All in all the 2021/2022 year has proven to be a most successful one.
With the ever-present threat of COVID hanging over each and every action, in hindsight there was perhaps only a twothree week period where the pandemic directly affected the season.
Director of Finance’s report.
Ken Pride
The mid-season shut down of in particular the North Beach club was handled extremely well by club officials, with swift and reasoned actions ensuring a return to play in the shortest possible time.
The support given by the majority of clubs to the Government’s requirements also paved the way for a quick return and a safe, secure environment to both play and socialize – well done to all. It would appear the worst is now behind us and although it may be a different world than two years ago, it does give us confidence that we can come together when required for the greater good. FINANICIAL VIABILITY In a very uncertain year, it was pleasing to note the Association was able to post a surplus of $25,340 after an anticipated deficit in the February 2021 Budget. This was supported by an up and down period for the BWA Investment portfolio, which at the end of the calendar year (2021) was looking very healthy indeed. But as we have seen with various world affairs this promising period has backpedaled in the past six months – as most of our personal superannuation accounts will attest to !
Much has been communicated about the extensive Governance Review of the Association conducted last year. The review noted a number of areas that needed consideration and as a result the Board has embarked upon updating the BWA Constitution, a refreshed Strategic Plan (2022-2025), a Club Development Plan, plus a full review of the current Committee structures to ensure they meet the requirements of the above documents, both strategically and operationally. A number of club officials have been involved in these processes in order to gain as wide as possible thoughts on the future direction of the Association; many thanks to those officials for their time and energy. It is anticipated that the Strategic Plan will be presented to clubs at the Annual General Meeting in late July.
OPEN GENDER & OTHER ISSUES One of the most significant changes to metropolitan pennant this past year has been the commencement of Open Gender bowls. A legal requirement at the highest levels, the opening up of the competitions for 4th division and under (men) and 3rd division and under (women), allowed for a great many more teams to get on the green, ensuring most with a game either on Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday. As with any new initiative there were some teething problems, however the Board is committed to continue to broaden the Open Gender opportunities. Following a Metropolitan Club Forum it was very apparent that clubs also want to progress this issue and as a result it will extend to 3rd division and under for the men on Saturday next season. At this time while more data is gathered all other competitions will remain as per 2021/2022.
That said the very conservative nature of those investments continue to perform well for the The other important area debated at the Metro Association and provide a firm financial footing Forum was the extreme weather conditions of play. After an unusually hot 2021/2022 summer, for both now and generations ahead. changes were required. As a result 2022/2023 More detail is shown in the accounts and the