BH Life autumn 2015

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Autumn 2015 edition

YOUR CHANCE TO WIN A Christmas party for up to 25 people at The Cumberland Hotel See page 25

Arts by the Sea Shoppers head to Decision time for young people see page 14 Boscombe see page 19 Our local magazine produced for Bournemouth residents

Leading arts festival returns to the town see page 16

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Contents 8




Autumn happenings This autumn the Council awaits important decisions that will have long term consequences for the town and local public services.

Firstly, the government is due to announce its decision on Navitus Bay. We have campaigned to protect our beautiful natural coastline, jobs, and businesses by opposing the wind farm proposals (read more on page 4). Secondly, the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement is expected to herald further reductions in government funding and much work is taking place to plan for the even tougher times ahead (see page 11).

In the meantime, our building a better Bournemouth work continues. We are providing support to help young people achieve their potential (page 14) and helping to keep children safe (page 15). The Council is also investing in local leisure facilities at the Littledown Centre to benefit residents of all ages and abilities (see page 21).

Summer may have drawn to a close but the town’s festival tradition continues with this year’s Bournemouth Arts by the Sea events. The Festival offers up a diverse mix of music, dance and performances, including an unusual ‘firework display’ at the Waterfront space on the opening weekend.

I hope residents will enjoy the many other things planned for you to see and do this autumn (page 8) and explore the wonderful natural environment our town has to offer (page 24). Councillor John Beesley Leader of the Council

BH Life magazine is delivered free to homes in Bournemouth. It’s also available at a wide variety of outlets. To advertise in BH Life call IMS Group on: 01202 611100 email:

This publication is environmentally friendly using paper sourced from sustainable forests, using no bleaching agents and printed using vegetable based inks. The publication contains advertising and the Council cannot vouch for the legitimacy of, or endorse any advertiser in BH Life. Citizens Advice provide free, impartial consumer advice on 0345 404 0506. Please recycle this magazine when everyone has read it.

Read and listen online at:

4 .......

In and around the town 8 ....... Things to do this autumn 11 ...... Council finances 13 ...... Transport and parking 15 ...... Child safety: a parent’s guide 16 ...... Arts by the Sea Festival 19 ...... Bargains in Boscombe 21 ...... Leisure improvements 23 ...... Homelessness 24 ...... Parks and nature 25 ...... Christmas party competition 27 ...... Services for all 28....... Spotlight on democracy 30....... What’s on?


Publication details Edited by: Jo Evans, Corporate Communications & Marketing, Bournemouth Borough Council. Tel: 01202 451616 Email: Designed and produced by: IMS Group Tel: 01202 611100 Copies printed: 86,000 Cost per copy: 10p approx. Advertising: IMS Group Tel: 01202 611100. Email: Distributed by: IMS Group If you do not regularly receive BH Life tel: 01202 451435 or email: Delivery of next issue: The winter edition will be delivered to homes at the end of November

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In and around

News from around the borough

the town The Lansdowne: Have your say

The Lansdowne is a key location

Plans and proposals are being drawn up to make the Lansdowne a better area to work in, live in and visit.

The Lansdowne is a key location – it’s an important area for the economy and for education. Ideas for improvements to the area have been set out in a draft plan to address some of the issues and to attract investment by promoting the area. Among the ideas are proposals to:

• improve the streets and spaces • get local businesses and organisations more involved in business events and better use of technology • back vacant and derelict sites for development of offices and teaching space.

Councillor John Beesley, Leader of the Council, said: “Many of the proposed projects are long term and ambitious so we will be looking to work in partnership with businesses and organisations, both locally and further afield. The Council will also bid for government and EU funding to help make our ideas a reality.”

Find out more about our plans for the Lansdowne and tell us what you think at: Alternatively, pop into your local library or visit us at our Customer Service Centre at the Town Hall. Please get your comments to us by Monday 28 September.


BH Life Autumn 2015

Navitus Bay offshore wind farm – crunch time

At the time of going to press, the Department for Energy and Climate Change was about to announce its decision as to whether it would give Navitus Bay the green light or not.

The Council has consistently expressed very serious and real concerns about the impact the vast offshore wind farm will have on the area’s natural environment and successful tourism economy. Councillor John Beesley, Leader of the Council, said: “We have campaigned very hard to make sure our reasons for opposing Navitus Bay have been heard at Westminster. Renewable energy is important but should not come at the expense of our beautiful coastline, jobs and businesses. We have urged the Department for Energy to protect our environment, safeguard our economy and reject Navitus Bay.” The announcement is due on or before 11 September – follow our reaction via Facebook and Twitter or find out more at:

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News from around the borough

In and around the town

Wear your poppy with pride

Hundreds more residents can go superfast Now even more residents and businesses in Bournemouth can access the fibre broadband network, meaning they can buy a faster, more reliable internet service. Until recently some parts of Bournemouth only had access to traditional broadband but Superfast Dorset has increased fibre broadband coverage in central Bournemouth. This includes areas around Old Christchurch Road, Grove Road, Norwich Road and Bournemouth train station. Some parts of Alum Chine, Middle Chine, Boscombe and West Howe have also been upgraded.

If you have been struggling with a poor service, nowGardens is the Upper time to contact your choice of Internet Service Provider (ISP) and ask about upgrading to fibre broadband. Over the next 18 months even more work is planned to connect more properties in Bournemouth to the fibre network.

Keep informed about the project and see what’s available at your property at:

Minerals and waste sites are under review

A new Waste Plan for Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole is being prepared. It will set out the strategy and site options for managing our waste up to 2031. The Plan will cover all waste including household, commercial and industrial, construction and demolition, hazardous and waste water.

Potential sites for mineral extraction across Dorset are currently being assessed. The Mineral Sites Plan will identify suitable locations for quarrying of sand, gravel, building stone and ball clay to 2028.

Preparation of the plans is being managed by Dorset County Council but includes Bournemouth and Poole. You can comment on both the minerals and waste plans, so find out more and have your say by 23 September at:

Bournemouth’s Poppy Appeal launches at the end of October and poppies will be available in local shops and other venues including the Town Hall. Then, on Sunday 8 November, you will have the opportunity to remember the heroes and victims of war at the Bournemouth Remembrance Day Service.

The Remembrance Day Service is held at the War Memorial in Bournemouth’s Central Gardens and begins at 10.57am with a two minutes’ silence at 11am. The service lasts around 40 minutes and will be followed by a wreath laying ceremony when the Mayor will lay one of the first wreaths on behalf of the people of Bournemouth.

If you would like to attend this service, you can watch it from Bourne Avenue, an area of the Central Gardens or in Avenue Road. Areas in Bourne Avenue and the Gardens are reserved for wheelchair users. Find out more about the Remembrance Day Service at:

Earn high street vouchers for your commitment to safer driving

There are still spaces available on our driver training course ‘Life Drive’, designed to give young drivers all the skills they need to stay safe on the roads.

Figures show drivers under 24 years are about twice as likely to be involved in a serious or fatal collision than any other age group in Bournemouth. As part of our commitment to reduce accidents by 40% by 2020, Life Drive was launched last year to help young drivers gain more experience.


Co-ordinated by LV=Streetwise and delivered by Gold Driving Academy on our behalf, Life Drive uses both theoretical and practical training to help young drivers improve their skills.

The free training is open to all drivers who live or work in Bournemouth, aged between 17 and 25, who have passed their driving test within the past four years. Spaces are limited so book early to avoid disappointment.

For further information or to sign up visit: or telephone us on: 01202 591330.

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In and around the town

News from around the borough

What can learning something new achieve for you?

Have you completed your form?

Check you’re registered to vote

Every year we compile and publish the electoral register. We are required to check that your details are up to date and we do this by sending every household a registration form. If you haven’t already completed your registration then a reminder form will be on its way.

It’s worth noting that the process for registering to vote has changed. If your name needs to be added onto the electoral register you have to complete an individual registration form and give us your household details. Alternatively you can register online at:, which will save us time and money. Check your registration forms today. For more information visit: or telephone: 01202 451123.


Did you know?

If you are not on the electoral register you can’t vote and you may not be able to open a bank account, get a loan, store card or mobile phone.

Our survey says….

Local people are being invited to sign up for a course and learn something new with Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole’s Skills & Learning – our joint adult education provider. A range of courses are available for 2015/16, from ‘making the most of your sewing machine’ and wine tasting, to courses to improve work skills such as ‘emergency first aid at work’. Courses are held throughout Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole, as well as being available through distance and work-based learning.

You can enrol now for 2015/16 courses at: or contact the Customer Services Team on: 01202 262300.

This autumn, a randomly selected group of Bournemouth households will be invited to complete a survey, asking for their opinions of the council services we provide. If your household is chosen you will receive a questionnaire through the post and we hope you’ll use the opportunity to take part. The survey runs every two years and we use the results to help us see if we can improve and if our new initiatives make a difference.

If your household isn’t chosen but you want to take part in our regular surveys, then why not consider becoming a member of our E-panel? E-panel members take part in online surveys to tell us about the kind of local services they need and want. The surveys cover a wide range of local issues. If you would like to know more about the E-panel visit: or email:


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News from around the borough

Childcare funding for two year olds

In and around the town

Could you become a foster carer? In more than 20 years as foster parents, Christine and Robbie have cared for more than 120 children. Christine explains their motivation for helping children in need...

Do you have a two year old? If so, you may be able to claim ‘Twos Too Funding’ to help pay for childcare.

The early education funding covers up to 15 hours of childcare a week and can be used at local nurseries, preschools and childminders to suit your child’s individual needs.

See if you can claim by finding out more and using our online checker at:

You will need the following information: • Your name and date of birth • Contact details • National Insurance number or national Asylum Seekers Number • Child's name and date of birth.

If your application is successful, you will be sent a unique reference number which you give to your childcare provider. They can then claim the funding for your child.

For help and advice finding suitable childcare, please contact the Children's Information Service on: 01202 456222 or email: Visit or speak to your local Children’s Centre.

“We decided to foster as I had come from a large family. I didn’t have an easy childhood and this made us want to help others have a safe and happy home. We love having a busy house but we only wanted two children of our own.

“Our children were aged two and six when we started fostering. It’s been great for them to have a different perspective on the world and to understand that there are different types of families. We have fostered mainly 12 to 18 year olds as it seems that fewer people want to foster teenagers, but we feel this is where our strength lies. We have seen lots of very troubled young people grow into well balanced and happy adults. “Fostering allowed me to be at home while our children were growing up and it now means that I can continue to be at home and look after my grandchildren whilst my daughter works. It has given us lots of fun, laughs and very happy memories.” You can find out more about fostering at:

How safe is your child’s car seat?

Did you know that 67% of child car seats are fitted incorrectly? Poorly fitted seats cost lives.

Ensure your child is safely seated at a free child car seat event at the Littledown Centre (BH7 7DX) on Tuesday 24 November between 11am and 4pm. Experts will be available to answer your questions and check your car seat is fitted correctly.

For more information about road safety in Bournemouth visit:

Robbie and Chris received an award from the Mayor, Cllr John Adams, for their contribution to fostering

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Events and Activities

Things to do for all ages this autumn

Festive fun returns to the town from November

Plenty to see and do this autumn The events keep coming thick and fast in Bournemouth over the coming months. From sporting action to family entertainment and seasonal fun, there’s a whole host of things to enjoy. There’s a feast of free-to-watch sport on 12 and 13 September as race boats and jet ski racers take to the water by Bournemouth Pier for the Grand Prix of the Sea. The P1 SuperStock and P1 Aqua Championships reach their conclusions as speed merchants tussle to be crowned champions. Visit: The Bournemouth Marathon Festival brings many distances together in one unique festival of running over one weekend on 3 and 4 October. There will be a number of road closures and parking restrictions, particularly in Southbourne, Boscombe, East Cliff and West Cliff, so make sure you check whether you will be affected. Visit: Returning in November for a third year, the Gardens of Light will bring atmosphere and tradition to Bournemouth Town Centre. With Christmas lights, outdoor ice rink and Après-Ski Bar, Alpine Christmas Market, festive fun in Bournemouth’s historic gardens, decorations and events! Look out for updates online at:


BH Life Autumn 2015

October half term holiday ideas

There are lots of activities to keep the children occupied during the half term break this October... Hengistbury Head Visitor Centre: Lots of seasonal activities will take place including two ‘crafty owl lantern making’ sessions with the RSPB on 29 October from 11am to 12:30pm and 1:30pm to 3pm. These are suitable for ages 4+ and cost £3.50 per lantern. Children will need to bring an empty cereal box and wrap up warm for this outside activity. Booking is essential on: 01202 451618.

Or why not have a go at the ‘Self-guided Halloween Trail’ on 31 October and 1 November from 10:30am to 4pm. Solve the mystery by following our Halloween trail and collecting all the clues. Be prepared to meet some surprising characters along the way. Starts from the Visitor Centre. Suitable for children aged 5+ who must be accompanied by an adult. There’s no need to book and the activity costs £2 per child. Russell Cotes Art Gallery and Museum: Creative crafts, trails and storytelling workshops are taking place at the museum during half term plus, on 30 October, there’s a Terrifying Twilight Tour. For more information visit: or telephone: 01202 451858.

Littledown Centre: On 30 October there’s a magic show suitable for 2½ to 8 year olds at 1:45 to 2:30pm and an under 8s disco taking place from 3pm to 3:55pm. Places are limited so book early. Another date for the diary is the Littledown Fireworks on Saturday 7 November from 5:30pm onwards. For more details visit: or telephone: 01202 417600.

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Local councils’ funding expected to reduce further

Council finances

Tough financial decisions ahead Chancellor George Osborne is due to announce his Autumn Statement to Parliament this November. All across the country councils will be waiting to hear what this means for the funding of local services. In Bournemouth we have responded well to the difficult financial challenges of recent years and have been able to balance our budget, despite receiving about 50% less in government funding. In doing so, there has also been recognition that times have been tough for residents. By freezing Council Tax over the last five years, this will have helped with your household costs as a local taxpayer. But we face further significant reductions in government funding along with ever increasing demands on council services. The decisions that now need to be made to balance the budget will become even tougher.

Did you know? The Chancellor has indicated that government grant will be cut by up to 40% in his Autumn Statement.

Where does the money come from?

To fund our budget we receive income from four main sources. This includes government grants, a proportion of non-domestic rates (business rates), Council Tax and income from fees and charges on services that we provide.

Did you know? Your council provides hundreds of local services to the community, working 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to keep the town running and to support vulnerable people locally.

Where are the big pressures?

We have a legal duty to provide a range of services and in Bournemouth we want to ensure our most vulnerable residents are kept safe and well supported. Looking after children in care, supporting people with complex disabilities and ensuring the elderly have independence and choice for longer are the right things to do, but these services come at a considerable cost.

Did you know? Around 75% of the Council’s entire budget is spent on social care for adults and children. This only leaves 25% for more widely-used council services, such as waste collection, street lighting, maintaining roads, pavements, parks and the seafront plus street cleaning and much more.


When and how is the Council’s budget set?

Councillors approve the Council’s budget, including the level of Council Tax you pay, each year in late February.

Councillor John Beesley, Leader of the Council, said: “All the indications are that central government cuts are set to continue and bite even deeper, which means the Council will have to face the reality of some extremely tough spending decisions. We will do all we can to minimise the impact on local residents, especially vulnerable children and the elderly.”

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Parking advice and road improvements

Restricted Parking Zones - a quick parking guide Did you know that the new ‘shared space’ road layouts at Horseshoe Common and Richmond Hill include new parking restrictions? Don’t get caught out; make sure you know the parking rules with this quick guide.



Large signs show where the ‘Restricted Parking Zones’ start and end. No loading or unloading is permitted in the zone at any time (except in signed bays).

It’s worth noting that there are no yellow lines or kerb markings within the zone but there may be repeater signs to remind you of the restrictions.

If you want to park in these shared space areas then you will need to find a designated parking bay. These are identified by a different road surface or white lines and a sign. The parking bays may be set back into what may appear to be pavement.

3 Richmond Hill designated parking bay


Make a note of when parking is allowed and that this is a pay and display area during the times shown. Remember to always park within the bay.

Find out more

There are plenty of car parks and on-street parking spaces in Bournemouth. Find out where these are and how much they cost to use. Visit: or telephone: 01202 454721.

Regularly use the A338 as part of your commute? Then plan ahead as of this September As part of a major road reconstruction programme, Dorset County Council is carrying out maintenance on the Bournemouth Spur Road starting this September.

Between 6 September and 31 May 2016 the stretch of dual carriageway between Ashley Heath Roundabout and Blackwater Junction will be completely rebuilt.

The works are being carried out in a phased approach moving anti-clockwise around the Bournemouth Spur Road, between Ashley Heath Roundabout and Blackwater Junction, with the reconstruction starting on the main southbound stretch of road.

From 6 September for two weeks, there will be daytime and nighttime lane closures on the northbound and southbound carriageways, there will also be some overnight closures. There will be a road closure on the night of Sunday 20

September to allow the traffic management to be changed to a contraflow system. Then, from the 21 September until Christmas, the southbound carriageway will be reconstructed between Blackwater Junction and the QinetiQ access, with a 40mph contraflow on the northbound carriageway. Bournemouth commuters are advised to plan ahead to ensure they get to their destination on time. Here are a few options to consider: • Alternative travel methods • Car sharing, visit: • Travel outside peak hours.

Bus routes that use the A338 will still be running - please check your bus timetable as services are being amended to take the works into account. For more information to help you plan ahead visit:

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Young People

Career options

Exam results not what you expected?

Have you changed your mind?

What’s your next step? Help and advice for school and college leavers Hundreds of school and college leavers are beginning the next exciting phase of their education or training as term gets underway and apprenticeships start. Hopefully, your exam results have enabled you to put the next step of your career plan into action. However, if you are one of the many students every year who didn’t get the grades you’d hoped for, don’t panic, Bournemouth Youth Service is here to help. Our staff understand how stressful this stage of life can be for you and your family. Our experienced team are caring and passionate about helping you to achieve your full potential.

We’re ready to help you if you’re aged 16 to 19 and your exam results have been disappointing. Or perhaps you’ve changed your mind about what you want to do or you didn’t have a plan at all.

Through September, youth advisers will be offering confidential advice and support at venues around Bournemouth. So there’s no need to panic; moving on successfully to the next phase of education or training can still be a reality.

You will get independent advice to help you to reconsider your options and to make a new plan. Get in touch with Bournemouth Youth Service to arrange to talk to a youth adviser near you.

Visit: to find out more or telephone: 01202 451100.


BH Life Autumn 2015

What are your options?

In the meantime, here is some information which may help if you don’t know what your options are. If you don’t have any plans at all and are not sure where to start – information about options for 16 to18 year olds can be found at: • • – see ‘16-18’ Choices • – this Buzz Quiz can help you work out your personality type and what sort of work could suit you.

If you’d planned to continue in full time education but now prefer to work while you learn through an apprenticeship or traineeship, see: Apprenticeship and traineeship vacancies are advertised here and applications can be made online. If you need advice about work and learning, our youth advisers can guide you so get in touch. If you don’t know what to do next and need advice, remember to arrange to talk to a youth adviser near you – we’re waiting to hear from you.

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Advice for parents and carers

Young People

Keeping our children safe A parent’s guide to ‘CSE’

Ann Marie Dodds

Child Sexual Exploitation, or CSE for short, is a form of sexual abuse that involves the manipulation or coercion of young people under the age of 18 into sexual activity. The fight against Child Sexual Exploitation starts with awareness. Ann Marie Dodds works in our Family Support Service and shares with us her insight and experience of this issue. She said: “Boys and girls can become victims of CSE and they aren’t always vulnerable children. They can be well educated, they can be children that are very well supported with good family networks around them. It’s a myth to think that CSE takes place in dark alleys or undesirable locations - it can happen anywhere including in open, busy public places and nice establishments.

“CSE is a very complex issue and it’s not always straightforward for parents to spot. For example, some of the danger signs can be put down to typical teenage behaviour when in fact something more harmful may be going on.

“We’ve had children in Bournemouth who have become victims of CSE and there have been gradual changes in their behaviour. For example, we had a young girl who was being groomed by a female perpetrator. She was paying for the girl to have ‘treats’ such as her nails and hair done.”

Don’t be afraid to ask questions

Ask yourself if you know who your child’s friends are and who they are spending their time with. Look out for: • Changes in your child’s behaviour – these may not always be ‘bad’ behaviours but could just be unusual actions for your child. • A change in physical appearance - new clothes, more/less make up, poor self image, weight gain/loss. • Staying out late or going missing. • A significantly older boyfriend/girlfriend or friends. • Increased internet and/or mobile phone use - possible use of a web cam and sending images of themselves to others. • Alcohol or drug use. • More obvious signs such as sexual health problems and teenage pregnancy.

Councillor Nicola Greene, Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, said: “Thankfully cases of CSE in Bournemouth are unusual but not unheard of and that’s why we want to make sure people are aware of CSE and what signs to look out for in their own children, someone else’s child or a friend. It’s really important that people are not afraid to report any concerns they have. It may well turn out that those concerns are unfounded but it could mean preventing another child from being a victim of CSE.”

In Bournemouth we want the message to be ‘we’re not afraid to ask’. If something doesn’t feel right then it probably isn’t and we want to know.

Report concerns to local police on: 101 or to Crimestoppers on: 0800 555111 or email our Children’s Social Care team at:

Find out more at:

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Arts by the Sea

Arts for all ages

Lighting up the town: Bournemouth Arts by the Sea returns


The Arts by the Sea Festival returns for a fifth year, sparking Bournemouth to life with a diverse mix of music, dance, performances and installations across interesting spaces and local venues. Expect to see a bright and vivid programme between 9 and 18 October with ten days of events for everyone to enjoy. Many hands make light night

On the opening nights of the festival (9 and 10 October) you can help set Bournemouth’s sky alight when PixelPyros launch this year’s festival at the Waterfront space with a fireworks display that you get to control. Touch the bright orbs of light to fire an array of gorgeous multi-coloured rockets. The virtual pyrotechnics are projected onto a massive 60 foot wide screen using state of the art projectors PixelPyros

and lasers. This is more than your typical fireworks show, the closer you get the more involved you’ll be.

Throughout the festival you can get creative and produce an incredible wall of illuminated eco-graffiti along the seafront by Undercliff Drive. Innovative French digital artist, Antonin Fourneau, brings his exciting interactive artwork to the festival. A wall of thousands of LED lights embedded under the surface react with water to create a new hands-on art experience. Using the River Bourne as their inspiration, Creatmosphere poetically cuts through the Lower Gardens with a new light installation especially made for the festival as dusk turns to darkness. This example of innovation will be a must-see event creating a dynamic visual spectacle. This event takes place on 11 October.

Music Lovers

The BSO Family Orchestra invites you to get involved and produce a piece of music with the help and direction of one of their community workshop leaders. You don’t need to read music or play a traditional orchestral instrument, just sign up to the workshop at Kinson Community Centre at 10am on 11 October by contacting us on: 01202 644717.


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Arts by the Sea

Music, dance and performances

Gobbledegook Theatre

Perhaps Contraption

Nick Helm

Associate Artists, Gobbledegook Theatre, will be in the Lower Gardens on 10 and 11 October between 11am and 5pm with an opportunity to delight in the secret sounds under your feet with Ear Trumpet. A great experience for all ages, this is sure to give you a sense of child-like excitement and wonder. If listening to music is more your thing then there’s plenty of that on offer at this year’s festival. Including winners of the tenth International Street Music Festival award, Perhaps Contraption, will be performing their upbeat twisted brass at the Lower Gardens Bandstand in the afternoon of the 10 October.

Comedy star

Winner of Best Breakthrough Artist at last year’s British Comedy Awards, Nick Helm will be coming to Bournemouth to deliver his latest masterwork in progress in advance of his major UK tour. The star of BBC3’s ‘Uncle’ and ‘Heavy Entertainment’ is set to perform an amazing and hilarious show on what promises to be a night to remember. Nick will be performing at the Old Fire Station on 11 October at 8:30pm. Tickets cost £12.

Festival Finale

Periplum’s large scale spectacle of Ray Bradbury’s classic novel, Farenheit 451, will be bringing the festival to a close on 18 October. This immersive outdoor performance will combine sound and sensory theatre. It takes place at Cotlands Road car park at 7pm and is a free ticketed event (see website for details).

Inspiring new talent

We’re bringing the festival into local nurseries and schools to help inspire future creative talent. Our youth programme will offer a range of activities to engage children and young people creatively through participation, workshops and interactive audiences. Councillor Lawrence Williams, Cabinet Member for the Arts, said: “This festival has something for everyone with a number of events for children and their families. Experience the town and different venues in a new light with an exciting range of performances and events in the day and into the evening.”

If you want to know more about this year’s festival, visit our website to see the full programme of events and ticket details:

Events keep on coming...

If you share a love of movies, visual effects, animation and games then this is the event for you. The BFX festival is back for a second year this autumn to celebrate the digital industry, share the latest knowledge and inspire the next wave of talent. It takes place between 28 September and 4 October at the Bournemouth International Centre (BIC).

One of the highlights will be the family weekend (3 and 4 October), which includes a programme of public screenings, presentations and workshops to enjoy and get involved in. For more information visit:

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Shopping g for r every y season... it’s right up your street! r Commercial Road | Bournemouth

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Market days are Thursday and Saturday

Bargain hunters flock to Boscombe If you’re a savvy shopper, looking for some alternative gift ideas or just want to be super organised and ready for Christmas, then why not make a trip into Boscombe this autumn? Boscombe Market provides a welcome addition to the high street stores. It’s an all day open air market held every Thursday and Saturday. The market can be found on the Precinct in the heart of the shopping centre on Christchurch Road.

There’s something for everyone including fruit and veg, fish, fresh meat, flowers, watches and jewellery, bags of every type, with an ever changing variety of stalls. There’s also a fantastic array of ‘food on the go’ from street food traders bringing the scents and flavours of food from all around the world to tantalise your taste buds.

If you’ve been missing Boscombe Vintage Market then don’t worry, it will return on 3 October in the Royal Arcade. For more details visit:

The best things in life are free as they say. And that’s certainly true when it comes to Give or Take Days. These are held regularly all across Bournemouth and they are like jumble sales but everything’s free. It doesn’t cost anything to donate your unwanted items. You can take home anything you want – for free. You don’t even have to donate items in order to take something home.

browse, we look forward to seeing you there. For more information email: or telephone: 0797 959 3899.

For many of us it’s far too early to be thinking about Christmas, but organisers of Boscombe Christmas Carnival have been arranging our 22 November event for some time. We’re planning stalls and rides to be in the Precinct from 11am. The Carnival Parade will start from Pokesdown Green, opposite Pokesdown Train Station at 3pm and Father Christmas will be in the Precinct from 3:30pm. There is a cash prize for the best dressed entry in the Parade so start planning your costume and contact us for a booking form. We’re also keen to hear from any businesses, community groups, schools or local residents who want to get involved so please contact Amanda Catlin by email on: Booking forms for the Parade are also available from Amanda by calling: 0797 959 3899.

The next event in Boscombe takes place on Saturday 14 November from 10am to 12noon at the Old School House, Gladstone Mews (BH7 6HG). So whether you’re donating or just popping in for a

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W hat rea l ly ma ke s a

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Ta ke the h # myha p pyhou r cha l leng e S w i t c h a g l a s s o f w i n e f o r a y o g a c l a s s . R e p l a c e a p i n t o f b e e r w i t h a b i k e r i d e. Tra d e t h e s e m o m e nt s fo r a l te r n a t i ve h o u r s of we l l be i n g. B e a ct i ve. Le a r n a n ew s k i l l. Vo l u nte e r. A p p re c i a te yo u r s u r ro u n d i n g s . B e cu r i o u s .

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Improving local leisure facilities


The extended gym now has over 200 fitness stations

£1.7million health and wellbeing investment project now complete Did you know that a new £1.7 million health and wellbeing facility officially opened at the Littledown Centre recently? The development includes two multi-purpose fitness studios and a gym extension, making it one of the largest public health and fitness facilities in the country.

has some of the UK’s “ Bournemouth best health and fitness facilities

Councillor Lawrence Williams, Cabinet Member for Leisure said: “Bournemouth has some of the UK’s best health and fitness facilities and more people than ever are visiting the Littledown Centre and enjoying the benefits of taking part in physical activity. We are delighted to be working in partnership with BH Live to make Bournemouth’s centres even better for the local community.”

Peter Gunn, BH Live Chief Executive, said: “Thousands of people living with health issues are coming into our centres, working with our fitness specialists and significantly benefiting from regular physical activity. Combined with a refreshed class programme to target currently inactive groups, the investment at Littledown Centre ensures we have the capacity to benefit even more people and provide our local community with world-class health and wellbeing facilities.”

Peter Gunn and Cllr Lawrence Williams with AFCB players


Thanks to new investment, the centre continues to grow, to include more health-related schemes and encourage even more people to take part in physical activity. Over 1,000 people regularly visit the Littledown Centre to take part in a health and wellbeing programme, to ease health issues associated with hip pain, arthritis, cancer, diabetes and heart conditions.

AFCB players Dan Gosling and Steve Cook

• The Littledown Centre first opened in 1989. Today it is managed and operated by BH Live, a social enterprise, in partnership with the Council. • The Council has invested £1 million into the project and BH Live has invested £700,000. • The gym has been extended from 528m2 to 969m2 and has over 200 fitness stations. • Offices have been converted into two multipurpose fitness studios.

You can find out more about memberships, activities and events at the Centre at:

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BH Life Autumn 2015

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Electronic donations will help rough sleepers

You can text donations

Helping people off the streets Being homeless can be one of the most isolating and harmful experiences a person can go through. People become homeless due to many different reasons, which makes homelessness a difficult problem to solve. For many of us, when we see someone on the street begging it’s a natural reaction to reach for our spare change so that they can buy a hot drink or get something to eat. But giving money to people who are begging isn’t necessarily the answer.

Why giving to those who beg can do more harm than good

Begging and rough sleeping are sometimes two different things. Many people who are rough sleeping don’t beg and many people who are begging aren’t homeless.

Mark Hawkins, from the CRI Rough Sleeper Team, explains: “There are a number of myths regarding people begging. One is that people who beg do not have access to benefits or accommodation. The truth is that the majority of people are able to access benefits and even those who are not eligible to access assistance with housing from the Council, are able to access advice and guidance through the CRI Bournemouth and Poole Rough Sleeper Team.”

We do our best to help homeless people. And you can help too.

We understand you may want to help and we want to encourage you to continue donating. That’s why we’re raising money for CRI as an established and really effective rough sleeper service, because we want to help people off the streets as quickly as we can. All the money raised by this campaign will go to CRI so that they can improve the local drop in services - an important facility for people that are rough sleeping.

Councillor Robert Lawton, Cabinet Member for Housing said: “The Council has a range of coordinated services already in place to help address issues including a rough sleeper team, a range of hostel accommodation options and a robust local connection policy to ensure those coming in from out of the area return where appropriate to receive the support they need.”

Visit our Just Giving page at: or text donations to:


‘KIND64 £2’ to: 70 070

Did you know?

We’re helping homeless people to get off the streets and to rebuild their lives by:

• Funding CRI’s Rough Sleeper Team to provide valuable outreach and support individuals into accommodation and services that they need. • Running emergency schemes for homeless people sleeping outside during severe weather conditions.

• Funding around 200 hostel bedspaces in the town specifically for those who are homeless.

• Working closely with the CRI Bournemouth and Poole Rough Sleeper Team, Shelter, The Big Issue, Dorset Police and others to develop better ways of reducing homelessness.

If you would like to give your valuable time to help, CRI would like to hear from you on: 01202 315962.

BH Life Autumn 2015


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Parks and Nature

Enjoy Bournemouth’s parks and gardens all year round The days may be cooling and the nights drawing in but autumn is a wonderful time to explore Bournemouth’s award winning parks and gardens. It’s the perfect season to grab some fresh air and enjoy seeing the changing colours of the landscape. We are spoilt for choice of places to visit with sixteen Green Flag sites across the town, the most in the South West. Tuckton Tea Gardens has become the latest addition to Bournemouth’s record breaking tally this year. Situated next to historic Wick Village by the River Stour, the gardens are open all year round. It is the perfect place to enjoy a cream tea or hot chocolate whilst looking out across the stunning views of the river and watching the boats go by. You could even have a go at the crazy golf course and putting green or hire a boat yourself to travel up and down the river and take in the nature and environment.

There’s a picturesque walk along the river, which has benefited from works we’ve carried out to repair the riverbank and improve the pathway. From Tuckton the path takes you by Wick village, through fields occupied by horses and cattle, alongside the golf course before leading you to Hengistbury Head Nature Reserve and Visitor Centre.

Don’t forget there are lots of nature events for all ages that take place at the Hengistbury Head Visitor Centre from bird watching to craft sessions. Why not try out the ‘Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness’ a fantastic autumn walk on Hengistbury Head on 5 November, 9:30am to 12noon? Expect wildlife, folklore and poetry, followed by tea and cake at the Hiker Cafe. The perfect morning! £7 per person (includes hot drink and cake). Booking essential on: 01202 451618. For more events like this see page 30 or visit: or follow us on Twitter @bmthparks.


BH Life Autumn 2015

New charity helps support your green spaces

Two interactive attractions have recently been installed by the Bournemouth Parks Foundation, a new independent charity. A striking parrot sculpture can be found in Bournemouth’s aviary in Pine Walk, Lower Gardens. The hand-carved parrot invites you to donate towards the cost of building a bigger and better aviary for the birds. If you put a £1 coin in, the parrot will give you a cheeky reply. A hand-carved bench can be found by the river Stour near the Tuckton Tea Gardens, and when you sit down on it an interesting and relaxing short story or poem begins. The charity aims to protect and enhance Bournemouth’s parks, gardens and green spaces. Why not find out more about their work and how you can get involved? Visit:

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Exclusive competition for BH Life readers

Win a Christmas party at The Cumberland Hotel for up to 25 people The Cumberland Hotel Bournemouth invites you and up to 24 of your family, friends or work colleagues to a magical Christmas party in this free-to-enter competition.

Your party will include:

Situated in a prime location on the East Cliff, The Cumberland transforms each Christmas into a magical festive wonderland, decorated with over 7,000 fairy lights.

· Free disco* · Silver Three Course Menu · Crackers and table decorations · Five star service

How many of your friends can you invite to join you if you win this outstanding prize? a) 2 b) 24 c) 240

If you are unlucky not to be this year’s winner then check out their website for a full list of what the Cumberland Bournemouth has to offer. Visit:

The lucky winner and their party will enjoy a memorable evening which includes the delicious Silver Three Course Menu. Afterwards, dance the night away with the fabulous Cumberland Disco*. For your chance to win, answer this simple question:

To enter, email your answer and contact details to: or send a postal entry to: BH Life competition, Bournemouth Borough Council, Town Hall, Bournemouth, BH2 6DY. Closing date: 16 November 2015.

This prize can be taken any Sunday to Thursday during December from 1st to 21st inclusive. Don’t worry if there are more than 24 of you as, subject to space, you can purchase extra places at the hotel’s standard rate.

Congratulations to our last competition winner, Christine Wilson from Poole, who won the Cumberland Hotel’s Air Festival experience.

T&Cs apply.*Your party will join other parties for a party night experience. Disco is available on party nights of 50+ people. Prize can be taken Sunday to Thursdays only in December excluding 22nd, 23rd and 24th December. Prize is not transferrable. Prize does not include drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic). Party for up to a maximum of 25 people but additional spaces can be added at the standard party rate. Prize cannot be resold and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. The Cumberland is a very busy Christmas venue so the hotel will liaise with you on dates available once the winner is selected. Full T&Cs:


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Thinking of moving into a care home – or just needing a little extra help at home? We’re here to help Whatever your care needs, we know that it’s the care that counts – the quality care of all our residents and home care customers. As a leading provider of residential and home care in Bournemouth, we offer compassionate residential and dementia care in a homefrom-home atmosphere. We also provide care to anyone who needs support in their own home, from young people and adults with disabilities, to older people who need a helping hand with their daily lives.

Whether you’re looking for care in your own home, a short respite stay or a new home, we offer a warm welcome, compassionate care, comfort and peace of mind. To request a brochure, arrange a visit or find out more, contact 01202 712400




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Your services

Building a better Bournemouth

Who lives in a town like this? Bournemouth’s population is increasing and is currently estimated to be around 191,400. By 2021 the population is expected to reach 201,200.

We aspire to treat you fairly regardless of your age, disability, gender, race, religion or belief, or sexual orientation or any other irrelevant factor. We want to make sure everyone can use our services and is included in our activities. It’s the law too.

Councillor David Kelsey, Equality and Diversity Champion said: “Our Council’s aim is not just to meet its duties under equality legislation but also to build a better Bournemouth. We want Bournemouth to be a place where everyone matters, feels safe, can achieve their full potential and feel they are treated as equals.”

How are we building a better Bournemouth?

With a library card, you can use our computers for free and we also provide free WiFi in all of our libraries. There is even free digital skills training available throughout the year. The sessions help you learn basic online skills or improve your existing digital knowledge. With your new skills you will be able to apply for jobs, keep in touch with family, access services online and take advantage of all those other wonderful opportunities that technology and the internet provide. Find out more at:

After receiving reports that people with learning disabilities were being harassed and bullied, we worked with local organisation, Bournemouth People First, to establish the award winning ‘Safe Places’ scheme. Shops and public buildings displaying a Safe Places sticker, have trained staff who can provide support to people who feel unsafe. The scheme gives people greater confidence to go out, travel to new areas and take part in community activities. Bournemouth is in the top ten of Stonewall’s ‘Education Index 2015’ and has been over the past three years. This means we’re one of the best local authorities in Britain for tackling homophobic bullying and celebrating difference in our schools.


Of course, people are more than just numbers. With our growing population comes the challenge of really understanding you, our customers. Knowing our communities helps us to plan and improve our services now and in the future.

• 19% of people are limited by long term illness • 17.8% of people are aged 65 and over • 30% of people are aged under 24 • 57% of people are Christians • It is thought that Bournemouth has a larger than average gay population, although local figures are not known.

Keep in touch

By involving you in our decisions we can provide more responsive services and ones that meet the needs of the changing profile of Bournemouth’s population. We encourage your feedback and want you to keep in touch with our latest news, events and consultations:


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Spotlight on democracy

Get involved in Council business There are plenty of ways that you can learn more about your council and how local decisions are made. Here are a few examples of how you can get involved and have your say on issues that are important to you. Talk to your councillor: surgeries are usually held once a month and allow you to raise issues with your local representatives. Find details of your local councillors and their surgeries at: Keep track of decisions: attend a council or committee meeting and see democracy in action (see dates below) or go online to find meeting agendas and decision notices at: Attend an area forum: these community meetings are run by residents with support from local councillors. They take place in different areas across the town – see below for upcoming dates or visit:

Council and Area Forum meetings Council meetings usually take place at the Town Hall and they are open to the public. Here is a selection of some of the meetings for the coming months.

Cabinet: Full Council:

Planning Board:

14 October - 10:30am 11 November - 10:30am 15 September - 7pm 27 October - 7pm

21 September - 4pm 19 October - 4pm 16 November - 4pm

Licensing Board: 22 September - 9:45am

1, 15 & 22 October - 9:45am 3 & 24 November - 9:45am

Overview and Scrutiny Panel meetings visit:

Please check details before attending on: 01202 454713.


BH Life Autumn 2015


Did you know?

In November students from Bournemouth schools will have the opportunity to learn more about local politics as part of a ‘Democracy in Action’ event being held for Parliament Week (16 to 22 November). Based at the Town Hall, pupils will debate local and national issues with councillors and MPs, allowing them to gain a better understanding of how the democratic process works.

Area Forum meetings

Boscombe Forum: 17 September and 12 November at King’s Park School, Ashley Road, 7pm Queen’s Park & Charminster Community Forum: 9 September and 9 December at the Moose Hall, 119 Malmesbury Park Road, 7:30pm Southbourne Area Forum: 12 November, Immanuel Church Hall, 120 Southbourne Road, 7:30pm North Bournemouth Area Forum: 19 September and 21 November at Kinson Community Centre, 10am Winton Action Group: 10 September at Winton Library, 6pm Wallisdown, Winton West & Ensbury Park Area Forum: 31 October at Ensbury Park Community Centre, 10am Throop, Muscliff, Strouden, Townsend and Holdenhurst Forum: 22 October at Bournemouth School for Girls (East Way entrance), 7pm Westcliff Community Forum: 22 September at St Michael’s School, 7pm Westbourne Community Forum: 23 September at Westbourne Library, 7pm Pokesdown Forum: 25 September at Metropolitan Community Church, Hannington Road, 7pm.

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Businesses: Put your leaflet or brochure inside the next edition of BH Life covering the whole of the Bournemouth area Other opportunities available: Council websites with hundreds of thousands of unique visitors Door to door addressed mailings • Residents’ magazines delivered to every doorstep • Outdoor media sites seen by thousands of people every day • Recycling trucks that travel hundreds of kilometres of local streets per week

Call us today on 01202 611 100 for details of Bournemouth Borough Council’s website which will shortly be accepting advertising

st From ju £28 per d thousan

BH Life Autumn 2015



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What’s on

9-17 12

12-13 13

Events and things to do around Bournemouth


Dorset Architectural Heritage Week – free events celebrating Dorset’s rich historic environment. For more information visit: or tel: 01202 888992. Plant sale at Cherry Tree Nursery (BH10 7DA), 8am to 3pm. Tel; 01202 593537. Grand Prix of the Sea, Bournemouth Seafront. See page 8. Classic Cars on the Prom, West Overcliff Promenade. Visit:


Bournemouth Older People’s Forum, Lucullus Room at The Pavilion from 10:30am. 27 Lansdowne Church Student Welcome Service, on the beach by East Overcliff Lifts. For details visit: 28BFX Festival. Designed to celebrate and promote 4 Oct the visual effects, computer games and animation industry. See page 17. Visit:

Spotlight on Ganesha

at The Russell-Cotes Art Gallery and Museum...


The 13th century sculpture of the elephant-headed god Ganesha comes to the RussellCotes from the British Museum. On display alongside, will be rarely seen pieces collected by Sir Merton and Lady Russell Cotes on their tour of India in the 1880s. Regular museum and gallery fee of £6 applies. For more information visit: ...until 20 September

October 3 3 3-4 6 7 9-18 11


Boscombe Vintage Market from 10am to 4pm, Royal Arcade: Visit: ‘Bournemouth Noir’ literature event: Kate Rhodes author event and crime writing workshop. Westbourne Library. Book on: 01202 761845. Bournemouth Marathon Festival, Bournemouth Seafront. Full marathon, half marathon, 10k, 5k and junior races. Visit: Early Explorers, Russell-Cotes Art Gallery and Museum from 10:30am. Storytelling, songs and crafts for 2-5 year olds. Advance booking £2.50 per child, £3.50 on the day. Limited spaces. Tel: 01202 451820. Tea Dance featuring the BSO Dance Band at the Pavilion, 2pm. Tickets from £9.50 on 0844 576 3000 or visit: Bournemouth Arts by the Sea Festival - see page 16. Fabulous fungi with the Dorset Fungi Group. Hengistbury Head Visitor Centre from 10:30am to 12:30pm. £5 adults, £2 under-16s. Book on: 01202 451618.

From 16 Beasts or Best Friends? Animals in art exhibition at the Russell-Cotes Art Gallery and Museum. Visit: Until March 2016 20 Poetry as healing workshop hosted by poet and maverick, Chris Tutton. Bournemouth Library. Book on: 01202 454845. 22 ‘Bournemouth Noir’ literature event: author, Sharon Bolton will be at Westbourne Library. Book on: 01202 761845. 26-30 Half term school holidays – see page 8. 28-29 Science Dome, Bourne Spring Centre (BH1 4QP) from 10am to 4pm. Visit: and search ‘Science Dome UK’. 30 Museums at Night, Terrifying Twilight Tour at the Russell-Cotes. Visit: 31 Halloween – see page 8 for seasonal events.


Littledown Fireworks, Littledown Centre. Visit: 7 Stone Age art fun day at Hengistbury Head Visitor Centre from 2pm to 4pm. Suitable for children aged 4+. £3.50 per child. Book on: 01202 451618. From 12 Gardens of Light. Experience Christmas shopping, events and entertainment in Bournemouth Town Centre. See page 8 or visit: 13 The Sensational 60’s Experience, Pavilion Theatre, 7:30pm. From £24, visit: 18 The Cafe at the end of the Solar System. A fun and

22 25 27

fascinating walk through a scaled-down solar system followed by tea and cake at the Hiker Cafe. Meet at Hengisbury Head Visitor Centre. Events from 2pm to 4pm and costs £7 per person (includes refreshments). Book on: 01202 451618. Boscombe Christmas Carnival – see page 19. Dorset Humanists: ‘Debate: Where Does Our Morality Come From?‘, Green House Hotel, 7:30pm, Free Entry. Bournemouth Older People’s Forum, Lucullus Room at The Pavilion from 10:30am.

To check the latest events in Bournemouth visit:


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Contact your council Email: Web: Town Hall, Bourne Avenue , Bournemouth. BH2 6DY Switchboard: 01202 451451

Council Tax & benefits

Council Tax - 24hr payment line Council Tax - enquiries Council Tax reduction Benefits - housing Business rates


Housing - council tenants Housing defects (private tenants) Housing grants Housing waiting list / homelessness

01202 454748 01202 451597 01202 451592 01202 451592 01202 943286 0800 0281870 01202 454979 01202 454979 01202 451467

Tue 22 – Sat 26 September Agatha Christie’s

A MURDER IS ANNOUNCED A lavish new production of a classic Miss Marple mystery starring Judy Cornwell (Keeping Up Appearances).

Tue 29 September

RT. HON. PROFESSOR SHIRLEY WILLIAMS Join the renowned politician and academic as she discusses The 20th Century – The Century of Violence.

Thu 1 – Sat 3 October

Leisure activities

Parks 01202 451629 Queen’s Park Golf Course 01202 451675 Russell-Cotes Art Gallery & Museum 01202 451858 Seafront office / beach huts 01202 451781 Hengistbury Head Visitor Centre 01202 451618

ROUND AND ROUND THE GARDEN Alan Ayckbourn’s play reveals the secrets and lies which simmer beneath the surface of family relationships.

Parking & travel Blue Badges Concessionary travel (bus passes) Parking

01202 458744 01202 451584 01202 454721

Street services Graffiti reporting Highways (roads and pavements) Street cleaning Street lighting Rubbish and recycling

01202 451199 01202 451199 01202 451199 01202 451199 01202 451199

Other council services Adoption services 01202 456743 Children’s Information Service 01202 456222 Planning services 01202 451323 Pest control 01202 451199 Births, deaths, marriages and civil partnerships 01202 454945 Social care - adults 01202 454979 Social care - children 01202 458101 Kinson Hub: - housing enquiries 01202 451915 - library and general ‘Hub’ enquiries 01202 452788 Tourist information 01202 451734 Trading Standards (Citizens Advice) 0345 404 0506

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To request a different format telephone: 01202 451435. You can also read or listen online:

Tue 6 October

NATIONAL DANCE COMPANY WALES Three unique pieces of dance created by the very best European choreographers, featuring a world premier by Jerone Verbruggen.

Sat 10 October

MUGENKYO TAIKO DRUMMERS Fusing the traditional spirit of taiko with a modern and captivating stage performance.

Thu 15 – Sat 17 October

ROUND THE HORNE Take a step back in time and experience a comedy classic live with original scripts by Barry Took and Marty Feldman.

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