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philosophy is that “every student is gifted”. The camp seeks to provide an environment in which each student’s talents can be nurtured and refi ned. In addition to technical assistance and instruction, emphasis is placed on the very special selfworth of each student.” Flathead Lake Music Camp is an “annual week-long summer camp for middle school and high school vocalists and instrumentalists. The camp is located in a picturesque setting at the Flathead Lake United Methodist Camp near Rollins, Montana. Students stay in modern cabins staffed by adult counselors, study in small groups with professional music educators, participate in large ensembles, have opportunities for individual lessons, experience nightly performances by professional musicians, have the opportunity to perform for peers in student recitals, and enjoy relaxing recreation time swimming and canoeing in Flathead Lake.” High school Camp is held July 10th though July 16th, whereas the Middle School Camp is held July 17th through the 23rd. For more information on this camp, visit http://www. fl atheadlakemusiccamp.org/ or email fl atheadlakemusiccamp@gmail.com. GIRLSING is dedicated to empowering girls “through song, songwriting and art to help them discover what they already possess in their musical selves, hearts, and minds.” This camp is here to pave an authentic path to creative exploration and positive connection. Not only will campers get to express their creativity freely, but they will also learn to create fertile ground for more meaningful connection to themselves and the world around them. Daily camp activities are hiking, picnicking, and playground time. Thursday nights will feature “meaningful family music and art gathering.” This camp is for girls ages 7-11. The camp has three, fi ve-day sessions available. Session one is in June, and sessions two and three are in August. Camp is held in Bozeman, at Pilgrim Church, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. This camp is not a religious-based camp nor does it have any religious orientation or emphasis. For more information on GirlSing camp and where to register, visit https://musictogetherbozeman. yourvirtuoso.com/classes/Session. html?semester=7453 or call Music Kate at (406) 570-2839.