BOWLS WA REPORTS - CEO As with many organisations the past twelve months has seen great uncertainty within the sport in general, both on and off the green. However, as this report will detail Bowls in WA has weathered this very well with no significant disruptions felt, thanks in part to the stringent lockdown policies employed by Government.
However, an area that continues to perform extremely well given the improvements in the world’s economies are our investments via IOOF. Our managed funds now sit above $850,000, an improvement of 15.25% or $112,482 over 2019/2020. These investments will continue to underpin the sport in WA for many years to come, with a prudent, conservative policy on investment maintained. Ken Pride
In recent years, the Association has very much focused on its support of our member clubs, accepting that strong, financially viable clubs will ensure a strong Association. This focus has I will divide this report of operations into the seen successful grants being received from the Department of Sport and Recreation which have four Strategic Pillars framed within the Bowls part funded the Winning Drive program. This WA Strategic Plan (2017-2022) being: excellent program delivered by BWA staff in association with the Bowls Australia Regional ● Business Sustainability Bowls Managers (RBMs) has traversed the state ● Member Services to deliver information and training on Bowls ● Engagement and Growth and Link, Social Media opportunities, Grants and ● Events, Competitions & Pathways (the Game) Sponsorship and strategic planning programs, all designed to improve the operation of clubs. This BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY program will continue with additional funding for As detailed in the Audit, Risk and Finance Report a further two years, allowing for the appointment it has been a most unusual financial period. The of coordinator Kaitlyn Tyrrell for that period. ultimate surplus of $75,127 was achieved through The following 12 months will see a further a growth in Competitions after a strong post- intensifying of support for clubs across the State COVID return, a reduction in costs associated via this program. Already the post-2022 strategic with the Annual Dinner & Awards Night with a plan, currently at a discussion stage will no doubt shift away from Crown Perth and the substantial seek such support at an operational level for both savings from a cancellation of the Australian country and metropolitan clubs. Sides Series on the Gold Coast. A key element of the on the ground support of The real story however is shown by the receipt over clubs is the Bowls Australia RBM program – a key two financial years of Government Assistance via plank in the delivery of services to affiliated clubs. the Government Cash Flow Boost and to a lesser degree the Small Business & Charity Tariff Offset ENGAGEMENT AND GROWTH via Synergy. (Bowls WA was not eligible to receive Job Keeper funding). In turn the Board decided The financial viability of our Clubs and Association to return some $150,000 partly from Government is inexorably linked to the growth of the sport; financial assistance to our clubs through reduced whether that be via the casual participant or the Affiliation Fees; a sentiment matched by Bowls fully fledged member; the latter being the most preferred! It is remembered that Bowls WA staff Australia in its charge to Bowls WA. do not sign anyone up to be a member, so it is It is therefore very difficult to make comparisons critical that clubs and club members are armed with other periods. with the resources required to attract and where