Bountagu Newsletter - Autumn 2019

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Community Newsletter Autumn 2019


Bountagu Autumn Newsletter

Bountagu volunteers - including our Partnership Chair and Secretary - meeting Cllr Kate Anolue, Mayor of Enfield (2nd from left) at the #BigLunch #Together event in June.

Bountagu Big Local is a resident-led project to improve our community. We’re supported by the National Lottery Community Fund through Local Trust. Things have been non-stop since Local Trust approved our 2019-21 plan and we embark on its delivery. The members of our new working groups have doubled down on the revised priority focus areas, bringing new ideas to the table and making plans. This month we begin recruitment for new staff to support the work of our fabulous volunteers and Partnership members. Our six-weekly ‘Open Tuesdays’ have been a great success, and along with our activities on Montagu Rec and Bounces Road, these have helped strengthen existing and build new community connections. 2

Bountagu Community Newsletter - Autumn 2019

We’re already lending support and exploring ideas with our new friends. Our new office space offers hotdesks and meeting rooms to others working for the community, as well as providing a ‘home’ for us to meet in and work from. We’re also on the lookout for more neighbourhood spaces for people to use. We’ve been out in the fresh air, revitalising our planting troughs and allotment plot, and looking for more local places to turn green. Oh, and we’ve been serving coffees! Phew, what a very busy Summer; here’s to an even busier Autumn!

>>> Get Involved <<< Your ideas, energy and support change our neighbourhood for the better! • Lend a hand at a workshop or event, in our office, or in the neighbourhood. • Join a Working Group to direct our priorities or organise activities. • Listen and talk to our community, on our Comms and Social Media teams. Green Fingers? Keep street-planters watered, get your hands dirty at the community garden or allotment plot. Like the Outdoors? Start a club for dog-walking, cycling, or 40+ football. Join a neighbourhood clean-up. Feel Creative? Shoot photos or video, design, make art, write articles. Start a community repair or upcycle workshop. Business Minded? Connect with local businesses. Give and receive support. Want Influence? Share your ideas, concerns and opinions on clean air, traffic, or local development plans.

If you’ve got an idea, we’d love to hear from you (no commitment!) Email or call 020 8807 5827 to leave your details. Search ‘Bountagu Big Local’ or @bountagu on Facebook, Twitter or Insta.

Recruiting: Community Development Manager £24,594 per annum (26hpw, £35k pro rata, initial 22 month contract)

Bountagu are currently recruiting for an exceptional person to develop and support opportunities for all members of the Bountagu community. This includes supporting volunteers and paid staff, expanding resident involvement and stakeholder partnerships, building a sustainable organisation, and developing the management and operation of new and current community projects. For more details on the application process and closing dates, as well as the role and the organisation, please visit


Bountagu’s Plans for 2019-2021 Our Vision: “We will continue to work towards building a safe, integrated, harmonious Bountagu community, bringing together diverse groups, through activities and opportunities which will build a legacy of beauty, hope and aspiration for future generations.” This spring, our Partnership of local resident volunteers worked with consultants to review and refine our existing plan, to guide our priorities and directions until 2021. The full plan is downloadable from our website, but the four priorities that it’s built on are summarised in the green boxes over the next few pages, along with the three underpinning commitments below.

If something you read sparks a question or inspires you, please get in touch

Our Underpinning Priorities Sustainability and Legacy:

We will consider legacy and sustainability in developing all projects. We understand not all activities will be sustainable but will seek to ensure those that can be, are.

Community Engagement:

Bountagu is a diverse community and the focus is on integration, building community spirit and a sustainable future. We will do this by creating more opportunities for all people to come together to learn new skills, have fun, socialise and feel connected to the area. This includes making the most of partnerships and community spaces to encourage activities, programmes and events.

Impact Measurement:

We will ensure that our projects have measurable outputs and outcomes, and capture the changes being made by the work undertaken to demonstrate the benefits of engagement and activity for local people, including through short articles, case studies and exhibitions. 4

Bountagu Community Newsletter - Autumn 2019

#BigLunch #Together Event 22 June The first combined #Together / #TheBigLunch event was so much fun! Huge thanks to Enfield Police for organising this first Edmonton #Together event, to Platinum Performing Arts for running the stage and organising the fantastic performers, of course to our Bountagu volunteers for helping run #TheBigLunch marquee, and to everyone else involved during preparation or on-the-day!

And thanks to everyone who spoke with us, ate with us, or filled out the feedback forms. You can see more of the fabulous event photos on our Facebook and Instagram feeds.


Supporting Social Enterprise Bountagu’s collaboration with UnLtd and Local Trust created £50,000 of local awards, to support business ideas that make a positive social difference. Recent Award Winners: Dorrele (Yours Sincerely) is a fashion designer sharing positive messages and generating conversations. Freya combines traditional energy techniques with special events, to create opportunities for older people to combat social isolation.

UBS Project Management Course Over the summer, Bountagu were offered two places on a full-day Introduction to Project Management course at UBS’s Broadgate HQ. The event was delivered as part of the bank’s ‘UBS in Society’ commitment. Around 50 of their Project and Change Management team presented a section of the course, or joined the small groups of students from Big Local areas to work through case studies and assignments. “It was a really educational day and we’ve already begun using some of the new insights.” Jany (Bountagu Partnership Secretary)

our Priorities: Developing Opportunities Bountagu promotes an enterprise culture and encourages residents to be entrepreneurial. We support people into employment and help them to set up businesses. Bountagu will link up with local development partners such as Meridian Water and find areas of mutual benefit. We are committed to supporting people to access opportunities for learning, employment and enterprise, existing and new, and continuing to support the UnLtd Social Enterprise programme already underway locally.

Want to help? Got ideas? Email or call 020 8807 5827. 6

Bountagu Community Newsletter - Autumn 2019

Youth Exploitation Summit Along with several other Big Local areas, four members of Bountagu Partnership attended the “Addressing Youth Exploitation and Violence Summit” in July, run by Sian Penner Associates and Economic Regen. The event’s aims were to share some existing approaches being used to reduce violence - especially within Big Local neighbourhoods - and to explore the Public Health Model. “The event gave us ideas about projects and initiatives that could be introduced in Bountagu. It also provided pointers on how to find out what we need to know about young people’s needs and wants in the area.” Ingrid (Bountagu Partnership Chair)

Focus on Local: Groups & activities Bounces Road Neighbourhood Watch (NHW) Next Meetings: 24th September & 29th October. 7pm at St Peter’s Church Hall.

Bounces NHW had a busy summer, welcoming new members and helping out the St Peter’s Church Summer Fete and at the #Together #BigLunch event. We had an area walk-about with Enfield Council’s AntiSocial Behaviour Officers to identify some key problem locations, and sent a Members’ Enquiry to which we are expecting an update. The Police shared their regular crime reports, and helped raise awareness around protecting home and belongings. We plan to hold a social event on the 26 November (venue and details tbc).


Employment & Learning

Run a business?

We want to reshape our Employment and Skills support. What kind of help would be best for you? Do you miss our Job Club? Let us know!

We’re exploring how to support you to thrive locally, through networking, advertising, and mentoring. Could we help you? Could you help others?


Focus on Environment: Neighbourhood Planting Projects Bounces Rd Planters Day On a bright August Sunday, neighbours and volunteers revisited the planting troughs on the eastern end of Bounces Rd, which Bountagu sponsored and originally had authorised in 2017, and which we hope to revitalise as part of our community plan. We gave them an overdue tidy up, bedding in some new plants and new topsoil. St Peter’s Church provided some teas and coffees, some people met each other for the first time and others caught up after a long while. It was a really lovely day, and a great excuse to get out of the house, stretch our legs, and meet a few neighbours!

Live near one of the planters? You could help ensure they’re watered regularly.

Bountagu Allotment Update Our allotment plot has been purged ready for autumn, and is looking in great shape again. We’re hoping to make even better use of this resource, so contact us if you have an idea for a community project that might utilise some of the plot!

Help improve our environment through outdoor planting projects or at our local allotment plot. Get in touch! 8

Bountagu Community Newsletter - Autumn 2019

St Peter’s Memorial Garden Bountagu have supported the project at St Peter’s Church with some funding and other assistance. Over the summer the team at St Peter’s were offered some beautiful potted trees, and used some of the Bountagu grant to hire three men and a van to bring these unexpected gifts to their new home. Although some are not yet in their permanent places, they seem to be settling well and their presence is helping them see the final shape of this project. Enfield Youth Offenders Unit have worked hard to keep down the weeds, and a dedicated church team have made 8 raised bed boxes some of which are now in place. With the plans progressing well for a new disabled access path, they all feel they are much closer to making their vision a reality. “Our hope is to plant the raised beds soon, to reflect the original intention of this garden; to offer an image of the beautiful diversity of creation and provide a peaceful place to remember our loved ones.” Revd Tina (Vicar of St Peter’s Church)

Details of activities and services at St Peter’s at

our Priorities: Environment (including Outdoor Spaces and Community Safety) Bountagu aims to provide resources to improve access to outdoor spaces and experiences, including parks and play areas, and to reduce rubbish and fly tipping. We will also work in partnership with the Police, local partners and local authorities to ensure resources are available to provide a safer environment.

Interested in helping with this priority focus? Have ideas to share? We’d love to hear from you! Email or call 020 8807 5827.


People 50+ The Over 50s group are exploring new ways to get people together to enjoy each other’s company, and looking at adding some new items to our agenda. Friday Coffee Mornings (9am-12) The Friday sessions at St Peter’s are well-established, serving up cakes and refreshments, alongside card games, quizzes and sometimes crafts. There is now a children’s area with some toys and colouring books, so bring your young ones along to play while you enjoy a cuppa. There are also candles to light, quiet spaces to reflect, and Rev. Tina is around if you need to speak to a priest. Some other ideas being explored include; Lunch & Cinema Afternoons: Once a month outings. Community Choir & Workshops: Open to all age groups. Dementia Café: For people living with dementia and similar conditions, and their carers.

our Priorities: Older People Bountagu currently supports older people who are isolated and engages them in community activities and events. Bountagu will build on the successful programmes already being run, some of which are to be developed further. For others, sustainability is now the key focus. Key local partnerships will be made to improve the lives of local people over 50. Interested in attending or helping to run any of these? Have ideas to share? We’d love to hear from you! Email or call 020 8807 5827. 10 Bountagu Community Newsletter - Autumn 2019

Focus on Local: Groups & Activities Macmillan Coffee Morning for Cancer Support: Sep 27 Bountagu’s Macmillan Coffee Morning for Cancer Support will be 9am-12noon on Friday 27th September, at St Peter’s Church, 106 Bounces Rd, N9 8JR. “We organised our first Macmillan Coffee Morning last September, raising £181 for a great cause. People donated home-made and shop-bought cakes, and we all had a great time, eating the delicious cakes and playing a few fund-raising games! We hope that many of you will pop in again this year to join us for a drink and a slice or two of cake, meet a few more neighbours and maybe make a new friend. And of course, to offer a little donation if you’re able, even just a few pence (it is such a good cause). We’d love to meet you and would be delighted if we exceed the amount we raised last year. Hope to see you soon.” Colleen and Rose.

Colleen and Rose are local volunteers who run Bountagu’s Friday Coffee Morning.

Want to know more about Bountagu Big Local? Meet some of our volunteers and find out how to get involved

Next open evenings Tuesday 15th October & 3rd December : 5pm to 9pm AT Our new offices: Centre 14, Centre Way, Claverings Estate, N9 0AH

or contact or 020 8807 5827 anytime


Focus on Local: Groups & Activities Edmonton Parents Get Together (EPGT) A new but growing group sharing local parenting ideas, activities and all things family-friendly. They’re passionate about Edmonton and know you don’t need to cross the borough to find plenty to be proud of. This Facebook group run by three local mums shares stories, events and tips, and arranges opportunities to meet new friends and enjoy local spaces. Anyone with parental responsibility is welcome, including foster carers, who live in N9/N18 and want to be part of a positive difference in the area they’re raising their children.

Edmonton Fire Station Trip “On Saturday 10th August EPGT visited our local fire station on Church Street. The trip, organised by group member Sarah, was a flaming success and both children and parents had a blast! The wonderful team of fire fighters showed us their machines and protective clothing, and those brave enough even got to have a go with the ‘branches’ (known as ‘hoses’ to the rest of us!) The visit ended very dramatically, as the team were called to a real emergency! With the sirens on, we got to see - and hear - the machines and crew whizz off to save some lives! Big thanks to all those who came, and special thanks to all the amazing fire fighters for showing us what you do you are incredible!” Sylvie (EPGT admin)

To Join the EPGT Facebook Group: Search for “EdmontonParentsGetTogether” 12 Bountagu Community Newsletter - Autumn 2019

Play Street - Exeter Rd: Sep 22 As part of London Car Free Day, EPGT are hosting our first ‘Play Street’, closing part of Exeter Rd to cars from 11am-3pm. Encourage the children to bring things to play with and share: chalks, fabric, skipping ropes, hula hoops, scooters, bikes games, inflatable balls. Bring a chair and a pot of tea for yourselves, meet your neighbours and join the fun, it’s going to be great!

Event runs 11am-3pm, Sunday 22 September

Children remain the responsibility of their parents and carers. Volunteers will marshal closure points (contact us if you can help!) Residents needing access by car will be escorted at walking pace from closure points. Contact ‘EdmontonParentsGetTogether’ on Facebook, email or www. for more details or for help organising your own Play Street

HALF TERM DAY Trip - Colchester Zoo Bountagu are planning an all-ages away-day during October half term. The most popular option is midweek for Colchester Zoo, but details will be confirmed soon. If you want to attend or help organise, get in touch!

Our Priorities: Children & Young People Bountagu will provide opportunities for children and young people to participate in active, healthy and positive activities, learn skills and build confidence. We will engage with children and young people, supporting them to lead the development of activities, including through youth and community leadership training. Over the next few months, we will invite tenders from organisations with relevant experience to support us with research and delivery.

Interested in attending or helping to run any of these? Have ideas to share? We’d love to hear from you! Email or call 020 8807 5827.


Focus on Local: Groups & Activities

Edmonton Eagles Amateur Boxing Club Low-cost sessions for all abilities six days a week (no membership fees). Mixed junior and senior fitness classes, ladies-only, and free afterschool sessions. Equipment is provided. Activities run from Montagu Recreation Ground Clubhouse. Edmonton Eagles has been engaging young people in Enfield and neighbouring Haringey since it was founded in 2004 by Club President Penny Efstathiou to help turn lives around through boxing fitness and mentoring programmes. It has a partnership with the Police, a referral process with the Youth Offending Service, and works extensively (on and off-site) with schools and youth clubs where young people are at risk of being involved in crime. It also runs team building sessions for organisations. The club was commended in the House of Commons and received the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service in 2015, and Head Coach Dr Costakis Evangelou was honoured in 2019 with an MBE for services to young people.

contact us on 07730 466918 or email

Run a Neighbourhood group?

Got Free Time Each Week?

Want to connect with other groups in the area? Should more people know about your work?

15 mins: Water a green patch or planter 45 mins: Turn over soil at allotment 90 mins: Help run our social media 3 hrs: Support in the office

Drop us an Email, call, or pop along to an Open Evening

Contact us if you want to volunteer!

14 Bountagu Community Newsletter - Autumn 2019

The Bountagu area covers about 2,000 households and more than 5,000 local people, and is one of 150 Big local areas in England.

Bountagu is a resident-driven project with the ambition to support and improve our community, and “leave a legacy of beauty, hope and aspiration for the future�. Decisions and activities are led by the Bountagu Partnership, formed of local volunteers passionate about making a positive and lasting difference to our area.

Contact us to find out more or to get involved. Bountagu Big Local, Unit 11, Centre 14, Centre Way, Claverings Estate, N9 0AH | 020 8807 5827 next open evenings: Tuesday 15th October & 3rd December 5pm to 9pm


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