BH Life Summer 2017

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Summer 2017 edition

YOUR CHANCE TO WIN A boat trip for up to four people or a family ticket for Beaulieu Motor Museum See page 25

Air Festival insights Bring your garden to life see page 13

New plans for Lansdowne see page 14 Our local magazine produced for Bournemouth residents

10th event highlights revealed see pages 16 & 17

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Presented by Stephen C Associates by arrangement with CAA and Modest! Management


05 AUGUST 2017


TICKET SALES - WWW.OLLYINTHEPARK.CO.UK Arena £39.50 - Golden Circle/Pit £55.00 (subject to booking fees)

VIP LOUNGE HOSPITALTY - CALL: 01202 255 161 Gates open 5pm, concert starts 7.30pm

NEW ALBUM ‘24 HRS’ OUT NOW 0 /ollymurs 1 @ollyofficial

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Contents 11




Soak up summer activities At the time of writing the country is about to head to the polls. As BH Life will be published shortly before the General Election, we have not included councillors in this edition.

Politics, funding challenges and the structure of local government are very much on our minds. As is delivering frontline services to local people and visitors over the particularly busy summer months.

In this magazine you can find details of plans to make Lansdowne a leading business district on page 14. There’s also news of more developments along the seafront - page 15. These are just some of the ways we’re helping our town to stay on top of its game.

If you enjoy nature and exploring, turn to page 24. We provide an insight into Bournemouth’s countryside with leisure activities along The River Stour.

Schools will soon wrap up for the summer-break. Page 19 gives you a few ideas of holiday activities that won’t break the bank. Take advantage of the many free events for families - don’t forget that this year is the 10 th Bournemouth Air Festival (page 16), so come along and celebrate with us. The invaluable work carried out by volunteers in our local community isn’t forgotten and is featured on page 21. Perhaps it will even give you some encouragement to give volunteering a go?

Wishing you all a happy summer. Jane Portman, Executive Director

BH Life magazine is delivered free to homes in Bournemouth. It’s also available at a wide variety of outlets. To advertise in BH Life call IMS Group on: 01202 611100 email:

This publication is environmentally friendly using paper sourced from sustainable forests, using no bleaching agents and printed using vegetable based inks. The publication contains advertising and the Council cannot vouch for the legitimacy of, or endorse any advertiser in BH Life. Citizens Advice provide free, impartial consumer advice on 0345 404 0506. Please recycle this magazine when everyone has read it.

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4 .......

In and around the town 8 ....... Candlelight Procession 11 ...... Weekly food waste collections 13 ...... Gardening 14 ...... Lansdowne developments 15 ...... Improving the seafront 16 ...... 10th Bournemouth Air Festival 19 ...... Summer holiday activities 21 ...... Volunteering in the community 23 ...... Adult social care news 24 ...... Nature and leisure 25 ...... Competitions 27....... Roads and travel 28....... Local government changes 30....... What’s on? Publication details Edited by: Jo Evans, Corporate Communications & Marketing, Bournemouth Council, BH2 6DY. Tel: 01202 451616 Email: Designed and produced by: IMS Group Tel: 01202 611100 Copies printed: 86,000 Cost per copy: 10p approx. Advertising: IMS Group Tel: 01202 611100. Email: Distributed by: IMS Group If you do not regularly receive BH Life tel: 01202 451616 or email: Delivery of next issue: The autumn edition will be delivered to homes in mid-September 2017

BH Life Summer 2017


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In and around

News from around the borough

the town

New family homes for Boscombe Visual of Cherries Court development

Local families looking to own their home are set to benefit from a new development, named Cherries Court. 11 family homes are being built at Palmerston Road and they are offered on a shared ownership basis.

The two and three-bed homes will have their own parking space and garden. Those interested in buying a property will need to meet eligibility criteria, which includes having a local connection to the area. Gary Josey, Director for Housing and Communities said: “This scheme will give the opportunity for local people to be able to afford to get on the property ladder providing stability and a home they can call their own. The development is really attractive and will positively enhance and contribute to the mix of accommodation type in the area.”

The scheme will cost £1.9 million. Funding will mostly come from the initial sales of the properties, alongside a £264,000 contribution from the Homes & Community Agency (HCA), with the remaining balance met by the Council.

The development is being built by Drew Construction Company and is expected to be finished in November. Property prices start from £97,500 for a 50% share, plus rent.

 

 01202 946700

New initiative helps house local homeless families Twenty-six homeless local families have been housed thanks to the creation of our new private sector landlord company.

Since we set up the company in 2016, 26 properties across Bournemouth have been bought and let to provide much needed housing for families who find themselves homeless. We’re acquiring further properties, which should be available in the autumn, investing approximately £12 million overall.

Lorraine Mealings, Head of Housing, said: “Buying properties in this way enables the Council to, in effect, operate as a private landlord and rent directly to homeless people. It is helping us to reduce costs by avoiding the use of expensive B&B accommodation. In the longer-term any income


BH Life Summer 2017

generated and increase in property values will all come back to the Council to help fund additional services for vulnerable people.”

One resident, housed through this new initiative, said: “Due to an unforeseen circumstance, my family became homeless earlier this year. Being housed in this way has allowed us to find our feet, to feel secure and settled. We are receiving ongoing support to help us move on to suitable longer-term accommodation when our contract ends.” Families most often find themselves homeless due to loss of private sector housing or family breakdown.

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News from around the borough

Avenue Road car park gets cheaper

If you’re looking for a reasonably priced and convenient town centre car park, then head to the Avenue Road multi storey. After years of being privately run, this council owned car park has come back under our management and hourly parking charges are now significantly cheaper. Prices start at just £2 for up to two hours. Avenue Road multi storey is within easy reach of the town centre and is particularly convenient for trips to The Triangle, Commercial Road, The Square and the Upper Gardens. You pay for this car park when you return to your car, so there’s no need to rush back if you decide to stay in town longer than planned. A full list of charges and details of permits can be found our website.


New home for Jon Egging Memorial

Will you be tying a red ribbon around the Jon Egging Memorial this year, as a celebration of Jon’s life and of the achievements of the Jon Egging Trust set up in his name? If so, you’ll need to head a little further west along the East Cliff.

Due to the landslip, the Memorial is currently inaccessible, perched very close to the edge of the clifftop. Plans have been submitted to re-site the Memorial at the top of the East Cliff zig-zag, a location chosen by Jon’s widow Emma and mum, Dawn.

Relocation is due to take place in August, in readiness for the anniversary of Jon’s passing and before the 2017 Air Festival.

Look out for more information about the Memorial and the Jon Egging Trust in the autumn edition of BH Life magazine.

In and around the town

Help keep our beaches clean There are hundreds of litter bins provided along the seafront and they are emptied on a regular basis. Unfortunately litter still gets left on the beach. Our clean up teams work overnight, using tractors to rake the sand as well as litterpicking by hand. By early morning the beach is transformed and ready for a new day of visitors.

This year we are again encouraging any beach-goers to help keep our coast litter free by using one of the four cleaning stations found along the beach at: Alum Chine, Durley Chine, Fisherman’s Walk and Southbourne. You can borrow a litterpicker and bag from the station and spend a couple of minutes collecting litter. You can then share your efforts on social media using #2minutebeachclean #Dorset.


‘Hospital Hop’ transport service launched SEDCAT, a community transport provider, has launched a new service for anyone who is elderly, disabled or who has difficulties using public transport. Their new ‘Hospital Hop’ service runs weekday afternoons, helping people with mobility issues get to hospital appointments at the Royal Bournemouth Hospital. This is a door-to-door transport service and costs £9 return, paid to the driver.

The service has been made possible with help from Dorset Community Foundation and The People’s Postcode Lottery. SEDCAT is a not for profit organisation providing community transport in the area, including the BAT Bus and Community Car Scheme.

  01202 534027

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In and around the town

News from around the borough

Street play – could your road take part?

Council Tax information

Did you know that your Council Tax helps fund police and fire services and these contributions are known as precepts? Council Tax also helps to pay for other local services such as social care, road maintenance, parks, libraries and much more.

If you want to know about how your council services are funded look at the leaflet sent with your Council Tax bill or visit our website. Details of the police and fire precepts and funding can be found online or contact the relevant organisation to request printed information. Dorset Police: Web: Email: Or by writing to: Dorset Police & Crime Commissioner, Force Headquarters, Winfrith, Dorchester, Dorset, DT2 8DZ.

Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service: Web: Email: Or by writing to: Five Rivers Health and Wellbeing Centre, Hulse Road, Salisbury, SP1 3NR

Most adults can remember playing in the street, whereas only 21% of children do so today. Over the last few years however, ‘street play’ has started to grow in popularity in some towns and cities.

Street play is an initiative to help parents organise regular road closures so children can play freely outside their front door. This type of play helps children to make local friends, be active and learn more about the world around them. Street play can benefit adults too - neighbours get to know each other and it can help create a better community spirit. If you want to organise street play in your area then you will need a group of volunteers. Initially, you also need to gather views and understand any concerns of residents living in your road. Get in touch if your road is interested in taking part in street play.


Improved facilities at Stokewood A partnership project with BH Live to improve the health and wellbeing facilities at Stokewood Leisure Centre, is now complete.

The sustainable improvement plan and £1 million investment has enabled a brand new floor to be built, almost doubling the size of the gym and creating more space to accommodate new gym equipment. The centre has also introduced a QUAD functional fitness zone for instructors to deliver power, primal, play and pulse gym-based classes.

Stokewood’s broader range of facilities and activities are aimed at encouraging people – especially those living with health conditions and young people – to get more active, as well as improving the overall experience at the centre for all visitors.



BH Life Summer 2017

  01202 451165

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News from around the borough

In and around the town

New exhibition at the Russell-Cotes The Russell-Cotes Art Gallery and Museum has worked with the local LGBT+ community to commemorate the 50-year anniversary of the partial decriminalisation of homosexuality in England. Our major new exhibition, ‘Refracted: Collection Highlights’, is funded by the Heritage Lottery and seeks to mark this significant change in social and cultural attitudes.

Taking inspiration from the rainbow flag, which has been used since the 1970s to symbolise the mixed LGBT+ community, the volunteer curators at the Russell-Cotes have selected paintings and objects from the collection to reflect the colours of the rainbow flag.

A varied programme of events runs in conjunction with this exhibition and links to Bourne Free, Bournemouth’s Pride Festival. Talks will be given by visiting speakers and art workshops and children’s activities will be inspired by the exhibition and its content. Refracted: Collection Highlights runs until 8 September. Bourne Free takes place on 1-2 July.

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Green Goals funding helps turn ideas into action Green Goals funding has helped a local charity expand two of its recycling projects, benefiting not only the environment but local people too.

Ideas2Action runs two projects called ‘Win on Waste’ and their recycling directory ‘We Need That’. Both initiatives encourage people to cut down on the amount of waste they throw away by showing them there are charities, faith groups, playgroups, children’s centres and individuals who need them.

The charity encourages local people to collect different items each month and then donate them at a Win on Waste session. Collected items have included milk bottle tops used by charities to help with their fundraising and sweet wrappers which are used for craft activities.

Win on Waste sessions run in Southbourne, West Howe and Westbourne. The Westbourne Win on Waste session takes place at Westbourne Library on 24 June between 10am and 11am. Visit the Ideas2Action website for details of items being collected.

  07771 705662


Are you eligible for energy saving offer?

For a limited time, you could access advice and energy saving items to help you cut the costs of your home energy bills.

Eligible residents can apply for a visit from a Home Energy Advisor who will install free energy saving measures, provide energy efficiency tips and advice on how to check for the best energy tariff.

These simple energy-saving gadgets can save the average household £30 on their energy bills each year and lower carbon emissions through reducing energy use. Those eligible include families with a child under five years, households with a low income / receiving benefits and people with certain physical and mental health conditions. The offer is open to eligible homeowners, people renting privately and social housing tenants. See the website for full eligibility details. Call now to book your free home visit or apply online anytime.

  0800 060 7567

(8:45am to 5:30pm, Monday to Friday)

LEAP is a partnership between the Council, Agility Survey Ltd and Ridgewater Energy Ltd. It is funded by energy companies and approved by energy watchdog Ofgem.

BH Life Summer 2017


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Local history

New style candlelight event launches in August

Centenary candle illuminations in 1910

New summer candlelight procession in the Lower Gardens Wednesday 2, 9, 16 and 23 August This August we will be creating new traditions from old, when the Lower Gardens hosts a Candlelight Procession at dusk on four Wednesday evenings in August. This event will bring to life the town’s past, recounting a century of stories and experiences. Children lighting candles in the Lower Gardens on a Wednesday summer’s evening has been a long held Bournemouth tradition. The roots of the event might be found within a royal visit in April 1888, by the Empress Elisabeth of Austria - wife of Emperor Franz Joseph I. She stayed, with her daughter Marie Valerie, at the Royal Exeter Hotel and the town put aside the recently opened Winter Gardens for her use. The gardeners lit the paths with hundreds of candles in the evening, as her own gardeners did at home. This was a fashion across many parks and gardens at the time, most famously at Crystal Palace.

An alternative theory is that the candles started in 1881 when Empress Eugenie of France stayed in Bournemouth at the Royal Bath Hotel. She was staying for the benefit of her health and whilst here she visited the King and Queen of Sweden who were also staying. Eugenie’s walk through the gardens to the sea was lit by candles.

Either way, the idea of illuminations stuck. In 1897, illuminations were held in the Lower Gardens to mark Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee. Later they were held there more regularly and introduced at other venues across the town for special occasions and tourist entertainment. More recently, Wednesday Candlelight Nights have been a popular summer fixture.

This year we’re developing a new style event and invite youth groups to be part of the fifty children in each weekly procession. Using traditional Victorian coloured tea light jars, the procession will follow a trail of lit candles. The procession will be led by a historical character and make its


BH Life Summer 2017

way to Pier Approach, giving a focal display of the tea lights.

Story-telling, dance performances and entertainment takes place from 7:30pm with the twilight candlelit procession going through the Lower Gardens to the seafront from around 8:30pm / 9pm, depending on the time of dusk each week.

In previous years,

Any youth groups interested candlelight nights in taking part in the took place procession, please email: Families interested in attending the event can find further details on our website.


Unfortunately, Empress Elisabeth died a decade after her visit to Bournemouth. She was murdered in Geneva by an Italian anarchist, stabbed through the heart with a sharpened needle file.

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Shopping for every season...

it’s right up your street!

Commercial Road | Bournemouth

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Advertising feature

Alpacas and the Arts at Fairmile Grange!

airmile Grange, the new care home situated at Christchurch Hospital, specialises in nursing and dementia care.

As part of its continued initiative to build strong community links and bring joy to its residents, it welcomes groups, entertainers, shows and visitors into the home every day – meaning that there is never a shortage of energy and activities! The children from Hammond Academy of Performing Arts made a special visit to the home to put on an exclusive show for the residents. The children and teachers performed a recital of TVYL [OHU KPɈLYLU[ HJ[Z" ^P[O costume changes for every piece. They even invited the residents of Fairmile Grange to join them ‘on stage’ for a dance altogether. It was an uplifting and energizing show for residents and a fantastic demonstration of the community working together to bring smiles to people’s faces.

!-81-£' 8!2+' 8'9-&'2;9 { 9;!ø '2/3@-2+ =-9-;9 (831 931' 96'$-!£ +<'9;9

Two unusual and exciting guests that recently visited were Alpacas Sheroka and Teddy-Edward from Alpaca Adventure. The team and residents fell in love with the woolly visitors, which provided fantastic therapeutic cuddles. The variety of regular events at Fairmile Grange includes the Memory & Reminiscence CafĂŠ, which takes place every second Sunday, as well as the networking Breakfast Club for SVJHS WYVMLZZPVUHSZ VU [OL Ă„YZ[ Wednesday of every month.

For further information about Fairmile Grange, please visit or email


20.17% REDUCTION ON RESPITE CARE! 3 $'ÂŁ'#8!;' -;9 )89; 9<11'8 3( 36'2-2+T !-81-ÂŁ' 8!2+' -9 3ø'8-2+ !2@32' >,3 9;!@9 (38 8'96-;' $!8' !2 -2$8'&-#ÂŁ' ‰‡WˆÂ?ÂŚ &-9$3<2; #';>''2 ˆ9; <2' !2& Šˆ9; <+<9; ‰‡ˆÂ?rW

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Call: 01202 476 960 or email:


* Minimum stay of 7 days required. No maximum stay. Level of care required will be determined by a full healthcare assessment.

BH Life Summer 2017

Engaging and personalised daily activities

Dedicated GP visits from Grove Surgery

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Waste and recycling

Advice and tips on using your food waste service

Your guide to weekly food waste collections Since February, over 8,000 Bournemouth residents have signed up for a free 23 litre capacity food waste container, are you one of them?


If you’re not already taking part in the food waste service, give it a try and join the thousands of other locals who are benefiting from this weekly collection. Why use the food waste service? Larry Austin, Director of Environment, said: “Food waste is a quick and easy way to reduce what you are putting in your Little Bin, whilst helping the environment. Last year’s collected food waste created over 2,000 tonnes of soil improver, enough to cover 140 acres of farmland across Dorset. It also generated enough electricity to power our food waste facility and heat 134 homes.” Separating food waste not only gives you extra space in your rubbish bin but it also means that you can put your food waste container out for collection every week.

What food waste can be recycled? All cooked and uncooked food can be recycled. This includes meat, fish and bones, peelings and plate scrapings, egg shells, teabags and coffee grounds. A full list of what can and can’t be put in your container can be found in your ‘Recycle More, Waste Less’ information pack sent in April, or on our website.

Containers and collections You can keep a five-litre caddy in your kitchen to collect food scraps in compostable bags. When the bag is full you transfer it into your container for collection each week. Replacement rolls of compostable liners are free and can be collected from all Bournemouth libraries and some community centres.

Reminder: Big Bin, Little Bin collection changes

In April we introduced alternate weekly collections. That means Big Bin (recycling) is collected one week and Little Bin (rubbish) the next. ‘Recycle More, Waste Less’ information packs were sent to homes in April along with a collection calendar. You can also visit our website to check your collection dates. TE


Do you live in a flat? If your flat has the Big Bin Little Bin arrangement then alternate weekly collections apply to you too. However, if your flat uses communal rubbish bins these will remain on a weekly collection until we can visit and check suitability.


to find out more or request your free 23-litre food waste container


Place your food waste container on top or next to whichever bin is being collected that week. Your food waste container should be put out separately for collection so please don’t place the container inside either of your bins.

Putting your handle in the upright position locks your food waste bin and keeps it secure from pets and vermin.

BH Life Summer 2017


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Advertising feature

Save water and money

this summer Here at Bournemouth Water we’re passionate about using water wisely – and we do all we can to encourage our customers to do this too. We all use water without really thinking about it. Every time we turn on the tap, flush the toilet or put the washing machine on, we’re using a precious and limited resource. The good news is that by following a few simple measures we can easily cut water wastage, save money and protect the environment. This is particularly true in the garden. It’s easy to maintain a blooming garden while being water wise!

Here’s our top 10 summer water-saving tips:

1 2

Use a bucket instead of a hose to wash your car.


Use mulch and bark in your garden, which can help reduce evaporation by up to 75%.


Water buttsare a great way of catching and storing rainwater – which is free! Use your rainwater for watering the garden, washing the car, cleaning paths and windows and topping up ponds (fish prefer rainwater).

Why save water? If you pay for your water through a meter, your bill may go down. Less water is taken from the rivers Stour and Avon, which helps our local wildlife during dry spells, when water sources are not being replenished.

See the ‘How to save water’ section of our website:


BH Life Summer 2017


Adjust your lawnmower to cut your grass longer – this will shade the roots from the sun. It’s okay if the lawn goes brown, this helps it to build up resistance and recover immediately after rainfall.


Leave grass cuttings on the lawn – they will form a mulch that protects and feeds the grass.


Sprinklers can use as much as 1,000 litres of water per hour! That’s more than a family of four uses in a whole day. Use a watering can or hose instead.


If you do use a hosepipe, attach a trigger nozzle. This will halve the amount of water you use and help direct the water to the roots of your plants. Don’t forget to turn off at the tap when you’re done.

Always water your garden in the early morning or late afternoon as this is when evaporation rates are lowest.


Lots of people use bath or dishwater on their gardens. This is a brilliant idea – but remember it should be used immediately and never on fruit and veg.


Add water-retaining gel to the lower half of compost in planters and hanging baskets.

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Flower power at King’s Park Nursery King’s Park Nursery has been growing for Bournemouth’s parks and gardens since 1924. The award-winning nursery is also open to the public and offers a wide range of good quality plants for your garden. If you’re looking for expert advice, our experienced staff are on hand to choose the right plants for you.

Whether you’re growing some prize-winning roses, or looking to sprout some showstopping wildflowers, then see what high quality plants we have to offer. And if you’re on the hunt for something a little more unusual, then look no further as the nursery has rare and unusual plants for sale. You will also find:  Hanging baskets and flower troughs  Tropical plants  Herbaceous perennials  Shrubs  Climbers  Topiary  Herbs and vegetables  Olives  Spring bulbs.

A wealth of plants and flowers on offer

Opening times We are open from 10am to 4pm on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday each week. We are closed on Mondays and Tuesdays, but we will be open on the August Bank Holiday. The nursery is open from now until October.

Essential information Find us at King’s Park Drive, Pokesdown (BH7 6LR). Whilst there are several entrances to King’s Park, the nursery can only be accessed from Petersfield Road or Christchurch Road entrances.

There’s free parking, dogs are welcome and we accept all major cards. Join us on Facebook for the latest news, offers and gardening tips.




Calling all passionate gardeners


, 1 % / 2 2 0

Bournemouth in Bloom has joined forces with Bournemouth Horticultural Society, which was founded in 1884.

Together, the organisations proudly support Bournemouth’s horticultural heritage and promote the importance of the town’s natural environment, local green spaces and residents’ own back gardens. The organisations hold a gardening club every first Friday of the month at St Francis of Assisi Church Hall, Charminster Road at 7:30pm. It includes talks and demonstrations as well as a gardeners’ question time. Entry is free for Bournemouth In Bloom members. There’s also a Summer Flower Show including sweet peas and roses at the Church Hall on Tuesday 4 July from noon to 5pm. If you’re not a member a small charge is made.

Become a Bournemouth in Bloom member for just £5 and receive free entry to the group’s events and a 10% discount from plant and garden businesses, including King’s Park Nursery. See the website for details of membership, projects and Bournemouth in Bloom competitions.

 BH Life Summer 2017


14-15.qxp_Inside Pages 24/05/2017 11:02 Page 1

Town developments

Exciting plans unveiled to transform Lansdowne

The Station roundabout area

Holdenhurst Road

Making Lansdowne

The Lansdowne roundabout area

a leading business district Proposals to make the Lansdowne a better area to work, live in and visit are set to become a reality. Bournemouth has been awarded £8.5 million to create a world class business district in the area. Secured via the Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership, government funding will improve Lansdowne’s streets and spaces to make the area an attractive centre for business and education. This will help attract more visitors, particularly by rail, as well as helping Bournemouth University to attract more students to their Lansdowne campus. We want to make it more attractive and safer, providing a welcoming gateway into what will eventually be a major business district. These plans include pedestrianising parts of the area.

Bill Cotton, Executive Director for Environment and Economy said: “Our long-term plan is to create a connected and networked place for people to meet and exchange ideas, with superfast technology and excellent modern transport links.

 The railway station in the area was built in the 1890s.  Lansdowne is already home to many companies in the financial services, digital and creative sectors.

 In 2015, Bournemouth was identified as the UK’s fastest growing digital economy.

 Bournemouth will be at the forefront of plans to

introduce 5G mobile coverage. Ordnance Survey will develop a planning and mapping tool by creating a digital twin of the town to identify where best to place the antennae for a 5G network.


BH Life Summer 2017

“The Lansdowne has exciting potential for growth, supporting existing businesses and encouraging new businesses to start up.”

Street scene improvements plus new private sector and university building developments, give a combined investment estimated to be worth £200 million. It is expected that a minimum of 3,000 direct jobs and 1,500 indirect jobs will be created by 2021. We will keep you updated in future editions of BH Life magazine as plans progress. Our computer generated images visualise some of the ideas for the area.


Other Lansdowne developments

The Lansdowne Plaza complex, which is being built, will include St Swithun’s roundabout a Premier Inn and it is due for completion in late spring 2018. Bournemouth University (BU) is planning a ‘Bournemouth Gateway Building’ next to the St Paul’s roundabout on the Wessex Way. This will house BU’s Faculty of Health & Social Sciences and it will provide a visual gateway to their Lansdowne Campus.

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More investment on Bournemouth’s coastline

Seafront improvements

Protecting, enhancing and improving our seafront ea


Pier Approach visual

Alum Chine

Bournemouth Beach Lodges

Pier Approach at night

Pier Approach

Whether you’re heading to the beach for an early morning run, lunchtime paddle or evening stroll, be sure to take in the stunning views. And whilst you wonder at the beauty of where you live, take the opportunity to see some of the new developments along the coastline. Enhancing Bournemouth’s natural assets is at the heart of our long-term plans to improve the seafront. We’ve recently expanded and improved the play park at Alum Chine seafront. It has a ‘treasure island’ theme with a pleasing natural landscape, extended to incorporate the wooded banking. New pieces of equipment include a ‘sunken’ pirate ship, a buried treasure chest and a low maintenance water feature.

The popular play park was suffering from wear and tear. Funding for the improvements have come from income from four new superhuts at the Chine. The improvements mean the park can continue to be an asset to the seafront for future generations to enjoy.

Meanwhile, ‘Bournemouth Beach Lodges’ opened earlier this year offering accommodation for overnight stays at Manor Steps. Accommodating up to four adults and two children, each lodge has a fully equipped kitchen and bathroom. A winter stay for four nights costs from £275, so tell your relatives and friends to visit the website for more information and bookings.

There are more exciting projects in the pipeline. A second phase of improvements to Pier Approach are set to start this September

following the announcement of a £2 million grant from the Coastal Communities Fund. Works will concentrate on the area west of the Pier and are expected to be finished by summer 2018, completing a major seafront improvement scheme.

Pier Approach has already benefited from a £4 million investment programme to create a more contemporary and vibrant atmosphere. This includes a water play feature for families to enjoy, an award-winning new tourist information centre and re-landscaping, whilst at night the area is lit by colourful low-energy displays.

Andrew Emery, Resort Development Manager, said: “Pier Approach is a vital part of the seafront as it has been a destination for visitors to Bournemouth for over 150 years. It is the central point of the seven miles of seafront and the link between the town, the gardens and the beach. Improving the gateway from the gardens to the seafront is a key council priority and is another step towards creating a world-class resort.”

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Air Festival

A look at what’s on at this year’s Air Festival

th Air Festival 0 1 e Buckle up for th ugust to 3 September 31 A

Visited by more than 8.5 million visitors since 2008, this summer celebrates the 10th Bournemouth Air Festival. The UK’s best aviation entertainment takes place on your doorstep as we once again host air displays, on the ground action and evening entertainment.

2017 highlights include:         


The world famous Red Arrows - Thursday, Friday and Saturday Blades Aerobatic display team Breitling Wingwalkers

A flotilla of Royal Navy ships all supported with military villages Pier-to-Pier trading stalls

Night Air entertainment - night flying, live music, military performances and fireworks on Friday and Saturday night at 10pm Hospitality marquee - day and night time packages available A special Thursday flying display programme – see the website for details

A ‘very vintage Sunday’ - celebrate some of history’s greatest aircraft, plus an opportunity to wear hats, scarves, aviator accessories or uniforms.

BH Life Summer 2017

A look back...

The award-winning festival has developed year-on-year, getting bigger and better. Back in 2008, The Battle of Britain Memorial Flight was the first display team to take to the skies and Night Air was just in the Lower Gardens. 2014 was the first time we were allocated the Red Arrows for all four days. Whilst 2015 was the year we bid a tearful farewell to the Vulcan. We’ve encountered many challenges too. There was Roar on the Shore, dealing with the changeable weather, floods just before the 2011 festival followed by a massive clean-up operation. Then the tragic death of Red Arrow pilot Jon Egging, who crashed after he performed at the 2011 event.

Jon Weaver, Air Festival Director, said: “It’s been an incredible journey so far with each year holding very different but special memories. We’re looking forward to the 10th Bournemouth Air Festival and the amazing support shown by local people. We hope you can all join us once again.” The bumper 10 years’ celebration brochure edition is available to order now via the website.


 /bournemouthairfestival

 @bmthairfest  Bournemouth_official

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Summer events

Upcoming events for your diary

The voice of the Bournemouth Air Festival

Major George ‘Smokey’ Bacon MBE, has been the voice of the Bournemouth Air Festival since the first event in 2008. Using his own military knowledge and flying experience, he provides expert commentary for the air show. Here’s a bit more about the man behind the voice and what he’s looking forward to at this year’s event…  Favourite aircraft to fly? “I have been flying the DH Beaver for about 30 years now and it still remains my own favourite. Practical, rugged, reliable and smelling of history - just like me perhaps?!”

On Stage at Pier Approach, 4 to 12 August – free music and entertainment at The Waterfront.

Summer Live takes place in the Square at various times throughout the day from 8 July to 27 August. Expect free live acoustic music and entertainment, an outdoor bar, live art demonstrations and more.

 What’s your greatest flying or military achievement? “Surviving! All that disturbing weather, wars, technical failures, foreign escapades etc. Also, notably perhaps, operating solo in the arctic on skis.”  Most memorable Air Festival year and why? “It has to be 2011 for both the great and sad events that year. It was a time when the focus was on Bournemouth Air Festival and when the entire community pulled together to recover a very difficult set of circumstances. An amazing testament to a great event team.”

 How many hours of commentary will you perform over the festival weekend? “It varies but routinely about 35 to 40 hours in total. This is both commentary and various TV and radio interviews.”

 With all that talking, how do you keep your voice in top condition? “I gargle/drink fluids a lot during the day, always have an ice cream when finished to calm my throat, and then go and find a very quiet place. Or I might have a walk to help me switch off.”  What are you most looking forward to seeing at this year’s festival? “Even more people and boats. Without the great public support it would not be the same.”

 Any tips for visitors to the event? “The aircraft are great but take time to explore the whole site, side shows and stages. Soak up the festival atmosphere. Arrive early, don’t rush away. It is the best free festival in the UK!”

Friday Fireworks will once again be lighting up the summer sky. Come and enjoy our dazzling display above Bournemouth Pier at 10pm on Friday evenings on 4, 11, 18 and 25 August. Candlelight Procession is a free event for children starting in the Lower Gardens at dusk on the following Wednesdays: 2, 9, 16 and 23 August. Learn about Bournemouth’s history and traditions through storytelling, dance, entertainment and a procession leading to Pier Approach. Starts in the Lower Gardens from 7:30pm. The Luna Cinema returns to The Waterfront at Pier Approach on 18, 19 and 20 August. Experience the magic of outdoor movies at a seafront location. Check online for prices, films and showings.

 

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BH Life Summer 2017

In the top 2.5% nati onally for value added at A Leve l

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Children and education

Keep the young ones busy this summer Free fun at your local playground

It won’t be long before the schools close for the summer break and you have energetic children to entertain. Get planning now and see how your local services can help fend off your children’s boredom without you having to spend a fortune. Whatever the weather, Bournemouth’s libraries will help keep little minds active. The Summer Reading Challenge 2017 is ‘Animal Agents’. There are a whole host of clever creatures, ready to solve all kinds of crimes. This band of furry, slippery and feathered friends is specially trained to use their skills and natural instincts to unravel mysteries – with a huge helping of fun along the way.

Children can sign up at their local library, from Saturday 8 July then read at least six library books of their choice. They collect special stickers and other incentives along the way – all for free. There’s also a website to add to the fun. Playgrounds are fun, free and a good excuse to get out in the fresh air. They’re also located all around Bournemouth. Visit our website to see the map of playgrounds and all sport and recreation facilities across the town. If you’re looking for an activity for all the family, try mini golf. You can play in the Lower Gardens, at the end of Bournemouth Pier and in Boscombe Gardens. Parents and grandparents who need a sit down and wind down afterwards, can head to the Boscombe Chine Gardens Café, right next to the mini golf there. We’re now operating this site, so having a cuppa here will go towards supporting your local park.

30 hours free childcare

Nature themed activities are taking place at Hengistbury Head Visitor Centre (pictured above) or Kingfisher Barn this summer. Beat the Stour is an event that recreates the adventures of ‘Six Men on the Stour’ from 125 years ago. It takes place from 22 July to 4 August from 10am to 4pm. It’s a challenge that gets you exploring the area. Pop into Hengistbury Head Visitor Centre or Kingfisher Barn and pick up the challenge or print out via the links on our facebook pages. Bring back completed challenges to the centres for your reward. It’s free and there’s, no need to book.

  

 

From September, the government will increase childcare funding to 30 hours a week for working parents who have children aged three or four. The new entitlement is to support working parents with the cost of childcare and to help those who want to return to work or wish to work additional hours. Are you eligible?


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Registered Charity No. 1014697

Thinking of moving into a care home – or just needing a little extra help at home? We’re here to help Whatever your care needs, we know that it’s the care that counts – the quality care of all our residents and home care customers. As a leading provider of residential and home care in Bournemouth, we offer compassionate residential, nursing, dementia and home care at a realistic cost. Whether you’re looking for care in your own home, a short respite stay or a new home, we offer a warm welcome, comfort and peace of mind. To request a brochure, arrange a visit or find out more, contact 01202




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BH Life Summer 2017

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Could you contribute to your community?

Could you help your community? Volunteers at Safewise Safety Centre make a positive difference to the lives of local children

There are thousands of residents who are ‘doing their bit’ by volunteering in Bournemouth. They’re embracing the spirit of helping others and you could too. What do other volunteers say?

We’re lucky enough to have a whole host of voluntary groups across the town, providing support and services in a variety of different ways. From local library groups and community litterpicks to local sports clubs to name just a few.


Royal Voluntary Service “I love sharing time with older people because it’s enjoyable, rewarding and inspiring for all of us, young and old.”

There are also many organisations and charities that rely on volunteers to keep their projects running. Tish Borrowman, Cheery Tree Nursey Manager, said: “Without our volunteers we would find it very difficult to continue the essential work we do. Our aim is to help people with severe and enduring mental illness to regain their dignity, improve the quality of their lives, socialise, find friendship and companionship and learn new skills.”


But it’s not just the local groups or charities that benefit. Research shows that volunteering for worthwhile causes helps to combat depression, reduces stress and provides individuals with a sense of purpose. Jamie Drake volunteers in Bournemouth and believes this opportunity has had a massive impact on his life. He said: “The skills and experience I’ve picked up through volunteering with YMCA Youth Projects have helped me throughout my life. And the people I have met have helped shape me too. I would not be the confident and cheerful person I am today if I didn’t volunteer, and it’s made me a better person because of it.”

Townsend Community Centre “I really enjoy volunteering at my local centre. It’s a great community hub.”


Wessex Cancer Trust “I meet some amazing people and help support them through their journey.”

Contact Bournemouth Volunteer Centre today and discover how you can volunteer in your local community.



 01202 466130

Extra support to help people back to work Have you heard of Tomorrow’s People? They are a national employment charity working locally on a project to help people aged 16+ get into volunteering, training and employment. The ‘GP Employment Advisor Service’ helps those who have been off work, perhaps due to long term physical or mental health issues. Over the next 18 months, Tomorrow’s People will support over 200 locals. People will receive intensive oneto-one coaching and small group sessions, covering confidence, self-esteem, resilience and motivation.

GPs usually refer people to the project. However, if you are looking to make a positive change to work towards volunteering, training or employment, and need some extra support, contact Sarah at Tomorrow’s People.



 07825 712267

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Page 1

Put your business in front of 194,000+ residents and 6.8 million visitors using unique online, outdoor and printed media exclusively available through IMS Group


YOURTO WIN CE s pass CHANnual buBu ses An anYellow r £500 for ove worth page 25 See

Local media delivered to all residents

DCCI members

Outdoor media opportunites across Bournemouth

Seafront washroom advertising

Town centre car park advertising • 01202 611100 6.8m visitors is taken from National Coastal Academy Report. 194,000+ residents is taken from Bournemouth Borough Councilʼs mid-term estimates


BH Life Summer 2017

Bournemouth Chamber members

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News and information on local care services

Adult social care

Improved care home to replace Broadwaters

We’ve taken over The Fearnes care home in Knyveton Road after the lease recently expired, to help us better meet the demand and changing care needs of residents.

The improved facility will be called Coastal Lodge and, following an extensive refurbishment, it will be operating this summer. It will cater for the needs of residents who previously would have received short term ‘reablement’ care at Broadwaters in Wick. 40 beds will be available at Coastal Lodge – 11 more than Broadwaters.

Neil Goddard, Service Director for Commissioning, said: The service will be delivered by the existing high quality staff who operated Broadwaters, made up of employees transferring with Tricuro and Dorset Healthcare as well as being joined by a team from Royal Bournemouth Hospital. Together, the home will provide a wide spectrum of skills to manage people with complex needs.” The relocation to Coastal Lodge allows us to make best use of council assets and it also means that care home residents and staff will benefit from new and improved modern facilities. The Broadwaters site has been put on the market and will be sold.

Reablement is intensive rehabilitation that helps you build up your strength and re-learn skills after an illness, accident or disability. The service usually lasts for up to six to eight weeks.

Are you looking for care information and advice?

If you are looking for advice on how to stay safe and independent in your own home, the ‘My Life, My Care’ website will help you to make informed choices with the right help and support.

This needs and solution based website gives information about adult social care and community services to help you lead an independent life with the support you need. The website is for all adults in Dorset, whether you qualify for financial support or pay for your own care.  If you do not have access to the internet, telephone Bournemouth Care Direct on: 01202 454979.

New Dorset Care Record is coming The Dorset Care Record is a new confidential computer record that will, over time, include a range of health and social care shared information to help improve the care you receive.

The Dorset Care Record will be rolled out from this autumn. It will bring together information from hospitals, GPs, community teams and local councils. Your medical or care history will be summarised in the same place.

It will improve co-ordination and communication between different agencies, improving treatments and reducing delays.

Your information will still be confidential and secure. Records will only be shared with professionals who need it to provide treatment, care and support to you.

 

! The Dorset Care Record Partnership,

County Hall, Colliton Park, Dorchester, Dorset, DT1 1XJ

BH Life Summer 2017


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Nature and leisure

Things to do and see along The Stour

Cycling along The Stour is a popular activity

Leisure activities along The River Stour

Learn about The Stour at Kingfisher Barn

Escape the hustle and bustle of urban life with a trip to The River Stour - a perfect way to get active and take in the sights of your local countryside. Stretching from Hengistbury Head to Millhams Mead, enjoy the 14 miles of riverside walks and trails all close to the water. Each mile has its own unique landscape and character and offers opportunities for different leisure activities. This year, we’ll be improving the path signage along the river and completing a boardwalk under the railway at Iford. This will help us to open a kilometre of greenway through Iford Playing Fields and Meadows. And later this year we will create a new shared cycle route through Tuckton Tea Gardens. This is part of our work to create a route throughout the borough that follows the river, for everyone to enjoy on foot, bike, buggy or wheelchair.

Whether you’re on two feet, two wheels or have a paddle, here are a few ideas of where to visit and what to do…

Monday Morning Meanders are free weekly walks. They start at 10am in different locations so find out where they’re taking place and just turn up! Try Iford Meadows on 10 July or Millhams Mead on 7 August (see page 30 for details).

Canoeing, kayaking and paddle boarding on the river should take place from Iford Bridge towards Christchurch only. Did you know that


BH Life Summer 2017

boats, canoes, kayaks and paddle boards are only allowed in the tidal areas of the river? Further inland, these activities are restricted. Families with young children can enjoy ‘Pushchair Safaris’ at Hengistbury Head and take in the coastal views at the tidal end of The Stour. These are guided buggy walks with one of our rangers. They run on a Tuesday at 10:30am up until 18 July and cost £3 per person (no charge for under 5s).

Lots of other nature events and activities take place from Kingfisher Barn Visitor Centre and this offers one of the best ways to learn about the river and its occupants. Visit our Facebook page to find out more.

Whatever your leisure activity, please remember to respect the natural environment as well as others around you. Pick up a copy of our Bournemouth Parks Guided Walks and Events leaflet


Fishing along The River Stour

Fishing along most of The Stour is managed by Bournemouth Water and Ringwood & District Anglers Association. Visit the organisations’ websites for details of licences, season tickets and regulations:  

An exception to this is Stour Valley Nature Reserve, where fishing is free. We insist on barbless hooks being used and caught fish must be returned to the water unharmed. Anyone fishing rivers and watercourses should have a valid Environment Agency rod licence.

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Exclusive competitions for BH Life readers

. There’s nothing like.. Imagine leaving the crowds behind on the shore as you blast over the waves to see and learn about the sights and wildlife that you never knew existed in our local area.

Operating out of the boat Haven, Poole Quay, the Get Lost team can’t wait to treat the lucky winners to the ride of a lifetime!

More rooms


To enter all you have to do is answer this simple question:

What Quay do Get Lost Sailing operate out of: 1 – Poole Quay 2 – Gunwharf Quay 3 – Newquay the See sic s Jura e like n i l t coas e never v ’ u yo it seen e! r o f be

Email your answer and contact details to: or send a postal entry to BH Life Competition, Bournemouth Council, Town Hall, Bournemouth BH2 6DY. Closing date: 31/08/17

Full T&Cs:


...a day out at Beaulie u!

WIN a family ticket! Answer this question for a chance to win: You can travel on the ‘skytrain’ and even fly through the roof of The National Motor Museum, but what colour is the Beaulieu monorail? A. Red B. Green C. Blue To enter, email your answer and contact details to: or send a postal entry to: BH Life Competition, Bournemouth Borough Council, Town Hall, Bournemouth, BH2 6DY. Closing date for entries is 31 August 2017. New Forest | Hants | SO42 7ZN Free Parking

01590 612345 Open daily from 10am A family ticket is valid for 2 adults and up to 3 children OR 1 adult and up to 4 children and gives entry to the whole Beaulieu attraction. This ticket is valid for a single one day visit to Beaulieu and expires on the 31st March 2018.

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Road improvements across the borough

Roads and travel

Bournemouth installs first tiger crossing Bournemouth has its first tiger crossing which can be found on Poole Lane. Linking a well-used footway and cycle path, the tiger crossing makes it safer for both pedestrians and cyclists to cross the road.

The tiger crossing, which was approved for use in Britain in April 2016, is also known as a parallel crossing and comprises a standard zebra crossing with a separate parallel strip. This strip formally permits cyclists to use the crossing alongside pedestrians, with both being given the right of way to cross. The crossing also incorporates ramps to force traffic to slow down around the area. Richard Pearson, Road Safety Manager, said: “I am very pleased that we have introduced this newly approved crossing in Bournemouth. It gives more priority to both pedestrians and cyclists on this busy road, and hopefully enhances the current footway and cycle route to make it a more attractive route. We also hope that this crossing will reduce the traffic speed in this section of Poole Lane.”

This scheme is part of our wider efforts to promote walking and cycling in Bournemouth.

New town centre pedestrian crossing coming soon It will soon be easier for pedestrians and cyclists to cross the road next to Bournemouth Square and access the Central Gardens, as work is underway to install a new town centre crossing point. Safety will be improved by introducing a 20mph zone from Avenue Road near the library to Bourne Avenue near the tennis courts. This zone will also extend just past the junction with St Stephen’s Road on Braidley Road. There will be a raised zebra crossing outside the town centre Tesco Metro and two additional raised crossing points either side, linking the town square across and into the Central Gardens. Changes will slow down traffic, improve cycle and pedestrian routes, and make way for more disabled parking.

The work will be finished this summer. The project is being funded from the Local Transport Grant.

Plan ahead for A338 improvement road works A338 improvement works start at Blackwater Junction this September.

Works are being delivered as part of Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership’s BIG Programme. This is a major economic growth plan aimed at improving connectivity, easing congestion, protecting existing jobs and creating new ones in and around Bournemouth Airport and Wessex Fields.

Motorists will be asked to plan ahead, think about alternative journeys and leave extra time to travel during the improvement works. Look out for travel advice nearer the time.


Sign up to our Roads and Travel e-newsletter at:

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Local government

Joining services, saving money Earlier this year, Bournemouth and five other councils submitted a proposal to the government asking to replace Dorset’s nine councils with two new ones from April 2019. We’re currently awaiting the government’s decision on this plan, look out for announcements at: In the meantime, we are continuing to focus on delivering quality services in the face of significant financial pressures. The scale of the savings we need to make over the next two years means we must change the way we work. That’s why we are working with our neighbours in Poole to develop joint services that support both councils. By developing joint services, we will be able to: • make a significant contribution to managing our financial pressures • increase the resilience of services • create opportunities to share best practice across both councils • improve outcomes for our residents and businesses, and • smooth the transition to local government reorganisation.

Council and Area Forum meetings Council meetings usually take place at the Town Hall and they are open to the public. Here is a selection of some of the meetings for the coming months.

Cabinet: Planning Board: Full Council:

Licensing Board:

22 June at 3pm and 19 July at 10:30am

19 June, 17 July and 14 August at 2:30pm

13 June and 25 July at 7pm

15 and 22 June, 4 and 18 July, 1, 10 and 24 August at 9:45am

Overview and Scrutiny Panel meetings please see our website for details.

Please confirm details before attending.  01202 454713


BH Life Summer 2017

We’re working with Poole Council to deliver savings to local taxpayers

Work is now underway to bring together important backoffice functions, including finance, HR, IT and legal services, to create a single Corporate Services function for the two councils. We are also currently working towards similar joint services for libraries, tourism and seafront operations.

With Bournemouth and Poole committed to working more closely together now and in the future, we can reduce costs and work smarter and more efficiently to deliver better services to our residents.

Area Forum meetings

Area Forum meetings are run by residents with support from ward councillors and take place in different locations across the town.

North Bournemouth: 15 July at Kinson Community Centre, 10am and 16 September at Howe Croft Community Centre, 10am Southbourne: 13 July at Immanuel Church, 7.30pm Wallisdown, Winton West and Ensbury Park: 29 July at Ensbury Park Community Centre, 10:30am Westcliff: 26 September at St Michael’s School, Somerville Road, 7pm Westbourne: 27 September at Westbourne Library, 7pm Winton East: 14 June at St Luke’s Junior School (Luther Road entrance), 7pm

Bournemouth Older People’s Forum: 14 July at The Bridge, Littledown Centre site (BH7 7DX), from 10:30am for refreshments. This meeting is for anyone interested in the wellbeing of this age group. Email:

  01202 451165

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Advertising feature

Making Every Day Extraordinary


Computer generated image

reat Oaks is a brand new residential care home, located just a few minutes’ drive from Bournemouth and Ferndown.

Great Oaks in Bournemouth specialises in nursing and dementia care. Situated within a serene woodland setting, every bedroom features a private en suite wet-room. ;OL OVTL VɈLYZ YLZPKLU[Z KLSPJPV\Z nutritional food; engaging and rewarding activities; and the true feeling of homeliness.

Great Oaks – opening June 2017

Ian MacDonald, Home Manager, is excited [V ^LSJVTL [OL ÄYZ[ YLZPKLU[Z “My priority is the care and happiness of our residents. Our distinctive individual JHYL WSHUZ YLÅLJ[ UV[ VUS` LHJO YLZPKLU[»Z care needs but also their unique character and preferences. At Great Oaks we are devoted to bringing smiles to YLZPKLU[Z» MHJLZ L]LY` KH` ¹ The leafy, green setting at Great Oaks VɈLYZ YLZPKLU[Z H [YHUX\PS HUK ZJLUPJ environment where they can completely relax and enjoy the peaceful ambience.

Opens in June 2017

Ian MacDonald, Home Manager

Visit the website or to book a private viewing, please call Home Admissions Advisor, Nikki Toomer on 01202 087 444

“Mum feels like she has a new extended family!” Large and cosy en-suite bedrooms Tasty, fresh home-cooked meals Engaging and personalised daily activities

Part of a family

Nursing, dementia care, respite & day breaks

Opens June 2017 01202 087 444 Great Oaks, Poole Lane, Kinson, Bournemouth BH11 9DP

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What’s on


17-18 18


Events and things to do in Bournemouth


Bournemouth Food and Drink Festival, from 10am, the Square. British Beach Rugby, Boscombe beach: Moore Avenue Park Family Fun Day, West Howe, 12pm to 4.30pm. Free entry Picnic in the Park, Queen’s Park, 2pm to 6pm. Free entry



Cherry Tree Nursery plant sale, 8am to 3pm at the nursery off Northbourne roundabout: Bourne Free (see 30 June) Superhero day at the Russell-Cotes – a family celebration for the superhero themed Bournemouth Pride Weekend. 10am to 5pm. Price and details: Southbourne Shake and Stir Vintage Festival, Fisherman’s Walk, Southbourne Grove and Green. Discover, Play, Dream, Dance, outdoor dance festival, Pavilion Dance: Monday Morning Meander at Iford Meadows, 10am. Playing fields car park, off Iford Lane (BH6 5NF)

1-2 1 1-2 1-9


3-8 4-5 7

11-12 11-13 13


Dial M for Murder by Frederick Knott at Shelley Theatre, 7:30pm. Tickets £12.50. 01202 413600 or Dancing Terraces, Pavilion Dance: Monday Morning Meander at Millhams Mead, 10am. Meet at St. Andrew’s Church car park, Millhams Road Dancing Terraces, Pavilion Dance. BSO Proms in the Park, Meyrick Park. Tickets and info: Piano Classics – light classical music with Helen Leek at Shelley Theatre, 7pm. Tickets £10. 01202 413600 or


Littledown Food & Music Festival, Littledown park, 11am to 6pm. Free entry: Dorset Humanists: “Secrets of the Magic Circle” with Richard Rawlins, Green House Hotel, Bournemouth, 7.30pm, Free Entry. Bourne Free, Bournemouth Pride Festival. See:

28 30

15-16 16

16 22

28-29 30


14 17-22 18-19 23 31

Kinson Music Festival from 12pm. Three music stages, family activities in the park, community centre and bowls club, Pelhams Park. Free entry Slades Farm Family Festival, 11am to 5pm. Bournemouth Pier to Pier Swim: Emergency Services Family Fun Day, King’s Park, 11am to 4pm. Dancing Terraces, Pavilion Dance: Littledown Family Fun Day, Littledown park, 11am to 4pm. Over 130 stalls, attractions, live music, street food and lots more. Free entry. Monday Morning Meander at Hengistbury Head, 10am. Meet at Solent Meads golf course car park, Rolls Drive (BH6 4NA)

Monday Morning Meander at The Chines, 10am. Meet at the southern entrance to Alum Chine, Alumhurst Rd (BH4 8HS) Dangerous Obsession by NJ Crisp at Shelley Theatre, 7:30pm. Tickets £12.50. 01202 413600 or Dancing Terraces, Pavilion Dance. Dorset Humanists: “What Is Humanism?” with John Coss, Green House Hotel, Bournemouth, 7.30pm, Free Entry. Bournemouth Air Festival (until 3 September) – see page 16

EVERY FRIDAY: Bournemouth Friday Fireworks, see page 17

1, 2, 3 9


Bournemouth Air Festival – see page 16 Cherry Tree Nursery plant sale, 8am to 3pm at the nursery off Northbourne roundabout:

Other Summer activities include:

9-10 10

Pine Walk Art Exhibition, daily until 10 September from 9.30am to 5pm, Pine Walk in the Lower Gardens. Classic Cars on the Prom, Sundays from 4pm to 6:30pm until September, West Overcliff Promenade.

 30

Fit Living UK: fitness lifestyle show, west of the Pier and BIC. Tickets £12. Bournemouth International Triathlon:

Summer at the Russell-Cotes - 22 July to 3 September: Celebrating everything fantastic about the seaside. A range of seaside themed activities including decorating beach bags, sand art and t-shirt painting. In addition to a seaside trail, garden games and an amazing competition. More info at:

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BH Life Summer 2017

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If you’re coming to a show, why not make a night of it?

Enquire about pre-show dining when booking your tickets.





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Bournemouth Air Festival Hospitality Relax and enjoy fabulous food and drink from Bournemouth International Centre’s sea-facing terrace. Book now to avoid disappointment. Call 01202 055 561 or email to discuss larger group discount.

Thu 31 August-Sun 3 September 2017




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Contact your council Email: Web: Town Hall, Bourne Avenue, Bournemouth. BH2 6DY Switchboard: 01202 451451

Council Tax & benefits

Council Tax - 24hr payment line Council Tax - enquiries Council Tax reduction Benefits - housing Business rates


Housing - council tenants Housing defects (private tenants) Housing grants Housing register

Leisure activities

Hengistbury Head Visitor Centre Kingfisher Barn Visitor Centre Parks Queen’s Park Golf Course Russell-Cotes Art Gallery & Museum Seafront office / beach huts

0330 088 7966 01202 451597 01202 451592 01202 451592 01202 454833 01202 451571 0800 0281870 01202 454979 01202 454979 01202 451467 01202 451618 01202 451548 01202 451629 01202 451675 01202 451858 01202 451781

01202 458744 01202 451584 01202 454721

Street services Graffiti reporting Roads and pavements Rubbish and recycling Street cleaning Street lighting

Gary Clarke Company

Coal A multimedia dance show which takes a nostalgic look into the hard hitting realities of Britain’s former mining communities.

Fri 16 June Luke Wright Luke Wright returns to his roots performing poems from his new book, The Toll. Wright’s poetry ranges from the laugh out loud funny to the tearinducingly poignant and back again.

Thu 22 June Ballet Cymru

Parking & travel Blue Badges Bus passes Parking

Wed 31 May

01202 451199 01202 451199 01202 451199 01202 451199 01202 451199

Other council services Adoption services 01202 456743 Births, deaths, marriages and civil partnerships 01202 454945 Children’s Information Service 01202 456222 Planning 01202 451323 Residential noise issues (day) 01202 451296 (out of hours) 0800 0281870 Social care - adults 01202 454979 Social care - children 01202 458101 The Kinson Hub: - housing enquiries 01202 451915 - library and general ‘Hub’ enquiries 01202 452788 Tourist information 01202 451734 Trading Standards (Citizens Advice) 0345 404 0506

This magazine is available in audio and large print.

To request a different format telephone: 01202 451616. You can also read or listen online:

A Midsummer Night’s Dream See the company’s young dynamic dancers present a stunning balletic version of Shakespeare’s most magical play, featuring dance, music and visual projections.

Thu 29 June – Sat 1 July Bring On The Bollywood A romantic musical comedy with a fantastic soundtrack and high energy dance. Inspired by real stories and influenced by classical literature along with contemporary Bollywood romances.

Fri 21 July KCP & Audienceware

Rhythm Of The Dance This Incredible live show creates a new era in Irish entertainment, featuring world champion dancers, a traditional Irish band, and the handsome Young Irish Tenors.

Sat 22 July Just Like That! The Tommy Cooper Show Tommy Cooper was a true comic genius. This critically acclaimed tribute show is full of magic and mirth and is the perfect celebration of Britain’s favourite comedian.

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