Community Newsletter Summer 2019
Bountagu Summer Newsletter
Bountagu Big Local is a resident-led project to improve our community, supported by the National Lottery Community Fund. As we wait for summer to begin, we thought it was a good time to share a little more about Bountagu. We would love to hear that you’ve been inspired to get involved! Friday Coffee Mornings are thriving in their new home at St Peter’s Church, and some of our volunteers were again recognised at Enfield’s 100 Hours Awards. We planted 3,000 trees on Montagu Rec as part of ‘Trees for Cities’ - 143 in memorial to local lives lost during World War I. We have committed practical and financial support to neighbourhood projects nearby, sharing experience and resources to help them achieve their aims, and have continued to support socially-minded local 2
Bountagu Community Newsletter - Summer 2019
business-people by launching a new £50,000 partnership with UnLtd. 2018 had its challenges, but Bountagu Partnership continued to meet regularly, and supported by our Big Local reps, we’ve reorganised ourselves with a new Local Trusted Organisation, new Partnership members and volunteers, and a bright new office base on Claverings Estate. We’ve achieved some great things over the past few years, and this July we’ll launch a new two-year Big Local plan. It’s a really exciting time to be involved helping to build the Bountagu community, and we look forward to meeting even more of you at #TheBigLunch #Together event on 22nd June!
Get involved! Your ideas, energy and support will change our neighbourhood for the better! • Join our Big Local Partnership to plan and direct our progress • Join a Working Group to organise our activities • Become a Volunteer or Mentor to lead or help deliver improvements • Listen and talk to our community, on our Comms and Social Media teams • Lend a hand in our office, at a workshop or event, or on the streets Like the Outdoors? Start a cycling, or dog-walking club. Organise a Play Street or a 5-a-side kickabout, a Neighbourhood Clean Up or Fun Day. Help deliver community flyers. Green Fingers? Get your hands dirty with local street-planters, the new community garden, or an allotment plot. Start a local ‘In Bloom’ contest. Prefer a Desk? Help with office admin, filing and meeting minutes, gather research or write documents, improve our IT, social media and website. Feel Creative? Write articles, shoot photos or video, make art or digital design. Start a community repair or upcycle workshop. Run a Business? Do you want to connect better locally, or have a social enterprise idea that needs support? Want Influence? Got opinions on development plans at The Cart on Montagu Rd or Speedy Print on Town Rd, Claverings and Montagu industrial sites, or Meridian Water? Discuss your ULEZ and clean air concerns. Got an Idea or Challenge? If any of this sounds interesting, or if you have something to discuss, we’d love to hear from you (no commitment!)
Projects Led by Young People Bountagu aims to improve all our opportunities, and is exploring ways to help our young people lead the way.
Email or call 020 8807 5827 to leave your details. Join us on Facebook, Twitter or Insta @bountagu or search ‘Bountagu Big Local’.
Friday Activities - Teas, Coffees and Lunch! Coffee Mornings
Lunch Club
Local Resident volunteers Colleen Bountagu are supporting TAC to and Rose run a coffee morning each relaunch their lunch club for isolated older people, at a new Friday, funded by Bountagu. home on Bounces Road. We’ll work with them to connect across our community, and explore their own sustainability. The main idea is to come and have a chat, make friends, and enjoy ourselves! We have about 20 people coming regularly, but there’s no commitment to attend each week. We’re on ground level, easily accessible via 191 or W8 buses and. We have free tea, coffee, biscuits and cake, and sometimes organise trips away or have speakers such as Age UK and local Police. We put a donation box out if you feel you would like to contribute a few pennies. We aim to reach out to local over 50s (can be younger) that don’t get out much, so if you are fed up indoors and want to meet others from the area, please come along and see what we have to offer. We look forward to meeting you!
Fridays from 9am-12noon, St Peter’s Church, 106 Bounces Rd, N9 8JR. 4
Bountagu Community Newsletter - Summer 2019
Third Age Challenge Organisation (İkinci Bahar Derneği) works with older people who are isolated and living on their own, especially the Turkish-speaking community. Our Lunch Club ran for seven years at Mendip House in Edmonton Green, and we’re grateful to be able to start again this May with Bountagu’s help, providing a varied hot food menu. We are excited to welcome and support other local groups, especially the existing Friday Coffee Morning group.
Fridays from 11am-2pm, DostHane Restaurant, 77 Bounces Rd, N9 8LD.
Community Events Day - Saturday 22 June Summer Fete - St Peter’s Church Every June and November sees the arrival of the St Peter’s Summer and Christmas Fetes. We have lots of different stalls and raffles for the local community to enjoy. We look forward to having the volunteers from Bountagu with us again this year, working hard in the Church Hall kitchen, helping our own volunteers chop salad, bake potatoes, stir stew and grate cheese to help feed our hungry customers. Revd Tina
St Peter’s Church Summer Fete takes place 11am-3pm on Saturday 22 June at St Peter’s Church grounds, on Bounces Rd, N9 8JR.
#BigLunch #Together - Montagu Rec Join us to celebrate Eden Project’s #BigLunch, where millions of people get together locally to ‘share food and get to know each other better’. To get involved, just bring a plate of food, and sit with your neighbours and friends to eat! There will be food to buy, but many people are happy to share what they bring. Entry is free and all ages are welcome. The Big Lunch will run alongside and as part of the Met Police’s #Together day, a new initiative for family events, aiming to offer young people a chance to explore avenues other than gangs and crime. The wider event is led by our local Safer Neighbourhoods teams with support from Bountagu and others. It will be full of activities, local information, and great opportunities to meet your neighbours!
The joint #Together #TheBigLunch event takes place 12noon-4pm on Saturday 22 June, at Montagu Rd Recreation Ground, Edmonton N9 0EU.
Review of The Bountagu Plan
Bountagu’s New Home!
“Bountagu is a place, an idea, A challenge, a community group, a social experiment, and a huge opportunity for this area and its people.”
Our new office is at Unit 11, Centre 14 Centre Way, Claverings Estate, N9 0AH.
This spring, we have been working with external consultants to review and refine our existing plan, which will guide our priorities and directions over the next two years. We’ve been exploring our own thoughts alongside the responses to the recent resident surveys, and the feedback from organisations we have worked with around Enfield and elsewhere. We are midway through this process at the moment, but we know there’s plenty to do, and that we only have another few years before the Big Local funding comes to an end! By then we hope to have put in place some legacy initiatives to enable all the good we do to continue long after that.
Subscribe for our latest news and updates at 6
Bountagu Community Newsletter - Summer 2019
In our first few years, we turned an empty betting shop on Bounces Road into a new Community Hub. From there we organised and ran street clean-up days, community festivals, exercise sessions, small business support, job clubs, English classes, youth hang-out days, coffee mornings, and regular socials, and supported countless individuals and groups with local activities. We’ve moved from the Hub now, using a sunny office base on Claverings to make plans, run activities, and offer desk space to community projects. We have access to meeting rooms, allotment plots, and other great spaces across our neighbourhood. Get in touch if you think we can help with something.
We’d love to see you at our new offices give us a call and drop in!
Memorial Tree Planting on Montagu Rec On Sunday 2nd December, a team of local volunteers planted 3,000 trees on Montagu Recreation Ground as part of the Trees for Cities initiative with Conservation Volunteers and Enfield Council. Bountagu and St Peter’s Church helped secure a special area for 143 trees in memory of the local men who died in World War I. Letters were sent to their former homes, inviting current residents to be involved in the planting, and to a special afternoon tea. “The Mayor of London’s commitment of 40,000 trees to help London become a National Park City, seemed like too good a bandwagon not to jump on! We had a lovely, muddy, messy day planting trees on Montagu Rec, and went home very tired. Soon we’ll put up a sign to let visitors know why those particular trees are there.” Ingrid (Bountagu Partnership member)
“To have the trees as a living memorial alongside the stone one in St Peter’s provides a fitting, growing reminder for the community of Edmonton, of those local men who lived on the streets we do now, and who made for us the ultimate sacrifice.” Revd Tina (Vicar of St Peter’s)
“It poured with rain all the day before, and I was regretting putting my name forward, but the morning was dry (hooray!) so I put on warm clothes and boots and trotted down to the playing fields. People of all ages had a good time digging, talking and finding out what groups we were from. Afterwards we had an 8 foot mulch pile to put round the new plants, and the children had great fun climbing all over it before it was wheel-barrowed away!” Colleen (Bountagu Resident)
Bountagu Community Newsletter - Summer 2019
St Peter’s Church Community Memorial Garden Bountagu are supporting the planned Community Memorial Garden in the St Peter’s Church grounds, with some funding and other assistance. local community, and to bring people together through gardening workshops and projects. We are working on the basic structures at the moment and soon we will be inviting people to help build raised beds, lay decking and then start the fun bit: all the planting. Our aim for the garden is to provide a Many thanks to Bountagu for space of peace in which to remember granting us the means to do this, all who have worshipped at St Peter’s, and we look forward to working to develop somewhere that creation with them and the community as the garden develops. Revd Tina can bring colour and hope to our
Want to know more about Bountagu Big Local? Find out how you can get involved and help your community.
Come and Meet Us! Meet some of our Partnership, see our office and meeting spaces.
Our next open evening Tuesday 2nd July : 5pm to 9pm AT Our new office: Unit 11, Centre 14, Centre Way, Claverings Estate, N9 0AH.
Supporting Social Entrepreneurs In 2018, Bountagu teamed up again with UnLtd and Local Trust to create £50,000 of local awards, supporting business ideas that make a positive social difference.
Dozens of people shared their passion and ideas for starting new businesses to make a difference in our community. Two Partnership Members represented Bountagu at February’s awards panel, taking our first applicants through a thorough, competitive (but friendly!) process.
“The sessions were more like casual conversations than interviews, and I was confident making candidates feel welcome and asking clarifying questions. This partnership could bring some really important benefits to the area.” Jany “The chance to help local social entrepreneurs realise their visions has been rewarding and exciting. This project is enabling more activities and services, which in turn are supporting and benefitting others. It’s an amazing opportunity.” Jacqui
Four award winners qualified for startup funding and business support to help realise their ideas. Congratulations to; Abdihakin (Green Orchid): Employment coach supporting those with a disability, from the BAME community, or who are long term unemployed.
Sadiya: Childminder offering a new childcare setting, and flexible, affordable, culturally appropriate, quality childcare for local families.
Pauline: Trainer and care professional, blending counselling and emotional support to help mainly BAME women move into and sustain work.
Nicole (VLC): School teacher offering pay-what-you-feel tutoring to young people who would otherwise miss out on vital extra-academic support.
Funding awards are made to people who can show how their business will make a social difference *and* make an income, and who live or create impact in the Bountagu area. 10 Bountagu Community Newsletter - Summer 2019
Social Enterprise & Free Popcorn! Bountagu Big Local and UnLtd (the foundation for social entrepreneurs), have launched an exciting new collaboration to bring ÂŁ50,000 funding to local people hoping to start a business that will make a difference in our community. On Tuesday 4th December, over 120 local residents descended on Millfield Arts Centre to find out about the new opportunity. There was a festival feel to the event, a sea of free popcorn and candy floss, and a free prize giveaway too. Congratulations to all the lucky prize winners! Special wishes to all those inspired by the event, who have begun their journeys into social enterprise. We look forward to being part of your progress!
If this sounds like you, or you want to find out about this opportunity, speak to the UnLtd Award Manager working with us; or 07860 595 970.
Bounces Road Neighbourhood Watch Bounces Road Neighbourhood Watch Scheme (NHW) is a voluntary program organised by concerned residents to reduce crime in the local community. Working with local law enforcement agencies, our members can learn when and how to report suspicious activities, assist in property identification, conduct surveys, and implement home security precautions. The NWH plays a vital part helping reduce anti-social behaviour, encouraging reporting and prevention of crime, and building bridges and integration among neighbours. Any resident of a community can join a Neighbourhood Watch, even those who do not own their home, and our members include owneroccupiers as well as tenants of private landlords. Some in temporary accommodation may be unfamiliar with Enfield’s local processes or some aspects of social etiquette, which can lead to upset and concern, and negative effects on neighbours, eg how to dispose of household and bulk rubbish. Encouraging residents from all types of households to participate in the NWH helps to foster better neighbour relations and to build a sense of community for all. We learn how to prevent, report and deter crime, giving an improved sense of belonging and pride for all. 12 Bountagu Community Newsletter - Summer 2019
No matter where you live, you can still be at risk for facing a crime threat. Early detection is the best way to prevent the onset of bigger problems. It’s a good idea to get into action at the first sight of trouble. A rash of break-ins, people loitering, graffiti and abandoned cars are all clues of possible trouble. Paying attention to small problems can save us all from facing larger and more difficult ones down the road.
Bountagu help us with I.T. and with funding for our newsletters and for room hire. We also get much-valued support from Carrington/First Call Domestic Appliances and Dean Sam Painting.
Membership and Meetings: Each member contributes a voluntarily monthly donation of £2. Our co-ordinator prepares a newsletter and our distributors make sure we all get copies prior to the meeting. Meetings are on the last Tuesday of the month (except August and December) at St Peter’s Church Small Hall at 7pm to 8.30pm. Please feel free to attend our meetings and join the NHW!
Next Meetings: 25th June & 30th July
Montagu Neighbourhood Champions Bountagu supports these local volunteers with a space to meet, and use of I.T. to produce their newsletter. Some have also joined us as Partnership members. Montagu Neighbourhood Champions are residents of the L&Q-run estate on Montagu Road, between Pickets Lock Lane and Montagu Rec. We are working to improve the relationship and communication channels with London and Quadrant Housing Trust, especially with regard to ground maintenance and appearance, safety, and anti-social behaviour issues. We produce regular newsletters, want to organise fun days and other community activities, and hope to launch a Resident Forum to update tenants and leaseholders and invite involvement.
Email us at
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The Bountagu area covers about 2,000 households and more than 5,000 local people, and is one of 150 Big local areas in England.
Bountagu is a resident-driven project with the ambition to support and improve our community, and “leave a legacy of beauty, hope and aspiration for the future�. Decisions and activities are led by the Bountagu Partnership, formed of local volunteers passionate about making a positive and lasting difference to our area.
Contact us to find out more or to get involved. Bountagu Big Local, Unit 11, Centre 14, Centre Way, Claverings Estate, N9 0AH | 020 8807 5827
next open evening: Tuesday 2nd July 2019, 5pm-9pm
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