Eric-Jan Bijlard Aveiro Lagoon Science Park Design strategy - Aveiro 2040 Lunenburgdreef 48 2135 DP Hoofddorp 00-31-6-34500023 Urban planner designer at RRog Landscape and Urbanism
Amsterdam Academy of Architecture Graduation Projects 2014-2015 Urbanism
Eric-Jan Bijlard Aveiro Lagoon Science Park Design strategy - Aveiro 2040
Looking 20 or 30 years into the future is completely normal for Dutch urban planners, but not customary practice in Portugal. Coincidence, lack of appreciation and the choice for economic gain greatly determines how a city develops. This is the case in Aveiro, where my graduation assignment takes place. Aveiro is located along a natural lagoon. The relationship between the city and the water has coped with the necessary ups and downs over the course of centuries. The city has known prosperous periods, but also, after a violent storm and being cut off from the Atlantic Ocean for over two centuries, extreme poverty. There is currently a danger of tension arising yet again with regard to the water. The city is once again in danger of being cut off from the water, the lagoon. However, this time the cause is not an accidental storm, but rather a lack of a new integral vision with regard to the urban and landscape development. In a vision for the city of Aveiro 2040, I have created a new unique type of urban landscape in which the city is once again directly connected to the lagoon. The natural transition is restored. I suggest making a radical turn in the orientation of the water landscape. Instead of a water link on the north side of the city, which has by now been blocked by motorway and railway tracks, I suggest creating a new water link on the west side of the city. The university is situated at that precise location. I am using the university developments as a catalyst for this transformation. A new high-quality living, working and recreational programme will be added to the city. Slow traffic movements like pedestrians, cyclists and boats will have priority over car traffic. New field laboratories will be set up in the water landscape for wetlands, typical agricultural customs and recreation. The public space from the city to the lagoon will be reconnected. The university campus will gradually transform into a Science Park where living, working and recreation go hand in hand.
Graduation date 27 10 2014
Commission members Hans van der Made (mentor) Henk Bouwman Daniel Casas Valle
Additional members for the examination John Westrik Bernadette Janssen
Eric-Jan Bijlard Aveiro 2014 Aveiro -- 2014
slopen laagwaardig bedrijfslocatie
Aveiro 2025 Aveiro -- 2025
nieuw scienceparc herinrichting parkweg
herinrichting ziekenhuis park
nieuwe woningbouw
sloop universiteit op campusknooppunt
herinrichting stadsloper
nieuwe aanlegsteiger
nieuwe woningbouw herinrichting lagune kanaal
nieuwe laguneplein
nieuwe infrastructuur
Aveiro 2040 Aveiro -- 2040
Design strategy - planning and development Aveiro
Strategy concept - rotate focus on city and landscape development by 90 degrees
Masterplan structure - Aveiro region 2040
Infra restructuring fast / slow traffic routing
buildings restructuring old / new
Eric-Jan Bijlard Aveiro - 2040
Masterplan city structure
water restructuring waterline and acces to natural lagoon ‘ Ria de Aveiro’
green restructuring green axes and access to city with natural environment
Urbanism Aveiro - Lagoon Sciencepark
1. Detail of ‘Lagoon Science Park’
Aveiro - lagoon square 2. Detail of new waterfront city and lagoon ‘Ria de Aveiro’
Eric-Jan Bijlard Aveiro - Lagoon Sciencepark
1. Impression new waterfront ‘Lagoon Sciencepark’
Location of city plan details and impressions
Aveiro - lagoon square 2. Impression new waterfront - city and lagoon ‘Ria de Aveiro’
Amsterdam Academy of Architecture
Architects, urbanists and landscape architects learn the profession at the Amsterdam Academy of Architecture through an intensive combination of work and study. They work in small, partly interdisciplinary groups and are supervised by a select group of practising fellow professionals. There is a wide range of options within the programme so that students can put together their own trajectory and specialisation. With the inclusion of the course in Urbanism in 1957 and Landscape Architecture in 1972, the Academy is the only architecture school in the Netherlands to bring together the three spatial design disciplines under one roof. Some 350 guest tutors are involved in teaching every year. Each of them is a practising designer or a specific expert in his or her particular subject. The three heads of department also have design practices of their own in addition to their work for the Academy. This structure yields an enormous dynamism and energy and ensures that the courses remain closely linked to the current state of the discipline. The courses consist of projects, exercises and lectures. First-year and second-year students also engage in morphological studies. Students work on their own or in small groups. The design
projects form the backbone of the syllabus. On the basis of a specific design assignment, students develop knowledge, insight and skills. The exercises are focused on training in those skills that are essential for recognising and solving design problems, such as analytical techniques, knowledge of the repertoire, the use of materials, text analysis, and writing. Many of the exercises are linked to the design projects. The morphological studies concentrate on the making of spatial objects, with the emphasis on creative process and implementation. Students experiment with materials and media forms and gain experience in converting an idea into a creation. During the periods between the terms there are workshops, study trips in the Netherlands and abroad, and other activities. This is also the preferred moment for international exchange projects. The Academy regularly invites foreign students for the workshops and recruits wellknown designers from the Netherlands and further afield as tutors. Graduates from the Academy of Architecture are entitled to the following titles: Architect, Master of Science; Urbanist, Master of Science and Landscape Architect, Master of Science.