Anne Dessing - Master in Architecture

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Anne Dessing Omgevingsarticulaties

Transvaalkade 36-2, 1092 JM Amsterdam +31 6 284 30 975


Anne Dessing ‘Omgevingsarticulaties’

This project is a design research on how to realize special types of single family houses in Amsterdam. In this study the urbanism of Tokyo was a major inspiration. The choice of this topic arised from a personal fascination and a social drive. Living in Tokyo In 2009 I lived in Japan. During my stay I fell in love with the houses in the big cities. In Tokyo are a lot more self-built houses compared to Amsterdam, and because of the high prices, the houses often become like sculptural objects on very small plots. There is a continuously sought for creative solutions to make the house a pleasant place to stay. Furthermore, the individual wishes of the residents of the house turning the architecture into something beautiful. Not only the houses in Tokyo are fascinating; the urbanism is also interesting. The planning of detached houses leaves enough space for a continuous process of transformation. It’s easy to replace the houses without destroying other structures. While the main structure of the city is not affected, the relationships between the houses themselves can change. They provide space for new forms of housing and new forms of social cohesion. The observations of the living in Tokyo were an interesting starting point in finding new strategies to built houses in Amsterdam. Living in Amsterdam Living in the city is becoming increasingly popular but it’s hard to find an affordable home. The municipality of Amsterdam would like to densify the city, but there is little money due to economic decline. At the same time developers don’t take any risks. The houses that are being developed now are mainly built by private developers. During my graduation I tried to find new ways of planning, using the Japanese planning as a reference, and taking my own wishes for a home in consideration. I did a research on the tools the Japanese use to plan their city. A big difference between Tokyo and Amsterdam is the ownership of land. In Tokyo families own a piece of land; in Amsterdam the municipality owns almost all of the land. I’ve tried to discover what the effects of this difference were and tried to find a strategy in which the positive effects can help the neighborhoods of Amsterdam. Designing houses The key in my project was to use the will off people to live in Amsterdam. Because of the great demand for housing in the city, people are willing to make concessions in comfort of housing standards. I found out that it was interesting to use housing as a tool to give unpopulair neighborhoods a new impuls. In the three chosen test locations I’ve tolerated houses on places that were never seen as possible places to live before. I’ve designed a house for myself on a plot and, after analyzing my design, I made a short list of strict rules where the design of the house needs to cope with. And then I tried to find a way to place all the other houses. Through this rules and ‘kavelkaarten’ I wanted to create a nicer environment. In this way I’ve created a win-win situation. More special homes, nicer neighborhoods.

Graduation date 07 11 2012

Commission members Anne Holtrop (mentor) Felix Claus Marieke Timmermans

Additional members for the examination Laurens Jan ten Kate Mariette Adriaanssen

Anne Dessing

maquette Zeeburgerpad in verschillende tijdsfases


147 146

300 m2






28-29 20 -22


100 m2


50 m2






Locatie Zeeburgerpad . Vlnr: huidige leegstaande bedrijven, strategie van kleine kavels op bestaande fundering en vloer van een bedrijf, projectie stukje Tokyo creert kleine buurtjes 30m




Locatie Frankendael. Vlnr : huidige bebouwing met noord-zuid orientatie, wooneenheid en het profiel tussen de eenheden, restruimtes gedefinieerd, positie van huizen langs entreestraat

Locatie Rembrandtpark. Vlnr : bestaande paden, bestaande waterstructuur, de bomen versneden met de infrastructuur, de versnijdenissen opgevat als kavelkaart., wonen tussen de bomen

Anne Dessing

maquette huis Zeeburgerpad

maquette huis Frankendael

maquette huis Rembrandtpark


2 1000 m2

4 3100 m2 3 500 m2

1 900 m2

5 4500 m2

9 1500 m2

5 2200 m2 6 2500 m2 10 2000 m2 7 1000 m2

11 850 m2 8 1200 m2

14 3900 m2 12 1200 m2 28 900 m2

15 550 m2

13 2300 m2

18 850 m2

16 1100 m2

27 1700 m2


17 3300 m2

1400 m2

23 1300 m2 20


22 2000 m2

24 5000 m2

2300 m2

1100 m2 kavelkaart & regels Rembrandtpark Pacht een kavel voorzien van een water- en elektrapunt

25 400 m2 21 3200 m2 27 1200 m2

Auto’s zijn niet toegestaan Kap geen bomen Het plaatsen van erfafscheidingen is niet toegestaan; gebruik de buitenste rij bomen als bufferzone Plaats half verdiept een sceptic tank

28 900 m2

29 1400 m2


2200 m2

31 2500 m2

32 900 m2

Onderhoud de gepachte grond Bouw een volume met een footprint van maximaal 25m2 Laat het volume niet boven de boomtoppen uitsteken Bouwmaterialen afstemmen op het gewicht en de maat van de maximaal toelaatbare vrachtwagen op het parkpad.

Anne Dessing

boven: doorsnede en plattegronden schaal 1:200 onder: interieur beelden

Master of Architecture / Urbanism / Landscape Architecture Amsterdam Academy of Architecture

Architects, urban designers and landscape architects learn the profession at the Amsterdam Academy of Architecture through an intensive combination of work and study. They work in small, partly interdisciplinary groups and are supervised by a select group of practising fellow professionals. There is a wide range of options within the programme so that students can put together their own trajectory and specialisation. With the inclusion of the course in Urbanism in 1957 and Landscape Architecture in 1972, the academy is the only architecture school in the Netherlands to bring together the three spatial design disciplines. Some 350 guest tutors are involved in teaching every year. Each of them is a practising designer or a specific expert in his or her particular subject. The three heads of department also have design practices of their own in addition to their work for the Academy. This structure yields an enormous dynamism and energy and ensures that the courses remain closely linked to the current state of the discipline. The courses consist of projects, exercises and lectures. First-year and second-year students also engage in morphological studies. Students work on their own or in small groups. The design projects form the backbone of the curriculum.

On the basis of a specific design assignment, students develop knowledge, insight and skills. The exercises are focused on training in those skills that are essential for recognising and solving design problems, such as analytical techniques, knowledge of the repertoire, the use of materials, text analysis, and writing. Many of the exercises are linked to the design projects. The morphological studies concentrate on the making of spatial objects, with the emphasis on creative process and implementation. Students experiment with materials and media forms and gain experience in converting an idea into a creation. During the periods between the terms there are workshops, study trips in the Netherlands and abroad, and other activities. This is also the preferred moment for international exchange projects. The academy regularly invites foreign students for the workshops and recruits wellknown designers from the Netherlands and further afield as tutors. Graduates from the Academy of Architecture are entitled to the following titles: Master of Architecture (MArch), Master of Urbanism (MUrb), or Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA). The Master’s

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