Motor Trade March 2021 NT

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CAN YOU TELL US THE HISTORY OF YOUR BUSINESS? My business started on July 1st, 2019. I started out as a mobile mechanic, carrying out basic service and light repairs to vehicles in driveways and workshops between Darwin and Katherine NT.

WHAT SERVICES/ PRODUCTS DO YOU OFFER? We are a performance and mechanical workshop, specialising in Toyota and Holden Performance. We also work on imports.

HOW MANY EMPLOYEES DO YOU CURRENTLY HAVE AND WHAT AREAS DO THEY WORK IN? At the moment there is myself, our second-year apprentice, receptionist and we have a mechanic working half a week with us at a time.

MDD Mechanical & Performance 

WHY DID YOU BECOME A MEMBER OF THE MTA? The simplicity, the benefits and

overall the ease of MTA. I won the NT MTAA Apprentice of the Year awards for a 3rd year, 4th year and overall automotive apprentice back in 2013. MTA helped me achieve my goals many years ago and it makes me proud and happy to support an amazing organisation.

WHAT HAVE BEEN THE GREATEST CHALLENGES IN 2020 AND HOW HAVE YOU RESPONDED? COVID-19 was certainly the greatest issue. We went extremely quiet when COVID-19 first hit but after that we grew and grew and grew.

HOW DO YOU MARKET YOUR BUSINESS? Multiple ways actually. Facebook, Instagram, website, signage on the vehicles, being involved in motorsports and word of mouth.

WHAT ARE THE FACTORS – INCLUDING PERSONAL TRAITS AND BUSINESS FACTORS – THAT HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO YOUR SUCCESS? The biggest thing I find is being honest and offering fair priced products. Knowledge of our products and what we offer is key. Connecting with the customers, suiting their needs. If you need to drop your car off at 6.30 in the morning? No worries, someone will be here! Can’t get your car and need it dropped off at 4pm on a Sunday, not a drama. I’m all for making the customer’s life that bit easier.

DOES YOUR BUSINESS HELP THE LOCAL COMMUNITY IN ANY WAY? In a way, yes. We are seeing more and more performance and modified vehicles on the Territory roads representing the MDD Banner. It’s always a proud moment.

HOW DID YOU GET INTO THE MOTOR TRADE? Through the schooling program. I loved the V8 supercars growing up and always wanted to work on them. I achieved that goal in 2014, working for Team FPR at Bathurst. I always enjoyed performance vehicles and now my passion pays my bills. Most days I wouldn’t call what we do work, we love it.

WHAT DO YOU ENJOY MOST ABOUT WORKING IN THE RETAIL AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY AND DO YOU HAVE A FAVOURITE MEMORY? The satisfaction of people being happy with our work. Turning someone’s dream into a reality. Doing things a lot of others cannot do.

ANY HOBBIES OR PURSUITS OUTSIDE OF WORK? I am heavily involved with drifting and do enjoy camping when I can get away. We do plan on heading interstate more over the next 12 months for drift events and hope to get some more seat time next year.


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Motor Trade March 2021 NT by Boylen - Issuu