’s Nordic Spa as an oasis in the city to do just that,” Kim says.
As unique as you.
Victoria, BC
Exquisite custom-built estate in the desirable Gordon Head community. Perched on the ocean’s edge, this architecturally stunning home was designed to capitalize on the world class ocean and mountain views. With dramatic vaulted ceilings, gleaming hardwood floors, spacious open concept deign and a gorgeous custom kitchen, this 5 bedroom, 7 bathroom property captivates at every glance. Outdoor living can be enjoyed year round with sprawling patio sections, including covered and oceanfront sections, a breathtaking infinity pool and extensive landscaping.
North Saanich, BC
Gated farmhouse retreat on 3 acres, ready for you to build your forever home! On site, a lovely 3 bed, 2 bath carriage house, with a covered porch, allowing you to gaze out over mature trees, a cozy firepit & stunning garden beds. A professional level 2,300sq ft workshop, with 20 ft ceiling accommodates all types of equipment/machinery. ALR portion of the 3 acres allows for a main residence up to 5000 sq ft with separate caretaker building, a 400 amp service and septic field newly installed
North Saanich, BC
Luxurious ocean front home in Deep Cove. Private oasis on a nearly 1 acre lot. Interior marries classic features with modern elements for a timeless design, set over 7,500 sq ft. Designer millwork adds warmth & walls of glass provide panoramic water views. Exceptional outdoor living with numerous patio areas, including covered sections & pathways through manicured landscaping to the private sandy/pebble beach with sheltered waters. Perfect for launching your paddleboard or kayak. Prime location!
North Saanich, BC
Award winning architectural masterpiece on the ocean, by Zebra Designs. This gated entry estate is the epitome of excellence. Grand foyer displays walls of glass framing dynamic marina & water views. Expansive principal rooms, set over 5,000 sq ft of luxurious living space. Seamless indoor/ outdoor living with multiple access points to the expansive patio areas with covered sections & outdoor fireplace! Outside, manicured landscaping, privacy hedging & a private beach.
735 Humboldt Street, Victoria BC, Canada V8W 1B1
The local real estate agent with the international network: victoria.evrealestate.com
Scott Piercy, Private Office Advisor
Personal Real Estate Corporation 250-686-7789
Victoria, BC
Masterpiece of architecture! Waterfront estate on 5+ acres. Nearly 10,000 sq ft of breathtaking living space, with sweeping water views from all principle rooms. Exceptional outdoor living including a swimming pool, lots of patio spaces, trails & gardens and separate 2 bedroom caretaker/ guest cottage. Explore the surrounding waters from your yacht, with the convenience of a boathouse with a mechanized marine way.
Victoria, BC
Elite urban living in this prestigious Penthouse in the World Class Customs House. Victoria’s finest views from every room, with panoramic Inner Harbour, Mountain & City skylines. Designer kitchen, expansive living/ dining areas and a sprawling balcony - ideal for entertaining! Primary suite with private balcony, plus, 2 more bedrooms each with ensuites. Above, an enviable 1,500sqft rooftop terrace provides year round enjoyment for stargazing, or taking in the vibrant sunsets across the harbour.
Victoria, BC
The setting at Ocean Enclave between the sculptured gardens and the sparkling sea, transmits a sense of peace & tranquility. Oceanfront property encompasses 6.8 acres and captivates at every glance. Exquisite custom built home and guest cottage are a masterful work of West Coast Architecture. This expansive property offers resort-style living year round, including multiple oceanfront patios, a 60 foot dock, helicopter pad, walking trails, gardens and spectacular sunsets year round.
North Saanich, BC $3,950,000
Stunning, oceanfront, custom-designed estate embodies West Coast style & artistic architecture. Designer interior with a desirable open floor plan & soaring ceilings. Sweeping Ocean, Mountain & Island Views. Attention to detail throughout this spacious and elegant 3 bed, 3 bath home, provides a refined space for hosting friends and family. Situated on the prestigious North Saanich waterfront surrounded by nature’s beauty this is a boater’s & kayaker’s dream property.
2249 Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria BC, Canada V8R 1G4
The local real estate agent with the international network: victoria.evrealestate.com
James LeBlanc, Private Office Advisor
Personal Real Estate Corporation
Over $19M in transactions for January ’24…from $640k to $8+ M
“Regardless of the price point, every transaction is a priority and every client deserves my full attention throughout the process. YOUR SUCCESS IS MY SUCCESS”
Enjoy the lifestyle you deserve at prestigious Shoal Point! Enjoy Inner Harbour water views in this spacious 2 bedroom 3 bathroom condo. The spacious living/dining room has a modern, polished concrete gas fireplace, and is open to a large den with a beautiful built-in desk & patio access. The galley style kitchen, with patio access, features high-end appliances including a gas cooktop with a lovely eating area to watch the activity of the inner harbour. An excellent layout separates the bedrooms giving maximum privacy. The Primary bedroom has a walk-in closet & 5 pc ensuite with a bidet & heated floors.The second bedroom has a 4 pc ensuite bathroom and large closets. New Maple floors throughout. Enjoy the many amenities such as a 25m lap pool, gym,sauna, steam, whirlpool, workshop, bike, kayak storage, putting green, 2 guest suites & concierge. Wonderful, active social community!
Welcome to The Pointe, a unique enclave of townhomes surrounded by park-land & conveniently located in Sunriver Estates. This bright 3 bed 3 bath townhome, with 9 ft ceilings & large windows, combines quality finishes with serene, southern nature views from both the upper & lower balconies & the main living/dining area. This unit boasts high-end options, engineered wood flooring in the main living area, granite countertops in kitchen & ensuite, & stone-faced hearth gas fireplace. Main, upper living offers flexibility for furniture layout & access to back balcony, w/ gas connection, and beautiful pond views. Chef’s kitchen, w/ gas connection for stove, has granite island & bar seating. Large primary bed w/ walk-in closet, & ensuite. Lower level has two spacious bedrooms, one w/ walk-in closet & balcony access A full bath, laundry room w/ sink, main entry, & garage access complete lower level. Garage has cabinetry, coated floor, and overhead kayak pulley.
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The discipline of self-care
Meal-plan and meal-prep recipes for a healthier, happier you
Eating well. To me, this means eating delicious and healthy foods, and regularly feeling nourished and satisfied. Achieving this is possible, but it often means doing the tasks we least want to do, rather than letting ourselves off the hook.
A late-night session with a tub of ice cream is sometimes exactly what we need, but more often than not, what we actually need is the “discipline of self-care.” This means that the default is not to treat ourselves but to take care of ourselves, making true self-care a priority with a focus on long-term goals over short-term gratification.
A late-night session with a tub of ice cream is sometimes exactly what we need, but more often than not, what we actually need is the “discipline of self-care.” This means that the default is not to treat ourselves but to take care of ourselves, making true self-care a priority with a focus on long-term goals over short-term gratification.
In terms of food, this means following a balanced self-care plan involving more discipline than indulgence. We must build structures, habits and plans that will improve the overall quality of our lives and help us to prioritize our desire to eat well and feel healthy.
Below are some ideas and some delicious recipes that will make it easier to eat well, every day—or do so as best we can.
When it comes to healthy eating, and eating well, I use several different strategies, with flexible applications: stocking the pantry; meal planning; meal prepping; and, making nutritious foods more appealing and delicious.
Stocking the pantry generally is the easiest of the four. But making adequate use of our well-stocked pantry is where the discipline of self-care comes in. This is why meal-planning and meal-prepping strategies are the pillars of my eating style.
These are two arms of a similar concept. Planning “what’s for dinner” ahead of time is a game changer! You know what’s for dinner and you have made sure the ingredients are on hand. No need to make a decision when you are tired after work. Meal prepping takes this to the next level: you spent time and energy on the weekend prepping and pre-cooking parts of those planned meals to make weekday life even smoother and easier.
It’s important to start with what is most achievable. Meal prepping is more difficult than meal planning and you may decide that it is not the best use of your time off. Or you may come to meal prep gradually, after months of incorporating meal planning and pantry stocking into your weekly life. Start small; don’t overreach. Include take-out and meal prep kits in the plan, if that is what works best for you. Whatever it takes to feel good about what you are eating.
I use a mix of meal planning and meal prepping for my busy
life. I always meal plan, and specifically plan for leftovers, but I don’t always set aside time on a Sunday for actual meal prep. Given our busy schedules, I know to plan for, and shop for, no more than three family dinners per week. And we make sure to cook extra on each of those dinners so that there are always leftovers ready for lunches or dinners on the go.
If I’m making salad for dinner, I double the salad dressing and use half of it to marinate canned beans or lentils for some mealprep salads. I plan for Monday night’s spiced chicken to be made in a two-kilogram batch, so that I am closer to having healthy lunches or dinners the rest of the week with these delicious “plan-overs.”
This rolls both meal planning and meal prepping into one adaptable workflow. If I have the time to meal prep on Sundays, excellent. If not, I have already incorporated meal prep into my life with big-batch cooking.
Making healthy foods more appealing is icing on the cake. My flavourful and fresh recipes below can be a springboard of inspiration. I love having a meal plan in place and having healthy yummy food ready-to-eat in the fridge. Hopefully, with these ideas and recipes, you can too.
Makes 3 pre-prepped lunches.
This salad is delicious, quick to make, and perfect as a lunch-to-go. The higher acid content of this dressing helps the starchy beans to shine.
1 can bean medley (mixed beans), approx. 400 ml to 500 ml
1 clove garlic, pressed through a garlic press, or minced very fine 5 ml (1 tsp) salt
45 ml (3 tbsp) white wine vinegar or cider vinegar
45 ml (3 tbsp) extra virgin olive oil
2.5 ml (½ tsp) freshly ground black pepper
2.5 ml (½ tsp) granulated sugar
2.5 ml (½ tsp) dried oregano leaves, crushed in your fingers
Three 500-ml wide-mouth mason jars, or containers of similar size ¼ red onion, thinly sliced or minced
90 ml (6 tbsp) crumbled feta cheese
750 ml (3 cups) chopped raw vegetables (cherry tomato, cucumber, radish, bell pepper)
375 ml (½ cup) shredded spinach leaves or lettuce leaves
Optional 90 ml (6 tbsp) minced fresh parsley
Marinated Beans: Open the can of beans and pour into a sieve over the sink. Rinse and drain well and place into a mixing bowl. Add the garlic, salt, oil, vinegar, pepper, sugar and oregano. Mix well. Let sit, stirring occasionally.
Salad prep: Divide the marinated beans between three mason jars, along with all of the marinade. Try to get an even amount of marinade into each jar. Top each set of beans with an equal amount of sliced or minced red onion. Top each with 2 tbsp of crumbled feta. Then add 1 cup of chopped mixed vegetables to each jar. Finally, top each with about half a cup of shredded spinach or lettuce. Close the mason jars and place in the fridge.
These last for about four days in the fridge. When you are ready to eat, take out a jar and dump into a bowl, making sure to get every last bit of marinade. Mix well and enjoy!
Serves 2
2x 150g portions of Wild BC Halibut, skin removed
200 g Saltspring Mussels
1 bunch swiss chard, largest leaves possible
3 Tbsp + 1 Tbsp olive oil
2 shallots, thinly sliced (approx. ¾ cup)
1 Tbsp + 1 tsp crushed garlic
3 tsp kosher salt
2 cups sliced mushrooms
3 cups Finest At Sea fish stock
150 g pappardelle
Zest of 1 lemon
1/3 cup chopped parsley
Pepper to taste
*4 x 25cm lengths of butcher’s twine
• Bring a small pot of water to a gentle boil.
Check ourforwebsite more greatrecipesseafood
• Pull the stems off the swiss chard, thinly slice and set aside. Blanch the leaves for 30 seconds, remove and cool quickly in cold water.
• Fill the pot with fresh water and cook pasta for 1 minute less than package directions. Strain, rinse, toss with remaining Tbsp of olive oil.
• In a medium pan over medium heat, sauté the shallots in 3 Tbsp of olive oil. Once translucent, add 1 Tbsp garlic and cook 1 min longer. Add mushrooms & chard stems, cook until tender. Remove from the heat and allow to cool.
• Divide chard leaves in 2 and lay flat to create 2 sheets of leaves, about 3 times the size of each halibut portion. If the leaves are smaller, overlap them to create 2 large sheets.
• Divide the mushroom mixture into 3 parts. Divide 2/3 of the mixture between the 2 chard sheets, top with halibut potions & season generously with kosher salt and pepper. Wrap the chard sheets around your halibut and tie each bundle with 2 pieces of twine.
• Bring the fish stock to a gentle simmer in a high-sided sauce pan. Season with remaining tsp of crushed garlic and a tsp of kosher salt.
• Gently place the halibut bundles in the simmering stock and cook covered for 6-8 mins, depending on the thickness of the fillets. If the stock level doesn’t completely cover the bundles, flip over half way through cooking. When halibut is cooked, remove from stock.
• Put remaining 1/3 of mushroom mixture in the stock with mussels & the pasta. Cook until mussels pop open. Add lemon zest & parsley. Serve in a bowl with all the broth, topped with poached halibut.
Serves 8 as a side, or can be used in other recipes (see below)
An excellent way to get your family members to eat (and enjoy) their greens! My kids love these tender, garlic-infused leafy greens. Leftovers are tasty when tossed with pasta, or stirred into cooked beans or an omelet, or used in a sandwich.
900 g (2 lbs) mixed fresh leafy greens (kale, chard, gai lan, ds, beet tops, broccoli, rapini, bok choy, braising mix, y other green that you find)
60 ml (4 tbsp) butter, olive oil or other cooking oil of choice 12 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped 2.5 ml (½ tsp) dried chili flakes, more to taste
4 ml (¾ tsp) salt, or to taste
45 ml (3 tbsp) water
Wash greens well in a sink full of cool water and place in a colander to drain. Use your fingers or a sharp knife to separate the soft leaves from the stems. Discard the stems of the kale or beet tops, but the other stems can be cooked. Slice the usable stems into ½-inch slices and cut or tear the leaves into large pieces (about 1- to 2-inch squares). Broccoli stems need to be peeled before slicing. Keep the stems and leaves separate.
Place the butter or oil, garlic and chili flakes together in a large skillet or sauté pan. Place on a burner and heat over medium heat. Stir continuously as the garlic cooks, sautéing until the garlic is very pale golden and sticking together in small clumps (or sticking to the spoon). This will take about one minute. Turn the heat down, if you need to, to prevent the garlic from burning.
When the garlic is done, immediately add the water and the stems from the greens, stirring to coat with the garlic mixture. Sauté for one minute, then add the leaves from the greens. You may need to add these in batches. Sprinkle in the salt, turn down the heat, cover the pot and let the greens cook 3 to 7 minutes more, stirring occasionally, until the greens are tender and infused with garlic. If necessary, add another tablespoon of water to the pan while the greens are cooking to prevent burning—but the greens should be fresh enough to cook in their own juices. Cooking time will vary depending on the type of green vegetable you chose.
Serve the greens immediately as a side dish or allow to cool before storing for use in soups or pastas.
Serves 4
A quick and simple recipe that turns an abundance of greens into a lip-smacking meal.
250 g (½ lb) dry pasta shapes, such as penne or rotini luten-free pasta if needed)
Half batch of garlic greens (see separate recipe)
2 to 3 ripe tomatoes, chopped
1 ml (¼ tsp) salt
125 ml to 250 ml (½ cup to 1 cup) crumbled feta cheese or other cheese of choice
Optional one can solid white tuna, drained and broken into pieces
Optional 60 ml (¼ cup) minced fresh parsley 15 ml (1 tbsp) olive oil, for finishing
Bring 2 to 3 litres of water to a rolling boil in a large pot. Add 1 teaspoon of salt and the pasta. Stir frequently in the first few minutes to keep pasta pieces separate. Cook 8 to 10 minutes, until done to your liking.
Meanwhile, heat the half batch of garlic greens in a large saucepan along with the tomatoes and salt. Heat this gently over medium heat or medium-low heat. Greens should become warm and fragrant; tomatoes should just start breaking down.
When pasta is cooked, drain, reserving one cup of the cooking water. Add drained pasta to the pan with the greens and tomatoes. Add the parsley, if using, and a few tablespoons of the reserved pasta water. Stir to combine, then simmer together to meld flavours, about 1 minute. Add more pasta water if the dish seems too dry. Stir in the cheese to heat through, drizzle with the olive oil and serve.
Serves 8 to 10
This tender, flavourful chicken works as a main dish protein, as well as for use in other planned meals. My favourite ways to use this spiced chicken as “plan-overs” are in a gingery salad and in a wrap.
125 ml (½ cup) vegetable oil
82 ml (1⁄3 cup) lemon juice
7.5 ml (1½ tsp) salt
5 ml (1 tsp) sugar
2 cloves garlic, grated or finely minced
10 ml (2 tsp) grated or minced fresh ginger
15 ml (1 tbsp) garam masala
15 ml (1 tbsp) ground turmeric
10 ml (2 tsp) paprika
10 ml (2 tsp) ground cumin
2.5 to 10 ml (½ tsp to 2 tsp) cayenne (depending on your desired spice level)
1,300 g (3 lb) boneless skinless chicken breasts
Marinade: Combine marinade ingredients in a large bowl and mix well. (If desired, scoop two tablespoons of this marinade into a mason jar for marinating chickpeas for a salad later in the week.)
Prepare chicken: If the chicken tender is present, remove this and place in the bowl with the marinade. With the remaining breast, slice the thick part of the breast in half (like a bagel) to make thinner cutlets. Cut the large piece in two. You will end up with three pieces of chicken breast that are approximately the same size and thickness. Place these in the bowl with the marinade. Proceed with the remaining chicken. The thinner cutlets will absorb the marinade more quickly, cook more quickly and spread out over more meals.
Mix the chicken well so it is evenly coated with marinade. Marinate for at least 30 minutes and up to 2 hours. Don’t marinate for any longer because the high acid content can affect the texture of the chicken.
When ready to cook, drain chicken well and discard the marinade. You can bake this chicken in an air fryer set to 400 F, or grill it on a preheated grill for 3 to 4 minutes per side. Internal temperature of the chicken should register 165 F (74 C) on an instant reading thermometer when properly cooked.
Serve the first night with rice and veggies. Use leftovers as desired (salads, sandwiches, wraps, soups). Use the following recipes as a guide.
For a quick dinner or lunch-to-go, this recipe makes use of both the grilled chicken and the ginger dressing from the two previous recipes, for a great meal planning option.
Four 10- to 12-inch flour tortillas
Leftover Indian-spiced grilled chicken, chopped 1 to 1.5 litres (4 to 6 cups) assorted chopped or shredded vegetables (carrots, bell pepper, cabbage, spinach, cucumber)
60 to 90 ml (4 to 6 tbsp) ginger-yogurt dressing (previous recipe)
Thinly sliced jalapenos, if desired, OR pickled jalapenos
Chopped cilantro leaves, if desired
Salt, if desired
Heat the tortillas in a dry frying pan until pliable. Place 1 to 1.5 cups of shredded vegetables down the centre of each tortilla. Sprinkle with salt, if desired. Drizzle with ginger-yogurt dressing. Add chopped spiced chicken, sliced or pickled jalapenos (if desired) and chopped cilantro (if desired).
Roll tortillas tightly. Slice in half before eating.
Serves 4
This zesty creamy dressing can be used as a marinade for the chickpeas, as a salad dressing or as a sauce in a wrap. This salad can also be prepped in four mason jars, with the chickpeas, chicken and dressing on the bottom, and the veggies on top, for a planned lunch-to-go.
250 ml (1 cup) plain yogurt
125 ml (½ cup) freshly squeezed lemon juice
30 ml (2 tbsp) finely grated or minced ginger
60 ml (¼ cup) vegetable oil
7.5 ml (1½ tsp) salt
10 ml (2 tsp) sugar or honey
10 ml (2 tsp) finely minced jalapeno or ¼ tsp cayenne
One 400- to 500-ml can of chickpeas, drained and rinsed
30 ml (2 tbsp) reserved marinade (see chicken recipe above)
4 to 8 pieces of leftover Indian-spiced grilled chicken
2 litres (8 cups) spinach leaves or mixed lettuce leaves
1 litre (4 cups) chopped raw vegetables (good options include grated carrot, shredded cabbage, chopped cucumber, sliced tomato, sliced green onion, sliced bell pepper)
Optional 60 ml (¼ cup) sultana raisins or dried cranberries
Cilantro leaves for garnish, if desired
Dressing: Combine all ingredients and whisk until smooth. Taste to adjust seasonings. Some yogurts are tarter than others, so you may need to adjust the acidity or sweetness with more lemon juice or sugar.
Chickpeas: If possible, the day before, rinse and drain the chickpeas and place in a mason jar with the reserved marinade (the 2 tablespoons you reserved BEFORE adding the chicken, see chicken recipe above). Close the lid and shake well. Place in the fridge and shake several times over the day until you are ready to use it. When close to serving time, add 2 to 3 tablespoons of the ginger-yogurt dressing to the chickpeas and shake well again.
Salad: Using 4 large soup bowls, divide the spinach or lettuce between the bowls. Divide the marinated chickpeas between the four bowls. Divide the prepped vegetables between the four bowls. Drizzle each bowl with some of the dressing. Slice up the chicken and divide it among the bowls. Scatter the raisins or dried cranberries over the top of each, if desired. Drizzle on some more of the dressing. Garnish with cilantro and serve.
Alternatively, layer this salad into 4 mason jars, with the chickpeas, chicken and dressing on the bottom, and the veggies on top, for planned lunches-to-go.
“The trip of a lifetime.” It’s a popular expression, but to me, it makes no sense. If a trip is that fantastic, then why not do it again?
Which is why my husband and I find ourselves in Galápagos 32 years after we first visited these enchanted islands that straddle the equator off the coast of Ecuador.
In 1991, Kit and I were budget travellers, backpacking around the world for a year. We arrived in Galápagos knowing only that we wanted to explore by small ship. We showed up at the dock in Puerto Ayora on the island of Santa Cruz, met a few others also waiting for a boat and grabbed the first one that came in.
Decades later, we still talk about that week: recalling the experiences of coming face-to-face underwater with sea lions, having our toes gently nibbled by curious penguins and meeting the largest tortoises on the planet.
We wanted a similar experience this time, but more upscale. A friend told me about a company based in Ecuador and owned by a Canadian who backpacked through South America and stayed in Galápagos at the end of her trip. Judy Carvalhal worked initially as a park naturalist, and then started her own business, Enchanted Expeditions, and helped pioneer tourism on these unique islands.
Today, Enchanted Expeditions operates three ships year-round in Galapagos. We chose to travel on the Cachalote Explorer. Built in Vancouver originally as a fishing boat, it was converted to a passenger vessel and for a few summers cruised along our west coast. After Galápagos purchased it, she gave it further upgrades to make it a “First Class” yacht.
At 88 feet, and accommodating just 16 passengers in eight cabins, each with private bath and air conditioning, it sounded just right.
Before boarding on our first day, we visited Rancho El Manzanillo, a farm on Santa Cruz where some of the islands’ 20,000 giant tortoises roam freely. If that seems like a lot, consider that before people arrived in Galápagos in 1535, there were 250,000 tortoises.
Decades later, we still talk about that week: recalling the experiences of coming face-to-face underwater with sea lions, having our toes gently nibbled by curious penguins and meeting the largest tortoises on the planet.
Their demise was rapid once sailors learned that a tortoise could stay alive for up to a year without food or water and provide fresh meat for crews.
So it was thrilling to see dozens wandering freely and—we couldn’t help but notice—procreating like crazy!
“He’s probably having a cigarette by now,” joked Bob, a guest from New Mexico, as we looked for one particularly large and lustful tortoise that we spotted earlier but had disappeared by the end of our walk. No problem, we’ll see lots more in the days ahead.
Aboard the ship that evening, we learned how the week would unfold. We were sailing what’s known as the Fernandina itinerary, through the western half of the Galápagos, with four excursions daily, two on land and two in the water, either snorkeling or kayaking.
Between outings, we’d enjoy Ecuadorian-style meals (lots of local fish, meat and veggies, with spicy salsas on the side), snacks on deck (fresh fruit and empanadas), post-prandial naps on chaise lounges on the upper deck, and pre-dinner drinks in the lounge while oohing and aahing over each other’s photos from the day.
While we drifted off to sleep each night, our captain moved
our ship to a different location, so we awoke to a new view each morning. Sometimes it was a vision one of misty summits and lush vegetation, but more often than not, it was black lava studded with cactus and the distinctive cone of one or more volcanos in the distance.
Galápagos is one of the most volcanically active places on the planet. Some of the landscape is so raw, you wonder how anything lives here. Yet this archipelago of 19 islands and surrounding water—the Galápagos Marine Reserve—is home to about 9,000 species. The reason there’s so much life is simple. The islands lie in the path of five nutrient-rich ocean currents, including two of the biggest.
“The Humboldt from the south and the Cromwell from the west upwells all this area and makes possible life,” explained Juan, our guide, the morning we observed Galápagos penguins, marine iguanas and blue-footed boobies all sharing a slab of lava on Isabela, the area’s largest island.
Formed by five active volcanoes fused together, Isabela offers plenty of life inland, too. The previous day we hiked into its moist highlands, melodious with birds, including Darwin’s famous finches, to the enormous fern-rimmed caldera of Sierra Negra volcano. Later, we visited the Arnaldo Tupiza Tortoise Breeding Center, and walked on a boardwalk through a saltwater lagoon dotted with ducks and flamingos.
We ended the day in Puerto Villamil, where we spotted a rather rare species on these islands—people! About 25,000 Ecuadorians live on four islands outside the national park boundaries, but not just any Ecuadorian. These days you must be born in Galápagos or married to a Galapagueño to live here.
As much as I enjoyed our land excursions, the daily highlight for me was underwater. Colourful fish, adorable penguins and most especially, green sea turtles. Everywhere we went, they were there, like small planes gliding through the shallow water, oblivious to us.
“I got three turtles within a single camera frame!” said Dave, a guest from California, who had dived all over the world. “That’s unheard of.”
When UNESCO awarded Galápagos World Heritage status in 1978, this was one of the reasons stated: “No other site in the world can offer the experience of diving with such a diversity of marine life forms that are so familiar with human beings, that they accompany divers.”
And not just accompany divers.
One day I was sitting on the side of the Zodiac after snorkeling when I felt a tug on the zipper on the back of my wetsuit. At first, I thought it was my husband, but I could see him busy talking with someone on his other side. I looked behind me and there was a Galápagos cormorant in the water with my zipper pull in its mouth!
Yes, returning to Galápagos was a marvellous idea, one I’m already tempted to do yet again.
For more information, see enchantedexpeditions.com.
Glynis MacLeod enters her 15th year in the real estate industry this year, a career path that has seen her become senior vice president, sales of Sotheby’s International Realty Canada and a multiple MLS gold recipient. And it all started after she moved to Victoria in 2003 after a span of globe-trotting years.
Originally from South Africa, Glynis moved to Toronto in the 1980s where she met her Scottish late husband. They had their two daughters in Toronto and then decided to move to Scotland and settle into a small, rural community, but the urge to move soon reared up again.
“The weather was getting us down and my parents were getting older, so we bought a home in South Africa,” says Glynis. “But then we realized it wasn’t the place we wanted to raise our daughters, so we went back to Scotland,” she says with a laugh. “We literally looked at a globe one day, when we realized we wanted to leave Scotland, and the place we came up with was Victoria,” says Glynis. “The standard of living, the education, the climate, the security we have here—it’s just the perfect place.”
The family moved to the island in 2003, and Glynis began exploring a new career path. Previously she’d helmed her own communications company, but the globe-spanning moves they undertook didn’t mesh well with the company, and soon the real estate market caught her eye.
“We had rental properties in Scotland and we just had this passion—like a lot of people, I think—with seeing what was out there in local real estate,” she says. “I decided to do the real estate course without any idea of where I was going to go with it, and I took my time over it. I hadn’t been back to school in a long time and I wanted to enjoy the process.”
Glynis got licensed in 2009, and dove into the business with a passion, building relationships and listening to what her clients wanted and needed. Several years in, Glynis was pleasantly surprised when her younger daughter Kirsten expressed interest in working with her, and soon a partnership was born.
Kirsten came in with a legal background, while Glynis brought a wealth of experience in communications and public relations, and with the addition of their assistant-turned-realtor Shaelyn Mattix, the team has grown into an even more formidable force in the industry.
“With three of us, there’s always somebody on. We’ve found a perfect balance,” says Glynis. “And no two days are the same. I’m always working with people, which I love, and I can’t see me retiring for a long time yet.”
Whose shoes would you like to walk in?
In a way, I envy anyone who achieves a private pilot’s license (PPL). I come from a family of fliers and I started training for a PPL during the COVID-19 pandemic. I loved every moment of it and seeing the south island from the air added to my appreciation of the incredible beauty we live in. I wasn’t fazed by spiral dives or stalls, but at the end of the day, I got nervous. Piloting is a four-dimensional experience and if you omit one check or forget one procedure, it can be fatal. I still love visiting the flying club and being around pilots. It takes me back to my childhood.
What is the food you could eat over and over again?
A simple platter of roasted veggies wins me over every time but I do enjoy North Saanich’s Fox & Monocle for good quality, relaxed dining. There are a number of other great restaurants which I enjoy too.
You’re given $1 million that you have to spend selfishly. What would you spend it on?
With $1 million, I would gather my family, which is spread out around the world, and arrange an amazing holiday rendezvous—what better? This could end up being a very large group!
Pet peeves?
I don’t function very well in an untidy environment and can be somewhat OCD about being tidy.
Where would you spend a long time doing nothing?
I could spend a long time on a beach—possibly a Tahitian island—dipping in the warm water, admiring the tropical fish while I overheated.
What is the one thing you’re secretly proud of?
I am proud of the business I have built. They say that “your vibe attracts your tribe,” and I can honestly say that the clients I have worked with over the years are truly people that I like and would choose to spend more time with. Unfortunately, time just does not permit me seeing them all frequently. I am honoured that my daughter has chosen to work with me for the past seven years, plus the addition of Shaelyn Mattix, who was our assistant and got licensed about two years ago. The young energy complements what I bring to the business.
What makes your heart beat faster?
Hiking on one of the many trails nearby—McKenzie Bight, Jocelyn Hill, East Sooke Park, even Elk Lake—they all have incredible beauty and can get you out in most weather conditions. The trees and water are energizing and I am grateful to live so close to this beauty.
We awoke that day with no plan, no direction.
It was November 2022, and we had travelled a painful journey to arrive at this destination. Grief, we had learned over the past 12 months, is unpredictable. It lives with you, carried inside your chest, crushing your heart. It stabs you in the dark. And the path you walk with grief hits detours and setbacks.
So, the four of us arrived at this place uncertain of how the day would unfold. Derrick—my ex-husband, the father of my adult daughters, Danica and Sierra, and Sandra’s partner for the past two decades—died on this day a year earlier, one month after a cancer diagnosis. On that morning, less than 24 hours before his 65th birthday, he took his last breath as Sandra held him and Sierra sang the lyrics from her song “Forest Floor.” It was his favourite.
Let me down easy, baby / Lay me down on the forest floor
Derrick’s and my path had parted 20 years earlier, and I was happily remarried. But we were friends, and he was the keeper of many of our memories. And so I met grief. But however sad it was for me, watching my daughters traverse this terrible new world made it doubly heartbreaking. There is no road map for grief, and at times both girls seemed lost. It struck me that making sense of death is an ironic part of life. The death of someone you love is an unendurable tragedy, yet it is something that most of us will experience. Grief is universal, but that doesn’t make it any easier to navigate.
We saw eagles everywhere after Derrick’s death. I locked eyes with one on a roadside post. Another circled above Derrick and Sandra’s lake-front home. My husband Bruce and I stepped from a forest trail onto a beach and suddenly found ourselves amid a soaring, flapping, diving aerie of eagles. Derrick always said he wanted to come back as an eagle.
And there were other birds too—the osprey that whistled through the air above us during Danica’s wedding at the lake front. And the tiny bird that alighted on a wall behind Sierra’s shoulder as she and her partner sang “Forest Floor” at an outdoor music festival in Switzerland. The bird stayed for the entire song, they were told, and seemed to be singing along.
I loved the thought of Derrick’s spirit dipping and diving, singing and catching the thermals. I envisioned him freed from the demons that sometimes ensnared him in life and filled instead with light and levity.
So, now, one year later, Sandra, Danica and I landed in Amsterdam to meet up with Sierra, who had a rare day off during a European tour. Sandra and I—our gentle camaraderie of the past two decades now a firm friendship—flew from our homes in BC; Danica came in from New York.
And we awoke that day with no plan.
The weather in Amsterdam was unusually mild, the sun a beacon of gentle warmth, cascading its light on the cyclists and
pedestrians who crisscrossed the arched bridges and narrow roadways along the edge of the canals. The chime of bike bells stirred a random rhythm amid the low hum of the city, and the cheerful reds, yellows and blues of the buildings were mirrored in the canals—the vision reminiscent of Derrick’s photography. He loved capturing reflections.
At breakfast, a vague plan emerged as we peered at a map and decided to rent bikes and cycle 14 kilometres to the neighbouring town of Zaandam. Sandra would bring a bag of Derrick’s ashes for scattering if the opportunity arose. In life, Derrick wasn’t much of a traveller, overwhelmed by anxiety around flying. But he and Sandra owned a second home in Mexico, and she and the girls spread some of his ashes there. And for the past year, Sandra had slowly released small handfuls of ash in other places she travelled, like London and Paris, but also in all corners of our island home, mostly by the water— spots that he cherished.
“Water is truth,” he used to say.
It was a glorious, glorious day as we set off on the bikes. The wind tousled our hair under our helmets, the air smelled sweet and fresh, and the sun sat on our shoulders as we flew along the bike paths. It had been years since I’d ridden a bike, and it felt like I had wings. Exhilarated, we glided and giggled. Sunshine and laughter broke out on a day we thought destined to be cloudy and sad.
In Zaandam, we discovered nearby Zaanse Schans—a collection of historic windmills and wooden houses—and we turned our bikes in that direction, whisking through backroads and pathways, and eventually arriving at a small peninsula, where three historic windmills slowly spun above us.
Leaving our bikes, we gathered below one of these windmills. It had a thick brown tower and splashes of bright green, red and white paint. Each blade flashed yellow as it turned and caught the sun. A matching brown, green and white wooden boat sat directly beneath it, and the entire visage was reflected in the water between the windmill and the small strip of sand, where we stood at the water’s edge. A picture-perfect reflection.
Sandra brought out Derrick’s ashes and we dipped our fingers into the bag, collecting the ash which fluttered up as we released it, before settling on the glassy water. The sun, just starting to set, cast beams of light that wrapped us in a golden hug.
As we stood in silent reverie, a pair of ducks swam towards us, and we took note because the male was unusual in its allblack colouring. It broke away from the other bird and paddled in close. And we had to smile because black was, of course, Derrick’s trademark colour. He rarely wore anything else. Then the black duck turned, caught up with his mate and they swam away to join a distant flock.
In that moment we found peace with our grief; we understood it was possible to live and even be happy alongside heartbreak. And so we soared.
If you have a story to share, and the ability to write about it, please send Narrative section submissions to susan.lundy@blvdmag.ca.
Honour yourself. Accept who you are. Prioritize your own needs and well-being. Treat yourself with kindness and forgive yourself as necessary. These are the cornerstones of selflove, which is at the core of self-care, the theme that weaves through this edition of Boulevard
Self-love is also the spark for the concept behind the fashion story in this issue of Boulevard Here, makeup is used in joyful, whimsical self-expression—applied purely for one’s own delight—and our models present as stridently unapologetic of who they are.
Makeup artist Jen Clark adds, “This was an opportunity for playful makeup application, using the face as a playground for expression. I was going for unexpected rather than perfection.”
In times past, self-love may have expressed itself in consumerism and the collection of material things. However, in this era, with its focus on wellness and self-care, self-love is the seed from which everything else grows. This is a time to focus on inner work, to build self-compassion and bloom as the most glorious version of yourself.