Basic Reading List: 'Understanding Dutch Urbanism' July 2015 Arjan Klok, Head of Urbanism Department, selected a reading list, approx. 10(+5) titles which could help you to get a better –probably even great! - understanding of the cultural and professional basics, traditions and discussions in Dutch Urbanism. Half of the set is describing the development of the Netherlands in general, half the development of Amsterdam in particular. A special category are the cultural-historical ‘novels’ an ‘historical biographies’ of Geert Mak. The books all try to give you an overview without posing a specific opinion. All together a solid repertoire of ‘500 years of cultural phenomena, thinking & designing’.
Understanding Dutch Urbanism; The Netherlands: NL01. 20th Century urban design in the Netherlands, Hans Ibelings, nai publishers, 1999 Shelf mark: 711.31 NL Ibe t
NL02. Atlas van de verstedelijking in Nederland - 1000 jaar ruimtelijke ontwikkeling, Reinout Rutte en Jaap Evert Abrahamse, THOTH, 2014 ( English translation upcoming december 2015) Shelf mark: 711.31 NL Rut a NL03. The Selfmade Land: Culture and Evolution of Urban and Regional Planning in the Netherlands, Hans van der Cammen, Len de Klerk, Gerhard Dekker, Peter Paul Witsen, Spectrum, 2013 Shelf mark: 711.01 Cam s
NL04. Town planning in the Netherlands since 1800, Cor Wagenaar, nai010, 2013 Shelf mark: 711.41 Wag t
NL05. Atlas of the Dutch Water Cities, Fransje Hooimeijer, Han Meyer, Arjan Nienhuis, SUN/Boom, 2005 Shelf mark: 711.47 Hoo ad NL06. 35 Icons of Dutch Planning, Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, PDF Leaflet 2012 Shelf mark: 711.01 Min d
Understanding Dutch Urbanism; Amsterdam: AM01. A Millennium of Amsterdam – A spatial history of a marvellous city, Fred Feddes, Thoth, 2012 Shelf mark: 711.31 NL/AMS Fed m
AM02. Kaarten van Amsterdam 1538-1865 (deel I), Marc Hameleers, Thoth, 2013, (Only in Dutch) Shelf mark: 710.15 Ham k I
AM03. Kaarten van Amsterdam 1866-2012 (deel II), Marc Hameleers, Thoth, 2013, (Only in Dutch) Shelf mark: 710.15 Ham k II
AM04. Eastern Harbour District Amsterdam, urbanism and Architecture, Marlies Buurman, Bernard Hulsman, Hans Ibelings, Allard Jolles, Ed Melet, Ton Schaap, nai010, 2006 Shelf mark: 711.31 Abr e
AM05. IJburg, Haveneiland and Rieteilanden, Felix Claus, Frits van Dongen, Ton Schaap, nai010, 2001 (Only available in Dutch) Shelf mark: 711.31 NL/AMS Cla i
Understanding Dutch in general, the personalized cultural-historical perspective: A special category are the ‘novels’ and ‘historical biographies’ from the ‘uberdutch’ bestseller writer Geert Mak about Dutch and European culture cq village, city and country development, really nice to read, 17million Dutch fans. XX01. An island in time : the biography of a village, Geert Mak, translated by Ann Kelland 2010 Shelf mark: 800 Mak is
XX02. The angel of Amsterdam, seven city stories, Geert Mak, translated by Liz Waters 2014 Shelf mark: 800 Mak a
XX03. Amsterdam, a brief life of the city, Geert Mak, translated by Philipp Blom, 1999 Shelf mark: 800 Mak am
XX04. In Europe, travels through the twentieth century, Geert Mak, translated by Sam Garrett, 2007 Shelf mark: 800 Mak in
All books are available in the library An easy, nice –also for on terraces & beaches- start would be with; NL01, AM01, XX01, XX02, XX03.