Get local help u g a t n u o B m o fr
l a c o L r fo t r o p p Su s Project
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get Local Help from Bountagu Social distancing, restricted working, reduced services, and all the other changes to our normal ways of life from Coronavirus, are causing challenges for all of us. Bountagu exists to help improve and support this neighbourhood and the people in it, so if the current situation is causing you hardships of any kind, if you have questions or suggestions, or if any local changes are causing you concerns, contact us on 020 8807 5827 or
020 8807 5827 Bountagu will help our neighbourhood however we can, especially if you are experiencing hardships or concerns, or have suggestions of ways to help. Call Mon-Thu 10-2, or email If you leave a voicemail we will call you back. If demand is high we will do what we can to increase availability.
STATUS OF OUR PROJECTS Many of Bountagu’s planned activities are on hold, along with many of our local partners. We have reorganised some projects so they can still be delivered, and are creating new ways to support you. So far this has included sharing information digitally and through phone calls, meal deliveries, job search and benefits help, online training, bilingual support, support for young people, and much more. We’re also empowering and enabling others to offer their own help.
020 3821 1966 ‘Enfield Stands Together’ (EST) offers help with shopping, prescriptions or for those in crisis. If you cannot afford food or basic essentials, please call them. Call Mon-Fri 9:30-4:30, Sat-Sun 10-2, or visit for help or to register as a volunteer. Contact Bountagu if you have issues using the scheme, and we’ll try to help.
Enfield Stands Together
Enfield Council and Enfield Voluntary Action have brought together organisations and volunteers across the borough, under the name ‘Enfield Stands Together’. They are providing practical support for anyone who needs it, especially the over 70s, those without help for shopping or prescriptions, and anyone extremely vulnerable to coronavirus. Visit to ask for help (or register as a volunteer). Or call 020 3821 1966 for help to apply. Monday to Friday 9:30am to 4:30pm and Saturday to Sunday 10:00am to 2:00pm. If you are in crisis now and cannot afford food or basic essentials, call the same number 020 3821 1966.
If you have issues using this scheme, contact Bountagu and we’ll try to help.
Bountagu’s Little Ideas Fund If you have any ideas to help the neighbourhood and the people in it during this difficult time, the Little Ideas Fund is still here to help make your ideas reality. It was designed to provide up to £250 for one-off activities and events. If you have bigger ideas, we would love to hear how we can help you help the community. Contact with your idea, fill out the form at, or call 020 8807 5827.
Support for Local Projects Is your organisation trying to deliver a valuable service to the community, but is struggling with something? Do you foresee new challenges for our neighbourhood when we eventually come through the current crisis? Contact Bountagu to discuss how we can support you and help each other, right now and going forward. Call us on 020 8807 5827 or, Monday to Thursday.
Follow @bountagu or Bountagu Area
Stay At Home. Protect The NHS. Save Lives.
If you are in crisis now and cannot afford food or basic essentials, call Enfield Council on 020 3821 1966. If you are having difficulties with Enfield services, have any other concerns, or have questions about anything else mentioned here, call Bountagu on 020 8807 5827 Monday to Thursday, 10:00am to 2:00pm. Outside those hours, leave a voicemail message and we will call you back. You can also email, follow us on social media @bountagu, or subscribe at www.bountagu. com/subscribe. If phone demand is high we will do what we can to increase availability.