2021-22 still struggled with Covid-19 restrictions affecting club operations. Despite the continued upheaval, Bowls WA was able to not only finish the six-month Pennant season, but also complete most State Games and Championships.
from Thornlie Bowling Club – congratulations to Eddie Gollan on his inaugural win and to Richard Passmore from Port Bouvard on achieving a hardfought Silver! We now look forward to hosting the 2022 National Bowling Arm Sides Championships in September of this year – an inaugural event for Bowls WA!
The Women’s Inter Region Round Robin (IRRR) has been running since 2005. The metropolitan bowls area is divided into four regions: Eastern, Northern, South Coastal and Southern. These regions select Within the area of Inclusion this meant the All players, on a point system, to create 6 teams of Abilities State Championships, Bowling Arm State four players. Singles, and Women’s Inter Region Round Robin The regions compete in two competitions: (1) a were all held and completed. round robin tournament of 96 players competing The 2022 All Abilities State Championships were to win the overall IRRR event, and (2) An All Stars played in April at Kardinya Bowling Club with 46 Competition where the best 8 players of each participants and new players in every category of region are selected to play in an “All Star” game Deaf, Intellectual and Physical Disability, and Vision which is also played in round robin format. This year’s winners for both events were Northern Impairment. Region! A massive change this year was prize money which was truly appreciated in the eighth year of the event! Denise McMillan
The 2022 Bowling Arm State Singles were held at INCLUSIVE PRACTICES the beginning of May, hosted at Warnbro Bowling Club, with a notable majority of country players. The 2021 winner, Bill Taylor from Bowls Safety Bay, fought hard to keep his 2021 title; however, he successfully finished in the Bronze position. Subsequently the 2022 Champion is a fresh face