T H E O F F I C I A L P U B L I C AT I O N O F T H E A U S T R A L I A N H O T E L S A S S O C I AT I O N ( S A B R A N C H ) A U G U S T 2 0 2 1
Pubs Helping Charities Lockdown Ends
Years Serving the SA Hotel Industry W W W.A H A S A.A S N.AU
We’re Here for You
Our industry faces an unprecedented challenge in COVID-19. We’ve developed a central Resource Hub to help our communities navigate the sea of information and find the critical resources that can help them to weather this storm. The Hub is for everyone – it’s free and you don’t need to sign up for anything to access it. perks.com.au/covid19 (08) 8273 9300 2 | Hotel SA | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U
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15 Hotels Helping Hutt Street
On behalf of SA’s hotels, the AHA|SA has made the largest donation to Catherine House and Hutt St Centre.
16 The Peninsula Hotel A Hollywood-style sign reading “Peninsula” beckons patrons to the refurbished Peninsula Hotel Motel in Taperoo. Previously the Boathouse Tavern, the site was purchased by the Dean Group of Hotels in late 2019 and taken over in March 2020, just as Australia was beginning to experience the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic. I N
04 From the President 06 From the General Manager
28 SA’s Best Pub Burger
The humble pub burger took centre stage, as 12 hotel finalists battled it out for the title of SA’s Best Pub Burger 2021.
29 Eyre Hotel: Winner of the Best Burger Challenge
08 Scott’s Spot
31 Greater Flexibility on the Agenda for Hospitality Award
10 Revolving Restrictions and Workforce Impacts
34 Coopers Vintage Comes of Age
13 Hotel Manager Q&A: Lindsie Briscoe
35 Winesmiths Teams Up with Street Artist to Launch Limited Edition Packs
14 Regional Meetings
37 AHA|SA Corporate Partner Directory
15 Hotels Helping Hutt Street
38 AHA|SA Corporate Partners 2021-2022
16 The Peninsula Hotel
39 AHA|SA Office Holders and Publishing
28 SA’s Best Pub Burger
40 Gaming Care
31 Greater Flexibility
The Fair Work Commission has recently signalled their intentions for greater flexibilities to be introduced into the Hospitality Award.
Selling Hotels Since 1959
This months trivia: “In the 1880’s hoteliers thought they would try to raise the standard of hotels although it was easier said than done. To this end they formed the Licensed Victuallers Association which had its share of problems as shown in the minutes of early meetings. One meeting in 1880 was called to see what action could be taken about police removing customers from an upstairs lounge. The police complained that people were singing and dancing - and worse, the publican had installed a piano !” * Source: the AHA National Yearbook 1982- 83 John Langford is the longest serving active Hotel Broker in SA with 42 years’ experience. If you are thinking of selling call John.
0410 605 224 john@langfordshotelbrokers.com.au www.langfordshotelbrokers.com.au
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Years Serving the SA Hotel Industry
Proper Compensation Must Be Planned Now The AHA|SA acknowledges and appreciates the $100 million support package for all business impacted during the seven-day lockdown. But as most other businesses get back to normal, hotels of all sizes have been left behind. Even when we reopen, restrictions such as 25% capacity, sit down drinking and compulsory mask use make trading conditions marginal at best. Hotel operators and our staff should not lose their income and in many cases, go into debt, while keeping their fellow Australians safe. While hotels want to continue to play our role in a safe COVID-19 recovery, a ‘set and forget’ approach is not appropriate. For as long as we have capacity limitations to our business, we need financial compensation. A revenue drop below 30% appears to be the established benchmark. The AHA|SA believes an eligible business should receive support from $1,500 per week up to a maximum of $10,000 per week. Similar support exists in NSW and Victoria.
Border closures are crippling tourism and yet office workers are told to stay home. It is very clear that CBD venues, particularly accommodation venues must not be a victim of a set and forget policy. Many of our regional and remote venues are paying a very disproportionate price for the ‘sins’ of the metropolitan area and certain regional issues. I would urge the transition committee to make a more compassionate risk assessment when dealing with communities hundreds of kilometres away from any COVID-19 cases. NON-ESSENTIAL? As business realists we understand our operations will continue to be compromised for some time to come. But if we are viewed as non-essential, subject to lockdowns and sentenced to loss-making restrictions, there needs to be a clear formula for financial protection from governments. In addition, it must be understood ahead of restriction changes. The time for making it up as we go along is long past.
I am also putting on the public record my objection to the term “non- essential”. “Non-essential” is a term coined by the people making all of these decisions. They classify themselves as essential. They have not lost a single hour of salary. They do a fantastic job but they do not struggle to pay the rent.
CBRE revealed that office vacancy rates in the Adelaide CBD are the second highest in the country at 12.7%.
On the other hand, in this ‘new normal’, apparently our family and small businesses are all non -essential.
The AHA|SA is not a lone voice with key peak bodies for business, tourism, accommodation and wine regions joining the call.
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Dark times… restrictions and lockdowns will occur for the foreseeable future Compensation… as the first line of defence for health, we need measured help Reality… $3,000 compensation was nice but didn’t pay a full week’s power bill.
That is very dismissive of the: • $1 billion a year our members pay in wages • $1.3 billion a year we pay to our supply chain • $445 million we pay each year in taxes, levies and charges
Since inception, the funding has provided over $21 million across 150+ South Australian causes – vulnerable groups, people with disability and childhood diseases to name a few.
Pubs with Heart was established in 1994 by the South Australian Hotel Industry and Licensed Clubs Association, through the Independent Gaming Corporations and generates a pool of funding through its hotel and club members to give back in the way of community support.
This time last year, National Cabinet was lauded for its effectiveness. It was hailed as the model for future Federal and State Government engagement.
Pubs with Heart is exactly that – showing the generosity of industry to assist those in need. A generous industry willing to support others.
Twelve months later, businesses like ours that rely on the leadership of key decision makers in a time of crisis have sadly seen National Cabinet crumble to a loose affiliation of warring tribes. Our fate is in the hands of eight State and Territory Governments and their chief health officers.
Our members with gaming machines have generously supported causes like Cranio Facial, Autism SA, Bedford, Blazeaid, SAHMRI, along with 1500 worthy causes. Also, over the past three years, we funded the purchase and installation of 150 life-saving defibrillators across SA country pubs.
Decisions resolved at National Cabinet seemingly never stick, adding to the confusion and anxiety of those of us considered non-essential.
Life is very difficult for many members as we battle COVID-19 and its consequences. Yet I am heartened that the generous nature of publicans continues to shine through. At an industry level and at a pub level, we continue to say “yes” when we are asked for donations.
• $4.3 billion we directly contribute to the Gross State Product.
PUBS WITH HEART Thank you to all of our member hotels that are continuing to support the less fortunate in communities across the state. On page 15 you will read a story about the latest donation made by Pubs with Heart (formerly known as Hotel Care). On behalf of hotels, we are helping the invaluable work down by Catherine House and the Hutt St Centre. Back to Contents
Why? Because it is essential.
David Basheer, AHA|SA President W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U
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Years Serving the SA Hotel Industry
We’re All in this Together….. No We’re Not. Not by a Long Shot! Sadly, this commentary is again about COVID-19 and its negative impact on tourism and hospitality. The handling of what is now known as the ‘Modbury’ cluster was based on a ‘go hard, go early’ strategy in managing any outbreaks. What the ‘go hard, go early’ strategy should have done is also complete the story by undertaking to ‘get business back to business ASAP’. That hasn’t happened. On the contrary. After the seven-day lockdown, businesses in hospitality were restored to just 25% capacity with seated consumption. On Monday 2 August, the Premier announced the further lifting of restriction to include a return to 50% BUT, still seated and with masks. One assumes that will stay in place for at least another week or longer! Speculation in the media was that even this small relaxation may have been against the opinion of SA Health! We’ll never know, but it’s clear that ‘going in hard and going in early’ is now an inadequate response if, as we are told, managing this pandemic is also about getting the balance between health imperatives and the economy’s health. We seem far from having that balance anywhere near right. 6 | Hotel SA | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U
COUNTRY SA ABANDONED It beggars belief that the needs of regional and remote operations and their communities in SA continue to be so easily dismissed. The seven-day lockdown and subsequent severe restrictions were all applied in their entirety to regional South Australia. Yet for many rural and regional communities, Melbourne is closer to Modbury than the Eyre Peninsula and the Far North. No other state who imposed lockdowns, ie Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane, have applied a ‘one size fits all’ across the state…. NONE! It’s a terrible impost imposed on regional and remote South Australia. So, the message to the Government and the Transition Committee is very clear: if ‘fast and early’ prevents the virus spread, then ‘as-soon-as-possible’ restoration of hospitality trading capacity saves businesses, communities and jobs. Do the sensible thing and give the regional and remote businesses a break!
Ian Horne, AHA|SA General Manager Back to Contents
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75%… we will continue the advocacy both behind the scenes and publicly. WA lockdown… four weeks later they are at 100%. NT and Qld also flexible approach. Country lockdowns… “grossly unfair”.
“...if ‘fast and early’ prevents the virus spread, an ‘as-soonas-possible’ restoration of hospitality trading capacity saves businesses, communities and jobs.”
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Scott’s Spot Hello all and welcome to the August edition of Scott’s Spot. This month’s edition is once again a shortened version due to the lockdown and heavy restrictions that are currently imposed on this incredibly resilient industry.
I called through to the Commercial in Strathalbyn and was allowed to take a snap of COVID-19 compliant publican, Stacey along with her partner in crime, Amber. Can you spot the beautiful smiles through the masks.
REGIONAL MEETINGS We were extremely fortunate to hold a meeting at the Pastoral Hotel in Port Augusta. A very special thanks to the O’Dea family who hosted a fantastic event with once again a massive turnout by members and our corporate partners. We were very disappointed that the Murray/Mallee Regional could not go ahead due to lockdown, as Phil Carson from The Terminus in Morgan and I had been discussing this for two years. Importantly next year, we will be back at The Terminus with all guns blazing as surely there will be no hiccups next year. Famous last words, I know! While on the Riverland, I have noticed the Front Bar Footy Show with Andy, Sam and Mick Molloy has been collectively promoting the Renmark Hotel , of course in their humorous way by taking the you-know-what out of it. This is on the back of the clever, newly created Mick Molloy Bar. See below a couple of promotions that bear Mick’s name and I’m sure he’s extremely proud of! Did you know that the Renmark Hotel was the first communityowned hotel in the British Empire when it opened in 1897, with the profits used to build infrastructure in the town? Nice piece of trivia. 8 | Hotel SA | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U
There is a constant that I notice on my personal Facebook feed and his name is Darren Banks, publican of the Yorke Valley Hotel in Maitland with his wonderful wife, Renee. His upbeat promotional videos always put a smile on my face and frankly, Darren could be on commercial TV such is his charisma and authenticity. The video featured on the next page is the first coming out of lockdown and clearly explains to his patrons the restrictions that will be in place to the letter of the law. Back to Contents
On the road What struck me in his sign-off was Darren’s authenticity in thanking the community while continuing to not only support his hotel, but included Maitland Hotel along with all businesses within the Maitland community.
I managed to get a snap of Jodi and Phil along with their gorgeous puppy, Kai, while having a beverage at my local Bacchus Bar in Henley Beach.
This would be an example across the state of the selflessness within this industry amongst the frustration and pain that is being felt across our member base. Massive thanks to Darren for allowing me to share this video . In this month’s edition of “Interview with the AHA|SA”, have a look and see what the extremely talented Elise Fassina from the Fassina Group has to say, answering some hard hitting questions.
I stopped into both the North Star Hotel in Melrose along with the Transcontinental Hotel in Quorn.
Following are a few quick snaps over the last few weeks.
Before signing off, I would like to acknowledge both Jack and Rhonda from the Bushman’s Arms in Naracoorte, along with Jeff and Vicki from the Port Anchor Hotel in Port Adelaide who signed off as publicans (for now) in July. Enjoy some well-deserved R&R over the coming months. Let’s raise a glass! Bye for now. Back to Contents
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Revolving Restrictions and Workforce Impacts As publicans continue to manage the impact and flowon effects of ongoing changes to operating restrictions, we have heard many operators raise questions that echo some of the concerns and confusion that erupted at the beginning of COVID-19 back in March 2020. In particular, we’ve seen a number of queries related to understanding what levers are available, in respect to managing one’s workforce.
A) A worker can be stood down for other reasons unrelated to COVID-19. However, under Section 524 of the Fair Work Act, a stand down is when some or all of the employees of a business are temporarily unable to be usefully employed due to a stoppage of work outside of the employer’s control (this would apply during any government enforced lockdown and your business is not eligible to be open).
Cecilia White , our Director of Perks People Solutions shares, “During a time of lockdown, employers have several options open to them:
Q) How does the “Annual Leave at Half Pay for Award employees” work
1. Where possible, employees can be directed to work from home. 2. Where work from home is not possible, employers can utilise the Stand Down provisions available as part of the Fair Work Act 2009 , due to the forced government closure. This means employees are stood down without pay. They will continue to accrue leave during this period. 3. As an alternative to stand down, employees can access paid or unpaid leave entitlements subject to being authorised by the employer. For many operators, working out what options are available to them takes an enormous amount of mental and emotional strain as they are balancing the economic viability of their business and the human impacts of workforce decisions.” TOP WORKFORCE LOCKDOWN QUESTIONS Whilst the situation in South Australia continues to be less perilous than in other states, it never hurts to be prepared when managing staff and resourcing. Here are some of the top questions that we’ve been helping some of our clients affected by lockdowns in other areas. Q) To stand down a worker, do we need to demonstrate that the requirement to stand them down has been caused by COVID-19?
Pat Hodby
A) Some Awards provide an employer to allow an employee to take up to twice as much annual leave at half the rate of pay in certain Awards. The agreement would need to be recorded in writing, to avoid any disputes at a later date. Also note that an employee on leave at half pay accumulates their usual leave entitlements (annual, sick and carers’) as if they were on full pay. Q) Is the Government offering any type of financial assistance? A) There is the Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment for all states other than Northern Territory. Financial support is available if you live in South Australia and can’t earn an income because you must self-isolate or quarantine or are caring for someone with COVID-19. Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment is a lump sum payment to help you during the 14 days you need to self-isolate, quarantine or care for someone. You must be directed to self-isolate or quarantine by a health official. This includes a person employed by: • SA Health • a state or regional department of health. Check out this link for more information . If you have questions specific to your situation, feel free to drop us a line or email us directly.
Pat Hodby and Tom Paine are Directors at Perks , South Australia’s leading privately-owned accounting and private wealth firm. They are the driving force behind the Perks Hospitality specialisation team and have both provided key advisory and operational support to a number of owner-operators in the sector, ranging from the structuring of their business, to back-of-house bookkeeping, to the streamlining and digitization of their support systems. Pat is also an active industry advocate for publicans and the hospitality industry and owns a successful pub in the Adelaide Hills.
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Tom Paine
Embrace. Evolve. Challenge. Lead. 2021 Women in Hotels Conference - celebrating 27 years of the Women in Hotels network in South Australia. The Conference is a biennial event bringing women together from across the South Australian hotel industry to be inspired, share their knowledge, and strengthen their networks with one another. The 2021 Conference provides an inspiring and comprehensive range of topics and presenters. The program brings a raft of practical thinking and tools to apply in the workplace. We hope delegates leave the event feeling uplifted and empowered to face the challenges ahead. A highlight of the program will be our keynote speaker and high achieving South Australian,
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Taryn Brumfitt. Taryn Brumfitt is a global thought leader and motivational speaker. She has reached over 200 million people worldwide with her inspiring message to EMBRACE your body! The Conference Dinner concluding the day will be a wonderful celebration with special guests. At the dinner, we announce the inductees into the Women in Hotels ‘Hall of Fame’ in recognition of hoteliers that have made a significant contribution to the SA hotel industry. We would encourage all female hotel staff to attend the conference. There is something in it for everyone. We look forward to your attendance.
Full program to be announced here soon
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Stronger Harder Faster Better
CHEFTOP MIND.Maps™ PLUS BIG A new benchmark in terms of cooking performance, power and reliability. CHEFTOP MIND.Maps™ PLUS BIG is the intelligent combi oven able to carry out any type of cooking, in any environment, 24 hours per day and fully loaded. Now including built in WIFI so you can connect your oven to the internet and receive a BIG extended warranty that allows up to 4 years on parts PLUS 2 years on labour or 10,000 hours cooking time*
Unox Australia | 7/100 New St, Ringwood 3134 | 03 9876 0803 | info@unoxaustralia.com.au 12 | Hotel SA | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U Back to Contents
Q & A
Lindsie Briscoe
industry insight
VENUE MANAGER - THE WOODCROFT HOTEL WHAT IS THE TITLE OF YOUR POSITION? Venue Manager WHAT HOTEL/S DO YOU MANAGE? The Woodcroft Hotel which is part of the RD Jones Group. HOW DID YOU ENTER THE HOTEL INDUSTRY AND WHAT HAS BEEN YOUR CAREER PATH? I chose hospitality and started as a waitress/bar tender. I worked my way up through hotels working in all facets of the hotel. DO YOU HAVE ANY FAMILY CONNECTIONS IN THE HOTEL TRADE? My sister works in alcohol retail (Dan Murphy’s). WHAT DOES YOUR POSITION ENTAIL? All aspects of hotel management - working with and to budgets, rostering, hiring, staff managing, working on the floor (which I love), banking and payroll... plus creating a great staff culture. WHAT ASPECT OF THIS POSITION IS YOUR FAVOURITE? Working with a really fantastic team and giving the best service down south!
WHAT IS YOUR LEAST FAVOURITE PART OF THIS ROLE? Sometimes the hours are long and they keep me away from my family. APPROXIMATELY HOW MANY STAFF DO YOU MANAGE? 46 staff members. WHO HAVE YOUR MENTORS BEEN OVER THE YEARS? I have been lucky to work with a very supportive head office who give great ideas and support me, and I find the way they work together really fun. WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO THOSE LOOKING TO WORK THEIR WAY UP THE HOTEL BUSINESS LADDER?
Work hard, gain experience in every area you can and always smile! WHAT DOES YOUR FUTURE LOOK LIKE? WHERE DO YOU SEE YOURSELF IN FIVE YEARS? Probably still here at The Woody. WHAT MAKES YOUR HOSPITALITY OFFERING DIFFERENT FROM OTHER VENUES? We are very strong in customer service, often a little cheeky, and we make really good food and cocktails! DO YOU HAVE RENOVATION PLANS FOR THE HOTEL/S IN YOUR GROUP? We were renovated almost six years ago, and still look brand new!
AHA|SA Members Face Mask Deal AHA|SA corporate partner, The Banner Crew, have unbranded reusable fabric masks available with quick turn around and good pricing. They have come up with a deal for AHA|SA members on 100 units for $2 + GST each, but you can purchase as low as 20 units for $3 + GST each. Back to Contents
Whilst they have secured good quantities, place your orders ASAP either by email or phone. Branded masks are also available quotes supplied upon request. thecrew@thebannercrew.com.au Phone 8240 0242 Click here to order
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A big thanks to the O’Deas for hosting a fantastic Regional Meeting of the AHA|SA at the The Pastoral Hotel Motel , Port Augusta on Tuesday 13 July. It was a great turnout of our hotel members and our valued corporate partners, who all contributed to the day’s success.
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Hotels Helping Hutt Street
On behalf of SA’s hotels, the AHA|SA has made the largest donation to a fundraiser for Catherine House and Hutt St Centre . 'Pubs with Heart' (formerly Hotel Care Community Projects) has contributed $10,000 towards FIVEaa’s David & Will's Undie Drive . Catherine House offers crisis, longer term accommodation and support services for women experiencing homelessness. Hutt St Centre aims to end homelessness and each year it serves up to 40,000 meals and offers social work and support services to nearly 2,000 people. “Underwear… everyone wears them and we take it for granted that there will be a pair in your drawer each day,” according to the FIVEaa promotion. “Your generous donations will go directly to Catherine House and the Hutt St Centre to purchase undies for men and women that are currently experiencing homelessness right here in South Australia.” Pubs with Heart, through the Independent Gaming Corporation (IGC), was established in 1995 and has contributed over $10 million to 160+ South Australian charities and disadvantaged groups. HOTELS CONTINUING TO GIVE Hotels have a long and proud history of helping the community. According to McGregor Tan research data, the support given to charities, sporting clubs and community
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groups by hotels in SA is more than $9 million annually (figure obtained from marketing data). This could be anything from a small donation or meal voucher for a school raffle to more significant fundraising initiatives for particular charities. It could also be the pub being the major sponsor of the local football team - local hotels play their part at all levels.
“Wow! That more than doubles the total of the Undie Drive!” - Will Goodings “It is genuinely an amazing act of generosity at a time when pubs have had their revenue smashed.” - David Penberthy On behalf of hotels with gaming machines in SA, the AHA|SA coordinates the Pubs with Heart funding program. Since it was established in 1995, Pubs with Heart has poured more than $10 million back into the community. It has a particular focus on supporting charities, not for profit organisations and disadvantaged groups. Funding for Pubs with Heart is provided by the IGC.
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M : 0 4 0 9 8 8 9 9 74
W www.budgetbitumen.com E info@budgetbitumen.com
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A Hollywood-style sign reading “Peninsula” beckons patrons to the refurbished The Peninsula Hotel Motel in Taperoo. Previously the Boathouse Tavern, the site was purchased by the Dean Group of Hotels in late 2019 and taken over in March 2020, just as Australia was beginning to experience the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic. Fortunately, the revamp was still possible. Peter Johnson, Director and General Manager of the Dean Group, said the plan was always to rebrand and renew the Boathouse Tavern site, creating a versatile venue for local residents, corporates and businesses.
“The focus for the redevelopment was to offer something completely different, unexpected and unique on the peninsula.” “The focus for the redevelopment was to offer something completely different, unexpected and unique on the peninsula,” he said. The revamp was inspired by the site’s heritage, with a nod to Palm Springs and Las Vegas. “We believe we installed originality within the hotel by keeping to the mid-century theme,” said Peter. “All the way from our 1953 Bedford school bus and our 1964 revamped caravan which services our guests in the dining room.
BK Electronics have specialised in Sales and Service of Cash Handling Equipment, Systems and Consumables in South Australia since 2014. We believe in honesty, trust and supplying quality equipment to our customers, with an experienced service second to none.
Please visit our website at www.bkelectronics.com.au Or contact Beau on 0431 509 409 or bkelly@bkelectronics.com.au
BK Electronics particularly specialise in resolving any issue that is brought to us for cash management, with a service that is tailored to our customers specific requirements. We’re excited to show how our equipment can help our customers, whether it be Note Counting equipment, Tito Tickets or Tiny Tellers, and take great joy, in seeing a positive result at the end of any solution we recommend. Our future goal is to develop a strong trust with our customers, and offer the best possible Sales and Service solutions, so our customers can have peace of mind for their cash management functions.
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Timpecha Wholesalers Is a South Australian family-owned business. Timpecha Wholesalers started 7 years ago with local olives and olive oil, and has now grown into a preferred food service supplier with over 2000 products, to a large group of South Australian hotels. From the Palmer Group to the Dean Group, to the Matthews Group, we have established longlasting relationships with our customers.
Our sales rep and owner, Tim Chatzopoulos, has built amazing relationships with chefs all around South Australia and prides himself on fair pricing and remarkable service.
For all orders, use our Fresho app, Timpecha Wholesalers. Email sales@timpechawholesalers.com Phone Tim Chatzopoulos 0412 949 814
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“This has been a great guerrilla marketing tool to get people talking about the venue and engaged on social media channels.” “Patrons are greeted by a 50-year-old Frangipani tree and an automated opening roof imported from Italy.” Then, of course, there’s the Hollywood-style sign. The sign spans 15 metres, and each letter is 1.5 meters in height. “The sign appears to be floating as it’s lit up by directional lighting,” said Peter. “Already a popular attraction in the area, people can often be seen out the front of the hotel taking pictures alongside the letters – which we have often seen appear on social media hours later. “This has been a great guerrilla marketing tool to get people talking about the venue and engaged on social media channels.”
Bunzl South Australia can manage all your custom commercial catering project requirements, specialising in: Kitchen Design Kitchen Fitouts including Stainless Steel Kitchenware and Equipment Barware, Tabletop and Glassware Chemicals, Janitorial and Washroom Site Audits with a focus on cost saving to the client Pictured: The Peninsula Hotel, one of the Dean Group of Hotels - equipment by Bunzl.
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28/07/2021 10:01:28 AM
PACE Insurance would like to congratulate the Dean Hotel Group and the team at the Peninsula Hotel on their fantastic refurbishment.
For specialist hotel insurance advice you can trust. Talk to the team at PACE Insurance today on 08 8463 0640. www.pacegroup.com.au Level 1, 214 Greenhill Road, Eastwood SA 5063
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“The next stage of The Peninsula Hotel development process involves building a new accommodation section.” According to Peter, the 1953 school bus is another crowd favourite. The bus is parked indoors and has been refurbished with bench seating, terrazzo side tables, and LED lighting, and doubles as a dining and function space. The hotel also boasts a retractable roof, booth seating, high bars, breezeblock walls, and a grassed area. “The four large booth areas with their individual branded icons (Palm Tree, Flamingo, Crab and Martini Glass) provide the perfect private space for larger groups or families to dine, drink and socialise,” said Peter. “The caravan, which has been wrapped in Peninsula branding and icons, sits in front of the kitchen and features a terrazzo bench top, cashiers till, POS, storage and lighting.
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Service, maintenance and installation of fire protection and safety equipment. DIRECTORS Colin Benwell, Nick Dinning and Sam Benwell E: service@excelfire.com.au | P: 0447 400 750 excelfire.com.au
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ALWAYS CRAFTING, NEVER COMPROMISING. Proudly pouring at The Peninsula Hotel.
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“The warm dining space is complemented by a large floor to ceiling gas fireplace, mid-century inspired furniture, extensive booth and bench seating, smoking area, updated bathrooms with repolished terrazzo, private function room and vibrant colours.” The next stage of The Peninsula Hotel development process involves building a new accommodation section. “The section will provide short and long-term accommodation for FIFO workers in the area as well as travellers to the La Fevre Peninsula,” said Peter.
“Patrons are greeted by a 50-year-old Frangipani tree and an automated opening roof imported from Italy.” “We aim to be the heartbeat of the local area, catering for families, defence project staff and new members of the community. “We have made it part of our mission to support local and get involved with sponsoring local sporting club North Haven FC and their extended community.” MENU The menu is described as “welcoming diners to take a small step into the unknown, inviting them to try new flavours and textures that will be sure to delight”. And so it does. From Salmon Carpaccio and Turkish Lamb Dumplings, to Black Mussels and Buttermilk Fried Chicken Wings, there is an array of flavours to suit a wide range of preferences.
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Main courses have traditional fare, such as steak, schnitzels and burgers. However, there are several dishes that really catch the eye, including: • Gluten Free, Thai Banana Blossom & Ginger Poached Chicken Salad is a winner. • Chicken Meatball Katsu with Bulldog Sauce • Vegetarian Char Kway Teow Wines by the glass selection is extensive, with prices ranging from $7 to $10, while Moet, Veuve Clicquot, Majella ‘The Malleea’ Cabernet Shiraz and Hentley Farm ‘Beauty’ Shiraz are available for patrons who are prepared to pay for the best.
COMMUNITY SPIRIT – PENINSULA PROUD The pub’s website evokes the spirit of the owners, staff and the local area. “For 60 years, the property at 481 Victoria Rd has been part of the LeFevre Peninsula landscape and community,” it reads. “It’s seen good times and bad. For better and worse. But it’s a place deserving of restoration and respect. Our investment and rejuvenation of 481 Victoria Rd – and it’s re-birth as The Peninsula Hotel – is a symbol of our commitment to the community which she serves. “We are proud to elevate her status beyond her humble origins and look forward to partnering with the local community to ensure our combined success.”
Folland Panozzo Architects Congratulates Peninsula Hotel
269 Brighton Road, Somerton Park SA 5044 | Phone (08) 8376 8888
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Photography by Rumpus Room Studio
Proudly involved in the refurbishment of the PENINSULA HOTEL
Fleur Linke-Evans Interior Designer M: 0423 030 894 E: fleur_linke@optusnet.com.au fleurlinke_surroundinteriors Back to Contents
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SA’s Best Pub Burger The humble pub burger took centre stage, as 12 hotel finalists battled it out for the title of SA’s Best Pub Burger 2021. Although the standard of all the burgers was high, it was the Smash Burger with Bacon created by Head Chef Patrick Spriggs from the Eyre Hotel in Whyalla that impressed the judges in the end. “The Eyre Hotel burger stood out because of the deliciousness of the patty” said judge Christine Stephan. “The patty was well seasoned, with beautiful melted cheese on it and a lovely charred finish, so there was a lot of lovely flavour there.” “The fresh ingredients that were added to the burger gave a really good balance to the richness of the patty.” AHA|SA CEO Ian Horne said it was fantastic to see a country hotel take out the top honours.
“We know that our country hotels hold their own in terms of exceptional food, service and experience, so it is no surprise that a fantastic venue such as the Eyre Hotel has won this challenge” he said.
Christie’s Beach Hotel
“The burger is often the signature menu item of the hotel, with venues putting their own spin and style as a point of difference. Along with other traditional pub fare, a burger offers great value and is still incredibly popular.”
The Grove
The SA Best Pub Burger challenge is in its 10th year and was an official Tasting Australia Winter Series event, held under the Gawler Place canopy in Rundle Mall in front of an expert judging panel and live audience. The other finalists were: Alma Tavern Arkaba Hotel Bellum Hotel
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Crown Inn Golden Fleece Gawler Halfway Hotel Hilton Hotel The Barker Woodside Hotel Burgers were judged against a list of criteria, including presentation of the chef, ingredients and burger, taste, meat content and value for money. The expert judging panel included Chris Stephan – Pen & Palate, Tim Ginever – FIVEaa and Shane Wood – Thomas Foods Australia. Thank you to all the event sponsors: Burger Challenge Major Sponsor – Thomas Foods Australia, Event Partner – Tasting Australia, Burger Challenge Supporters – Stoddart, Novatech, The Banner Crew, FIVEaa and InDaily. Back to Contents
Eyre Hotel Head Chef, Patrick Spriggs.
Eyre Smashed Burger.
Eyre Hotel kitchen team.
Eyre Hotel: Winner of the Best Burger Challenge FROM THE HEAD CHEF, PATRICK SPRIGGS Winning AHA|SA best pub burger 2021 has been massive for not only the hotel, but the whole community has got behind us and supported us too! We averaged around 140 burgers per week - that has now risen to 300 burgers per week which is massive for a small country town. The kitchen team is super happy to be cooking the best burger in the state and it’s been a launchpad for all the changes we are introducing to the hotel, including a shift toward using local Eyre Peninsula suppliers and produce. We currently have local Spencer Gulf prawns from “The Prawn Store”, artisan rubs from “The Rub Whisperer”, locally baked brioche burger buns from “Casa De Pan”, EP honey from “Eyre Honey” bush teas from “Marcia’s Bushflower Teas” all our pork smallgoods come from “Boston Bay Smallgoods” and all of our flour Back to Contents
currently used at the Eyre Hotel is now from “Cummins Milling”. The end goal is to truly use as many local suppliers and producers as possible and showcase the Eyre Peninsula for the great food producing region it is. EYRE SMASHED BURGER The beauty of a simple burger to me is that you can make it to your own taste. If you like onion, add it, if you like grilled pineapple, add it also! We try to keep things simple with our burger line-up here at the Eyre Hotel, and let the quality of the local ingredients shine. The thing I like most about doing a smash burger, compared to a classic burger, is you are able to cook a smash burger to well done, and it’s still incredibly juicy. This is due to the burger relying on rendered fat rather than a medium or medium-rare doneness to achieve the same level of juiciness.
Eyre Smashed Burger Recipe: Keys to perfection 1. Fresh mince. If you have a mincer at home, don’t be scared to use whatever meat you have to make burgers. We use a combination of tough cuts 60% and quality cuts 40%. 60% brisket and 40% trim of wagyu rump and sirloin steak. If you do not have a mincer available get your butcher to make some burger mince for you and tell them to keep it loosely packed. VERY IMPORTANT! 2. Buy a burger “smasher”. These things are great because it’s just so easy to do. Easily found online. If you don’t have a burger smasher you can use tongs and something to press the patty down like a flat spatula or bottom of a pan. However for $30 online a burger smasher makes your life so much easier,
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and makes you feel like a pro! Each burger press will differ in size, so you will have to give some trial and error to get the patty to the correct size of the bun you use. You want the meat to be the exact shape as your bun, so every bite of the burger is the same. 3. When rolling the burger balls ready for smashing, keep them as loose as possible. What you are looking for when you smash the burger on a searing hot grill is for there to be little gaps in the patty, this allows the steam to escape and you will get a really nice char on one side, the patty will cook very quickly leading to a really juicy burger. I’ve left this recipe open to interpretation. I believe burgers should be made how YOU like them, there’s no right or wrong ingredient to put on a burger. Embrace it. Go your own way! Be your own burger master. The amounts and quantities are completely up to you! Ingredients: • 180g beef mince - bought or homemade • 1 ripe tomato, sliced - these are hard to come by at the moment, but look for oxheart tomatoes or Coles generally has a decent range of tomatoes year round thanks to Sundrop Farms at Port Augusta • 1 slice smokey bacon • 1 brioche burger bun - we have our baker at Casa De Pane in Whyalla bake a brioche bun for us. ‘Dickbuns’ are also great quality. • Pinch of salt and pepper and spice rub - we use the “down under” rub from The Rub Whisperer, a local Whyalla couple who make artisan spice rubs locally. • A few leaves of cos lettuce or iceberg lettuce is best as it has a great refreshing crunch. • Good quality BBQ sauce - recipe below.
• American cheese - a good quality American cheese is best for smash burgers; however good quality provolone also works well.
• 1/2 chipotle chilli & 1 spoon chipotle adobo. You can buy this in cans as “chipotle chili in adobo”.
• 25g fresh lemon juice
Cooking and assembling the burger at home:
• 20g liquid smoke
The BBQ is the place to do this. Apron. Beer. Family. Dog. Toast your buns and arrange all ingredients around your BBQ. Once buns and ingredients are assembled start by adding bacon onto your grill, once bacon is cooked off, take to the side and smash burgers in the bacon fat, do small batches to ensure your grill stays as hot as possible. Let your friends and family come up while you are cooking burgers to assemble theirs as you are finished cooking them. A little trick is to put your cheese off centre to one side, this will allow the cheese to crisp up on the grill, adding an extra element to your burgers. Add anything else you like to your spread of burgers, pineapple, eggs, haloumi, jalapenos, mushroom, beetroot, anything goes and people can just come up, assemble their perfect burger and go from there. I won’t judge! BBQ Chipotle Sauce: • 1 large brown onion, diced into large 5cm pieces. Cook these onions in a little vegetable stock or ideally smoked tallow or rendered beef tallow. You want to leave them on one side until they almost burn, then stir until caramelised. Charring the onions gives the sauce a wonderful BBQ taste, cooking the onions out slowly after charring releases their natural sugars. • 15g smoked paprika • 10g crushed garlic • 5g garlic powder • 1 large tomato, chopped roughly • 300g tomato paste. Once the above onions are completely cooked, add the remaining and cook gently to release the tomato juices and also cook out the spices/garlic.
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• 500g worcestershire sauce • 400g brown sugar • 1 ltr tomato juice • 100g refinery molasses • big pinch of salt + pepper Add all of the remaining ingredients and cook on a low simmer for at least 20 minutes. This makes quite a large batch, but it will last for a month in your fridge easily, or just reduce the quantities of everything to make smaller batches.
Eyre Hotel General Manager Hospitality, Lee Cook (right).
“We are thrilled for Patrick and the Eyre Hotel in being crowned the Best Pub Burger. Our focus within the group has been to showcase the Homegrown Heroes of the regions we operate and Patrick and his kitchen team at the Eyre have embraced that whole-heartedly. We’ve worked really hard over the past year in particular to bring our chefs together, inspire each other and push forward to excite our customers and communities about what we can deliver. To incorporate interesting produce from our regions has only added to the result and this burger is a great example of taking something simple and making it amazing.” - Lee Cook, General Manager Hospitality Back to Contents
Greater Flexibility on the Agenda for Hospitality Award OWEN WEBB - AHA|SA WORKPLACE RELATIONS MANAGER The Fair Work Commission (FWC) has recently signalled their intentions for greater flexibilities to be introduced into the Hospitality Award, with a Full Bench outlining their preliminary views with respect to loaded rates arrangements. In this article we look at the Australian Hotels Association’s (AHA) recent application to introduce “loaded rates” into the Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2020 (HIGA). BACKGROUND On 9 December 2020, the then Minister for Industrial Relations, the Hon Christian Porter MP wrote to the President of the Fair Work Commission (FWC), Justice Ross. Minister Porter sought that the FWC commence a process of looking into creating greater flexibilities in Modern Awards for those industries such as hospitality, that had been significant impacted from the Coronavirus pandemic. Minister Porter in particular referred to the potential of looking at simplified pay arrangements such as “loaded rates” in order to try and reduce administrative costs and complexities for small businesses interpreting awards, as well as the potential of streamlining classification structures wherever possible. Back to Contents
The FWC subsequently commenced the Award Flexibility – Hospitality and Retail Sectors Major Case (AM2021/73) in December 2020, calling for any interested parties to put forward any proposals for award variations by the end of January 2021. The Australian Hotels Association (AHA) filed an initial application seeking four separate variations to the HIGA, including: • Consolidation of junior employee classification rates into one stream • Simplification of hours of work arrangements • Simplification of late night and early morning penalties (to be paid on a pro-rata basis) • Introduction of loaded rates A series of conferences were held between interested parties throughout February and March before a Full Bench of the FWC. On 19 July 2021, the AHA filed a refined application to vary the Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2020 with the introduction of a proposed new Schedule K – Loaded Rate Arrangements and Schedule L – Loaded Rate Arrangement Form. W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U
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e) The provision of the split shift allowance, if the period between shifts is 3 hours or less; and
AHA|SA APPLICATION TO VARY HIGA The AHA’s application introduces a new Schedule K – Loaded Rate Arrangements (Schedule K) and Schedule L – Loaded Rate Arrangement Form (Schedule L).
f) The Loaded Rate Range of Days and Loaded Rate Maximum Weekly Hours applicable to the Loaded Rate Percentage as set out in the table below:
Schedule K seeks to introduce 6 separate loaded rate arrangements that could be utilised for full-time employees classified at Level 3 or above. The loaded rate is a percentage of the employee’s ordinary base hourly rate in satisfaction of the split shift allowance, overtime and penalty rates (except for public holiday penalty rates). The concept of the loaded rate is to simplify pay arrangements, particularly for small businesses in the hospitality sector, whilst ensuring that full-time employees are no worse off than under the current award arrangements.
Where an employee works over the daily and/or shift maximum hours or the maximum hours for the week, overtime would apply. Under the Loaded rate arrangement an employee who performs work on a public holiday would still be entitled to be paid public holiday penalty rates. LOADED RATE ARRANGEMENT
LOADED RATE PARAMETERS The Loaded Rate is subject to the following parameters: a) The roster cycle must operate weekly commencing on a Monday b) Monday to Friday: a maximum of 11.5 hours (excluding meal breaks) per day/shift rostered between 7:00am and 12:00am (midnight)
Under the proposed variation if an employer elected to pay an employee a loaded rate, the employer would need to provide the employee with a written loaded rate arrangement in accordance with the form set out in Schedule L – Loaded Rate Arrangement. The Loaded Rate Arrangement would be able to be terminated at any time between the employee and the employer or by the employer giving 2 weeks written notice.
c) Saturday: a maximum of 10 hours (excluding meal breaks)
A template Loaded Rate Arrangement Form that employers could use has been detailed in the proposed Schedule L.
d) Sunday: a maximum of 10 hours (excluding meal breaks)
The Loaded Rate Arrangement would not have any impact upon salary arrangements.
Loaded Rate Percentage (% of ordinary hourly rate)
Loaded Rate Range of Days
Loaded Rate Maximum Weekly Hours
Monday to Friday
Monday to Friday
Monday to Saturday
Monday to Saturday
Monday to Sunday
Monday to Sunday
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In support of the application the AHA has put forward the following arguments:
The Bench went on to state that it is their provisional view that the Application has merit.
• That the proposed variation will provide greater certainty for employees in relation to weekly take home pay
• It will protect the needs of the low paid by ensuring employees are not worse off • It will promote more flexible work practices • It will reduce both the administrative and regulatory burden on employers as the processing of payroll and associated administrative tasks will be more efficient
In terms of next steps, the United Workers Union has been given until 20 August 2021 to file any submissions in respect of the AHA’s application and the AHA has been given until 27 August 2021 to file any submissions in reply. The AHA|SA will keep Members informed as to any changes that may occur to the HIGA as a result of the AHA’s variation application.
• It will contribute to simplifying the award1 FWC’S PRELIMINARY VIEWS In a statement handed down on 27 July 2021, the Full bench outlined their preliminary views on the AHA’s application. The Bench stated that “it seems to us that the quantum of loaded rates and the loaded rate parameters ensure that workers on Loaded Rates Arrangements are paid the same or more than they would have been paid if the loaded rate did not apply…”2.
1 2
[2021] FWCFB 4513 – Statement 27 July 2021, see para [46] Ibid, see para [48]
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Coopers Vintage Comes of Age
Coopers Brewery’s Vintage Ale has come of age. The limited-edition beer is this year celebrating its 21st release, exemplifying the enduring passion of the brewers at Coopers in creating a unique seasonal beer. In keeping with the heritage of the Vintage Ale, this year’s release is characterised by its hop selection. The 2021 Vintage features the popular Cashmere, an American dual-purpose hop featuring citrus, fruity and floral notes. The palate is enhanced by the addition of Ekuanot, a finishing hop with fruity aromas, and Eclipse, an Australian variety delivering citrus and pine flavours. Coopers Managing Director and Chief Brewer, Dr Tim Cooper, said the 2021 Vintage Ale continues the Coopers tradition of developing premium quality, limited-edition beers which resonate with beer drinkers. “Coopers Vintage Ale is eagerly awaited each year and we expect this 21st release to be no different,” he said. “We’ve chosen a unique combination of hops in its creation and the result is a rich, balanced and full-
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bodied ale with floral and spice characters, along with tones of citrus and stone fruit. “The 2021 Vintage Ale drinks well immediately, and if stored under cellar conditions, will become more complex over time as its flavours evolve and develop.” Coopers Marketing and Innovation Director, Mr Cam Pearce, said only a limited supply of kegs and cartons are available nationally. “Beer drinkers are thirsty for seasonal releases, which remain popular in Australia thanks to the rise of craft beer,” he said. “Vintage fans should get in early to ensure they don’t miss out.” Coopers 2021 Vintage Ale is the 21st in the series of Vintage Ales that commenced in 1998. Like all Coopers ales, the 2021 Vintage Ale undergoes secondary fermentation and natural conditioning. It retains an alcohol level of 7.5% ABV. Coopers 2021 Vintage Ale in 355ml bottles is expected to be available in liquor outlets from late July, in six packs and cartons.
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Winesmiths Teams Up with Street Artist to Launch Limited Edition Packs This month, two-litre cask wine industry leader Winesmiths has released a vibrant set of limitededition two-litre wine packs designed by Australian street-artist, Mulga.
“Our packs can be kept in the fridge and enjoyed over several weeks, so there’s no wastage from not finishing a bottle or feeling compelled to have more than one glass”.
The partnership with Mulga exhibit his interpretive style and brings excitement to cask wine shelves in liquor stores.
Every sale of the Winesmiths Mulga Edition casks will contribute to the ‘Winesmiths Sacrifice Nothing Grant’, which will award one artist $5000 towards an art project. Artists are encouraged to register between 1 July and 30 September online at winesmiths.com.au .
The designs appear on the Sauvignon Blanc, Semillon Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Grigio and Shiraz packs, each featuring Australian characters such as a cockatoo, parrot, ibis, platypus and seagull. Mulga is known for his unique funky animal creations set within a summer infused world of bright colours and joyful times. Mulga’s creations grace walls and objects across the world. “I love summer times and creating funky characters who exhibit that larrikin Australian sensibility, and if my art brings a smile to your dial, I'm happy,” said Mulga. Winesmith’s Marketing Manager Jacinta Gibson said, “The Winesmiths Mulga Edition provides a story beyond the wine. It celebrates those that have a unique view of the world.” “Just like an artist, our winemakers put as much love and dedication into each of our cask wines as they do bottled wines. They don’t compromise on quality in any way. It’s about harnessing the greatness of the variety for that vintage.” The limited-edition designed packs are in liquor stores over July and August and aim to attract wine drinkers to the cask wine category. “Not only are they visually appealing, but people will appreciate the quality of the wine inside and the convenience that the 2-Litre pack offers,” Gibson said.
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For more information contact Kelly Frackowski 0409 171 616 or kfrackowski@agtslots.com
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Bentleys SA 8372 7900 Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisors 08 8273 9300 Winnall & Co. 8379 3159 AT M S
Banktech/Maxetag 1800 08 09 10 Cardtronics 03 9574 4878 Next Payments 1300 659 918 ARCHITECTS & INTERIOR DESIGNERS
Studio Nine Architects 8132 3999 A RT I F I C I A L I N T E L L I G E N C E T E C H N O LO G Y
Book Me Bob 0408 677 463 AUDIO VISUAL
Big Screen Video 1300 244 727 Novatech Creative Event Technology 8352 0300 BACKGROUND MUSIC
Moov Music 1300 139 913 Zoo Business Media 07 5587 7222 BANKING & FINANCE
Bank SA 8424 5536 Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisors 08 8273 9300 BEER DISPENSE EQUIPMENT
Andale Hotel Services 8234 0388 BEVERAGE GASES
BOC Limited 0424 647 568 Supagas 8252 7472 BEVERAGES
Accolade Wines 8392 2238 CUB Premium Beverages 8276 4888 Australian Liquor Marketers 8405 7744 Carlton & United Breweries 8416 7819 Coca Cola European Partners 8416 9547 Coopers Brewery 8440 1800 Diageo Australia 8245 9300 Empire Liquor 8371 0088 Lion 8354 8888 Liquor Marketing Group 8416 7575 Oatley Fine Wine Merchants 1800 628 539 Options Craft Liquor Merchants 8346 9111 Pernod Ricard Australia 8208 2400 Samuel Smith & Son 8112 4200 Treasury Wine Estates 8301 5400 BOOKKEEPING
Liquor Legends 0429 825 072 Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisors 08 8273 9300 Winnall & Co. 8379 3159
Energy Action 1300 553 551 Power Maintenance 1300 700 500 Trans Tasman Energy Group 1300118 834
Duncan Basheer Hannon 8216 3389
Wallmans Lawyers 8235 3000
COMS System Ltd 04 21 341 261 Vix Vision 0400 310 326
Liquor Legends 0429 825 072
Ryan & Durey Solicitors 6166 9000 L O YA LT Y & R E W A R D S Y S T E M S
Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisors 08 8273 9300 Winnall & Co. 8379 3159 F I R S T- A I D
M A R K E T I N G & C O M M U N I C AT I O N S
Social Media AOK 0413 469 938 MEDIA
Boylen 8233 9433 FIVEaa 8419 1395
St John 1300 360 455
Foxtel 1300 138 898
Bidfood 0427 099 558 Galipo Foods 8168 2000 International Oyster & Seafoods 8231 6441 PFD Foodservice 8114 2300 Thomas Foods 8162 8400 FURNISHINGS
InDaily 8224 1600 MUSIC LICENSING
OneMusic 8331 5800 OFFICE EQUIPMENT
Datacord SA 8362 3535
Concept Collections 1300 269 800
Adelaide's 1800 ON HOLD 8125 9370
Independant Gaming Analysis 8376 6966 Winnall & Co 8379 3159
Liquor Legends 0429 825072
Tanda 1300 859 117
Banktech/Maxetag 1800 08 09 10 Bluize 1300 557 587 Qantum 0416 317 205
Winnall & Co. 8379 3159 POS SYSTEMS
insworth Game Technology 0409 171 616 A Aristocrat Technologies Australia 8273 9900 GBay / Aruze 0409 673 778 GFR PRO 0408 186 540 IGT 8231 8430 Independant Gaming Analysis 8376 6966 Konami Australia Pty Ltd 0409 047 899 Scientific Games 8340 1322 Statewide Gaming 0448 076 144 MAX 8275 9700
Bepoz 0426 227 409 Bluize 1300 557 587 Cloud Apps Technology 8463 1000 Liquor Legends 0429 825 072 H&L Australia 1800 778 340 P R O M OT I O N A L P R O D U CT S
The Banner Crew 8240 0242 P R O P E R T Y S A L E S & V A L U AT I O N S
Jones Lang LaSalle 02 9220 8449 Knight Frank Valuations & Advisory SA
8233 5222
The Lott 132 315 UBET 8354 7300
Liquor Legends 0429 825 072
Liquor Marketing Group 8416 7575
The Pub & Bar Card 1300 375 346
Urban Cellars 0429 825 072
Langfords Hotel Brokers 0410 605 224 McGees Property Hotel Brokers 8414 7800 H OT E L M A N AG E M E NT
DNA Security Solutions 1300 667 688 S P O R T S & E N T E R TA I N M E N T M E D I A
Foxtel 1300 138 898
Liquor Legends 0429 825 072 H&L Australia Pty Ltd 8291 9555
S TA F F T R A I N I N G & R E C R U I T M E N T
I N F O R M AT I O N S Y S T E M S / S I T E P R E P
Career Employment Group 8338 1492
Max Systems 8275 9700
Maxima 8340 7766 Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisors
Bunnings Group 0435 630 660
Aon Risk Solutions 8301 1111
08 8273 9300
I . T. P R O D U C T S & S E R V I C E S
St John 1300 360 455
Banktech/Maxetag 1800 08 09 10 BK Electronics 0431 509 409 Cardtronics 03 9574 4878 Next Payments 1300 659 918
Boylen 8233 9433 Cloud Apps Technology 8463 1000 Comp Now 1300 2667 669
HostPlus 8205 4965
Andale Hotel Services 8234 0388 Bunnings Group 0435 630 660 Stoddart Manufacturing & Food Service Equipment 0427 106 103
Smart Cleaning Services 1300664647 ENERGY
Class A Energy Solutions 8391 4853
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Boylen 8233 9433 W O R K E R S C O M P E N S AT I O N SERVICES
EML 1800 469 931
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Corporate Partners 2021/22 D I A M O N D
131 733
Ainsworth Game Technology
Energy Action
Australian Liquor Marketers
pfdfoods.com.au Novatech Creative Event Scientific Games For full product range and details of your nearest branch Technology Smart Cleaning Solutions Oatley Fine Wine Merchants Social Media AOK
St John
Independant Gaming Analysis
Options Wine Merchants
Stoddart Food Equipment
Konami Australia Pty Ltd
Bunnings Group
Liquor Marketing Group
Samuel Smith & Son
Winnall & Co
Cloud Apps Technology
Comp Now
International Oyster & Seafoods
Power Maintenance Group
COMS System Ltd
Jones Lang LaSalle
Ryan & Durey Solicitors
Concept Collections
Knight Frank Valuations & Advisory SA
Statewide Gaming
Langfords Hotel Brokers
Liquor Legends
The Banner Crew
Book Me Bob
DNA Security Solutions
Maxima Training Group
The Pub & Bar Card
McGees Property Hotel Brokers
Trans Tasman Energy Group
Career Employment Group
Empire Liquor
Next Payments
Vix Vision
Class A Energy Solutions
GBay/Aruze Gaming
Perks Accountants & Wealth
Wallmans Lawyers
Big Screen Video
PFD063 Hotel SA Advert (1/4 Page).indd 1
18/05/09 11:47 AM
Adelaide's 1800 ON HOLD Andale Hotel Services Banktech Bentleys Accountants Bepoz BK Electronics BOC Limited
Datacord SA
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Studio Nine Architects
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JULY 2021
Reepham Hotel
The Reepham Hotel Pty Ltd
Bushman’s Arms Hotel
Duxton Bushman’s Arms Custodian Pty Ltd
Cross Keys Hotel
Independent Pub Group Pty Limited
Royal Oak Hotel
Duxton Royal Oak Hotel Custodian Pty Ltd
Arthurton Hotel
Albamoga Pty Ltd
Sheringa Roadhouse
Kathleen Anne Keough
Commercial Hotel
John Jeffrey Rankine & Anne Margaret Rankine
Parkside Hotel
Bompas (Beachport) Sutherlands Hotel Parkside Hotel Royal House Hotel
Sutherlands Hotel
P (08) 8233 9433 W www.boylen.com.au
TIM BOYLEN Managing Director tboylen@boylen.com.au
Level 4, 60 Hindmarsh Square, Adelaide SA 5000 POSTAL
PO Box 3092, Rundle Mall SA 5000
(08) 8232 4525
JAMIE RICHARDSON Advertising sales@boylen.com.au
MADELAINE RASCHELLA ELLIOTT Studio Manager/Graphic Designer
(08) 8232 4979
EMAIL information@ahasa.asn.au WEB
General Manager
Workplace Relations
Legal and Advocacy
SCOTT VAUGHAN Membership & Business Services KATHERINE TAYLOR Communications and TAA (SA) LUCY RANDALL
Events & Partnerships
Liquor & Gaming
Training Coordinator
Executive Director Gaming Care
AHA|SA President
AHA|SA Vice President
ANDREW BULLOCK AHA|SA Deputy Vice President Matthew Brien, Matt Rogers, Sam McInnes
COUNCIL Andrew Kemp Andrew Gunn Andrew Plush Anna Hurley
Brad Barreau Darren Steele Elise Fassina Guy Matthews
James Franzon Jason Fahey Jason Kelly Jeff Ellis
John Giannitto Tony Franzon Karen Milesi Trent Fahey Luke Donaldson Trevor Evans Tom Hannah
Views expressed in Hotel SA are not necessarily those of the AHA|SA or the publisher and neither can accept, and therefore disclaims any liability, to any party for loss or damage caused by errors or omissions resulting from negligence, accident or any other cause. We do not endorse any advertising materials, services offered within advertisements or products, special offers or goods promoted therein.
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AHA|SA Awards for Excellence Gala Dinner Tuesday 26 October 2021 Adelaide Entertainment Centre
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Our Purpose - To provide the hotel industry the capacity to respond to community concerns related to the harm associated with gambling by contributing to early intervention and support for problem gamblers and their families. Our Goal - A compliant and proactive hotel industry that works with regulators, gambling help services, and players to limit the harm caused by gambling. Gaming Care is the hotels responsible gambling early intervention agency, and is an initiative of the AHA|SA. Gaming Care’s role to assist venues to minimise the harm caused by problematic gambling behaviour in all South Australian hotels with gaming machines by working directly with venue staff, Gambling Help Services, other relevant organisations and stakeholders.
For any assistance or support please contact your local Gaming Care Officer, or our office for information on how Gaming Care can assist your venue.
Assisting hotel staff in the early identification and support of patrons and staff who may be experiencing difficulty with their gaming behaviour. Developing and promoting initiatives, programs and policies designed to facilitate the early identification of problematic gambling behaviour. Assisting hotel staff in providing responsible gambling service,
on or with the capacity to influence the service, by training
in responsible service of gambling. This helps reduce harm through the creation of a responsible gambling culture within the venue. Gaming Care has developed a Responsible Gambling Document for venues which details the ways in which staff training and measures for intervention with problem gamblers are implemented, and the roles of staff in the implementation of the code. 40 | Hotel SA | WBack W W to . AContents H A S A . A S N . A U
T: 0 8 8 1 0 0 2 4 9 9 F : 0 8 8 2 3 2 4 9 7 9 E: INFO@GAMINGCARE.ORG.AU 4TH FLOOR AHA|SA HOUSE 60 HINDMARSH SQUARE, ADELAIDE SA 5000
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