Earth book bowen ma 760802

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7608032 Dani Mileo Group ST08





1.0 THREE RELATIONSHIPS 1.1 Point/Line/Plane 1.2 Mass 1.3 Frame & Infill 2.0 HERRING ISLAND.SITE ANALYSIS &CONCEPTACLE 2.1 Site analysis 2.2 IDEA DEVELOPMENT 2.3 ARTIST STUDY 2.4 CONCEPTACLE 3.0 HERRING ISLAND. SOMETHING LIKE A PAVILION 3.1 Digital Model & Design Walk Through 3.1 Plans 3.2 Elevation & Section 3.3 Final Design Model 4.0 Reflection 5.0 Bibliography


Work by Bowen Ma 2016


Work by Bowen Ma 2016

Work by Bowen Ma 2016

1.0 THREE RELATIONSHIPS 1.1 POINT/LINE/PLANE- The process of veil and unveil 1.2 MASS - Journey into the ground 1.3 FRAME AND INFILL - 1 + 1 = 1*


Work by Bowen Ma 2014

Work by Bowen Ma 2016


Work by Bowen Ma 2016

1.1 POINT / LINE / PLANE All tectonics begins with a pointThrough multiplication of points evolves into a new dimension of line and plane. From plane to line, and to point suggests a process of unveiling what is inside, back to the origin point. My model explores a possible solution to demonstrate this idea of reducing planes to lines eventually ending with a single point. The model shows a plane structure risen upon line like supports ending with origin points

Hotel Hotel by Fendler Katsalidis Architects 2013

Axonometric analysis of the Maison Particlière by Theo Van Doesburg & Cornelis Van Eesteren 1923


Photo by Paul Virilio, “Bunker Archeology”

Basalt Hexagonal Columns - Devils Postpile

Work by Bowen Ma 2016


1.2 MASS The exploration of MASS has based the idea of structures composed of similar to identical modular units. We were asked to design underground spaces and look into war bunkers. Most are described as heavy, and dense, come with small entrances and uncomfortable spaces, yet a strong sense of protection are filled within. Darkness penetrated by small rays of lights allowing users to breathe under a thick and heavy shell.I extended this idea of robust materials brutally smashed against user’s views without any fancy facades in my MASS sketches. Ending up with a charcoaled drawing that describes a journey of suddenly discovering large earthy walls and how it amplifies users to experience atmosphere of overpowering MASS

Work by Bowen Ma 2016


Work by Bowen Ma 2016


Work by Bowen Ma 2016

1.3 FRAME & INFILL Infills are expendable and easy to modify while the frames are not. The setting allows every individual infill element to have a story of their own; each can be a new starting point to exhibit the narrative of the bigger picture. In my model, I attempted to create different individual elements exhibiting difference potential uses, and through composition to enhance their relationship based on the 2x2 framed space. The 8 elements together become 1 individual object instead of isolated beings. Work by Bowen Ma 2016 Plug in City by Archigram


Work by Bowen Ma 2016





Vegetation and SunPath

2.1 SITE ANALYSIS Chosen site is located on the south-west side of the island. During the visits on herring island, this area appealed to me the most due to its complexity on various factors. Unlike most outer rims with a strong sense of enclosure, this site opens the island up to external viewers, acting as a window. The site hosts an open forest-like landscape with pathways set in. The atmosphere on selected site faces sudden changes accordingly to the existing path. Approaching from the west, the path is separated from the inner island by a small hill, s sense of entering is created as they reach the western island cape, where the inner island can be entered by a valley like landscape, where the secrets are hidden.


Circulation and Mood

-The design will embody or amplify these changes of the atmosphere within the site, a journey like experience. -Situated in the valley area, distant away from entry dock and hidden within the forest amplifying ‘secrecy.’ -Large area can be occupied -Host the ‘Cairn’ by Andrew Goldsmith -camouflage itself within the valley area, but visible from a distance away. Work by Bowen Ma 2016

Work by Bowen Ma 2016


Work by Bowen Ma 2016


2.2 IDEA DEVELOPMENT These are my process to translate my experience on site to architectural compositions. The sketch model shows a basic idea of how I will compose my design. I ended up with a courtyard-like space surrounded by solid to semi-translucent walls. With an additional entry for children by limiting the entry height. 1-Entry point, facing the valley entry 2-Visual threshold, echoing to the site 3-Additional entry, fulfilling the ‘children space’ concept while echoing to the site’s interaction of two pathways 4&5- Solid walls, mirroring the two hills in site 6 -My secret (currently ‘Carin’ by Andy Goldsworthy)



My art is an attempt to reach beyond surface; I want to see growth in stone, nature in city. And by nature I don’t mean vegetation, but the earth beneath it. - Andy Goldsworthy 2001, midsummer snowballs - Secret are found through certain physical process, such as decaying.

Midsummer Snowball by Andy Goldsworthy

Inevitably, one way of getting beneath the surface is to introduce a hole, a window into what’s lies below. Andy Goldsworthy 2010 - Secrets are not absent, but unseen

Roof by Andy Goldsworthy



Work by Bowen Ma 2016

My final conceptacle is a directed pathway that gradually unveils the centre secret through faรงade materiality in a maze-like form. The plane gradually descends while a direct shortcut towards the centre is provided to younger users. The faรงade reaching the end are see-through as windows from outside but tinted in the inside acting as a single way visual threshold. Tutorial Development -Add more mystique elements to enhance process of veiling and unveiling -Consider to create a journey. As the secret may be told by the visitors returning from the same pathway as new user enters it.

Work by Bowen Ma 2016


Work by Bowen Ma 2016


3.0 HERRING ISLAND. SOMETHING LIKE A PAVILION From point/line/plane, the idea of unveiling. From mass, to create a journey. And from frame and infill, each element as individual overlays and create something entirely different. The design combines these core ideas I have gained from the three tectonic studies and hereby presented on the Herring island. Secrets are not absent but only unseen. Visitors attracted by light and will found the secret lies beneath through a journey of darkness. Spaces are only to be discovered as they reach the right time.


3.1 Digital Model & Design Walk Through

Work by Bowen Ma 2016

Work by Bowen Ma 2016


I .The entrance and the Exit – the beginning Sited away from the main circulation path on the island but is visible to visitors on the major pathways. Entrance are marked by extruding walls of the pathway forming a welcoming effect while exit is hidden as one of the many steel pillars

II . Pathway – the journey The design hides Andy Goldsworthy’s sculpture along with other spaces in underground. To get to them the only way is to explore through the gradually descending twirled pathways (4m*2m) leading into the center hall (10m*6m) buried 8m underground. Accompanied sudden transparent views and steel pillar as obstacles the one-way path is covered in a maze-like mystique. Unlike the upper ground’s openness it’s is more compacted space with dim light. III . Windows Through Visitors journey time to time, the destination is revealed through layers of glass. Gradually becoming clear as they approach the finishing point-main hall. IV . Pillars of light The upper ground part of the structure that is designed to be explored before find their way to enter the interior of the structure. A vast of steel pillars extrude out from the terrain hidden by their reflective camouflage in the woods is only to be seen in a close distance. It is to be discovered later on as windows unveiling the sky for the underground. The pillars are hollow and accessible from allocated faces within the pathways, creating age differences as some are only viable for children. These pillars host a framed picture of the sky or forest as the ceiling in the separate private space.

V . Center Hall A large space 6m height and 10m wide. Hosting the ‘cairn’ in a mini theatre like space for a small family with a similar design to the steel pillars, only it is topped with reflective tinted glass, visible for visitors from the ground surface with a height of 1.5m but reflects the light within the underground space. Also, host four large sized pillars on four sides as other facilities and storage.


3.1 Plans ( not to scale )





AN (-2m)



Work by Bowen Ma 2016


3.2 Elevation & Section ( not to scale ) North Elevation

East Elevation

Work by Bowen Ma 2016




Work by Bowen Ma 2016





Work by Bowen Ma 2016


4. REFLECTION This semester I learned how to merge multiple ideas through different composition to design architecture. A clear routine to display my ideas through communication. The biggest problem I faced this semester would be to choose the suitable directions and to discard what isn’t needed. Also putting all my works together in time. The challenges are always how to push my ideas further from what I have started. It is clear to me now improve my communication skills such as models, drawings, and diagrams as ideas in my head are irrelevant if others cannot understand it. And for this project, there are still many improvements to be made on the design developments. I had a great time seeing my design finally come to shape in the last few weeks. The essential things I have acquired during this subject would be to focus on one thing and only one thing at a time and you will eventually make your goal.


35 Work by Bowen Ma 2016

4.0 BIBLIOGRAPHY Andy Goldsworthy, Roof, 2010, Andy Goldsworthy , Midsummer snow ball,2001,



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