Hongjuan Zhang - G682 quarries-Yangzi Mountain Post-mining Landscape Transformation

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The G682 Quarries Yangzi Mountain Post-mining Landscape Transformation

Fujian, China



PREFACE Granite G682 is a yellow to the pink color stone of the Precambrian period, the most famous yellow granite from China. It’s a perfect stone for building facades and interiors. I am from a granite town. I used to live in a village surrounded by stones. however, we never knew the beautiful and scary story behind it until I saw hundreds of abandoned quarries in the mountains. In China, the government plans to shut down 4000 mountain quarries in 2020. So, what is the future of those mountains and their towns? Apart from the common big quarry, there is another type of quarry which is small and cuts deep into the mountain. These are created by family ateliers or small industries. In my hometown, Shijing town, people have cut into the mountains and dug out stones to develop the city. This process destroyed the mountains but created an amazing landscape. This post-mining landscape is a wounded landscape with marks of sorrow and betrayal, but these landscape scars are also beautiful, associated to narratives of experiences and memories. However, the ruined post-mining landscape and the related social culture can be appreciated and acknowledged by the people, even be canonized into ‘cultural heritage’. Through my graduation, I reopen and discover the landscape and social wounds, to redefine and reuse the ruined landscape. By healing the landscape scars and transforming the open pits, I provide the opportunity to mirror up the town memory, but also develop the cultural heritage of the post-mining landscape into a new identity of the town.

Quarry Mountain photoed by Jiuliang Wang

Family Atelier

Quarry Mountain



1. Context - Shijing Town

orchard sea

oyster cultuivation river

In the southeast of China, the Fujian Province is a coastal province facing Taiwan, and is full of mountains. From the mountain floodplain to the coast, Shijing is a beautiful town with pearl-like villages surrounded by natural resources.



mountain water reservoir


stone industry

harbor town



During Stone Mining

After Stone Mining

mountain village

delta village coastal village





stone industries

Before mining, people in Shijing town lived with During the mining period Shijing town was prosperous, natural resources in villages close to the mountain, resulting in a fast-growing population and the delta villages, and coastal villages. development of stone industries and new housing settlements. Thanks to the G682 granite stone resource of Shijing town, the neighboring town Shuitou developed into the biggest stone distribution center in China.

Dying out quarries + industries

new urban development

After mining, Shijing town aims to transform into a production city with high-technology. The widespread stone industries are dying out and facing a big challenge for future urban development. The system is losing balance.


The open pits were “feeding” the town, but also “eating the town”. During 30 years, around 400 mining industries created 300500 open pits. These open pits are spread out from the mountains to the town that is almost half hollowed out; stone powder fills the air, rivers are polluted, there are dusty vegetation, dead farmland, and fruit trees.

forest agriculture granite mining stone logistic stone processing industry villages water reservoir sea

water pollution

deforestation & trapped water

nature dead zone

LANDSCAPE ISSUES The mountain loses its regenerative function as the rainwater stays trapped in the pits on the mountain, the water reservoir is polluted and the rivers dry out. At the same time, the stone industries are still pumping a big amount of groundwater, which caused the silt seepage on the coastal villages.

pumping groundwater

pulluted water


coastal reclaimation & pollutted sea & seawater seapage

Surrounded by stones, the stone town is facing a big urban issue. The mining mountain becomes a wasteland disconnected from the town by the stone logistic area and the industries. On the mountainside, 400 industries are dying out, especially the family atelier.

er Ce nt tion ibu istr ed ton uS Sh uito

Quanzhou city

New High Tech District

URBAN ISSUES villages new urban development stone processing industry family atelier stone market stone logistic mining mountain quarries mountain sea water reservoir original coastline


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irp na



On the coastal side, the town is reclaiming new land for urban development. On the floodplain, the villages are suffocated by family ateliers, big industry clusters and medium-sized stone industries. The town is losing its structure. A new town planning is set to transform it to a hightech industry city with a new high-tech center in the south, a new international airport on an island, and a new highway bridge to connect the other side of the bay. But the town has a big conflict in urban space with spread industries and a lack of recreational public space.


stone logistic

family atelier

modern stone processing industry

stone processing industry

new urban development&stone market

The quarry has supported the whole economy chain of the town: from the mining, stone logistics and stone processing industries, to the stone market and urban development. However, as a mono-industry town, the market supply for the processing industry suddenly fell sharply after the quarry closures. Around 50000 employees lost their jobs.

er Ce nt tion ibu istr ed ton uS Sh uito

Quanzhou Harbor

STONE CULTURE ISSUES stone processing industry stone market stone logistic mining mountain quarries mountain sea water reservoir original coastline





rb Ha

Volcano formed mountain


Stone block

From interviews with different stakeholders, I found that people suffered from the stones but also depended on the stones. Although they produce a large amount of stone elements, a new generation of people cannot appreciate the beauty of natural stones. After the closure of the mining mountain, the quarry is disconnected from the production chain and nobody knows about the mining history anymore. Are we losing G682? What is the future of the villages?

Stone slabs

urban stone elements

waste stones

INTERVIEWS New Generation: We already use to this kind of enviroment, it's just like this. But I didn't know that the quarry is so amazing, could develop as tourist attraction area.

The owner of quarry (retired from mining ): Common saying says well: Backer has mountain, draft relying on water.The quarries are all money. Would be nice to continue the mining.

Farmer mountain):

Industry Boss (very attach to nature):

(keeping the goat on the

We consider the environment as a big issue.But it's very hard to change and we're used to it. We hope that the government will make new planning, but we have no clue how to deal with it.

We used to have beautiful fruit trees and green space for the goats.

Industry worker: Life is so difficult working in the factory. But it would be worse when the government close the stone industries.

Life of stones

Volcano formed mountain


Stone block

Stone slabs

Landscape elements

Architecture elements

VISION In the past the mountains used to provide the town with a natural resource for its stone culture, economy and town development. I believe that the future transformation of the town should again start from the mountain. The mountain as a green heart; a stone culture center and a center of urban regeneration from the mountains to the sea.

Green heart

Stone culture center

Urban transformation

2. Urban Vision & Strategy - Northern District


stone processing industry stone market stone logistic mining mountain quarries mountain sea water reservoir original coastline

Zooming into the urban area you can find that the mines are a wasteland with trapped water on the mountain. A polluted water reservoir and hollow-out mountain on the west side. The mining logistics are a barrier and a dead zone between town and mountains. The villages are surrounded by both family ateliers and big industries.


water reservoir nature reserve agriculture orchard urban park stone logistic park marshland


green heart

water purification

industry water circulation river green corridor & water infiltration


Triggering a new urban process I am starting from regenerating the landscape, making use of the geological character of the mountains, the floodplain and the sea. I will allow the water to flow out again to bring back the green corridor for landscape restoration within the town. On the west side of the mountain, ra i n w a t e r w i l l b e p u r i f i e d a n d w i l l recharge the water reservoir for the city’s use. The restored mountain will reconnect the urban area with a nature reserve. On the east side of the mountain, rainwater will be purified in a wetland (the transformed stone logistic area) and will flow through the city recharging the groundwater. In the north, a green corridor can become an urban public space, while the south can become an agriculture corridor.

Sh uito


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ibu tio

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stone industry cluste


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mix function industry city industry transform as greenhouse villages industries open pits culture routes

open museum

stone logistic parkstone innovation centerstone processing industry

stone market harbor

The mining mountain will become an open museum, well connected with the city for mining and stone culture. It is also well connected to the big industry cluster, stone market, and stone distribution center. At the same time, it triggers the family ateliers to transform into a stone renovation center and the small industries as a fruit center.


mix function industry city industry transform as greenhouse villages industry cluster industry green corridor culture routes

urbna recreation

stone park industry transformation

industry cluster

urban development along the river

eco coastal development

The transformed mining mountain will be a recreation center connected with a green corridor through the city to the sea. At the same time, the north corridor will trigger industries to transform into a mixed urban development for new housing and offices. In the south corridor, it will become a zone for the village ‘pearls’. The mountain can provide the public space for the villages around: a big industry cluster and a future high-tech center.

VISION It is my vision to regenerate the post-mining mountain with an ecological approach, to develop culture, education and recreation functions, and to create a new relationship between mountain and urban development. The productive city and landscape co-living with urban eco-rhythms will create a gradient from the mountain to the sea. In order to regenerate and purify the rainwater for urban landscape restoration and urban functions, I allow the rainwater to flow freely from the mountain through the water reservoir and the river corridor. Finally, the urban-nature dynamic and ecosystem will be recreated by building up an urban landscape structure and eco-circle system


3. Design Strategy - Yangzi Mountain


Yanzi Mountain Yangzi mountain is a 425-meter high granite mountain formed by a volcano. There is a continuous, small water flow between the stone fractures. Shijing Town has a southern subtropical maritime monsoon climate, the precipitation per year is about 1200mm. Just Yangzi M o u n t a i n a l o n e c o u l d g e n e ra t e 443,337,8 m3 water, which could supply around 4% of the town's groundwater use. The native vegetation in the lateritic red soil is the southern subtropical monsoon forest. Lateritic red soil is often eroded seriously thin and poor, but it is suitable for native fruit trees.

The Yangzi mountain has three main challenges: 1. a destroyed mountain skin 2. trapped water in the open pits 3. leftover quarry spaces My design approaches are aimed to restore the landscape system, design a water system to let the water flow again and to transform quarry spaces for recreation and nature.

Destroyed mountain skin

Trapped water

forest & fruit trees

riparian wetland

Quarry pits




wild boar

PROBLEM _ DESTROYED MOUNTAIN SKIN Evasive trees: Eucalyptus starting regeneration:grassland

starting bottom forest


The topsoil-layer of the mountain (the ‘skin’) has been badly destroyed, l biotopes have been lost. The whole mountain is full of waste stone slabs and stone blocks. Within the frame of the ‘Green Mining Policy’ in China, the government planted Eucalyptus, which is an invasive plant species and exotic to China. Nature always follows abandonment. Plants already are starting to grow everywhere, especially downhill below the groundwater level. Different sizes of stones will become part of the initial growing medium on the mountain, and can become a design tool.

Big stone blocks

Big rocks

Middle size rocks

Small stones


STRATEGY_ LANDSCAPE REHABILITATION Seeing the bare rock mountain as potential, we could redefine the mountain into diverse habitats with rocky landscapes, grasslands, fruit and wetland forests. The rocky landscape has been always part of Chinese culture. It’s a beautiful combination between rigid granite blocks and powerful nature on the mountain spine. On top of the mountain, I would put the grainstone that was considered a ‘leftover’. A poor grassy vegetation will develop through time. Goats from the villages around can be allowed to graze the area and will help fertilising perennially, improving the soil gradually. On the middle hill, I propose to slow down the water flowing downhill with stone barriers and to replant the fruit trees along the creek. The bees from the grassland will be helpful for fruit tree pollination. Downhill, I propose native bamboo trees on the existing stone logistic area, to purify water running off from the mountain.

1. Rocky landscape 2. Grassland 3. Fruit forest 4. Bamboo forest 5. Riparian wetland

1. Rocky landscape

2. Grassland

3. Fruit forest

4. Bamboo forest



On the granite mountain, water usually flows between stone fractures. After mining, the rainwater and groundwater fall into the open pits, getting trapped and becoming unhealthy black water. At the same time, the groundwater level is getting lower, leaving the topsoil of the mountain lacking water. It is beautiful to see the groundwater flow out from the fracture, weathering the stone. Sometimes one can see beautiful, blue water in the quarries. That is because groundwater is often supersaturated with CO2. When the water is exposed to the air, the CO2 degasses and this allows the pH to rise and for Calcium Carbonate to precipitate.

STRATEGY_ WATER SYSTEM I would like to redesign the water system to create landscape conditions for natural vegetation and allow the water to flow again, to recharge the groundwater for urban demands. -Guiding the water flow on the high-value quarry area to prevent stone weathering, but designing with water flow for stone weathering processes in the nature reserve area. - Let out the water from the shallow pits to the deep pits to improve conditions for the forest to grow in the open pits. - Control and manipulate the water level through fractures. -Let out the water from the open pits downhill, in order to create spectacular waterfall sceneries but also to expose the water and enrich the oxygen level.

guide the water flow

water ditch between pits

control the water level through nature fracture

let out the water downhill

RETAIN MINING HISTORY Inside the hundreds of leftover open pits on the mountain we can see mining traces on the big facades, and the cutting lines of the saws on the ground. These traces are telling about the mining history, we can imagine the steel wheel cutting through the landscape.

QUARRY PITS Mining Approaches

Sunken Open Pits

Hillside Open Pits

The open pits can tell about the mining approaches: the hillside mining and the sunken mining, which formed two kinds of quarry space on the mountain. Sunken mining usually starts from small stone blocks on the mountain top and expands towards the surroundings. Until the plotline, it will restart another round of digging into the ground. This created the deep pits on the ground and the leftover of wall. Hillside mining usually starts from the hillside of the mountain, cutting into the mountain layer by layer until the ground level.

Hillside Open Pits

Sunken Open Pits

Hillside Open Pits


Traditional technique _ Fire cutting mining

Modern Technique _ Steel wheel cutting From the open pit facade, we can also read the evolution of the stone mining approach. On the top mountain, where you can still see stone fractures with big cutting lines, the stone was extracted through fire cutting. Deeper you can see smaller but straight cutting lines, they are cut by a big steel wheel and the patterns are defined by the size of the steel.

STRATEGY_REVITALIZE QUARRY CULTURE Learning from the mining approach I will be using similar tools for making it possible to experience, to use and to regenerate the mountain: - cutting into the rock to provide opportunities to experience the quarries. - connecting the quarries by cutting through the leftover wall between the quarries. - Allowing the leftover quarry platforms to be experienced for cultural/recreational functions.

Cutting in the landscape

Connecting the quarries

Experiencing the quarry platform & stairs

QUARRY TYPOLOGY To conclude, I am creating a new landscape system for the mountain, transforming the open pits into spaces for nature and spaces for human beings. For instance, some small and shallow pits of less than 30 meters deep can become space for a natural forest, while pits deeper than 60 meters can be spaces for extreme sports and an open museum.

Space for Nature

Space for Human being



Birds & wetland

Open museum

4. Masterplan Of The Yangzi Mountain

close to village

small scale mining area

golden mining area

remainant nature destroyed topsoil less than 30 meters pits 30-55 meters pits 55-90 meters pits more than 90 meter pits sunken open pits hillside open pits wetland open pits

EXISTING SITUATION In the north, near the Sunei village, the open pits are deep and narrow with some newly created quarry platforms. This area is close to the stone logistics area and the family ateliers. The open pits here are smaller and you can see the hillside open pits on the east further away from the city. The mountain top is the ‘golden mining area’, where there is a high density of deep open pits. The hillside open pits on the west side provide a great view of the water reservoir.



SURFACE WATER SYSTEM Reconnecting water streams from uphill to existing streams will be essential to create diverse landscape typologies. On the mountain top, slow water erosion will stimulate perennial vegetation to grow and create a pattern by itself. On the hillside, strategically placed stone barriers will slow down water flow to prevent major erosion. Downhill, water will be let out through the open pits’ waterfalls. Eventually, water will be purified through the wetlands.



3 2



existing vegetation + surface water

1. Slow down + Reconnect 2. Infiltrate + Prevent Erosion 3. Let out + Waterfall leftover plantation muddy stone logistic trapped water leftover creek

4. Purify + Recharge

LANDSCAPE REHABITATION The water stream defines landscape typologies: A rocky landscape will mark the mountain spine, then grassland fed by the water flow, fruit trees will grow along the creeks from downhill up to the mountain and also expand horizontally. The wetland will reconnect the mountain to the city. In the valley the water creek can flow freely again in the industry area, becoming a natural corridor.



3 2 1.


1. Rocky Landscape 2. Grassland 3. Fruit Forest 4. Wetland 5. Nature reserve


mining trace

Casuarina equisetifolia Fors

Acacia confusa

Pinus massoniana

The rocky landscape will be the main cultural path for people to appreciate the beauty of G682, following the mining traces. Some native pioneer trees like Pinus massoniana could grow there, forming incidental shelter.


Muhlenbergia capillaris

Crotalaria chinensis L.

Artemisia scoparia Waldst. et Kit.

The grassland will give an open view to the open pits but also shield people from danger. A meandering path will lead people towards specific recreation open pits. It will be heaven for people to see the goats and bees.






Strategically placed stone barriers will guide and slow down the water flow creating a small path through the fruit forest to the waterfall open pits.


Phragmites australis

Typha orientalis Presl

Subtle topography on the former stone logistic park will create small indentations for gathering, infiltrating and purifying run-off water. Here people can meander through a new bamboo forest.



3 4 existing quarry depth


existing quarry typology

1. Guide the water flow 2. water cascade 3. drain the water for the vegetation less than 30meters 30-55meters 55-90meters more than 90 meters

sunken open pits hillside open pits wetland open pits

4. let out water + waterfall




On the northern side of the mountain, where the quarries are close to the villages, I propose recreational functions for local inhabitants.



In the middle, where there is a smaller scale of open pits, I would like to create a transition where people can enjoy quiet space personally. The idea is to transform it into a space for nature by influencing the water system between the open pits. P B

GUIDE THE WATER FLOW AND DRAIN THE OPEN PITS TO PROTECT THE OPEN PITS FROM WEATHERING The main flow of people comes from the south and east could easily arrive on the mountain top with a car or bus. In the South people are from the new high-tech center and the new airport. In the east there is a big industrial center, and connected to the stone distribution center and the new bridge that lead towards the neighboring city. On the mountain top, where there are the most exciting quarries, I imagine attractive touristic functions like an openair mining-history museum and several sports activities.

urban recreation Mining history touristic recreation forest Nature reserve wetland Main path culture & recreation route hiking route



Local recreation area: Transforming some of the open pits into places with an urban function, villagers can easily go swimming and relax on a quarry square or do daily sports in the area.


Nature reserve area: By connecting the open pits, I allow the water to drain from shallow pits into the deep pits, creating space for suitable forest development. At the same time, I create diverse spaces for vegetation, birds and insects with the traditional mining techniques. CUTTING INTO THE QUARRY WALL TO EXPERIENCE THE MINING HISTORY AND REACREATION Touristic Park: In this area, people could go down into the deep, open pits to experience the exciting scale of quarry history. Inspired by the mining approach, I would like to use the quarry wall as paper, cutting access routes and stairs into the quarry wall, creating painting new drawings. In this way, I enhance the extreme experience for people. To preserve some of the quarry walls, I am guiding the water flow to prevent the rock face from weathering.

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G682 rocky landscape unreachable nature grassland fruit forest bamboo forest & wetland nature reserve agriculture parking quarry open museum recreation quarries local recreation quarries transformed industry village


10m 20m


Yangzi Mountain will become a landscape park where people can experience mining history and stone culture, where people can do extreme sports and recreate on the mountain top. It is also a geological and botanical park where you can learn from the natural processes of water and geology, where you can see the waterfall from the city, where you can enjoy local fruits and goat milk. It is also a public space, where you can go for a dance in the square, do sports on the mountain and play chess in the tea garden.




urban recreation area

stone logistic park

stone renovation center


water reservoir wetland

Nature recreation area

stone logistic park

stone renovation center


water reservoir


mining open museum

nature reserve

water reservoir

Local recreation area

Nature reserve area

5. Design Tourist attraction area




3 5 2 4




1. film square 2. bridge pavillion 3. bridge 4. water stage 5. lake swimming pool 6. dance square main path corridor 25m 50m



On one side, people can project films on the quarry facade and enjoy the tea garden next to the water. On the other side, people can enjoy traditional opera on the water stage, do sports or relax in the big square. The corridor will connect both main public spaces and provide a great view on the canyon waterfall.

open film

tea garden & pavillion

water stage for open theater

Nature lake for swimming & water square

Close to the village are mainly hillside open-pits with a big platform. Therefore, I propose to give the platforms a recreational function, a public space for people's daily life. The access from the village to the public spaces will be important. There are two main platforms on both sides and in the middle, the open pits are quite deep and narrow like a canyon. I imagine cutting into the wall to create a connection and transform it into a public space like a corridor. Villagers can easily come from the village through the corridor and onto the platform or water stage on the west side for swimming in the natural lake. Or they can go over the bridge, through a tunnel into a tea garden. This route is also connected to the outdoor movies platform. The corridor will become a popular public space for people to relax and enjoy a view of the village, sheltered during hot summertime or rainy days. During some traditional festivities, villagers can make the dragon dance tour through the corridor and back to the village.



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viewing point birds watching waterfall path passage 125m

NATURE RESERVE AREA Waterfalls have always been important in Chinese culture. Nature is the miner. The open pits in this area are quite small which is perfect for nature and insects. In this area, I design with the dynamics of water to transform it into a natural paradise. In general, I would create water passages to speed up the water flow towards the hillside and – during very rainy days - create a waterfall on both sides. Water passages will become a path from the hillside towards the mountain spine. I allow water to flow from the shallow pits to the deep ones and place the different sizes of stones as a basis to create a natural developing forest in the open pits. Along the mountain spine will be pine forest and bamboo forest on both sides of the basis to purify water. This will be a secret area for people to study nature and the geological process.

SECTION BB' During the heavily rainy days, water will create waterfall scenery in this area. At the same time, the water cascades will add oxygen to the water, enhancing the purification process. In time the microclimate will weather the stones and open pits. The water flowing over topsoil will bring nutrition for the vegetation in the open pits.

water passgae

After approximately ten years, this area will have transformed into a forest, where people can discover and experience nature through the water passage during a sunny day. This will be a secret area for people to study nature and the geological process.


bamboo forest

viewing point towards city


watching tower towards water reservoir

Sky strip for watching birds

wild nature

viewing point towards city



7 8


2 10


D 5



D' 4

1. recreation platform 2.sunken open pits museum 3. geology open museum 4. water saure 5. stone mining museum 6. quarry restaurant 7. bungee & diving sports area 8. hillside open pits museum 9. quarry swimming pool 10 rocky landscape with unreachable nature 25m50m


SECTION DD' At the main platform with all these sharp cutting lines, you could imagine that the cutting machine was closely next to you.. At the end of the platform, you can enter the sunken museum or go through a small hole to the geology museum to see the growth of the original mountain structure. The museum center is connected with pits on both sides. By cutting out a small piece of wall, you can enjoy a great view of the water reservoir and watch the water flow on the wall to the pits next to it.

mining history museum

unreachable nature

sightseeing platform

geology open museum

SECTION EE' In this section, you can see deep open pits on both sides; on the east side is the sunken museum where you can immerse yourself in different mining periods. On the west side is the hillside open pit museum with a large platform, a huge facade until the mountain top, and 5 open pits. This large platform can hold special music events. In the middle of this zone is the extreme sports area and a quarry restaurant. By covering a small open pit and digging a small part towards the water reservoir, I create a restaurant on the mountain top. Even when it rains heavily, you can see the water rise in the open pits next to it.

swimming pool

Hillside quarry open museum


Bungee jump

Pinus forest

Bats cave

Sunken quarry museum

TOURISTS ATTRACTION AREA In the Touristic park, you can visit different kinds of mining museums and recreation programs along the mountain spine. Arriving at the main entrance with a water square, you can go to the big quarry to experience different quarry platforms. People can enter the sunken, open-air museum through a small tunnel. In this outdoor museum, you can take an elevator to go deep down into the pits or walk on steep stairs to have a closer experience of the museum. At the side of the water reservoir, you would arrive at a big hillside openair museum, with a beautiful view. Further up, you come to the interior museum of the mining history and stone art exhibition. A small canyon is the main hall of the museum, connecting to different halls and allowing to make a tour into different open pits and the surrounding, rocky landscape. Further away from the mountain spine you can reach an area for extreme sport and a restaurant, integrated with the rocks, from where you can observe bungee jumping and diving. Steep mountains have been always important in Chinese culture, and here you can experience Yangzi mountain with its 425-meter high peak. In these giant open pits, I would like to provide extreme experiences by cutting into the wall, to use the wall as a canvas to create new ‘paintings’. At the same time a diverse route can provide the opportunity for people to closely observe mining’s evolution over time: handcrafting, fire cutting, and steel cutting. The path is connected to the elevator from the platform, and on the other side to the mountain top. This is the path with the most extreme experience; you can even get close to the water in the open pits, where rainwater will be guided through a small ditch to prevent the stone from weathering, protecting the finer traces of mining.



Section dd'

Section aa'

Section ee'

This graduation project would not have been possible without the following people and I’m very grateful to have done this together. - Jana Crepon - Mentor - Roel Wolters - Committee - Pieter Jannink - Committee EXPERT: - Gloria Font - Dingeman Deijs - Sjef Jansen - Roelof Stuurman - Mirjam Koevoet - Local ecology experts & Local stone expert - Local municipalty Friends & Family - Marlena Rether - Iris Olié - Angelina Hopf - Jacopo Grilli - Robert Younger - Henry Holmes - Heleen Bults - Tonglin Shang - Flora Shen G682 Quarries Transformation Hongjuan Zhang Master of landscape architecture academy of architecture amsterdam September 2020

Head of Landscape Architecture - Hanneke Kijne

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