Carolina Nunes Pereira Chataignier - MUSEU PRESENTE

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Restoration and transformation of the National Museum of Brazil towards an inclusive museum after the 2018 fire Carolina Nunes Pereira Chataignier

MUSEU PRESENTE Restoration and transformation of the National Museum of Brazil towards an inclusive museum after the 2018 fire

Carolina Nunes Pereira Chataignier Master of Architecture Academie van Bouwkunst August 2021 Comittee: Uri Gilad (mentor) Jana Crepon Jarrik Ouburg Examination comittee: Bastiaan Jongerius Lisette Plouvier Head Master of Architecture: Jan-Richard Kikkert




The event of the fire


Chapter 1: Research 1. Context


2. National Museum of Brazil


3. The fire damage

61 1

4. Two stories


5. The social role of a museum


Chapter 2: Design 6. A new museum


7. Interventions











‘Tabula Rasa’ by Doris Salcedo


P R E FAC E When I started this project I had a completely different project in mind and also on paper. My committee agreed on this topic and the graduation plan had already been approved by the Academy board. I was going to graduate from a housing project in Brasília, reflecting on the future of Brazilian modernism. But then the fire happened. Besides being my own national museum, it is in the city where I was born and raised. I have several memories of this museum, visited with school trips. But the truth is that, growing up in the South zone of Rio, this part of the city was not that familiar to me. I accepted the challenge to revisit the site, the museum, and this painful and delicate topic of a burned museum and a mourning nation. And that was the starting point. The destruction of this museum was the construction of this project. The two images on the left page are a work by Doris Salcedo, a Colombian artist with several works on the feeling of mourning. The work ‘Tabula Rasa’ inspires me for this project. It is a table that has been torn into many little pieces and then rebuilt. It talks about the effort that is the process of destruction and reconstruction. And the fact that even though it looks the same, it’s essentially different. This was something I carried with me throughout this project.

In parallel, this project was made based on a lot of hope and desire to dream. In the photo above, it’s me wearing a brooch I got from one of the professors I interviewed during my field research. The brooch says “National Museum lives”, which was the institution’s main motto after the 2018 fire. Finally, it was a difficult process but one with many discoveries. Being inside a Western institution, on the other side of the Atlantic, brought me new perspectives on the context of my country and even of myself. I hope this project can also open up new perspectives for you.

Carolina Chataignier



The event of the fire

The event of the fire


6 hours. Those were the long and painful hours of a devastating fire that consumed the National Museum of Brazil, in Rio de Janeiro, on the evening of 2nd of September 2018. Many of the 212 million Brazilians watched on their televisions the glow of the orange flames burning inside the museum in contrast with the dark sky. The Museu Nacional is the oldest scientific institution in Brazil, and had one of the largest collections of natural history and anthropology of the country. The fire not only caused a massive damage to the building, but almost completely destroyed the 20 million items displayed and archived in the museum. Nobody was hurt. The fire was caused by an electrical fault and the availability of water from the hydrants was limited when the firefighters arrived, which clearly portrays a situation of negligence.


Late Edition Today, plenty of sunshine, hot, humid, high 92. Tonight, partly cloudy, very warm, humid, low 77. Tomorrow, abundant sunshine, humid, high 87. Weather map, Page B12.

VOL. CLXVII . . . No. 58,075



© 2018 The New York Times Company

Amazon Model Gives Retailers Path to Vitality


Sales Balloon at Stores That Ease Shopping



Malls are being hollowed out. Shops are closing by the thousands. Retailers are going bankrupt. But it may be too early to declare the death of retail. Americans have started shopping more — in stores. From the garden section at Walmart to the diamond counters at Tiffany & Company, old-school retailers are experiencing some of their best sales growth in years. The strong revenues start with a roaring economy and an optimistic consumer. With more cash in their wallets from the tax cuts, Americans have been spending more. The boom also reflects a broad reordering of the $3.5 trillion industry, with fewer retailers capturing more of the gains. Stores that have learned how to match the ease and instant gratification of e-commerce shopping are flourishing, while those that have failed to evolve are in bankruptcy or on the brink. “The retailers that get it recognize that Amazon has forever changed consumer behavior,” said Barbara Kahn, a marketing professor and former director of the retailing center at the Wharton School. “I shouldn’t have to work to shop.” Many successful stores are now a cross between a fast-food drivethrough and a hotel concierge. Target’s shoppers can order sunscreen or a Tokidoki Unicorno T-shirt on their phone, pull up to the parking lot and have the items brought to their car. Nordstrom lets customers in some stores make returns by dropping their items into a box and walking out — no human interaction required. Walmart is employing 25,000 “personal shoppers” to select and package groceries for curbside pickup. In recent weeks, all three retailers reported stronger-than-expected sales growth for the quarter. Traffic to Target’s stores and online sites grew at its fastest pace since the company began keeping a record a decade ago. Doomsayers have predicted that online shopping, led by Amazon, would one day conquer all of retail, rendering brick and mortar obsolete. As store closings set a record last year, no class of retailer was spared — with the carnage hitting Madison Avenue boutiques, shopping malls and bigbox stores. In New York and elsewhere, many shops, big and small, continue to struggle. Continued on Page A14

A Platform Used to Buy Arms, Locate Foes and Kill Them By DECLAN WALSH and SULIMAN ALI ZWAY


A fire consumed the National Museum of Brazil in Rio de Janeiro on Sunday. The museum did not have a fire-suppression system.

Two Portraits Double Blow to a Treasure: Neglect, Then Flames matched the national mood. They Of Kavanaugh had come not only to mourn but Brazilians Mourn Loss also to protest Brazil’s near-abanBefore Senate donment of museums and other of a Museum, and a This article is by Manuela Andreoni, Ernesto Londoño and Lis Moriconi.


WASHINGTON — Two wildly different portraits of Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh are set to emerge on Tuesday when he appears on Capitol Hill for the opening of his Supreme Court confirmation hearings. One is a champion for women; the other a threat to women’s rights. Republicans will present Judge Kavanaugh to the nation as an experienced, independent-minded jurist with a sparkling résumé, and as an advocate and mentor for women in the judiciary. Among the cases they will cite: his 2009 ruling in favor of Emily’s List, the group that backs Democratic women who support abortion rights. Democrats will tell an entirely different story, painting Judge Kavanaugh as a far-right extremist who would roll back abortion rights, deny health coverage to people with pre-existing conditions, protect President Trump from the threat of subpoena — and as someone who may have misled Congress when he testified during his appeals court confirmation Continued on Page A13

RIO DE JANEIRO — The stately national museum, once home to Brazil’s royal family, was still smoldering at sunrise on Monday when scores of researchers, museum workers and anthropologists began gathering outside, dressed in black. Some sobbed as they began taking stock of the irreplaceable losses: Thousands, perhaps millions, of significant artifacts had

Deel je creativiteit met de hele wereld.

been reduced to ashes Sunday night in a devastating fire. The

basic public services. Many saw the fire as a symbol for a city, and nation, in distress. “It’s a moment of intense pain,” Maurilio Oliveira, who has worked as a paleoartist at the Na-

Hundreds of residents joined them beneath an overcast sky that

from the ashes. Now, we cry and Continued on Page A7

Nation’s Decline

tional Museum of Brazil for hall that held a 12,000-year-old Studenten besparen tot 65% op19 skeleton known as Luzia, the old- years, said as he stood in front of building. “We can est human remains discovered in the ravaged Adobe Creative Cloud. only hope to recover our history the Americas, was destroyed.

Nu kopen


In a Tale of 2 American Cities, Trump Voters Keep Believing

Het brandende museum staat symbool voor een afbrokkelend Brazilië JOSH HANER/THE NEW YORK TIMES

This article is by Campbell Robertson, Jim Tankersley and Whitten Sabbatini.

ST. CHARLES, Mo. — The prosperity is apparent on the way into town: the 21-floor casino resort and spa on one side of the interstate, and on the other a freshly built retail quarter of boutiques, a brand-new Hilton hotel and a P.F. Chang’s. It unfolds from there along the highways heading west with more gleaming office parks and multiplying subdivisions. This is not the Trump country of the popular imagination, the land of shuttered plants and the economically left behind. St. Charles County, in the suburbs northwest of St. Louis, has had the highest median household income in Missouri for several years. But in 2016, Donald J. Trump

won the county by 26 points, and he is still popular among people like Tom Hughes, a homebuilder whose business was rebounding from the recession before Mr. Trump took office. But, Mr. Hughes said, “Now there’s an optimism that I haven’t seen, maybe ever.” Mr. Trump rode to office in part by promising economic revival to sputtering towns across America. Economic growth has accelerated since he took office, from the final year of President Barack Obama’s administration, and Mr. Trump frequently claims credit for it. But the growth under Mr. Trump has not helped everywhere. It has lifted wealthy areas, like St. Charles County, which were already growing before he Continued on Page A12

Why Are Puffins Vanishing?

The birds near Svarthamar, Iceland. Climate change poses a major threat. Science Times, Page D1.

Troubles on a California River As salmon runs decline and opioids grip the region, three Indian tribes connect a river’s struggles to their own. PAGE A11

Civil Rights in the Trump Era Under Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the Justice Department has redefined whose civil rights to protect. PAGE A13

FACEBOOK’S FRINGE Private groups reviewed by The Times appeared to violate the social media giant’s rules. PAGE B1

New Leader Looks Hard at Schools’ Racial Divide By DANA GOLDSTEIN

Richard Carranza is eager to talk about segregation. New York’s new schools chancellor wants to talk about how the nation’s largest school system is clustering the poorest children (mostly black and brown) in one set of classrooms, and the richest children (mostly white) in another set — and failing to live up to its progressive ideals. He wants to talk about how

A Focus on Segregation in New York’s System

school zones contribute to segregation and whether “gifted and talented” classes, where white and Asian students tend to cluster, ought to exist. He says his ideas go further than finding ways to admit more black and Hispanic students to the city’s most elite high schools, a

proposal he and Mayor Bill de Blasio unveiled in June. But, as the first full school year of Mr. Carranza’s tenure begins, the question is whether he will venture beyond what he calls “a values conversation” to effect large-scale citywide change. If Mr. Carranza lives up to his vow to take on segregation, he will go up against powerful forces that have kept alive the historic paradox of New York City education: In one of the nation’s most diverse Continued on Page A18


Richard Carranza was hired as schools chancellor this year.




Extremism Grows in Sweden

A Danger of Disliking Trump

Getting a Call to Make the Call

An anti-immigrant party may gain in elections, throwing the country’s “moral superpower” image into doubt. PAGE A4

An aversion to the president has pushed tech away from government contracts. That may be bad for the country, AnPAGE B1 drew Ross Sorkin writes.

A minor league announcer had hoped to get a break with the big leagues. He PAGE B6 finally did, for one game.

Bathroom Spy Hunt Is On NATIONAL A11-14

CAIRO — When a new bout of fighting between rival militias engulfed the Libyan capital in recent days, badly shaking the fragile United Nations-backed government, some combatants picked up rifles and rocket launchers and headed into the streets. Others logged on to Facebook. As rockets rained on parts of Tripoli, hitting a hotel popular with foreigners and forcing the airport to close, and 400 prisoners escaped from a jail, a parallel battle unfolded online. On their Facebook pages, rival groups issued boasts, taunts and chilling threats — one vowing to “purify” Libya of its opponents. Some “keyboard warriors,” as Facebook partisans are known in Libya, posted fake news or hateful comments. Others offered battlefield guidance. On one discussion page on Thursday, a user posted maps and coordinates to help target her side’s bombs at a rival’s air base. “From the traffic light at Wadi al Rabi, it is exactly 18 kilometers to the runway, which means it can be targeted by a 130 mm artillery,” the user, who went by the handle Narjis Ly, wrote on Facebook. “The coordinates are attached in the photo below.” Social media enjoys outsize influence in Libya, a sparsely populated yet violently fractured country that is torn by a plethora of armed groups vying for territory and legitimacy. They battle for dominance on the streets and on smartphones. But Facebook, by far the most popular platform, doesn’t just mirror the chaos — it can act as a force multiplier. Armed groups use Facebook to find opponents and critics, some of whom have later been detained, killed or forced into exile, according to human rights groups and Libyan activists. Swaggering commanders boast of their battlefield exploits and fancy vacations, or rally supporters by sowing division and ethnic hatred. Forged documents circulate widely, often with the goal of undermining Libya’s few surviving national institutions, notably its Central Bank. Facebook is coming under scrutiny globally for how its platform amplifies political manipulation and violence. In July, the company began culling misinformation from its pages in response to episodes in Sri Lanka, Myanmar and India where online rumors led to realContinued on Page A10

The South Korean capital is promising a large-scale campaign to combat camPAGE A9 eras hidden in public toilets. NEW YORK A15-19

Books, Diapers and More Ads Amazon is moving aggressively into digital advertising, emerging as a major competitor to Facebook and Google for PAGE B1 a piece of an $88 billion pie.

New Yorker Disinvites Bannon

NBC Rebuts Producer’s Claim

The New Yorker Festival rescinded its invitation to Stephen K. Bannon, President Trump’s former chief strategist, PAGE A16 after rebukes and dropouts.

The chairman of NBC News fired back at accusations the network obstructed a reporter’s investigation into the movie PAGE B4 mogul Harvey Weinstein.

Making a Name at the Open ARTS C1-8

At Telluride, an Unsafe Past This year’s festival had a backwardlooking feel, A.O. Scott says. Above, PAGE C1 Ryan Gosling in “First Man.”

More Star-Crossed Gangsters The new show “Mayans M.C.” is sort of a “Son of Sons of Anarchy,” with more PAGE C1 plot than character.

Naomi Osaka, part of a rising generation, ousted a fellow 20-year-old to reach PAGE B6 the quarterfinals. On Tennis. EDITORIAL, OP-ED A20-21

Paul Krugman

Een vuurzee verzwelgt het Nationaal Museum van Brazilië. Beeld AFP






Het Nationale Museum van Brazilië brandde vannacht af. “Een ongeluk, en ook weer niet.” Seije Slager 3 september 2018, 14:32

The museum was tied to the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and had been suffering drastic budget cuts as the country struggles with political instability and economic crisis. The interior of the building was mostly wood and there was no fire protection such as a sprinkler system. A major national museum being destroyed like this is equivalent to the British Museum or the Rijksmuseum burning to the ground, including the art.



“Niet te bevatten”, was het eerste wat Andrea Damacena Martins dacht, toen ze op maandagochtend hoorde dat het Nationaal Museum van Brazilië was uitgebrand. Als klein meisje ging ze er vaak op schoolreisje. Zoals iedere bewoner van Rio de de Janeiro wel eens op schoolreisje is geweest naar het gigantische museum. Ze was toen vooral onder de indruk van de Egyptische mummie.



The event of the fire

The event of the fire



The event of the fire

The event of the fire



The event of the fire

The event of the fire


1 . C O NT E X T



Aerial view of the National Museum of Brazil in the Quinta da Boa Vista park


L O CAT I O N The National Museum is located inside the Quinta da Boa Vista public park in the North zone of Rio de Janeiro. The building and its gardens are about 200 years old, and it was originally a palace inhabited by the Portuguese in the 19th century. The Quinta da Boa Vista park today is a 52-ha fenced park that opens daily from 6:00 to 18:00 and is a very popular attraction for both locals and regional tourists. Locals find it attractive because of its extensive green areas and water elements in a region with a complete lack of public recreational space.


Rio de Janeiro

Guanabara Bay

Quinta da Boa Vista Downtown

Tijuca Forest

Atlantic Ocean

Location in the city of Rio de Janeiro

The Quinta da Boa Vista park




19th century (circa 1830)

T H E N A N D N OW The character of the place has changed over the two centuries since the beginning of its urbanization. From a royal palace in the 19th century to a cultural, educational and leisure area in the 21st century.

The gardens we know today were designed by the French landscape architect Auguste François Marie Glaziou in 1868, commissioned by the Portuguese family.


21st century

In 1889 the monarchy was overthrown, and the palace was transformed into the National Museum of Brazil with the gardens open to the public.




S O C I 0 - E C O N O M I CA L C O N T E X T The racial survey of Brazil’s population is based on self-declaration. According to data from 2019, 46.8% of Brazilians declared themselves as Brown, 42.7% as White, 9.4% as Black and 1.1% as Asian (Yellow) or Indigenous People.

The three main racial groups - White, Black and Brown - are represented in the ratial dotmap below. Each dot in the map corresponds to 1 person. The maps shows a zoom in the city of Rio de Janeiro.

Ratial dotmap, sattelite image

Map source: Hugo Nicolau Barbosa de Gusmão.


Metropolitan Rio Brazilian population, by racial or ethnic groups (%)

42,7 White

9,4 Black


46,8 Asian

1,1 Indigenous People

Source: IBGE, PNAD 2012-2019

Ratial dotmap, each dot corresponds to 1 person

Map source: Hugo Nicolau Barbosa de Gusmão.

zoom area



On the two maps below we can see the close relationship between race, income and territory. It is clear from this comparison that Black People mainly occupy low-income areas of the city. It is also visible that the further

away from Rio’s South zone, the more predominantly Black and low-income the territory becomes. The project site is located exactly in the transition space between rich White territory and low-income Black territory. One of the

Income per capita, in Brazilian Real (BRL)

0-448 MANGUEIRA average income: 410 BRL PROJECT SITE

LEBLON average income: 4702 BRL

Map source: FGV Social/CPS based on ‘Microdados do Censo 2010’



communities neighboring the National Museum of Brazil is the Mangueira favela. Mangueira is one of the blackest communities in Rio, known for samba musicians, carnaval and afro-Brazilian religion. It is fascinating in many ways

but it’s also a very deprived corner of Rio. In Leblon, the posh neighbourhood in South Rio, the average income per person is 4702 BRL, and in Mangueira it is 410 BRL.

Ratial dotmap, each dot corresponds to 1 person


MANGUEIRA average income: 410 BRL PROJECT SITE

LEBLON average income: 4702 BRL

Map source: Hugo Nicolau Barbosa de Gusmão.





Maracanã stadium

Mangueira favela

Mangueira samba school


PROJECT SITE The Quinta da Boa Vista park is connected with the Rio metropolitan area via both railway and metro stations, located next to the southeast entrance.

On the surrounding edges of the park are the Maracanã football stadium to the south, the São Cristovão neighbourhood to the north and east, and the famous favela Mangueira to the west.





T H E S P I R I T O F ZO N A N O R T E As part of my research, I investigated what is the spirit of the Zona Norte (North zone), or suburb of Rio, as it is also called. I asked myself what are the elements that make them feel welcomed, what are the traditions, the idea of leisure and, of course, researched what are the materials that are characteristic of this specific area.



letreiros/ cardapios / ambulantes

letreiros/ cardapios / ambulantes










N 0















Q U I N TA DA B OA V I STA PA R K Tourists usually visit the National Museum and the Zoological Garden, two independent institutions located inside the park that altogether forms a popular cultural destination. Within the park there is also a botanical garden with restricted access connected to the museum’s academic institution, a restaurant, a circus, football fields, traditional park elements such as a grotto and a Greek pavilion, and leisure services such as kayak rental.

In total the park has six entrances: five official ones, from which one is permanently closed. The main pedestrian entrance is the one on the southeast next to the station (1). There is one unofficial entrance on the west side (2) in the direction of Mangueira that was discovered during the site visit. It caught my attention for its simplicity in contrast to the other monumental entrances. It is essentially a whole in the wall.







F R O M PA L AC E TO M U S E U M Over more than 200 years of history, the building has undergone several changes to adapt to new uses, demands and narratives. New extensions, architectural style changes, demolitions and additions. The historic building is much more dynamic than it appears in its current form. On the left page, we can see the considerable changes in the building’s facade over the course of a century. Looking at old paintings and drawings from the 19th century, and then the first photos from the 20th century, I was able to analyze all these changes and layers.




1822 1803




H I STO R I CA L A N A LYS I S : F R O M 1 5 6 7 TO TO DAY


Amerindians land until 1567


wetland with hills


Private estate with food crops 1759-1808

large farmland colonized by the Jesuits


land divided and given to several merchants, including slave traders


Portuguese imperial palace ca. 1818 north tower is built in a gothic style

Catholic Church land 1567-1759

Portuguese imperial palace ca. 1817 private estate donated to the Portuguese royal family, building is extended with the south wing


Brazilian imperial palace ca. 1824 north tower and port defining the entrance of the palace



Brazilian imperial palace ca. 1830


south tower is built in neoclassical style


National Assembly 1890-1892

north tower renovated in a neoclassical style and a new front is built


roof over the courtyard is built to hold the new use of the building


National Museum of Brazil the museum becomes a listed building with its neoclassical facade

Brazilian imperial palace 1862

National Museum of Brazil 1930 in 1910 the building is extended with a third floor to house the new museum


Fire on the National Museum 2018 exterior walls standing, collapse of many roofs and interior floors





Manor house 1803


primitive core with small courtyard and bel-etage


Brazil’s Imperial Palace 1831 extension of the palace with the south tower, back block and central courtyard


Congress of the Republic of Brazil 1890 addition of a roof over the central courtyard

Portugal’s Royal Palace 1822 extension of the courtyard house with the north tower, north and south wings, and renovation of the front stairs


Brazil’s Imperial Palace 1850 new marble stairs, removal of the front stairs, renovation of the facade, and new second floor on the central body and north tower

10-11 National Museum of Brazil 1910 removal of the roof of the central courtyard and extension of the second floor in the main block and wings



L AY E R S O F H I STO RY As an imperial palace, the building was divided into two parts with different levels of privacy. The south tower was where the imperial family lived and the north tower was the more public rooms, such as the throne room among others. Researching the layers of history in this building, I came across the information about the existence of a basement entrance on the south tower intended for use by enslaved people to access the private rooms and serve the royal family without having to go through other rooms of the palace. I was very surprised by this report because nowhere else I have been able to find the existence of this basement. It is as if this story didn’t exist, it’s not even on any floorplan.

Diagram of the building

former entrance for enslaved people

west facade (‘back’ facade)

south wing

north wing central courtyard

front or main block (primitive core)

marble stairs courtyard

south tower

north tower

central body

east facade (‘front’facade)

north facade

south facade

back block



SITE VISIT During my visit to the site, I interviewed some park visitors about their relationship with the National Museum of Brazil. Most of them are longstanding residents of the region and regular visitors to the park, but they never entered the museum. They were all aware of the fire event.


CONCLUSION The building was amended many times to adapt to the different times and uses, but the museum itself still embodies power in the remnants of this colonial past. This is noticeable with the neoclassical free-standing building at the top of the hill, a parterre garden and a 400m boulevard symmetrically aligned with the front facade, historical entrance gates spread around the park, and a few statues and street names in the surroundings. A front and back orientation of this whole built environment is evident, and it becomes even clearer when we look at the historic paintings. It is often portrayed from a single point of view, and this is recurrent to this day.

Single orientation environment 1. Frontal perspective 2. Tree-framed views 3. Long vistas framing green fields, water bodies and historical features such as a grotto or greek temple




National Museum of Brazil

THE COLLECTION The Museu Nacional’s holdings include Luzia, the Meteorite the bones of uniquely Brazilian creatures such as the long-necked dinosaur Maxakalisaurus. Because of the auction tastes of Brazil’s 19th-century emperors, the Museu Nacional also ended up with Latin America’s oldest collection of Egyptian mummies and artifacts. The museum was also home to the museum’s ethnology, ethnography, linguistics, geology, and paleontology collections, as well as 5,000 exhibition pieces and the Francisca Keller Library, one of Brazil’s most important libraries on the social sciences.

Some items of the former collection

National Museum of Brazil

LUZIA Luzia is the name given to an ancient skull of about 11,500-year-old, whose remains are believed to be the oldest ever found in the Americas. The skull was found together with her pelvis and femur in an expedition in 1975. Luzia is named in homage to Lucy, an important 3.2 million-year-old human remains found in Africa. Luzia has become known as Brazil’s first woman, winning the hearts of many Brazilians and becoming a national icon of sorts. Scientists suggest the skull belonged to a woman in her 20s who was just under 1,5m. Its discovery revolutionizes how archaeologists and anthropologists think about human migration. Some suggest her features to be Negroid and

coming to Brazil from Southeast Asia. Others suggest she is a descendant of Clovis culture from North America, migrants from Siberia and China. Luzia gives insights of the Brazilian ancentry - she is the Rosetta stone of our national identity.

Luzia displayed in the National Museum of Brazil



National Museum of Brazil

National Museum of Brazil

G L O R I O U S PA ST The National Museum of Brazil was an epicenter of science in Brazil in the 20th century. The museum received important visits from scientists from all over the world. In the left page is a photo of a visit by Albert Einstein in 1925 and, below, a photo of a visit by Marie Curie in 1926.



National Museum of Brazil

National Museum of Brazil

THE EXHIBITION CONCEPT The analysis of the exhibition concept shows that there was a major renovation in the 1940s. Before 1940 there was no exhibition, the entire collection of the museum was available to the visiting public. After 1940, there was a change in the exhibition concept with the creation of a technical reserve separate from an exhibition space. The exhibition space in this new idea of museum only shows a “sample” of the collection. The analysis from Aranha Filho (2011) on the exhibition concept of the National Museum of Brazil shows that the major changes in the curatorship of the exhibitions were always anchored in “Grand Tours” to European museums.



National Museum of Brazil

B E F O R E 1 9 41 The exhibition concept before 1941 was based on vitrines that combined archive and exhibition in a single device. The transparency of this system allows visibility of the collection at a single glance.

National Museum of Brazil

T R A N S I T I O N TO M O D E R N M U S E U M Following the Western concept of modern museums, the National Museum divided its collection and installed a technical reserve.



National Museum of Brazil

T H E I N ST I T U T I O N B E H I N D T H E M U S E U M The location of this museum in the Quinta da Boa Vista park is extremely important as a place of leisure and culture offer in a mostly Black and low-income territory. In addition, the National Museum of Brazil as a scientific institution had inclusion and diversity policies for graduate students, such as ethnic-racial quotas for Indigenous and Black people. All these inclusion and diversity policies are essentially important and necessary, but they are not sufficient. By objectively analyzing the percentage of inclusion in decision-making positions, from the 29 directors of the National Museum of Brazil in its more than 200 years of history, 90% is White and male. And if we look only from the ratial perspective, none of them are Black or Brown. Making a commitment towards inclusion and diversity today means a deeper, more structural transformation.

National Museum of Brazil


F R O M 2 9 D I R E C TO R S , 9 0 % I S M A L E A N D W H I T E Frei José da Costa Azevedo Gestão na direção do Museu: 1818-1822

Ladislau de Souza Mello e Netto

João da Silva Caldeira

Frederico Leopoldo Cezar Burlamaqui Frei Custódio Alves Serrão Francisco Freire Allemão de Cysneiros

Gestão na direção do Museu Nacional: 1847-1866 Gestão na direção do Museu: 1828-1847 Gestão na direção do Museu: 1866-1870 Gestão na direção do Museu: 1823-1827

João Batista de Lacerda

Francisco Freire Allemão nasceu em 24 de janeiro de 1797, na antiga Fazenda João da Silva Caldeira era doutor em Medicina pela Universidade Serrão nasceu em Frederico 1799 nade então vila de Alcântara, no José FreireCustódio JuniorAlves Burlamaqui nasceuÁlvares em localizada 16 de da dezembro de 1803, em Oeiras,Arthur no Piauí, Gestão na direção do Museu: 1895-1915 Bruno Silva Lobo do Mendanha, atual Campo Grande. Era filho Neiva de lavradores e ingressou no Seminário Escócia, tendo se destacado na área Química. Anteriormente, aos O Museu Real, criado em junho Edimburgo, de 1818, teve como primeiro diretordeofato Era filhodede Custódio Alves Serrão e de dona Joanna Francisca da Costa Gestão na direção do Maranhão. Museu: 1893-1895 filho do coronel Carlos Gestão Burlamaqui com do suaMuseu: primeira esposa,Gestão Dorotea da Silveira na direção 1915-1923 na direção do Museu: 1923-1926 Episcopal São José, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro em 1917. anos, na estagiou renomados cientistas comofoi os entregue químicoscomo Louispupilo Nicolasaos religiosos de Nossa Senhora do franciscano frei José da Costa Azevedo, que19nasceu cidadeem do paris Rio decom Janeiro em 16Aos Leite. doze anos Pedagoche. Em 1822 ingressou na Academia Médico-Cirúrgica do Rio de Janeiro, onde se (1763-1829) e André (1770-1832) e o mineralogista René Just Haüy de setembro de 1763. Ele estudou nesta Vauquelin mesma cidade e completou osLaugier cursos de Carmo. Foi militar, botânico, mineralogista, matemático e escritor. Chegou ao posto de como cirurgião em 1827. Freqüentou a Université de Paris, a convite do (1743-1822). Teologia e Ciências naturais na Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal, especializando-seEm 1917, frei Alves Serrão foi a Portugal, onde ingressou na diplomou Faculdade de brigadeiro. Pertenceu à Academia Nacional de Belas Artes, ao Instituto Histórico governo francês. Foi aluno do químico Jean-Baptiste Dumas (1800 – 1884) e do Assumiu a direçãoe do Imperial Nacional em 1823, e no ano seguinte foi posteriormente em Mineralogia. Ingressou na Ordem Franciscana foiMuseu lente Coimbra. em seu eDedicou-se aos estudos Geográfico de CiênciasBrasileiro Naturais ee formou-se professor de Física ainda a outras sociedades literárias e científicas do Brasil e do naturalista Georges Léopold Chrétien Fréderic Dagobert, o Barão Cuvier (1769 – 1832). instalado o Laboratório Químico do Museu, o primeiro laboratório químico para convento. Também foi o responsável na Academia Militar pelo gabinete Mineralógico e e Química. exterior. Escreveu sobre a História dos Estados Unidos da América, o comércio de Em 1931 defendeu a tese de doutorado intitulada Dissertation sur le goitre análises a ser fundado no país. Caldeira também foi o primeiro diretor desse laboratório. Físico. Ao retornar ao Brasil, exerceu a função de lente de Zoologiadoméstica, e Botânica da escravos e os males da escravidão minerais brasileiros e sobre produtos (“Dissertação sobre o bócio”) na Faculté de Médecine de Paris. Após serdedevidamente aparelhado, foram realizadas em tal ambiente as primeiras Tempos depois, D. João VI, através de um decerto 6 de junho de 1818, criou Imperial Academia Militar. agrícolas cultivados no Brasil, como tabaco, café e algodão, entre outros assuntos. De 1833 a 1853 foi lente de Botânica e Zoologia Médicas na Faculdade de de combustíveis nacionais e de amostras de pau-brasil. a função de diretor do Museu, sendo exercidaanálises pelo frei. Em 1828 foi nomeado diretor do e em e1833 assumiu a cadeira de FoiMuseu preparador porteiro do Museu e colaborador do pesquisador norteMedicina do Rio de Janeiro. Em 1940 foi nomeado médico da Imperial Câmara. Foi duranterecebeu sua gestão o Mineralogia Museu a sercom um estabelecimento consultivo. O prédio do Museu Real no campo de Sant’Anna os que materiais depassou criada a reformaamericano da referida Academia para Escola Militar. Orville Adelbert Derby na então denominada Terceira Seção – Ciências Integrou a comitiva imperial de Newton 1843 encarregada acompanhar a vinda, de Nápoles Dias dosde Santos Nesta época, governo imperial incentivou a vinda de vários naturalistas estrangeiros Joséomineralógicas, Freire Junior nasceu em 5osde novembro de 1842, no bairro de História Natural, armários, instrumentosDomingos e coleções inclusive direção de frei Custódio noAlberto próprio Museu foi elaborado atravésde doMello decretoCarvalho José Cândido Edgard Roquette Pinto Alberto Betim PaesNa Leme Físicas, Mineralogia, Geologia e Paleontologia. Heloísa Torres (Itália)Lobo paranasceu o Rio em de 21 Janeiro, dananoiva dodoimperador Pedro II, a então princesa D. Ocoleção médico Bruno Álvares da Silva de outubro de 1884 em Gestão direção Museu: 1961-1963. Ladislau de Souza natural deNatterer, Maceió, Alagoas, em “Casa 1838. dos como vondoSellow Langsdorff, ofereceu ao Museuo primeiro a sua própria São Cristóvão, Zona Norte Rionasceu deeJaneiro. remanescentes do acervo daMello Casa edeNetto, História Natural, apelidada pelo povo de 123 deque 3 de janeiro de 1842 Regimento do João Batista de Lacerda nasceu em 12 de julho de Museu. 1846Gestão na ecidade de Campos na direção do Museu: 1955-1961 Gestão na direção do Museu: 1926-1935 Gestão na direção do Museu: 1935-1938 Era um abolicionista defendia a polêmica idéia de se retornarem os negros, já Arthur Neiva nasceu em 22 de março de 1880 em professor Salvador, de Bahia. Formou-se Gestão na direção do Museu: 1937-1955 Teresa Cristina, irmã D. Fernando. foi Botânica das Belém, no Pará. Doutorou-se na Faculdade Nacional de de Medicina com oPosteriormente trabalho Era filho de Francisco Netto, um comerciante português, de um armazém deII em 1959 e doutorou-se de mamíferos edono aves da Europa. Tornou-se bacharel pelo colégio Pedro emRio Medicina Pássaros”. Entre 1842doe Estado 1847 exerceu ode cargo de primeiro diretoroutros da Terceira Seção (a de dos Goytacazes, Norte do Janeiro. Assim como ex-diretores, libertos, para a África. em Medicina pela Faculdade do Rio de Janeiro. “secos e molhados”. princesas Isabel e Leopoldina. Estrutura do Cilindro Eixo. Durante sua Werner direção houve aOrgânica vinda dee Geologia grande parte do acervo à em 1866 e tornou-se professor de Química Biológica Faculdade deegípcio Em 1819, a coleção de minerais pertencentes à Coleção foi transferida Mineralogia, edaCiências Físicas) e interinamente a de Numismática e formou-se em Medicina. Em 1847, quando exercia a função de lente de Mineralogia e Geologia da Escola Após sua formatura, estudos com Oswaldo Cruz e Adolpho Lutz. Ladislau Netto foi um exemplo de eficiência administrativa do Museu, Foi chefe desenvolveu da seção botânica científica de exploração denominada Em 1905 opresidente cargo de eassistente do Laboratório incluindo cinco múmias, shabtis (estatuetas funerárias geralmente de foi nomeado para exercer do Riocoleção de Janeiro. para a maior sala do prédio do Medicina Museu. instituição, Esta fora adquirida pelaArqueologia. Coroa Foi nomeado funcionário do Museu em no 1876 promovido a diretor em Em 1895, Militar, Rioe de Janeiro, foi nomeado como quinto diretor do Museu. Durante suada Bahia, Sudeste de Pernambuco, Sul do 1912 chefiou uma expedição ao interior estruturando a instituição baseando-se nos moldes europeus. Dedicou-se à Comissão Borboletas (1859-1861). Tal comissão Anátomo-Patológico do Hospício Nacional dos das Alienados, o antigo Hospício Pedro II, deixou o Rio de Janeiro em 26 de faiança),osvasos estelas e Minerais”. cabeças, mãos e pés assumiu mumificados. nas canopos, pesquisas sobrecargo febre amarela e 1849 desenvolveu uma vacina para a Lecionou Portuguesa no final do século XVIII para Destacou-se compor chamados “Gabinetes Em a direção do Jardim Botânico da cidade, função que exerceu que ocupou até sua morte, vinte anos depois. o primeiro curso público gestão, o prédio da instituição, ainda localizado no Campo deGoiás. Santanna, sofreu uma administração sem negligenciar o setor científico. PiauídoedeNorte de expedição objetivava estudos na área entomológica. janeiro 1859 eSul percorreu estados do Ceará, Pernambuco, Paraíba e Rio primeiro hospital psiquiátrico da América Sul, ee cujo prédio éosTal hoje ocupado pela Piauí, Váriosadquiridos objetos oriundos do Pará e das ilhas do Pacífico também prevenção doença. Em 1880etnográficos publicou livro Recueils des travaux chimiques suivispor Ela era composta por 3.326 exemplares de da minerais, e catalogados por até de oAntropologia ter se voltado para as nova questões Durante sua gestão ocorreu a Proclamação da República, em 15 de novembro de 1961. da instituição. Destacou-se importante ampliação em 1856, e uma parteFoi do prédio foi construída. Poucode tempo responsável redação um000 código sanitário semelhante código do Norte. No Cearápela foram colhidas 20 amostras de plantas, e muitasaodestas, UFRJdee conhecido como Campus daGrande Praia Vermelha. Tornou-se diretor da instituição passaram alaintegrar a exposição do Museu. Também de recherches sur cause, la nature etbrasileiras, le elaborado traitement de fièvre jeune (“Compilações Abraham Gottlob Werner (1749 – 1817), que se tornou reconhecido por ter do Imperial Instituto Histórico e Geográfico emmembro que predominava o prestígio do Velho alas Mundo. 1889, e o Museu, além de trocar de nome – de Imperial para Nacional – mudou de local, numa épocafoi depois, em 1858, novas passaram federal ae presidente ser franqueadas aoOswaldo público, Cruz que em passou a e pela reorganização de um certo número instituído por 1903 assimmédico como legista instrumentos e outros materiais, foram incorporadas ao acervo do então em 1907. No mesmo período foi nomeado da polícia do Distrito Federal. Caldeira foi o primeiro a propor a subdivisão da instituição em seções trabalhos químicos seguidos de pesquisas sobre a causa, a natureza e o tratamento da um transferindo-se sistema mineralógico racional baseado nas características físicas e químicas dos honorário da Sociedade Auxiliador da Indústria dos arredores do Campo de Santana para a Quinta da Boa Vista, em São Entre seus feitos, podemos destacar que,uma noNacional. campo da Botânica, aplicou o conhecer nova coleção, a de animais marinhos, constituída por cerca de 2 000 de instituições existentes, como o Instituto Butantan, que logo entrou numa Imperial ecientíficas Nacional. Publicou o livro Estrutura daMuseu Célula Nervosa com o cientista Gaspar Viana e acomo criação dede cursos públicos. o governo decidiuZona febre amarela”). minerais. A –coleção Werner, incorporada àespecializadas Casa de –História Natural em 1810, aFaleceu Posteriormente Cristóvão fato oficializado em 25 de julho de 1892 assim migrou pastafoi em de março 1873oferecidas na Gávea, Sul dode Rio deJoão Janeiro. método experimental ao10estudo do de curare (relaxante muscular origem vegetal peças pelo antigo diretor de Deus e Mattos. nova fase de produtividade, começando a publicar a sua associações própria revista em 1918 e eum Francisco Freire Allemão participou de diversas profissionais (1885-1914) em 1908. transferi-lo para aatravés Casa da Moeda. No final de 1883, Aviso nº. 4.546, o Ministério Secretaria ededas Estado primeira moderna de Mineralogia a ser classificada. ministerial: em 1890 passou do Ministério da Agricultura, Comércio edo Obras Públicas atualmente utilizado comoe anestesia) toxinas das plantas brasileiras e estudou novo programa de pesquisas treinamento. médicas, tendo efeito do primeiro professor das cadeiras desociedades Anatomia e Histologia dee parte Microbiologia da quadro da Sociedade de Medicina do para o da Instrução Pública, Correios Telégrafos, do eJoão emImpério 1892 deste para o da Justiça e suicídio da Silveira Caldeira cometeu logoinocular após suasua transferência. de e Negócios concedeu-lhe autorização vacina na Foi fósseis humanos para provenientes das descobertas que fez nos sambaquis (depósitos Com o advento da praga conhecida como broca de café, que prejudicou valiosas de Oliveira Albuquerque Mello Filho José Lacerda de Araújo vacinadas Feio Dalcy Faculdade de Medicina doLuis Rio deEmygdio Janeiro. de Negócios Interiores. Luiz de CastrodoFaria população Rio de Janeiro. Foram mais de 2.000 pessoas com êxito.das 6 de Betim Josénasceu Henrique Millan materiais ostreiras de Santa Catarina, Paraná safras e São emNewton Alberto Betim Paes Leme arqueológicos , filho de Pedro Paesorgânicos) Leme e D.Maria Dias dosparticipou Santos em 11 14 comissão de setembropara de 1916 no Distrito São Paulo, estudo desse Federal inseto, o Gestão na direção doJosé Museu: 1972-1976 deGestão Mello Carvalho em 11 de junho de 1914 para no de distrito Gestão na direção do Interior, Museu: 1967-1971 Sua direção destacou-se pela criação da revista trimestral Os Archivos do Museu Em Cândido 1915 assumiu a direção do nasceu Museu Nacional. Excursionou a uma ilha de de na direção do Museu: 1976-1980 Edgard Roquette Pinto, médico legista, professor, antropólogo, etnólogo, 13 10 Em fevereiro de 1892, o Ministério do pelo decreto nº. 1.171 criou o Gestão na direção do Museu: 1964 -1967 Margarida Lima Betim , nasceu em 15 deenovembro de 1882 na cidade Rio deem importantes Alberto Torresdopesquisas nasceu 17 de setembro de o 1895, em Laranjeiras, Gestão na direção do Museu: 1982-1985 (atual Janeiro). Paulo, sobre asHeloísa quais considerava para conhecimento das Rio de hampei. 9 Hypothenemus Nacional, importantíssima a comunicação e Zona troca Sul comdo museus estrangeiros, e25 por Conceição d’Aparecida (antigo Preto),demunicípio Carmo do Claro, Trindade de 25 de março a 12Barro de junho 1916. Emdesetembro do Rio mesmo anoárea foi escritor, arqueólogo, nasceu nopara bairro de Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro, em Instituto Bacteriológico Domingos Freire, anteriormente denominado Laboratório de Janeiro. Zona Sul do Rio de mais Janeiro. Filha do caçula do importante político, jornalista e bacharel Licenciou-se em História Natural pela Escola de Ciências da Universidade do populações pré-colombinas antigas Brasil. oinfância. primeiro diretor do Biológico de São Paulo, de 1927 a 1931. grandes obras de infra-estrutura em todo ocom prédio, melhorando-se as acomodações para rural do sudoeste de em Minas Gerais,deonde passou sua Era filhopara, dosInstituto fazendeiros designado então Ministério Estado dosFoi Negócios do Interior na qualidade de setembro de 1884. Passou a infância oConcluiu avô, João Roquette Carneiro node os estudos secundários Liceu Carnot eAlberto graduou –se em engenharia Bacteriologia. em Direito, Torres (1865-1917), Heloísapelo cresceu um ambiente intenso de Distrito Federal (1938), doutorou-se nessa disciplina, em 1950, na Faculdade Nacional Foi membro de diversas associações científicas nacionais e estrangeiras e viceo acervo e tornando-o mais adequado para a concepção científica de museu da época. os pesquisadores a sedaaproximarem João cândido de Mello Carvalhobrasileiro, e Ana Incentivou da tomar Silva Vilela, ambos de famílias de origens da sociedade e costumava afirmar que Mendonça, em Juiz de Fora (MG). Aos dez anos retornou ao pela Rio de Janeiro. de representante do governo parte nos trabalhos Conferência civil e de Junior minas Escola Superior de Minas, ambos Nacional em Paris, França. atividade intelectual. Freire assumiu a direção do Museu em 1893,Médico quando a de Filosofia. Formou-se em Medicina pela Faculdade Nacional de Medicina (1940). Foi presidente honorário do Congresso Pan-Americano de Washington, em 1893, Também foram implementados cursos, que logo foram substituídos por conferências, “Os pesquisadores deveriam sair daTerminou placa de petri mineiras. Freqüentou o Heloísa Seminário de Guacupé, Minas o e ir dialogar com a população”. Começou seus estudos no Externato Aquino onde estudou o professor dehonorário Iniciou seus este estudos emParis, colégios internos na Inglaterra. decidiu estudar posteriormente da Universidade de além de Internacional de Microbiologia e Diocesano Parasitologia, queprofessor fez parte do Gerais. Primeiro Congresso o primeiro a obter grau de doutor em Ciências Naturais pela então Faculdade instituição jáTornou-se se encontrava no Paço decurso São Cristóvão. Exerceu cargo 1895. além de ter ocupado o cargo de até presidente honorário do Congresso Médico Latinorealizadas de acordo com a disponibilidade do Museu, que participou de exposições EmAires. 1928 ONeiva criou adarevista Arquivos do Instituto Biológico. Em 1931, Humanidades. Ingressou na Faculdade de Medicina do Rio de Janeiro, ondenoseBrasil. formou Antropologia, sendo introduzida noensino Museubásico Nacional através do professorem Roquette ter exercido a atividade docente Ginásio Champagnat emBuenos Franca, São Nacional de no Medicina realizado Ministério Agricultura, Nacional de Paulo. Filosofia(1950). Obteve grande reconhecimento nacional e internacional devido a seu trabalho internacionais, conferindo-lhe visibilidade. Americano de Buenos Aires, em 1904. durante o governo Vargas, afastou do visitar Instituto para ser interventor em Salvador, tendo amigo de seu espectral falecido aplicada pai. Indústria Colaborou estagiária em20diversos estudos As suas principais foram campo de análise à No ecomo em 1905, especializando-se em Medicina Legal defendendo a tese pesquisas O exercício da noPinto, final dos anos concluiu ooportunidade, Curso Técnico da Escola Superior de Comércio, aproveitando essa incumbiu Lobo de ospara Ingressou no Museu em 1939, nomeado o exercício de cargo de naturalista. como bacteriologista, principalmente por ter reivindicado a descoberta da febre amarela Durante gestão como diretor, foram inseridos ostipos cursos públicos no desenvolvidos pelo professor, tais como o estudo antropológicos da mineralogia, tendo desenvolvido método cinemático desua análise qualitativa que consiste retornado novamente ao Instituto seguinte. Dois espécies anos depois se elegeu deputado Medicina entre os indígenas da América. Agricultura de sobre Viçosa. Nesta instituição recebeu influência deemno três grandes museus argentinos e realizar permutas de peças. Realizou diversas excursões queano coletou diversas de plantas e animais. e ter desenvolvido a vacina que inoculava a doença. regulamento do Museu Nacional, em processos 1911. Tais cursos públicos foram primeiramente população brasileira, desenvolvido desde o ano de 1919 no Laboratório da Seção dea Assembléia Constituinte da Bahia, pois desde 1930 o país não possuía uma em medir a espessura das raias específicas espectrogramas obtidos por Leda Dau Ingressou no Museu Nacional em 1905 ao ser nomeado professor-assistente de15em para pesquisadores: Ruimarço Gomes Morais em Atuou Parasitologia, João Moojen de dos Oliveira em da 1ª Região Militar e 1ª Divisão de como estagiário Batalhão deNegócios Guardas Em 31 de de de 1917 foi designado pelo Ministério denoEstado, Domingos José Freire foi cirugião-mór da brigada por serviços no Paraguai, Antropologia do Museu Nacional. Tornou-se responsável por duas turmas de mulheres por na década de os 1870 e extintos em 1888. padronizados Seu primeiro trabalho publicado dissertava sobre gnaisses (rochas Antropologia e Etnografia. Pesquisador versátil, realizou 1980-1982 diversos trabalhos deinstituídos campo. Gestões na direção do Museu: constituição relativa ao novo governo. Permaneceu no cargo de deputado até a Infantaria 1943.a fim e João Geraldo em Botânica. daRosa, Agricultura, IndústriaKuhlman e Comércio para visitar oem Egito de estudar in loco os Membro titular da Academia Imperial de Medicina, Oficial Ordemantropométricas daZoologia encarregadas de Coelho fazerdapesquisas da população feminina. para Dias Duarte metamórficas) de Janeiro. LuizTraduziu Fernando Sérgio Alex Kugland de Azevedo Arnaldo dosíndios Santos Campos Colaborou com a missão Rondon (1912), momento do emRio que filmou os 1986-1989 (pró-tempore) Henrique Millan nasceu 22 de setembro de 1937. Formou-se em História Tomou posse cargo deem diretor do Museu em 1961. João Cândido concluiu o MestradoJosé na Universidade dedo Nebraska em 1940, e o Nacional José de Brasil, Araújorealizou Feio nasceu Rio Janeiro emoos21 de abril de 1912. Janira Martins Costa ono inglês ede para o francês estudos deLuis Roquette Pinto. Ao Lacerda retornar ao estudos em colaboração com cientista Orville Emygdio de Mello Filho nasceu em 31 de outubro de 1913 no Distrito de 20 nhambiquaras e que acompanhou Rondon na instalação das linhas telegráficas. Este Gestão na direção do Museu: 1998-2002 na direção do Museu: 2003 – período atual Gestão na direção do Museu: 1990-1993 A gestão de Gestão Newton Dias na do Museu Nacional restabelece o contato Natural pela Universidade do Estado dadireção Guanabara em 1961, obteve o título de doutor Doutorado naconcurso Universidade de Iowa, instituições norte-americanas. EspecializouHeloísa Alberto Torres prestou de provas para ambas professor Filho de Francisco A. C. de Araújo Feio e MariaEm José1925, Lacerda de Araújo responsável Serviço instituição criada em Gestão naFeio. direção Museu: 1994-1998 18 trabalho antropológico inaugurou uma linhaDerby, de pesquisa sobrepelo os índios doGeológico Brasil noe Mineralógico, Abrahão, município Reis. Era filho do policial militar Luizde visitantes na instituição. Dalcy de Oliveira Albuquerque nasceuIlha em Grande, 2 de agosto de 1918 de em Angra Cuiabá, 22 comdos ono significativamente o índice em Ciências (Geologia) pelo Instituto de Geociências da Universidade de São Paulo 24 em setornou-se nos estudos deque Hemiptera, mais precisamente apúblico, família aumentando Miridae. Luiz de Castro Faria nasceu em São JoãoFormou-se daDestacou-se Barra emmédico 5pelo de julho de 1913. substituto da Seçãodas de massas Antropologia e Etnografia, tinha como professor-chefe pioneirismo nos estudos sobrede origem de rochas pela Faculdade Nacional Medicina em 1936 e qual os pesquisadores passaram a atentar para a compreensão dos indígenas em toda a Grosso. Seus pais eram Emygdio Mato o magistrado pernambucano Salvador CelsoAntonieta deEm seu discurso de Mello e da dona de casacomeçou Maria de Mello, naturais do Rio Grande de posse, o diretor que “O Museu Nacional não é só a Roquette Pinto, sendo depois aprovada unanimidade. Aa partir Passou residirdeno1926, Rio Heloísa de Janeiro desua 1945, e no ano seguinte 9172em e setembro concluiu livre-docência e seu afirmou segundo doutorado em Paleontologia e Formou-se em Antropologia na Faculdade Fluminense de Filosofia, em 1937. De 1943 cristalinas formadoras daHistória Serra doNatural Mar, publicando tempos o por trabalho bacharel e licenciado em pela Faculdade Nacional de Filosofia da sua diversidade. Suas investigações junto à comissão Rondon resultaram no tratado Albuquerque e Udelina de Oliveira Albuquerque. Casa do povo, onde se instruem leigos, estudantes e professores, é também a casa da do Norte. suas séries de expedições a campo. Viajou ao litoral de São Paulo, visando estudar Tectonismo da Mar. ingressou zoólogo especializado a 1953, fez cursos de pós-graduação nas áreas de Geografia Estratigrafia pelo Museucontratado, Nacional /iniciando UFRJ emum1979. Universidade doSerra BrasildoHumana, em 1941. Antropologia Ingressou no mesmo ano no Museu Nacional, sendo no Museu Nacional como antropológico, botânico e geológico intitulado Rondônia (1916). estimulam, se despertam e se aproveitam vocações científicas”. Formou-se como veterinário pela Escola Nacional de Veterinária do onde sambaquis Iguape; examinou sítios arqueológicos em Minas Gerais e eCiência em Ingressou no Museu Nacional em 1911. Entrede1915 e médico 1918, chefiou naFormou-se bacharel emem Ciências Letras peloseColégio Pedrono II Museu e obteve o título como estagiário da Divisão de trabalho de campo no Xingu companhia dos antropólogos Eduardo Galvão e Nacional Física, Realizou Lingüística Geral e Etnologia Geral, no Brasil, França e Inglaterra. Anteriormente já ingressara designado naturalista interino do quadro permanente do Ministério da Educação e estudos sobre sambaquis (depósitos arqueológicos) do litoral do Rio Newton dias realizou variadas reformas nas coleções da Instituição. Acrescentou Vespasiano.e iniciou uma série de visitas a sítios arqueológicos em Magé, precisamente Ministério da Agricultura em 1944. Ingressou no mesmo ano no Museu Nacional para instituição a Terceira Seção –Faria Mineralogia, Geologia e Paleontologia. Assumiu a de instituição. médico em 1939 Nacional de várias Medicina. No ano posterior Pedro Estevão de pela Lima.Faculdade A partir daí, seguiram-se excursões de pesquisa quetornou-se professor, eEscola museólogo.,Castro Geologia. Em 1960 foi designado para exercer interinamente o cargo de naturalista GrandeAntropólogo, do Sul e oi professor de blibliotecnomista História Saúde, Natural na Normal do Distrito Federal substituindo eventualmente oingressou chefeaodaRioDivisão deemZoologia da ao acervo de artefatos indígenas do Museu Nacional mais três coleções: a dos índios Iriri, rico cerâmica pintada tupi-guarani. Em outra viagem a São Paulo, exercer cargo deBetim naturalista auxiliar. Ocupou ainda o cargo de zelador XVIII e foi direção da instituição em 1935, exercendo o cargoo até 1938. Paes Leme renovou o professor, e zoólogo um dos do noemMuseu Nacional emconvidado 1936 trabalhando comovisitante pesquisador voluntário.Em 1938 bacharel em História Naturalecólogo pela Faculdade Nacional deprincipais Filosofianaturalistas da Universidade 1916. Em 1920 foi como professor para inaugurar de foiDivisão em 1946. Representou Assumiu em definitivo a chefiaa cadeira da referida oconsagraram Museu auxiliar e, como em 1961 foi nomeado geólogo interino dodo quadro permanente do Ministério Asurini, nomeado, no governo de Getúlio Vargas, para o quadro permanente do Ministério da Apinayí e Krahó, contabilizando 89 peças. país. Foram 26 expedições realizadas nas quais percorreu 18.000 km em canoa, jipe, designado representante do Museu Nacionalna e Assembléia do ConselhoGeral Fiscalização Fisiologiacomo Experimental na Faculdade deNacional Medicina da Universidade de Assunção, no das dos Geógrafos Brasileiros Brasil. da Associação por duas, em de Educação e Cultura. Educação e Saúde em 5 de abril de 1945. 31 lombo burro e a pé. Expedições Artísticas e Científicas - CEF1947 - grande expedição etnográfica “Expedições à 29Em de e 1950. 1941 é nomeado paraações o cargo de naturalista do Ministério daCatarina Educação e de realizar pesquisas no campo 1964 realizou excursões a Santa a fim Dalcy caracterizou-se por seu caráter questionador, criticando daEm gestão 36 Serra do Norte” que foi chefiada por Claude Levi-Strauss. No Museu Nacional Sérgio Alex Kugland nasceu em de janeironodeXIX 1956Congresso na cidade da de Luiz Fernando Dias Duarte nasceu em Niterói em 30 de agosto deobra 1949, mas27Nacional Em 1953, foi nomeado responsável pela Divisão de Botânica. Cinco anos Na área de Entomologia, publicou o Catálogo de Mirídeos doAzevedo Mundo, 26 Janira Martins Costa, filha do militar Francisco de de Souza eda da professora Arnaldo dosJosé Santos Coelho, do comerciante dos aNo Santos Geologia. No ano posterior representou ode Museu Saúde. ano seguinte foiMartins designado chefe de Botânica e realizou diversas interna dafilho instituição, fato que oArthur conduziu receber pena suspensão por três dias, da por Divisão Leda Dau, filha dos comerciantes libaneses Miguel Dau eCampos Maria Jorge Dau, ministrou seus primeiros seminários sobre Etnografia, Arqueologia e Antropologia depois, foi designado para a chefia da Seção de Extensão Cultural do Museu Nacional. Porto Alegre. É filho do desenhista industrial Sérgio Francisco Busquetes de Azevedo e cresceu Petrópolis. Seu pai,Sociedade João Baptista Duarte,Geologia, carioca, era formado em do Rio de Janeiro. Ana Rosa Pedreira Martins, nasceu em 6 de abril 1941a14 em Olinda, Coelho da dona de casa Celeste Campos dos Santos, portugueses nasceu emem 15de Brasileira realizado na cidade viagens entre elas Serra dos Pernambuco. Órgãos Nesta última localidade desrespeito, umaambos vez que “em artigo assinado na edição do corrente de um(RJ), órgãoPará de e SãodePaulo. nasceu em 31 de setembro de 1924 na cidade deeJuiz de Fora, Minas Gerais. Formou-se Física. Exerceudeo 1932. cargo de diretor do Museu Nacional de para 1967oa Rio 1971. da dona-de-casa Odete Kugland deNacional Azevedo, ambos Mudou-se deDestacou-se Janeiro parapor se preparar para oatos vestibular e Tornou-se o cursoadministrativo 341982,gaúchos. Contabilidade, trabalhando como funcionário do então Distrito Federal. de dezembro diretor do Museu em função que exerceu até 1986. Sua imprensa local, censurou autoridades constituídas e criticou da administração pela Faculdade Nacional de Filosofia da Universidade do Brasil. realizou estudos de sistemática no Instituto de Botânica. Representou o Museu Nacional Foi fundador dos cursos de Antropologia Universidade – do Paço de São Cristóvão e da Quinta pesquisarda nas décadasem de Federal 1960 e Fluminense 1970 a história Graduou-se em Geologia em a1979 e emdaCiências Biológicas em 1985 pela superior. Graduou-se em Bacharelado e 1956. Licenciatura Natural pela Graduou-se Natural pela Universidade Distrito em mãe, Maria Luizaem DiasHistória Duarte,legislação, petropolitana, dedicava-se ao piano. gestão caracterizou-se preservar instituição destacando-se a ênfase de fazê-lo, do como lhe Federal eranaSua plenamente facultado, pela em Ingressou no Museu Nacional em 1951 como estagiária História da Divisão de deixando Botânica. III Assembléia Geral davigente Associação dos Geógrafos por Brasileiros e omemória Ministério da UFF e de Antropologia Social no Museuda Nacional. Através da Museu. fundação do Movimento Boa Vista, sede do Universidade Gama Filho no ano de Cursou váriasoespecializações eUniversidade diplomou-se Cursou Livre-Docência pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro em1967. 1979. Tem aqueles Federal do aRio Grande do (UFRS). Veio para Rio em 1968 para cursar Faculdade deSul Direito pela apreciasse atos de sobJaneiro o ponto de vista Juntamente com o professor Fernando Segados Vianna e os naturalistas trabalho auxiliaresdevidamente assinado que nas atividades comemorativas do museu. Educação e Saúde no II Congresso Sul Américo de Botânica, realizado em Terecamã Social Brasileiro deu seus primeiros cursos sobreParticipou literatura brasileira. de diversas exposições da instituição, entre elas: II Exposição noZoologia, Mestrado e Doutorado Ciências Biológicas experiência na área particularmente em a Paleontologia e(Zoologia) Desenvolveu como dissertação de aMestrado Geociências trabalho Universidade do Estadopela do UFRJ. Rio de Janeiro, formando-se emno 1972. Logo passou seguircom em o feito deem colaboração e cooperação”. Wilma Teixeira Armond e Jadiehl Loredo Júniorreconhecida criou o Serviço dededoutrinário, Ecologia, com Millan destacou-se estudo de Paleobotânica ênfase nos vegetaisofósseis do Muito dos escritos de Castro Temporária Faria foramdopublicadas na obra “Escritos (Argentina). Museu Nacional – Ilha da Trindade (1950), Exposiçãoao Temporária Dedica-se principalmente estudo dadoordem grupo popularmente intitulado Scaphonyx sulcognathius (sp. para nov.):a um novo rincossaurídeo do Em 21 de dezembro de 1946 também afastou-se MuseuOdonata, paraJornalismo exercer atividades de São sua oficializado em 1953 e funcionando Malacologia. à margem da Divisão de Botânica, sendo o curso de da UFF, onde sua vocação Estado de Paulo.descobriu Exumados” obra constituído por dois volumes. Em 1951 foi nomeado Diretor do Departamento de Parques da Secretaria Geral sobre o centenário do nascimento de Adolpho Lutz (1956) e a Exposição Comemorativa conhecido como libélulas ouNacional lavadeiras. sua realizou diversas expedições Ingressou no Museu Nacional em de 1956, vinculando-se ao Departamento depesquisa Neotriássico do Rio Grande do Sul, finalizado em 1982. o título dee Doutor no Museu dePara História Natural, emno Paris, França. finalmente subordinado a tal divisão em 1956. Os estudos realizados pelabolsa área deestudos Antropologia. Assim,localizado ingressou Curso deseus Mestrado em trabalhos Antropologia Social do Entre numerosos é notável a obra O Obteve Museu Nacional o Paço em de Em meados dos anos 50 fundou a do Associação Brasileira Antropologia (ABA). centenário da(D.I.) obra ede de Darwin (1959). Viação e de Obraspara do Distrito científicas, maioria nosobre Sudeste doda país, mas também os estadosFederal. de todas as outras Invertebrados sua linhaodea na pesquisa a fauna brasileira Permaneceu Europa por dois anos. Ecologia Vegetal visavam o conhecimento de vegetação e das concentrando condições ambientais, ao defender a Rio teseAs Prestosuchuschiniquensis huene, 1942 (Reptilla, Museu Nacional (UFRJ) em 1973,Geociências concluindo-o com a dissertação redes do(1988). suor. a São Cristóvão na Memória do de Janeiro Foi o presidente e sócio honorário desta instituição até falecer em 2004. Organizou as salas de Zoologiaregiões, na exposição permanente, sendo a salao 1Uruguai de tal e a Argentina. e também para o Paraguai, Viajou aos Estados Formou-se farmacêutico químico pela Faculdade Nacional de Farmácia da moluscos. Em 23 de janeiro de 1950 a portaria que determinou sua suspensão quatro anos Gestão na direção do Museu: 1874-1893Domingos

3 . F I R E DA M AG E



area marked in red where the roof collapsed 0




Fire damage


DA M AG E D B U I L D I N G The fire had a major impact on the The structure of much of the building listed building. For a few months the was made of wood and was quickly building was closed due to a police weakened by the fire, causing the investigation, so it was only possible structure of most of the roofs to to especulate the damage from collapse. With the impact of the fall, the outside. All the facades were many floors were also destroyed still standing, but the drone images creating several voids in the building. VECTORWORKS EDUCATIONAL VERSION showed a lot of damage on the interior. In January 2019, I had the opportunity to visit inside and closely observe the internal damage. Even though many areas were not accesible because of the debris, it gave me a better overview of the situation after fire.


section before fire 10m







section after fire


Fire damage

Fire damage



Fire damage

Fire damage



Fire damage

Fire damage



Fire damage

Fire damage



Fire damage

LUZIA RESCUED Museum’s rescuers recovered around 80% of Luzia’s skull fragments, as well as part of her femur. She was one the museum’s most treasured possessions, considered a jewel in their collection and a vital part of the country’s history.

Fire damage

L O ST C O L L E C T I O N An inintial estimate of 80% was lost or damaged as a consequence of the fire. Entomology and arachnology collections were completely destroyed, as was most of the mollusk collection. Museum rescuers continue their thorough work to recover as much of the damaged collection as possible.


>> Initial estimate percentage of damage or loss to the museum collection

The museum’s vertebrate specimens, herbarium, and library were housed separately and survived the fire.

Museum rescuers continue their thorough work to recover as much of the damaged collection as possible.


4 . T WO STO R I E S


Two stories

Two stories

T H E STO RY O F M A N G U E I R A The Rio Carnival Parade is a very popular event where different communities have the chance to present their stories through music, dance and decorated floats. In the 2019 carnival, a few months after the fire, the Mangueira samba school brought a vibrant theme song that highlighted the ‘other side’ of Brazil’s history. A side that the National Museum does not count. The grand opening was a performance in which they replaced the Portuguese heroes with largely forgotten Black and Indigenous heroes. Not coincidentally, the decor was a neoclassical museum wall very similar to the National Museum. In that same mise en scène, they tear up a history book and a new book with different perspectives is held by a Black girl who represents the future generation that will have these heroes as a reference. In the book is written the word ‘presente’, which literally

means ‘is here’, ‘present’, ‘actual’. But the word ‘presente’ has also became a word of resistance and a rallying cry during the manifests after the murder of Marielle Franco, a gay Rio city councilwoman, in March 2018. It’s a word that symbolizes both grief and hope. The Mangueira parade was a history lesson and a political statement demanding more access and representation in formal spaces and institutions.



Two stories

Two stories



Two stories

Two stories

MUSEUM DECOR Mise en scène brings the wall of a neoclassical museum very similar to the National Museum. For me this parade has a strong symbolic meaning because Mangueira is located right next to the National Museum of Brazi.



Two stories

Two stories

T H E STO RY O F M OAC I R AY R E S Alongside the local repercussions, a huge feeling of mourning emerged on a national scale after the fire. Moacir Ayres, a small Brazilian farmer from Cuiabá, in the center of the country, was moved by the loss of the museum and donated about 780 antique coins collected by him with great affection for nearly 50 years. Ayres is not sure about its historical or commercial value but was motivated to make the donation as a way to contribute to the reconstruction of the national memory and in the hope of one day seeing his coins in the display of the National Museum. For a reference, Cuiabá is 2,000km from Rio de Janeiro, which is equivalent to a distance from Amsterdam to southern Italy.




The social role of museums

D E C O L O N I A L A P P R OAC H Museums tell stories - not only through the items of its collection, but also through its building, the curatorship, and the performance of its employees. The experience of a museum visit can shape and transform a person’s view on the world we live in. This power for social transformation is due to the credibility that museums have within society - people trust museums. However, museums tend to assume a pseudo-neutral position. Philosopher Walter D. Mignolo questions this position of neutrality: “the knower is always implied, geo and bodypolitically, in the known”. Museums are not different: museums are not neutral. The risk of assuming this pseudoneutrality is that of telling stories from a single point of view and, at the same time, not recognizing or contextualizing this point of view. It is the “danger of a single story”, a term coined by writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie in reference to the formation of stereotypes due to the absence of other stories. Objects, buildings, places, or people all tell different stories to different audiences. This issue becomes even more dangerous when it happens within institutions such as museums, which play a very relevant role in cultural and social construction. Catherine Lu articulates the idea that museums may not be responsible for past events but may reproduce past


lecture from Catherine Lu at yje Tropenmuseum about decolonial approach in museums

structural injustices. In other words, there is a contemporary responsibility of museums for the narratives they reproduce. If you abstain from that responsibility through a false position of neutrality, you continue to hold them accountable for them.

The social role of museums

‘INCLUSIVE TURN’ Debates about the social role of museums have been going on around the world for the last two decades. As a result of these years of critical discussion and considering reflections on the events of our times, museums have begun to consider the social-political issues of inclusion and diversity. However, Margriet Schavemaker denounces that, despite the depth of the discussions and the intentions, they still take place in a homogeneous environment where most people tend to agree with each other. Schavemaker argues that it is necessary to go beyond the “discursive turn” to an “inclusive turn”, which means a more radical and structural opening. This project first started with a clear assignment: how to act in relation to the fire damage? However, after a better understanding of the social context and the interesting moment that museums are having to define how they are valued, a more essential question became the second part of my assignment: what should a national museum be in Brazil today?

Conclusions 1. Museums are not neutral 2. Museums are trusted structures within the society 3. Museums can practice the ‘danger of the single story’ 4. Museums hold responsability not only for the responsability of the narratives that they reproduce but also for the ones that they abstain 5. Museums needs to shift from a ‘discursive turn’ to the ‘inclusive turn’ >> The understanding that the museum today must consider the presence of a non-neutrality and position itself biased in the direction of inclusion was essential for setting the ambition of this project.




A new museum



curator experts public experts institutions archive exhibition

public debate

public archive as exhibition

= curator

A new museum

IDEA BEHIND THE MUSEUM As an outcome of my analysis and research, I took the task to look for an inclusive museum. The challenge was to look beyond the immeadiate reaction to restore the building to what it was, and to work on both the social and cultural aspects of an archive of a nation. What is archived and who decides what is relevant and for whom? The first step of this project is to prototype a new concept for an inclusive museum. The idea is to invert the conventional process, in which experts define value and the public is a receiver, and empower the ordinary Brazilian citizen, with their formal, non-formal or informal knowledge, to dialogue, give meaning and select, together with this institution, what objects should be part of the new national archive. From a representational role, the museum becomes a processing machine for our national identity.



A new museum

The second step was to translate this concept into this historically loaded building. Its layers of history, namely the colonial past and the fire, can be oppressive and confronting. But it is exactly this complexity that offers a chance here. I think that, as a museum, you have to be able to talk candidly about the past. So my proposal literally creates space for these stories to be properly explained, showing people that a nation is built with much more complex emotions than only proud. That it is also chaotic, ambiguous, difficult and painful. It’s important to shed light on all the dark corners so that we can find understanding and hope. The third and final step is to connect this museum to its current context by transforming the museum into a more open, welcoming and familiar experience for all Brazilians. Elements of everyday suburban Rio were brought inside the museum. By opening new entrances, the building reorientates itself towards the local users and becomes an all-sided museum.



A new museum

OT H E R V I STA S I want a park that also challenges canonical viewpoints. The idea here is to decentralize the monumental building and create new routes so that this building is also experienced from different points of view, from different angles. The building faces all the rest of its surroundings, beyond its “front orientation”.

framing building

framing people

descentralizing the focus on the monumental building





me nal rso

collective memory


são cristovão

mo ry


all-sided building

send a new signal

connecting with local context

park wall as an outdoor exhibition

A new museum

Site plan



A new museum

A new museum

SIGNALING THE CHANGE It is important that the moment you enter the park, you immediately see that the museum has changed. The blue color signals this change here, in addition to being a restoration approach.

Research on the use of diluted paint on the burned facade: local restoration approach keeping damage visible.



A new museum

WA R M W E L C O M E By opening new entrances on the north and south facade, the building reorientates itself towards the local users. Two new ramps bring the park inside the museum. In the entrance hall everyday elements of the suburban Rio have been used to create a more familiar and welcoming feeling.

A new museum

View of the entrance hall



A new museum

C R E AT I N G S PAC E Balance between interventions allowing the building to remain as it is after the fire while also creating new interventions to support the inclusive role of the museum. One of them is the large archive which is a new space within the former building.

A new museum

F R A M I N G T H E PA ST Translate the ‘inclusive turn’ into the details of this building. The complexity of its layers of history, namely the colonial past and the fire, offers a chance here. The proposal literally creates spaces for these stories to be properly explained and redefined.


1 2 4










2 1


6 10 11

1. entrance foyer 2. information hub 3. debate courtyard 4. public archive 5. library 6. exhibition ‘hall of stories’

1. entrance foyer 2. information hub 3. debate courtyard 4. public archive 5. library 6. exhibition ‘hall of stories’ 7. the story room 8. quarantine room 9. the framed building 10. the basement 11. the luzia’s room 12. meterorite 13. stairs hall

story room antine room ramed building basement luzia’s room terorite irs hall

Ground floor, proposal






7. the story room 8. quarantine room 9. the framed building 10. the basement 11. the luzia’s room 12. meterorite 13. stairs hall







Ground floor, after fire






Ground floor, demolition








Ground floor, proposal






Ground floor, addition






A new museum

Basement, proposal



A new museum






A new museum

First floor, proposal

A new museum



A new museum

Second floor, proposal

A new museum


A new museum



A new museum

Logitudinal section, proposal




A new museum




A new museum








Longitudinal section, after fire


Longitudinal section, proposal





A new museum








Longitudinal section, demolition



Longitudinal section, addition



A new museum

A new museum



A new museum

Cross section, proposal




A new museum




A new museum








Cross section, after fire


Cross section, proposal





A new museum








Cross section, demolition



Cross section, addition


A new museum



A new museum

South facade, proposal




A new museum




7. I N T E RV E N T I O N S


entrance hall


Luzia’s room & basement

framing the building as an item of the collection





10m N



ENTRANCE HALL The entrance hall is the first space that you enter in the museum. Here it is important that you feel welcome and comfortable. A large information desk helps to guide you to the museum or to collect your items for the ‘curatorial market’. The study on the right side uses painting as a way to emphasize the different textures caused by fire - by making them abstract - and at the same time defining new meanings to this wall with a vibrant color that relates to the context of Rio’s North zone.




the balconies create a dynamic ‘social landscape ’in the entrance hall

balconies popping out so it invites people to go up and use the more public spaces

The entrance hall is an active, familiar and open space where people can meet each other and simply just read a book, have lunch and access free internet in the media room.


media room and open classrooms

On the back side of the entrance hall wall you can see the “less formal” program that invite people to use the musuem as a more familiar space.





keeping centrality and

opening space while

center as an

giving more space to

survived trees

fitting existing trees

attractive element

nature flourish


T H E C O U R T YA R D The ‘curatorial market’ takes place every Sunday in the heart of the museum - the courtyard. It is a place where everyone is invited to bring, show and discuss their findings and objects. Formal and informal knowledge meet inside the museum.

demolition / repurpose






ARCHIVE The archive is the main exhibition space where visitors and scientists meet each other. It is an enormous hall with a five-storeys vertical structure equipped to receive any kind of museum object. The oversized space shows the absence of the collection at first, as an opportunity to grief, while at the same time allows you to experience the growth of a new collection. The design allow unexpected juxtapositions. The dialogues take place not only between items but also between other elements that compose this archive, such as the ruined and the new wall, visitors and scientists, etc.

archive walls supports the new roof vertical archive juxtaposed to the exiting facade creating an enourmous hall




overscaled space when empty: absense of a collection as an opportunity to grief

overscaled space when full: different stories brought to dialogue





visual archive








14 C

21 C


18 C o


18 C o

18 C o


flexible structure for different types of objects






















large objects

air out gas/water fire safety system visually hidden installations

movable wooden blinder

small objects

air in through narrow grille in the vitrine base

extra railing for hanging objects

wall graphic









FRAMED BUILDING Framing part of the burned building as an item of the collection. Perceiving the building itself as the first museum object in this new collection, allows us to shed light on a part of history that before was less part of the National Museum. It’s essentially preserving a part of history of




G L A S S B R I C KS Ventilated glass bricks protect the building while creating a new image of it. This brick called ‘capela’ (chapel) is common in the context of Rio due to the humid and hot climate.





10m N















A special room has been designed for Luzia, a 11,500-year-old skull considered one of South America’s oldest human fossils. After the fire, her skull was found in pieces. It’s important to exhibit and reflect on the damage of the fire.


10m N

In the south wing I propose to redefine the basement and its former entrance for enslaved people by literally bringing light to the basement. Its story has been hidden for its painful history so the proposal is have this story properly explained. It’s important to shed light on all the dark corners of the building.












plastering only in the plint to give attention to the existing damaged walls

pattern referring to the domestic spaces of the former palace

scaling up

soften and simplification





collective memory






n rso


o em





WA L L S O F T H E PA R K Give the idea of a museum, of an exhibition apparatus using the walls of the park. It is a place of temporary exhibition of objects that did not enter this large collective collection. It is the place of personal memory.

Haim Steinbach

spreading the museum over the park, and the park inside the museum



CONCLUSION In short, the new National Museum needs to be biased in the direction of inclusion. It needs to be familiar and welcoming, open and active, and able to talk candidly about the past. From a representational role, the museum becomes a processing machine for our national identity. It’s exactly the complexities of this historical burned building that offers a chance to criticize, show, explain and ask questions.The restoration approach is respectful yet bold, political and loud. ‘Museu Presente’ explores how an inclusive museum can be the glue that holds a society together when it faces a crisis. The challenge was to look beyond the immediate reaction to restore the building and collection to what it was, and to work on both social and cultural aspects of an archive of a nation. The motivation is to further open the discussion on the social role of museums and on restoration approaches to highly damaged historic buildings.

Finnaly, I have a more personal reflection about the project. ‘Social fiction’ is a concept by economist Muhammad Yunus, who points out the relevance of science fiction as a driver of the development of science and technology we have today, and that, in the same way, it is important to create ‘social fiction’ to imagine the society we want in the future, and so we can go after it. Fictional works, such as books and movies, are an essential way of doing that, but I believe that ‘design thinking’ as it exists within architecture has the potential to also contribute to this issue. So that’s what I first and foremost want to do by dreaming about this museum as an agent of change.


PICTURE CREDITS cover models 6 8 10 12 14-15 16 17 18 19 20 21 24

© Tim Stet © Tim Stet © Mauro Pimentel /AFP/Getty © White Cube © Buda Mendes/Getty © Reuters © Buda Mendes/Getty © Tania Dominici, via Reuters © Leo Correa/Associated Press © Ricardo Moraes, via Reuters © Leo Correa/Associated Press © Magalhães Jr © Antonio Lacerda/EFE © Ricardo Moraes, via Reuters


BIBLIOGRAPHY ARANHA FILHO, Jayme Moraes (2011). “Guia da impermanência das exposições: uma investigação sobre transformações no Museu Nacional do Rio nos anos 1940”. DANTAS, Regina Maria Macedo Costa (2017). “A Casa do Imperador: Do Paço de São Cristóvão ao Museu Nacional”. MIGNOLO, Walter D. (2009). “Epistemic Desobedience, Independent Thought and De-Colonial Freedom”. SCHAVEMAKER, Margriet (2019). “Changing the Game: Museum Research and the Politics of Inclusivity”.


AC K N OW L E D G M E N T S I’d like to thank Uri Gilad, Jana Crepon and Jarrik Ouburg for being such a great comittee and guide me throughout this graduation process. I am so grateful to have worked together with you. I’d also like to thank my friends and studio colleagues who listened me at various stages of the project, including Anna, Elise and Justyna. A special thanks Marina and João for the late night brainstorming sessions across the Atlantic. Big thanks to the ones who helped me in the last production weeks: Ana Barbara, Anouk, Marjo & Hans, Midas, Sander and Quita. And for the experts who took the time to talk with me and help collecting research material, thanks to: Carla Juaçaba, Gabriel Duarte, Maria Alice Noujaim, Luiz Fernando Dias Duarte, Paula van Bierne and Regina Dantas. Lastly but firstly, thanks to Roy, who is always there to support me.

Museu Presente © Carolina Nunes Pereira Chataignier

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