BH Life Autumn 2016

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Autumn 2016 edition

YOUR CHANCE TO WIN A Christmas party for up to 20 people at The Cumberland or Ocean Beach Hotel See page 25

Arts by the Sea Festival 2016 The future of your council page 8

A new look for Beale Place? page 19 Our local magazine produced for Bournemouth residents

Celebrating six elements of nature page 16

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All-inclusive prepaid funeral plans from only £2,710 Our prepaid funeral plans are the perfect solution if you’re looking for the comfort and reassurance of knowing that everything has been taken care of when you die, and we GUARANTEE to beat national and charity-based funeral plans. Through our woodland burial ground, Harbour View, we can arrange burials and cremations of a contemporary or traditional nature, usually at a lower budget to the norm.


0800 0217 918

Front cover image: Compagnie des Quidams - Fiers á Cheval © Henry Moreigne

Funeral Homes throughout East Dorset & West Hants

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Contents 11




Have your say

Front cover image: Compagnie des Quidams - Fiers á Cheval © Henry Moreigne

Dorset’s options for local government reorganisation have been announced. Residents and businesses now have an opportunity to help reshape the setup of local government across the area. Bournemouth residents can find out more and have a say at local information events or by completing a questionnaire. See page 8 for details.

Following the EU Referendum, I responded to questions at Full Council on 26 July, to reassure everybody living in or visiting Bournemouth, that they are valued members of our community. We welcome the very positive contribution that EU citizens and foreign workers make in many sectors of our local economy. Equally, Bournemouth is a destination for visitors and students from around the world, all of whom contribute to the town’s success. We strive to make Bournemouth a vibrant, safe and welcoming place for all. I would therefore urge anyone who is the victim of, or witness to, any form of hate crime or discrimination to report this immediately. Find out how on page 5. Visit our website to read my full statements on this issue: This autumn our ‘Building a Better Bournemouth’ work continues in a variety of ways. Not least, through some fantastic cultural events and activities at The Arts by the Sea Festival. There’s an eclectic mix of entertainment to suit all ages and tastes. Take a look at our preview on page 16. Councillor John Beesley Leader of the Council BH Life magazine is delivered free to homes in Bournemouth. It’s also available at a wide variety of outlets.

To advertise in BH Life call IMS Group on: 01202 611100 email:

This publication is environmentally friendly using paper sourced from sustainable forests, using no bleaching agents and printed using vegetable based inks. The publication contains advertising and the Council cannot vouch for the legitimacy of, or endorse any advertiser in BH Life. Citizens Advice provide free, impartial consumer advice on 0345 404 0506. Please recycle this magazine when everyone has read it.

Read and listen online at:

4 .......

In and around the town 8 ....... Reshaping your council 11 ...... Waste and recycling 13 ...... Out and about in Boscombe 14 ...... A parent’s guide: life after GCSEs 15...... Children and education 16 ...... Arts Festival 17 ...... Autumn events 19 ...... Roads and travel 21 ...... Council finances 23 ...... Get into golf 24 ...... Parks and nature 25 ...... Competition 27....... Clare’s Law 28....... Spotlight on democracy 30....... What’s on?

Publication details Edited by: Jo Evans, Corporate Communications & Marketing, Bournemouth Council, BH2 6DY. Tel: 01202 451616 Email: Designed and produced by: IMS Group Tel: 01202 611100 Copies printed: 86,000 Cost per copy: 10p approx. Advertising: IMS Group Tel: 01202 611100. Email: Distributed by: IMS Group If you do not regularly receive BH Life tel: 01202 451435 or email: Delivery of next issue: The winter edition will be delivered to homes by 12 December 2016

BH Life Autumn 2016


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News from around the borough

In and around

the town Improved leisure facilities for Stokewood Stokewood to receive major funding

We’re working with BH Live (the charitable trust set up by Bournemouth Council) to invest £1million to improve health and wellbeing facilities at Stokewood Leisure Centre. Work gets underway this autumn to increase the size of the gym over two floors and give it a fresh look, complete with new fitness equipment.

The scheme has received planning consent and completion is planned for spring/summer 2017. The development will meet environmental standards, retain existing architectural details and provide new gym floorspace, without any significant impact on the locally listed building’s features.

Councillor John Beesley, Leader of the Council, said: “The Council has already successfully worked with BH Live to deliver improved health and wellbeing facilities for Bournemouth residents at Littledown. Improved facilities at Stokewood will enable us to retain the high standards local residents expect and encourage their continued participation in a more active lifestyle.” It will be business as usual at the centre during the works, with minimal disruption to customers. Find out more about Stokewood and other local facilities, including BH Live Active Queen’s Park, Sir David English, Littledown and Pelhams at:

Overnight stay beach huts Plans to create Bournemouth's first overnight stay beach huts at Manor Steps, Boscombe, are well underway. Along with the huts, other improvements in the area include a new refreshment kiosk, toilet block, seafront office and storage room.

The new overnight huts, equipped with six beds, a toilet and shower, will be arriving assembled. During this time, some adjustments to prom access may be necessary with provisions for a pedestrian and cycle friendly path put into place.

New lighting will be installed along the full length of the zig zag path leading to the huts, and we will trial energy efficient solar powered options. During the work it will be necessary to limit access to the zig zag for safety.

Information signs can be found at the top of the zig zag and at promenade level. To keep up to date with work schedules, prom and zig zag access information, please visit:


BH Life Autumn 2016

Artist’s impression of the overnight stay beach huts

Email Me

Join our new and free email newsletter service and receive the latest information about the things that matter to you, straight to your inbox.

Our email newsletters will keep you up to date with what’s happening in and around Bournemouth, as well as providing you with important information about key council services. Get information and news on a range of topics including council news, events, parks and leisure, libraries and more.

Signing up is quick and easy, all you need to do is visit:, provide us with your email address and choose the topics that interest you. Then await your first email update.

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News from around the borough

In and around the town Bournemouth War Memorial

Hate crime – report it

Everyone has the right to live free from fear, prejudice and violence, regardless of their race, colour, religion, nationality, or sexual orientation. Hate is the most appalling of human emotions, often fuelled by ignorance and prejudice. We will do everything that we can to tackle all forms of prejudice and discrimination in Bournemouth. Hate crime can take many forms, including physical attacks, threats and verbal abuse. We do not tolerate hate crime, and you can help us stop it. You can report a hate crime in the following ways: • call Dorset Police on 101 • call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

By reporting these kinds of incidents, even anonymously, you can help us get a better idea of our community’s problems. For more information visit:

Unite in commemorating Remembrance Sunday On Sunday 13 November you will have the opportunity to remember the heroes and victims of war at the Bournemouth Remembrance Day Service.

The service is held at the War Memorial in Bournemouth’s Central Gardens and begins at 10:57am with two minutes’ silence at 11am. Lasting around 40 minutes, the service is followed by a wreath laying ceremony when the Mayor will lay one of the first wreaths on behalf of the people of Bournemouth. If you would like to attend this service, you can watch it from Bourne Avenue, an area of the Central Gardens or in Avenue Road. Specific areas in Bourne Avenue and the Gardens are reserved for wheelchair users. Find out more at:

Did you know?

Bournemouth’s Poppy Appeal will be launched by the Mayor on 31 October. Poppies will be available in local shops and other venues including the Town Hall.

Tackling empty homes

Empty properties can attract squatters, vermin and may also become a target for vandals and other anti-social behaviour. They can also be unsightly and a financial worry for their owners.

Demand for housing is increasing

We work with home owners and landlords to help bring empty properties back into use and also take enforcement action where necessary. Councillor Robert Lawton, Cabinet Member for Housing, said: “It is crucial, at a time when the demand for housing is increasing, that the Council does everything it can to ensure empty homes are improved and used to provide much needed housing for local people and help to reduce the negative impact that some empty properties have on the community.”


If you have an empty property, there are a number of options open to you. For advice, or if you are worried about a vacant property in your neighbourhood, please telephone the Empty Homes Officer on: 01202 454893 or report it online at:

There are around 88,000 homes across the borough and our most recent figures show that there are more than 800 empty properties.

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In and around the town

News from around the borough

All day town centre parking for only £4 Central car park offers great value

There are over 45 council managed car parks all across Bournemouth offering motorists short and long stay parking options.

If you’re a town centre shopper, worker or visitor then why not consider parking in ‘Central’ car park in Upper Hinton Road? This large, long stay car park is perfectly located for town centre shopping, seafront visits and the entertainment of Westover Road and the Lower Gardens. And did you know that you can park all day for only £4 at this car park?

Next time you’re making a trip to town, give Central car park a try: Central car park, Upper Hinton Road, Bournemouth, BH1 2HH For car park prices, locations and further parking information, visit:

Have your say: changes to Council Tax discount schemes

If you get a reduction on your Council Tax bill through our Support Scheme or a discount because you have an empty property, you might want to know that we are proposing to make some changes from 1 April 2017.

We’ve already contacted Council Tax payers who currently receive a reduction or discount, but we would like to get the views of as many Council Tax payers as possible.

You can find out about the changes being proposed and have your say at: or telephone us on: 01202 451514, leave your details and we’ll send a form to you. The closing date for the consultation is Monday 10 October 2016.


BH Life Autumn 2016

Do you qualify for a gas boiler grant?

A new grant has been launched to help eligible Bournemouth households replace their broken or faulty gas central heating boiler.

If you claim benefits and have a boiler that is broken down or not functioning efficiently, you could get a generous grant towards a new A-rated gas boiler. Some residents may even qualify for extra funding, so their boiler is free. In addition, eligible people could get money towards installing a new central heating system, if they don’t have one already but have a gas connection.

To qualify for this offer, you must receive either Pension Credit or Child Tax Credit. Other eligible benefits include Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance, Income-related Employment and Support Allowance, Income Support, Working Tax Credit or Universal Credit if received along with other benefits.

Councillor Mike Greene, Cabinet Member for Transport, Sustainability & Carbon Management, said: “I am very pleased to see energy company funding coming into Bournemouth in a way which will help less well-off families save money. Replacing old boilers with efficient modern ones will not only save the money for the bill payers but it also helps us tackle climate change by contributing to our plans to cut the town’s energy use.” This offer applies to suitable owner-occupied and private rented properties but not council or housing association homes, due to funding rules. Funding is only available for a limited time so apply now if you think you qualify. The grants are delivered by Wessex Energy Advice Centre, contact them on: 01202 209410.

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News from around the borough

In and around the town

Bournemouth blooms

Bournemouth’s environment is important to all of us and huge efforts from individuals, groups and communities are helping to maintain and transform areas of the town.

Over the summer, judging has taken place for a variety of competitions, including South and South East in Bloom and the RHS Britain in Bloom national competition. And this autumn the prize-giving ceremony for the 2016 Bournemouth in Bloom Competition takes place on 12 October at the Hallmark Hotel.

This year, Bournemouth in Bloom has made extra efforts to help inspire younger generations with projects in local schools. In particular, pupils from Queen’s Park Academy and St Michael’s School have been enthusiastically growing herbs and vegetables and undertaking local litter picks.

To find out more, and for all of the latest news and results, visit Bournemouth In Bloom’s website:

New look Hengistbury Head website

The Rose Garden at the Crematorium

Cemetery named as one of the best North Cemetery at Strouden Avenue has been named as one of the best in the UK and now proudly flies the Green Flag Award – the mark of a quality park or green space.

Home to Bournemouth Crematorium, North Cemetery is the latest site to receive a Green Flag and recognises the work of our Bereavement Services team who maintain the site to high standards.

Councillor David Smith, Cabinet Member for Planning and Environment, said: “We are absolutely delighted to receive a Green Flag Award from Keep Britain Tidy. This is the first one for this site, but brings the total number of Green Flags to 17 across Bournemouth.”

The new Hengistbury Head website is now live, showcasing the wildlife, history of the area and providing details of what’s on offer throughout the year for visitors to enjoy.

You can also discover how to volunteer, or gain some work experience at the site, and there’s information about our new corporate training days.

Visit the website to find out more about this special area of Bournemouth:

Linda Barker, Bereavement Service Manager, said: “Having a peaceful and tranquil open space for the bereaved to mourn, reflect and remember is of the utmost importance to our team. Having Keep Britain Tidy commending our commitment to the needs of the bereaved in this way is an honour.”

Find out more

• For details about cemeteries and crematorium, visit: or telephone: 01202 526238. • For information about Bournemouth’s parks and open spaces and the facilities on offer, visit:

BH Life Autumn 2016


Your council

Have your say

What do local people think?

Have your say on the future of your council We are consulting right now on plans to replace the existing nine councils in Dorset with two brand new unitary councils. These two councils would deliver all local government services for their areas. Why do it? 4 Save money 4 Protect services (such as social care, road maintenance, 4 4 4

parks, libraries, trading standards and more)

Parent from the conurbation I can’t think of anywhere else I would rather bring up my son. I know he will have a fantastic childhood and a bright future here.”

Focus on people and places Fewer councillors

Less support staff needed.

What are the options?

Residents are being asked their views on replacing the existing nine councils in Dorset with two councils – one covering the urban area, alongside a second serving the rest of Dorset. Options for the urban area are:

• • •


Bournemouth, Poole, Christchurch and East Dorset

Bournemouth, Poole and Christchurch


Student from the conurbation I love living here. I want to complete all my studies locally, secure a good job in the area, and hopefully afford my own place one day too.”

Bournemouth and Poole.

What area do you feel part of? Full details of these proposals can be found at:

How can I have my say?

Dorset’s councils want to hear from residents, businesses and others before making any decisions. A questionnaire has been sent to a random selection of 20,000 people across Dorset.

If you did not receive a questionnaire in the post but want to have your say, find out more and complete an online questionnaire at: Questionnaires are also available in Bournemouth Libraries. The closing date for this consultation is 25 October 2016.

You can also find out more on:

• • • • • • •

Pensioner from the conurbation Affordability of social care and access to it is important to me as I grow older. I want my council to be efficient and put the greatest proportion of its money into frontline services as possible.”

17 September at Castlepoint, 9:30am to 4:30pm

19 September at Tesco Kinson, 3:30pm to 7:45pm

20 September at Tesco Castle Lane, 3:30pm to 7:45pm 21 September at The Square, 11:30am to 4pm

23 September at Cranmer Rd car park, Winton, 9:30am to 1:30pm


24 September at Boscombe Market, 9am to 3:45pm

27 September at M&S, Westbourne, 11:30am to 4pm.

To find out more and have your say, visit:



BH Life Autumn 2016

Co-founder of leading creative and digital agency in the conurbation The area has the fastest growing digital economy in the UK, and, with access to a creative and skilled workforce locally, there was no other place I wanted to start my digital business.”

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Looking for a reliable local door to door distribution company? There are many good reasons why our customers use us for their magazine and leaflet distribution, but here’s just 5 reasons why you might consider us for yours:


We’re trusted by local authorities such as Bournemouth Borough Council & Purbeck District Council to deliver their magazines and important communications


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We’ve invested in the latest GPS tracking technology which ensures our customers leaflets and magazines are delivered efficiently, reliably and on time*


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Our door to door distribution services start at just £34 per thousand which represents excellent value for money.

Using our innovative GPS satellite tracking technology we can pin-point where your distribution is and also produce a full post delivery report Tel: 01202 611 100 *These services are available on our Premium Packages

If youʼd like details on how to become a distributor for IMS Group, email us at:

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Help improve and protect your environment

Waste and recycling

Recycling service improvements

You will soon be able to recycle even more items in your kerbside recycling collection. From 3 October, batteries and small electrical items (such as old irons, cameras, and shavers, measuring no bigger than 30cm x 20cm x 20cm) will be collected. Please don’t put these items inside your Big Bin, instead use a plastic bag and leave them next to your bin for collection on your recycling day. Again, please note that recycling collection times are between 5am and 8pm.

Larger electrical items will not be collected with your Big Bin, but can instead be recycled at Millhams Community Recycling Centre or some of our neighbourhood recycling centres. For more details, look out for the leaflet being delivered to homes and sign up for our waste and recycling email alerts at: or visit:

Tackling litter and dog fouling

We continually strive to keep Bournemouth’s streets clean, tidy and litter free. This is not an easy task and we have introduced trained officers, provided by specialist enforcement firm 3GS, to target those ignoring the law. The Enforcement Officers are on patrol throughout Bournemouth and will issue a Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) of £80 when a littering or dog fouling offence is witnessed. 1,403 FPNs for these offences were issued between October 2015 and June 2016.

Please help us keep Bournemouth tidy and avoid a fine by using the litter and dog waste bins provided.

Do you use Millhams Community Recycling Centre?

Millhams is run by Borough of Poole Council for Bournemouth residents. We are making a few changes to try and improve the service as well as to make savings. Changes include: • A small charge to dispose of non-household waste such as tyres, gas canisters, asbestos, plasterboard, soil and rubble. • A new van permit scheme for users whose only domestic vehicle is a van.

For more information about both of these changes and for Millhams opening times, please visit:

Recycle your light bulbs Low energy light bulbs use up to 80% less energy than old fashioned bulbs, but to do this they need a small amount of mercury. This is why they shouldn’t be thrown away in your bin.

You can take your energy saving light bulbs for recycling to the following Bournemouth Libraries: • Pokesdown & Southbourne • Boscombe • Kinson Hub • Bournemouth • Castlepoint.

Remember that old style (non-energy saving) light bulbs can't be recycled, so put these in your Little Bin. To find out more about recycling visit:


Did you know?

As a Bournemouth resident you can get reduced priced environmental products such as home compost bins, water butts and more from Get Composting. The composters start from just £6. Visit:

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What’s on in Boscombe this autumn?

The Royal Arcade

The Shelley Theatre

Boscombe Library

Children’s activities

Boscombe Market

Out and about in Boscombe Boscombe has a strong cultural history, stunning beach location, award winning parks and a vibrant community network. So whether you live, work or visit the area, find out what’s on offer this autumn. Performances, events and film screenings

Originally built as a home for the author Mary Shelley in the 1800s, today the Shelley Theatre hosts a range of performances, events and film screenings.

You could sample two original plays ‘Jekyll & Hyde and Nerve’ (30 September, 7:30pm) or enjoy The Halloween Cider Festival with ghoulish cider tasting plus live music (28 October, 6pm). Give classic Americana a try with The Dodge Brothers Live (1 October, 7:30pm) or catch a movie, including the Rocky Horror Picture Show (24 September, 7pm) and Eddie the Eagle (10 November, 8pm). For more information, ticket prices and a full programme of events, visit:

Halloween, history and mystery

Discover more about Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and celebrate the area’s history, culture and diversity with The Great Exhibition of Boscombe from 22 October to 30 October. Events are still being planned but details will be revealed soon at:

The half term break also includes Halloween. If you have your own little zombies and ghouls to keep entertained, look out for themed activities at the library ( There’s a Holiday Arts Club for kids aged 8+ (24 to 28 October) and free Kids Halloween Party (29 October, 12pm to 2pm) both at Creative Kids in the Sovereign Centre. For bookings and details of other free and low-cost creative activities, visit: or telephone: 07974 543 899.

Countdown to Christmas

Christmas cheer is on its way with a Carnival Parade from Pokesdown and the Christmas lights switch-on taking place in the Precinct on Saturday 19 November. Then, on Saturday 3 December, it’s time to welcome Father Christmas in the Santa Parade and opening of Santa’s Grotto in the Sovereign Centre. Visit:

Find out more

If you’re interested in Boscombe community news and events, sign up to our regular email newsletters at:


Have you been a regular shopper at Boscombe market?

2017 sees the 25th anniversary of Boscombe market, and we want you to help us celebrate our thriving twice weekly market.

The market was officially opened in May 1992 by Leslie Crowther of Crackerjack fame and we would love to take a

look back with your help. Send us your photos and memories and we'll make them part of our anniversary celebrations.

Email:, or post copies to (no originals please as they can’t be returned): Boscombe Regeneration, Unit B, 501-507 Christchurch Road, Boscombe, BH1 4AE.

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Young people

Education, work and training advice

Life after exams – a parent’s guide Is your child moving on from their final year at school or college and beginning the next step of their journey? For many that means starting further education, university, an apprenticeship or job. Sometimes, being able to move on isn’t easy. Maybe because their GCSE or other exam grades were lower than expected or because they’ve changed their mind about what they want to do and don’t have a back up plan. There are also occasions when things happen within the family that are beyond their control and force them to reconsider their plans.

This can be a daunting time for young people and for you as a parent too. If you find that your child has no definite plans and doesn’t know what to do, Bournemouth Youth Service could be just what they need. 16 to 18 year olds in need of help can find a wealth of advice at:, including information on education, work and training options. The ‘Go For It’ section is particularly handy with more specific work/training information including apprenticeships and other vacancies. For those young people not in education, work or training and with no plans at all, youth advisers are available to discuss options to help them make a decision that’s right for them. This is a confidential service and appointments can be arranged at our Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) centres in Boscombe or Kinson or at one of our youth centres. Young people aged 16 to 18 can telephone: 01202 451100 to book an appointment. Even if your child’s exam results were disappointing, there are options they can consider to help them get back on track. Young people can visit: for more information.


BH Life Autumn 2016

Your Future – Your Choice

Do you have a child, aged 14 to 19? Are they, or you, unsure about the opportunities available to them locally in education, training and employment?

The Bournemouth & Poole 14-19 Team are hosting a free drop-in event at the Bournemouth Pavilion on Thursday 6 October from 3pm to 7pm. The event provides an impartial look at the options available for young people looking to continue their studies post 16, begin a training programme or embark on employment. The event is open to all local young people, parents, carers and professionals with representatives available to speak with from more than 70 different organisations including, schools, colleges and employers from the area. For more information, visit: or telephone: 01202 458988.

Considering a creative career in dance? Come along to a Creative Careers Fair at Pavilion Dance South West on Tuesday 27 September from 9:30am to 2:30pm.

Listen to talks, take part in workshops, and ask questions about what it's really like to work in these fields. Students, teachers and parents all welcome to attend. Find out more at: or telephone: 01202 203630.

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Information for parents and carers

Children and education

Are you looking for childcare in Bournemouth?

Our online childcare directory could help. Use it to search for local childminders, day nurseries, pre-schools and out of school childcare including breakfast, after school and holiday clubs. The directory includes information to help you choose quality childcare including Ofsted grading and links to the latest Ofsted reports.

It also covers opening times, costs, ages catered for, contact details and further information on the facilities available and any additional services offered such as different languages spoken by staff and assistance for children with special educational needs. Visit the online childcare search at:

School application deadlines

If your child is due to start school or transfer to junior or secondary education in September 2017, then there are some important deadlines coming up. It’s that time of year when you need to think about making an application for a school place. Deadlines are as follows: • 31 October 2016 – closing date for secondary school applications • 15 January 2017 – closing date for children due to start in reception class and those transferring from infant to junior school. You can apply online and find out more at:

To request a paper application form, contact our Children’s Information Service on: 01202 456223 or email:

Are your children entitled to free school meals?

Are you on a low income or benefits and have children at school? You could be eligible for free, tasty school meals for your children.

You can register your children for free school meals if you get any of these benefits: • Income Support • Income-based Job Seekers Allowance (JSA) • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 • Child Tax Credit, provided you are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and you have an annual income that is less than £16,190 • Working Tax Credit ‘run on’ – the payment you may receive for a further four weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit.

Children who receive a qualifying benefit in their own right are also eligible to receive free school meals.

If you are unsure if you qualify or have any questions, please visit: or telephone: 01202 456222.

Spooky fun at the Russell-Cotes When the sun sets on Friday 28 October, the Russell-Cotes will come to life! Dare you tread the darkened corridors with storyteller Lizzie Bryant for a spooky twilight tour?

Be chilled by strange and spooky stories of ghosts, devils and demons from around the world. Make sure to keep an eye out for supernatural beings stalking the corridors at this haunting time of year and for some of the weird and wonderful objects in the Russell-Cotes collection.

The Spooky Twilight Tour takes place from 6pm to 8pm. This event is suitable for adults and children aged 7+. Pre-booking is essential as there are limited spaces on the timed tours. Visit our website for prices. Other upcoming crafts and activities:

• 4 October: Early Explorers club for 2-5 year olds from 10:30am to 12pm. £2.50 in advance or £3.50 on the day. • 25 to 27 October: Halloween crafts from 10:30am to 2.30pm. £3.50 • 1 November: Early Explorers club for 2-5 year olds from 10:30am to 12pm. £2.50 in advance or £3.50 on the day.

• 6 December: Early Explorers club for 2-5 year olds from 10:30am to 12pm. £2.50 in advance or £3.50 on the day.

Visit: for further details or telephone: 01202 451820.

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Arts by the Sea


Free events for all the family

© Henry Moreigne

elements you’ll love about the Bournemouth Arts by the Sea Festival


Saturday 8 October to Saturday 15 October

The Bournemouth Arts by the Sea Festival is returning for the sixth time in October. Expect a packed-week of events, celebrating work from local to international artists. Events range from dancing mermaids to dreamlike horses and everything in-between, there is something for everyone to enjoy this autumn.

This year’s festival is making the most of its surroundings, representing themes of the sea, earth and nature…


by Thingumajig: Saturday 8 October, 7pm and 9pm


Lower Gardens

Legions of jellyfish are lining the shallow seas and now walking through the lands of Bournemouth. Inspired by the depths of the ocean, Jellish brings a bloom of giant, illuminated jellyfish to the Lower Gardens to transform the area into a magical in-between world. Illuminated and hoisted five metres into the air, this larger than life display makes a bold statement about our oceans. Free event

Bournemouth Natural Science Society and Museum open weekend:

© Thingumajig Theatre

© Mov

Fire Earth

Saturday 8 to Sunday 9 October, 10am to 4pm 39 Christchurch Road, BH1 3NS

If you’re looking to open your mind and discover unique collections, the Bournemouth Natural Science Society (BNSS) and Museum is the place for it. Opening their doors as the festival begins, visitors can explore unusual collections from insects to the solar system or learn about the Romans and the dinosaurs. An array of children’s activities will be on offer, charges may apply.

Find out more at: or telephone: 01202 553525. Free admission


BH Life Autumn 2016

Sea of Freaks torch lit procession then Inferno by Walk the Plank: Saturday 8 October, 8pm

The Triangle, Lower Gardens and Bournemouth Seafront

Alongside brass band Mr Wilson’s Second Liners, 120 pre-picked festival goers will lead a torch lit parade through Bournemouth. Pyrotechnic group Walk the Plank will be bringing the heat, throwing sparks and flames metres into the air and leading the unmissable parade to the seafront where it will culminate with a fire-ball stage to begin Inferno. The group will then light up the beach with a pyrotechnic performance including fiery jets and Mr Wilson’s Second Liners. Bringing together fire and music, this is the hottest act of the weekend. Free event

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Activities happening near you this autumn


Compagnie des Quidams presents Fiers à Cheval

Saturday 15 October, 7:30pm The Waterfront, Pier Approach

As the sun sets and the dark comes over the festival, Compagnie des Quidams bring their stunning exhibition show to the seafront. Their first performance at Bournemouth Arts by the Sea Festival will see the creation of a dreamlike atmosphere, through music, image and characters transforming into luminous horses to battle the darkness. Exploring a dynamic and poetic journey over the beach, this original visual and musical creation is the closing finale to the week-long celebrations and is not to be missed.

Free tickets - see:


Gardens of Neptune Saturday 8 October, 7:30pm to 11pm Central Gardens (by the War Memorial)

If you’re looking for a family friendly activity to immerse yourselves in art, come along to the LED throwies event. This puts the power into your hands where you will work alongside volunteers to create a glittering display of light. Make sure you see your art in action and join in for a town enhancing, interactive display of light. Free event

© MovingProductions


Find out more

These are just a few of this year’s highlights. For full details of the festival’s other exciting events, performances and activities on offer, visit: Look out for festival programmes in local libraries. Please check latest event details before you travel.

Lance Moi en L’Air

by Joli Vyann: Saturday 8 October 1pm and 3:30pm, Sunday 9 October, 2pm Lower Gardens

Translated as ‘Launched me in the air’, this performance blurs the boundaries of dance, theatre and circus to showcase the sensitivity and connection between two people. Bringing their brand new show to the opening weekend of the festival, dance act Joli Vyann’s performances will take place in the Lower Gardens. Free event


What’s on this autumn and winter? The BFX Festival returns from 8 to 16 October. This event is ideal for anyone who shares a love of movies, visual effects, games and animation. Visit:

It’s your last chance to visit these exhibitions at the Russell-Cotes: ‘Rituals and Revelry: Masks and Puppets from Around the World’, which runs until 9 October and works by David Bent, a leader in the world of modern aviation art (open until 16 October). Our new exhibition ‘Meeting Modernism: 20th Century Art’ opens on 29 October and runs until 24 April 2017. Visit: Love Dance? With 46 regular weekly classes, opportunities for young people through to mature dancers, there are plenty of moving treats for everybody at Pavilion Dance. There are also events especially for families with young children and The Bolshoi Ballet features regularly on their big screen. Visit: or telephone: 01202 203630.

See the world-famous BSO perform at Bournemouth Pavilion with ‘Hall of Fame’ providing symphonic favourites on Saturday 1 October at 7pm or listen to the sounds of Dvořàk, Mozart and Beethoven on 22 October at 7pm. There’s more classical greats with ‘Hall of Fame II’ on Sunday 13 November at 3pm. Tickets from: or telephone: 0844 576 3000.

Discover Christmas in Bournemouth from 17 November, including ice skating, the Alpine Market and Moose Bar, late night shopping, the Santa Express and Giant Snow Globe. Plus, lots more on offer in the coastal villages of Boscombe, Westbourne and Southbourne. Visit: See page 30 for more events.

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Roads and travel

Town centre road changes to be introduced An artist’s impression of how Beale Place could look

Beale Place is set to become pedestrianised as part of longer term plans to regenerate this key shopping destination. To help us achieve this, we will be making changes to the traffic flow in this area of the town.

Our new proposal is focused on making the lower part of Richmond Hill, Albert Road, Yelverton Road, Post Office Road, Old Christchurch Road and Beale Place more of a public space, with an emphasis on pedestrians. The scale and details of this long term project will depend on available funding.

Above: Beale Place as it is now

Help keep children safe

The first step is to introduce an experimental traffic order this autumn, for one year. As a result:

• • •

Yelverton Road will become a no through road with two-way traffic entering and exiting via Richmond Hill. Albert Road will become a no through road with vehicles entering and exiting via Richmond Hill. No vehicles will be allowed to travel past 16 Albert Road.

Beale Place will be closed to traffic at all times, except for delivery vehicles. Delivery vehicles will be permitted access from 10pm to 10am via Old Christchurch Road and will be able to exit the area via Post Office Road, Albert Road or Old Christchurch Road at Horseshoe Common.

An experimental traffic order allows us to further evaluate our plans before making the arrangement permanent or carrying out any major construction works.

For more information, visit:

Plan ahead to avoid Marathon road closures

The Bournemouth Marathon Festival takes place in Bournemouth and Poole on Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 October.

To accommodate this popular event, there will be a number of road closures and parking restrictions, particularly in Southbourne, Boscombe, East Cliff and West Cliff, so make sure you check whether you will be affected. For more information, visit the festival organiser’s website: or check for road closure details at:

With children back to their lessons, we’ve seen a return of parking problems outside schools.

To tackle this anti-social and dangerous parking at the school gate, we’ve teamed up with schools to encourage parents and carers to respect others when deciding where to leave the car. Our number one priority is ensuring that children are safe in, out and around the school premises. Please, think before you park. Inconsiderate parking not only causes congestion but it also endangers lives. Don’t park on school keep clear zig zags or across dropped kerbs.

In a further bid to help keep children safe, three trial sites have been identified where fixed cameras will be installed to enforce the school keep clear zig zags. So, why not leave enough time to allow you to park further away from school and walk the last part of your journey? Find out more at:

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Council finances

Information on the funding of social care

Explained: Your 2% Council Tax rise for adult social care All across the country, councils like Bournemouth are facing substantial cost pressures in providing adult social care services. This is due to increasing numbers of people requiring complex care and the increasing cost of this care, together with the cost impact of the new National Living Wage and cuts in government grant to local councils. As a result, the government has suggested that councils might increase Council Tax by an extra 2% as a precept for adult social care and this was introduced in April 2016. The precept is shown as a separate charge on your Council Tax bill and is included in your overall Council Tax payments. Bournemouth’s overall adult social care budget for 2016/17 is £51million. The precept will raise around £1.5million towards this in 2016/17, which is helping to fund services to support our most vulnerable local residents. This includes increased investment in safeguarding services, improved services for people leaving hospital and returning to their own homes and greater support for carers in our local area.

Councillor Blair Crawford, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care said: “The government has made provision for councils to introduce an adult social care levy of 2% specifically to help fund this important demand-led service. However, we continue to experience significant budget pressures as we meet growing demand.”

Did you know?

The government has indicated that the adult social care precept can be applied each year, up to and including the 2019/20 financial year. In Bournemouth our financial plan is based on this extra funding being received annually. However, Bournemouth’s 2017/18 budget for local council services, and any Council Tax increase, will first need to be approved by councillors at the budget meeting in February 2017.

Find out more

For information about Council Tax, including how to pay your bill, visit: or telephone: 01202 451597.

Our services

Adult social care is a range of different types of support for vulnerable adults and their carers. We deliver high quality council services to promote health, wellbeing and independence for: • older people • disabled people

• people with a learning disability

• people with mental health needs • carers.

Our social care teams can be reached through Bournemouth Care Direct on: 01202 454979. You can also find out more about adult social care services on our website:

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With over 250 rescued and endangered primates of more than 20 different species, Monkey World is the largest primate rescue centre in the world! Open every day, except Christmas Day!

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IMS Group have exclusive access to some of the best advertising opportunities in the area. including: Washrooms, Outdoor media, bus media, local council magazines, car park advertising council e-shots and local council website - call us to discuss how your company could benefit

*Ladies toilets also available!

IMS GROUP, 96-98 Castle Lane West, Bournemouth BH9 3JU 01202 611 100 | email: |


BH Life Autumn 2016

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Could golf be right for you?


Sport and leisure

Get into the swing of golf at beautiful Queen’s Park

benefits of golf

Are you looking for an activity that can provide optimum physical and mental health and wellbeing? Finding a leisure activity that’s right for you is key. Golf could provide that winning combination of exercise, sporting skill and social interaction that you’ve been searching for. Here are just some of the benefits of playing golf:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Keeps you active – 18 holes will burn at least 900 calories, achieving more than 10,000 steps by walking four to five miles. Quality time with friends – golf is a social activity both on the fairway and at the clubhouse afterwards.

Reduces stress levels – the peaceful, green scenery of the golfcourse can make you feel calm and relaxed.

Learn something new – gain a sense of achievement, purpose and confidence. Improve your work life balance – get some ‘me time’ and help recharge your batteries.

A healthier life – the combination of outdoor exercise and social interaction help ward off dementia, help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease. Sleep well - golf, along with yoga, gardening and running, are great forms of exercise for encouraging good quality sleep.

Did you know?


Did you know?

Queen’s Park is also popular with families, walkers and runners. Further paths have been created for the enjoyment and safety of all parks users including a wildlife trail, and a 2 and 3km running route. Look out for more information in a future edition of BH Life magazine.

Discover Queen’s Park

Queen’s Park Golf Course could be your perfect tonic for good health and happiness.

The 2016/17 season is shaping up to be the best for some years. This council owned and managed course has a reputation for being one of the best municipal courses in the country.

Our greenkeeping team, whose course management expertise takes full advantage of the excellent drainage, allows Queen’s Park to be played all year round. This has led to an increased number of people coming to ‘pay and play’. It has also encouraged more golfers to take advantage of the great value season tickets, which can be paid for on either a monthly direct debit or an annual basis.

Queen’s Park is a golf course to challenge your skills. It is a mature course where you’ll often do well using an iron rather than a driver from the tee. It has been host to several European Tour events over the years and the course has challenged renowned golfers such as Bobby Locke, Henry Cotton and Seve Ballesteros. Pop into the shop for more information open daily from 7am to 5pm, and until 12pm on a Sunday. Visit:

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Parks and nature

Kingfisher Barn

The River Stour

Have you visited Kingfisher Barn yet? Discover the riverside at Kingfisher Barn, a hidden gem in Muscliff. The visitor centre and wildlife garden opened earlier this year and it is the gateway to the Stour Valley Nature Reserve. As well as stunning scenery, you can also see lots of wildlife including kingfishers and sometimes even otters. We’re working with the RSPB to bring you activities and events to help you learn more about the Stour Valley, its wildlife and cultural heritage.

Councillor Lawrence Williams, Cabinet Member for Leisure, Tourism and the Arts, said, “Kingfisher Barn provides access to a beautiful three-mile stretch of river. The creative and informative events will enable all members of the community to engage with, and enjoy, the nature that is on our doorstep.”

The Stour is waiting for you – go and explore it!

Kingfisher Barn Visitor Centre is situated next to the car park at Granby Road, BH9 3NZ. Most activities are free and donations are welcome.

 

01202 451548

? 24

Did you know?

The Heritage Lottery Fund and other contributions have enabled us to convert the Kingfisher Barn, create displays, exhibitions, and provide activities over the next two years.

BH Life Autumn 2016

What’s On Weekly family adventures take place along the river. Events include ‘Souper Sundays’ from 11am to 3pm with fresh soup cooked over an open fire and a variety of activities: • Autumn Colours on 9 October • Dirty Den Building Day on 16 October • Let There Be Light on 23 October • The Lost Village of Bournemouth on 30 October • Marvellous Mosaics on 6 November • Wellies in the Willows on 13 November • Snappy Sunday on 27 November • Christmas Craft on 4 December • Holly and the Ivy on 11 December.

Other highlights include Nature’s Harvest Festival (26 September, 11am to 3pm) and Kingfisher Weekend (19 and 20 November from 10am to 4pm).

Why should kids have all the fun? You’re never too old for pond dipping, which takes place on Tuesdays from 10am to 12pm throughout the autumn. Different pond-dipping activities take place each week, all designed for a range of abilities and mobilities. Bring a packed lunch. Booking essential on: 07775 912899.

Do you fancy trying the pop up vintage tea room run by the Stour Power Women’s Institute? It recaptures the days when, a 100 years ago, there was a very popular tea room and strawberry gardens on the banks of the Stour. The pop up tea room is open from 10am to 4pm on 16 September, 21 October, 18 November and 16 December.

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Win a Christmas party at The Cumberland or New Ocean Beach Hotel for up to 20 The Cumberland Hotel & Ocean Beach Hotel Bournemouth invite you and up to 19 of your family, friends or work colleagues to a magical Christmas party in this free-to-enter competition. You may also add further guests at the normal price.

Situated in a prime location on the East Cliff, The Cumberland transforms each Christmas into a magical festive wonderland, decorated with over 7,000 fairy lights. For your chance to win, answer this simple question:

How many fairy lights does the Cumberland use to transform into a winter wonderland? a) 7 b) 70 c) 7,000 To enter, email your answer and contact details to: or send a postal entry to: BH Life competition, Bournemouth Borough Council, Town Hall, Bournemouth, BH2 6DY. Closing date: 15 November 2016.

*Your party will join other parties for a party night experience. Disco is available on party nights of 50+ people. Prize can be taken Sunday to Thursdays only in December excluding 22, 23 and 24 December. Prize is not transferrable. Prize does not include drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic). Party for up to a maximum of 20 people but additional spaces can be added at the standard party rate. Prize cannot be resold and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. The Cumberland and New Ocean Beach are very busy Christmas venues so the hotels will liaise with you on dates available once the winner is selected. Full T&Cs:

Your party will include:

· Free disco* e Menu · Silver Three Cours decorations le · Crackers and tab . · Five star service

ursday during en any Sunday to Th This prize can be tak worry if there n’t Do . ive lus inc to 21st December from 1st you can ce, spa to t you as, subjec are more than 20 of ndard rate. sta s tel’ ho the at purchase extra places r’s winner then enough to be this yea If you are not lucky ean Beach Oc w Ne d an erland’s check out The Cumb er. off to ve of what they ha website for a full list . ply ap Cs T& k o.u Visit: oceanahotels.c

Congratulations to our competition winner from the summer magazine – M Edwards from Southbourne won ‘Air Festival front row seats’ including brunch at The Cumberland Hotel.

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Domestic abuse

Help and support is available

Domestic abuse shatters lives Domestic abuse is more than just violence. It describes negative behaviours that one person exhibits over another within families or relationships. These patterns of behaviour can include threats, put-downs, isolation, physical violence, sexual violence and control.

Councillor David Smith, Cabinet Member with responsibility for community safety, said:

This coercive and controlling behaviour offence protects victims who would otherwise be subjected to sustained patterns of abuse that can lead to total control of their lives by the perpetrator.

Coercive controlling behaviour shows itself in a number of different ways. For one Bournemouth resident, Maria*, what initially seemed to be a supportive and loving partner quickly turned into someone she feared. He insisted she keep the house spotless, if it didn’t meet his standards he would smash ornaments or possessions that Maria valued. Her husband would not let her have a key to her home and insisted she did not leave the house without him. Over time Maria changed from a confident outgoing women to someone who was fearful of leaving the house and unable to talk to people outside of her family.

Clare’s Law

Have you heard of Clare’s Law? It’s a scheme that gives you a formal mechanism to make inquiries about your partner, or the partner of a friend or family member, if you are worried that they may have been abusive in the past.

The scheme aims to help potential victims of domestic abuse to make a more informed decision on whether to continue a relationship, and provides further help and support to assist you when making that choice.

To make a Clare’s Law request you can visit a police station or phone 101, the non-emergency number for the police.


Did you know?

Every request under Clare’s Law is thoroughly checked by a panel made up of police, probation services and other agencies to ensure information is only passed on where it is lawful, proportionate and necessary.

She’s a dream to be with... as long as she gets her own way

Coercive and controlling behaviour is now a criminal offence. This means that victims who experience behaviour that stops short of serious physical violence, but amounts to psychological and emotional abuse, can bring their perpetrators to justice.

Official statistics show the amount of domestic violence recorded by the authorities every year. But the problem is much bigger than shown in official statistics, as many victims and children don’t tell anyone about the abuse, and these are therefore not recorded as crimes.

He’s the perfect dad to our children... as long as I do what he wants

Help and support available

If you are experiencing domestic abuse, or if you know someone who is, there are many organisations that can help. Call Bournemouth’s Domestic Violence Helpline on: 01202 547755 or visit: In an emergency – if a crime is in progress or life is in danger – please dial 999.

*Name has been changed to protect the victim’s identity.

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Spotlight on democracy

Have you confirmed that you’re registered to vote?

Register of Elector books in the archives

News in Brief...

Every year we compile and publish the electoral register. We are required to check that your details are up to date and we do this by sending every household a form/email. If you haven’t already completed your form, then a reminder will be on its way. It’s worth noting that the process for registering to vote has changed. If your name needs to be added onto the electoral register you have to complete an individual registration form and give us your household details. Alternatively, you can register online at:, which will save us time and money. Check for your form(s) today. For more information, visit: or telephone: 01202 451123.

EU Referendum result

Are you interested to know how local people voted in the summer’s EU Referendum? Here are Bournemouth’s results: • • • •

The turnout was 69.3% Votes cast in favour of REMAIN was 41,473 Votes cast in favour of LEAVE was 50,453 Ballot papers spoilt or rejected was 71.

By-election for Kinson North

Due to the resignation of Councillor David Turtle (Conservative), a By-election for the electoral ward of Kinson North took place on 1 September.

The results of the By-election were not known at the time of going to print but details can now be found on our website, at:

Council and Area Forum meetings Council meetings usually take place at the Town Hall and they are open to the public. Here is a selection of some of the meetings for the coming months.

Cabinet: Planning Board: Full Council:

Licensing Board:

13 October and 9 November at 10:30am

19 September, 17 October and 21 November at 2:30pm

25 October and 6 December at 7pm

27 September, 4, 18 and 27 October, 8, 15 and 24 November, 6 and 13 December at 9:45am

Overview and Scrutiny Panel meetings visit:

Please check details before attending on: 01202 454713.


BH Life Autumn 2016

Area Forum meetings

Area Forum meetings are run by residents with support from ward councillors and take place in different locations across the town. Boscombe: 15 September and 10 November at King’s Park Academy, Ashley Road, 7pm.

North Bournemouth: 17 September at Kingsleigh Primary School, Haddow Road, 10am and 19 November at Kinson Community Centre at 10am Ensbury Park & Wallisdown: 29 October at Ensbury Park Community Centre, 10:30am

Pokesdown: 17 October at 821 Christchurch Road, Pokesdown, 7pm

Throop, Muscliff, Strouden, Townsend and Holdenhurst: for details visit:

Westcliff: 27 September at St Michael’s School, 7pm

Westbourne: 28 September at Westbourne Library, 7pm

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Thousands of Bournemouth’s residents will see this feature - many of them may be looking for your services. If you are a Trading Standards approved Buy With Confidence business you could feature here. Call IMS Group on 01202 611 100 or visit:

BH Life Autumn 2016


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What’s on

Events and things to do in Bournemouth


Great British Beach Clean, 10:30am to 12:30pm. Join volunteers for this autumn community litter pick. Meet at The Cloisters next to Harry Ramsden’s Bournemouth Older People’s Forum, Lucullus Room at The Pavilion from 10:30am Twilight Walk at Hengistbury Head, 6:30pm to 8pm. Look for owls, bats and other creatures of the

17 23 24



dark. Booking essential on: 01202 451618.

Nature’s Harvest Festival, Kingfisher Barn, Stour Valley from 11am to 3pm. See page 24

Dorset Humanists: ‘Transgender: What Everyone Should Know' with Jay Murray Green House Hotel, Bournemouth, 7.30pm, free entry.

October 8-15 8-16 9

13 22-30 24-28 25-27

2:30pm. £3.50. Tel: 01202 451820 or: 25 + 27 Dancing Days at Pavilion Dance, 10am to 5pm. Half term fun for ages 5 to 12. Tickets: £30, booking essential on: 01202 203630 or: 26 Dorset Humanists: ‘The Human Scale: How Buildings Affect Our Lives’, Green House Hotel, Bournemouth, 7.30pm, Free entry. 28 The Spooky Twilight Tour, Russell-Cotes, 6pm to 8pm. Adults and children 7+. Booking essential on: 01202 451820 or see: 29 Give or Take Day, Henry Brown Centre, West Howe. 2pm - 4pm. Visit: 29 + 30 Halloween Trail at Hengistbury Head, 10.30am to 3pm. No need to book. Starts from the Visitor Centre. Tel: 01202 451618

Bournemouth Arts by the Sea Festival, visit: BFX Festival. Includes a Family Weekend at the BIC on 15 and 16 October. Visit: or see page 17 Joie De Vivre, open dance workshop, Pavilion Dance, 2:30pm to 4pm. Taster class aimed at over 50s. Performance from 5pm to 6:15pm. £10 performance only or £15 includes workshop. Visit: or: 01202 203630 Autumn Wonders at Hengistbury Head, 10am to 12:30pm. Look for all things autumn on our wildlife walk. Booking essential: 01202 451618 The Great Exhibition of Boscombe: Half term school holidays: Halloween crafts at the Russell-Cotes. 10:30am to

November 5

Littledown Fireworks, Littledown Park. Gates open 5.30pm. Displays at 7pm, 8pm and 9pm. 13 Remembrance Sunday, see page 5 17onwards Discover Christmas in Bournemouth: 19 Boscombe & Pokesodwn Christmas Carnival and lights switch-on.

19-20 23


Kingfisher Weekend at Kingfisher Barn, Stour Valley from 10am to 4pm. See page 24 Dorset Humanists: Poetry and Live Music with Jonathan MS Pearce, Green House Hotel, Bournemouth, 7.30pm, free entry. Southbourne Christmas lights switch-on.

December 2

3-4 3

3 3

Bournemouth Older People’s Forum, Lucullus Room at The Pavilion from 10:30am Reindeer making at Hengistbury Head Visitor Centre from 1pm to 3pm. Available in half-hour slots. Booking essential on: 01202 451618. Boscombe Christmas Parade and Santa’s Grotto opening. Visit: Westbourne Christmas Festival and Santa’s Grotto. Visit: Santa’s Giant Letterbox, Southbourne. Visit:

 30

BH Life Autumn 2016

4 6 17

The Colour of Me, By Wriggle Dance Theatre at Pavilion Dance, 3pm. For 3-7 year olds and their families. Tickets: £6 (under 2s free). Tel: 01202 203630 or visit: Starlings and Scones, Hengistbury Head, 10am to 12:30pm. Wildlife walk looking for winter birds and more. Includes hot drinks and cake. Booking essential on: 01202 451618. Santa’s Grotto, Southbourne. Visit:

Get information on the latest events in our new What’s On email.

Sign up at:

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Contact your council Email: Web: Town Hall, Bourne Avenue, Bournemouth. BH2 6DY Switchboard: 01202 451451

Council Tax & benefits

Council Tax - 24hr payment line Council Tax - enquiries Council Tax reduction Benefits - housing Business rates


Housing - council tenants Housing defects (private tenants) Housing grants Housing register

Leisure activities

Kingfisher Barn Parks Queen’s Park Golf Course Russell-Cotes Art Gallery & Museum Seafront office / beach huts Hengistbury Head Visitor Centre

01202 454748 01202 451597 01202 451592 01202 451592 01202 454833 01202 451571 0800 0281870 01202 454979 01202 454979 01202 451467 01202 451548 01202 451629 01202 451675 01202 451858 01202 451781 01202 451618

Parking & travel Blue Badges Bus passes Parking

01202 458744 01202 451584 01202 454721

Street services Graffiti reporting Roads and pavements Street cleaning Street lighting Rubbish and recycling

01202 451199 01202 451199 01202 451199 01202 451199 01202 451199

Other council services Adoption services 01202 456743 Births, deaths, marriages and civil partnerships 01202 454945 01202 456222 Children’s Information Service Planning 01202 451323 Residential noise issues (day) 01202 451296 (out of hours) 0800 0281870 Social care - adults 01202 454979 Social care - children 01202 458101 The Kinson Hub: - housing enquiries 01202 451915 - library and general ‘Hub’ enquiries 01202 452788 Tourist information 01202 451734 Trading Standards (Citizens Advice) 0345 404 0506

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