Winter School Ring A10

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Amsterdam Academy of Architecture Winter School 2015 Occupy the Ring A10



Amsterdam Academy of Architecture Winter School January 19-30, 2015 Occupy the Ring A10 Owned by Rijkswaterstaat, taken over by the city. What would you do?




Preface Maike van Stiphout 7 Introductions Jarrik Ouburg 9 Arjan Klok 10 Kick-off Lectures Floris Alkemade 13 Consultants 15 Assignment 17 Teams and Projects Team 1 Disaster 20 Team 2 AmstelPort 22 Team 3 Ring - Ring 24 Team 4 Outdoor Science 26 Team 5 Our Ring 28 Team 6 The future A10 30

Team 7 Walllllllllllllllllllllllllll l l l l l l l l l l l l l l


Team 8 The Golden Mile


Team 9 The new welcoming entrance


Team 10 Overcrown 38 Team 11 Borderline 40

Team 12 VIOla, towards a new district


Team 13 Collaborative Capitalism


Team 14 The Generator of Amsterdam


Team 15 The Secret Door


Team 16 Cardening 50 Team 17 FATA morgana 52

Team 18 The Never Ending Forest


Team 19 Black Velvet 56 And the Winner is ..

Jury report 59

Bibliography 61 Colophon 71




Living with All that Lives in the City This year the Winter School of the Amsterdam Academy of Architecture was dedicated to living with all that lives in the city. Students explored the values and the future of the vast property of Rijkswaterstaat in the City of Amsterdam: the shoulders of the Ring A10. The city has already brought attention to this site during De week van de Stad (The Week of the City) – in November 2014, organised by Stadforum. Two months later we could give the organisation the 19 proposals that were the result of the Winter School.

The absence of humans does not mean that the Ring and the adjacent green shoulders are lacking life, it’s full of life! Matthijs Schouten, one of the kick-off speakers, explained the value of those who co-exist with us in the city. And the lesson learned from Martin Aarts, one of the other key speakers during the opening of the Winter School, was: find public support for your ideas.

The winning entry The Never Ending Forest promised life for all, a public use of the shoulders and a healthy green character shining off on Amsterdam to passers by. Cis Apeldoorn (director Department Environmental Planning and Sustainability, City of Amsterdam) and Rients Dijkstra (State advisor Infrastructure), assisted the Academy jury in their judgement.

We like to thank Rijkswaterstaat Noord in Haarlem, who will exhibit the models in their office. All models together make one circle presenting 19 solutions for the Ring A10. We hope to inspire all participants and visitors with the exhibition and this little booklet that goes with it.

Maike van Stiphout Curator Winter School 2015 Head of the Department of Landscape Architecture




Designing modernisation of the city Amsterdam is composed of growth rings, just like a tree. The oldest ring is closest to the centre and the youngest is closest to the outskirts.

In 2013, Amsterdam celebrated the creation of its oldest ring with the 400-year anniversary of the canal ring. During the Winter School that year at the Academy, we worked on the canal ring in 400 years time. We then made designs for a forgotten ring of Amsterdam: the Singelgracht (Singel canal).

We may assume that the old centre is not going to change much, given that society attaches great value to the ‘old’. Modernisation and change appear to have increasingly less grip on the centre of the city.

A change in form and meaning is still completely possible, however, at the outer ring: the A10 motorway. It is a ring that has not fully matured yet and where the current generation of architects, landscape architects and urban planners still have free reign to design.

The differences between the previous Winter School, which was focused on the rings of the past and the canals, and the Winter School this year, which was focused on the ring of the future – the A10 – are interesting.

This year, we did not design in order to achieve homogeneity, but diversity instead. We did not design on a small scale, but on a large scale. We did not design the perfect picture, but a work in progress. With the designs for the A10, we did not celebrate the ageing of the city, but its modernisation!

Jarrik Ouburg Head of the Department of Architecture


Design as Teamwork A good design is still often seen as the product of the genius, ultimate professional or special, sensitive individual. When dealing with questions of social design, a working method comparable to team sport is more appropriate. These questions become too unclear, too complex, too nuanced or too political to be dealt with as an individual at the borders of architecture, urbanism or landscape architecture, or in situations where these disciplines overlap. It is then a matter of getting the most out of a design team’s open and interactive thought process. For a number of years, the Academy of Architecture has placed its students in a situation where they must apply the principles of design teamwork during its ‘Winter Schools’ each year. A challenging question such as: ‘How to deal with the A10 motorway zone if the municipality, not central government, has the final say’, is an example of a spatial question where designer teamwork is appropriate.

A Good Design Team Productivity, creativity, inventiveness and critical faculties are, in principle, increased by working in a team. If these aspects are well-aligned, there may even be talk of innovation and groundbreaking work. However, working in a team does not always lead to good results, let alone topquality academic products. Firstly, there is the issue of whether the collective target is clear. It must be obvious ‘which game is being played’, how one wants to play it and what one wants to offer the public. In addition, it is a matter of the team members knowing and taking on their roles, wherever possible or necessary, during the development of the design proposal. A number of essential roles need to be fulfilled. Firstly, there is the role of the ‘ideas machine’; without ideas and thoughts about possibilities and options, there is no design proposal. The person assuming this role must be able to quickly tap into and offer an expansive - and preferably unexpected - frame of reference. In addition, there is the role of the ‘questioner’: the person who critically considers the initial assignment question, attempts to uncover the ‘question behind the question’ and provides a critical counterpoint to the ideas and thoughts of the ‘ideas machine’ so that he or she is stimulated, but also definitely inspired (!), to continue generating ideas and options. The third essential role is the ‘person weighing up the pros and cons’; the person who weighs up the pros and cons of all ideas, thoughts, options, questions and critical notes, and joins these together into a select combination that is fitting, correct, conceivable and attractive, given the 10

aims, the conditions and the public. A difficult role, it requires one to recognise the most powerful lines in the occasionally ‘fuzzy’ collective thought process.

Conditions for Productive Teamwork As previously mentioned, not every groups process is feasible or leads to a high-quality product. Maximum mutual respect is combination with a minimum of formal hierarchy is a precondition for gaining the maximum benefit; everyone must feel free to place their ideas on the table in clear sight, no question is too stupid, each ‘idea’ must be seriously considered. Being able to explain, in hindsight, why certain lines of thought were not pursued further is one of the strongest arguments for the public to take that which is ultimately proposed seriously. Each team member must realize that only a generous and sporting attitude, whereby ideas can be adopted and adapted by another, or ultimately rejected possibly, will lead to fundamental improvements to the collective view and a more well-considered final result. In addition, it is naturally the case that each team member must, to a certain extent, be able to go along with the thought patterns and the working method of the team members with another role. Every team member must be able to appreciate the value of their team mates in terms of quality and functioning, and must have the attitude that they want to make the other better with his or her role. A game of ‘musical chairs’ is, sometimes, desirable even in order to get the most out of the design process. Furthermore, teamwork requires lots of time and energy. Especially at the beginning of the design process, lots is brought to the table and needs to be discussed, and many things are asked and need to be weighed up. The inspiring, or at the very least informative, ideas which are harvested during the process are multi-faceted, the productivity at completion is high due to the collaboration and the proposals have the maximum focus. As Heads of Departments at the Academy of Architecture, we hope that the experiences gained during the various Winter Schools will spur on future generations of professionals to develop beautiful, inspiring and convincing social questions working more as a team. Designs which, as a result of their multi-faceted origins, sophistication and extensive elaboration, will have to be taken seriously.

Arjan Klok Head of the Department of Urbanism 11

The Kick-off Lectures


The kick-off was organised on the very first day of the Winter School. Two speakers with completely different perspectives were invited to give a lecture. Matthijs Schouten, ecologist and philosopher talked about the values of nature, in relation to live in the city. And the contribution that nature brings in the development of cities. Martin Aarts, city urbanist of Rotterdam, explained how new urbanism works. Today the identity of the city is no longer made by city branding companies in name of the city board. It is made by the people themselves, and the urbanist has to facilitate their demands and needs. The evening was led by lector Floris Alkemade.

The good, the bad and the ugly Nature, the car and the outskirts of the city come together symbiotically as part of the project for the A10 motorway. However much they may belong together, as well as being dependant on each other, the way in which they are valued is totally different. Using the metaphor of ‘the good, the bad and the ugly’, nature is of course ‘the good’, the car is ‘the bad’ and the outskirts of the city is ‘the ugly’; a classification that is common, but grossly oversimplified.

The bad To simply dismiss the car, which makes our free way of life possible, as something harmful or bad is a sign of excessive schizophrenia and self-hate. We are evidently prepared to pay a price for our car use. Using something and, at the same time, rejecting it is hypocritical.

The ugly The same applies to the disapproving way in which we judge the outskirts of our cities. This is what our generation has added to the city, for which we can be held responsible.

The good And the same may also apply to nature. Is the all-encompassing, uncritical admiration for everything called ‘nature’ justified?

That could be the aim of this Winter School: avoiding the common assumptions about what is good, bad and ugly, as well as the overly complacent rejection of what our own time and choices represent. New insights can arise from that position.

Floris Alkemade Lector Architecture


The Consultants


During the Winter School, three groups of consultants with diverse backgrounds and expertise were invited. Each group signed up to meet three consultants per night. The first group of consultants were invited on the third day of the Winter School. They were asked to help the students with strategic thinking. By discussing initial ideas and brainstorming with the consultants, the students were able to find a starting point or to develop their vision as a group. On the fifth day, the second group of consultants were invited. By this point, most of the groups had an idea which they could potentially develop. The role of the second group of consultants was to question them and bring the students out of their comfort zone to think out of the box. Some had to start all over again, others were even more certain that their concept was the best of all. The last group of the consultants were invited to assist the students with communication. These consultants helped each group to articulate their idea using the model and to create most beautiful presentation for the jury.

January 22

January 24

January 27

Hans Venhuizen

Jord den Hollander

Dingeman Deijs

Marieke Berkers

Bruno Doedens

Machiel Spaan

Gabriel Lester

Lada Hsrak

Ram Katzir

Melle Smets

Tijs van den Boomen

Steven Delva

Eric van der Kooij

Aglaee Degros

Donna Milligen Bielke

Maarten Kloos

Radna Rumping

Benjamin Robichon

Wim Nijenhuis

Baukje Trenning

Ward Verbakel

Pieter Klomp

Paul Baartmans

Marjolein Boterenbrood

Ton Schaap

Hugo Beschoor Plug

Lonny van Rijswijck

Rein Jansma

Anneke Blokker

Wouter Kroeze

Michiel Schwarz

Arjan Klok Jarrik Ouburg


The Assignment


While the centre of Amsterdam is filling up and becoming increasingly expensive, there is still lots of free space along the Amsterdam’s ring road, the A10. The huge amount of vacant office space along the highway is providing spaces for new and unique activities, such as WOW and Zuidpark. The Ring A10 is 32 km long, and approximately 11 km in diameter, surrounding the centre of Amsterdam. The highway is lined by 64 km of land owned by Rijkswaterstaat, the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment. This land is inaccessible to the public, and has become a ring of forgotten land.

What would happen if Rijkswaterstaat handed over this land to the city of Amsterdam? Would this no man’s land turn into a zone for locally oriented experiments? Or could it become an iconic green space for the city of Amsterdam, something akin to New York City’s aerial greenway, the High Line? Could humans, animals, insects and plants occupy this land together? Or would the land become urbanised? How would the role of the Ring A10 in the city of Amsterdam change? How would we occupy this ring of forgotten land?

The 64 km of land around the centre of Amsterdam is the site for the Winter School 2015. The Winter School is a competition of ideas. During the Winter School, which has taken place from 19–30 January, students has worked together in teams to propose new ideas on how to occupy this forgotten land along and under the Ring A10. Each team was interdisciplinary, consisting of students of architecture, urban design and landscape architecture from the first, second and third years. Students had the opportunity to consult experts on three of the evenings during these two weeks.

Each group presented their design proposal to the public on January 30, together with a huge model of the entire Ring A10 made of 19 different pieces from 19 different groups. The winning team was selected and awarded at the end of the day.


Teams and Projects



3. 7.

17. 15. 5.









12. 13.

6. 14. 2.


Team 1 Disaster

Amsterdam, February 1, 2016 Last night a disaster took place in the form of a flooding, which hit large part of the Netherlands. Tidal waves coincided with high rised rivers. The wind blew the water over the dikes, which eventually broke on several places. Many dikes submerged under the raging water. Many regions flooded, including large parts of Amsterdam. Up untill now thousands of casualties have been reported. Houses, cattle and goods have disappeared in the water. It is too early to estimate the cost of the damages. A national state of emergency has been declared. World leaders have said that: ‘We stand shoulder to shoulder in this catastrophe that is so globally acute’. Amsterdam is taking drastic measures.

We want to take the idea of man and nature a step further than the current romantic, popular and somewhat hypocritical attitude that projects a wilderness myth on existing nature. Nature is made according to a myth. Consciously made by man. First through designing and later through management. Man’s influence is always there. We asked ourselves: how do man and nature relate to each other? What does nature mean to man and vice versa? We question the current popular relation between man and nature, because a created myth is made in our interest. Dutch nature is shaped according to an image we have of it. We asked ourselves: how does nature reveal itself when man is subordinate to nature? What would happen if we accept our subordinance to natural processes? What happens when we can no longer hold on to our reclaimed land? What happens is; that natural processes will claim it back! We therefore propose a plan to protect the city of Amsterdam against the unquestionable rise of the water. We use the A10 ringroad to build a defense system to keep the water out. The strategy consists of a structure that reacts on rising water and floods to autonomously build up debri and protects Amsterdam’s inner city. We provide the base structure which will create the conditions for material to gather. Otherwise we do not manage or influence. It will lead to a slow, irregular, unmanageable and diverse uprising of material outside Amsterdam’s citywall.

Team members Wouter Hoevers Bram Ruarus Serge van Berkel Daniel Bakker Anne Nieuwenhuijs Tjeerd Beemsterboer Angela Tetteroo


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Team 2 AmstelPort



AMSTERDAM 2050 expected growth

the ring A10 takes the pressure off the inner city

In the present-day city of Amsterdam there are a lot of different traffic flows, all passing and crossing each other. Because of this, there is friction in the public space.

In the future the city will grow rapidly. There will be more citizens, more tourists, more traffic, and more industry, which means also traffic streams will increase tremendously. The public space will be under high pressure and friction is starting to extend between the cyclists, cars, public transport and the pedestrians.

We accept and benefit from the growth of the city by allowing all kinds of (heavy) traffic on the Ring.

user flows


n Coumou, Albert Floor van Wulfften Worms, Huub de a Mateus


The Ring becomes an intensive transport/distribution line of humans and goods. It will change from a mono-functional element into a multifunctional transferzone.

smart city

junctions are the transfer points



By doing this, the Ring is taking the pressure off the inner city. There will be fewer cars and trucks in the city, less polution, and therefore there is more space for pedestrians, cyclists and biodiversity.

All the traffic that needs to go to the inner city – whether it’s humans or goods – needs to transfer at the Ring. The most important transferpoints on the Ring are the junctions, it’s the place where other highways connect the A10. All of them are unique knots with their own identity.

At Knooppunt Amstel, the A2 meets the A10. It’s a point where several traffic structures come together, with the Amstelscheg as a green structure. In our proposal, Knooppunt Amstel becomes a mega transferium that will handle all these different types of infrastructure. Car drivers can park their car, and continue their journey by public transport, bike, foot or boat. Goods can be transferred on train, electric cars, or boats. And also for flora and fauna, the transferium is a moment of change.

We see the city of the future as a smart city with clean air; healthy and sustainable.

In our vision, these are perfect places where traffic streams can come together and people or goods can transfer to a nature-friendly type of vehicle.

multifunctional transferium

By transforming the Ring A10 to a multifunctional transferzone, we take the pressure off the inner city and create a healthy, sustainable, biodiverse city.

Team members Vivian de Melker Worms Huub de With João Oliveira Mateus Albert Jan Dekker Mick Madder Floor van Wulfften Palthe Hein Coumou Mirte van Laarhooven



Team 3 Ring - Ring

Issue From perspective at A10, Amsterdam reveals a ring of clear identities. It can be considered as the Soul of Amsterdam. However, on eyelevel the clear identities appear to be strongly devided by infrastructure, water, leftovers, parkinglots etc. Concept Our idea is to introduce a new routesystem that make new connections between the separated identities and create new experience of the surroundings of the ring. Result This new routing will lead to new explorations and initiatives of inhabitants and entrepreneurs. It gives new meaning to forgotten places and reveals hidden treasures. The Ring was a way to reach destination, now it becomes a destination in itself‌

Team members Arne de Gans Jean-Francois Gauthier Joost van der Schoot Kim Krijger Tristen Vreugdenhil Martijn Veenstra Lisanne Gerritzen Annabel Rodriquez Frank Vonk



Team 4 Outdoor Science

Identity: The state or fact of remaining the same, as under varying aspects or conditions Why? The city grows. Each time a shell. Within the shell, it consolidates. Outside the shell, forgotten! But what’s in the forgotten? How does the city gets out of the shell? Outside, something gets born. It’s attractive, and the city grows again. It’s the Vondelpark! The last shell is hard to traverse, but what if it breaks? A new shell, maybe? How to consolidate the “in between”? Strategy: Zuidas, Bretten, Sciencepark, unique within the former shell, could they behave like the Voldelpark? What? Science Park: research, exact & life sciences, ICT, experiment. A strong identity within the shell of a campus. Outside the A10 shell, and the campus shell, an ecological area remains isolated. How to break the shells so that the two areas function together, however, keeping their own character? How? Remove the barrier! Merge the identity! An outdoor laboratory and outdoor experiments. The Sciencepark gets its own space to experiment in and care of. Increase the biodiversity, expand it! Clear borders and connecting tubes are the tools! The new “place” has the qualities to remain and stay open, while the other space within the shell keeps changing and getting consolidated. Sciencepark creates its own program within the tubes and the lab at their leisure.

Team members Thom Knubben Lucas Pissetti Iruma Rodriquez Hernandez Dex Weel Paul Plambeck Sylvia Schelling Floris Grondman Job van der Sande


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Team 5 Our Ring

The ring A10 is something for the city of Amsterdam to be really proud of It is the only whole ring around a city in The Netherlands. But in most parts this highway is hidden behind sound walls, slopes and slaps of green. Drivers on the A10 orientate via road signs and boarding’s but do they really know where they are? Do they see it? People on the ground feel as if they live or work on the edge of a city border. They feel little pride for the ring. It is like we want to cover it up because most of us see it as a necessary evil. But it is not. This structure is part of the city and the areas surrounding it should reflect upon it. So we want to remove, instead of adding. By removing slopes of sand and green underneath we create a continuas space around and underneath the highway. A more natural connection between parts of the city that are being divided by the a10 footprint. The A10 driver can experience the surroundings to the fullest and can really see where he is. Lots of opportunities will develope for the people living or working around the ring. In terms of housing under the ring, green structures being continued or as in our case industrial identity being strengthen. Companies can brand there stuff under and around the A10. Space can be used for parking trucks etc. Our ring becomes a showcase for its surrounding area, therefor becoming one and unifying the city. Our ring becomes an true icon and pride of Amsterdam.

Team members Robin Frings Sheneh Muheddin Pimm Terhorst Tianyi Xue Sergio Dias Joeri van Wijk Chloë Charreton Nihal Aggündüz


Public / Office Area Identity PUBLIC/OFFICE AREA IDENTITY

Industrial Identity

Removed slopes will create continuous


Team 6 The future A10

In this project we focused on the future of the A10. And therefore we have cut the location into three time spans. The current situation The near future The future. In our current situation we can see the development of the car. Electric cars emit less sound and are less polluting. As well as the development of the self driving car. In the near future the self driving car will be part of our traffic. And due to a better tarmac, the road will become more efficient and save. Resulting in the reduction of a traffic lane. In the future the self driving car will become the standard. People will have to travel less and because of the interaction between cars and tarmac, the road will become even saver. Pollution will be minimal as well as noise. The efficiency of the road will be so high another lane can disappear. With this likely future in mind we look back at our current situation. Where many people think the A10 is nothing more than a barrier and a push away object. It merely a way to transport people and goods from A to B. In order to change this view of the A10 we can host events near, under and even on top of the A10. Temporarily closing down the A10 to host a technology event and maybe even a party. This way we show a more positive and ‘exciting’ outlook on the A10. In the near future this results in the city coming closer to the A10. With less pollution and sound temporary buildings like a place for refugees from other countries, or sport fields can be placed between or directly next to the A10. In the future the A10 requires a much smaller profile. The remaining tarmac will be absorbed by the city. The old barrier of the A10 will become the new landscape of the city. Making space for new buildings like housing or facilities. But also the expansion of current functions like parks and in our situation a cemetery. The old tarmac could also be reused as a kiss and ride connecting buildings directly next to the A10. And even the unused bridges can become a special recreational area. But to achieve all of this we have to change our view on the current A10. And therefore in our current time with a view on this future we have to put new attention on the A10.

Team members Xander Albers Koen van Hoof Francesco Carrasso Elise Laurent Rowdy Batenburg Paulien van der Valk Simon Verbeeck Ying Zhang Maik Peters


The Current Situation

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The Near Future

The Future


Team 7 Walllllllllllllllllllllllllll l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

City and landscape divided Amsterdam used to have a clear border between the city and the landscape with its city walls and fortifications. This border became blurred over time with extensions of the city and green coming into the city. There was less need for protection and the city connected to its surroundings in the 20th century. Highway as a new border While the city was connecting to the outside world, the emerging car use led to a focus on infrastructure and many highways were built. With our increased mobility, the highway connected us to other cities and countries. Opposite to that, the highway is now seen as a new border in the city, especially in Amsterdam. Living in the ring and outside the ring is an often used designation to indicate where one lives. Let there be a frontier Instead of making the A10 as a border disappear or making it softer, we want to emphasize the structure of the A10 by making the border a stronger element. The solution is not to ignore the border and cover it up, but to use this border to define different areas the A10 is running through in Amsterdam. A10 as a space to be The proposal is to strengthen this border by making a wall. This wall is a framework that serves the needs of the adjacent areas. It can accommodate a flexible program, for example temporary housing on the city side and animal shelters on the countryside. This way the highway is not a non-place anymore but it is a space to be.

Team members Kristina Kosic Jesse Mommers Simon Wijrdeman Alexander Bijl Eric Goldhoorn Wieshant Manna Marie SĂŠon Alexey Boev Brigitta van Weeren


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Team 8 The Golden Mile

Amsterdam is a city open to everybody, complete freedom for the people. A city with a port system as a heritage. Let’s go back 4 centuries and see the canal district. The canals had the same function as the A10 now. They were served as highways for a transport system. Nobody expected that in 4oo years the boat will lose its main role and the car will take over the transport function. Today the canal district reinvent itself as the most exclusive and expensive area to live in. Now we turn our eye towards the canal district of the future, the ring road of Amsterdam. Now bustling with traffic, its supports the industries and businesses of the city. We believe that the ring road will become the canal district of the future . In time the ring will be obsolete. It will become a heritage for a new generation. The car wil then just be a recreation item, and new meaning can be given to the ring and its surroundings. The current traffic situation shows our human incompetence. New roads here and there to solve temporary traffic clusters. The Coenplein is a good example of not having a vision of what this road can be in the future, it looks only a immediate problems. This makes the Coenplein part of the ring one of the busiest and at the same time untouched and unplanned. The space that the road occupies has in-between, under en next to spaces, they are hidden and untouched. Nature has now taken over these spaces, and show strength and diversity. What is the potential of these “forgotten spaces” in relation to a future purpose of the road itself? We believe we can provoke a future of changing the ring from a anonymous space into a more personal space. We propose to create the Golden Mile, a simple strategy for giving the ring a Amsterdam identity. It’s a speculative investment for individuals and the society of Amsterdam. There by we make the ring more personal and the open the area for other purpose in the future. The idea is very simple, we divide the ring into small plots today and sell it to the people right after. All the plots have a façade to the highway and is 5,4 meters wide. You are allowed to buy multiple plots today. The city will invest the profits into making the façade and accessible public spaces. For now this wall acts as a sound barrier and pollution barrier. The windows will picture the scene behind the wall, giving the users of the road frame to watch out on to the landscape. The wall will be maintained by the owners of the plot, that allows the owners to make it more personal. This strategy changes the anonymity of the ring from this day forward. While the ring slowly changes function you are able to do more on your plot. Since the people are owners they can do whatever they want. You are completely free. In the future walking along the ring and looking thru the windows will give you different views, people might have build a house, a garden, a zoo, a field of tulips. Every plot will become a piece of art made by human creativity. The in between space will be designated as public space. These in between space are the pockets in between the flyovers and the exits. Now they can serve as a communal garden, left untouched and wild and in the future change into a square. So choose your plot and realize your dreams.

Team members Karam Antwan Stefan Koster James Heus Aleksei Kanin Natalia Sulkowska Jeroen Pot Lisa Ohls


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Team 9 The new welcoming entrance for the inner-city of Amsterdam

The A10 is a busy ring-road of Amsterdam and a important connection point. The construction of this motorway was finished in 1990 and has a length of 32 kilometers. So how does the ring-road A10 relate to the city Amsterdam and how does it influence the city? Past. The city Amsterdam started as a small fisherman village at the IJ-river in the12th century. Since this moment Amsterdam expanded in rings. To protect the inner-city from dangers like deceases and enemies, Amsterdam has always been surrounded by different fortifications. Every fortification had its main-gate for entering the inner-city. The A10 can be considered as a modern fortification of Amsterdam. But where should the A10 protect the inner-city for? Present. Daily more than 200.000 cars are registered in Amsterdam, approximately 3 million cars use the A10 and it’s adjacent roads every year. All these cars make the A10 a source for air and noise pollution in the surrounding and create a lot of traffic jams every day. In the city center this amount of cars are can be seen as pollution of the view and can create dangerous situations for pedestrians and cyclists. This ring-road also creates a lots of unused space, most of the time it has no function and looks messy. What use can you give this so called ‘forgotten-land’ to make it functional for the users of the road and for the people from the city? And what will be demanded from the future use of the ‘forgotten-land’? Future. “Roads no longer merely lead to place, they are places” (J.B. Jackson, Week van de Stad). “Since the opening of the ‘Tweede Coentunnel’ the A1+A2+A5+A9 form a closed ring. By giving it one number, the A11, you will experience it in your mental map as a whole.” (Tijs van den Boomen, Week van de Stad). “There will be times we all drive electric cars. It wont’t be next year. Not within 10 years. But in about 20 or 30 years it will be very normal to drive an electric car” (Maarten Steinbuck, Professor in Automotive technology at the University Eindhoven). So how are we going to facilitate the future developments? Design. To make optimal use of the space we propose to amplify this modern fortification and transform the A10 into a functional building with a highway on the roof. The forgotten land (dimension x), which is mostly a talus, will become part of this building. By reversing the talus, two different worlds are created. From the road you’re driving on the highway where the focus is on the road itself and the sound of the cars will be ward off. This reversed talus provides the right angle for solar panels, which can deliver electricity for electric cars and the new subway line underneath the A10. As a pedestrian on ground level you will experience this lively urban wall and wouldn’t even notice the highway and the cars. The function and esthetic of the building depends on its location in the city and reacts on its surroundings. This building will be a lively boundary between different city parts and the inner-city. Because of the width of the A10, the forgotten space in the middle will be transformed into a parkingring which will be able to contain approximately 40.000 cars and will solve about 50% of the parking and about 30% of the car-use in the inner-city. Team members Juliette Gilson Karolis Platakis Charlotte van der Woude Jeremy Bouwmeester Haidar Al-Dayri Jordy van der Veen Thom Zijlstra


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Team 10 Overcrown

There have been many rings around the city. First the Singel, and later the Singelgracht with twentysix strongholds. These were hard borders, which got softer over the years, at the moment the city overgrew its rings and a new ring was created. History is repeating itself; the same is happening again. Past the already overgrown A1 0, a ‘bigger ring’ hasunintentionally been developed around Amsterdam. Since the opening of the second Coentunnel, the A1 , A2, A5, A9 and, A10 form a closed ring.In the near future it’s expected that there will be more electric traffic and new innovations that will decrease the sound and exhaust fumes of traffic; with these developments it would be possible to take in the existing road with the current urban fabric, with a slower maximum speed. The functions can be situated closer to the ring on a longer term, and it will eventually be possible for pedestrians to cross the road. The area around the A10 is characterised by a diversity of housing, nature, sports, offices and small scale industry. The project location has an identity of different functions separated by infrastructure, like the railway and national roads. This results in monofunctional areas, including Bos and Lommerplein, which is mainly housing.Still, the area is very dynamic because of the several transformations taking place. It is situated next to: the harbour of Amsterdam with big potentials; the Brettenzone, the old sea dike (Spaandammerdijk), the office area (Teleport), housing, the Haarlemmervaart and the station Sloterdijk. In this design the ring will be used more efficiently and will get an extra function: from only a transport function, to a place to stay. A structure meant to recreate, which connects the entire city and is included in the urban structure. The slopes along the highway will be asphalted, making not only a transition with the urban fabric, but also to embrace the character of the highway and therefor create a cohesion in atmosphere and experience. By breaking up the asphalt on places where it is not used by cars, a new, rough landscape will be created, as a nod to the ring. The rough landscape will transform into a green zone by breaking the asphalt. The ring will decrease in traffic-value in phases with the coming of the new, and bigger city ring. The redundant asphalt will be broken up in phases, as an expansion of the zone around the ring. There will be more room for new and more space claiming functions on the ring. Even nature will get its chance to take over. The ring has been changed in a city boulevard and has gotten more room to move freely around the park. Curving lines, like in the original plan of van Eesteren, are possible again. The old profile of the ring- as a monument in the city- will give back the feeling of 2015 to the people of Amsterdam. A parallel located traffic route creates a new recreational route, a connection to the city. With the disappearance of the motorway-function, a park around the city will arise which -thanks to the asphalt landscapewill never lose its connection to the original function of the ring.

Team members Martijn Beemsterboer Marilu de Bies Johan van Ling Alvaro Laanen Baca Pandelis Zarakovitis Roeland Meek Nick Kroes Mark van Vilsteren



Team 11 Borderline

In the next century, the west of The Netherlands cannot longer maintain all the 15.000 kilometres of dikes that protect all the land against the sea that has risen 2 meters. The decision is made to focus on protecting all the inner cities that house more than 75% of the population. The monoculture polders, that have been polluted during centuries of fertilization and have gradually lost their function as production land, are given back to nature. Amsterdam will come under pressure from two big forces: the rising wetlands around the city and a rising number of inhabitants. The city that has grown horizontally over the years and conquered many low polders, has reached a limit. It has to retreat to dryer grounds and grow vertically within its borders. The ring A10, with its high slopes and 32.000 square hectares of unused space around it offer a unique solution: a protective ring of dikes around the city that can house hundreds of thousands of new inhabitants. We propose to make the border of the A10 harder than ever before. In Amsterdam Noord, our area of focus, this means protecting the city from the wetlands and vice versa; protecting the authentic landscape called ‘Broek en Waterland’ from horizontal urban sprawl. This beautiful polder with its flourishing nature and ability to store rain- and seawater in the future is under threat. The sprawl has already crossed the border of the A10 here, with some light functions that may lead to further development into the polder. We propose to move these functions within the protective ring and form a definitive border for the city. Allowing the nature to flourish, enriching the biodiversity and forming an enjoyable counterpart to the concrete jungle. The border will consist of the A10 ring road dike, a boulevard for pedestrians and a superstructure on top. It is a building with the scale and functions of an entire city, that offers home to the 250.000 inhabitants of Amsterdam that live outside of the ring. On each side of the ring, the profile of the border will be different. Taking into account the surrounding landscape, cityscape and sun direction. The densification of the outer ring of the city will be the strategy to relief the centre of Amsterdam. Standing on the border, the two worlds come together and are experienced fully by its users. The cars at the bottom have a panoramic view to the wetlands, as well as the pedestrians on the boulevard above. Via large openings in the wall-like building the boulevard also offers framed views to the city as well as an entrance to the wetlands. Moreover, the inhabitants of the building have a privileged position; on one side a bird’s eye view to the wetlands and on the other side an overview over the inner city. Outside of the border, infrastructure is absent. A stark contrast with the controlled environment of the city. The border allows both the people and other than people persons to be truly free.

Team members Ewout van Rossum Melanie August de Meijer Rimaan Al-Dujaili Koen Vos Berry Koevoets Marco Gijsen Dennis Meijerink


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Team 12 VIOla, towards a new district

Cars, Asphalt, six lanes, noise, empty space, signs, speed, pollution, sound barriers, white stripes, exits, metal, horse power, rubber, grass: concluding no identity. This is the new district VIOla Identity, diversity, connecting, activity, experience, pedestrians, cyclists, shuttles, hubs, different scales, future, density, structure, space station, light, sound, recognizable, technology, innovation, nature, ecology. In the past the city of Amsterdam was enclosed by a ring, either for protection or accessibility. Nowadays these structures are absorbed in the urban tissue but remain visible, like de singel, the canal belt and so on. In the Golden age Amsterdam was the center of the world, that’s how the future will be. The city of Amsterdam will expand, lots of people want to live nearby the city center. Development is going on outside the ring A10 although there is still a lot of forgotten land at its border. Nowadays this forgotten land is not accessible for the people. We want to transform the forgotten land towards a place where nature and mankind can live together. A new district is born called VIOla, it will be an area where people can live, gather, recreate, create and are quickly connected with the universe. This whole new environment will be a spectacular part in the Metropolis of Amsterdam. The highway will be respected as it is, our vision will be that less cars will be there in the future, and at the same time cars will be cleaner, electric cars, no polution, new asphalt, and no noise. At the same time we provide a fast connection which makes the car unnecessary. The structure of VIOla consists of HUBS, which are situated around the ring. These Hubs are highly dense spots and are based on the different activities in the surroundings. This structure is filled with adaptable spaces which can expand or decrease, whatever is needed on certain spots. By creating different environments around the highway you can navigate yourself much easier. Instead of enclosed by high sound barriers along a 32 kilometer road. We create different landscapes which are recognizable and have their own strong identity, which makes the drive enjoyable again. Nature on the forgotten land in between connects the different hubs. Where the nature used to be inaccessible, it is now accessible for pedestrians and cyclists. On the part of Diemen we create a gateway into the city, different functions around the hub allow the citizens of Diemen to have a city center. This city without it’s own identity will now gain a dynamic place where people from different backgrounds will meet, interact, recreate, live and connect. This Hub provides a fast connection with it’s surroundings. The hard border between Amsterdam and Diemen will vanish through VIOla .

Team members Mark Gerritsen Hoeshmand Mahmoed Anna Sosin Florian Fakkert Alexander Beelo Laurence de Kort Bengin Abdullah Richard Proudly Frank den Boer


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Team 13 Collaborative Capitalism

Amsterdam Zuidas, the financial capital of the Netherlands. Planned as international hub, but designed and realized as inaccessible ‘B’ station. The ring A10 and the Zuidas are opposites. It is not fair and possible to plan out a strategy for the Zuidas and implement it on the rest of the ring. The diamond is a world on its own. The municipality of Amsterdam has been redesigning the A10 for thirty years now to get rid of the ‘barrier’. The most recent plan is to move the highway undergrounds into a tunnel. This would disastrous for the Zuidas. The sight on the towers would disappear which would result in loss of status for this business district. The solutions are to higher the A10 and add buildings between the roads. The existing ‘forgotten lands’ will be built with extravagant towers. Because of the heightened highway and the high density high rise buildings, a new public space will take form. This new public space will be high in the sky where the A10 will connect the buildings. In between the towers, on ground level, empty lands will take shape. These lands are neglected by the people of the Zuidas because they aren’t interesting to invest in. The empty spaces stimulate bottom-up projects because there are no rules for them. If there aren’t any people taking the land, nature will take over, which isn’t a bad thing. The A10 will have no more exits in this part. The only way to get to the Zuidas is along the highway, so that the ground level is given back to the people. By separating these two cultures capitalism can flourish in the top and the collaborative economy can start from the bottom. We try to find a place for both of those people in our area, that’s what makes it Amsterdam.

Team members Annabel Mooren Jeroen Boon Sander Maurits Olivier Hortensius Lu Yu Koen Vermeulen Clémentine Cazaentre


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 Team 14  The Generator of Amsterdam    The green sloap (space left over after planning) of Amsterdam is like the green sloap everywhere. When on the ring the

driver has no idea if he is in Amsterdam, or in any other city or even in the countryside.

 What to do? Fill in the boring space with a lush park? Housing? Commercial use? Flood it? Why not make use of what roads are good at: getting hot!

Team members Lourdes Barrioa Ayala Wellae el Rowidi Eric Claassen Daan Jansen Winfried Verheul Vincent Janssen Dafne Wiegers Maxime Cloarec


The black urban asphalt roads are notorious for soaking up the sun. The Generator of Amsterdam will trap this heat.

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Team 15 The Secret Door

Team members Eldrich PiquĂŠ Rick Groeneveld Midas van Boekel Marijn Rouwet Nadine Derkinderen Kim Kool Kim Baake Claire Callander



Team 16 Cardening

We think the car was one of the best inventions of the 20th century. But what does the car do in the 21st century? Do we want to stay filled with hypocrisy or is this machine belonging to our culture going to change the way we look at this huge black sea around the city? We’ve been inventing technology and neglecting nature, now we should learn to control technology to integrate nature into our vocabulary again. We are nature, technology becomes nature, nature starts now by defining biodiversity. Biodiversity can be seen as a knot of multiple species interrelating. The knots around the A10 are similar in the way they combine different types of traffic. However the highway A10 is autonomous and doesn’t interrelate as a part of the city. We design a strategy to transform an autonomous highway. Changing a physical and visual boundary into a dynamic interrelated livable part of the city. But how can we do this? From more or less 10 autonomous knots around the A10 we start to grow plants, from this knots seeds will spread towards new territories. Floating on the wind following natural lines of movement along the highway. The car changes into something good. Different speeds of evolution start to intertwine. Evolution of the car makes the highway 100% clean, safe and efficient. Highways will get a new meaning and will transport more than just cars. Gradually species can establish themselves and create a new landscape. Orchids can flourish, birds start to hibernate and wetlands create a whole new perspective from and towards the ring. The knots will be expand into spacious, green, recreational areas full of life. They become the new pleasant places to start living and inhabiting. We can use these new spacious places to meet each other, do sports and reclaim this area. Evidently these modern city gates that where ones autonomous start to open themselves towards the city with a new meaning. This brings us back to the definition of biodiversity. A new gate towards the city, the car becomes the positive effect in a transformed landscape which works efficient and brings the best towards its inhabitants by breaking boundaries. Biodiversity is a place where we are not talking about animals and plants but about the whole spectrum of what is defining us and everything that is around us. We start defining biodiversity as a real knot‌

Team members Lynn Ewalts Bob Kluivers Koen Hezemans Geert Beersma Joeri Verhoeven Erwin Webbink Rick van Weerdenburg Jelmar Brouwer


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Team 17 FATA morgana

Bas is driving all the way from The Heague to Amsterdam. He catch up with the A10 on the south westside. When is he driving already for a while on the A10 he passes the Westpoort Harbor. You see and feel the industrial sector and smell the pollution, the steam coming out of this huge chimney. Suddenly, in front of him on the horizon, the image of a healthy natural beautiful island appears, like an illusion, floating on the water surrounded by this ruff area. It is vague and misty. He has the feeling he is driving right into it, as he is part of it. But the feeling slowly disappears. Instead of reaching this Utopian land, he understands he is going into the water, in the narrow tunnel. This perfect healthy world is slipping away from him. It’s just there, but he can’t reach it with his car. It is preserved from industry and car pollution. In the tunnel he is paralyzed. What did i just saw? Was it real? It was so beautiful, can it be real? Our statement is: Dare to beleef in the impossible. Let nature in, embrace it and don’t put it aside. In our vision for a future A10, nature unite with our human creation.

Team members Hai Le Wouter van der Velpen Lesia Topolnyk Ziega van den Berk Anna Hermine Max Meijer


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Team 18 The Never Ending Forest

Biodiversity We work from the current situation, we will not bulldozer all the trees! With subtle measurements we transform the area to a dynamic forest habitat, which won’t reach its climax. Due selection cutting the small mammals and birds can switch between breeding areas. Under the nurseries there will be flowering meadows for the bees. This green ring will connect all the existing green wedges into one green belt. Floating to the Wood Factories The canals were originally dug to transport materials into the city, we want to reintroduce this. The logs, from the forest, will float to all woodcutters in the different parts of the city. While lying in the water the wood will become durable. The wood coming from the ring will be become all kind of products. Who doesn’t want a wood product that was grown in Amsterdam? This is worth money. With an extra branding strategy, the municipality can earn money with forestry. Sustainbility Trees filter the air of pollution directly at source. They will reduce the urban heat and noise. Provide the city with shade and green. The production of sustainable and local wood will reduce the dependence of outer regions. This will help Amsterdam to reach its sustainability goals in the near future. Tree Nurseries The tree nurseries will be on the new entrances to Amsterdam city. Different shapes and colors in a rigid pattern, weaving over the nodes will make the nodes iconic and colorful. This is how you remember where to get off, a sign that you are finally home. Wood Production One big forest occupying the vacant and left over space along the a10, that will sustain Amsterdam for it’s need for trees. Serving as an iconic forest ring. From a road with some trees next to it, it will become a forest with a road in it!

Team members Andre Cramer Paulina Kapczynska Jan Eiting Ries van den Bosch Imane Elkatrani Stein van Brunschot Katerina Nöteberg Mark Spaan


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Team 19 Black Velvet Subtitle

Attracting Asphalt-Cultures Is the A10 a representation of Amsterdam’s social-economic and social-cultural division? It is a much-discussed problem in the last years, one without a real solution yet. Numbers of different aspects shows that there are differences between the inner- and outercircle citizens. This problem is partly due to gentrification. The better educated citizens with an higher income moves towards the innercity, inflation ensures that housing prices rise in the city center and middleincome residents are forced to leave the city. Which leaves the outercity with the lower educated residents and with a high percentage of unemployment. To attack this problem, the A10 should work as a bridge instead of a social border. It should not connect different ethnic backgrounds, but different subcultures. All linked to one of the best qualities of the A10: asphalt. The asphalt-road gives the possibility to attract every possible road- or asphalt-activity, activities such as karting, skating, bike- and motor stunting. Activities that are driven out of the city these days. On this place things can happen that can happen nowhere else in the city. By extending the asphaltroad over the slopes and ground, we want to connect Amsterdam’s residents by activity. Residents will be able to cross the A10, from one side to another. The extended asphaltroad reads the environment and goes around it and gives the different plots the facilities it needs with its own identity. At certain parts of the city, where there is need for more activities and therefore a wide asphaltroad, the carspeed will be downgraded. At other parts, where there are already a lot of used public places, the carspeed will be upgraded. In this way the A10 is no longer a cut where the two parts of the city are separated, but a bridge that connect people by urban activity. Rembrandt Plot Concept Amsterdam’s social and economic division is clearly noticeable at the west side of the ring. The ringroad is very present with the high soundbarriers but has no interaction with the neighborhoods. On the outerside of the ring, residential buildingblocks are situated very close to the highway with poorly maintained and unused greenery. On the innerside, the Rembrandtpark gives the residents of the highrise building a more pleasant environment to live in. Although at night the area is badly alight which makes the place unsafe, the buildings have a view on the highway that gives an interesting interaction between highway-travellers and residents. In between these sides, the highway will be downgraded and the asphalt will be extended radically. It will create playgrounds, skateparks, runningtracks, observation platforms, racing tracks and…that will attract both sides of the ring.

Team members Mireille Beets Silko van der Vliet Erik Brusse Thomas Wolfs Emma Diehl Arna Mackic Michiel Homs Lorien Beijeart


= Section

AMSTERDAM SCHEME: Just like as the canalbelts of Amsterdam changed of function because of city expansion, the ring A10 becomes a city road again and will function as an attraction for new residents.

RING WEST SCHEME: Extending the tarmac over the slopes and ground

SECTION SCHEME: Extending the tarmac over the slopes and ground


Te ring A10 becomes a city road again and will function as an attraction for new residents.

Extending the tarmac over the slopes and ground.

Extending the tarmac over the slopes and ground

Use space under the highway: bikestorages,

Use space under the highway, bike storage next to office buildings or trainstations

Using the slopes in every spot in a different

The slopes differ in angles, it reads the environment and changes to it.

The whole ring is 32 km running cycle


- Use space under the highway, bike storage next to office buildings or trainstations

SECTION SCHEME: - Using the slopes in every spot in a different way

- Use space under the highway: bikestorages, studios, shops.. - isolate all facades of buildings against noise and pollution



- The slopes differ in angles, it reads the environment and changes to it.

- The whole ring is 32 km running cycle


And the winner is



The Jury Report The jury made two rounds: the first round with Jarrik Ouburg, Arjan Klok and Maike van Stiphout (the three heads of the departments) and the second round together with Cis Apeldoorn (director Department Environmental Planning and Sustainability, City of Amsterdam) and Rients Dijkstra (State advisor Infrastructure).

The criteria were: - expressing the soul of Amsterdam in the concept for the Ring A10 - the intelligence of the strategy - the coherence between the model and the strategy - the creativity put in the model

In the first round the jury listened to the well prepared and sometimes very poetic presentations, all in 3 minutes! Those who were not presenting could follow the pitches live in the auditorium. From the first round, jury selected 10 teams who scored highest on the above criteria. The guest jury members entered the arena with a fresh look. They were impressed by the beauty and diversity of the models and the coherence between the model and strategy. Their critique was that the proposals were visualised statements! They missed a serious research on the intelligence of the strategy. The department heads agreed and mentioned that working in a new team within a tight time schedule might be an excuse?

Finally the jury choose three honourable mentions and one prize winning entry. The mentions are for the statements on: the Ring A10 generating energy , the Ring A10 as nature reserve by changing the maintenance and the Ring A10 as a desirable place to be by selling lots to private owners and allowing diverse uses and activities to occur.

The winning entry is The never Ending Forest. The team expressed their reading of “the soul of the Amsterdam� with the most sober entry making the strongest visual statement. The forgotten land was designed as a very productive landscape improving the city climate, producing wood for energy and offering space to grow trees for the streets of Amsterdam. It offers space for all living creatures and can be realised tomorrow. 59



Highways: mobility and architecture

Atlas van de snelwegomgeving : handreiking bij de structuurvisie voor de snelwegomgeving / eindred. Wouter Veldhuis en Inge Paessens ; met medew. van Jorryt Braaksma ...[et al.]. - Amsterdam : Must stedebouw, 2009. - 221 p. : ill. Samengesteld in opdracht van het Ministerie van VROM als handreiking bij ‘Zicht op mooi Nederland’, de Structuurvisie voor de snelwegomgeving zoals vastgesteld door de Ministerraad op 10 oktober 2008. - ISBN 9789081445511 Structuurvisie Amsterdam 2040 : economisch sterk en duurzaam / Dienst Ruimtelijke Ordening van Amsterdam. - Amsterdam : Gemeente Amsterdam, 2011. - 324 p. + 1 losse kaart Ring A10 / ed. Maarten Kloos, Yvonne de Korte, Dave Wendt. Amsterdam : ARCAM ; Architectura & Natura Press, 2010. - 253 p. : ill. - ISBN 978907686894 Asfaltreizen: een verkenning van de snelweg / Tijs van den Boomen. - Amsterdam : Uitgeverij 521, 2002. - 187 p. Freelance journalist reed duizenden kilometers snelweg. ISBN 90-76927-21-9 Snelweg verhalen / Melle Smets, Bram Esser. - Rotterdam : Uitgeverij 010, 2011. - 496 p. : ill. ISBN 9789064507557 Machinekamer snelweg : een studie naar het Nederlandse snelwegennetwerk / Jeroen Mensink, Floris Alkemade. - Den Haag : Atelier Rijksbouwmeester, [s.n]. - 132 p. : ill. Studie in opdracht van de Rijksadviseur voor de Infrastructuur / Atelier Rijksbouwmeester. Cahier van de stedelijke autosnelweg : bijdragen aan de esthetische ontginning van de autosnelweg in het stedelijk veld / Rijksadviseur voor de Infrastructuur ; Baps’ Architects Research Design. Rotterdam : Atelier Rijksbouwmeester, 2008. - 207 p. : ill. In opdracht van de Rijksadviseur voor de Infrastructuur. ISBN 978-90-73525-45-0

Ringring ondergronds bouwen voor meervoudig ruimtegebruik boven en langs de Ring Rotterdam en de Ring Amsterdam / Frank van der Hoeven. - Rotterdam : Uitgeverij 010, 2002. - 376 p. : ill. - ISBN 90-6450-448-2 Bouwen aan de snelweg / Tracy Metz. - Rotterdam : 010 Publishers, 2002. - 160 p. : ill. - ISBN 90-6450-411-3 De diabolische snelweg : over de traditie van de mooie weg in het Nederlandse landschap en het verlangen naar de schitterende snelweg in de grote stad / Wim Nijenhuis, Wilfried van Winden. - Rotterdam : Uitgeverij 010, 2007. - 206 p. : ill. - ISBN 9789064505904 Mobility : repensando la movilidad = rethinking mobility. Barcelona : Actar, 1997. - 159 p. : afbn., geïll., plattegrdn. (Quaderns ; 218) in : Quaderns d’ arquitectura i urbanisme 1997 nr.218.


Special issues periodicals In de ban van de ring : special A10 In Parool, 1 november 2014 Dokmodel voor Zuidas : voor een betere leefbaarheid en bereikbaarheid. In: Plan Amsterdam, nr. 3, 2012 Infrastructuur en Snelwegarchitectuur In: Architect, nr. 10, 1999 Stedelijke vormen van mobiliteit In: Architect, nr. 5, nr. 3

Nature and city Urban by nature : IABR 2014 / ed. Georges Brugmans, Jolanda Strien ; bijdr. Ahmed Aboutaleb, Yves de Boer, Dirk Sijmons ... [et al.]. - Rotterdam : IABR, 2014. - 271 p. : ill. - ISBN 789080957251 Visie stadslandschappen (hoofdrapport) : discussienota / Teksten Robert Croonen, Niek Hazendonk, Yvonne Horsten ...[et al.]. - Den Haag : Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuurbeheer en Visserij, 1995. 64 p. : ill. - Bevat tevens 6 themarapporten. Haring in het IJ : de verborgen dierenwereld van Amsterdam / Marin Melchers & Geert Timmermans. - Amsterdam : Stadsuitgeverij, 1991. 243 p. : ill. - ISBN 9053660208 Leven in de stad : betekenis en toepassing van natuur in de stedelijke omgeving / Johan van Zoest, Martin Melchers. - Utrecht : KNNV Uitgeverij, 2006. - 240 p. : ill. - ISBN 9789050111775 Stadtgrün : Europaïsche Landschaftsarchitektur für das 21. Jahrhundert = Urban Green : European landscape design for the 21st century / ed. by Annette Becker, Peter Cachola Schmal. - Basel : Birkhäuser, 2010. - 245 p. : ill. - ISBN 9783034603133 De wilde stad : 100 jaar natuur van Amsterdam / red. H. van Halm. Amsterdam : KNNV Uitgeverij, 2001. - 192 p. : ill., foto’s Wildpark Rotterdam : de stad als natuurgebied / Jelle Reumer. Groningen : Historische Uitgeverij, 2014. - 158 p. : ill. ISBN 9789065540669 De parken van Amsterdam / Ernest Kurpershoek & Merel Ligtelijn. Amsterdam : Uitgeverij Bas Lubberhuizen, 2001. - 168 p. : ill. Literatuur: p. 163-167 ISBN 90-76314-45-4 Madrid Río : a project of urban transformation / ed. coörd. Nuria Martinez Deaño ; texts Manuel Arnáiz, Carlos Baztán, Hugo Corres ...[et al.]. - [s.l.] : Turner, [s.a.]. - 251 p. : ill. - Met medew. van West 8. ISBN 9788475069791 Black greens / Judith Jockel, Saskia de Wit. - Amsterdam : Architectura & Natura Press, 2007. - 51 p. : ill. ISBN 9789076863351



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Amsterdam Academy of Architecture Master of Architecture / Urbanism / Landscape Architecture Architects, urbanists and landscape architects learn the profession at the Amsterdam Academy of Architecture through an intensive combination of work and study. They work in small, partly interdisciplinary groups and are supervised by a select group of practising fellow professionals. There is a wide range of options within the programme so that students can put together their own trajectory and specialisation. With the inclusion of the course in Urbanism in 1957 and Landscape Architecture in 1972, the Academy is the only architecture school in the Netherlands to bring together the three spatial design disciplines under one roof. Some 350 guest tutors are involved in teaching every year. Each of them is a practising designer or a specific expert in his or her particular subject. The three heads of department also have design practices of their own in addition to their work for the Academy. This structure yields an enormous dynamism and energy and ensures that the courses remain closely linked to the current state of the discipline.

The courses consist of projects, exercises and lectures. Firstyear and second-year students also engage in morphological studies. Students work on their own or in small groups. The design projects form the backbone of the syllabus. On the basis of a specific design assignment, students develop knowledge, insight and skills. The exercises are focused on training in those skills that are essential for recognising and solving design problems, such as analytical techniques, knowledge of the repertoire, the use of materials, text analysis, and writing.Many of the exercises are linked to the design projects.The morphological studies concentrate on the making of spatial objects, with the emphasis on creative process and implementation. Students experiment with materials and media forms and gain experience in converting an idea into a creation.

During the periods between the terms there are workshops, study trips in the Netherlands and abroad, and other activities. This is also the preferred moment for international exchange projects. The Academy regularly invites foreign students for the workshops and recruits well-known designers from the Netherlands and further afield as tutors.

Graduates from the Academy of Architecture are entitled to the following titles: Master of Architecture (MArch), Master of Urbanism (MUrb), or Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA).


Colophon Winter School Curator

Editor Publication and Graphic Design


Graphic Design Template

Maike van Stiphout

Marjoleine Gadella Yuka Yoshida

Klaas de Jong

Studio Sander Boon

Bibliography Kick-off Speakers


Floris Alkemade Matthijs Schouten Martin Aarts

Maike van Stiphout Jarrik Ouburg Arjan Klok Cis Apeldoorn Rients Dijkstra

Matty Gaikhorst


Marjoleine Gadella Farnes Schepers Yuka Yoshida Hielke Zevenbergen Silko van der Vliet Arjan Klok


Hans Venhuizen Marieke Berkers Gabriel Lester Melle Smets Eric van der Kooij Maarten Kloos Wim Nijenhuis Pieter Klomp Ton Schaap Rein Jansma Jarrik Ouburg Michiel Schwarz Jord den Hollander Bruno Doedens Lada Hsrak Tijs van den Boomen Aglaee Degros Radna Rumping Baukje Trenning Paul Baartmans Hugo Beschoor Plug Arjan Klok Dingeman Deijs Machiel Spaan Ram Katzir Steven Delva Donna Milligen Bielke Benjamin Robichon Ward Verbakel Marjolein Boterenbrood Lonny van Rijswijck Wouter Kroeze


While the centre of Amsterdam is filling up and becoming increasingly expensive, there is still lots of free space along the Amsterdam’s ring road, the A10. The Ring A10 is 32 km long, and approximately 11 km in diameter, surrounding the centre of Amsterdam. The highway is lined by 64 km of land owned by Rijkswaterstaat, the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment. This land is inaccessible to the public, and has become a ring of forgotten land. The 64 km of land around the centre of Amsterdam is the site for the Winter School 2015 of the Amsterdam Academy of Architecture. The Winter School is a competition of ideas. During the Winter School, which has taken place from 19–30 January, students has worked together in teams to propose new ideas on how to occupy this forgotten land along and under the Ring A10.


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