BH Life spring 2016

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Spring 2016 edition

YOUR CHANCE TO WIN A family ticket to Marwell or a pair of tickets to see the Glenn Miller Orchestra See page 25

Wheels Festival roars into town Spring gardening ideas see page 11

Protecting our coast see page 13 Our local magazine produced for Bournemouth residents

What’s happening at this year’s event? see page 16

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All-inclusive prepaid funeral plans from only £2,710 Our prepaid funeral plans are the perfect solution if you’re looking for the comfort and reassurance of knowing that everything has been taken care of when you die, and we GUARANTEE to beat national and charity-based funeral plans.


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Offer includes a starter and main, main and dessert or starter and dessert. Offer applies to all starters, mains and desserts excluding the Harry’s Challenge and Monster Hotdog. Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. Offer valid until 1st December 2016.

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First Council Tax rise for six years Bournemouth residents have seen no increase at all in their Council Tax bills since 2010/11, and now a rise of 3.99% is having to be made for 2016/17. This includes a dedicated 2% Adult Social Care precept that the Council has been encouraged to adopt by the government, so that we can continue to support the most vulnerable adults in Bournemouth. You can read more about how we’re addressing these financial challenges on page 8.

Despite this, the work of ‘Building a Better Bournemouth’ continues as the Council addresses the issues that are of greatest importance to residents (see the results of the Bournemouth Opinion Survey on page 5). Additional resources have also been allocated to a number of priorities including tackling anti-social behaviour in the town centre and repairs to potholes through the Road Rescue Fund.

We are ambitious for all parts of the town and are determined to improve the local economy and the quality of life for all Bournemouth residents. To support the local economy and jobs, the seafront strategy and Town Centre Vision will see more development in 2016/17, including along the seafront following the works at Pier Approach. The housing strategy will continue to make more new homes available for council tenants, property that is affordable for local people to buy, and measures to improve standards in the private rental sector. You can keep up to date will news about your local council services online at:, through our social media channels and by reading BH Life magazine. Councillor John Beesley Leader of the Council BH Life magazine is delivered free to homes in Bournemouth. It’s also available at a wide variety of outlets. To advertise in BH Life call IMS Group on: 01202 611100 email:

This publication is environmentally friendly using paper sourced from sustainable forests, using no bleaching agents and printed using vegetable based inks. The publication contains advertising and the Council cannot vouch for the legitimacy of, or endorse any advertiser in BH Life. Citizens Advice provide free, impartial consumer advice on 0345 404 0506. Please recycle this magazine when everyone has read it.

Read and listen online at:





4 .......

In and around the town 8 ....... Council finances 11 ...... Get gardening 13 ...... Beach life 15 ...... Children and families 16 ...... Riding high at the Wheels Festival 19 ...... Community news 21 ...... Happy Birthday Her Majesty 22 ...... Looking for a career in home care? 24 ...... Behind the scenes at Hengistbury Head 25 ...... Competitions 26 ...... Spotlight on democracy 27....... Your local councillors 30....... What’s on?

Publication details Edited by: Jo Evans, Corporate Communications & Marketing, Bournemouth Borough Council. Tel: 01202 451616 Email: Designed and produced by: IMS Group Tel: 01202 611100 Copies printed: 86,000 Cost per copy: 10p approx. Advertising: IMS Group Tel: 01202 611100. Email: Distributed by: IMS Group If you do not regularly receive BH Life tel: 01202 451435 or email: Delivery of next issue: The summer edition will be delivered to homes in mid-June 2016

BH Life Spring 2016


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News from around the borough

In and around

the town News in brief.... Kinson South election

Norman Decent (Conservative) and Roger Marley (Conservative) have been elected as Kinson South ward councillors at an election for two council seats held on 10 December. This Election followed a ruling by the High Court after the result of the 7 May poll was challenged. For more information visit: and for a full list of your local councillors turn to page 27 and 28.

Are you registered to vote?

On Thursday 5 May you will have the chance to vote and elect a Police and Crime Commissioner for Dorset. But only if you’re registered to vote. The deadline, to register in time for this election, is Monday 18 April. You need to be on the electoral register to vote in elections and referendums. It only takes a few minutes, just visit:

Receive next year’s Council Tax bill by email

Your 2016/17 Council Tax bill will be arriving through your letter box very soon, but did you know that you can have your Council Tax bill or benefit notifications emailed to you instead? If you’d like to take up this option in the future, just send an email to us at: revenue& and include your name, postal and email address. We’ll do the rest.

There are many ways you can pay your Council Tax bill, but we’d recommend paying online at:, via direct debit or by calling our automated payment line on: 01202 454748.


BH Life Spring 2016

Visitors in the existing Westover Gardens area

Exciting plans to regenerate Westover Gardens underway An artisan market, a new café with alfresco seating, improved landscaping and planting, and a new aviary are just some of the ideas and plans underway as part of the regeneration for Westover Gardens.

A new cafe kiosk will provide outside seating and is expected to be finished in April. Meanwhile there are plans for the aviary, which is managed by dedicated volunteers, to be re-built to create an inspiring space with an improved flight area for the rescued birds. The work is supported by the Bournemouth Parks Foundation which is helping to collect funds on site with the assistance of a ‘talking parrot’ sculpture. All donations will contribute to the £200,000 required to develop and build the new aviary.

You can keep up to date with our plans by following us on Facebook:


Calling all artists

A broad range of art is exhibited daily

We’re looking for artists from all backgrounds and abilities, including first time exhibitors, to showcase their work at the Pine Walk Art Exhibition in the Lower Gardens. This open air art display takes place daily between 21 May and 4 September from 9:30am to 5pm. To make a booking or find out more: visit:

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In and around the town

News from around the borough

Our survey says... Did you know that 54% of people say that BH Life magazine is their top source of information about the Council? How do we know this? Last autumn, 3,260 people - a representative sample of the local population – responded with their views on council services and what it’s like living in Bournemouth.

Funeral webcasting now available

69% of people said they are satisfied with the way that the council runs things, an improvement on previous years and up from 51% in 2008.

Introduced in November, mourners can now benefit from a new funeral streaming service, or ‘webcasting’, available in both chapels at Bournemouth Crematorium.

• • • • •

Bournemouth Crematorium

As our lives get busier and friends and families spread out across the globe, it can prove difficult to come together to mourn the loss of a loved one. It is also unfortunate when relatives miss a ceremony due to a hospital stay or long-term health issues.

There is a small, unobtrusive camera and microphones in the chapels. Only those with the unique code, provided by simple email invitation, can listen and watch the funeral taking place in real time.

Both chapels at Bournemouth Crematorium now also have large TV screens on the walls, which can be used for audio-visual tributes during a service. These tributes are usually either a static photo of the deceased, or a slideshow set to music with photos of your choice.

Find out more, including the charge for this streaming service, from your funeral director. Further information about our Bereavement Services can be found at: or call 01202 526238.

The survey also revealed that residents’ top priorities are:

The level of crime Health services Affordable decent housing Clean streets Care services / supporting older, disabled and vulnerable people The level of traffic congestion.

The survey allows us to see how the views of local people have changed and helps us identify where we need to make improvements.

For more information and detailed results visit:

Investing in future generations

Since 2008 we have worked closely with schools to successfully plan and deliver additional primary school places to meet increasing demand, with Bournemouth schools either permanently or temporarily expanded.

Recently a new £1.7m school extension was completed at Winton Primary School, which has created an extra 210 student places, transforming the former 630-pupil school from three-form to four-form entry status.

The new facility has provided a modern and enhanced learning environment which includes a small hall, drama studio, music room, four classrooms, an office and supporting accommodation. The school’s car park and drop off facilities have also been improved.

More school places

Councillor Nicola Greene, Cabinet Member for Education and Children’s Services, said: “It’s fantastic to see the expansion work completed and the enhancement to the facilities at Winton Primary School. The expansion works form part of the Council’s plans to increase the number of primary school places in Bournemouth in order to help meet the continuing demand.”

For more information, visit:

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In and around the town

News from around the borough

Food caddy liners now available from local libraries

Fresh produce at Boscombe Market

Love your local Boscombe Market this May

If you love markets, and can’t resist a bargain, you need to come down to Boscombe Precinct this May to be part of the great national ‘Love Your Local Market’ (LYLM) event.

LYLM is a celebration of our great British market culture taking place between 14 to 28 May. Boscombe Market is getting behind the campaign and is putting on events and activities to run alongside the traditional market, with extra stalls and a wide variety of merchandise on offer.

Boscombe Market is Bournemouth’s only regular open air market, operating every Thursday and Saturday on Boscombe Precinct. Visit: for more details. And if you’ve ever thought of being a market trader, contact us for details about having a stall, on: 01202 456173 or email:

Been feeding your food caddy? Run out of food waste caddy liners? It’s simple to get more but we’re no longer able to deliver compostable caddy liners to homes. Instead, you can get free replacement rolls by popping into your local Bournemouth library.

You just need to take proof of your address with you (a household bill, driving licence or bank statement) and staff will provide a roll of compostable caddy liners free of charge.

Councillor Michael Filer, Cabinet Member for Waste, said: “Since the scheme began in March 2014, 3,500 tonnes of food waste have been successfully collected. This has generated enough electricity to heat 262 houses for a year as well as the treatment plant. This has also produced enough high quality soil improver to spread on 272 acres of farmland. Residents’ efforts are appreciated, so please keep it up.”

You can find out more about food waste on our website, including a reminder of what foods can be recycled and frequently asked questions. Visit: For library locations and opening times please visit:

Improving our services for you We have joined only 18 other local authorities in England in being accredited at the level of ‘Excellence’ on the Equality Framework for Local Government. Why is this important to you? It means we’re making sure everyone can use our services and is included in our activities.

The Equality Act challenges organisations to take the ‘protected characteristics’ (age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage/civil partnership, pregnancy/maternity, race, religion/belief, sex, and sexual


BH Life Spring 2016

orientation) into consideration when building and delivering services.

Councillor David Kelsey, Equality and Diversity Champion said: “Achieving an excellent rating isn’t just about meeting our duties under equalities legislation, we’re Building a Better Bournemouth too. That means making the borough a place where everyone matters, feels safe, can achieve their full potential and feel they are treated as equals.”

Find out more about your local services at: or find us on Facebook and Twitter.

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News from around the borough

In and around the town

Is your dog microchipped?

If you’re a dog owner and your pooch isn’t already microchipped then take action now to make sure you stay on the right side of the law.

From 6 April it will be compulsory for all dogs over the age of eight weeks to be fitted with microchips and registered with their keepers’ contact details. All keepers, including breeders, must keep these details up to date. The measures are set to crack down on vicious or illegal dogs as well as help protect animals who may become lost.

Councillor David Smith, Cabinet Member for Planning and Environment, said: “Microchipping will reduce the burden on animal charities and local authorities and help protect the welfare of dogs by promoting responsible dog ownership.”

Once the new law is in place, the owner of any dog without a microchip may be served with a notice and face criminal prosecution and a £500 fine if they do not comply with that notice.

If your dog needs to be fitted with a microchip contact your local vet for details. For information about our Animal Welfare Service call: 01202 451306 or visit:

Email me

Join our new and free email newsletter service and receive the latest information about the things that matter to you, straight to your inbox.

Our email newsletters will keep you up to date with what’s happening in and around Bournemouth, as well as providing you with important information about key council services.

Get information and news on a range of topics including council news, events, parks and leisure, libraries news and more.

How to sign up

Signing up is quick and easy, all you need to do is visit:, provide us with your email address and choose the topics that interest you. Then await your first email update.

Have respect for others. Think before you park

Antisocial parking on the rise More and more people are reporting problems of antisocial parking. Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) issued to vehicles parking over dropped kerbs for example, has risen by 148% since 2013.

In one case, a Bournemouth resident was forced to spend hundreds of pounds in taxi fares to catch a flight from London on Boxing Day. An inconsiderate driver had parked over the dropped kerb blocking the resident’s car in the driveway.

Antisocial parking is an inconvenience to others but could also endanger life. You should not park where there are dropped kerbs at the entrance to a residential property or crossings points including those with tactile paving. Road markings, such as yellow lines and zigzags outside schools, also indicate where you should not park.

Bad parking in residential roads is also causing problems for our waste and recycling trucks which have been unable to drive down some roads to collect waste. Another consequence is emergency vehicles being thwarted from reaching homes and residents in need. Have respect for others. Think before you park.

For more information about parking restrictions visit:

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Council services

Financial challenges for local government

Government grant for all council services will end by 2020 Your council is working hard to continue to protect frontline services amidst the biggest financial challenges to hit local government to date. The government’s latest Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) and Autumn Statement once again impacted on local authorities disproportionately hard. Bournemouth Council’s grant is being reduced by £7.6m (29.8%) in 2016/17 and another £6.9m in 2017/18. This is on top of the 50% cut in grant already taken away since 2010. By 2020, there will be no revenue grant at all, meaning the Council needs to look at new ways to make local services sustainable for the future.

Part of this involves working with councils across Dorset to look at different options for delivering local government services in the future. Whilst the outcome of this is some time away, change is inevitable, be that one or more new larger unitary authorities replacing existing councils, or much greater levels of joint working and shared service delivery to help cut costs and avoid duplication. As well as preserving public services, new ways of working will also be designed to realise the economic potential of the area, creating a greater strategic presence and economic influence, and gaining more significant devolution powers from government.

We need to be ready for the likely integration of services across the area that may come out of this work, and so our outsourcing partnership with Kier has been reviewed. We’re now bringing these services back in-house, so that we can respond quickly when the case for change is ready and the best options for Bournemouth residents become clearer.

This challenging financial landscape means that Bournemouth residents will see a rise in Council Tax for the first time since 2010/11. Look out for your Council Tax bill along with accompanying information leaflet, or see the Council’s website for detailed information:

With social care services for adults and children now accounting for around 75% of the Council’s entire budget, the government has suggested councils should introduce an ‘adult social care’ levy of 2% specifically to help fund this important demand-led service. This is on top of the maximum 1.99% rise in general Council Tax that can be implemented. Having saved a cumulative £222m since 2007, if we are to continue to prioritise services for vulnerable adults and children, we will need to generate more income to ensure that the remaining resources are sufficient to deliver all the other essential frontline services currently provided. Additional resources have also been allocated to a number of other priorities including tackling anti-social behaviour in the town centre and repairs to potholes through the Road Rescue Fund.

These are tough challenges set by government, but your council is responding positively to ensure that we continue to provide the services that residents need and expect.

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Did you know?

Council Tax is the local charge that you pay towards council services in Bournemouth as well as Dorset Police and Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service. You can find budget and finance information for these other local services at: and

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For one planning a family getaway this spring

Kids go free to France Sailing to France with us is so easy. Not only will you enjoy great on board service and facilities, on arrival you’ll also be able to explore in the comfort of your own car packed with everything you need. This spring kids go free on all daytime cruise ferry sailings to France – even during school holidays! Simply book by 10 April for travel until 30 May 2016.

Visit or call 0330 159 6689 New bookings only. Free kids travel limited to 2 passengers aged 4-15 years travelling in the same vehicle and sharing a cabin. All children under 4 travel free. Terms, conditions and travel exclusions apply – see website for details.

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BH Life Spring 2016

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Get ready for springtime

Get gardening Kings Park Nursery offers a wide variety of plants

With spring here there’s no better time to get out and get active in your garden. So if you’re having a tidy up and getting ready for the planting season, here’s some advice to help make those garden chores easier. Home composting quick guide Composting is nature’s way of recycling garden and food waste into a great nutritious soil improver. It’s easy to compost in your garden especially with subsidised home composters available to all Bournemouth residents.

When picking a spot for your composter it’s important to choose somewhere sunny with good drainage. If you plan to put food waste in your composter choose somewhere that has easy access from the kitchen. Remember uncooked fruit and vegetable peelings, teabags and eggshells work best for home composting. Other food waste such as meat, plate scrappings or bakery items, don’t compost easily and attract unwanted pests. Put these items plus any cooked scraps in your food waste bin for weekly collection.

To get great compost you need a good mixture of green ‘wet’ material and brown ‘dry’ material in your compost bin. This helps the material to break down. You can keep the contents of your composter aerated by giving it a turn every once in a while, though it’s not essential. In six to 12 months you’ll have rich dark brown compost.

Find out more and buy a subsidised home composter online at: – prices start from just £6 (two per household limit). For a full list of materials that can be composted, visit:

Sign up for garden waste collections

We also collect garden waste fortnightly from February to December. If you’d like a garden waste collection you will need to register and pay a collection fee (£35 for one bin, £50 for two bins). You can register at:

Quality plants grown locally

If you’re looking to fill your garden with good quality, value for money plants then head to Kings Park Nursery where we grow a wide variety of plants for use in Bournemouth’s parks and for other local councils. We’re also open to the public. This year, due to popular demand, we’ll be opening for longer - from Easter until October from Tuesday to Saturday plus all bank holiday Mondays (10am to 4pm).


Did you know?

The running of the nursery is supported by a number of volunteers but we’re on the lookout for more people to join us. Volunteering opportunities include customer service/retail roles as well as plant growing, watering and general tidying. Specific knowledge is not required. Flexible hours to suit you. Find out more at: or call: 01202 427851.

BH Life Spring 2016


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Advertising Feature

3-course seaview lunch for £25

‘I think of a leisurely lunch midweek as a pleasantly naughty thing to do, stealing a little time for a change with lots of lively chat enjoying good food and a light bottle of French white wine – maybe a bottle of Chateau Bauduc.’

Your chance to win a 3 course meal for two with a bottle of house wine at Rick Stein, Sandbanks

Rick Stein, Sandbanks 10 –14 Banks Road, Poole, Dorset BH13 7QB

Entries must be received by 31st May 2016

Life Begins Magazine, Dorset & Hampshire’s best independent online read for the young at heart has teamed up with our friends at Rick Stein, Sandbanks to offer one lucky reader the chance to sample the culinary delights on offer at their new restaurant overlooking Poole Harbour. You’ll be spoilt for choice when trying to select from the mouthwatering menu: From Rick’s traditional favourtites through to a delicious Indonesian seafood curry, with seabass, squid and prawns.

Life Begins

And if seafood isn’t your thing, there’s a fine selection of culinary fayre that’s never tasted the sea: from the finest cuts of prime fillet steak through to the exceptionally tasty navarin of lamb. L

To enter and be in with a chance of winning this fabulous prize, visit our website at:

16:33 Page 1

The magazine for the young at heart

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BH Life Spring 2016

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Seafront activities

Head to the beach for relaxation, events and more

Beach Life Bournemouth Bay Run

Water play features at Pier Approach

Boscombe beach pods

As we enter the spring months and the weather warms up, why not come and enjoy the sounds of the waves, the sea air and the warmth of the sun on your back? You could head to see the improvements to Pier Approach. Finished last year and part of our long term plans to create a world class seafront, you will find impressive lighting, relandscaping and water play features. If you have friends or family visiting, then be sure to direct them to the new award-winning tourist information centre there. And don’t forget the Prom Café if you need a good spot for a refreshment break.

If you fancy something more active, then there’s everything from watersports to beach activities at Boscombe’s Coastal Activity Park. There’s even free fun including table tennis, orienteering and bouldering. Visit: or for activity bookings call: 01202 451773.

And don’t forget, over two hundred and fifty of our famous beach huts are available for daily, weekly and period hire. There’s also the funky pods at Boscombe available for weekly hire and they’re a perfect base for friends or family groups, especially if you’re planning watersports or other activities. Find out more and book, visit: or call: 01202 451781.


There are also lots of events taking place along the seafront in the coming weeks and months. Take part, spectate or just kick back and enjoy the surroundings:

Bournemouth Bay Run ThunderCat Racing Bournemouth Wheels Festival Race for Life


3 April 16 and 17 April 3 to 5 June 12 June

For more event details visit:

Work to protect our coastline continues Over recent months you may have seen a lot of activity along Bournemouth’s seafront. Essential work, as part of the first phase of our 17-year beach management programme, is taking place to protect our coastline from future coastal erosion.

Since October we have been replacing the timber groynes. This needs to be done every 25 years so that the groynes continue to be effective. We will replace ten this year and by the end of the first phase of work in 2020, up to 30 new groynes will be in place.

We are now dredging to replenish several low spots on the beach in an area between the two piers and to the east of Boscombe Pier. This involves sand being dredged from the seabed and then pumped through a long pipe onto the beach. It’s mixed with water

Groyne replacement works

to assist it being pumped. As the mixture exits the pipe the water flows back into the sea leaving the new sand behind.

During the beach replenishment work, some sections of the beach will be cordoned off for public safety reasons but it will be finished in time for the main summer season.

Find out more about this work at:

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Children & families

Are you caring for somebody’s child?

If you’re looking after someone’s child, you could be in a ‘private fostering’ arrangement.

Maria* notified us about Josh* staying with her family as he is under the age of 16, has stayed for more than 28 days and is not a close relative. Josh lives in Bournemouth and last year he had a fallout with his dad and step mum. He went to stay with his best friend Luke for a cooling off period. He’s been there several months now and he doesn’t want to return home. Maria is Luke’s mum and she has been caring for Josh, who calls her ‘auntie’.

Josh said: “I feel much better. It was stressful at times living at home. The good thing is I’m getting the support I need from good people who care for me. For example, Maria, my social worker and the new family.”

Anybody who is aware of an arrangement like Josh and Maria’s has a legal responsibility to inform our Children’s Social Care team. This is so that a social worker can visit, check the suitability of the living arrangement and ensure the young person is safe and supported.

Maria, said: “It is rewarding but definitely has its challenges at times. I treat Josh like one of my own. I’m thankful to the Children’s Social Care team for supporting me with this arrangement.”

For more information, visit: or call: 01202 454971. *Names have been changed to protect the identity of the family.


BH Life Spring 2016

National Citizen Service - is your child taking part? Have you heard of National Citizen Service (NCS)? It’s a once–in-a-lifetime part residential experience open to all 16 and 17 year olds. The voluntary programme helps young people build skills for work and life while taking on exciting challenges, making new friends and contributing to their community. NCS runs outside term time and in Bournemouth the programme is led by BCHA. Government funding ensures participants pay a maximum of only £50 for a place. Bursaries are available for those unable to meet the cost and support is provided for students with additional needs.

There are a number of phases in the programme involving team building and other activities, getting a taster of life at university and working in the community on projects to make a difference to other people’s lives.

Don’t let your child miss out. Find out more at:, email: or call: 01202 410500 and ask for NCS.


Did you know?

In 2015 alone, over 220 local young people participated in NCS. They completed over 6,600 volunteering hours in the local community and raised over £7,000 through fundraising.

Things to do this Easter

There’s a whole host of Easter family holiday activities on offer this spring. Friends of Boscombe Chine Gardens are holding their annual Easter Family Fun Day on 26 March from 11am to 4pm. And Russell Cotes host their ever popular Easter craft sessions and art workshops for children. Find out what’s on by turning to page 30.

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Early learning news and information

Children & families

Giving your child a head start in life Did you know that your child’s development by age five is a strong predictor of how healthy and successful they will be later in life? That’s why it’s important for you to be able to access support if you need help to develop your child’s early learning. A warm welcome and range of services to support you through the years from your child’s birth to when they start primary school can be found at Bournemouth’s Children’s Centres. There’s information and advice available as well as early years education, childcare, family learning opportunities and much more.

Children’s Centres have been the focal point for our recent ‘Come Talk With Me’ project, which is helping parents to improve young children’s speech, language and communication skills. Continue to look out for our monthly ‘top tips’ of simple things that you can do to make a big difference to your child’s development.

Meanwhile, we’re testing an exciting new project with a small group of


parents. EasyPeasy is a phone app that sends ideas to parents of young children to help developmental play to prepare children for school, and beyond. The app provides parents with simple, fun games to play with their children, aged two to five. We’re working on this project with the Sutton Trust education charity and Oxford University. If successful, we hope to make the app available to more parents through Bournemouth’s Children’s Centres.

We’re helping local families to ensure that Bournemouth children get the best possible start in life. Why not find out what’s on offer by signing up to our Facebook page or visit our website: BournemouthEarlyYears

Bournemouth’s childcare heroes announced The winners of our Early Years Sector Awards have been revealed following nominations from over 300 local parents. Childcare workers from across the borough were celebrated at a special awards event, now in its 10th year, held at the Life Centre in Winton.

Councillor Nicola Greene, Cabinet Member for Education and Children’s Services, said: “This event recognises the professionalism and dedication of Bournemouth’s childcare and children’s centre workforce. We place our future generation in their hands and this is our chance to say thank you for the amazing daily work which takes place locally.”

For further information, visit:

Chris Brown

Jo Martin

The winners include: • Safia Sattaur - childminder of the year • Patrick Ives – children’s centre worker of the year • Maggi Jenkin - day nursery worker of the year • Chris Brown - playworker of the year • Caroline Marshallsay - pre-school worker of the year • Jo Martin - special educational needs worker of the year • Sophie Buckley - children’s centre volunteer of the year.

 Maggi Jenkin

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Wheels Festival

Three days of fast-moving action

‘2Bros’ racing stunt team

Riding high with Bournemouth Wheels Festival BMX riders, racing cars, trucks, karts and more at this year’s event

Returning for a third year, the Bournemouth Wheels Festival is set to bring thrills and excitement once again. From Friday 3 to Sunday 5 June there will be three days of fast-moving action on the demonstration straight, awe-inspiring monster truck shows and breath-taking new stunts.

Mark of ‘2Bros’

Making their debut appearance at this year’s festival will be ‘2Bros’ stunt team, a UK championship-winning street bike freestyle duo. One half of the double act, Mark Van Driel known as ‘Vandal’, gives us an insight in to how he got in to riding and what you can expect to see from him at the festival.

“It was my father who got me in to bikes and racing from an early age. By the time I was 10 years old I started motocross. This is when my aspiration to ride for a living started to become a reality. I learnt and developed the skills needed to race and loved the adrenaline I got from it. During 20 years of motocross racing I won various regional championships and competed in the British Championships. I only stopped racing because of a broken back. I then moved on to kart racing and then stunt riding ten years ago where I won the British Championship three times before myself and Ash set up the 2Bros team.

“I met Ash, my partner in crime, during the British Championships. We share the same passion for bikes and he is also a former motocross champion. He’s done a lot of road racing and enjoys his skydiving and gymnastics.

“Before a performance we always assess the area and a venue’s surface so we can choreograph our display accordingly. Some of the tricks you will see have taken years to learn. For example, a wheelie would take five to six years of practice to be able to execute it safely and correctly. It’s all about making the bike work for you. When you’re riding a quarter metric tonne bike, there is no room for error.

“We have performed all over the world but are both really looking forward to bringing our performance to the crowds of Bournemouth. The festival is a well-known and a highly talked about event, so we are keen to be part of it and put on an entertaining show for everyone.”


Did you know?

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BH Life Spring 2016

During their performance Ash will provide live commentary from a microphone on his helmet whilst still performing tricks Mark will also perform with tandem rider Katrina, which will see her jumping on and off the bike whilst he does a wheelie Mark is a Guinness World Record holder for riding backwards and doing the most rotations in a minute, no handed.

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Great events coming to Bournemouth

Summer events

Upcoming events for your diary

F1 cars take to the streets of the town

Classic Cars on the Prom, 10 April to 11 September

Most Sundays you will find Classic Cars on the Prom from 4pm to 6.30pm. Cars are displayed at West Overcliff Promenade, weather permitting. For more information, visit: Monster trucks set to thrill

Other highlights include:

A host of festival favourites will be back to perform, including the monster trucks, the Kangaroo Kid, Team Extreme’s BMX riders and skaters and precision driving ace, Paul Swift. The popular Demo Straight will feature a variety of historic F1 cars, supercars, racing cars, bikes and karts. Plus, new for this year, Bournemouth welcomes the UK Quad Bike Beach Cross Championships. Catering for all ages and taking place across the town centre and seafront, the festival will bring a mix of high energy events and the chance to take a closer look at classic motors and supercars, explore military vehicles and discover the latest models from leading car manufacturers. Councillor Lawrence Williams, Cabinet Member for Leisure, Tourism and the Arts, said: “Wheels 2016 is anticipated to appeal to residents and visitors alike, as well as a variety of ages, backgrounds and interests, more so than ever before.”

Essential information

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Bournemouth Jazz Festival, 22 to 24 April

Make it a Jazz weekend this spring with a bigger and better Bournemouth Jazz Festival this April. A number of professional jazz musicians have been invited to perform over the weekend. Concerts will feature Bournemouth’s celebrated Swing Unlimited Big Band and music legends Ginger Baker and Andy Sheppard.

There will also be live performances at various locations, including free events in the town centre, shops and arcades. In addition, there will be a variety of themed jazz events in hotels, bars and restaurants across the town. Plus, a series of jazz workshops and a jazz music competition for local schools. For more details, visit:

There will be some town centre road and seafront car park closures over the three days to accommodate the event. Make the most of your local knowledge and bus, cycle or walk in and around the town.

Festival programmes cost £5 and are available from April at the Tourist Information Centre.

Hear all the latest on event announcements, travel information and details about our park and ride service on the website, Facebook or Twitter.

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bournemouthwheelsfestival bmthwheelsfest

The Magic of Masks and Puppets

A new exhibition opens at the Russell-Cotes Art Gallery and Museum from 10 April. Telling the story of masks and puppets from around the world, you will be able to see material from the Scottish Mask and Puppet Centre and from the Russell-Cotes’ very own collection, particularly Japanese Noh masks and South Pacific ritual masks. For details visit:

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Wickmeads A charming new nursing, dementia and residential care home in the heart of Southbourne

A warm, safe and comfortable place to live Sitting in the heart of its local community in Tuckton, Southbourne, the new Wickmeads has been purpose-built by Care South, a local not-for-profit charity, to provide modern yet homely facilities for nursing, dementia and residential care, at a realistic cost. With fully ensuite bedrooms and a range of light and airy communal spaces, Wickmeads offers an environment where residents can feel relaxed and at home, safe in the knowledge that someone is responsible for their well-being and care at all times.

The best care for our residents Our professionally trained staff provide high quality nursing care for all levels of need – from short term respite, to high dependency and palliative care. We help our residents to get the most out of life in a safe and peaceful setting, with comfortable accommodation, quality dining and a range of social activities available throughout the week.

Specialist dementia care The new facilities at Wickmeads are designed to encourage residents to interact with their environment and make them feel comfortable in their new home. The interiors and gardens have been created to provide stimulating surrounding for those needing specialist dementia and nursing care.

Come and see for yourself! Call 01202 712400 to arrange a visit or find out more at Wickmeads | Wickmeads Road | Tuckton | Bournemouth | Dorset | BH6 4LG

Care South is a leading provider of residential and home care across Dorset. Registered Charity No. 1014697

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Courses, charities and community groups

Community news

Free courses to help improve mental wellbeing

Jenny & Shane share an interest in Dr Who and Sci-Fi

Change lives, make a difference, do what you enjoy

Free courses including arts and crafts and singing workshops are being offered by Skills & Learning. Part of a project called Living Well, courses offer support to people with moderate mental health issues. The courses are available across the whole county and delivered by tutors with experience of mental health problems. With an emphasis on self-help, confidence building, lifestyle and employability, the courses also offer an opportunity to meet new people, learn new skills and develop new interests.

One in four of us will experience a mental health problem at some point in our lives. So find out more if you are experiencing mild to moderate mental health difficulties, such as low mood, depression and anxiety. Courses are available to people living in Dorset who are aged over 19.

Find out more at: or telephone: 01202 262300.

Thanks to Big Lottery funding, a local charity has set up a new buddy scheme to match people with a learning disability to a suitable volunteer with shared hobbies and interests.

LifeLink is run by Bournemouth People First, a charity run for and by people with a learning disability. The buddy scheme will give people the chance to go out and do things in the local area and is a great way for people to get free support, make a friend and be part of the local community.

LifeLink is currently recruiting: • people with a learning disability who live in the Bournemouth area and are looking for some extra support to go out and do things • people with a learning disability who live in the Bournemouth area and want to be trainers • volunteer buddies who live in Bournemouth or the wider area. Contact Bournemouth People First to find out more on: 01202 303765, email: or visit:

Lots going on at the Shelley Theatre The Shelley Theatre hosts a variety of entertainment all year. Originally purchased as a home by the author Mary Shelley in 1849, today it hosts a range of performances, events and film screenings whilst restoration work is improving the venue’s facilities.

If you fancy a great evening out, why not give the Theatre a visit? Upcoming performances include UpBeat, a two-part play set against the Wessex waterways (19 March, 7:30pm), the Shelley Spring Cider Festival (29 April, 6pm), classical guitarist Mark Jennings (2 June, 8pm) and the films Suffragette (18 March, 8pm) and The Lady in the Van (2 April, 8pm).

The Theatre can be found at Beachwood Avenue in Boscombe, just a short walk from Christchurch Road and right next to the Shelley Manor Medical Centre.

Learn more about the venue and see a full programme of events, visit:

Performances and films at The Shelley Theatre

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WORLD into your


HOME And host an International Student! We are looking for couples, singles & families to host students from across the globe. Being a host family is as rewarding for you as it is for your students. You learn about another culture and provide a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Homestay accommodation required all year round.

Guaranteed weekly payments 24 hour staff support 50 years experience in language education World’s largest private education company Friendly & supportive team Accommodation required all year round EF International Language Centre 11 Poole Road, Bournemouth, BH2 5QR


BH Life Spring 2016


01202 832830

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Queen’s birthday

A birthday celebration fit for the Queen Her Majesty pictured in Bournemouth, 2004

The Queen turns 90 on 21 April this year. National commemorations will centre on her official birthday weekend - 10 to 12 June - with a mass street party on the Mall called The Patron’s Lunch, a service of thanksgiving at St Paul’s Cathedral and the traditional Trooping the Colour ceremony. In Bournemouth, activities to mark the occasion will take place in April. A Civic Service where the Mayor will lead councillors and other dignitaries to St Peter’s Church, will take place on 21 April at 11am. A beacon will also be lit on the evening of 21 April at Boscombe Overcliff Drive (by Café Riva). You are welcome to attend both events or why not hold your own celebration?

From picnics to street parties, you could celebrate with family, friends or neighbours. The Big Lunch is an annual opportunity for residents to organise a one-day get together for neighbours and this year takes place on 12 June. A useful step-by-step guide to help you plan a Big Lunch or other community based event can be found at:

If you want to hold a street party get your planning underway as soon as possible as you may need to apply to us for a road closure and you need to do this at least four to six weeks in advance of your event date. For useful event planning information, visit: For full details and to keep up to date with Bournemouth’s celebrations for The Queen’s birthday, you can visit:

Celebrations galore at local libraries

Royal tea parties will be held in libraries on 21 and 22 April to celebrate the 90th birthday of Her Majesty. And Bournemouth Library will exhibit local photographs and books with a royal theme and reflecting the history of Bournemouth through the decades of Her Majesty’s reign.

Meet Bournemouth’s nonagenarians

Constantin marks 90 years


Some of Bournemouth’s residents also celebrate their 90th birthdays in 2016.

Constantin (pictured with granddaughter Rebekah and daughter Sandra) celebrated his birthday in February. He says the secret to a healthy life is everything in moderation.

Liz is a royalist and said: “I am glad to be celebrating at the same time as Her Majesty especially as we share the same name.”


Did you know?

Southbourne Library is 90 years old this year and to celebrate it will host a birthday party on Saturday 14 May.

You can find out more about the various library celebrations by visiting: nearer the time.

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Careers in care

Recruitment event on 7 April, The Sovereign Centre, Boscombe

Looking for a career in home care? Could you make a difference to someone’s life? Helping them to live in their own home whilst providing professional care and support? A career in home care could be for you. Professional home carers can benefit from working flexible hours as well as receiving training to achieve the National Care Certificate, which means all care workers with this qualification are providing safe, high quality and compassionate care.

If you are unsure whether a career in care is for you, come along to Boscombe’s Sovereign Centre on Thursday 7 April from 9am to 5:30pm for a special Proud to Care – Recruitment Together Event. You will have the opportunity to meet someone who will be pleased to talk you through the various career options and all the job opportunities available in Bournemouth. There will be fun activities for children, so bring them along too. The following home care service providers will be at the event to meet and chat with you:

• • • • • • • • •

Allied Agincare AQS Care South Horizon Homecare Nu Staff Prime Care Willow Tree Tender Care Services.

Working in home care

Kerry Upward


Kerry Upward has been working in Bournemouth as a home care worker for the last two years. She explains why home care work is ideal for her. “After being a stay at home mum of three children for 15 years, I wanted to get back into work doing something for myself but still having the time to be there for my children. In the first few weeks of starting my job I was very unsure, but here I am two years on loving my role. I can fit my hours around my personal life, whilst still having a very rewarding and enjoyable career. I consider myself to be very lucky. How many people can say they enjoy going to work? It’s a great feeling knowing that at the end of the working day you have made a difference to other people’s daily routines.”

BH Life Spring 2016

Councillor Blair Crawford, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, said: “Professional home care workers are crucial to enabling our residents to be able to continue to live independently in their own home. I would encourage anyone who is considering care work to come along to our Proud to Care recruitment event and find out about the invaluable role home care workers play in the local community.”

For more information come along to our Proud to Care – Recruitment Together Event on 7 April at The Sovereign Centre, Boscombe (BH1 4SX) or visit:

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Registered Charity No. 1014697

Thinking of moving into a care home – or just needing a little extra help at home? We’re here to help Whatever your care needs, we know that it’s the care that counts – the quality care of all our residents and home care customers. As a leading provider of residential and home care in Bournemouth, we offer compassionate residential, nursing and dementia care in a home-from-home atmosphere. We also provide care to anyone who needs support in their own home, from young people and adults with disabilities, to older people who need a helping hand with their daily lives.

Whether you’re looking for care in your own home, a short respite stay or a new home, we offer a warm welcome, compassionate care, comfort and peace of mind. To request a brochure, arrange a visit or find out more, contact 01202 712400



Family Savings to Roar About

Fun-filled Isle of Wight days out with Red Funnel Take a walk on the wild side with big cats, falcons, monkeys and more. Discover a land of imagination at the UK’s oldest theme park. Step back in time at a Medieval castle or enjoy an authentic steam railway experience. With all this choice and more our exclusive day trip packages are perfect for keeping the kids entertained this Spring. Packages include day return car ferry travel and family admission to one of 11 top attractions on the Isle of Wight* – the only hard part is choosing which one!



l and Including ferry trave attraction tickets

*Offer valid for a vehicle ferry day return from Southampton for a car & up to 4/5 people plus family admission to a participating attraction (family ticket composition varies across attractions, standard admission rates apply for additional passengers) when booked together as a Red Funnel package deal. Valid for private cars up to 2m in height & 6m in length. Offer valid from 19/03/16 to 30/04/16, excluding 25/03 & 28/03. Valid for outward travel up to & including 10:00 & return travel anytime from 16:30. Package offers are non-refundable. New bookings only. Subject to availability. Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. See website for full T&Cs.

BH Life Spring 2016


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Parks and nature

Behind the scenes at Hengistbury Head Brian Heppenstall on site at Hengistbury Head with local volunteers

Bournemouth’s stunning natural environment is enjoyed by millions of visitors and thousands of local people every year. Passionate staff and dedicated volunteers manage an array of ongoing maintenance tasks to keep these green spaces thriving. Our Senior Ranger, Brian Heppenstall, reveals some of the work undertaken by his team to preserve and encourage use of areas such as Hengistbury Head.

Improving our environment

Brian explains: “We could be cutting down trees or scrub, clearing out or creating ponds, repairing fences or installing benches and pathways. We also spray non-invasive plant species and a particularly difficult job last year was clearing invasive Giant Hogweed. A lot of time is spent patrolling sites, mainly in the summer, talking and educating people about fires, bbqs and kites as well as many other topics. This work is about protecting the environment as well as keeping visitors safe and helping people to have a good experience so our open spaces can be enjoyed for years to come.”

Animal magic

Rangers help look after the abundance of wildlife and animals that can be found in Bournemouth’s green spaces. Brian said: “We carry out daily checks of our animals, which can involve giving medicines or even assisting with birthing of new calves. We sometimes have to move animals to different areas where we need them to graze.

“A big part of our job is monitoring and surveying species and their habitats. This makes sure the work we are doing

helps wildlife to thrive, plus it forms part of our yearly reports. The reports are made up of data from weekly surveys of butterflies that have been done for 37 years, regular checks on breeding of natterjack toads during the spring and summer, and the surveying of reed beds to monitor grow back of vegetation and nesting birds.”

Organising and running events

The rangers are also involved in organising and running a popular range of events. Brian said: “We really enjoy running talks and events. It is great to see people of all ages interested in local nature and be able to share our knowledge with them. Many who attend want to then become involved as volunteers. We work with them and students from universities, colleges and schools who all help us carry out our daily tasks.” Whatever your age, why not come along and experience and learn more about the wildlife of Hengistbury Head? From an Easter trail and story corner for children to spring events for all ages. You could even listen to record the flora birdsong and and fauna. Pick up the latest ‘Guided Walks and Events’ leaflet or see page 30 for more details. You can also keep up to date on Facebook at:

A big part of a Ranger’s job is monitoring and surveying species and their habitats


BH Life Spring 2016

 HengistburyHeadVC

Guided Walk and Events s January – Ap ril 20 Bournemouth



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Exclusive competitions for BH Life readers


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Spotlight on democracy

Your local Mayor Each year the Mayor of Bournemouth raises thousands of pounds for local charities. The Mayor chooses a number of good causes that are the focus of civic and ceremonial fundraising. Bournemouth’s Mayor is Councillor John Adams and he has chosen to support: • Bournemouth Above & Beyond Trust • Bournemouth Leukaemia Fund • Bournemouth Amateur Philharmonic Society • Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra • Julia’s House Limited • Macmillan Caring Locally • Round Table No 5 Charitable Trust Fund. The 2015/16 mayoral year draws to a close in May, but not before a whole host of fundraising events take place. These include an Easter Saturday charity duck race along the Bourne Stream, over 50s walking football tournament, a Titanic themed charity ball, quiz night and golf tournament to name a few.

Bournemouth Mayor Cllr John Adams pictured with the Mayoress

Councillor John Adams, Bournemouth’s Mayor, said: “Charity events are a wonderful way to support, promote and raise funds for local good causes. Our planned events provide plenty of fun for participants too and I’m particularly looking forward to the Easter Saturday duck race.”

You can find the Mayor’s charity event details on page 30.


Did you know?

The Mayor acts as an ambassador for Bournemouth by attending and opening events, raising awareness and funds for local charities and celebrating local volunteers with an annual awards ceremony. The Mayor also leads ceremonies for events including Armed Forces Day and Remembrance Sunday.

Visit: to find out more about the Mayor’s role.

Council and Area Forum meetings Council meetings usually take place at the Town Hall and they are open to the public. Here is a selection of some of the meetings for the coming months.

Cabinet: Planning Board: Full Council: Licensing Board:

23 March, 27 April and 25 May at 10:30am 21 March, 18 April and 16 May at 2:30pm

19 April and 14 June at 7pm. Annual Council (Mayor Making) is held at the Pavilion on 27 May at 11:15am

17 and 29 March, 5, 14 and 28 April, 5, 17 and 26 May and 7 June at 9:45am

Overview and Scrutiny Panel meetings visit:

Area Forum meetings

Area Forum meetings are run by residents with support from ward councillors and take place in different locations across the town. Westbourne: 17 March at Westbourne Library, 7pm

Ensbury Park & Wallisdown: 16 April at Rooper Hall, Victoria Park Road, 10am

Pokesdown: 25 April at ‘The Kitchen’, 821 Christchurch Road, Pokesdown, 7pm.

Boscombe: 12 May at Kings Park School, Ashley Road, 7pm

North Bournemouth: 14 May at Kingsleigh Primary School, Haddow Road, 10am

Throop, Muscliff, Strouden, Townsend and Holdenhurst: 16 June at Bournemouth School for Girls (East Way entrance), 7pm.

Please check details before attending on: 01202 454713.


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Your councillors



Handy cut out and keep guide BOSCOMBE EAST ANDY JONES Flat 7 110 Southbourne Road Bournemouth BH6 3QH Mobile: 07825 718120 (Conservative) email: GINA MACKIN c/o The Town Hall Bourne Avenue Bournemouth BH2 6DY Tel. 01202 786693 (Conservative) email: CHRISTOPHER ROCHESTER 7 Harcourt Road Pokesdown Bournemouth BH5 2JG Tel. 01202 432690 Mobile: 07860 343250 (Conservative) email:

EAST CLIFF & SPRINGBOURNE ANNE FILER 8 Boscombe Cliff Road Bournemouth BH5 1JL Tel. 01202 304464 (Conservative) email: MICHAEL FILER 8 Boscombe Cliff Road Bournemouth BH5 1JL Tel. 01202 304464 (Conservative) email: DAVID KELSEY A8 Elizabeth Court Grove Road Bournemouth BH1 3DR Mobile: 07816 417675 (Conservative) email:

KINSON SOUTH NORMAN DECENT Flat 12 Warwick Glen 97-99 West Hill Road Bournemouth BH2 5PQ Tel. 01202 929613 Mobile: 07580 780744 (Conservative) email: LAURENCE FEAR c/o The Town Hall Bourne Avenue Bournemouth BH2 6DY Mobile: 07555 097157 (UKIP) email: ROGER MARLEY 15 Oak Gardens Bournemouth BH11 8TL Tel. 01202 535383 Mobile: 07973 634052 (Conservative) email:

BOSCOMBE WEST JANE KELLY 22 Sanderling Court 10 A Boscombe Spa Road Bournemouth BH5 1BH Tel. 01202 392810 Mobile: 07812 163624 (Conservative) email: PHILIP STANLEY-WATTS Flat 1 Sealands House 28 Argyll Road Bournemouth BH5 1ED Mobile: 07444 383674 (Conservative) email: CHRISTOPHER WAKEFIELD 6 Wharncliffe Road Boscombe Bournemouth BH5 1AH Mobile: 07775 677162 (Conservative) email:

EAST SOUTHBOURNE & TUCKTON EDDIE COOPE 4 Baring Road Southbourne Bournemouth BH6 4DS Tel. 01202 420268 (Conservative) email: MALCOLM DAVIES 28 Dalmeny Road Southbourne Bournemouth BH6 4BW Tel. 01202 422770 (Conservative) email: ROBERT LAWTON 15 Lombard Avenue Southbourne Bournemouth BH6 3LY Mobile: 07974 215933 (Conservative) email:

LITTLEDOWN & IFORD BOBBIE DOVE c/o The Town Hall Bourne Avenue Bournemouth BH2 6DY Tel. 01202 424264 Mobile: 07740 443560 (Conservative) email: GILL SEYMOUR c/o The Town Hall Bourne Avenue Bournemouth BH2 6DY Mobile: 07889 993755 (Conservative) email:

CENTRAL ROBERT CHAPMAN 56 Huntly Road Bournemouth BH3 7HJ Tel. 01202 532778 (Conservative) email: MIKE GREENE c/o The Town Hall Bourne Avenue Bournemouth BH2 6DY Mobile: 07776 130186 (Conservative) email: DAVID SMITH 65 Maxwell Road Bournemouth BH9 1DQ Tel. 01202 524924 Mobile: 07990 080667 (Conservative) email:

KINSON NORTH AMEDEO ANGIOLINI 43 Wheaton Road Bournemouth BH7 6LH Mobile: 07585 404354 (Conservative) email: MARK BATTISTINI 2 Rayner House, 7 Deans Road Bournemouth BH5 2DA Tel. 01202 950293 Mobile: 07770 919515 (Conservative) email: DAVID TURTLE 73 New Road Bournemouth BH10 7DP Tel. 01202 577417 Mobile: 07977 912044 (Conservative) email:

MOORDOWN SUE ANDERSON 21 Bushey Road Bournemouth BH8 9HR Tel. 01202 527049 (Conservative) email: BEVERLEY DUNLOP c/o The Town Hall Bourne Avenue Bournemouth BH2 6DY Mobile: 07855 395117 (Conservative) email:



8 Leeson Road Bournemouth BH7 7AY Tel. 01202 393007 Mobile: 07831 856669 (Conservative)

22 Grants Avenue Bournemouth BH1 4NR Tel. 01202 393479 (Conservative)



Councillor contact details also online at:

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Handy cut out and keep guide

QUEEN’S PARK MARK ANDERSON 114 Hankinson Road Charminster Bournemouth BH9 1HX Tel. 01202 775483 (Conservative) email: CHERYL JOHNSON 32 Henville Road Bournemouth BH8 8PE Mobile: 07789 711524 (Conservative) email: STEPHEN MACLOUGHLIN c/o The Town Hall Bourne Avenue Bournemouth BH2 6DY Tel. 01202 513229 Mobile: 07748 624131 (Conservative) email:


REDHILL & NORTHBOURNE STEPHEN BARTLETT 36 Kingswell Road Ensbury Park Bournemouth BH10 5DH Tel. 01202 388339 Mobile: 07941 099630 (Conservative) email:

Coach House Cottage 5 Annerley Road Bournemouth BH1 3PG Tel. 01202 315067 Mobile: 07708 273885 (Conservative) email:

THROOP & MUSCLIFF DEREK BORTHWICK 15 Leydene Close Bournemouth BH8 9JH Tel. 01202 397087 Mobile: 07979 991973 (Conservative)


email: LYNDA PRICE 30 Greenacres Close Bournemouth BH10 7DZ Tel. 01202 581105 (Conservative) email:

WESTBOURNE & WEST CLIFF JOHN BEESLEY 7 Elm Gardens Bournemouth BH4 9JL Tel. 01202 762403 Mobile: 07860 391219 (Conservative) Leader of the Council email: NICK ROSE 29 Beaulieu Road Bournemouth BH4 8HY Mobile: 07798 670028 (Conservative) email: RAE STOLLARD 6 Falaise 14 West Overcliff Drive Bournemouth BH4 8AA Tel. 01202 763564 Mobile: 07798 663327 (Conservative) email:

email: and: JOHN TRICKETT 68 Rownhams Road Bournemouth BH8 0NL Tel. 01202 531738 Mobile: 07910 011239 (Conservative) email:



9 Beverley Gardens Bournemouth BH10 5EF Tel. 01202 244700 Mobile: 07952 778759 (Conservative)

JOHN ADAMS c/o Town Hall Bourne Avenue Bournemouth BH2 6DY Mobile: 07801 886549 (Conservative) The Mayor

DAVID d’ORTON-GIBSON 18 Park Gate Manor 8 Suffolk Road Bournemouth BH2 5SX Tel. 01202 559778 Mobile: 07584 490653 (Conservative) email:

86 Watcombe Road Bournemouth BH6 3LX Mobile: 07709 427725 (Conservative) email:


email: IAN CLARK 19 Cucklington Gardens Strouden Park Bournemouth BH9 3QR Tel. 01202 536370 (Conservative) email:

MICHAEL WEINHONIG 2nd floor flat 16 Donoughmore Road Bournemouth BH1 4HG Tel. 01202 304401 Mobile: 07877 430667 (Conservative) email:

WALLISDOWN & WINTON WEST NICOLA GREENE c/o The Town Hall Bourne Avenue Bournemouth BH2 6DY Mobile: 07961 936387 (Conservative) Deputy Leader of the Council email: NIGEL HEDGES c/o The Town Hall Bourne Avenue Bournemouth BH2 6DY Tel. 01202 522535 Mobile: 07941 562886 (Conservative) email:

ANNE REY 26 Setley Gardens Strouden Park Bournemouth BH8 0HQ Tel. 01202 538068 Mobile: 07973 814382 (Independent) email:

SUSAN PHILLIPS c/o The Town Hall Bourne Avenue Bournemouth BH2 6DY Mobile: 07801 072004 (Conservative) email:





13 Freda Road Christchurch BH23 1LY Tel. 01202 480692 Mobile: 07785 286623 (Conservative) email:

15 Frampton Road Bournemouth BH9 1HD Mobile: 07957 206806 (Green) email:



c/o Town Hall Bourne Avenue Bournemouth BH2 6DY Mobile: 07831 175312 (Conservative) Deputy Mayor email:

2 Wilfred Road Bournemouth BH5 1NB Tel. 01202 399959 Mobile: 07971 194034 (Conservative) email:



62 Danesbury Avenue Southbourne Bournemouth BH6 3AF Tel. 01202 251074 (Conservative)

6 Fitzharris Avenue Winton Bournemouth BH9 1BZ Mobile: 07811 373301 (Conservative)

Councillor contact details also online at:




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Your councillors

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What’s on

18 20 21 22 23

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Events and things to do around Bournemouth


Bournemouth Older People’s Forum, Lucullus Room at The Pavilion from 10:30am March for Men, 1km, 5km and 10km walk, run or march to raise funds for Bournemouth Hospital Charity, Seafront. Visit: Mayor’s Charity: over 50s walking football tournament, Littledown Centre. £50 per team of six. Contact Cllr Chris Mayne on: 07831 175312 Bournemouth Natural Science Society and Bournemouth Parks Foundation, illustrated talk about Bournemouth’s open spaces. 7.30pm at BNSS, 39 Christchurch Road. Free. Visit: Dorset Humanists: ‘Thinking Fast and Slow: How to Think Effectively’ Green House Hotel, 7.30pm, Free entry. Visit:


Easter Family Fun Day, Boscombe Chine Gardens, 11am to 4pm. Children’s entertainer, fun family activities and workshops, live music, dog show and more. Free entry. Visit: 26 Mayor’s Charity: duck race in the Bourne Stream, Lower Gardens (next to the Bandstand) at 2pm. Tickets for ducks £1 on: 01202 451117 27+28 Easter Trail at Hengistbury Head, 10:30am to 4pm. Ages 5+, £2 per child. Must be accompanied by an adult. Collect trail sheet from the Visitor Centre. 29-31 Easter crafts, Russell-Cotes, drop in 10:30am to 2.30pm. £2.50 per child. Visit: 30 Hengistbury Head wildlife garden mystery challenge, 10:30am to 1pm. Just turn up to the Visitor Centre. £1 per child.



Cherry Tree Nursery Plant Sales, off New Road roundabout, 8am to 3pm. Tel 01202 593537 or visit: Bournemouth Bay Run, Pier Approach and Seafront from 10am. Visit: Children’s art workshops, Russell-Cotes, 11am. £4, book on: 01202 451858 Plant sale - Hengistbury Head wildlife garden, 10:30am to 1pm. 01202 451618 Mayor’s Charity: Titanic themed ball, Hilton Hotel, 6.45pm. £55 per person. Includes three course meal and raffle entry. Bookings and details: 01202 451117 Toddlers Story Corner at Hengistbury Head, 11am, just turn up. £2 per child. 01202 451618 Bournemouth Natural Science Society open day, 10am to 4pm, 39 Christchurch Road. Free. Visit: Give or take day, The Old School House, Gladstone Mews, Boscombe, 10am to 11:30am. Tel: 01202 451654 or visit: Redhill Park Bowls Club open day, from 10am to 4pm. Free coffee and tuition and a chance to try your skills at bowls. Please wear flat soled shoes. Visit: Mayor’s Charity: quiz night, Queen’s Hotel, 7pm. Contact Estelle: 07772 860268


Moordown Bowling Club open day, Endfield Road, 10:30am to 3:30pm. All ages welcome. Free. Visit: Southbourne Bowling Club open day, Seafield Gardens. Free. 10am to 4pm. Contact Peter on 01425 271401 or Maureen on 01202 420662 Boscombe Cliff Bowls Club open day, Woodland Avenue, 10am to 4pm. Free coaching. Tel: 01202 729679 Birds and breakfast at Hengistbury Head, 5:30am to 9:30am. Morning walk and breakfast at the Hiker Café. £11.50 each. Book on: 01202 451618


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Mayor’s Charity: golf tournament, Queen’s Park Golf Course, 9am. £90 (team of four). Email for details: Beacon lighting for the Queen, Boscombe Overcliff Drive (by Café Riva). See page 21 Bournemouth Jazz Festival. See page 17 BSO: For England & St George, Pavilion Theatre, 7pm. Concert of patriotic favourites to celebrate Her Majesty’s 90th birthday. Tickets from £12: 0844 576 3000 or visit: Moordown Bowling Club open day, Endfield Road, 10:30am to 3:30pm. All ages welcome. Free. Visit: Celebrating spring at Hengistbury Head, 9:30am to 11:30am, walk and then hot drink and cake at the Hiker Café. £7.50. Book on: 01202 451618 A talk by retired Falklands Islands’ Governor, Nigel Hayward. NTA Bournemouth & Poole Association, 2.15pm, Wessex Hotel. £4 non-members. Visit: Mayor’s Charity: cream tea, Norfolk Royale Hotel, 3pm. Details and bookings from Estelle: 07772 860268 Autism Wessex, charity duck race, Bourne Stream, Lower Gardens, 12pm. Ducks £1.50 each. Visit:

Mayor’s Charity: Victorian evening with music and Shakespeare, Russell-Cotes. Details and bookings: 01202 451117 Bournemouth Older People’s Forum, Lucullus Room at The Pavilion from 10:30am Dorset Humanists: ‘Ancient Stoicism & Modern Humanism’, Moordown Community Centre, 2pm. Free entry. Visit: Hengistbury Head Bioblitz, 10am Saturday to 10am Sunday, flora and fauna recording. Phone 01202 451618 for more information.

To check the latest events in Bournemouth visit:


BH Life Spring 2016

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If you’re coming to a show, why not make a night of it?

Enquire about pre-show dining when booking your tickets.

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Contact your council Email: Web: Town Hall, Bourne Avenue, Bournemouth. BH2 6DY Switchboard: 01202 451451

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SIMON CALLOW ONE-MAN BAND Simon Callows’ epic survey on Orson Welles’ life and work, one of the most complex artists of the twentieth century.

Wednesday 23 March

LEE MEAD SOME ENCHANTED EVENING West End star, Lee Mead, takes you on a journey from when the fabulous MGM films and musical shows of the 1940s and 1950s thrilled audiences around the world.

Tuesday 29 March

Parking & travel Blue Badges Bus passes Parking

Tuesday 22 March

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POP FACTOR From Taylor Swift to Justin Bieber, this cast of top professionals performs a current set list, making the show a perfect night out (for kids both young and old)!

Thursday 31 March Ockham’s Razor

TIPPING POINT Metal poles balanced on fingertips, hung from the roof, lashed, climbed, swung and walked along, create rich landscapes of images by just five performers.

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