Wind woven
Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
Wind Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
4 Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska SW E NE summerwind
iwtnre nmutua
s sp r ing
Urban heat islands pose a significant challenge in today’s cities, and the need for cooling and preserving biodiversity are pressing issues. While efforts to combat urban heat islands often revolve around interventions like de-paving, greenifying and reclaiming space for green-blue networks, the impact of ventilation for cooling is frequently overlooked in design. Stemming from a deep fascination with the thermodynamic performance of wind this project aims to rectify this oversight by focusing on understanding wind behavior and patterns in our everyday environment, using weather, climate, and atmosphere as design mediums.
City outdoor spaces are essential as they attract pedestrian traffic, host outdoor activities, provide habitats and shelters, and contribute to the liveliness and quality of urban life. One of the key factors influencing the quality of outdoor spaces is the urban microclimate.
Urban ventilation encompasses the airflow through a city, which is affected by factors such as building heights, street layouts, and topography. Insufficient urban ventilation can lead to elevated levels of air pollutants, exacerbate the urban heat island effect, and have a detrimental impact on the health and overall comfort of the population. It can also cause damage to city infrastructure and result in a decrease in species diversity and the loss of precious habitats in terms of ecology.
Urban areas and their outdoor spaces have diverse structures and specific morphological features. They are situated in landscapes with varying levels of humidity and ecology, and are surrounded by larger landscape structures that influence the local climate of each city. The unique morphology of urban environments influences their climates. For instance, city wind patterns can pose challenges but also offer opportunities. They can help ventilate and cool urban areas or swiftly move through the city. All elements, including landscapes and building volumes, and their arrangements, contribute to creating distinct wind flow patterns and microclimates.
Through delving into multiple scales, this research-by-design project is dedicated to uncovering the conditions necessary to enhance the cooling capacity of wind, starting from two primary wind directions. In the Netherlands, the southwesterly winds typically bring strong cold winds, peaking from autumn to spring. Conversely, during summer, warm air from the east can exacerbate the urban heat effect if it’s unable to surpass urban obstacles such as closed streets, densely built or planted areas.
Wind patterns are explored as a design tool along the 8km long railway corridor site of Breda, stretching from east to west. Railway corridors play a crucial role in ventilating urban environments due to their expansive linear profiles and open surfaces, making them essential in shaping the local climate. They also serve as crucial ecological corridors providing extensive linear migration routes for various wildlife and generate airborne trails for seeds. Paired with the ventilating capacity of the railway, the areas surrounding this 8km stretch are transforming, providing an ideal testing ground for landscape architecture and urbanism disciplines to explore and implement various landscape interventions and cooling compositions.
Rather than treating these design areas as blank slates, they are seen as integral elements contributing to ventilation, (airborne) ecology and cooling principles. They are infused with wind as a medium, composing a green wedge that weaves through the existing context and structures, connecting neighborhoods through a biodiverse, ecological network. A park-like necklace woven by wind alongside the railway strip of Breda.
“Our environment is not a composite object comprising of closed, hermetic spaces, but a place that is very much exposed to the seasons, prevailing weather, climatic variations, and meteorological shifts.”
JP Thibaud
Source: Breathe Investigations into our atmospherically entagled future
| Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
Wind Woven
Table of Contents
6 Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
Introduction Analysis criteria to determine wind streams 8-9 MACRO SCALE Humidities of Breda 10-11 Soils 12-13 Biotopes and vegetation 14-15 Climatopes 16-17 Roughness and historically shaped landscape 18-21 Ventilation corridors 22-23 Two season strategy 26-29 MESO SCALE Stream under transformation 30-31 From voids towards a necklace 32 “Wind woven” 34-35 Three interventions 36-37 MICRO SCALE West Stream 38-58 Centre Stream 59-71 East Stream 72-89 Matrix 90-91 Conclusion 92 Appendix 93-113 Bibliography 114-115 Acknowledgments 116
Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
Wind Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
Analysis criteria to determine wind streams
Comparative analysis
“Macro scale”
Spatial configuration
Position of the city between landscape types
Soil types
City Morphology
“Micro scale”
Wind flow patterns & Spatial and qualitative criteria
New city development
Open & Closed
Two season approach Voids Obstacles
Diversification of biotopes
Variety of densities
Continuity & Perforation Habitats
Areas under transformation
Wind flow patterns & Spatial and qualitative criteria
Open & Closed
Variety of densities
Parallel Perpendicular Oblique Voids
Continuity & Perforation
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2023-2024 | Rachel
Street orientation(s) Built environment Climatopes
Agriculture/ Grasslands
Entry points
Neighbourhood typology
Green-blue infrastructure
Thermodynamic performance/ identity
Evaporative cooling
Heat capturing capacity
Free convection
Radiant cooling
Stream network
Filters Filters
Park structure composition
“Park necklace”
Ecological stepping stones
Entry points
Cooling/ Heat mitigation
Reduction | Dispersion of air pollution
Preservation of landscapes of importance
Microscale composition
Planting type
Planting density / porosity
Building height
Building mass
Corridor width
Micro Topography
Cooling/ Heat mitigation
Reduction | Dispersion of air pollution
Preservation of landscapes of importance
Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska 9
Wind Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
Humidities of Breda’s surrounding landscapes
Breda is located at the meeting point of various landscapes and streams that flow into and impact the city. The area is rich in vegetation, national parks, and diverse landscapes. It is part of the Van Gogh National Park, and includes the Zuiderwaterlinie with its city fort. To the north, it is bordered by Biesbosch and sits at the junction of the River Mark and Weerijs.
Breda was established at the convergence of the Aa and Mark brooks. The area had ideal conditions for early urbanization, with a water system suitable for drinking, transportation, and defense, along with fertile land. The walled Nassau city evolved into a center for food and technical industry, and later expanded to include a wide range of production and service industries. Throughout its history, the city has maintained a military presence.
The urbanization strategy is based on three types of landscapes: the network of stream valleys on the sandy soils in the south, the flood zone with seepage areas in the middle, and the complex river clay landscape in the north. This results in a highly desirable urban environment intertwined with a diverse landscape.
10 Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
In the west area the groundwater levels can occur between 80120cm below ground level, while the east par is lower laying and the groundwater levels can reach up to 40-80cm below ground level.
On the north we see more peaty soils. They belong to hydroclay soils; loamy and clay soils in which periodic high groundwater levels can occur. The soils consist of a clay cover that changes into peat between a depth of 40-80cm.
Groundwater levels
The landscape of Breda slopes down from south to north and ends in a low-lying plain. There is a 34 meter drop from Merksplas (just across the border with Belgium) to Breda.
Topography Breda
Topography Breda
Topography Breda
Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska 11
Highest Medium
Highest Medium
Highest Medium
Lowest Middle Highest
| Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
Wind Woven
low-lying plain. There is a 34 meter drop from Merksplas (just across the border with Belgium) to Breda. Most of the territory consists of sandy soils with a radial structure of stream valleys. Almost all streams flow in the direction of the city center and converge in the canals. The water flows via the Mark through the plain on the north side of Breda, which is relatively wet and consists of peat and marine clay.
High sandy soils
Low Peaty soils
The diverse soils in the area create a wide range of vegetation habitats in the city and can also have specific thermodynamic effects. In the southern part of the city, you can see streams of sandy soils formed around brooks, stretching towards the center. The soil is made up of nutrient-rich humus layers that transition into a nutrient-poor layer of cover sand.
The forests surrounding Breda lay mostly on enk soils and podzols. This soil type occurs in sandy landscapes that were formed in the Pleistocene. These soils were createdd by the deep litter system in which the soil was fertilized with animal manure and turf. In enk soils, plants root up to the C-horizon which sstarts from 0-80cm depth.
Laarpodzols have mostly the characteristics of hydrosoils - which means that they have been periodically saturated by water. The name laarpodzolgronden is derived from the toponym laar, which stands for an often somewhat lower-laying open space in the forest.
On the north we see more peaty soils. They belong to hydroclay soils; loamy and clay soils in which periodic high groundwater levels can occur. The soils consist of a clay cover that changes into peat between a depth of 40-80cm.
Hoge zware enkeerdgronden
Moerige eerdgronden Waarveengronden Drechtvaagronden
Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska 13
variety of the layer soils system in and Both hydrosoils saturated belong to soils
‘t Zoet East part West part 0-2.50m anthropogenic layer 0-1.00m anthropogenic layer 0-1.50m anthropogenic layer 2.50-4.00m fine sand 1.50-2.00m fine sand 4.00-4.50m peat 2.00-17m middle sand 1.50-7.00m middle sand 10.50-15.50m middle sand 4.50-6.50 fine sand 7.00-7.50 fine sand 7.50-10.50 clayish sand, sandy clay, loam 6.50-9.00m middle sand 9.00-10.50m fine sand 10.50-11.50m clay 11.50- 12.00m rough sand 17.00-18.50m clayish sand, sandy clay Wind Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
Diversity of vegetation
The variety of soils in the area is an opportunity for a diversity of biotopes within the city. Breda is composed by akkers en beemden i.e. low lying clay areas served for water retention and raised sandy zones, originally created for drainage purposes. This opens a scala of various vegetation types and habitats, from wet grasslands to sandy forests.
Marsh marigold grasslands are found on moist to wet, moderately nu trient-rich, mineral- and base-rich soils, especially in stream or river valleys, which can briefly flood in winter and also have a high ground water level in summer.
Due to gradients in the characteristics of the site, transitions to other vegetation types often occur, such as acidic peat (ms), meadowsweet scrub (hf), moist dune pans (mp) or to dune grassland.
Marsh grasslands are generally grasslands rich in species and flow ers with a very well-structured herb layer containing grasses, grassy plants and herbs. The tree and shrub layer are absent, and the moss layer is usually limited.
The Breda landscape slopes down from south to north and ends in a low-lying plain. There is a 34 meter drop from Merksplas (just across the border with Belgium) to Breda. Most of the territory consists of sandy soils with a radial structure of stream valleys. Almost
14 Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
Veenmosrietland, Borstelgrasland, Blauwgrasland, Dotterbloemgrasland en Grote Zeggeverbond
In de goed ontwikkelde Blauwgraslanden met Klokjesgentianen komt het Gentiaanblauwtje voor. Deze sterk bedreigde soort is zowel afhankelijk van de waardplant (Klokjesgentiaan) als het voorkomen van een aantal knoopmiersoorten (Bossteekmier en Voor deze soorten is een gradiënt in zowel vocht als begroeiing van belang (V1a).
Opportunity for Biotopes - The variety of soils in the area is an opportunity for a diversity of biotopes within the city
Blauwgrasland Dotterbloemgrasland Pinus sylvestris, Quercus rubra, Fagus sylvatica Quercus robur Heather
flow in the
The water flows via
is relatively wet
High sandy soils
all streams
direction of the city center and converge in the canals.
the Mark through the plain on the north side of Breda, which
and consists of peat and marine clay.
Breda is surrounded by a mosaic of grasslands and agricultural fields and framed by forests mainly at its outskirts to the South and West.
On the north it is surrounded by low lying polders with high ground water levels, river clay landscapes and wet peat areas. Within th city the majority of green is positioned along infrastructure. Several smaller park patches are radially organized and scattered in the urban fabric of breda. Brooks Aa and Mark enter the city from the South.
Landscape / Biotopes
/ Biotopes
Teteringse Heide
Haagse Beemden
Liesbos Haagse Beemden A16 Breda’s green structure Breda is surrounded by a mosaic of grasslands and agricultural fields and framed by forests mainly at its outskirts to the South and West.. On the north it is surrounded by wet peat areas. The majority of green is positioned along infrastructure/ varying in levels of maintenance. Brooks Aa and Mark enter the city from the South.
Mosaic of grasslands, agricultural
Wind Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
Climatopes glossary:
Forest climatope: tempered temperature fluctuations, constant relative air humidity, retaining heat during night and keeping cool during the day
Water climatope: Water bodies larger than 50m, tempering effect The atmospheric humidity is higher, there is more wind because water surfaces do not intercept wind
Open landscape climatope: large open fields, openness sky factorheat radiates quickly at night, no obstacles, these areas are important ‘producers’ of cold airflows
Park climatope: more extreme temperature fluctuations, bigger sky factor allows warmth to radiate at night, shadows & evapotranspiration, park like structures often important ‘producers’ of lower air temperatures, can enhance ventilation
Garden city climatope: low building density of up to three building layers with trees in them, fairly tempered temperature
City periphery climatopes: more built up than garden cities, uup to five building layers, ventilation is slowed by the buildings and planting
City climatope: historical centers, limited vegetation and limited cooling, clear heat island effect
City center climatope: very densely built up with massive and partly high rise buildings, hardly any vegetation, strong warming during the day and limited cooling during the night
Industrial climatope: intensive heat characteristic, residual heat from the production activities heats up these areas in addition to solar radiation, roofs cool down rather quickly, streets and enclosed areas remain warm for a long time
Railway climatope: large, open areas of at least 50m wide, gravel becomes very hot during the day but because of the large sky view factor it cools down more quickly during the night, large open areas can help
16 Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
Source: Weather in the City, Sanda Lenzholzer, p.56-61
A climatope map portrays the various climate zones present within a city. Sanda Lenzholzer’s research defines climatope maps as a representation of the ‘climatope concept,’ which indicates that different areas and districts within a city exhibit distinct microclimatic characteristics. This includes factors such as the impact of building structure, vegetation, soil surfaces, and human-made heat in different parts of the city. The urban building structure, density, and types of vegetation and materials play a crucial role in determining climatope classification.
The city center of Breda and the area extending northward alongside the river are the most susceptible to overheating on a city scale. This is largely attributed to the presence of industry along the riverbank and the historical center located at the core of the radially shaped city. Both of these areas are predominantly paved and have minimal vegetation.
Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024
Rachel Borovska
Climatope map / urban ventilation
Source: MarshW. M.2010Landscape Planning Environmental Applications. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Climatic conditions vary across different sectors of a city due to surface cover, solar radiation, airflow, and air pollution.
Wind Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
down only runways, long down
reduced wind speed and change in its direction while passing through the canopy.
On the other hand, low-growing vegetation like ground cover or shrubs may have minimal effects on wind patterns as the wind can move over them relatively freely. Nevertheless, even low-growing vegetation can create pockets of still air that benefit plant growth and help reduce air pollution in urban areas.
Variation of mean wind velocity profile with surface roughness. In general, the more pronounced the roughness of the earth's surface, the more the wind will be slowed down
A roughness map for wind is a tool used in meteorology, urban planning, and wind engineering. It represents the surface roughness of a landscape, which significantly impacts wind flow patterns. Surface roughness refers to the various obstacles on the ground, such as buildings, trees, and terrain features, that affect how wind moves over an area.
The map categorizes different types of land surfaces based on their roughness characteristics. Typically, these classifications range from smooth surfaces such as water or open fields (low roughness) to densely built urban areas or forests (high roughness). Each surface type is assigned a roughness length, which measures the height of obstacles that impact wind flow.
Breda is surrounded by a blend of open areas (crops, agricultural fields, grasslands) and dense areas such as forests. The railway line, running from west to east, serves as a significant transportation corridor due to its extensive flat surface. Its position within the urban area gives it the potential to direct prevailing winds passing through the city.
19 Academie van
Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
A mosaic of roughnessess z 0 = roughness length in the current wind direction. The composition of the roughness shows Breda's embeddedness in a mosaic of agricultural fields, grasslands and forests - towards the north more parcelated by ditches. From West to East the railway line forms a major transportation corridor. Due to its width it has the opportunity to become the driver for the winds passing through the city. It's advantage also lies in a pollution free character (as opposed to the A16) which lies perpendicular to the wind direction. Wind Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
belonging to landscape agricultural fields, wetlands sandy
The skirt of Breda
The skirt of Breda is surrounded by a landscape belonging to cultural-historical heritage. Amongs important landscape elements are classical hedgerows dividing agricultural fields, and patches of dense vegetetation, old reclaimed wetlands and polders, forests, wetland brook habitats and sandy reforested heather landscapes.
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2023-2024 |
van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam
Rachel Borovska
Stream in timeline
wetlands (beemden) with foresty patches
interrupted lines of hedgerows dry forest patches reclaimed polders forest edges brooks
continuous hedgerow sequence of patches
continuous hedgerow system of lines and patches
1. 4. 7.
5. 8. 3. 6. 9.
3. 4.
5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Wind Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
Ventilation corridors
According to the analysis of wind speed measurements at a height of over 10m, the average wind speed in Breda is 6.76m/s. Typically, Dutch cities experience an increase in wind speed during the winter months compared to other seasons.
In December, January, and February, there are noticeable spikes in wind speed, which can be categorized as instances of extreme wind speeds.
The predominant wind direction is SW, while during the summer months, we observe a dominant warm wind from the NE and E side.
Prevailing wind during July-August 2022 Average 6.76 m/s
Prevailing wind direction
average as January wind
Prevailing annual wind direction above 10m, Breda, year 2022 source:NASA/ ta-access-viewer/
Study on “streams” and wedges in Breda
Large-scale interventions are often more effective for ventilating cities. In Breda, we can use streams that go through ‘hot areas’ such as the brooks leading towards the city, large infrastructural streams like roads and railroads, and areas with mostly empty factory, business, and office buildings.
To make the best use of the temperature difference between cooler and warmer areas, this project focuses on the east-west stream. It is well-positioned between different types of landscapes, crosses city peripheries through the city center, reconnects woodlands in the periphery to support ecological connections, and connects urban parks. It serves as an air corridor and is central to all the streams.
Wind Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
Wind streams
Average 5.1-8.6m/s
Prevailing annual wind direction above 10m, Breda, year 2022 source:NASA/ ta-access-viewer/
Based measurements wind speed generally increase compared
There and February extreme
The prevailing summer flowing Average
Prevailing wind during July-August 2022
Prevailing wind direction
23 Academie
are in unpaved Concept sketch on topographic maps Stream in timeline
van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
Potential streams that could positively impact the ventilation of the city of Breda
Park Overbos
‘t Zoet
Emmer Zuid
Doornbos Linie
Block/Filter/Protect/Slow down
Block, filter, slow down
What tree species?
26 Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
Two seasonal approach
Direct/Accelerate/Cool off
Direct, accelerate, cool
Wind Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
Seasonal approach
The average wind speed in Breda is 6.76m/s, based on the analysis of average annual wind speed measurements exceeding 10m. Typically, most Dutch cities experience an increase in wind speed during the winter months compared to other seasons. Notably, spikes in wind speed are observed in December, January, and February, resembling instances of extreme wind speeds. The prevailing wind direction is southwest, while during the summer months, there is a dominant warm wind flowing from the northeast and east.
28 Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
SW E NE summerwind s sp r ing iwtnre nmutua Two season approach Block/Filter/Protect/Slow down What tree species? Block/Filter/Protect/Slow down Direct/Accelerate/Cool off What tree species? Block, filter, slow down! Direct, accelerate, cool!
Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
Wind woven
Wind Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
Stream under transformation
New city developments
New developments
Densities / Areas under transformation
Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
Wind Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
Necklace park intertwining voids, public parks, leftover and infrastructural green. Improving habitat connectivity, helping preserve distinctive landscape(s), contribution to air exchange and temperature regulation.
32 Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel
From voids towards a necklace
Necklace park
Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
woven” Regeneration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
The Breda region along the west-to-east railway is currently undergoing substantial urban development initiatives with the primary aim of revitalizing and interconnecting disparate sections of the city.
The overarching objective is to reintegrate the north and south parts of Breda while breathing new life into existing urban spaces which can be currently seen as voids and lefotver spaces. This transformative process involves gradually converting current commercial and industrial areas into new residential and workspace zones, seamlessly integrating them into the existing urban framework.
The railway itself serves as a pivotal starting point for this strategic development. Cutting through diverse environments such as city outskirts, open landscapes, dense city centers, and industrial/commercial zones, it presents a unique opportunity.
The railway is envisioned as more than a mere transportation element; it is strategically positioned to counteract urban heat islands. Acting as a cool air transportation and ventilation corridor, it aims to target vulnerable areas and contribute to climate mitigation efforts.
A distinctive feature of this approach involves harnessing the power of wind in the urbanization strategy. By experimenting with methods to shield, filter, channel, and disperse winds along the railway, a novel opportunity has emerged.
The outcome of this innovative strategy is the regeneration of voids within the urban landscape and the fortification of a resilient ecological network. This signifies a forward-thinking and holistic urban development plan that not only addresses climate challenges but also enhances the city’s environmental sustainability and livability.
34 Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
Park & Continuous green Water bodies Recreational pathways, connectivity Car & Bike roads Railway lines Wall Pavillions & Programmatic elements in the park Trees
in the city periphery
Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
Wind Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
3 interventions
The project divides the railway track into three areas based on their location within the city. The western area is most affected by strong winds and requires protection and filtering measures.
The center of the stream is an area undergoing transformation called ‘t Zoet. The potential of this area as a disperser was explored through its green-blue network and built area composition.
The east stream is essential for welcoming summer’s warm winds. It plays a crucial role in funneling and continuously channeling the winds, while also cooling them down through canopies and water surfaces.
Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024
Rachel Borovska
Wind Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
The West area of Breda’s wind stream is the most exposed to prevailing southwestern winds. Building upon the existing tree framework, houtwallen that were originally established as protective tree lines for the protection of fields and filtering wind streams, the plan further elaborates on the composition of outdoor rooms, carefully shaped by the placement of new trees. This approach not only reinforces the existing green structure but also enhances the creation of diverse sheltered spaces. The introduction of new trees complements the existing ones.
Topography is raised along the lines of the new tree structure. The design of these outdoor rooms serves a dual purpose. Firstly, it provides wind protection, ensuring that the urban space is shielded from strong gusts. This deliberate placement of trees and layered planting helps disperse wind energy and minimizes its impact on the surroundings, creating a more comfortable and inviting atmosphere for residents and visitors alike.
Secondly, the outdoor rooms offer sheltered spaces for wildlife. By carefully considering the needs of local fauna, the plan incorporates habitats within the green areas. These sheltered zones not only enhance biodiversity but also create a sustainable and balanced ecosystem within the urban environment.
The implementation of this proposal opens up opportunities for a variety of programs within the outdoor rooms. These programmable spaces can host recreational activities, and community events, or simply provide serene spots for relaxation. The versatile nature of the design allows for a seamless integration of human-centric and ecological elements, fostering a dynamic and inclusive urban environment.
38 Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
Wind rooms West stream area
Wind Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
Current situation
The current situation has interrupted
Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
Legenda: Existing trees Wind Stream
Complemented tree structure
Legenda: Tree structure (New + Old)
Strong (Main) Wind Stream
Dispersed Wind Stream
Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024
Rachel Borovska
Wind Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
Wind rooms
Planting in the shape of rooms involves arranging vegetation in a way that defines enclosed spaces. These “rooms” can act as natural windbreaks by providing physical barriers that interrupt and redirect the flow of the wind. The enclosed spaces help reduce wind speed within the defined areas, creating more comfortable and sheltered environments.
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van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024
Rachel Borovska
continuous wind stream continuous wind stream
air cool air
Legenda: vortex vortex
Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam
2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
vortex continuous wind stream cool air
vortex continuous wind stream cool air
| Ecological restoration
Breda’s urban fabric
“Planting the Edges”: Planting Plan Principle for Wind Protection
The pathway system encourages you to wander through the rooms. The wind rooms are generally twice the height of a mature tree, which reduces the wind between rooms. The pathways run along the tree lines, following the terrain to provide a sheltered experience from the wind.
Recreational paths
Extending on the existing tree structure allowed for the creation of landscape rooms.
Fast pathways/cyclist routes New Trees Waterways
Existing Trees
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2023-2024 |
van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam
Rachel Borovska
Wind rooms to retreat into
The landscape rooms in the west part of Breda create various opportunities for both human activity, enhancing biodiversity and ecology. They provide shelter from the prevailing SW wind direction for human as well as other species. The rooms include a diversity of programme or serve as ecological rooms non accessible for human interventions. These create biodiverse hubs in the middle of the park structure.
Besides human comfort, sheltering from wind is a common behaviour and aspect in landscapes for birds, amphibians and insects. Small polinators and insects such as bees and butterflies seek shelter behind rocks or behind leaves, crevices or behind tree barks. Some mammals hide in burrows, or birds in tree trunks or behind tall grasses.
Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024
Rachel Borovska
Sheltered from the wind
Bird nest and pollinator room
Wind Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
48 Academie
van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024
Rachel Borovska
ORP T E C T E D ECOLOGICAL ROOM ORP T E C T E D ECOLO Wind Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
“Planting the Edges”: Planting Plan Principle for Wind Protection
Planting in the shape of rooms involves arranging vegetation in a way that defines enclosed spaces. These “rooms” can act as natural windbreaks by providing physical barriers that interrupt and redirect the flow of the wind. The enclosed spaces help reduce wind speed within the defined areas, creating more comfortable and sheltered environments.
Layered planting contributes to the creation of microclimates within the landscape. The different vegetation layers create sheltered zones with varied wind speeds, temperatures, and humidity levels. These microclimates provide more suitable conditions for plant growth, animal, bird and insect shelter as well as for outdoor activities and human comfort.
The next layer consists of shrubs and bushes, which play an intermediate role in wind protection. Positioned between tall trees and lower-growing vegetation, shrubs help further break down the wind, reducing its speed and creating a buffer zone. They contribute to the overall wind sheltering effect within the landscape. Perennials and grasses make up the lower layers of layered planting. While they may not provide as much vertical obstruction, their foliage helps in intercepting and slowing down the wind at ground level.
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Wind Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
Stream under transformation
The diversity in plant heights adds roughness to the landscape, a concept known as “vegetative roughness.” This roughness disrupts the smooth flow of wind, leading to turbulence and a decrease in wind speed. Perennials and tall grasses contribute to this roughness, especially in the lower layers of the planting. The strongest winds occur during winter and autumn seasons. Tall trees serve as the primary layer in providing wind shelter. Planted strategically, these trees and their branches act as natural windbreaks, intercepting and deflecting the upper layers of wind. They help to create a barrier that absorbs and slows down the wind, preventing it from reaching ground level with full force.
The strongest winds occur during winter and autumn seasons. Tall trees serve as the primary layer in providing wind shelter. Planted strategically, these trees and their branches act as natural windbreaks, intercepting and deflecting the upper layers of wind. They help to create a barrier that absorbs and slows down the wind, preventing it from reaching ground level with full force.
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Extending on the existing tree structure allowed for the creation of landscape rooms.
Wind Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
“Sculpting the City Wind Edges”
Design Principles for Urban Wind Protection
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“Sculpting the City Wind Edges”
Design Principles for Urban Wind Protection
Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
Wind Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
2023-2024 |
van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam
Rachel Borovska
Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
Wind Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
2023-2024 |
van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam
Rachel Borovska
Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
Wind Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
the Edges”: Planting Plan Principle for Wind Protection
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Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
Wind Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
Wind disperser. Water city
Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
The center part of the wind stream along the railway strip in Breda was inspired by an upcoming proposal for the urban development of ‘t Zoet. Instead of working tabula rasa, the framework that comprises various urban axes, anchoring the area in the city by overcoming barriers and establishing connections with surrounding neighborhoods, the city center, and the station became the accelerator.
This area is a high-density development, varying in high contrast in typologies from the typologies in peripheries. The green-blue network previously oriented towards the center opened up an opportunity to tackle the core of the urban heat island. The green-blue grid is expanded to perpendicular directions too, creating a matrix of streets with waterways that can disperse wind to several directions, therefore cooling off not just the neighborhood itself but continuously running through the surrounding neighborhoods too.
In this case, the new development becomes a wind-dispersing machine providing constant cooling in the most vulnerable areas in the future. The water streets have an enhancing effect. Cool air is accelerated on the smooth surfaces of the channels while the shadows of tree canopies avoid overheating of water surfaces and worsening the urban heat effect.
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| Ecological restoration of
through wind
Wind Woven
Breda’s urban fabric
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Wind Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
Legenda: Voids Streams
Wind Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
Wind Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
Porosity facilitates better natural ventilation within urban blocks. Openings and gaps between buildings allow for the free movement of air, promoting air exchange and reducing the stagnation of air masses. Improved ventilation is not only essential for human comfort but also for addressing air quality concerns in urban areas.
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Rachel Borovska Urban Biotopes
Varied permeability levels allow for the creation of sheltered areas, wind-protected zones, and comfortable outdoor spaces, enhancing the overall livability of the urban environment.
Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
Wind Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
Wind Into the City”: Design Principles for Urban Wind Dispersal
Wind Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
Wind Into the City”: Design Principles for Urban Wind Dispersal
Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
Urban Wind Dispersion
wind stream cool air
vortex continuous
Urban Wind Dispersion
Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
vortex continuous wind stream cool air
vortex continuous wind stream cool air
Wind Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
Wind funneling
The development in the eastern part of Breda is strategically focused on optimizing wind flow and ensuring a continuous, uninterrupted airflow. This emphasis is particularly necessary to address the impact of easterly summer winds, which bring warmer air into the city during the summer months. The overarching goal is to combat the urban heat island effect, with ventilation identified as a pivotal element alongside the planting of trees.
Efficient ventilation is crucial for transporting evaporation and effectively cooling warm air. Cities with inadequate ventilation can experience uncomfortable warmth during summer days. The integration of vegetation and carefully planned built structures plays a key role in guiding and enhancing winds within the urban environment.
Water surfaces are recognized for their capacity to act as wind accelerators due to their smooth textures. Incorporating water features into the urban design is seen as a positive contribution to the overall ventilation system. However, it is emphasized that these water surfaces should be strategically shaded to prevent overheating.
The shadows of trees canopies cool warm air down and create perfect microclimates in combination with cool breezes in the open landscape. Another important aspect is the use of topography.
Microtopography influences sunlight exposure, with lower areas providing shade and cooler conditions, while higher spots receive more direct sunlight, affecting temperature differences within a small space. Air movement is affected, as valleys and depressions can guide airflow, facilitating the dispersion of warm air and the entry of cooler air, thereby improving ventilation. Certain microtopographic features, like small depressions or bodies of water, can collect and retain moisture, contributing to evaporation and a cooling effect in the surrounding area.
The variety of microtopographic features supports diverse vegetation patterns. Different types of vegetation provide shading, moisture retention, and transpiration, contributing to a cooler and more resilient microclimate.
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through wind
Wind Woven |
restoration of Breda’s urban fabric
Current situation
Complemented tree structure
Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
Courtyards, as open spaces within built environments, facilitate the natural flow of air, promoting better ventilation and replacing stagnant air with fresher, cooler breezes. This contributes to a more comfortable and breathable urban atmosphere.
Openings between blocks allow for breezes to run through courtyards and hence be cooled by tree canopies or water surfaces. Moreover, courtyards play a crucial role in temperature regulation within urban blocks. By acting as open spaces that allow for the dissipation of heat, they prevent the buildup of hot air. This natural cooling effect becomes especially beneficial during warmer periods, contributing to more pleasant conditions within the urban environment.
Academie van
Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
Wind Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
Design Principles and Strategies for Urban Wind Channeling
Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
Design Principles and Strategies for Urban Wind Channeling
Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
Wind Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
of the ‘streams’
The variation in topography creates areas where wind streams can continuously flow. The cooling effect generated by water surfaces contributes to the creation of microclimates in the immediate vicinity. The cooler air over the water can influence the temperature and thermal conditions of the surrounding area. Streams allow wind to continuously fluctuate and cool off over various surfaces, under shadows, accelerate over water surfaces and transport evaporative cool air with them to other areas of the park.
Harnessing the evaporative effect in a shaded area can be achieved by sculpting the topography around water bodies to create a valley-like atmosphere. This design facilitates the passage of cool wind streams, while the interplay of tree shadows effectively moderates temperatures, resulting in a refreshing and distinctive microclimate. Creating a valley effect by raising the topography around water bodies can lead to an evaporative effect in a shaded area. This setup allows cool wind streams to pass through, while the shadows of the trees help mitigate temperatures, resulting in a cooler environment.
cold wind streams valley principle water
Certain microtopographic features, like small depressions or bodies of water, can collect and retain moisture, contributing to evaporation and a cooling effect in the surrounding area. The variety of microtopographic features supports diverse vegetation patterns.
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Valley like set up on a microtopographical scale Legenda Train Roads New Context Trees Existing New Paved Additional
20 10 2 16 +0.60m NAP +1.30m NAP +2.10m NAP +2.10m NAP +1.80m NAP +1.90m NAP 6 6 3 5 8 +1.80m NAP +0.60m NAP +1.80m NAP +3.15m NAP +2.10m NAP
Legenda Train tracks Roads New plots Context Trees Existing New Trees Paved Additional Wind Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
the Edges”: Planting Plan Principle for Wind Protection
The planting composition is organized in streams of layered vegetation. on the sides with shrubs and taller trees in the back. These make sure the wind streams are funnel in a “valley” shaped planting scheme.
Breezes are not only beneficial for human comfort during warm days, but it’s also an ecologically important phenomenon. Spiderwebs and seeds, floating in the breeze, butterflies, dragonflies, and certain species of ants engage in wind-driven migration. They take advantage of wind patterns to travel long distances, especially during their reproductive stages. Pollen is carried by the wind to reach other plants and seeds are released to travel long distances.
Railway corridors play a crucial role in ventilating urban environments due to their expansive linear profiles and open surfaces, making them essential in shaping the local climate. They also serve as crucial ecological corridors providing extensive linear migration routes for various wildlife and generate airborne trails for seeds.
81 Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
Design Principles and Strategies for Urban Wind Channeling
Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
Wind Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
Design Principles and Strategies for Urban Wind Channeling
Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
Design Principles and Strategies for Urban Wind Channeling
Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024
Rachel Borovska
Wind funneling composition
Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
Wind Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam
Rachel Borovska
Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
Wind Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
Wind Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
Our cities are constantly affected by natural processes and unseen forces. They themselves are remarkable. Many of the things we do, build, create, and change in our urban environment have a significant impact on our local climates. Understanding the unseen elements such as winds, humidity, evaporation, and heat helps us to adapt. The role of wind for instance, is in regulating temperatures and dispersing heat in urban areas essential. Effective ventilation can transport warm air away from surfaces and facilitate the cooling effects of evaporation from vegetation and water bodies.
Emphasizing wind flow in the design of urban spaces can prevent heat buildup, create more pleasant microclimates, and reduce the need for energy-intensive cooling systems. When reintroducing urban ventilation as a design principle, it should be considered as an equally important element alongside green and blue spaces. While current strategies often prioritize adding green spaces and introducing water features, ventilation remains underutilized in urban planning.
Guiding winds and designing for them should be as integral to urban planning as designing with water. Just as water features are used to create cooling streams and pleasant urban landscapes, wind has specific trajectories that can be studied and harnessed for urban benefits.
Understanding and integrating wind patterns into urban design can significantly enhance heat mitigation strategies. Like water, wind follows predictable paths influenced by the landscape and structures. Besides cooling, wind is an essential ecological tool, without which many species would decline.
By incorporating wind patterns into design considerations, cities can enhance natural cooling, reduce the urban heat island effect, and improve overall air quality. In this project, my aim was to emphasize the importance of incorporating wind considerations into urban planning, complementing other heat mitigation strategies.
Trees and buildings both work simultaneously like barriers. By positioning them strategically, it’s posible to align with prevailing wind patterns, amplifying their cooling effects. Similarly, strategic placement of waterbodies, the sculpting of topography can optimize wind-driven evaporation and enhance cooling.
To create resilient and livable cities, it is essential to adopt a holistic approach that includes ventilation as an equually important component. Wind influences the formation of microclimates, small areas
with distinct climate conditions. By affecting temperature, moisture, and airflow, wind helps create diverse habitats that support various plant and animal species.
Wind functions as an essential ecological stream with a crucial role in the natural environment and airborrne-ecology. As a natural transporter for seeds and pollen, wind aids in the reproduction and spread of various plant species. This process, known as anemochory for seeds and anemophily for pollen, is vital for maintaining plant biodiversity and ecosystem health. Apart from seeds and pollen, wind also disperses spores from fungi and other microorganisms, as well as small insects or spiders. This contributes to spreading species across different areas, helping to maintain ecological balance and genetic diversity.
As last, us humans are not the only ones who seek for comfort in too hot days. Fluctuating temperatures have a major impact on various biotopes and can disrupt the balance of the entire system. Breeding patterns and behavior of various species can be affected too which might lead to potential population declines, habitat loss and degradation.
As climate-related concerns are increasing in intensity and frequency, it’s important for us, landscape architects, architects, and urbanists to recognize our role in shaping the uncontrollable.
“By feeling, breathing, and touching architecture and its landscape, by opening our buildings more to the wind and sounds, a new topology of architecture could be born into something never before conceived of, in which landscape could regain a central role,”
Christophe Girot
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The following pages of the appendix contain essential research materials and methods that were crucial for the completion of this graduation project.
Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
Wind Woven
| Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
Koppen Climate Classification
The Köppen climate classification system is widely used to categorize the world’s climates based on average temperature and precipitation. The classification “Cfb” refers to a specific type of temperate climate, and it can be described as follows:
- C: Signifies a temperate or mesothermal climate with moderate temperatures and minimal seasonal variations. The coldest month has an average temperature between -3°C (26.6°F) and 18°C (64.4°F), while the warmest month averages above 10°C (50°F).
- f: Indicates a fully humid climate without a dry season, with precipitation evenly distributed throughout the year.
Köppen classification
- b: Refers to a warm summer, where the warmest month has an average temperature below 22°C (71.6°F), but there are at least four months with average temperatures above 10°C (50°F).
In summary, a Cfb climate is characterized by mild temperatures, consistent precipitation, and warm but not excessively hot summers. This type of climate is typical of regions such as parts of Western Europe (including much of the United Kingdom, France, and Germany), parts of New Zealand, and the Pacific Northwest of the United States.
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Wind Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
LCZ/ Legenda for Climatopes
Source: Bechtel, Benjamin, Paul J. Alexander, Jürgen Böhner, Jason Ching, Olaf Conrad, Johannes Feddema, Gerald Mills, Linda See, and Iain Stewart. 2015. “Mapping Local Climate Zones for a Worldwide Database of the Form and Function of Cities” ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 4, no. 1: 199-219.
Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
Research method 1: Simulation Houdini
An important phase while researching wind patterns involved creating wind simulations. Although Houdini is not yet an established scientific program like Envi-Met, it has proven to be a useful tool for simulating and visualizing wind patterns at various heights. The heights specified include human height (1.75m), intermediate heights between obstacles (5-10m), and higher elevations (30m), which are crucial for measuring vortices and wind disturbances around high-rise buildings or tall tree canopies.
In the specific areas studied within Breda, there were no high-rise structures in the urban fabric. This allowed for focused analysis of wind behavior without the interference of tall buildings, providing clearer insights into how wind interacts with tree canopies. Using Houdini, it was possible to simulate and observe how wind moves through these spaces, aiding in the development of strategies to optimize urban ventilation and reduce potential wind-related issues.
Wind simulation (Houdini)
Station square
strong wind velocity
medium wind velocity
low wind velocity
Wind simulation (Houdini) Area in east railway stream
strong wind velocity
medium wind velocity low wind velocity
96 Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
1.75m 1.75m 5m 5m 10m 30m SW
By simulating wind patterns at human height, it’s possible to observe how wind affects pedestrians and ground-level activities. Simulations at 5-10 meters high provide insights into wind behavior between buildings and other mid-height structures, which is crucial for urban planning and ensuring comfortable living conditions.
Wind Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
In general, wind speeds are slowed down by obstacles. Depending on the height of the obstacle, it usually takes about 2 times the height of the obstacle for the winds to pick up speed again. As a result, areas just behind an obstacle are usually the least windy and most protected spots.
Both trees and buildings work similarly. For more precise modeling it would be important to specify the porosity of various trees!
Wind simulation (Houdini)
West railway stream
strong wind velocity
medium wind velocity
low wind velocity
Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
1.75m 5m 10m 10m 30m 30m SW
Research method 2: Simulation Envi-Met | Location 1
During my graduation project, I utilized ENVI-met, a microclimate modeling software, to simulate and analyze the environmental impacts on a test site in Breda. This tool proved to be invaluable in helping me understand the intricate interactions between various elements of urban environments and their influence on local climates.
Through ENVI-Met it was possible to simultaneously consider factors such as buildings, vegetation, surface materials, and atmospheric conditions, providing insights into how these elements affect local temperature, humidity, wind patterns, and pollutant dispersion. It proved to be a uuseful tool to understand complex interactions between various urban elements and their impacts on local climate conditions.
3D model for simulation with applied materials such as soil, tree species, water surfaces, and building materials
Test location
Housing Block Vegetation
Disclaimer: The materialization might, in some places, differ from the actual conditions of the test location. The purpose of this model was to experiment with different material palettes and observe their thermodynamic performance.
Academie van
Amsterdam 2023-2024 |
Rachel Borovska
Water surface Paving (Brick)
Wind Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
Potential air temperature
The PET, or Physiological Equivalent Temperature, is a thermal index used to indicate the temperature that a person would perceive in an indoor environment with no wind and a specific humidity level, assuming their heat balance were the same as in the actual outdoor environment. It is measured in degrees Celsius (°C) and provides an equivalent temperature that reflects human thermal sensation.
The simulated scenario unfolds at noon, revealing that warmth tends to cluster around the building plinth and its surrounding paved areas. Along the waterfront, the presence of vegetation diminishes the temperature by nearly 9 degrees Celsius. Moreover, the solitary tree in the courtyard plays a remarkable role in alleviating heat, both at the facade and below it.
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Rachel Borovska
Particle movement Appendix Wind Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
Research method 2: Simulation Envi-Met | Location 2
The second model was tested in a larger area of crops compared to the previous model. A crop measuring approximately 300x400m was used to study the variations in a larger urban setup, which included multiple housing blocks rather than focusing on just one block. This simulation mainly focused on windspeeds and humidity.
3D model for simulation with applied materials such as soil, tree species, water surfaces, and building materials
Disclaimer: The materialization might, in some places, differ from the actual conditions of the test location. The purpose of this model was to experiment with different material palettes and observe their thermodynamic performance.
Open soil Vegetation, Tree lanes Paving surface, Asphalt
A humidity model is compared in two time slots: 6:00 am in the morning and 4:00 pm in the afternoon. It can be observed that the humidity is highest in the streets with three lanes in the morning.
The morning hours may experience lower wind speeds, leading to less dispersion of moisture and thus higher humidity levels. Temperatures
Humidity 06:00 morning
The second model was tested in a larger area of crops compared to the previous model. A crop measuring approximately 300x400m was used to study the variations in a larger urban setup, which included multiple housing blocks rather than focusing on just one block. This simulation mainly focused on windspeeds and humidity.
Wind speed 12.00
in general fluctuate between day and night, with the morning being cooler and causing moisture to condense, resulting in higher humidity levels. As a result, at 16:00, the air becomes very dry, except for the humid, vegetated areas in the shadow of buildings or open soil.
Humidity 16:00 afterrnoon
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X (m) 0.00 30.00 60.00 90.00 120.00 150.00 180.00 210.00 240.00 270.00 300.00 330.00 360.00 390.00 420.00 450.00 480.00 Y (m) 0.00 30.00 60.00 90.00 120.00 150.00 180.00 210.00 240.00 270.00 300.00 N ENVI-met <Right foot>
x/y Cut at k=0
Windspeed below 0.71 m/s 0.71 to 1.41 m/s 1.41 to 2.12 m/s 2.12 to 2.82 m/s 2.82 to 3.53 m/s 3.53 to 4.23 m/s 4.23 to 4.94 m/s 4.94 to 5.64 m/s 5.64 to 6.35 m/s above 6.35 m/s Min:
Figure 1: New Simulation 12.00.01 01.07.2021
(z=0.3000 m)
0.00 m/s
7.05 m/s
Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
Research method 3: Educated guess Wind patterns per neighbourhood morphology & Climatope
102 Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska Main direction of wind in summer Base: urban massing and green Garden city (Haagse Beemden) Main direction of wind in summer months Base: urban massing and green structure Average buildings heights 8m east Southwest Prevailing wind during July-August 2022 To create a modern agricultural structure, three reparcelling plans were drawn up around Breda: for the area northwest of Prinsenbeek, for the outlying area of Bavel and for the area north of the Haagse Beemden district. Plots were merged, existing roads straightened, ditches filled in and new roads and waterways constructed, with the landscape plan barely taking into account existing values. Only for the area north of the Haagse Beemden was provision made for the conservation and development of natural and landscape values for recreation by the (future) residents of the Haagse Beemden residential area, so that the damage here was relatively limited. Organic street structure - wind meandering between building and trees Fluid structure Organic street structure - wind meandering between building and trees Fluid structure The streams and the wall Dense mass of historical centre creates a strong barrier for the wind streams coming from S-W City periphery climatope City centre climatope
Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
Source: Breda Archive, Aerial view, City Centre
Wind Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
104 Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska Main direction of wind in summer City periphery - Ypelaar Main direction of wind in summer months Base: urban massing and green structure Prevailing wind during July-August 2022 Southwest Average buildings heights 8m 15 20 20 30 30 15 15 The second phase of reconstruction entailed an enormous increase in scale. Districts such as Hoge Vucht, IJpelaar and Heusdenhout will have their own, spacious green framework that links the various neighborhoods and will be opened up by new parkways. Grid and patches Wind flows through ‘corridors’ and green rooms. Dilatation and restriction.
18 9
Prevailing wind during July-August 2022 This area is mainly composed of low density housing, however intertwined with densely planted trees. Therefore the roughness is high. east Southwest 18 9 Natural filter Natural filter
city climatope Appendix
Wind patterns per neighbourhood morphology
periphery climatope
Garden city climatope (Breda zuid-oost - Ruiterschbos)
Research method 3: Educated guess
Average buildings heights 7m The carpet Low heights of industrial buildings create flat surfaces which do not affect wind flows as much. Only tree structures occasionally work as stream filters / blocking winds. The carpet Low heights of industrial buildings create flat surfaces which do not affect wind flows as much. Only tree structures occasionally work as stream filters / blocking winds.
van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam
| Rachel Borovska
Wind Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
Source: Breda Archive, Aerial view, Emmer Zuid
Research method 4: Comparative Analysis | Climatope
A climatope map portrays the various climate zones present within a city. Sanda Lenzholzer’s research defines climatope maps as a rep resentation of the ‘climatope concept,’ which indicates that different areas and districts within a city exhibit distinct microclimatic charac teristics. This includes factors such as the impact of building structure, vegetation, soil surfaces, and human-made heat in different parts of the city. The urban building structure, density, and types of vegetation and materials play a crucial role in determining climatope classification.
The city center of Breda and the area extending northward alongside the river are the most susceptible to overheating on a city scale. This is largely attributed to the presence of industry along the riverbank and the historical center located at the core of the radially shaped city. Both of these areas are predominantly paved and have minimal vegetation.
The comparison highlights the different challenges that each city faces based on their structure, urban design, layout, and location within the landscape. This means that each city needs a tailored
Patchwork of climatopes A cool climatope wrapped by industry and housing An asymmetric 'egg'
Centrifugal heat gradient
comparison Centrifugal heat gradient
cool climatope wrapped
asymmetric 'egg'
‘cool’ spine
patchwork/ Grid
city Green structure as an indicator of cool air producers, corridors, barriers, drivers & "enhancers” Perpendicular streams Cool air producers Air streams / based on the prevailing wind direction Possible barriers Green structure Valley winds Landscape
Centrifugal heat island An assymetric egg Biotopes per
/ Biotopes
A16 Breda’s green structure Breda is surrounded by a mosaic of grasslands and agricultural fields and framed by forests mainly at its outskirts to the South and West.. On the north it is surrounded by wet peat areas. The majority of green is positioned along infrastructure/ varying in levels of maintenance. Brooks Aa and Mark enter the city from the South. Mosaic of grasslands, agricultural
Haagse Beemden
Research method 4: Comparative Analysis | Roughness
A roughness map is a type of map that shows the degree of rough ness or variation in land cover or terrain within a particular area. The map typically uses different colors or shades to represent areas of high and low roughness.
In the context of wind modeling and analysis, roughness maps are used to help predict how wind flows and behaves within a given area. Roughness is an important factor in determining wind speeds and turbulence, and is influenced by features such as vegetation, buildings, and topography.
Terrain roughness
A mosaic of roughness
Dense city grid
only runways,
Edges of gliding surface
Wind Woven | Ecological restoration of
through wind
Breda’s urban fabric
Measured wind speed at 10 m height
Average 6.9 m/s
The wind speed is higher in the winter months as compared to other seasons. Spikes in December, January, and February, which resemble instances of extreme wind speeds. Possible wind streams
Measured wind speed at 10 m height
Average 7.59 m/s
Measured wind speed
Average 6.76 m/s
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van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
Research method 4: Comparative Analysis | Average yearly wind speed
Measured wind speed at 10 m height
Average 6.76 m/s
Measured wind speed at 10 m height
Average 7.51 m/s
Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
Wind Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric
through wind
Research method 4: Comparative Analysis | Street orientation
Street orientation
The radial case
This study measures the entropy (or disordered-ness) of street bearings in each street network, along with each city’s typical street segment length, average circuity, average node degree, and the network’s proportions of four-way intersections and dead-ends. It also develops a new indicator of orientation-order that quantifies how a city’s street network follows the geometric ordering logic of a single grid. These indicators, taken in concert, reveal the extent and nuance of the grid.
The diagram is a result of OpenStreetMap data and OSMNx for modeling and visualization. The python code has been obtained from Geoff Boeing’s urban street orientation analysis.
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Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
The Orthogonal case
Wind Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
Research method 4: Comparative Analysis | Prevailing wind direction
Wind direction
Average Average 6-10.7m/s
Prevailing annual wind direction above 10m, Den Haag, year 2022
source:NASA/ ta-access-viewer/
Prevailing wind during July-August 2022
In order to be able to work with the wind directions, prevailing directions need to be determined. This has been achieved through a python coding from the data of NASA on the specific locations.
Two general studies have been made - an average yearly direction and a summer season during the span of the months of July and August 2022.
Average 5.1-8.6m/s
Prevailing annual wind direction above 10m, Breda, year 2022
source:NASA/ ta-access-viewer/
Prevailing Utrecht,
source:NASA/ ta-access-viewer/
Prevailing wind during July-August 2022
In all study cases the prevailing SW wind direction is visible. The city with the average slowest wind is Breda, while Den Haag and Zaandam are leading in th ehighest averag wind speed.
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Average 5.7-9.3 m/s
Prevailing annual wind direction above 10m, Utrecht, year 2022
source:NASA/ ta-access-viewer/
Average 6.5-10.3 m/s
Prevailing annual wind direction above 10m, Zaandam year 2022
source:NASA/ ta-access-viewer/
Prevailing wind during July-August 2022
Prevailing wind during July-August 2022
Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
Wind Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
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Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
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115 Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
Wind Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
I extend my sincere gratitude to my committee for the inspirational talks, insightful input and support.
Gert-Jan Wisse, Nikol Dietz, and René van der Velde
I also wish to express my heartfelt appreciation to both heads of the Landscape Department for their guidance and advice during my time at the academy.
Hanneke Kijne & Joost Emmerik
For keeping up with the production, fueling the days with endless conversations and especially for being the steady rock in the windy days, special thanks to
Emanuele Paladin
For simulations, opportunity to join courses and testing, for flexibility and inspiring input
Alejandro Fuentesarias
Daniella Maiiullari
To the amazing colleagues, friends, at Boom Landscape where the project reached its final outcome and to everyone who has been part of this journey, I hope this piece of work inspired you as much as it inspired me.
116 Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024 | Rachel Borovska
Wind Woven | Ecological restoration of Breda’s urban fabric through wind
Landscape Architecture Department
Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 2023-2024
Rachel Borovska
Mentor |
Gert-Jan Wisse
Committee members | Nikol Dietz, René van der Velde
Fnal examination
Additional commitee members
Ziega van den Berk, Marit Janse